'- T tf k. X 'M,'- -fi ' Jt uentn public Bleb get 77B WEATHER Washington, Jan. 217. Tnir JonJgir nni Wednesday; moderate temperature. TKMI'KUATt lili AT KAI'll lllllit POSTSCRIPT T," i luTti lis I ii I 3 t in :n; i as 1 4 1 41 I J ! Mi X! 'J I IM .4CK' fOL. V. NO. 116 Published linlli- Kx.rtit Hiimlny. I bfrrlptlnn Price H n t'oinrlKht, linn, hy Pullli- l,iitm-r t'oniimn V.nr l) Mall PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY. JANUARY 28. 119 S.rrnn.1-liis Mmtir ill the l'nrtnfflp I'nrtfr th Art of Mnrrli S. H a. Phllullprila. Pit. PRICE TWO CENTS f AREY TELLS HOW DEUTSCH IRAN ELECTION PROVOST GUARD ON DUTY IN C Z&K'Jk I I. I WT 1 1 null At) mil ward Ltmici ncss at Mayor's Trial Wit-! SAYS RIVAL TOLD MEN TO SEIZE BALLOT-BOX ? - uiimuii Who Killed Patrol man al Primary Testifiet? of Disorders WAS HIRED IN NEW YORK Cam,! Over With Others for Priec, He Says, to Work at. Polls Ifc- James A. Caie.v. nit tin- witness Htunit this moinliiK at ilnxor Smiths trial on Indictments charging conspir acy to violate the Shorn law and mis demeanor In olllc. testltlel to hnvHig 4,p,,rtl Isaac Deutsch, the rival leader 'In the Fifth Ward political fight, tell the crowd In front or a polllnK plac on primary day of 1017 to "go In and take the ballot box and hold a curb stone election." That was the oiltMandliiK feature of IS.. . i....'.. luiimmiv on the sixth lame iihii urns. - . ., . i i in. ii. K.lav of Mayor Smith's trial. '"l'K'"i Audoniod and a Jury are healing the .-ase In Quarter Serious Court, Room I'.aH, City Hall. . , . ,.,., Earlier "Hutch" Mtiscia. now senw a long sentence for second-degico mill- -der for kllliir; I'"""!'""" n.1?' ' Kinney retold nn' now mi........ o. .- of !he Importation of New York thugs bv the poiit.-ii'h fuelloii. .... -.Mayor Smith a-rived early todav. . . .. ..iwiiifi f ihp hirv. He 00k 1 soul be.ide-hiscn.nse. and! was busy cnvei'Mn with them w he ; Joseph U.T.uil..iiC..as-istant dlstili'tnl ti. uev. who Is .riiiK the case for lilt C imonwiilth. time in and bowed To t e able v.h.-.'c the opposing at .' i... ..... M..W.I- Sm th apparently V? .?.'. ;..n l Tuiilmip-H How and .smile. Nor did lb iiurtfU'lH grecllii iw " .yi a '.: lxylHV'.''. 'i. - 'JH 'i 'fe''4 ' .asar mmmmMxxMBmmm "wmns,-.?:- ixim - - ' f LiiOlPMM 'Wf- ''WM-M : iwL&lHKwnirap I MI r k -B ' li!J 1." .j! VJ . T l f, i ? v ' H ! . W e'-lali- POLICE EXAMINE STRIKES SPREAD , men wili co imh.y To mw D A D1?R T ARRICTI 1W RRTT AIM RTnTV ArrangomcnU In connection with debarkation of the ti-of BY MAD SLAYER DARKEN BELFAST Foreign Language Docu ments in Pockets of Man lio Killed Three nnroiniatel Workers in ariou 200.000 Tradc Hnit Throughout Kingdom ELECTRICITY HIS MAMA MORE LK()l TS NEAR Uollifist Literature Belieed to Have Turned Mind of Power House Lunatic .Situation -Wium of National P Leader? Not Re?nu?ihle niiortanee I.ahor which will (irrlvc on the liner Haverford on Thursday weie an nounced today hy Lieutenant I". S. Challenger, quaiteumtfer oT the cmh.irk.iUon office. Parents or relatives of the men "Ml not he permitted on the pier at Washington' avenue. Only those having necessary huslness oiul newspapermen and mem bers of Red Cross units will be titlmUted. The men will cutraTn Im.mdi.ittly for Camp T?la:. MAWUFACTUREU IS SUPPOSED SUICIDE K. Chctcr Tell, fifty-two ytait, ol", lOM South Flfty-nixth htieet. was found den'u in the bathroom of his apartment 'ins inorniiiir. with a Kim shot wound in his head. It is believed he committed buicide. Mr. Fell was pronounced dead by D: Willis, 5U5 Chester avenue. Tell is fcaid to bo the pusu's , the E. C. Fell Mnnufacturluu Company with offices nt T" and at Market and Twenty-second sttects. L. C LITTLE LANDS FALL IN LINE WITH POWERS Small Nations Drop Pro test on Representation and Name Committeemen MARITIME QUESTIONS , COME BEFORE COUNCIL Lai Patrolman Dingwall I'rvdivlvd Early Death "It will cost oii two cents for a lieuspuper omii of these dy lo read that 1 have been kllli'il." Patrolman Cieorst' ft. Dliiunall.' slioi lo death eslerda bv (leotKe V. Lemhii, Hie In-anc Mexican, made this reinaik to a frit ml, lit sen i- I'alrotmnn Scbaetfei. a few linurx before he Has killed. I'atlolman Dinsuall recentl.t tes tified for the prosecution in Hie I'lftb Ward consphacj trial at West Cheater. tl lhi .tfiocialrd 'fe., l.iimluii, .Inn. L'S It N estini.iifil tli.u npiiioxliiiiitcl.t i" ) 1 1 , 1 1 ti 0 iiii-n niui uoiii.n III-- Idle III tin- I'nllf'd Ix'lllKiliiin iiml Iteliiiid l-et'iitlre of slilkis In vnrloun li.ole., i-ri-alliiK on- of llie mo-l si-tiim-I sliiiations ImliiMtrtallv Dial tin- I'uiititry h.is had to fine In inan .tear-'. Half of Hie yirlLeis lire In lli-lfnsi win-it- tilt- strike movement eonlinui-s to spread. Tilt- ( ll of lli-lf.ist b iiIkIii tliliiulh In total darkness. I lit- hospitals hi-niK pl.i ;uor Comniissioii Takes Up Itf- Important Work in Peace Parlevs , DRY AMENDMENT .GIVE-AND-TAKE AS U,SY ,MY IS UNOPPOSED POLICY AT PARIS ullt-lr ,IIIK-I I'ghls can of iiltiicks Is the oiil shown without strikers. K ci whole else the display of a Unlit has eitused ellht-r tin- slonlnK or the I sloimltiK of Hie premise. Ill cans i U' :'' I HoiiM Coinniitlee I nani moiis. in l''aor of ick- erinan nesoiution "( ioinpromife" R e in aim? atchword of Peace Conn- eimimi is (,i,mi (), iii. ntte on haeli Iinnorlnni Cum. miltee Appointed i. cil Sacrifice.-. Made The police today aie uiaKinj; tialisla. tlons of ii mass of dot'inin-nm in l-'rench. Mayor repeat nif if testerday to the . Jurors when they entered. J .7.. ..it,. u..ifci.n. shackled to tr... i-n,i-l ii. nnotner ot tin- sun- men Ht-i-vliiK Kcnunce al Ihe Kastern Penltentlan had been b,ouBht In by Warden "Hob" McKeiity. of the Kastern I'enltentiury. and conducted to a seat In the second low. Waiden .McKcnty. bavins: left his chaws, under KUiinl. eaine over an; ' Ion versed 'for n few moments with ,hMr."Ta'u'lane .-ailed .Mascla as the fii witness. 'I'll- RUiimtin, tohl llie eou "-leer lb. . his real name vas VlJiceti " "ilia. ,,. - AiblrPN. -.- .or io -lion if ill" ..'.' r.l'V.ts to h. llw-l. thel.K-n snnmnu turnrfi an Inquirl.o, Klam-n. t ilr Tnulnnti and asked. "What shall I tell him'."' . ' . , "Your ho t add Jis. answered t Masai- "' "' ''i'"-' S.-. . in.m f.NViv Vorlc. ilo.iB question Mr ?-' brmiRht out ij? ....,'.. .., .1,.. . Init-ss's eonxlftlon for S. ,coud.derce m- nUr and his indelerml- ulna. nato sentence noni nii.ei. i- "" .-o years, which b is senilis In the l-.uhl- lul rn Pen leiitla ,, I i,..H , i .oB.. L n itnuest lo describe "ave visit of lie Bunineii .Mascla told h he had onu- ner wmi soeine.-u . V, r u mi In- could iinenibir by P.fjnc.e onl .liminy the (lash Kalcone, 'i Pil-eftV C.Mle'lo, -lohll .Mo'-enn II1K1 l.lllio iMNick- ititt. : I'liiluilelnliia nnu lui. a prnto-l murluil uti.iril. The reii-on for llie li-linicnt of llie (iiianl ul this time in the expected arrival of llie liner Haverford on Tliursiluj. The guard is a preraiili.inart niea'tire. in-lulled to maintain order ami lo aid -oldicr- .li.liarpcl at Camp l)i afler ilelnirkinp at I'liiladclpliia. Tlie arm piuriU are ili-litipiii.'licd lit a red braiMiril fuFtcneil about llie left arm and a long night slick. TROOPSHIP NEARSJ POLICE ON WATCH U. S. GUARD 0UT IN PLAIN CLOTHES Provost Marshal's Men on Patrolmen in Civilian (Jarh Streets Anticipating Hav- Will Watch All Dis erford's Arrival ; tricls Tonight wlieie such drasllc net Ion was not taken. , the iiebple weic forctd by threats to: i screen their llitbts. I K.-n In the private houses, II Is lint ...(.l.li.c.il k.af 1., n,i innti- tllllll iini- Uermaniinil llallnn. fiiuiul 111 llie pock, is ,.",!!,. ,lnil xw Kn of candl.-M Is of lleoiRO Vincent l.tinho, tin- Mexican 1 .llinlii'sliln.; inpidly. who yestenlny shot to death three per- I . 1-1,-Ur-t I iik I- i:lenile.l sons, two of them i.iti-oIni-n. and .-ol,un;ltPiv lilS slit was snow .in.l wounilod live otheis. wt-l l-j lurns. olhtrwlsc- n W belli veil At Ihe same time ih-i.-eilvei fmni . there "nilht liuve been moie lioiihle. Washlnuton will try to Identify the This mm nine n-.-n In various of tile iinir.lerer as "the VahliiKlnn madman," smaller Indnstilal winks who liad re- OPPOSE DELVY WILSON CUIDLNC STAR ,( DUE AT DOCK THURSDAY This city nmv lias a piovost m.irslinl. Uf Is M.Jyiv.rtoy..llovim aim jus oin maud Is' made up of men from Coin-I panles A and l. of the Twenl.--s.-coiid , Infantiy. a recti la r army unit. ' rsl.ibllshineni ot Hie provost marsb.il Biiard piesiiKi-s the makhil? of a lesular t'charkatlon port of I'nll.ulelphln. The tvtnt oil dlll hlKI IIIKlll. llie ira- son for the eslahllsluiirnt ol me giium at thlt time is llie expected urtlv.il of the tiansport American liner Haveiford .... ,ii... ..,, , cil la :i lir-Oail. on inursua.v. iii s - - l-'bh'tlonary ineiisurrt-. iiulall.-d i tnaliitnlii ' " i oi.ler and lo aid soldi, rs dlscliare.d -it Hlx after debarking at I'lnlailel- Mr. COMBAT CRIME vWAYE I litrolnien 111 plain clothes toiilahl will iitidnlakf lu.uvei .llhtilvt of lh ehy n ueneral roundiii of foolpuds, hold. tin men and pkkpoektis, who have terror. Iz. d .e. rtalp sections. Siiperliilf-nileni of I'oIIt-,. HoMiu-on W su. d oi.Ihih to.l.ij ili.u even patrolman who wenl off duty al S o'clock this innrnliifr should report bm-k to his re. speetlVf station IoiiIkIii In elvlll.ins al. lire. With his nlKht force In plain elothes. It older i .'innti ill.llvl.1- I tw llr.ellrd lllurkjiiikit Ci After Rolng to Uttmy s Motet tin- waiiK rent lo "some park' vvlu-rn-liuitiiy ian, described b.v name by llie vv linen aim "llie man with the c.tcBiasses. iip- ...filled tl-t-in with blackjacks, riinarklnn to I ifn-ln -.lusl nut U In our poci.et ; ..--" ... ithere Is no chance i.f KetntiK pinciuti. lYou mlRlit need It. Aln Ihe isnnKsieiH Bwere Klveu while ribbons to tie in the second buttonhole of their vests, "so wn would he known, Mascla teMitie.l. i 111.1 was at fi'30 o'clock on the night of .Sep tember 18, the nlKht before llie ratal S.. !,, f JtO ,x- . .. l...n I ..t ,r..t,r lr. .1... v llie wi.ue-j- i-ii-i -, H-'--'r. -" ,,---lleulscli Club, wiit-iic Ihe gunmen sal- flled out hi 1M is as hey were needed. IfcVinally, a man came ii to the second "tWN-or where Ihey weie and said: "l ,flBS.V? all Jiise guys." Theieupon tht-y tent o the '-lnlelter i lub and laldcil lenrd S.-reillilN an. I Han The wltne's said lie heatd the screams llUjd ran away Iwthout havlnic entered In U fly of the flgbl nt treels next day rii.n I.?niilet WHS till Cil. lie .1 ll HOt &H.r.M.lnti tliM fle:t.l I ,1 s........ - HS,or 1'llaa ..,,, 1 orcaidzatlons :nd t iieluded In tin- ...mini plan demanded places at the leeeiillon In the soldleiH anivliiB on tne navei fotd that Major ilen.r.il Shanks. In until of deliai nation ai iii.uoi.e,.. r M. ton, morale officer to this city to straighten out the dllii'uiue-. Vs originally announced by ,Io.- ,-i.i..,.n,. eli.ilrman of the peace n.lllee. and ltobeil I). Diipps. reinry coinnii has sent MaJ" of that port, eph i-:. Jubilee Ltk club, Affile told very In U fly of fViflxentli and D l.ancey slri JjSi-when Kpple.v was killed. itrounan b.v name. the shooting. Uf simply said, "I Ivmw some guns poiiiiing in me ami to JfiWivo my life 1 diew n' -sbuii and fought ' way out." gjiThere was no cioss-exanunaiion. !JPn IU l, r-COll, Ol .uiti.Piri mi t.tn ffens(, havliiB conferred with his L-'-MtV .-.nllnii.J nn Ph.. Mlv. I'nliim.t I'mir GOMPERS IS UNDECIDED M : s tUenhle to Say AVI,cll lW. A UKVic IIH ii icans Will Go to Parli, Jan, 28. (By A, P.) Samuel mpers, prepldent of the American l-'ed- Itlon of Labor, who Is in Paris to cuss the organization of an Interna nal labor congress with French, Uel- and KnEllsh lyndlcalists, declaretl jtKranco I.lbie lay that he would yet say w.leth ,lho American dele- flon will aiienu me moor nnu no- list conference at Heme. He declared first of nil. ha wished to know t organizations will be represented ; krsn organ aziions are real iaDor or ations anu ir tne Heme conference kt- part of a direct Herman propa- a plan. gardinK the attitude of the Amer'- sbor parly lovvnrci iiermany, uor. Hid! i we are willing to .usage our anything the Herman people lye n better conception of Inter- guiles ana co-operation,'1 ,f the phllailelpnia i oniicii 01 National Defense, Ihe only persMis per-nilllt-Q In the welcoming patty weie members of the ollicial rtception com mltlee and workers In the canteen sec tion of the Soiilhi astern Pennsylvania eiiapler of the ll.-d ("loss. I'Iuiik .May be I'bllllKFil These plans piob.ibly will be changed to allow it-pieseiitatlves of ether or ganization, and possibly as many pri vate Individuals ns the pier will per mit, to meet the men. The Haveiford has made better time In ciosslng than was expecled, and nn a result may dock tomorrow Instead of ThuiMlay, hut Ibis Is considered un likely. Accoidlng lo reports received at the Philadelphia office of the in ternational Merchant .Marine, owners or the ship, the Haverford may be ex pected off llie Delaw'HIt- Capes wmif. time today. Washington reports, how ever, sav the ship will collie In a scheduled. Although the ie.-eptl.in is planned for Thursday, the schedule Is so fixed that It can be changed to provide a suitable welcome to the soldiers should they ar rive ahead of time or be delayed tor any reason, Ouiiril Not Viet- .Mrimure The stationing of a provost giund here Is understood to have no i elation to the vice situation, as the establishment of such an oigaiil.atloti Is a regular measuie at all debarkation poits. .Major llovvlln anil his men aie sta tioned at llieenwleb Point. The Unties of the guard Include regular patrols through the cential section of the city, eoi responding somewhat to the work of the naval patrol here. The army guards are distinguished by a red btassaid, fastened nbout the left arm. and a long nlglitbllck. As soon ns he was uutltled of the cieatlon of tlie guaid, Superintendent of Police Itohlusou called a conference of police captains and lleut. limits. It lasted for about two hours, but no hint of any action planned Man allowed to go out. Mayor SmlthV peace Jubilee commit tee may greet the home-coming troops aboard the Haverfcrd, but the Mayor may be nbsent. "It's all up lo Judge Audenrled," was the terse comment of those In charge of the arrangements when asked If tho Mayor's place lit the committee's head would go unfilled. Ah defendant In the Fifth W'ird trial now- under way the .Mayor Is not a free agent N tiuilei flood, the html of tin nollee bureau bellev s it will In- mi fft-ei I vi lli lueakinc Ihe crime wave Hint has-f1 Mitpi over Philadelphia .luring the list few' vv eeks. In c.-nii.ttlon with Ins plans i,, ot-i; up or ill he fiom th-t city the aimj of tlooks tli.u sit-ins o have Invaded Phila delphia I'loni other huge i- lies, .Stiperln. Undent Itoblnson this afternoon expiess ed approval of the smnieKllon nf i,n... 1'oiiiiiilssioiitr Hodman Wananiaker, N't-w . Yolk, that .list lunged -.-ol.Ileis be given! puces on in.- i-oitee r.iice. Two bun dled veterans of the wnr. If added to the Philadelphia police force, would enable the department to put down the crime wave iili'k!.v, hi- said, roller MiorlHvr llhimrd "The shotliiKe 111 the puller delist t mem has t, gieal deal to do with the piesent it-me wave,' Siipt-iitilfiidont I'ohitiMiii went on. "When policeman Is foieed to cover Just twice a much ground crooks liavo a much belter op. portunlty lo wi.ik and lo get away if Ihe civil service would let down their whose gnu work In that clly resulted recently In three women being shot The victims of the Mexican, whose mind Is bellev "tl lo he iiiib.il.iuced be cause of -in Intense linen si In elect rkit.v, a re : lirnrgr It. lilngw all. S.'J South Sixth street, a tescrve patrolman stationed at liroad and Fail mount avenue. 4. ih n Knnx. 2310 South sti.et. a mis tore tie patrolman, iiioimiK ll.ilt.iritn. foiiy-fhr ears old. 23in N'orth (ii-veland avenue, a Hit man employed by the transit itinip.in.v. ; The wounded : I llnrr.v clHrk. Ill .'11 Falimoiuit avenue, shot In the left cheek: dln. Mlrliiu-l Hfiiilili-r. fort.v-sls .ve.its old. 1 121 Cambridge street, nn emplo.ve of the transit company. VI Mllil in Kelle.v, thill live .veals old. Sixteenth and N'onis streets; shot In ilia left leg below the knee, Jam., It.ililiiMin. forty-six years old. 112 North Forty-s.iond slit-el ; hit by It-volver butt. In addition, Samuel Walton, a p.ilrol mnn of the Tenth and Utiitonvviiml stiens slntinn, ' vn.s knocl.'ell iltiwiithul not retloilsl.v hurt b.v an automobile while he vvi pursuing Ihe maniac. I.embo s'arttd Ills caieer o." terror y.s'leida.v afiernoon about .'.-3(1 o'clock in .Mount Vernon and Thliieenth meets, ! in the Philadelphia ltapld Transit I'om I p.iny's povvir house, lie himself finally 1 was brougbl down by a patrolman and now Is In the Oairelson Hosi.tiil under ' police guard. When u.lmllte.l in the iiistiuiilon lie I a: llrst lefused to give an.v other name lhau "Omega." sating ill the same time he was a son of Jesus t'lnisi lie gave "we she (he wai con Cic uialned -it vvotk .nine out for saf.-l.v s sake, the picketing having become moie . t xtellhlve. I One of the inoiniiig nevvspapels was ' forcd In sUsiH-ud publication. I The sitiiiird workers ate opposed lo 'the strike, and an- endeavoring lo -ir-i laligt- n meeting for Wednesday. Then- is no ihange In the situation .on Ihrt livtle. when- lii.iiiiii shliaid Iwoikeis are oul. nor III London, while I I '..linn ship icpalieis are striking and I have refilled an olfer lo icier the iics ! t l.-ii of wages lo a committee. 1 To these must be added 21. nun l-ift-shlre miners, tsiuin Souili Walts miners. ,-niiii IMIiiburgh shlpwilghts, tnoii Man i hesler dock worUeis. 4IMHI Souili Wales shipyard men and a nuinlier of tllasgow municipal workers. Vln(l llrinilliil for shorlrr ll.iurs Uxcepi in London, while the outstion at stake is one of wages, all these strikes are due lo a demand for shorter hours with the same privileges and' , wages use prevailed with longer bonis, i ' .v.. 1.. i... ...... .1 i i s-ti I UPlt' Hit' l.lll.'l-M- peuil.-- linnm-i it- l i Hie Strike. ,ii IIUli-'l .i!i ivveni.-"! iit-irast It" .1 Stuff t Ol Cr-Jiu ll.irrl-.lii.rg, Jan :"t The House Law and I ml -r i 'ninmll.ee unanimously le-poit.-d oui fnvoinbly 'lie Vlckermaii lesoliitloti lo uitlfy the national ptohl bltion iimt'iiihtKiit at a m.etlng of the loiiunltlee this mormtig. After a sipiabble lnsllng ahiiosi a balf-lioiir. Hie time of presenting Ihe icsolullon to the House for the first le.itlltig was left i.i.iIip disci elloti "f liialrman Ilunuard. Tli iiiikIi a bang m iiiclies. Hie " ill -I-.- caii-iillct ItlllU orms Ktis in force iiniinpl action on tsnliiiioii " 111' lull. I . of t'.ie .o.cililltei' .1 lo pinn'i liii.iini.'in llunR.iid to It t. nil lit-ii:id lly KHNKST MAHSHM.i. Spreiul Cable to ,'ieiiiiig Public Ledger I tilHtiighl. IPO. fey X V 7ie.t.-. Co, I'arL, Jan. 2"! t.b lavedl. I'ompio- mlse leuiiilns Ihe waltliword of Peine I'otlferell beloi'e . " lles 111" were Only Cillllilltlt-il on I'lisr Two, Ci.llllilil I'mir RIVER FUND CUT WILL NOT DELAY CHANNEL WORK Colonel W. H. Ltidiie Says There l Siiflieienl Money lor Dela ware for ear (iirialluirnt of the Drl.iwaie Liver iiipioirlatloii fiom $-'.: i.ill.tiiin to SI. linn will not delay the channel develop meiit progiam for the next year This Is the opinion of Colonel W II. Ladile. district mini englnter In di.iige here, who said ihe Sl.noii.niin plus the big surplus funds mi hand, nearl.v Jl.iinn. niiii. will be ample lo keep In operation all the drulgts available for us- along the Helawaie Itiver for the ticxi twelve months. "The work will go on Just n rapidly a.s ever- their will be no need I'm s'ow ing down the piogrnm for tin- m xl vear." said Colonel Ladue. "I think tin trades are nuicied. wi conesiioinlcnt of llie -Mall "The slnko Is the mosl M-rmus ever, cxpeiieiiced III Ibis city of strikes." the concspondent writes. "Helfasl Is like a dead til. Us enilie social life is p.u.ilvzed, theaiics and saloons are closed, tram cars are not running, bak eries and laundries aie clus ng and there no aiiernotin ti.ipe.i- on .-..,1........ two sinftll ..litmus of morning newMi.ipcis nppear.-.i rsiem.ij. Vlex Thompson, .vlltor r tin- Socialist lal iiPWHii'iper li.irlon. In levieivlng piesent IikIiisiiIiiI mil-si for Hie Mall v -, 1 1 es ' The new labor minister. Sir Unbelt SieveiiM.ii Home, whose slmere sym patic ullh labor's desir.v. for luiprov.d condilioiiK of life has very fnvotably im-P'tss.-tl leaders of the tiniles unions, con fesses his utter h. Iplt-ssiK-ss In dt-allng wnli the grave pioblems assailing h'm on Ins .niian. - to ..HI. c None of the pMS.ni strikes has been milhoiized by Hi- executives or the union" Involved nnd ah ate tontrai to ollicial advlte. iii-rcfoi. It Is obviously impossible lor, Sir Hubert in Inlerfere. ll Is his poll.', ns li.boi minlsler. i support ttiules llilloll executives, in. ,in other -ic.loll would mil we.il.ni their aulhoilt and ngtheii tin- hiiinls of those who u-ive .si.i. - i ii.nri.i-.il uliiiihia'R lb- lestnutliiri lo i ie House for 111 si I cad ns. Su:itiii i 'row Is known to In- among the i-adris v. ,i.i are coun"iii.u; delay on Ihe 1.111. This piopn-dllon inet wilh IdtO-r op position In nn llie "iw-ls." I! n, -:c unlive Slgi.iuml thins, a "wet" of Philadelphia, lu.iilt- Hie minion to ie pori Hie bill out ol coiiunlli-.' There -Aas no . ppns.il-iit vinil..,i I'..- .'iiii.iiluit.ct ttini-.-i1 . uu.;;. in in Ji.n'U" i'-.:i rm.i'i P.ui.- lo iiiniili a-Pii St"ie S'-iinui- liow nvs'iiUnu i-i- bill in I he Hois:, ir.ltii b.v I! i cs. nlntlv. .1 W. i num. of Al'.-arr.. . Ilaoi I nd-r of ti:l' fly the Associated ire.M -J Paris. Jan. '.'S.- The Peace Confer. "nor v.-sterdav made a distinct gain jUheii the iiliieleen small Povveis gav r inn annesion to the organization form ulated by the five great Powers, thus securing a united front of the great -nnd small Powers nt the outset of the' work on the main subjects before the members of the commission. Tills was largely due to the skillful direction of Jules Camhoii. Freiirh '. watiliworu or hip , r P..nt ,,,i r .. ., , . Premier CU-nimcrau Wasliington. who was deslt-nateH hv spoke of his own sacrifices of personal , tu council of the great Powers to pre views .vestetday. su-phni plchoti em- sl.le over the meeting of the small iihasUed the same point today. The Powers, held esterday iifternoon. This smaller nations, who, It may be stated I meeting convened at the Foreign with nuihorli. are aggrieved at being Ofllce nt :i o'clock, at the same time olllelally leltgai.d as a body to a class , the council of the great Powers met, "with particular Ini.-iests." are as a I the two separate gatheilngs proceed whoh. taking the attitude that tompro-'ing simultaneously, one In tho office mlse beiw.tn the great Powcts spills of jr. Plehon, the Foreign Minister, dictation to ih.- smaller Poweis. i nml the other In the Salle do la Talx. Willi tin- Wllsonitiu principles ns a I i'01. n time there wan some ap guiding star, heaven may be reached, I prehension of the sequel to the dlf li Is nrgue.l in onii quartets here, but I fercnt viewpoints expressed at Satur there will be some victims on .-very day's conference, but yesterday's meet- fo j Vlcl 'the i: pirseiuaiivc w. t. i:..nse.v. iii i.v:- aware, opposed Hie VlcUerm.tn iiinlltili. P.aliisry said Ihe people of the State wanted quick action, lie suggested that the itsolution be presented to the House today for Hrst reading, be read a second time on n special order nrxl Monday Mud lead lln.ill.v on a special order next , Tuesday liiiiuse,- t-.'iite.l to know wb.v "dr.v" iiiember. of tin- . ouuniller wete tiling to hold b.iii. lilt- iiie.ii.urr. Vl.-Uennaii , said tl wis no effort to tjoluy the lefollit nil. bill he fell lliat enU' ts' ' tiught in ir shown the l.tideis befute I n-iiding I' lo tin- House. ; tin ii motion 'f l'.iirseniniiv.. Miller, nf Ii P.idclphln. P w .is llnally d -ciib-il to i -. Ih- bill mil nild lejvr ll lo ; the disc. Hon of I'liii'iiiuili llungard win u It I- to he presented. j pr. cedent was established for coin- Imln.e in-eting. b.v mak tig the mrt-i.tig ,op.n VIclM-iinan put the moi'nn to iudiit" newspaper men. The "Wits" ,i. I p.iM-d tlil proeedui.-. but the "drys put Ihroiigli lb- Vit'.fimau motion by a vole I of inn'.- lo sl.x. i.iund of Jacob's ladder lending to the I gates of Paradise. i The League ot Nations Is tli.it ladder. Sk. piles still rcgaid ll as a ver incom. j plle apparatus. M. I'lchon said today lh.it Us construe Hon would proceed. icp by step, with i.rriiorlal selileinonis. In other words. I he l.eiigur of Nations is to be the con-s-crnllon of 1111 decisions of the confer r. and In be the power rtn.ir.inB those dpilsions. Fieiitii claims In S rla and Albanian iivplr.illons In the same quar l.r. he said, could be reconciled by mu tual give and lake. The French de mands fur a safe frontier on tbr rast had not been authoritative! tlellne.l. It was Incurred to say that h ranee , wmi ted poss. sslon of all the terrllor.v on , the left liank of Ihe llliuic. n was niso t , ,h Ing of the small Powers was without Incidt nt or renewal of the claims then set up for Increased repreii "fjitlon on tho various committee.- Jelglum, Serbia. Rumania ann nil ..e other small Powers had their full delega tions ut the afiernoon meeting. M. Cambon. in opening the meet ing, took occasion to refer to the great part n.-Igium had taken In, the wnr. He then paid a frlbuto to the part played by Serbia, Rumania. Greece and the others. This dissipated any linger ing shadows of disagreement, and the meeting pioceeded with entire har mony to designate Hie membership of the small Powers on the commission. (real Powers Meet - meantime the council of the ' Incorrect to say thai France wanted t(jr,.at Powers held two sessions during the il-iv, resulting In the formation iiniirn ze that t.rritorv. u was incur- left lo say that France wanted to con i lone Hie inilltar.v oi-.-up.uiun of that terrltoi y. . All lids "hows how- ran-fully the i .in fer, nee Is fet ling us wa.v ll has imt two t bjeets befoie It. both to he readied shiiul'aneoiisl one Is the conclusion of pent.- i end the present war. The j other a tin-prei-eivatlon of Ititure peace ' I'nl. I President Wilson nrrived in I'.u- ( rope ib pr. va'eni Idea among stales-! tut u here was Hun the present necissl- ' lbs must be dealt with b. foi.' the fu ture IcipiilVlllenlS COtllll be legislated I lor. President Wil-on neifevetl that , gu.irainers foi llie funne wete the best i foundation for the settlement of Ihe I SIM illeubej.il instructions.' l. UrL-mnl in Ha- taken liars we would soon have tbr men I whlppttl Inlo sl:aic lo lake care of any i hew appioprlation, with the other money eineigency. VVe aie lulling Inu-K ic. available, win lie rnougn to eai rv lilined soldleis every day nnd ate mlghtv with our milk glnd to get them, lint we wish they would "'I'1"' Pn-hlem Is tin . lie "tit i I -il.it r I ruder licfoie the iicti.ui Wii- ml, .ii on the rtsiilut'on. ex-l't pitsi-ntatlve .laiie-s II .Mauler, of It-.idintt nrtsldeni of the Itelfast, Jan. 2 I Kv A. II. -.strikers .stair -. .1. I ill Mill or l.imir. ii.i-iiieo lttllt-ke.1 shops nete 1IISI Ilium. UTiiiiim i to llie i-oiiio... ..- in i ill. in. -e-.i.u- lo .- nler their assaiilis on stores show-, Hon to a lefercndiim nf the p. utile hig llghls. One larg" sloie, which gene-, "tnir position is' be atiiioiiuc.il. "thai talcs Its own electricity and wnsjtlie peopb should seith- this thing and In iliiiiii 1 Illuminated, whs stoned by nut the nss.-mhlv The very people who tin- mob. The phitt-glass show windows w, ,,. lomlesl In the past In their dimand" smastii u anu "i i- - i.-mno. ( 0 siinmii ioc.ii .union n. nn- people, nave foi gotten ' Mi. Mniner imm.'dli. e .oniptoinise Is to go on of securing problems i he rrult is n The tv.nt; of making peace i. b.v side with the work the inner, oner it Is made. coin.- Ii.ii-K raster. Superintendent Ibil.lusnn explained that SHU men-left the poller finer to Join the colois and I hat this Included the men who had been drafted. Possibly Kin of thtse have alre.ulv returned, he said. Reckoning casuals and those who will obtain other positions the actual shortage In tli department, which easily could be filled hy army men, would be possibly .'inn. The oul' thing, according to Super intendent Robinson, thai pi evented the city from adding several bundled men to the police puytolls was the livll Serv. I.ii Commission. If Hie rules regatdlng solilliis were suspended, he said, there undoubtedly would be iiianv men III khaki only 'oo glnd to get on the force. Prefer. Army .Men i remember that shnnlt aft. I getting coiitnit'lois to he added. The armv tngl- neer believes nun ine only uari.v cause for delay will he Inability to g.-t eon tractors, dredges and workmen. Colonel Ladue said be expected In have the vvotk going "full swing' about April of this .vear. He declined to make any comment ..n the leconimendatlon of Heiiei.ilt Itl.icL to the Senate I'.itninlttre on Comment-, which rt suited III the pruning of ft.niui. noil ft .mi the Delavvaie iippiopi iatlon in the new linibors and rlvn's bill lieneial Illai-k III bis leil.r nf teenm inendatioii drclared Ibni Hie .' ."niii.iu.ii demand was nitre than could be used n the vvoiU for the coming fiscal .vear. II.- said thai the estimate made b.v Hie former .list Hot engineer was found in be Incurred when examined tit Hi" engi neers h.-datiuarteis In Washington. U rreett . HPUl the DEBS APPEAL CONCLUDED Spiinish-Ameilenii Wnr the rules of th j Filial Arilllllieilts Millie ill Hellion Civil Service were so changed nnd the r.,V naC.... C. ........... ..,. bars were so let down that a lettirnlng "P -M "efore blipr.'lllO t.oill't soldier could get back on the fcrce bv I Washington, Jan. 28. -tliv A P i simply presenting his ami record and i Arguments were concliiileil In the Su taklng a Physical examination. I got ljr"'ie I ourt of the l n t.d Mates to back pr, th. force In this way ...-elf- t.'i ;,;.ler.hVilro1I'iK,;ee.tl.1Rle.V!',r,;. I know I simply presented my soldier's revclBl.(1 the lulled Slates lilsttiet I'ouii ..nut- .'.inn on ine rnni-irr oi iiui.tini: the csplonngfi act, . unemnlo)ed Is growing dally In Vienna Tho closing addt ess ,v as made by John J and nud.ipest. i.iusiiig serious nppre l.ord O'Hrlnn. special asslsiam to the ' heustons. owing to the enormous dls Aitornev lieneral. The case was taken , bursetnents ni-e.-ssllntril. i ih ...li.to.-itaitl ao,l nn In, lle.t I Inn with, riiu Vlelltia Utlt'tlllllO .'! Ileltl a tnilSS- Heiiiililii'illl lllilnrsr-iiioiil A. jiicos i t,..n m-Iipii a decision could be expected, meeting with violent oulpouilngs i,.i .mi A.i r in,. I.;.;.... - " - i......-. I,,.,,.., M..u. i-i a lui.i.i.uuii w... ,, .. a ...,tSfM aK-M 1 K UH KKNH I AK INK! Cunrludfil on 1uc SU 1'uliimn SU NEW YORK NEARS DRY VOTE exhibited there was carried away, in another distilct -i saloon was broken open and liquor was taken b members of ti mob. police engaged 111 dispersing rioters wete Hi'Ml. bill al last succeeded In restating order. fo ,'rrm'tic I'ttblie Ledfer mli'. itift. tin 'nidi, .eil.;-1 ( .'. .no Veil !.. Vii.tt Co. I. .union, .bin. 2 Tbr stllke w.ivr Is eviniiinig. the giealesl dlslociilou being at ll.-lfiist, vvliein it is estluialeil that inn anil shlpvard emiilo.ves and electri cians have ceaed work. There aie no ir.ims or llghls in i'i.u HI), and the biead suppl Is r.d.i. ed to half Tele, phone and telegt.ipli services are threat. ened. . epuiailnii of s.nkeis met Hie civil oltlcmls of Helfast ann nr.Vie.1 in penult power III be gell. Hied fur Hi.- hospitals on ton.lltion th.c none was ustd for ('onlbiiie.1 en I'.me s,. ( .iluiuii litre 120,000 IDLE IN VIENNA 1 liieniployi'il Deinanil (Jovern- inriit Support al Violent Aleethi". Wireless to Evening Pnblii' Ledger ! 'at.r.'oi.'. Ilt- t N.e l'- Tier Co. leniia. J nn. -S The number of Cpposed Si. id the ft- to ihe manner of leratton b.iudllmi was the Cniilllllleil on - sv. ( nliiiiin Mi TO TELL 'TRUTH ABOUT RUSSIA' Kililoi- (loiiil)iiie lo Heal lnriiii.ilioii on Give l', liolshevi 5, in Net. iirl.. Jim 2 ihgaiilzallun of 'llu- -1 n Ii nboiii I'.ussla . ouuulttre." bv Amrili.in publicists, Is announced line. 1 aioonip.-nl-d l i. st.ittineui declaring thai the .-'ov i.-i ' a. v eminent ill Russia Is liovtin'ng that coiinnt 'in uti otd-tiv fnsli'on." and mho. ..ling that in th.. 'solution of llu- lli'ssiim problem i ii,. All'es and in.- l'i it.d Si..n-s should deal 1 with Letup. The eoiiuniUt-r Ipcludr-. A Uiu .loiui son. an .dinir of Hie New Itt-luib'i. Henri I! Musset lben .1. No.-l, ,in,l Wlll'ii-n vl.iclionald, cdltois or tin- 'a Hon; Paul Kellogi,. editor of the Sui v. i Ma t.vn Johiiion. Hati.'d Stearns .in,l Itoherl MolSH l.ovelt. r.litois of t)(. IU 1'iar'- P Walsh former u t-moei- of .1H war labor boat. I: Jan.- Vdibitns of Hull Hon-.' Ci.n au. .Hid Vim. s i-ttit-iioi Tin- Sov lei tl.iv-riini.m Is described in ihe siaieineir as never liaving hern pio. ili-rman and l.eiiine ns a leader of - ihr 'mule modfi.it taction. " who has been "piepait-d to conciliate ihe western I Povveis b.v redeeming the Russian loans and connniiiB his nctlvn.v to fffotts at ! inttrnal construction." . ilivlousP. . the piacilcal toiuiulation or the lengue-i f-natlons Idea' tuiisl syn-( chionlz.' with the formulation of the .oneiric terms of p-aer ir tnese usplrn- , -ions an- lo be tralized. , There is no Indlscietioii in stating that out- of Ihe definite ipirsllotts which ' will be put to tir Amerlcaii deleB.tt. s will be what pan the Culled Slates Is I liiepared to take in be.nlng the 'while, man's burden." with paitleiilnr applic.i. -ion in pnlbing. inlniiiilst-'iiiig and pn. hlicall.v educating the backward Asiatic ,iiul African peoples It bus been a mai ler of open d-cusslon In London for M.uit- tune past thai proposals healing , on this subject would be suhmltied by Hiulsh delegaies lo ihe Peace Confet nice: and that the French C.overnmcni is considering similar action Is evident of two new commissions to deal with llnancial subjects and the question of private and maritime laves. At the afternoon session the ex change of views on the foi mer Ger man colonies in the Pacific and the Far Knst were conducted. Represen tatives of the dominions unci of China weie heard. The ollicial statement reads: "Th" President of Hit- t'nited States, the Prime Mlnist.-rs and Foreign Mm., Uters of the Alllfd and associated Powers and the Japanese lepresenta. 'live met this moitiliii; nt the Qua I rt'Orsiiv fiom 10. P.o o'clock lo 12:31) I o'clock and .lehii.'d a program of work land the constitution of new commlt- tees for economic and financial que.s. Hon ns well ns) questions relating to ipiiviite and maritime laws. "The afternoon session continued the exchange of views on llie former Herman colonies in the Pacific anil tip. Far Kast The representatives o' , the dominions and of China weru , Ileal 1. The next Hireling will taki place tomorrow at 11 o'clock In the mm ning ' Debate Freedom of Seas While Hi" otliei.il ci-nimuni.Ues give , no Indication of the nature ot "ihe question of maritime law." U would seem to be a term mbracing Pies! dent Wilson's second point, of freedom of the seas President Wilson is oi edited b.v tlie Fi.nch PM--S with having biought for ward, during M-stertkiv's discussion of the subject of the Herman colonies, tho plan under which Ihev would lie ptuce.i. tonights Tempi-. After rrfrrting in I Kl, , hI,Hak. untb-i the guardianship of . Hir Aineiicari teluciance to ureal: witn the Montor Hoi-trlne by accepting a mandate lo Intrrfire In countries which aie sen-lllles of Lurope. ihe Temps argues that the mission of aiding for mer1! oppressed peoples, such as exist in Crntinl Vsla i iioi nn imperialistic missinii tut one il,..t springs frum the eiusading spin which brought Anier u.tn soldiers .t, ross the Mlantlc RAIL EMPLOYES PRAISED 'the trio rv Allniny. '. V.. Jan. 28. (Hy A. P ) -The contest over ratification of the Fed eral prohibition amendment, which was won by tho "drys" In the Assembly Inst week, shifted to the Senate toda. The completion cf ratification by Hie New York Legislature, either during the day or tomorrow, was freely .predicted by the ratification forces and even con ceded by their opponents. Tho adoption of Ihe ratification ipso. lutlon by the Senate was virtually as sured as a result rf the action early to .lav of tlie Republican Sennlors. who. aiiuuugn ii woiiiii ne possinio fori alter a long executive session winch be. Allied Demands for Iteslorat Cause Ministry lo Quit Halonlrn. Jan. 20.-' (Delayed) -tHy A. P.) According to u seininiroiai suite Letters of Commendation Hxeeed Complaints Two to One ! Uin.bliicl.iii. -Inn. 28. -iHy l'i Letters of complaint, suggestion or com inendatloii as to railroad sen Ice lecelvnl io i PORTUGUESE CABINET FORMED, &: ''X f rS.rnX.SiWnXn (III. iva. ',.,.... iiu fli-st ulvl.tn t.-rl.a nl' ...... IIUIHlh t'e -- .t....... ........ ... ...-,- ence. or UP to December 21. nmnbered Hi.. lencue of nations, vvblcli would ap pnlni one of Its moinbeis to administer them. The Matin characleiiz s the Idea as gracious and noble, but apprehends Mime likelihood of dillltult in putting P inlo practice. Hie newspaper quoting Pirinlei Lio; d .i.oige as declaring that colonies usuullv cosi moie than they In Ing in President Wilson, who is i-ha rman ot thr tomniUtec on the league of nations, lolned his colleague. Colonel House, also a member or that committee, during the noon recess of ihe council. Later In thr d.u. Uird Robert Cecil. Iirltlsll ineniber nf ihe commlitee. Joined him In a fun her consideration of llie ques tions which ihe President and Colonel House had examined. Alter this conference the President confet red with Dr V. K Wellington in the Victory l.iheily Loan cam- i"". " ' """ ...i...ii-. t "'""- palgll III Apill. 'Oil. anu l.u i lieiiB-iisi.niK. mt -.ninrio Mine than TO. cm Herman helmets. I Foreign Minister. He also received a most of Ihem spiked and many of them delegation of French suffragettes, war-soaried and shell-tnrn. aie being, -rie labor commission also began to packed for shipment. Plaits are also under way. liesldent Wilson met L'eillK uni.tr '-' i'.,r "e. -- tanks, Herman airplanes and even Zep pelins In this country TROPHIES FOR BOND BUYERS merieaii Soldiers Overseas Pack Helios for et Loan Campaign S.-.'ons ,.f Hie Xiiiern-aii Kxpeilllion i.i v Foil. I" Fr.i-ii and (.In many are bust loading fielgbt trains with Hei-nian , war maleiinl of all lies, i unions These trophies will he distribute.! to bond hu.v- I support the government, demanding of 15 crowns daily. 1 to proceed without him If coun- la-agree, I gnn Inst cicnlnjr, voted Vi-atlftcatlon a, party, me 5 to I to make measure. 'New MinUtry Takes Over Reins I in Face of Civil War ment msuea nere, ine iunuii tannic., i,10. Jan. 28 (Hy A I'.) A new- beaded by Tcvvnls Pasha, has ref.lKi.et., ''ucuese cabinet has been formed. ". J'". JL "r ',3.. U'l?!S"n 'JiTi.Slih JoS "nelva, as Premier and Ml,,: luriic, ,"."'i"-i's' -:: '....; .. ".f Im.i- nf l-ducatlon. ine outer ministers i.i.t,, to , ? r vlnr il ' ' the bureau said, "and the complaints lories and cease tam lug .out iiraslIB '?'. .- lrH Alas Monlz. Jusllc- ,.,! .ecomiiieiidatloim received have en. "Unld that the Sultan vii I artl.i: , CoucelrS Costa: War. General Sllvelra ; iibled us to correct disservice or dlscour : ,.. .U. ...n.l. n ...AM..,,A.ln tl,.' lime in Tlie Hrst shipment of these war tro phies will leach this tounlt within a few weeks nnd will he followed b man other boatloads They will be appor tioned among the twelve Federal Re serve Districts prior to the bond .Hive. TWO CORPS TO FIGHT POLES 'Samuel flompers, president of the Amer ican Federation of Labor; James Dun- lean. John R. Alpine rind other members 'jl 'of the American laoor aeiegauon, lor v ' brief exchange of greetings, and later, 'Mr. Oompcrs and Rdward .V, Hurler. I chairman of the I'nlted States shipping iKo-.r.i uhu nre the Amerlcun members of the labor commission, held their first -.J conference on the work ahead. The military commission. on utmouin- sj-j vuiinn also bud a session, wnne s 11.660. liiiss ncaiion in ine let ers. rue ir ,t German Iroop IraillS I'aes 7q".10n completed the draft of lntruo-2.a u'-p".."!"!u. JV"' .1 "?:.. "J""!:...: :.'.1.' h i.-....i.r......n,i. n,:i.. - i,'.v Z commission, which ieavJ.2s3 inose tonioicouo.h ,-...ii.ojc o. tn,.iei.j i diiivt l,. i-uii-viltl tt,,., .-""- " - . ., ...v. ' ' VI land loiilty exceed the complaints of .lis. . . .,,. . ,, ,T' , for Poland in a lew aaya. . j 1-ourteJy ify nearly two to one." . 1 '', Jn;-'-,"?..:-,l ;': TT" '."' Henry White, the American delevaU M "In not a few cases we have been coi i .ii .""" " i-- ,....,..,.. r- . ...... nVays commisiion also ei- ,2 lie lidon suggestion mndt- . . .i... .. I .r ... . ,. nn inr i.,.-- FC 111 llieil ny llir kiiii-i.ii nun in inuit.ll ".-" . ,iin, wltli i-nllmiil,, nf itiniliist the Poles, and eight troop trains tabllshed te.utlons with colleagues at nre imsslnB through Frankfort-on-the- that body, . i- fl Oder ualiy, accoraing io n, .uricn ais- ThuSi real pronrcno un u win inniu pablnet, a Zurich dls- Thus iiiiciiii . ti iir-tt - f '-fc ' s , , . ,. t . nn uu- - --. - . , .. . the. work of Tecon.t'ructio, 'i.:.' n.e.Jo Carlo, MaU; .culture tesy and recognUe merit with a prompt.-, P?ch to me am rnai. quonn, ,e ,-res.. (Mid-Food, Jobs iUthlas 'uncs, luUe hitherto ImuoBslble," C'toUnuea r 8U. Cluu Tua "" & In i V & tS.. .. -LCfcitovj ' i... -1 ..: ,,..-: :at4rtivi &- -f.-.