$? 'KijiBrf - " immmmimamamimimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmig--rTr-r- ,,- vi.-i-.. s.ww.,-. "'V,at.wWt " -wiwc',,,, V ' ', l 1 H IN .; 71 a a-j, 3 ' 1 V IP for HOLD FAST; WIN, G.O. P. 1920 PLAN' State Chairman Crow Re- J ccives Outline of National Committee Program QUOTES CONGRESS GAIN Will II. Has Bids Repub licans Stand Together. Fight Fair and Hard William I: Crow chairman of the re publican State Committee tod.i received word from 'Wilt II Have, chairman of the Hepubllc.m National Committee ' to liold all of the. 101? Hepubllcnn gains and Increase them wherever poIMe for 1020 ' In his communication to rhiirman Crow, Mr Ilajs makes It clear that tlu purpose of tho Nntlonal Committee is to unite warring faction-" wine out o'd scores, tell the truth nght fa r and hard and keep steadlh on the aggressive Mr. Hajs presents figures to show mat the Democrats, backed with war and Federal prestige, were limbic to with- stand the uggreslvt work of the r op-1 M Snssman of fi;03 I'inc street, of n pononts and thit their lines broke and0,''' ""'ch "".' lh'm ,ml '50, "'" wavered where they we- expected to "'"r ?, iro-sInK IMn -tnit at Mxlx . ,j ' flrt it iim oclock this morning when i 1 man hit lilm over the head with a At the congressional election tn m i blackjack and another searched his the total vote was clothe titteitlves Colde-h and len- frtenubllcHns . . fiMJT-li nedv of the I'lrtv-flfth and Pine streets Democrats .V 4-' '" ' -tatlon. are Investigating the case republican plurality . IIMW IlliHm J (Juthrle of 1M2 Kcgent Translated Into electoral votes, If the "t""' "'l f ;(. " " men wear Republicans, do relatively well In l"2i '' niI"r ""' forn,,M1 a Arth n.I 'ax... as last fall, this means a Republican!'" tV-" lt,KhWKJn,"n rol,,,t'1 '-T:"';-ii"" "--""- " "' , xlded as follows Republicans ..Hi Democrat! . lftn In this connection an anal) sis of the fjrowth in Itepubllc m pluralities based on the total voto for congiesslon.il can didates since PU4, is significant The figures follow . mil Hepublicans Den-oc rat a Republican Republleans Democrats x 1 Mi 3 (14J (IX I pluralltv lUlrt W sx 7 mi ;-. (i 6t 'iin rifpubliean plurality Tin nno The 1018 Republican pluralltv bxi-ed on the congressional vote Is J1.1D4 569 In various districts in southern S-taten the Democrallr candid He for Consrt's was unopposed The Republicans gained Senators indention of four of the six policemen Colorado, Delaware Illinois, , Kansas, Missouri and New Hampshire They lost a Senator In Xlastaehuetts Ih'' control of the enate In 1110 was Dem ocrats, 5;, Uepublicans. 44 The elec tion in 1D1S shifted the control to He- publicans. 11 Democrats 4 et (lain of Tentv-nlne Menu n nepubllems gained Representatives in I Colorado, J Delaware 1. Illinois, 1 ,' Indiana, I Kants, 4 . ixeniuci.v i , Marvlnnd 1 M isachu?t tts 1 Mlchl- ciii. 1 . M ssourt I .NeDraui, j .c Mexico, 1 oh'u " Pennsvlv mil 1, Rhode Islmd t West Virginlx 1 To tal, S3 The Ucpubllcins lost Repre sentatives in ewda I. New York, 1, Oklahoma 1 Wisconsin 1 Total, I The uemoc-iis giineei ivrpre.":""""'-'. in Nevada 1, New V.nrl. 1, Oklahom i I Total, J Vlcloi nerger, .socialist, was elected In Mscon-ln to the House 'the House of Representatives In IMG Ftood FlepuMl ns Ilemoe rals Otherj Sin -'J ii J1C The House, is i result of the election last fill, stands r.pulill ins Pemen r et Indeju-mlem hoclllUt Lin Total ALL-STUDENT MASS-MEETING . . College Spirit to He homed .It Olil Perm Toilisllt I . i. ... I.,,,,, ni. col lege spirit will be revived tonight at tn all-student mass-men ni! to bt bent in Welghtnnn Hail Tlilnj-third and Spruce t eets at 7 3" o cloc li Addressr will be made bv I'rovost Tdgtr Kahs sniiib 1'ean Mi lellan. of the Wharton s.li ol of f loan, e Pean Qulnn, of the ci.HcK Joseph bright .. A,.ni. na i nusnti rtoherion trick in ituersii m i ciiiirMuiiiiii ,-nVeh rdnard' It Hushnell aeilng gradu ite maniger of atbleiks eeillseiik on the ithletti policy of the Inivemu .. r,n..ni li Bmn UL I tlliirj ii'iin- - . Tho students will form In front of the dormitories und. 'ed bv a bind il inarch to elghttn"i Hill There ,e ill beastudmis Jus ' ri lustra, mil se. lections rv the v mil mandolin i iulis The Mink nnd b ' lab w 11 olfer hv eral v tud vilb a t HAIR MAY SOLVE MYSTERY Girl Found Ue.nl in I'.ili-.nles .Niche Hit- Liujsh.iI I re-'es rennnv, N I, Km .'7 i Bv 1 ) . lthough cpressii g 'h. opinli n that the rlchlv e lad voung w man whose- tody was found vesterdnv em u icdg of the Palisades mar hire hid lommltieil suicide Pr W I. ilselen leal medical salll lie IlllKlll poceiMiiie entl .... ,. i i . it- .i i i Samuel h. -av in .eltbrae Hirtlnlav liv Demonflrating Unlit) of Youth Mxt-clcht tn'Ics In two ilavs Is (lu walking reeorel just made bv h.linuH H Cuvln law va r nnd former Assistant ( lt Solicitor, who for venrs has made it a practice on each blithda to wall; one mile for every vear In his life lie was slxtv -seven venis old vestrrdav As the number of ceiirn Imreases. Mr Cavln has begun to sprtad the iinnj.il walk over io duvn .-aturdny he walked to Palnivra ' r nnd back u distance cji tvvinP. eight n lies nnd ve. terriay he hiked to liovlestowr return ing before nlfchifull This lidded fnrt miles and thus Mr i mill is one mllo ahead of his schedul. CAMP TRIP REPI CE? HALL South Pliilaelclpliiu Higli '"diool Cirls Spend Day al UK Members of the senior .lass of the South Philadelphia High ,s( m ol for Olr'i are bade at their s'udles todav, still tired but enthtislistlc over it ' big day" spent at Camp Plx the trip re placing the annual ball of the senior class The stuaenis leu i-iiiuiueipnia ennv yesterday morning The toured the ramp, nte "mess vvun roiaiers in tne barracks and wound up the diy by n rianca last night In the building of the Jewish Welfare Hoard. The girls were escorted to the train by n guard of soldiers art! left camp short!) after "tapi " ( nutopsj sevi al .lavs in in. now tnai; x. tu w. re all auslgned to work along Illihard Mi a-m lU. I. Jr JOVVeslini- , , , . .fie.rneion Tho . , . . , , ' llMH or llollnrs Ideniltlciioi might exp am the mitcr tr, , oast and saw no action foreign tlnioro avenue Lansdowti,, iitid s.er. " ,"'m ' 'L'l ' ' ' "; , '.""1 ' " ,. ' " clerical and oilier otllee help Man of her death , , , waters fceant Heorg- J Mel-iughlln 55.'5 Ir W- "I " a fcciioiarshlp In tho Som- numbers who own lutomobllcs pliued Tne woman n ording to Uo tor Or- - - . ket .street are the two chums who ow. (ti MdiKil i ollege ' them ut the s.rvl, e of tl, league during ilcn. wis ilejt n'eut-tvv0 vturs old , the-tr lives to .Mi Nainee Mioemaker is ssistlng Mrs Mopgn d on tho c.im- ,i, ,.ar ,ut "urinj. Her hair w i unu.i ml in color tie Inc a (, M'T, HH " I ON ( Jl M)I-J) home and 1 rmight the tlnet word of ih. pulgi, ixecutlv. committee nro- Mm i .,.,",' . ., , . , shade betweei .. light brown und auburn i.inniwx ui.vui.H hr(sm ,f M. Mini... wh.. is In the r; M .stlev, Mrs V Ut.r Jacob Mrs . , f ' ,Ie'1K" '" t (""trlet was pir- lth n ktihit of red in it ijnlv one ,,,,, Inf ,,,,,, w u ju.tr,, Jr nr iUiTy ,, tlcularly active in rounding up slick- woman In a Hiousand he mid, would Plulailelplua Ofllier I, ill Hopil.,l at He ne-n . .1 surpr.fce.l thai MeNum.e , Miss Anna IV. k iJr i:iU.lbe 11 rH !""1 '" ',,,"'lnB n.ni propa- Imve such hau ' . , . . ' hnd mad. n . mention e.r his deeds and I ,'".":" ..,,,,, , i"r,i Ji V,, , (-'-ind i It was i. sponsible for the ,r New 1 ork. (ateall) liuproveil n( on. , t ,. in M.Mimea. who is still ' '"k ,I,r Atimi P Miarpless Miss' f ,...,,..,, J ,,rif, i, , ., , .,., , .amain Frederick lirav on i it! l'ranre rrscued him When Mm.- Martha II hhoemnlier. Mrs John l; r' or liundreiM of draft dodgers, and IA (II- (iT N.ES (t! f -LS .. ... .?,t.,V.i vvim,. i1,, ? k" ", mal e.r w ho Is a agoner was hit the M, v.. is... and Mrs hailea Uolvtrton "f n .nv jiersons suspe, te, (lf B , llr, .---' " .............. -..... -......- ...u..a,,..a, .--- .... .. .. , mrr ,,. ,i. .... . THUGS FIND FOUR MORE VICTIMS Police Report Hold-Upb on1 Highways No Ar- rebts Made CRIME HERE PROTESTED Magistrate Kenshaw and John 1 C Winston Declare Poli tics to Blame Kour more holdups were reported to the pollen toda Magistrate Benjamin II Itenshaw has added Ills voice to that of District At- ' torney Samuel I' Rotan. In urging tint , 'a metropollt m police force. Independ ent of politics and political Influences, be tfbnhccl to cope with the situ itlon ' Joh" lii'ton chairman of the K'hart" Kovlalon i ommittee. Is ikcwise' ""I'hitic "i his declaration tint police ( aulvltv in polltlci reacts to the detr' ,ment of the cltj . Ho declares the rnni I I mlttce proposes to put teeth Into Ha Shcm law and provide for the prosecu tion and punishment of police dcpirt 'tnent members taking pirt tn polltirs i lo men black; icked ind robbed II Wtcr robbing James ibee of Co lies- vine, of ,i cold watch unci chain unci -in cash, the thUKS told their victim to ' skldoo " Zabeo whs attacked at Fourth nnil Arch streets Four men in an automobile attempted to hold up William Coomev a clerk em ploved it the" huh Htitlon postofllco Nineteenth and Oxford streets, at Ridge and North College nccnucs I. oonicv was walking down Ride, avenue on Ills i w iv to work ear v todiv when a large automobile drove abreast of him and stopped man jumped from thee mi i him' with a drawn revolver and told Coome to thinw up his liands Coomev minaged to eluck under the hlghwnv mins arm and ran down Ridge avenue barter ( ninntittee statement In the statement isued by the charter committee It is pointed out that the re- eonvl ted in the Firtii Ward ias' demonstrates thxt the existing 1 iw timet be amended to prevent actions and evasions of anions bj unfit i It x officials In their dlreetlnn of the polire and llre- men and declares that misrule can only I ft- cijiiiiimirei uj more carei in mo se'JCC- tion of eilllrlals The committee "-ass that it has recom mended th it real teeth bo put In the Miern lave wbieli unuM !ninn nrm.f and ndequate p-naltles In fines nnd Im- prlonment on rlt oniclals and cmpl v es engaging in forbidden political aotlv It v" and to permit anv pIii... iw ,n,,r. ,,t.ni, in v'-i(. action, to stop the pamcnt of veages Ir, nlll. .. ..,.1 ...,!..., -.. ...Ji I ami prohibit their rLemnlovment tie Ihp cttx in anv e ip iclt j fortwoveir-" n ,veu,slng the rct-eiit crime wave Magistrate Itenshaw had this to t-a -it Is unquestionable) that crime Is epidemic In this rltv It In not un-1 likely that some of this has resulted1 from war plants closing down nnd men, niving shorter pa envelopes, duo tu the ending of the war I Hut the main retson, I believe is tn liA nttPllllil In tlm ilimn.qll,illn of the police fcrre because of the poll l tli al sjstem under whn h they are forced to work ' ll l In Major -mlth" ' nd this Is all up to Major bmlih He Is tho sole authority to isa vehat conditions aro to prevail It Is up tn him le call together the pollco he ids und to sa that matters must bo cleared up ur ho velll know the reason whs. "When a pollcem in makes an arrest ,P cannot do it free hinded and with 1'" on'y to Justiee He must see 'that the man he Is nbout to arrest is not tie friend of this or that leader and M see that all will bo well ehen he hales the man I e for. ,i magistrate! for u heirlng ' If ho doe!! t do that then those in fluences ar brought to bear at the hearing and tin prisoner is trcited klnd! and the po iceman lies to look out for himelf If the dUjiieasure In i urre-d through m. K labi to at rest is e led to i iniethin, too great Siiberi i or r e Is. hip. be Icso his job t r iiav pen t him OLD DESTROYERS COMING HOME e-cU lll.lt H.le Outlived I c- flihiPes W ill He .s(T.i))ed T e . tort" d 1 nd I ' have- apes and art v ird 1 1 1 boat di"-t!o ors os .' passi d 1 t hi hel lie ire on their w ev 10 tin nav v raj 1 1 d The ire ai t if 1 fi I t ti II ! ! V Sa 1- hli l have eiutie rn ilieir use t iln.ss nnd whii h hava it.i rda r. d In le i li the vea ef all fiilful I ji n 1'iig ilsrabla ve st j I i i f the ntner 1 ind have alreidv ar' e el ut tin v ird V imber 1 arrived jestamai ironi ew l.oiinon ullfl So I 'at New 1 orl on a Iran-port Is In the Polvelinti Hospital v,rl( -,,, riit from sevro Krld is in New wounds suffered In France I'apialn IiraMon s cntidltion was se nou when he arrived but word has just been reaelvnl bv Mrs Maurice Pravton his lousin, that he is greatly Improved Mrs Hobert f Tir.i ton the e lpin'n s mother went tu S'ew Vork as soon n she leurilHil thai h had arrived nnd is with him ut tlu hospital then Mnlorrvilut's Skull I'r.n lureil s the result of a 'Ollislon between a molorevele and un imtnnioblle lodav Mark Cunningham 5S vears old of 5j(i; VVastmlnster avenue is In tho Mlserl- eordla Ilospltnl sulTering from a fr.ieture of the skull ( iinnlngham was r ding his motorcjcie west on llaltlmore enue when he was strueit n an auto mobl e going norm on Klftv-heeond street Pavson I.eavltt in j uth old ef ISS" Hadtlelil street uriver or tho auto mobile, was arrested , which several spolo for the laus., In-, Woumled, Did Not Tell Family eludlne Michael lionohoe former Itipre. I lthough he wax wounded heptane?!- rentatlve, who presided, the Hev .'8 when he was struik bv n pleee of Thomas J Hurton of ths Annunciation (lerman shrapnel at the battle of Ar- church, the Hev James (irattan My gonnc Korest Ilarr, i Ue .r attarhed , the of llaltlmore and William 11 Mc to i omptmj I of the JHth Infantrv did ' ''.,.. tll,B commander of the .sons -... In.nrm ll a fnnit e nf h a. .nnallaln NUItl JvtaiO t-oinilianuer Ol llie ftOllS nt he reached this ountrv last week oviv aia,... c-nlior ulm lives vv th lis nnrents Mr and Mrs Prederlek KePer at 127 Oreen lane, was drafted last June, and In July was sent overseas He has a brother John with the American army or ocru. nation. Htrry Keller Is In a base hos' pltal at Camji Meaac. EVENING PUBLIC iWILL LEAD "stella ditalia" ball ENTIRE LOCAL BOARD IS CAUGHT IN DRAFT Members l District o. -t Hcceixe Summons to Taste of Sen ice A diaft boird has been drafted Its members will (tit m .utlon tonight desplto tlif fact til il the armistice ha leeu signed Tim men summoned are attained to Local Bo ird No -7 , The sudden draft of these men took them h surprise 'Dxliv thev ate ar ranging their business affairs and a number of personal details hi that thev can tepnrt at th M mufarturcrs Club bf " n e b. k tonight There Is plenty of notion ahead ..r them Thev will go all the way from """I '" ""'H ,"'1 -to'' a ii"Kp,v '" ""' 'outse of a toinpll-. A . ii,. .it.i jj llie'iii,tr tllliiiei ui 11 "ill i?c i.-iiiuti t n II) 1HHI1 ") VVllll.llll .l IMl.lli 111 fUUIII I Twentieth str. et i The host also declares they will get I their Just dcertv Ihec men will lnve a tisto of service, he savs, and sen what It meTris to teir men from their homct. I and send them to the front I The guests will be I,i renev I'arrell president of Ho ird No .7, William P i Tlnnev sei rctarv, lir John W Dick and IT Alfred Mirshnll, members lth the draft notilic itlon sent to each of the guests tho host m lit the Allowing tl-UVI Kin lAKVIPllllN ( h- 1 Trrviou llliriRCIlient ( ll. II 1 h'. !i at li abillti lll.s III Man uliee. ife vim t lei bim ( lti" 1 It"' Kims V lii I Mivn asilnst llnn- l rtl'H c II-. V I l d" II i l 11 I re r le ill r nh man lei csij.ii hAr tlllli 111- ( 1 MVI II1K I.M.MCTION I hprebv eeah all Ihe ibrat rlalnm of exfinptici unl a it lneltietlnn lo ittenl trMtlmoi lal illniier lenlirpl l Wlllldin VI Kniet' I ill' llll-r m of I.n. Ml Ilourd IMelsliii N' .7 on nnla ev-n Itijf lunuerv .7 lll'i n 7 eeloik alii prefer lo r lth.r in th i oniniifir Ci-r ertrni lit ur Hi 1 jl .Vulllllili i illuii The following w II be present Hubert II rieteher eleorge W Hillev Howard 1 Bailev Murdoek Uuidricli James P. Wili-oii John I stomal" inenih. r e f Ho ird No Eil V I hum Mi '"on h Hlehanl Par. lee John P Huller 1'ivd " Pali hell member H ird . 'I friwfoid 1 Viol ! ViImiii l'l 1 John 1 ,r 1I1. 1111 Thomj I'.ivis llert 1. Knilz Holiert Mei'lriiv lie- ig. Long member 1) nd Hid lin im I iiben iw RESCUES FRIENDS JNDER FIRE J-tll tT Ivviic Hr.iM's Dentil, but I- Moilc-t Heio Hiviiirnil McNainee .1 nh l'iftv tb'r 1 street nv I t 1 1 t ve d de uth to nsLii. bohool fria-uds ufit i thev win wounded on the hattletlelds of Pram killed as also wen three of the four horses I was I mg on ttie ground, unab to move,' ho said 'Ihe ibrnnns had our range ami were raining slu lis nreniiid us Then i m in rushed out from his pret. itlon and before h. eirifged me to sifaij I rengiilzed him as It iv in ml 'I to i I faint, d slim maker Is rt oering from (iv vveunds M is Ii eie li ni a base rospitul in N i ik WANT IRELAND RECOGNIZED Sinn IVin Siiip.ttliici Heie Ar. U. S. to Act i appeal tea the I i iteil Mates to i.. ..ihur men ..ii i iea uiaiT'oo ic a-r. iiiiynii in it t'lisiiair la innnMi im .lit... ". ".iiii. " n" ,ii,iii i .. .. iiiii.i ...... ".. .-..-. -.. ....h...' ... .. .. . ...... ...n,, iiior. iv- recognize the repuili of Irilnnd pro-to- I ..inima-d liv Sinn I elners was mnde bv I no,iij ;oni) Ameriians of Irish disient wlu crowded tn. v m Theatre on I Plft -second near Mirle-t street estir- dav nfternoou it i mass-meetlng, at of Veteran Denunciation of the poiicv of Hngland toward Ireland, the readiness with which th Irish came to the assistance of amerlca when this country was as sailed and tne consequent debt to Ire lnrtd were the themes of tho speeches. LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MRSVlCTORlAv FALSETTI I'roiiiinent Italian women will leail , (lie lull loiuplil at the Hellenic Mralfnnl for llip relief of llie war sufferers in Ilalv, 'the palroncss is .Mrs (.jelaini t'oiiarili, wife of lljo Italian ion-ill; Mr.-. Kolieit 1 oin lianli will li.nl (lie in.irili. Mr-. Katie l.aurv i, priident anil Wrf. u Ion i I alsclli i vne prcslilcnt of llie soiiel) HOSPITAL CAMPAIGN ! LAUNCHED BY WOMEN Forlj Team-! Stall I)rie for I'tiiuU lo id West Piiil.i- tlelpliia Iiistitiuioii Moie than .mi women vein, gathered In tin i lovet Room of the Helkvue- I Mratfotd todav givo enthis ihth' as suratico tint the lanipaL-n foi fluids for maintenance! of the West Phil idol- I phi. i Hospital for Women would be r silicesf, Aimed with f.uts iinieernliig the hospital a history and work during the last thltty lars, the ciiiiulgn workers went forth to kIi It sultrrlp tintis from no fewer than unou Phil adelphliins The Mest Phil lib Iphl i Hm-pllHl foi oinen is now doing mom than ro per nut free work,' explained Mrs .1 (is. vviilel Hopgood chairman of the i mi l ilt.il exuiitiei inn tuittee 'Its re sources aro unequal to tho Imnlcii and It is fop id to turn tn thei lonmiunlie lor mipport Never before his tin hos pital gone to the pulilli ten funds utile i gravo crisis, bound to usult in the actual closing of the linpltiil'b ilooi" unles It ii mel would havo eompelleil null a step pi opte hive liecn most ge ni reus In their gifts to w ir chirltles Wi now m-k their .ih-iH.wk . fur a eaijso eeeij bit tis nnpoiiint tin relief of "utftrlng In our home iitc 'i i,o wmk 'for necdv women, esi.e Lilly for o peetant liiotlius and wonnii In e lilld birth imtnt 1,0 on It is n oiistiui tlnii woik of the most dlieit and tiensnuv kind H have tin liulldliifcs, Hie iquipiiunt 11 splendid stair of nuri-cs iritlut a for tho woik but we must hive monev In order to continue using tin in 1 ortj tiuiins ot women workers, enh uo I I miliiding a initiUn and n i-lecteil ionis,lns vlrtuillv tverv business and profe.- r assistants tire aireaeiv ni work 'line will gi0 their first re p rt at a luncheon the Hi llcvu -Stratford UV.inesdiv i on There vv II be spuLil spa altera ni I inusli to inulii the cvaaslnn more iiteresilng Tliereaftet thu workets will lepnrt em h dav at luni heon till tlu ilun fthoaampilgn 1'ebriiaiv S I'r I.idic ts i gill a i ipl.iin has of fered n prize to the Irgli si rool girl who jiiiik her tenm and brings In tho most Miis.rlptlons An girl wishing to i cm- lu lu la niiIa.1 tit ru..iva ..a.lml....ln i- " a- inn'il .' ,.-,...... a ,ou J u llior tor ' ipiains of teams viho ha isimiid are been np- Minn Hutanii W hioiilii ar li ) Wniirns llrin far M l.uls lUev lr llali M enrl i nsnll Vlr Pnnl ratnler vtrs VIIhii llHineon. fir Hel.n la-no mini i Ur Ii. IU II VVtllliimi. Ur VI i, J. still t I lev Miss Maria- (a WJlnil Vrii Usui V. si. tir Mrs llenrf IPml. r Vlrs Wsllar la i.iI.Iiih Vlr VV Nufer Vlrs P II lra t. r Ir Vlrs II P lialrtmtie Vlrs I.IMi I' M irphv Mrs Ahlsill i llllir Mr ' I'rui I J ihniaiin Mra II I. Venter Jr viibh Mhm hhirimril Vlri 1 v -re (t Crisbv ' V!r I. I.iiri T I iIIIn Mrs Albtrt I. I lliris Mi a. l Im rente N irth Mr Hot art t N aa nnll Ml Villi I l llr.nlile Mla I irn lie VI inn Vtlks Vrii h Mr, a le Mrs 11 I I in Isvnilla. M - i inrlia it VV aiirt Mian 11a ha I 1'rnnl.t Vtlss Vlllilml Ptteri ft Mutt ' itre.lln. viurilotk Mliot Vnna 1'eck VlrK VlaCMniler Milae Vlrs Priip Pilltill Vlrs Inert i hnutr Mrs 1 II Imu.-li n luusli MbllAP FATAL HJ PASTOR . . ,. , ,, ,, . Hurled Iliroupli Windshield, Loss of mi win. n ood Kills Uergmaii siriiiiliin. I'ii, Jim .'J vvenkesied hv the lirge amount of blood lost when his throat was cut when lie was burled through the windshield of his automo bile near Honesdale several dis ago Ttev lames Tuthlll pastor of the Methodist Church nt Ynmart tiled In tho Carbondalo Ihnergencj Hospital Sunday Ihe clergsman, In company with his wife and ten- ear-old daughter, wan driving to Honesdale nt the time of the mishap The woman and child escaped vlth slight Injuries. i ' r aoin at llie llellevue.stratfnril lia.lieB.ii1 ,-n .. . . . "" o- for wajr relief LEGISLATURE MAY ACT TO HALT PROFITEERING State Representative Class Vi ill Offer Bill for Price Commission To piolect hoin-owlves f 1 out profi teers the Legislature mav take .1 hind III the food sltiiulon and Cieale .1 ev m-iini-sinii fin tho regul itlon of food and fuel prhes V bill tint would mike siirh a coin mlHSlim possible will be Introduced this week bv Hoircsiii1atlvo Leopold 111 iss, of Plillidelphli 'Ihe bill provides frr the appointment or 1 commission of nine member', lin liidlns two members from the Untiir and tWeV from the Sen ate wllh Mvi othiis to be appointed by the (Jovernor 'llie bill wou'd ghi tho' omission lirnul poeeers to Investigate f "id cendltlons and adjust prii es I feil" said Mr Class 'that Ihe piers of fooilstilfls in 111 110 1 ii-cH me far In evcesa of whit ought to In charg ed but it present there Is no wav of getting al the true fiuts ami forcing lood men b iiiIh to lower pi lei s V law cove 1 lug the situ HI 11 Is m 1 di i ' Mihouch prlns gemrallv continue to rennlii high there h 111 bun 11 decline In the prtis of butter and eggs, and lonsumers are rlinglng to the hope that there mi be 1 fill Hi prlci -. of othci 1 ctiiblen In tin eluln stores the lnl butler is "el'ltiB for sltv Mvi' eents us ngalnst sevent (even cents list Mondav l'risli eggs are silling at sKtj-llve eents to dav live eents In li vv hiht .Mom! ij s pi his Tin- elei line In eggs and butttr is CMicr. 1 1 and due to tin slump In the who e ih 111 irket PROTECTIVE LEAGUE WILL "RAID" KITCHEN Final Upeiation of Patriotic Oij;iiiiiation ill He Man- (juet Wednestlay Psight llie if the 1 let Of till piotlil il I s 1 Viierlcan Protective league fore il gois out of iistiniu Januiiv Jl is out hi list II Is to be 1 raid on the a iiliii irv ileperlment or the Uellevuc sitiatford llitej at 7 o e loe k Wcdncsdav night liliniinv "1, when the league s J500 meinbirs villi sit elovvn at 1 fire well buupifl It villi lo the Mist time that the idinlltv of each number will he made knoun to all Ilusliit-tii men mil women, liwvers. plijslelatiH newppipernun, chemists idvcrtMng eerts and men lepresmt- siou who inane up me army or secret agents iiuring tne w ir will attend the function and luar their patriotic serv ices extolled bj their chiefs As in all m liters of expense In eonneition with Its operition-, the leigue Is pa lug the in During the w.u tin leigue members not only gave their si rv Ices to the He. pirtment of .liisibe under whose super- vision they w .rlted, but thej pild out of their own poi k. is nil expense thev In. . ... . joa . eil T TPl . Jimi 111 Clfllti ..nn.l.A... It al I al f II clent work lu bringing about tho regis tration of menu .illen men and women and In protecting government property nlong the witerfront from possible bomb evploslons tins ,,r oilier deprela tions. WO.MICX ASKED TO QUIT Appeal to Ilieui In (,ive Up Jolis lo Sioldiers i nils lor wc-inin now in melunrv to resign their positions In favor of ml dlers returned from Prams) were mudn I by Pdgar (' Pelton former director of the I tilted Mmes emppvment service In an address at the iintrul Ilraiich I It will be n liiinlsliin for the womtn to I retire from their well paid positions now that the war Is over Mr Pelton told a eonferemo of cmplovmtnt experts Hut It vvouiei ne even more or a hardship to the mm t" have them go without any Jobs at all It might be left to tie WMiien themselves to deilde whether or I not lhe ought to leave Services for Soldier Hern In honor of Sergeant Clarence 13 Kantz who, at. the. sacrlfhc- of his own life saved 11 platoon of his comrades which would hive been cut off and nnnl hlltited a memorial service was held In the Second I'reshjterlnn Church, Cam den, last night. Patriotic music was ren dered nnd an address was made by aiayor tans, inn nev. jioueri Jenmns, ine pamor iiecttuucu niiinourmiciy, eer geant Kanta had been cited for bravery very. JANUARY 27, 1919 JMG WHEELER RESIGNS; JOB IS "TOO EXPENSIVE Munuipal Court Magistrate, Who Is Under Indictment on Charge of Embezzlement, Also Declares Work Has Long Been I nitfnttntnl tn Him Judge 'William T. Wheeler, under In dictment for alleged embezzlement, has resigned no a Judge of the Municipal Court, Ills resignation was sent by special messenger to Governor William C Sproul last Friday morning, It was learned to day. Tbo communication follow s: 'My Dear Sir I hereby place In jour bauds my resignation from tho office of Judge of the Municipal Court of Phila delphia, to take effect on our accept ance I am, very truly our?, "wibLiAM t wm:ni.r,nM Dcnjlng thattfie had been Influenced In the resignation b tre charges pend ing against lilm. Judge Wheeler declared ho had long contemplated resigning be tatise the career of a member of the judiciary was not congenial to h'm, Work DUtnateriil "As to the charges ngalnst me, I prefer to say nbsolutelv nothing now,' the Judge said, explaining that any state ment would violate tho principle he has alvvavs held that "tho placo to try n case Is in the courtroom and not the pages of a newspaper. ' More and more since taking up tho duties of this office five ears ago," ho LIEUTENANT PERRINE DIES OF HIS WOUNDS Philadelphia Soldier, Whose Fate Was in Doubt, Buried in France Lieutenant Nelson V. Perrlne, former Pirst City Trooper, successively reported missing, wounded and killed In action, was burled III Trance. September 3. his death hnvlng followed Injuries received on the Held or nattie. Official notlllcntlon of the death ends 1 1 long strain on his parents, Mr. and Mrs Nelson I) Perrlne, B.'I South Port) elghth street, who had been able to get no definite news or their sons into sinc-o Jul 30, when he was last seen In action I llnoaafiil iitwl atsattuatldPllt in tUTtl. tllC anxious parcntH followed every clue that promised to clear up too invsirrv 01 Lieutenant Perrlne s dlsappeainnce, even 1 going so far as to establish direct com munication with tho authorities In l'rancn when Wnshlngloti oniclals could not solve? the problem I News of his burial at Courmotit, PrHtue. flnnllv vvhh announced b Ihe lied Cross The 11 ituro of liln Injuries and In what battle he fell have not been nrinn ft us. tuluulncv mltl kl tin 111 IimiPlT. orl fin the official riisuiilty ll-t hs pp- proly woundM, mm lator ub iiHtmnff List crt an Impubter, posing: a fci-j .. .(iraiietniir it .1 liion nhnllal III llir 1C11UIIIL v .. ....- . ,- . I ranee, brought purported news that the lie uten nit was alive, nut sunermg ironi' shell kIioc I, 'I ho Heel Cross notlflca tlon. boivevai. Is llii.il, having been sent utter a long search Lieutenant Perrlne was twentj-tnrce vears old He was graduated from Cen tral lllch Sellout In 1114 as second honor null of Ms class Ho entered tho Unl- versltv of Pennsvlv anla ami wns near Ing the end of his tblrtl ear when the 1 nitetl Males declared war on (term un til enlisted '11 the Klrst (" lt Troop nnil went tn Camp Hancock fc-r training 1I( was 11 student at la' third series of ..Ml. ers' training camps and was gradu ated with honors Ho went oversias, however .ih a top sergeant. Ills lomtnis. slon urrivliig after he leached Prance He was attached to the llftth Inf.intrv. Iseistono Division and tnelc part In some of tho lire est lighting 111 wh (I the Amer icuns engaged The last definite word heard of lilm was nt C lerges where, on Julv 30, be led his men Into a wood ami cleired It of the ticrmin machine gun nests SEES FIFTH WARD REFORM E Senator Ttietiii Tells of Cli.ir ter Revision Plan If I wanted lo preach ihirlir re vision In the 1 ifth lA'aril I would first notify the Mavor ami other city olll oluls ot m Intentions, take sever il friends with tne and then go and make mv speeth lu the light of the elo velrpments during the last week I be lieve' I would then be safe ' Pnrnier .senator Hrncst L Tuslln made tills state ment 1 1st night after a member of the audience at a V M C A forum had asked If he would advise any mm ' to take his life in his hands to preach ilurter revision In the bloody Fifth - a rd ' ' Charter revls'on that would make the eltv of Philadelphia and Phllade'phl i Count) coextensive In government as well as In territorial bcunds was rec ommended b) Mr Tustlu. Sucli revision, declared .Mr Tustln, would bring about a conceiitrnt'on of responslblllt among clt officials and would eliminate the surplus of emploes WAR GREATEST TEACHER Ur. Iltitler L)isctes llie I durational ulue of World Struggle New ork, Jan "" The a duiatlonal value of war was discussed by I)r MchnliH Murray Butler, president of I ..tiiaiililn I'aala a.tlt 111 II n llllltrekS ll.a. fore the Institutional svnngogue ut Mount Morris Theatre He hald War has been tho (.realist teacher the world has known. The nations at war and those that were neutral are learning not what books tell but how human nature works nnd human beings act under lertaln emotions They are learning the lesson of courage and devo Hon on the one hand and wanton destruc tion and cruelty on th" other '.Now as we come out of the war we find ourselves emphasizing tho aim lo make this world a better and happier place to live In, and that is the direction In which lenders of opinion nro guiding us education Is vitally bound up In Ihe problems beforei us and It Is well for us that we as a nation regard our bfhools so hlghl) ' Me)er London Lrges Strike s, nrk. Jan J7 -(H) A I')- three do's general strike ns a protest against the closing of many halls to socialists was advocated lu an nddress here b Representative Mt)er London at one of several meetings held by So. clallsts to denounce the situation, which, they nssert was crimed here by the po. lice warning hall owners not to let their premises to Socialists Scott N'earlng, who addressed another meeting urged the necessity of Socialists owning their ow n halls (.all Alleged Thief ltd Men Driver Joseph llpplns a negrb 24 vears old of two Ludlow street wns held In $1000 ball for court bv Magrlstrate Wrlgley In the Uermantnwn avenue nnd Lycom ing street police station todav accused of reckless driving nnd tho inrcen of an automobile b( longing to Mrs Kath arine Kugler, of 5707 Thomas street Mrs Kugler Is the mother of Clarence Kugler, proprietor of Kuglcr's restur ant Trades School Opens The Philadelphia evening Trades fchool No. 2, at Howard street and fllrard nvenue, will open a course In blue-print reading beginning tonight. Classes will be held Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from 7.30 to 30 o'clock. yy continued "t have felt that the work was distasteful! to me. The salary, which, compared with tne responsibili ties borne by a Judge, and with the re turns which nro realized from similar toll In the private practice of law, Is by no means attractive. "Then thero are burdensome expenses which a Judge has to shoulder and which render his remuneration, not generous at the best, still less capable of pro viding oroperly for his family and at taining a competence. When to these facts In added the withdraw al of free dom, which nny lavvjer In private prac tice enjojs, It cannot be a matter of surprlso to those who lCnow me thnt I wished to make a change." Two X aeaneles oit Judge Wheelers resignation leaves two vncancles on the Municipal Court bench to be filled by Governor Sproul, and It was declared today that one of them will go to Thomas F. McNIchol, w ho Is backed by the Vares, and that a Tenroso man will get tho other. In this connection the name of George W Coles, chairman of tho Town Meeting party Is mentioned. Others who have been sug gested for the vacancies arc John It Uinstcd, of Gcrmantown, and John li Walsh, of tho Twentieth Ward. Mr. Walsh Is backed by David II. Lane. MANDAMUS SITUATION UNDERGOES SCRUTINY Result May Determine Coun cils Action in Coming Loan Program To ascerlnln How far the $900,000, re cently allotted to meet mandamus ItemB "111 go. City Treasurer Shoyer has un der way mi Inquiry of the entire man damus situation Councils will llkelv bo asked to Include a large sum for man damuses In tl c coming :cn program Atlorne.va for holders of mandamuses Issued for the taking of and by the city nro pressing for a settlement and pressuro Is being brought to bear upon lounclla to Include such Hems In new loans and to provide for them by new bond sales Tho ability of the eltv to create a new loan will bo based upon the final report of the board of revi sion of tnxes on the valuation of per sonalty nnd reallv for 1019 It will be sent to Councils February 0 The loan contemplated Is for $10 000,. 000 and It will Include not only pro vision for neglected mandamus costs, I but money for a start em the extension of tho clt'H water s)stem and for I Igh way Improvements contemplated by the Department of Tubllc Works Tho situation, nccoidlug to officials, makes another loan Imperative to pro vide for mandamuses although Ihe ex act nmount outstanding will onlv bo known when Treasurer shc.ver eompletes his investigation Another bond rile Is also needed to ledeein mandamuses 'not alrend) provided for"' to safeguard eur lent revenues from being seized for c mil t pijments Treasurer Sho)cr his (o tho credit of the Parkway levin, which origin ills- was $8,500,000, a bal.ime of $85'),0(i0 to pav for properlv taken 11 Is Is s lid to be $5,000 000 short of the fin il mark Mior Smith was sponsor for a plan I to inquire additional prrpert.v on the west side of the Parkwav. from Light etntlt to '1 went) -fifth street to open up .1 new- set Hon and to prov lile for drives for heavy traffic that will not be allowed to mike use of the Parkway drives The plan Is adveAated by Joseph I' Wldener. and otheis It will cost the elt) about $J, 000,000 LEGISLATURE TO GET , DOWN TO BUSINESS I'roliiliilioii Amendment and Other Bills Go to Committee tij a tilaff ( arret oueiriti llnrrlsburg, Jan 27 Bills will be re ferred to committees when tho Senute anil IIouo of the Stite Legislature re sume their sessions hero tonight OIIlclil announcement will bo made In the House tint the joint retolutlou rati. f)lng the prohibition amendment to the I'edeial Constitution has been referred to I ho committee on Law and Order Hills will be presented nnd orgmlzn- tlon of committees will bo tho program In both branches of the Assemhly this 1 week, which Ftarta the real buslncrs of tho 1919 session .V number of bills recommended b.v lommlsslons aro due to appear during the week The llouso has 011 lis calendar the special deficient') bill which Is being put Into sh.ipo by the Appropriations Com. mlttce to provide funds to meet deficits and extraord narv expenses This will be the first bill to rench the Uovcrnor I In all probability The resolution urging three monthr.' pay to soldiers sailors nnd marines when mustered out Is also pending I Third-class cities nro going to vie with first .inir second class munlclpili t es for tho attention of tho ICglslature Htpresentatlves nnd Senators from bor loughs will aid th.ro from tlu. sninl' eltleji Two constitutional amendments und a dozen hills to moillf) the Clark commission form of government under which third-class dtles operate will be orougni nerore the legislators JUSTIFIED THEFT DISCUSSED Rifilit to Aoitl Stun ut Jon, First Duy Sel-.ool Conference Heirs The question whether n man Is Justl fled In stealing to save himself from starving came up In n discussion df 'The Lffect of Wealth. Luxury and Lels. ure on Citizenship" )esterdity n the Klrst-Di) school conference class at the Friends' Meeting House. Fifteenth nnd ltico streets Clarkson Fogg declared that If le was confronted with the alternatlvo of stealing or starving ho 'believed he would get Into someboilv's unnle orchard" " Miss Agnes L Tleruey of Clerinan, town who led the ronfereme. declared that In these davs of plenty there shou'.l be no necessity for men to resort to desperate measures to sustain life Oreanitt Roiibeil In rimri. While members of the congregation thronged the church of the Union Ilreih ren. at Camnc Mreet nnd Wvomlng avel nue Iaogan. lesterdny a thief strle a cni uable fur.trimmed coat, the property of L"a:;a'u.VuJK", "' -a1"? '""a was re - lauiieu " " I'l'tito 01 ire uranchtown nollce station, who are mnHiwii.. "" investigation. The eevat mo. t 5 " I fc'Sfra'.tfeet! P" WMck ""J SMALLER CITIES ' SEEK NEW LAWS Third Class Municipalities Combine With Boroughs to Pass Amendments HOME RULE ONE DESIRE Bills to Modify Clark Cora mission, Act Also to Be Introduced Ilarrlsburir, Jan. 27. Efforts on th part of tho first and second class cities' to gain new charters through the present session of the Legislature will not take up all the spare tlmo of the 1919 session If the members from the third class1 cities nnd the boroughs have anything to do with It. Charter revision may cause much debate among the members from Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Scranton, and there may be several bills presented before the session Is very old. Th third class cities also want charter revi sion and they will have the boroughs to aid them, for map)' of tho boroughs have hopes of becoming third class cities some time However, the third class city method of getting charter re vision will be through an amendment to the Constitution The steering committee of the Leagu of Third Cliss Cities at a session her this week decided to support two consti tutional amendments and about a dozen bills that will modify the Clark commis sion form of government under which the thlrtv third class cities of Pennsyl vania now operate The ono amendment supported Is fop home rule and tho oilier gives th Legislature the power to classify coun ties, cities, boroughs, school districts and townships The bills will probablv appeal beforo tho amendment resolu tions, whkli would have to bo adopted bv two Legislatures beforo the people could voto on them 'I he league Is opposed to any bill that will take nnv of tho teeth out of the commission foim of government net, ind the members are unanimously op posed to sin h 11 measure, as the Hamsev bill of 1017, which would have mado the election of commissioners a partl sin matter Tho nonpartlsin feature of the law Is generally approved The home rulo amendment to thei Constitution would, If ndoptcd,,add to the city Incorporation clause these, wotds ' Cities or ritles of any particular class may be given the right nnd power to frame nnd nelopt their own charters anil to exercise the powers and authority ot local self-government, subject, however, lo such restrletlons, limitations nnd reg ulations ns mny bo Imposed by the leg islature ' A further provision of this proposed amendment will be that I.iws affecting: the government of ritles and boroughs shill become effectlvo only when sub mitted to the electors nnd approved by a mnJorll of those voting. 1 he lacnguo of Boroughs Is now pre pirlng Its program of legislation, and In return for the favors Its members extend to the legislators from tho third class cities the boroughs will exrect the sup port of tho members from the third class cities BRING MEN TO CHURCH, GIRLS So Pleads New Messiah Lutheran Pustor, Taking Charge 'C.urii a man and bring him to church" was the task set for thi Optimists, the girls' club of Messiah Lutheran Church, Sixteenth and Jeffer Kon streets, vesterday by the new pastor, the llev Ilov H. Stover. Mr Stover did not use that language. He Invited the young women to hrlnic their sweethearts ' to Sunday school. Those who hnd husbands were urged to bring them Or, If a girl had neither ' hubb) nor sweetheart, a mere friend would do Ihe object of tho brlng-vour-sweet-heart ' camps Ign Is to boost the member ship or the Harvey C. Miller Bible class. The Optimists, the girls' organization, enrolls 150 mewiibcrs, whereas tho mens Hlble class 'has only fifty. Mr. Stover believes thnt If n joutig man reallv loves a girl he will bo willing to go to .Sunday school vv Ith her KICKS COUNTX FARMS SOLD New torkcr Acquires 700 Arrcs in Fertile Region Snleburv, !' Jan 27. Anderton T. Heard New York business man. has pur chased twelve farms tn the heart of Solehury township. Bucks' Countv, n the last six months He now owns 700 acres of the most fertile land In the town ship. He will firm the vast estate along modern scientific methods ns doeH Col onel Louis J Kolli. of Philadelphia, with ins rnrms in tno uw)nedd valley of the North Penn section Mr Heard has I purchased many heatl of Ctuemsey rattle. T. C. O'CONNOR DIES 1 Was Eilitor of Malmnoy City Record I the Lat Twenty Years Mnbanov tltv, I'n., Jan 27 Thomas C O Connor. flft-flve, editor of the Ma hnnny City Ilecord tho last twentv vears, died todav In his homo here Ho had been HI six weeks I Mr O Connor was postmaster here from 1891 to 1898 under tho second ad m nlstratlon of Orover Cloveland. His wife and two daughters survive him He, was attlllnted prominently with the Knights of Columbus, t:iks and St. Canl ens Itoniin Catholic Church, this city. He wns a native of Cass Township, Heck shcrvlllo SchU)lklll County. Dates for Suffrage Tour VViikhliiclon, Jan 27 The special oar I In which twentv. six members of the I National Woman s pitrty are to make a three weeks' tour of tbe countrv, spenk lug for woman suffrage, will leave Washington Kebruar 9, It was an nounced )esterdny, and after crossing tho country to San Francisco will con elude Its trip In New York on March 3. L.ieh member of the party has served a Jail sentence, nnd the slogan of tho women will be painted on each side of the ear which will be designated as I "Iho Democracy Limited." 'Mm"a " nKvriiR of Hcrthic. nn.l Inle Oeorge Htticr Iltlatlveii land rrlenelM Invited to ifrvle.. Thuri a p in mother's re-'Klcnce 17J v 2jh . I rlenets mny call Wed , S to 10 p m Int private ' "' "" CAIHSK Jim jet ANNIK CHiAifAxr iliuicliler of John It and Annie II ciirni ""'..-I It'lKltve. ami frlen.li member. Trinity Pre. btrln t hurch and Hundif j.hnel Lighthouse (llrlr Club nnd em. 1 loves of Kemp Mf to, of Oermsntown. hulled to nervlres Wed, J p n . re.li .le nee juio K Madison at Int nrlvata llreemount Cem I rlentla may calf Tuff iim p ,Mrri mamT MK.-vuuKAi-iir.it Young man between ami - -. u.aaaaan.1 l.o .. .... A . r.' ...... . .; a.'aji.k mail UVCHCfn -O , wanted by k (arte flnanelal Inatl' for lenoranhle work, exce lent o nlly for uilvaeiacemcnt Applv atitlrur tutlnn teirtunlt; P.Y'r"lSc' ""' '"" "Ptc.d. P B!j" I.KOU, AilVKKTIHK.vKT.S '"''K'B AI'l'I.teATION HAS IIKKN i .datohia' i.V ;.'.T.f 'IJ ,,.ic"8n or run. SRI,....,10' ' in nam7o;vl.71ril.nrk, HACHKI, n Anntrf l nt Pulaski ih rhllaiJelphlayj L'a. ' I L -"- t iiiii..M MvWta &zsa g