TJuS "'' t,'u&WiVf"r,?'-!W& 'wtym "" 'jfri IK Ih h mi :- uenm$$Jub(ic ffiefcger , THE EVENINg'tELEGRAPH PUBLIC LEDCER COMPANY ernirs 11. k crnns, frmioint f.Sftrl.B II. T.iMlnvtnn Vim Pr-.ia-i.l ,.hn 1? Mrtln,8-rMry ami Truiureri Philini Colllnt, John n William. Jolm J Ftiiron. Dlrecton UDiTOiiiAj. noAnn Clin It. K Cutis Dulrman DAVID E. SMIf-ET .... LJItor JOHN 0 MAHTIN- Ucncru litis ties- Munast-r rubtlahfd daily nt runic Linens Ilmitling, , InilcpfiM'Tico Hfiunri i'n.lnlelphlj ' I.tlxnm Citkl Uroad and I'tiritnut strr-m Ailamio cut . . I'iria I iiion liuiiillnR Nrtr York -eft Mf-troioiitaii rtnv-r ! Detroit ... . Ml Tor I liulknnif I St. Initio . . . Iim ruiinrioii Hull Him Viilciuo . !- ilfu.'ie lluiMIni: . M'.ws in iibvi s ' Vi'itminms neurit'. 1 N K. Cor rrniittlwnU Av and I Ith Si New Vchk limrvt . flis sun ItulMUic 1-ospon Hl-llEit . l.on.loti fiitr St'IlSCtltPTtO.S' TllltMS The nrniM I'tun l.M..ri. i. srriM lo s-ib ' rrllK-rn In !'h!lHillhlK net .urruui dine tonm ' at th rale of Inrhr 1.' null wr k i..iiale i to the carrier lly mnll to points .utl le of PhilaJHUiU In . the United stnt.'i L'luli, or I'nitel sut-i ros stfslnn. ictrtK fres fifty Ciin c.nt- iwr month Six (111) dollar! fr jar caatl In advance. To all foretsn countrl pi iM dollar rer month. Noiicr Supm-rlbrn it sh'-i:: adilr--. chared i must clve oal as uHl as n-.v n.Mri-s I BtLL. 5000 W1LMT MV-tOl. VIVIS 3C03 CT .tdrfrnr atf ra mm alio lo i r ntff PulAs Ltdatr, Indcrt uh ier 8nua J'ii.udf.pfila. Member of the oriatfil Pre THE ASSOt lTI'n PHI f-s t nrU tivtlv entitled to the uie 'oi itpubfratioit ef all nrus 1 ipnlrirt -i edited tn it or nof ofhrncMr rrdiled in thin p(tpr. ami nlsii the local tietrt published therein All riyhti nt republlentinn of speric.1 Ju patches hctr.n aie also icaeixcd Ihllad'lphia. ttr.lnr.J.. J.llll.r V, 1 l' LOnT: O.NT. $in,(if)() K) THKIli: will be little KMnpatli for for mor Ooernor nrumbatieh or tho news that the reorganized ('nininMi 11 of Safety and Defence bec.ui it- work b wrecking the plan which he drew up to pruide himxelf with a Jin 000 lob ut. tho end of hW term There will bo nn wai it appHar- nnd if there is one some Iit will shine In that designation Doctor Itrutnbaiigh ytmniuut the over whelming snub uii)ii hlmf-eif Hardened politicians hae .iIwha tried to perpetn.i.t themnehes In olllce Had the (Itnernor been wiser he would not have tried an u perlment f-o lolontl opposed to al. his former pretentions and o far remined from the rules of good lasti There are tv and a lulf million people In the I'nlttd States who tannot n ad and write and a million and a half of them are natie born If e added to tht the numbir who cant ("poll, the llgurfs would !) iome appalling. . THE HAVFKFORD'S MF..N SECHETAKY IlAKllll'S order, under which the soldiers who rome in on the Haverford tomorrow will parade from the Washington uenue docks to Hroad Stuet Station, wai withheld long enough t pre. vent the cit from oiganizing a titling celebration for the men The War Department hu&n t epl.ilnml Its tactics There was never nii ien-oii why the soldiers chould have bten pre vented from appearing in a short parad", as returning troops h.ue in other titles. Their sea legs will be the bette- for it But the War Department and the Nn Department are not maintaining the ott of relationship with the fit administra tion these daxs And Iho onnfumoii that has attended preparations tor the Man ford's as well us the placing of ilio provost guard nnv pmperl be i haryeil. in the filial ana'xsiw to that unfoi tunute situation It ma b snnietnnex .1 littl. iliitu u.t to the sheep from t ti- goat- 111 the Fifth Ward 1 aw, but nn ulnall. .1 o ipl w!Illdfntif then sehr.. THE (,RhT llWbl r f Rhltl.l.UUN I F THi:itn should h what the lilsli fo.n call 'a i-ising' among ..II the aftei - dinner speHlteis oi tin voimtiv, if tin re is fo be a soviet of long-suffi ling oi.itor nnd marching in the streets and hloodi fights In banquet rooms. . shall luv to blame or praise K .1. Cattell statlntleiim or the eitv or PhilarieliihUi and a post coffee talkei of prestitc and ubllltv Mr. Catted is m i voiut.ou He bus due himself In I-01 .1 eause that Is rooted, in centuries of w.n p uppiesHiou and not lows patlentlv endjretl, he has uufurlnl 1 he flag or defiant liisurm tioti Ilvliiml him are rangert dun mullltud of the op prcs-'Cd. bis hi others in affliction whose audlinees lmv in.nic life .1 tintfedv ..r 1 lit m bv iefuiri- in listen Who 111111.0 rciall these unfortunates, overHhplmeil bv tides of wbifsiluic and Hie '1 'nor of snapped ivati hi's Minus nut piiiouslv llki drowning men nd that r imndx m ot the Irishman who having fulleu fiom 1 ihlriy-stor.v building, remarked Mr. Cattell revolted when buhi at the banquet of tho Kiro Insiiram-p 8witv of I'liiladelplila whUpered and didn't iwtcn to him. He e'upped his hut upon lit lid , and lrt the room He ut hi speeih short in the middle. Now ho i to in- the re cipient or a resolution of upolotv Eiut the "sunt 11 m of .iol"U will no' servo tho other innumerable nfier-dltinei speakers who iri .ti'l he.p ess uiiili-i brutal oppressioti The futitioii of this little-undei stood iliss is . mam heat able the interval of oxmtein e tlia njmn. between the ici(Tm and th sons boodter Kora long nine there has been wrat diplo matlsts vail growing frh tioti hotwo.-ii them and their audiences an "mbittred snne of mutual tvrann There urn dinner jivcrs without numbir who rofuo to be lieve that the speuker.. of the evening uro human beings. Illades oulfi sed vvlth wlm safely removed ut the fur ei d of .he tublo prefer to hear their own voice Yum orator, wlietliei he bu an urtlst in statlstii s or a man striving acninst ull tides of er. cumsturao to maintHlu a lepututiun for humor, must talk and talk, vvhllo ho in awuro that a largo numbir of diners im patient to sing aro wishing ho would sit down. An esp elahy tonsiienc els Hpeete of diners-out applaud hornblj In the wrong places us a siyn of open eiunilv Porno men go braenly to sleep, and bv this atrocltj manifest an utt -r lack of heart Others whisper and ntht r turn their head away. The seem to sav that no after dinner speaker ever said anything Impor taut. That Is not what thej aro for. What, ou will nek. are they toi ' No one knous Theyt aro a tribe upart. And tin strangu thine Is that hardened banquet goers who have to listen to speeches, complain that ' UVENiXG thoy themselves arc down-tr"ddcii and vic tims of nn oppression that ought to be re lieved. They charge thoso whom wo have with til nil's owning with hrutnl nnd In human practices!. Mr. Cattell ought to wink up his stiike. If u commission of arbitration wcic ever appointed wo should Know just what ban quets ar' fur ami Ml nt after dinner speuk els .ne for mid wh. a toistm.istet is 1'he vmrl.1 aftei icnltiib of woudei no. inn ..Hv i burning fot Hit ut HOI.KOKTHKSMVLI. W'HONS Ml sT NOT UK MINIMIZED lair Pin Willi Tlu-m al the Oul-el Will Crcitlv I iicililnle Settleinen. of Some of llie Mint TicUMi Prol.lcmi of the Pe.irc Conff rente DISPUTE with one of the nineteen -o-cnlletl "little tuitions" tepirscnteil at the Pcai-e (.'onfoienco llfflitril th' spark which et tho world ttblazo. It va3 n 11 iirtrumrtit coiicoriuiifr th" throne of one of the socoiiriaiy Power of Km ope wliieh provoked the Finnco- Prussiun War. To nmnll republics in South Afriru M'rionsly onilnvinse.l the mliltaty power of Gie.U Ilntnin from ISOli to iro-j. Alotives decidnlly stronger than tlioie of mere sentiment inaj theiefore he iittnhtitcd to .Titles ("ambon. whose com pliments to the Milor and imt'onal diit tiitj of I'elKlum. Serbia. Rumania and (ireece iioned out n tielicate -.tuatinn in Paris this wcU and aMiutl their nctiuiesceiK'i' and that of the sister states in tlieir category in the quintuple power lecoitstvuction machincr,. Assuredly, the skillful Fteiuh diplo matist was keenly aware that the mete size of 11 nation is no inde at all to its capacity for creatine, whether justifiably or otheiwise, woild uniest. It is easily arguable that for the present the con centration of esecutive authority in the hand- of the United State', Croat Uritn:n. 1'iance. Italy and .lapan will greatly -ipcgd the peace profjram and rcsuit i.i the simplification of many it.tvi ente ptohlcms, hut it i.s just as obvious that those countries v hirh weie le?acr faitoi.s in thi war should lie in hatmo nious relationship with the "innnr coun cil." "Little nations" in a convenient, but it Is certainly a superficial characteriza tion. Two of the countries without the live-Power jurisdiction China and Brazil ate teiritot tally among the laigest nations of the globe. The total governmental sway of tho group of nine teen embraces millions of square mile5 of land and millions of peoples. Mili tanly the class is not strong, but its potentially is ennimous. Had the war continued much longer Brazil would have entered hot stride with a "first 111 my" of 200,000 men whi.-h she was preparing to send abroad. With her population of moie than a scoie of millions, this would have been a signifi cant beginning. Already her efficient navy had performed valuable seivice in civilization's cause. It may seem fanci ful to imagine China, lately a prey to ho much disruption nt home, as a great military nation, but equally extravagant must have appealed .1 concept of n uni fication of (lerman power 111 the days of Jena, only a little more than a cen tury ago. Almost a atiet of epic themes has perhaps occasioned some diminution of emphasis on the tragic tales of Belgium, Seibla ami Rumania. But their laurels may still be proudly worn. In glo riously inverse tatio to her territorial ranking in Kurope was Portugal' tlJelity to ancient treaty obligations, exempli fied b her paiticipation m a conflict with which she had no other direct con cern. The servicrs of (ire-ve became distinctly vital in the suppiesion of the Mediterranean submniine depiodations and in (ieneral D'Esjieivv's brilliant campaign against Bulgaria. The South and L'ential meiieuii republics, which were officially belligerents or diplo nmtiiaily divorced frum Germany, facili tated in mint) uu) the nioevution of the ailtl-l'-boHt wu'fure Full and honorable recognition of the sirvup of the whole nineteen nnlioiis and of their associate whose delegates have not yet reached Pun is justified, hottevei, on grounds of piactical interest u- well as grutitude. Justict to our alleged "leer" ulhe is uecessaiy to .. .t.-. .1... ..,. nf .,. i.lnv ,n th. ni.rciibl'll-i v. ,... i.- . - 1 settlement of some exceedingly intricate detail. Nation, like the individuals which compose them, are prone to covetous nes when conditions seem favorable. Portugal, with her vast and largely un developed African possf ssion. is re ported to look loncmgl) at parts of neaiby rx-dormatt colojiiPs. Belgium i sun I to seek Limburg Seibin favoi the inergpi of Montenegro in the kingdom of "Black Peter." Poland has radical expansionist nuns. Peru hopes for an international adjudication favorable to her claim to the provinces of Tuctm nnd Arlca conquered by Chile in the war of 187D-84. Jugo Slavia, although with out national existence until the war ended, present the most perplexing of all the question in her Adriatic aspira tions, which conflict with Ital.vV No (inito mind, howevei discerning; no tribunal, however august, can bo ex pected to find ideal solutions for the multiplicity of enigmas presented bv, tho small nations No settlement can bo more tlian approximations of values. A high standard, however, can bo main tained in the spit it in which thev are made, and H is theiefoie of prime ueces sity that the sincciest due recognition be paid the "small n:.nons" now In order that in 'mputations be east on th moties prompting the tielicate process of adjud'iation. It is an ancient trick of human na a nation to becloud dure for a man or PUTCMO LEDGER the inequity of an unjust clnim with piotestntiona concerning a valid Griev ance. Tho opportunity to block this sort of procedure is In the hands of tho domi nant factors nt the Paris conference. The conciliatoiy effects of M. Cambon's address nnd the tendency to revise rep lesciitntion rullnjrs are hc.11 toning Indi cations of sound judgment. Tor o-nud or ill. the "nineteen s-mall Po.eis" foim m the aggregate an ex tiemelj important factor in th" peace sessions. The maintenance of haimony with the oiganizing machineiy of the meeting should he of invaluable nid in the attempts to balance the scales of justice when a host of ticklish .specific problems nre weighed. ieiiiMii.i is getting iradv '" prott ct her fetf ngniii-1 I'olish 1 ipi ii.ihsm " It alt de petnl 11 v.oiilil apijeat, on 'uin-i o Is pored. 1 MIIIIUAl (JOM.RNMrAT? A.Mii.S't! the problem-- left In the war -cXmrtst bi- tecl.oiied tho eiiormounly in cteascd power, ptcste and ambition of prhatel) endowed and pritatclj dlieeted ors-inl.itlons whlih. like tho National fJe eurliy League, appear to feel that patriotic Intent or representation gives them n right to assume Rome of the funetions of govern luent. v The Investigation of the N'titifitial Pe inritj League l Congress has sliown pief.v ilellnlteiV the olllcets of this o, gati.-ution '.'.e 'k "-e of a good II - t . o'lieis In the winii i 'n-s le vi'svstenrtt i'lv put preBine upon niemheis of the llo.i'e and ."eniite, and before and after elieiion. in the effort to enforce views and action supposed to be favorable to the nation. Whose views are th so? Who formulates them'.' Are we to suppose that unolllcial agencies reallv believe themselves lu'tifled In attempts' to Hike away fiom elerted 1 legislators tho right to fre opinion'' In the past, through qiilzie-- ami iiues 1 tlonnaiie. oignl.:.itluiis devoted to were dw.prd pairlotle )urpo-vS hive made I cxlstenco rather uiKomforioble fot onntli I dale? ami niblli- ulll 111 v 1.;, diiiundlt'g pledges of this 1" tu it --on of luoecdiirc , In 'elation to the wc. Public oplt.ion to". crated th 11 Hurt of thu.g though the pi.ic- tice vvus ol.e thi't tenued to diliv to Con gress .itiil to Mate Legislatures tne rignt lo u'" as deliberative bodies. Hut now we find the league charged with attempting to foire the suit of action It in relation l" the lallroads There Is no question heie about the honesty of the National Seem itv League It Is the principle Involved that has an ominous interest. We have an electoral svstem in the I'nlted States Men elected for olllce are supposed to be capible of a sane lnterpietatlon of the collective will of their eomtnunitlfs nnd the country at luge The. nl tespouslble ulu.iv s to the people who elect them and to public opinion If we assume the light of pri vately organised groups to dictate openlv and systematical to tleittd uprei-enta tlve in whntivei taue, we aro on the wav to novel depaiture- In mil s -tcin of government. Aspeets of the National Peeurltv League levelled at tho i urrent congressional In qulrv suggest thut In all fnhness organii tlons founded for propagand 1 purposes In this eountrv heraflr should issue at tegu lar Intervals a complete mIIIci.iI lit of their p-itrons nnd n detailed .0 count of thtir source of lni nine The pub ie hlu not for gotten how tlu Uerman-Ameileaii Alliance abused its privileges und the pilnuplc in vol veil. In tins at's vai.ition reason our ii.c tional liartis will pi i.v a nor semrid to tin iiatiletli'lds or llurope-If u. Is signed in time ;UN? M) 01 NMF.X SOMIJTHINii Is serlouslv vvions with a svstem that p-'iuiits a inaiilm to go about the 1 tv 11 lid bm ..II tin pistols and ammunition leipilred for 1 tour or niuidei in the stieet No one who slcqw to look ut tho glitter ing an, iv of gnu und pistols lu a.tnost unv pawiiMllop window eun help but won der annul the ultimute Uses of such wiMpnii Ileeutise nn-n with triniinnl l"n UeiK'teK gu iilHiut armed, a good tnnnv peo. pie feel that tlie.v . loo must etirrj pistols for self-proti 1 turn. There Is .1 luvv which make it u crime to uiriv lolii'oaled weapons, but II is not intoned Would it no' Is- simpler to maki H unlawfu fin unv one to sell a revohii unless tho puri'linser shall have a ihiIii i permit .' home sii.'h resiriition 1- impertitivo if th' reckless trHlllo ill tlicauiis. In vvhli'li an.v IrrespotisHile. person uu u boul the 1 stris Ui mil. or sober, m m crany with It loaded pistol. Is imt to ipmiH In a kteudil) tin reusing annual total of tnuider Lvur.v aco'iiit of 11 rot in a European country ina.v lw- taken is ltd I'olii s mam r Ask good poll. hut buil 'I lie llig l"iv .issiir. tli I ti'i rest 1,1 cm Hint Mltjht iiusiids 10 do ibi Itiglit thou; Mr Jlemv sri 11 driniiiiiiil to un. utt r tin- Kanill Skeleton 111 Armeui A prolecilvi tariff vilili 01 erne piolll bral inignt help Uidusti wuhoul entoiirag. lug protiteers Nun il offer and bam Join buttu and i's'f on 1 In- tohogean in 1 Clu thankc I at tb breakfaBl tahb SIn Hid I'mv I'onlerence gets through with industrialism prohibition and firniulstn. It might tako up the m.iiKr of ilmatlng the stage. And the one d.niir of del.i) In a peaco ioiiferem Is showing Itself We are all bn glniilng to find fault with one thug or un othei 'llie riolshi v il.s me mid to ban a mil organ Iznl ami) WhUli imatm, of course, that the proletariat Is aire ad stirrendi rilitf sumo nf ns rights." which was Inevitable. Wlij cant France have u slice of tier many to cultivate until No Man'B Land be comes workable' In the meantime, Germans could be put to work to ke It so. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JAXUAKY j CONGRESSMAN MOORE'S ! LETTER I Conflicting Reports Concerning the I Return of Army's Dead A j "Guest Chaplain" in Con- I gross "MilU-Fcd" ! , Marchers j Washington, 1). t' Jnn. 29. CONFLICTING reports with regard to the War Department's intentions In the matter of the return of our soldier dead from Huropo eontlnuj to agitate 11 number of Philadelphia families. As late as December 2 the adjutant general notice the bodies would be returned nt the expento of tho government as soon ns the work could be conveniently entered upon. Meanwhile reports have rone out from Washington indicating that many patriotic relatives h.ivo preferred that the houies of their loved ones should remain upon the other side. II. K Shenton. prcsl dent of the Philadelphia Meter Company, Is not one of these, nnd there nre many others like ltlm The death of Mr. Shen ton s son -his full name was Donald Thomas Shuiton was one of tho saddest. The voung man enlisted in Compuny V.. lilSd Heglment, Hnglnecis, Twtnty-scventh Division, and 'became a corporal. He aur vivid the righting and was able to eon gratulate his brother Kdvvnrd, who was in tht same leghnent. upon the armistice and too prospicls of nn earlv leturti to the I'nlted States: but on November 20. alter hostilities had ended, he was killed along with 11 number of his comrades, while engaged in -f moving tank mines from tho roads. VI. 0 joung man was buried with military honors iu a cemetery at Vlgneulles, but the parents believe tho tem.ilns should be restored to them for Riiitnblo interment In the land of his birth lit this thy are sustained by the expressed desires of manv other American parents, who do not entertain the notion which has held in mutter of-fact nnnv circles that "one place Is as good as another" for a to be reurtied to mother eirth. Tl .L Cove IAMP.S M. HIX'K whom the French ernment has decorated with the "Itosette of cnieers" In the Legion of Honor, wen 11 cltl.en of I'nglind he would most 'llkelv be knighted. It Is only the Constitution of the I'nlted States and .1 little matter of cltlenshlp nppntontlv that stands In the way of similar honors being conferred upon the President and unmet oils urmv and naval officers who have likewise been winning the favor of foreign governments during the war, Po far us Peck Is concerned, he has probably earned all the distinction Knglnnd can be stow. He was a booster for John Hull long befoie the war and he kept It up ill lie - ", mill during the w.n Iu one thing, however, he prob.ibl.v 111 ule .1 step In ad vance of American sentiment. He pro posed that the I'nlted States should c-.incel its loam to th" Allies. Subsequently an other sinipathetio Penn.s) lvanlan, who has migrated to New York, the foinier Attor nev Central. Croige W. Wickcrsh 1111, pro posed the same thing. The Idta has not tnkiii loot in Washington liven the to tiring or tho Tre.isurj, Mr. Mi'Adoo, has spoken out against It And It Is highly probable that ir Messrs. Dock olid U'lckei.sliain weie to give ear to tho business men arid other tapaers who h.ivo to make good the $S,:.00,0uO.0u0 thus fur loaned to the foieign governments thev would themselves abandon the thought. It Is altruism inn to pap ernes. Dlt S nLl M. of Nn..neth I1LI M. for mail )cars the head Hall Milltaiv Academv. eonifs to Washington at slatid Intervals to hrtisli up on nation il nffalrs The doe tor talks of Cortclvou and Wiekersliam nud otlier celebrities as "in.v li)s," und watches their evei.v public move with the pride of 11 liitlur. He Is nn Inveterate 1 nidi r of the congrt priKeefllngs and tenerallv puts hi a cl'i or to In the galleries when here "I lcid Pentose's speeches," e.i.vh the doctor, "and thin keep track of what Mitchell Piilmrr does to get the other side," After leaving the. capital 'Siimm)." as tho .Nuareih bcis fiinuliarl.v call the dm tor. is usually equipped to discuss politics or slutoeri.ft with the best of them And tlu applied to former Congressman Sclimcbell, the Iti'publti an oraele of N.u.arcth, and to Ili'iirv .1. Movers, tho liethlcheni lumber king. Tluv will be pleased lo know that on his last vlsil thi doctor hud the honor ol taking the place of Iieverrml Condon, Hie blind ehapluln who oieus tho House piineullngs with pniei. c Hun isburg with 11 vct rosy report ol me Sproul inauguration. In eoininlttte inotn and on Hie Hour ho has bfen reg.illtig I'liele Ion Cannon and tho acting llepub Iteiin leader, (illlett. with ptories ot tho lios m spats and four-qu.iit hat" who llirllled llrimd sttcct und 1 tho niiirshul hIiIp of the veteran. David II. Lane nod then gave llarilshurg .1 spei-lnien ol pri -elstiin in marching long to be renieinbeied Itrolhn Hi, I assuied bis Wushingtoti friends that nothing sliuo the l lys or the U Urn n 1 lub, if N'W Voik, under Hie klll"d function of lohn Y. McKuiie. (ll proaehpil In e.cetlem e the downtown tuin out. And one of the teatuii s that ho dwell upon with enlliuslTsm was thn good order ami deportment of tho meti. A )tar or more ago. ho said, such a thing would havo been considered almost Impossible, but on this ihiuhIoii tliosij stiird.v mill of Phlla delpliia Itepiiblicinlsin wire rem shed on tho ride to the State vupltal by mill;, and $11 fin as liquids wre computed, by milk alune. Truly an evolution Iu orgaturaiion polltlis. tilthough long encouraged by of Iho political leaders themselves. LN(i!ltillNK, Media and Bristol were i all reprismted recently when I It tir Palmer, " Prank Williamson and W. c IVln o in.ido a lour of tho Cabinet oflli es to secitro speakers for tho meeting of the ' Pi unslv.inla Lumbtrmon's Association. I All ot these Pennsylvania l)uukcrM have I been honoiid b their fi How lumbermiu I and tlulr Judgment us lo oratorical tith-i t has tisiiully bien approvecl. They can ho expected hero unco a ear with tho regu larlt or tho clock, l'rlend Williamson rejoices over tho safe return from Franco of a "chip of tho old block," who made a lino record as a soldier. '"Wt.r(, ,. THE ELECTRIC CHAIR Si;natok i ninny of DA IX has Hip 1 Ight lib a el ny of the iicidlcss tragedies 01 iin- muitltv aie due to the proiniscuous lisp of tlreanus bv inesponslhle people We nib not able to 1 011V I lie e ouisilf that a revolver Is less dangerous than n wife or a bottle of whisk. You can't have 11 wife without 11 llctnse; piett) s,,oti juu won't be able to have 11 bottle of wlllky at all. Wh not put fiiiaiins under simi lar restrictions ' Limit llieaims to the guunllans of the peace and lo those who ill 1 III lo ue them piopcil . The State has not onl a I igl t. but 11 diiti. lo place lesti ictions oil the distribu tion of 1111 thing that ina.v become, mis Used, a public niiniiie. liven c.iti)lng a eoneealed sense of litimoi lll.iv be 11 mis diineanor. Wo suggest that a license should be required for those- who piopo'e to i.irry .1 sense or hum u in publie. I'er- taiu neiess.ny iue-tlous siioiiiu 00 aneo. such as. Do .von piopne to dlsiharge this sense ot humor at objects the iciinniunll.v pilfers to take serlousl V Do von pioniise urn lo maki light of the t oiiglesslouiil llecord'.' Do oii piomlse not to scoff 111 the Milur HVsUtn.' D.l oii pi l-o not lo make jokes about P.ussla wlthoul at least trvlng to llnd out w Hal is happening "ur there" What will be the Jokes nf the I Ulure? Will there be souie losmie llinr l'oiil lo push off from this planet lu an c;iiiiphIx endeavor to visit tho ollui sldo of ilm moon und let Hi" Itinuis out of Iho riliadoiv b.v Chrlsliuus" 'I he cio, Hour is .1 m gum reiillt " some of tmr bo.vs in north u 11 Itussl.t th'MO d.ivs. The disp.clcliis s.l) that Hie KulstV e.ils ver,v light ni-als. We'" bet lie's Just mean enough to laid Countess Peulllick'h Uobos after all the household is iu llulldd of the Timid Cimnuii ipuried giiiiuian fnun the Hionv sa" si.irid vibfii be heard 111" shouting Mi 111 lie got at tin I'lnbtlei item Club and lull avvii .Si iv Y lud I live up Iheie in the P.roiis When 1 la an 11 stiff. I i him. Tough town: cub tlino a Ille honks Some gu H'l " handed lo him. It's this w.i.v. Judge: a pietiv slick gink C01110 over to tne tl'otu Phlllj ! Ilo said ho was-laving (ho blew a dilnli) To lllllke fomo ml look sillv. Ho was fi.iliiiliB lliiiiga foi n bum h uf Huns. So ho collie in do lecilllllns: He wanted to hire 11 inob of guns. Hut just doine stuff, no shouting. Well, Judge, mo and some other blokoa What miiin from llackensack Signed on to once-over a bum h uf cokea With the llttlo old blaikj.icl;. We went tn Philly. nnd lu a They dolled iih up for tho dirt) . They took us down lo 11 club nt dark, Wo pushed some biid say tlilil). Now, Judge, 1 don't mind bending a ilomu Or bashing 11 gu In thn beak, Hut 1 don't like the Hum of llumu Sweet Homo The big slx-shooteis speak. I earned my kale. Thoy oalled mo out r 'hen a skull demanded treating; 20, lflia "TODAY'S A LONG, LONG DAY!" lint when them guns began lo shout I slid, It's time foi beatlngl 1 11 the deal old lhon .11111 can Irish 11 head I'or fun, and stall 110 clinking; Hut here they pump j tin full fif lend--A nasty way of joking. So it's nl oil this elec Hon stuff. I've had 111 (III and plenty; If things aie going to bo 11111 so rough I'd lulhcr live with McKent ! 'I lie Mi'lill.llll 'c.lllldll Sonic whole out mi tin deep blue ocean, W'hrip tlm wild billows tumble nud foam; Somen hoi e out 011 the lolling breakers', oiir hoi is ill (iinilng of home. lie's 1101 one of the nituv f those who .ne lighting lu I 'ranee, lint he's doing his bit. Clrwl knows of il. And he's making Iho best of tho chiiliie. And lie Is not one of the Italy blue, Willi llie guns booming loud lu III" e.11; lie's lust 11 piioi old seining mid tl lie. And In minis .von to hiilil him clear Then hen's to llie bo.vs r Hie utni and IIUVV, Thev who get nil the medals. And here's lo th" slob of 11 iiieicliiinlniaii, llr'n iho real 0110 guiding tho pcdaK Ho di Ink up. ui lad and show oiir good will; Let's drink to Ins lust health, I so. Hole's link in Hie poor duller 110 one ever pi discs, ibid lover, him und giiubs I1I111 o'er 011 his wav n:i:iq:i:ic i .icin;.w dm Own l)e-k .Mollees , 011 , 111 lake pari of the 1 eoplc hcuouslv all Iho Utile, und nil the people seriously part of the time, but it is dllllcillt to tuko all the people snlously all tho time liun Uurqiils. lie MiufSr 11 utitpUl erinv llie other dan 111 upeahlni) of tluniH'n Idilliplaeei nt deOi In hlwiirtilnesMie; hut tie me tihtd in ened, d It hiniiijht forlli the .'11U1 111 (lliiirnl lehiike rom 11 I'lutadi Iplitu Ai-ol-11011, Mi: JuIiii IcIua'i t. The Place Wlieie Bui ns ,c, Horn Llueardliieshiie. far III llie cast, Our Hums would like to 0I11I111, lillt A.vr.shlie. looklll,; In the west, Won't tdinie his nniiio or liune. Nn kWcoter spot .vou'll Ibid lo.l.iy 'Mid Holds ol plnw corn, Than mum1 the hotel uiudo of ulii Where Love's swccl hutd a born. Tho lark still sings o'er br.ioa o' Huuii, Still ioIN the Cairlck llde, Whcro boatmen singing ply tho cur Whllo tailing up Iho Cljde. Jv'n, no! Wo cannot part with II11111.1, Nor hrnes wo Mill lovo lnt - The gloilous him and beaiulng stnts Shlliu bilvjlitest ill Iho vest! AN AYIlHIIIltlJ MAN. To lluv a Do111 l.ggf, All oii need U a lu-.ii t and 11 dollui They tell us that tho furmeis aid lower ing their ptlces, but ve aio Bkcptleal after long tribulation. Walt until wo seo tho whites of tholrfeggs. SOCUATKH, .1 But a Great Laugher Tlll'.V do me wrong who show me sad of f.o e Mcinlir and ctooped, gentlo and meek and mild. Aft IT 1 vieie rorever lecoiuHcil To sting of hale and bitter of disgiaie I was voiith's lover, swlfleil in the ran liiy f 1 lend of beggars, brolhei to the wild, No lliv-fi.ituicil uoinaii-liiartid ilnld, Hul a laugher. 1 onlldi lit of plni e sin pin nl and llsln r. sillor carpenter I stiode the hills and followed with the sun. Kneii 111 ins and bosoms anil slow steady ests, Pell nili new Apill through my bodv stir Then, vilirn ' over, and the loving clone Uvea 11 Hit a smile I slou inv pin nih s Hillnid Wattles, in "Lanterns n UiMl wemanp ( Iri gi11.1l ".Molher Hubbard'' M of lluug.iiv In supposed to bav,. been th original of 1 ild Moim-r Hub bald ' hlie livid in llie tluiteiiilh ceulur and was a daughter of a Hungarian King Sin Imiuiiii the wife of Louis. 1 indgrave nf 'I liiirlnglii mid gained 1 enow 11 fin lie bene factions, slip tl.msfol iikiI the loin! palace Into .1 reluge for the sick and pom anil bill ' lio"iltuls and hrunes lor tin in ,i'l ov.r tli land Ibr s.vmpathy for the suffi 1 mgs o olbns vius sin h that she ttiivelid IhroLgi her iloiiiaius and pirsoniillv nursed the a' fllct'il .Vfnr tin iliulli of bet liebaad sli was diiien liuni I he p il n e nnd 1 . nt the leiiiiiliidir of her hibl' life in Miuubiuig the stieels her null 11 luge In lug tin luncls of the pour penpu. she had rnved and be I'll' nihil At her de.cili thousands wept over the pauper gravi ,i 11 YoikWoild Apropos or nothing In p.n lie ill 1 1 ma vie not dtaw attmllou lo the fad thai never dH In lln lilst.ti-i. ..r'ltl .,!,.., I,.,,. II,. ..a... 'C papers of ilm world linn doing a Kteater ($1 won, 1 nan nan, an u.iing tmlai i I Iip 1 H-ldltig of the small n.iiioi to the big poiieis in tlt. Pin,,- I'onlinnii 1 not nierelv a 1 ns of n al.lng 11 virtue of neci s tit : II Is 11 le.ilud-iou ot h. t.n 1 t cat viur1' i.t 1 1 vorV, W-j 4 'I 'l! i0 H V, i 1. 11 lie dntii liune iiin , mi ,' eonipatuliiili small hodi liliit Unci 1 1 14 11 mil 1. sis mil li. 1,1 thiul.j lOOlod llltit bv thos, ill lllltliol ill ! What ) You Kiiuw? ! Ql 1 What lollhlcll illun Is i'jiiosiih Mlo' it the What lulehrittil inruenii u.unl roni- tnaiidi r was killed hi a diul and Is bulled ill Philadelphia? leu wiih lii-lH-allMii In liii, I, iiiMholugi ' ef bit . oiiniri was Adi lie 1 Piiti a inn ur.' iiok din 'Mill) I, uiiii' (.-, t it, W'hiil is Hie 101 lining of th, slit vlhi" Hum iiiiiiiv men minims. 1 1; onipatiy n .1 li.- 1 nihil m ,1, ti in 1 id u 111 1 or ii" iiiaii viurs 111 Hi. s,i, iiunt. t-inuiv nn i.iis-iaiiu 1111111 1 'l noil- inuTiariiiii 11 101111 nt governiin in What an tin gruppcis or ,1 ihi. When did Snedenbeirg IHi llwi'lli lo Yeseid.i) I .Iniiiee 'lllgliuiaii. of Phi O111 nMnln iln eovireil eon P.l . in I TOO In tlni Wvnmhiir Vniim J. .M. 'Ithiiilieriu is tin UuIjIh.; of Poieign Afriius .1 Tliu Austrian ll'l, ur u,, ,-.,,, I was Duke of Itelilulacb. Aliuisn r 'I "Vapolto,, I The word n-llo thuU, , , ,uliHU, t j aB though spelled "cln.Hu ' 6. A Knllitrtiii Is a unlim ,( siatt, having u cusionip tailff ng.iintt outriders and iisnill fnu trailo with a,., M1 - ,,. word is Hiiinun 0. Lincoln dellvcind I1I3 (intv burg nJdren 1 '""' iiiiin niiiiuiij an. r tin Pnlon luly 1 a. m;j 1 tin ruin us oratiuti ' Hii sun wan in. oh' mi .ni mi , .in. I lloll JollMIII VMOli (hi . Man iu Ills Hiiiiiui ' I 1 I'.very " ""'"'" "f II ... V,, huigiiut IS ilOlVUCl h .1 HttlllK, uf P., niudtlfil h craw fuid "cidom, J. The iiilM, of a three uianlci shin Is the 0110 nuircft the sum. ' 10. A newt Is a hind of lliatd. a smni amphibian, allied to fb,V.i'XJle'1 & Prll US 1 M T W J &2!hj!mZ722JK.1Z