Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 25, 1919, Postscript, Image 1

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- iv;wi((rj!,
laientntj public ffieftger
Washington, Jan. 23. Cloudiness to'
day; probably rain or snow tomorrow.
" irKRTcnn at kacii nocn
UP U 12
II 2 I 3 4 6
il8 I VI
Published IJaliy Escerit Sunrtsr. Subscription l'rlce $0 a Year tur Mall.
Copyright, mil), by Public Ledger Comrany.
l.ntcieJ tea Hccond-Claaa Mnttrr Ht the I'oitoftW, at Philadelphia.
Under the. Act of March 8, W9.
Men State Called Are Not
Present To Tes
One Absent Man Wns Ex
pected to Discuss Head
SSft Clubbing
m -
Tela to Aid Varc Leader or
felfcWould Be Transferred,
fats is assertion
-t -
V Four witnesses called bv tin? Com-
ifhltonWealth fnlleil to nppcai this mom-
i? Ini.fwhen the fourth day of Jlajor
5 Smith's trial for nlleed consplrac) to
rTf YOTtie me cue-en tiui cum iiinuc-iui-.eiiui
jW'.Hl office began befote Judge Audenrled,
K ilR. Quartet Sessions Count Room 631,
rii',tlMATrv Kossler. who failed to losnoiid
JflcXej. '
KWe QTesterday when his n imc was called,
Ssam Wivnom a pencil warrant was lssuiu
iOe)Vt.subscquently recalled llil not an
If 'srrer when his namo was cnuca loeiav
K.iw'sVKefisIor came In lato esterday and
," explained that he had been detained
jvbjr Illness In his family.
P Another witness who did not answer
'"'to his name was John J. Plt?reiald,
?a'neivspapeimnn. who Is to be ques-
feiloned about the alleged conversation
L&ln which the Mn)or is said to have
UlanAlan f lifitfnr tliA hnMrn ' lirnt
pwjjvic.. ji ......(, .. ,'... wv .....
Reads' In tho rifth Ward If neces
ary. He was In touit the earllei
da)s of the trial.
Tho third witness absent wlien his
Wname was called wns Bernard Bert
'Vnian, also a newspapciman. This wit-
V ,Vness was anested at the Deutsch
fc,Vciub during the political stilfe in the
Fifth Ward
A "Mr. Bloom." whose connection
With the same case was not made
clear, was the fouith witness called
who did not answer.
When these witnesses failed to ic-
spond, a sidebar conference was held
by Judge Audenrled and counsel for
the Commonwealth and tho defense,
following this conference. Assistant
District Attorney Joseph H. Taulune,
who is appearing for the prosecution,
resumed the presentation of testlmon)
Intended to show the Influence of
Isaac Deutsch, James A. Caret's po
litical opponent, over the police and
tiremin In the rifth Wind
The first witness was a city fireman,
Cjharjes M. Cattafcstn. foimeily at
tached to a fire company at 214 Plnu
streeti but transfetred August 15, 1917,
to a flrehouse at 1528 Sansam ntrci t.
The witness told of a conversation
wlthJJcutsch. in which he testified the
ward leader said to him: '
"I'm tho waid leadet. You'll have
to come alone with me. T'ollow mo If
imj,a winner: don't play with me If
Wb loser. That's politics."
'Deutsch told tho witness, according
tojtho tcstlmonj, that unless he fol
' lowed along" he vveuld he ttansfiitcd,
Token to Doutscli Club
' Harty Tavlor, a member of the vlco
jfriuad, testified he went Into the Fifth
Jtyard on the fhst icglstratlon da) and
reported to Lieutenant Bennett at tho
yOTilrd nnd De Lance) sticets station
'. ('Lieutenant Dennett, he said, tools
iJallTi nnd three other members of the
Tlljauad. with Doutsih. ftom the police
JoYatlon to tho Deutsch Club, when
BastStjey weio told to hit down, as U
!GfOu!d bo called when wanted
.5T.ater he W"s take n In stKtli mid
7iimtiird klritol ,n ,. vnMiltr... 1o. a
rhire theio lu.d been u scrap
T'Deutsch was with usi' 'he said, "t
(followed Deutsch. A fellow thev called
.Mike told us to set our lunch. He
Jiud on civilian clothes nnd was sup.
po ed to bo an officer of the Deutich
j! Club"
fe On the second teffistiatlo "'ft, Tn-
4 ipi said, no wa assigned ne same
district and saw Deutsc' Ml Wlit.
Ihchaftcr llde up to the v js pollhiR
places, tallc to friends ni u move on.
"No Partialis
fciffft Ctoss-eaminntIon Mr. Scott brought
Rftbut tcstimonv that Tavlor had been
Krifnt Into f rifth Ward by Detective
vijee. wno nstiucteii lllm tn hnw nn
fijNtrthlity. "I was sent there with four
t',inets,- unv lor said "nnd I had such
jt.,rueri vincl oDejed them"
lWo night session was held last eve-
"S e-oiiKressman jonn it,
YK. Scott, of counsel for the Major.
jiiriincn Willi .lucigo AUclenried to make
jQaay a nav ot icst for counsel and tho
3r.v. Mi. Tuulane onnosed the nl.u
W (he Mayoi's nltornev.
WiY ( ourt Orders Sranlon
,The court ruled thut In ns inudi as
U Had to be Kept together am -
way, the trial would proceed todav An
kMMJour'mcnt piobjhly will be taken at
IrtJfeV . . this nftenioon until Mondaj
;p9rni'iu' at in ocioci,
'Afth? Juiv has been kept at c'ltv Hall
ce Wednesdav night, when the selic
or tue twelve men was completed
nre lodged hi a big, comfoilable
l.veiv morning some of the
rs hind the couit criers letteis to
'mailed to their families
he Commonwealth's ease probablv
I be concluded h tho middle of nett
k vvnen tne nereiiFo bc-jja Its at
pled rebuttal of the inasi Ty evidence
idv hi the record It Is c-xpected that
ec(or of Public Safetj Wilson will
pne or tue pimcipnl
witnesses A
nntlc touch Is lll.elv In l mlil,.i h.
. t,, . .. .... . .. .. '
caning io inii siitiin u i-oiue l.leu-
nt tinmen ami Isaac rioutsch who
convicted nt W'esl Chester The
e olllclal and the foimer Couunoii
tlnurii nn I'.ue Neirulrrn, (ul n M
m: ci.tcii . biri.!
Umluti iloidlliieti lunliilil.
Uablii inlii oi iioio In ilnht
(oiikjiioicuik k hi i,u) mayl c:
rut htretcs. (let me, halut.
cantfind curej
of Soldiers
An attack of hiccoughs which started
nine dnjs ago has caused much uffer
Ini? to John W. Uasford, !t.u Knox
street, Gerinantown
Uasford, who Is ltnown to the soldleis
and sailors us "Dud," was seized with
thf pieRent attuck while worklntr at the
information buteiu for sen lie men In
the Cltv Hull court Mini !
A phvslclun Is In dallv altuidtnec
nnd there Is a nurte at his bidslde Uas
ford has lost omsldcrable weight as a
lesult of his siifferiliK Numeiou reme
dies to stop the hkcouplitn? huvr been
sent b persons actuated hv numane Im
pulses I p to the present lime none bus
been suicesfu!
llnirimanV SoOO,0()() Striit'lttic,
With 179 Rooms, U Ready
Harrlinans new foOO.OUO bhlpworlt, is"
hcitel was oKned foi the- nicommod itlon
of KUests lodav Spulal fesitvitlfs
marked the occasion 'the hotel Is sild
to bo tlio finest at unv Industrial plant
In the world
lmosl an mtlre block Is coveted bv
Hip new hotel, which has n frontage of
lit!) ftet with four witiKs li3 feel long
'llio wings open on thru- tenlve
court" A patk will be opened In the
rnr of the edlllce.
The hotil contains 4?i rooms Of this
number l.'fi are sleeping tooins on the
first floor, 138 sleepliiR rooms on the
set owl thiol nnd 100 gutst rooms on the
third floor The remainder are tied us
compartnunts necessary to pcrfectl
iqulp a model n bosteln
'the hotel also has a roof Rirden
The hiilldliiK Is n modem fireproof
structure, with wrltltn? nnd luungo
looms, bith", telephone booths cheek
rooms, etc
'Pistol Shots,' Say ArotifCtl Sleep
ers; 'Bosh,' Retorts Poliee
An automobile ' cutout" or revolver
shots which?
rtesldents of the vicinity of Tenth and
Spruce stieets were awakened bj what
I hey declare to have been seven shots
this morning about 4 o chek The shots,
pome of the citizens who leaned out
the windows III their night clothes saj,
resembled those filed In a running gun
tight. "Bosh- the house sergeant at the
Twelfth nnd Pine stnets station said
when asked nbeiut the reports ' rdeepy
people cant tell the difference between
levolver she ts ami the? noise made hj
an nutomoblle tunning with the 'cut
out' open V have several patrolmen
In that neighborhood, nnd thev have
made no nport of anv shooting'
But the neighborhood lesldenls still
Insist thev heard the shcothig
Returns Wounded, Weds. Then
Hastens to Camp in Kansas
Patriotism, tomnnce aid dulv have
hean thran important f.u tors in .the life
of Peter UroznUli. of Phoenlwllle, who
circled the woild as he ri tinned fiom
the Itusslun front whcie hi was twice
wounded, lie icturned via San 1'ran
elsco Broznleh enlisted In Companv I, of
the tilth Infnnto. At ('imp Iluncoc.c
he was tiansferreel to a regiment of the
1'ightv ninth Division, which was sent
to Ilussla He was twlie promoted
When Bronlch unlveil In this coumi
vesterdav hi huirlid to Ciiatesvtlle,
found Miss Mm Pretio, and tin v then
went to West Chester, where a marriage
license was obtained Thej were mar
ried by Judge J I llause Thirty
minutes later he had said good-hie to
Ills bride and was on his way to repot t
to his superior olllcei at Camp I'unston,
Women's District Chairman in
Fourth Drie Is Reappointed
Mrs Henrv D Jump, district ihalt
mnn of the women s I.lbertv Loan rom
mlttee In the fourth dllve, hns been
reappointed by the Peeretnrj of the
Trensurj to head the Third TVderal !5e.
serve Ulstrlct In the Victory Loan, which
opens In April Mrs lump aminuneed
todaj that the women wl'l liave vli
tually the same otganlzitlon In the com
ing drive as In the Inst campaign Mrs
limp is me onii woman on tile mens
xecutlie committee Mrs Walter
homson wlio has been chairman for
hllndclnhla. will again serve In that
The leappolntment of Mrs J. Tt
Hutchlnscji as nssoilate chniim.ui of
the district Is announced by jris Jump
Tlipi hav i I een ussni littoir In m. ., . i.
i for the last few vears Mis Jump Is
the wire of Jlnjor Henry D Jump med
ical corps, and lives at 1Ct Chester
Speakers Report Business Bodies
Faor Plan for Chnnpe
rharter revision spenkers are recelv
lug a welcome reception from the va
ilous bodies which they nddress In the
Interest of the proposed new eltv chartei.
P.esolutlnns have been adopted bv the
Twentieth Waid committee of the Town
Meeting partv Indorsing the proposed
Charter revision. Howard It Sheppard
who was the campaign manager of the
Town Meeting party, spoke at the meet
ing Charter revision was explained to Citv
Cite lighters' Cnlnn. No 2'.', hv former
Senitor Vivian Frank Cable A slmllat
nddress was made bv Clinton Hogeis
Woodruff to the t nlted Business Men's
Clyde Vessels in Delaware Put in
Difficulty by Fojt
Two CI) tin Line steamships are
ngiound In the lielawaie River as the
tesult of the two-dav fog which serlousl)
hainpeied river Uafflf
Tues uie trvlng to float the (Jeorge
W ('l)de. which went aground off Laglc
Point, two iiillos below Washington
Park after striking a sunken bath The
vessel was bound for Vorfollt with a
gcnct.it cargo
1 In tanker t'uiilei which cleired for
Tuba In ballast, Is fast nn Mifflin bar
opposite the mouth of tho schii)lklll
Wither Msril Is serlousl) damaged
ivril T 11 til em i- r-
will IUC1IKI0 All WHO nttW Serv-
:., !,. wrl,l C... l
I ieibn,c
irK. Jan :s(iiv p )
1'iiins roi epaniou or tue veterans or
r'ore-lgu Wars of the I'nlted .States or-
i.'.,uic-ii iiiic-i e nt- pi,wiiMi- vuierican
War, to Include those who hive seen
service In Lurope In the war against
the Central Powers, havo been an
nounced here
The orrnnlzntlon, whose members
have served "undei Are outside the
borders, of the I'nlted Stntes," Includes
on.'ij nlater Oenersl John J, Pershing.
tf-kjCQSix sinterl that tho membership
- iKCT1"'1'! lenui l ann noo tiv the
I ('-f -.ys year nd eventually 3,e00,OQu.
nf. a r f. a st n a ttons
Missionary liileresls Second British Effort lo
Have America Be Elder Brother to Arahia
and Control Constantinople
Fitht Supreme Te;t of S orld League Expected to Lie in
Its Success or Failure in the Development of
Small. Newly Formed Gdvermnents
NturT Cnrrespnnilent of the KvrnltiK
W It tt the Peiire llrlesatliin In
By Special Cablo
t Ol jrlol t 1 lS In VnbUc T ritjer Conn ay
Paris, Jan. 25. The. missionary In a measure the League of Xa
interests are seconding tho British
e Amenca to assume
ip of a larKe pa.t of
effoit to induce Amenca to assume
the ffuardiansh
the Near East lelcased ftom Turkish
This guardianship pioposed is un-
der the League of Nations, torre -
sponding somewhat to the gunrdian-
ship percised over Cuba.
Tho missionaiy interests aie an
important factor. More than anv -
thing else, they kept America out
of war with Tut key nnd Bulgaiia.
Ptesident Wilson listened to thorn memo, and other places, besides e-1 heroes from thet section who are ex
and to the trustees of Robert Col- ercising in the inteiest of the in. limited home soon
lege, in that instance, and doubtless
veil! An en .lernin when if enmpa tn
.. ... .v .,... .. w....
the disposition of patts of tho Tur-
kish empire, suddenly leleased f i om
the Sultan's lule, and incapable for
many eais of self-govemmcnt.
The question concerning this area,
like the question of the Geiman col-
onics, is now the biggest befote the
Peace Conference, now that the litis-
sian issue has been shelved by the
1 Aitl am a 4 ha rF miy frvsi icinn '
UCV1VC UL i-IIC l,UilUlllOi)lv0)
Clyde Company Discon-
timies Us Service to
Discontinuance net week of tho
freight nnd imsengtr line of the i Ivde
Steamship companv between this port
anil Norfolk, announced bv ofllcl lis of
tho compnii) tod.i), his aroused mailne
and trnde organisations to lenew with
Increased vigor their opposition to the
existing svstein of government contiol
of public Utilities
('l)de Line officials heie weie not In
position lo sav whether their Hue be
tween Phllidelphln ami New Vmk also
will be continued The .Vorfolk line,
on which two ships have been plving,
will bo nbandoned with the next trip
of tho steamship New Voik, which sills
foi the Vhglnla pott on Vondnv 'l lie
steamship Ueoige W. Cljde, whhh has
been In the simc service, Is aground lit
Ihe fkliware P.Ivei below Washington
Pa I.
Inabllltv to compete profitably with
the government-controlled rallrouls in
earning freight undei the coastwise
regulations still enfoieed bv the gov
ernment was given ns the reason for
the dlscontlnu ince of the Norfolk line
Complnln nf Regulation
Coastwise shipping Interests have
complained that when the government
icturned vessels In the coastwise service
to private owneishlp some time ngo it
elld not nbollsh regulations enforced for
the operation of such business uiulei
war conditions s a result, according
to officials of the Cl)de Line, the lilf.li
scnle of seamen n nnd stevedores' wages
established b) the government nnd still
in fdrce, make operation of ships In
the coastwise unprofitable, and Inequlta
hie freight lates have given the bulk
of tho business to tho railroads
' This action bv the Clvde Line merd)
confirms all that has been said In oppo
sition to government operntion," de
claied Hnill Alhrecbt president nf the
Philadelphia Bourse It Is unfnli to
tho steamship ownois for the govern
ment to establish lates of expense, and
not nlso establish freight rates such ns
would make possible a reoupei.ulon In
lecelpts "
Ml Albrecht urged Hint tho govern
ment continue to operate the shipping
lines It hns taken over and not vet re
linquished until "proper regulations of
opetatlon" have been established
Uiandotiment of the .Vorfolk line Is
consldeied '.i had thing for this port '
bv William It Tuckoi. secretarv of the
boaid of trade, who added that we ean
not expect the shipowners to operate
their vessels at u loss"
Surgeon General of Army Denies
Sending Soldiers to St. Elizabeth's
Hnnlilngton. Jan 25. Surgeon (.'en
eral Ireland today dented tepoits that
soldleis icturnlng from oictse.is sufiei.
lug from shell shock have been sent
to Ht Kllzaheth's Hospital foi the In
sane hi Washington
The surgeon general said that a pei
sonnl Ineiulry hnd revealed that onlv
two pitlents 'who could possihl) Iw
elassltled as shell shock" have been sent
to ht Kllzabelh's and that these two
presented svmploms of mental disorder
of a character to Justify their liming
been sent to this honJtnl "
(ieneral Ireland said that the base
hospltnl In Plnttshure. X. T., had been
equipped especially and provided with a
selected staff for nervous cases ex
clusively, and that the surgeons ut the
porls of debarkation had been Instructed
to send theie all patients of this diss.
llhlle I eilirer
tlon' """ist stand or fall by its ad
miriistratton of ,cBlon incapable of
Il It petmits the pvploitntion of
!,!, ,.!. i,.j0i ,.
.n.u..l, .., ...Il..l,l4ll, Vltlll-
ments have exploited their colonies'
in the past, scandals will bob up in
1 the near future in Africa and the
Xear East.
Doubtless such considerations arc
influencing the Hiitish in their de
, mand that the United Stntes be the
mandntoiy of the league in acting
as an elcfet In other to Arabia, Ar-
tei national organization tonttol of i
tho nnrilnnpllna nnd PM,oen..t.n.ln I
... ............ . ...u .. vii,iut..!iiviic;.
Prince Fai&ul, son of the King of
tho Hetlju, together with Colonel
Lawrence, a British auheologist
land a lomantic figure in the war,
hi ought this issue of Ameiica's
duties in the "ar East to the atten-
tion of the woild in lecent public
interviews, asking that the United
States of Atabia be established un-
(ontlniieil on Pane 'eirntrrii t nlunm s,irn
Business Bodies. Aroused
j by Frecpient Thefts,
' Urge Protection
Iluslness men, aroused bv the wave of
crime whlci Is gripping the eilv are
preparing to demand tho Immediate
passage bv Councils of the long-post-poned
ordinance which provides for sev
eral hundred additional p lloemen
Thiy sav relief must be given at once
from the nlghtlv robberies nnd hold-ups
and suggest that returning soldiers who
, . lellll Lll.ll win Miiiii. hi, i ut inn ric
have become accustomed to outdoor in commission at the end of that fight
life wou'd he glad to take positions as "'-' (!", """ eeornl dnv of the fight a
. . , ,., , 'elhect hit smashed tin tank killing mv
pattclnien if Ihe proper wages and ns- I cunuer On the following dav mother
suiances of political fieedom were or- ' dlteit hit did the same damage.'
feied them I v
It has likewise been suggested that j DEFENSE COUNCILS HUNT JOBS
the automobile laws lould be enforced'
bv fewer ttaftlo policemen nnd more ' -18 State Olgailizatioils Aid U. S.
slilngent measures and that the po-j Employment Sen ice
llcenien thus released he used to pro-' New 'lork. Ian .'5 (Hv . P) The
tect private homes and propeitv I nation-wide tesouices of the tnlted
., , , . , .. Slates council of national defense have
Political influence in tho police s)s- i,n(. ,,aced at the dlspos il of the Culled
tcm Is blamed for the crime w ice hv states eniplo)ment service In an effort
District Attorne) Kotan, who declared 'to meet the situation arising from un
that a well-organized metropolitan po-l emplojment. It was announced here to
lice force, free from politics, would fou dn,roenor n Clarkson director of tho
stall the annual inlgrntlon of eUmhials, cmlnPl of national defense Ins ordered
to this cltv mid also keep out the low C4ono communitv and municipal units
charncteis who might came here ns .aiieonn units of the women's committee.
result of the closing of war industries
Muni More Thefts
N'umerous robberies were reported to
tho police again today
Two men entered the grocer) more of
Mrs .Sophie Stuart 510!) Pace street,
last night and while one covered her
with a revolver the other leaned over the
counter and removed It from tho cash
Salvatore Oeveto of 7131 Tuhp stieet
Tacoii). was held up early this morning
bv two men and robbed of $U5 'Hie
hold-up occuired nt Tulip and Tvson
streets The hlghwa)inen knocked him
'down and escaped
Within a block of the .Slvtv -first and
Thompson streets police station .lames
W Wafer of G02!) Thompson Ftreet was
knocked down, benten unconscious and
robbed o.f a watch, diamond ilng nnd
other Jewels valued nt 700 .Mi Wnfei
who Is prominent In Knights or Colum
bus circles, alighted fiom a car at PU
tletb stieet and (Shard avenue when
three men came out of a saloon and
luiiuweci nun io iiionipsou sfiei-t iheie
they nttacked him with a blackjack
friends found him i)nB unconscious
nnd took hint to his home
ltublirrlei. in Wyniieflrlil
Thieves lansacked two homes n
Wvnnefleld The homes of Ifenrv i
Dahl, a rontraetoi 2409 .Vorth fift).
second street, and William V Itexford
2407 North Fift) -second street were en
tered and ransacked from roof to cellar
Clothing, sllvcrwnio and Jowdrv, valued
ni more iniin iuu was tuUen fiom the
leceiu iHiui'iiieiii mai tne ctime wave
was due to the release b) the war In
dusti les of innn tbousunds of undesir
ables' who came here for work, DIj.
trlct Attorney Kotan said
"Peihaps Captain Souder Is right. But
If we had a highly efficient police force,
wen orKaoiicii unoer tne metropolitan
t oiuhiued su I'sie Turn. I'vUiao. Tw
ueioru nonie and loot alued a 50 r rnncii, u tum i .yi-o ..i- ....mkh'm
laf t"Beh!.meme "tU '""'"" "" ti? W,nesdavf
awa5 nt the time mornlrg. when Villa o.eupled the mln
Commenting upoii Captain Souders1 . i, looted Ihe safes of the- mln.
Shipping Board Head disc.l to
Wept OlTerl'oi Hog Island
cieptaiKe of the onVi nf foilgn
'res' I i purchns" tiiPtm iu, of the
fllt fifiv TCOO-ton carRo ship- to be
built nt Hog Ml end a reicmmeniled
1" a letter senl todac to Chairman
Hurlev nf the shipping bo in!, who Is
"o tn lhitope bv entries Plcz (.
lector general of the loner-gem y Kleet
Identl'v of the films nuikiiig the bid
was not dlMlcwed hv Mi PI. j, ultliouh
he declared that th'le was nn nr.r,.,,..,-
tlon between the olfei and the tecent
attempt bv llililsl, snipping nipn to put- ,
ehase ships nf tl Intein itlon il Me r. I
cantlle Marin.. Companv " I
"It Is not frame ami It is not Cng
laml that has mnde n bid for the shlp,
ho said.
The offer ca ni I o us he said from
tlie Vmrlean In vrnatlon il Cutpuiatlon
for h tli nx In ti fuiolgn countrv with
whom It hns connections 1 he c ost
would be reckoned on the aveiageouilas
for the llrst flftv ships product cl be tin
Plant 'JliPi m willing to wait nine
months for the whole, numner of shlp
It Is wis. for us tu sell a gical tinnv
of these ships, so tint we cnu Use mil
mm- a butir tiR fi our iVttn Vu
We 5nt i nrV ,I,I.l2Srf.V ."."Kil
The Sd-toii tat co nhlpo r m ht itseil li-
for in Rhlpriwiii trt UcaiiHp thi-'i neccN
1U O now cr .lt t innn nm I iu n.t I
1 tSlSvf tS''
7i,''w,ilyl,,,du,fnr,al,lui;. "nlSiffn,
to meet the taigo n, emit) ot the wai
. I. ,, . ' , , , . - '"' I
as spudii
iih oNlble
Elaborate Mans to Give Enter
l.iiiiincnl and I'tovidc Johs
lobs and i nteitalnnient will he pro
vided returning heroes bv the Paschall
' ville Meloiv t elchntion Asoc!.itlnn
I he association Ins organized and Is
now wen king for funds to cntr.v out
f labor He pi ins for reception of the 31
fit st ourislder.it ion will lie a festival
to show the service men Just how the
lesidctlts of tllf bUtolli i.,rtlon fc, 1 tn.
wan! those who nffe red their lives during
i ne.w,,r, The parade ami reception win
Provldinc- lulls hftlp. nnos llih,, tb.
hid before the) v em avvav If KisshIe- i
will lie one of the big tasltt- of the- nsso
elation Mientlv rttiplovus In the (lis '
II let ale being petlHoned le provide- good
vcoiking oiipoituultiese for the ills-1
ehnigpil soldbis nnd y ulors
tirori-e tnbtet will be eieeted at th
P.cscli illv Mb. Kne l.lbrat) comniemor.il
lug the went, of the luioes the name of
inch vvlia went over being lusc rlhed on,
the tablet The service men will parti
e lp lie In th deellcatlon eeiemonv !
Wlllliim Wnlsh f1T Wonillnnd nvc
nue hns been e-leiteel presldtnt of the
association, Ullllem A Ituppel, 7057
Lv-ilinll nveniie, tieasurer, nnd J J J
Ilehnn, C833 WooiUand avenue sec re-1
''Whippets"' of Ainericann C.illeel
Slaughter Houses h Foe
Vtnerl in slaughter houses' were the I
tile kii urns glun bv the Gentians to
I the whippets' eh lien h) American sol
(Hers of the tank corps, according to
i oiporal l.oiils (Surth of t;t South'
I Iwentieth street one of the few tlrlwisi
1 to return to this lountiv
Ho had the unique expel leucc of being
In two blown-tip tanks and escaping
alive onlv to fall with a shrapnel wound i
In the foot and gassing while performing
other tasl.s along the battle fi out
fturth left Camp Me ide for fiance
'and asivered a c ill for volunteeis to
man the tanks, te celling his tr lining
I 'over there' lie operateel in the M
Mlhlel nnd rgonni sectors wilh the
I'oit) second and Twentv-elghth IV
I visions and the bittnllon tame through
. cue ric eillliei iikiiiuik lice die iuss OI
two tanks and onlv one man
In the Vrconne he pa lei todav ' I he i
! tanks led the w iv and did not turn b id:
i "'"V "Se !'' YSr1 n"1' did, with the
401111 COllllt' IIIIIIS HUH UMieuhm Tin-
councils to furnish the federal emplov
mem service with Information as to the
,! of emnlovers In their communities
It was announced that 1800 bureaus
had been established bv the council to
nid in finding einpIo)inent for returned
soldiers and sailors
Being Shipmen Won't Snc Of-
fenders. Magistrate Asserts
Offendero against the law will have
to go to Jail even If thev woik at Hog
"po'derlared M.iglstiate Ilatns todav
when fifteen men rhaiged with various
offenses were brought befoie hltn nt the
'I hlrt -second street and Woodland ave
nue police station
All the prlsoneis gave their address
as Hog Island The clniges ran all
the wav fiom dlsoicbrlv conduct to at
tempts to bribe a polliein.ni.
Tho attempted briber) was made bv
John Land, nccnrdlng to patioiman
Peterson He said he saw Land on the
i-rniind nnd wol e hltn lind was
' Peterson
'overseas nccordlug to Peterson who
declared thnt Land pushed a roll of bills
tow aid blm
All the pilsomrs wcie Riven from five
to thirtv divs In the countv pilson
Forces Americans to Witness Exe
cution illape Ts Sacked
Junrei. Mfx , Jan 15 (D A I )
Amerlcnn mining men were forced bv
Ing companies lobbed the steles nnd
houses of Americans and departed
after killing four federal soldier and
capturing the lemalnlng thlrt)-one
The detnlls of the raid were brought
here last night by passengers from Chi.
huahua. Villa had BOO men, the) said.
The hanging of the ex-Mayor was the
result of a grudge Villa held n gainst
him sine- the) were partners In the
cattle business.
.-. .. im ... .. unAaa liw. l.n.,nln
Pari. .Ian. J5 (11) v p The I
much dlseU'cid ltillili plan toi a
league of nations which has Just I
been completed inn now he- out
Hnei! In coueiete form to the peop e of ,
""' 'ldted States fo- tho first time I
The fo'lowlng detnllo though tninm-1
clat and subject to alteiatlon, repre
sent In hubstnuce the plan th it will bo
laid before the Peace ( onference.
The Hrltlsh pi in, it has been nn
pounced, will be the first to he con
sult led bv the Ponce Conference
The mnln feature of the league pio
vlded for ill tli" pi in will be the es
tablishment of imthlnei) for handling
tnteinatiori.il dispute This will be
based on nn agreei ent among the
members of the league no to intei-
rere v,llu l,l lPU,u,t"11 inteKrltv of
'Siatrs ,n to nftnlt otheii to 'nteifeia I
fere with the teiiltoilnl integrltv of
with them.
'I lie t ikIoi Iiik nf nsvjstaure ami
r. ,, ti, st .! i . i
'- '-'""- " " '- -e'some
of the pilncipal nlms to bo supci v Ised I
fiuttiauir; ij in. t ti nil u lltl t'lOlK'd
h) tho league A 'ommltteo to tulo
tlon and arm" and befoie which would
also come up foi studv Intei nation il
problems lelitlng to economics und
snnli itlon will be appointed A like
ceuttal bod) for handling Interna
tional laboi questions Is provided for
In the ill hi.
In this connection ft Is held tint
all lnteinitlon.il bodies now existing
nnd an) which ma) be eieated must
be brought together In some central
place, which will bo the capital of
Abbuiance of piotection if he followed Vaie leader "Ike"
Deutscli, o" Hie Fifth Waid, was given Snuy Kessler, 418
South Fouith stieet, accoiUing to testimony given T5y him today
nt the tiial of Mayoi Smith. Kesslei had been accused of con
ducting: a gambling house by the police.
DUBLIN, Jan. 25. The mllitaiy authoiities have sefzed St.
Encla's College in Dublin County, founded by Patilck Peai&e,
who wa& executed In connection with the Eastci lebelllon In 101a,
LONDON, Jan. 2D. A Beilin dispatch toltfie Dally Hall
under Friday'b date feaybt "A sensational special edition, selling
lapidly on the streets heie, maintains that the William
Iloheiiesollein nnd his family intend to retttui to Gcimany as
hoon as the National Asscmbiy ha given the count! y a legal
Bill to Be Introduced in
Congress to Break Op
erators Grip
Hi a 'ituff Lortfsto n it
rut tut lite, I'ii, Jan "3 To b-eak the
alleged svstein undei which a small
group of io.il opera turn control the
natlcn s o.tpui of anthracite coal and
susUi'n high ptlcis Mtorniv William
Wllhelin icpn setillnt, the Consummers
Leas le of this e t) mil the ."-enitorl.il
Coal Investlgat ng Committee todav ns
scrtcd thnt a bill villi b Introduced In
Cnngres for the purpose of reducing the gorges of the f ml couture Thous mils
sbe of royalties pah! b) operatois tolof . ,,, . , ,v . n, ' .f .
owners of the coal fields
'These roialtles said Wllhelin
manv cases run as high as ono dollar
nnd twentv cents per ton We hnve
drafted a bill that If passed, will pio
blblt nnv railroad from hauling coal
upon which a ro)ah) of more thnn fift)
cents pel ten has been pild We be
lieve that suih a liw will tend to leduie
coal pi.ces to consumers
The senitorlnl icmmluee which Is
lr)lng tu detenu lie whether the coal
opera ors are iistimlng the output of
anthrrclte hv throttling Independents
will end Its Inquli) In this (It) toda)
Appiovlmatel) fift) persons identified
with the Industi) have been oil the wit
ness stand nn I n gilt of Infotinatloti
coitcernltik the operation ot coal mines
and distribution of coal has been ob
tained s ftlng th mass of testliiionv
that has been plven ttornev Wllhelin
todav mmouuciu that it hud revealed
an amazing slttiat on
Important Iteielutiuiu
Tie impetrtiinl revel i ons n coidttig
to Wllhelin are ns follows
Tli .1 that big coal companies I l.i the
Lehigh allei Coal and N" n Ir.ulon e'oin
panv und Philadelphia and Heading Coal
and Iroin Company ictuse to open lingo ,
tracts of coal deposits ih.it thev h 3 1
leased and puuhased, uri'l nUo teiuse o
sell t'leni or lease them to Independents
t-econd, that the) are pa) lug huge
sums for the rental of undeveloped prop
erties and that these c sis are added to
the operating expenses of the mines In
Third, that
il such chames are paid
b) the publ c
"In one lnJe,uiie added Mr Wllhe.Jm
a coal company has pild the sum' of
600 00n during u period of Iwent)
ii i.
seveii ? ears tu older to note! ono
of land and not a ton of coal hns
mined from u 'I hi) are holding it hi
ordei to l.ei p out Independent capital
for If the coal fields weie openi-d up
fieel) the p.Iee of coal would drop
One en gauge the power of these
men when )ou consider that for coai
deposits In hcltujlklll Count) valued nt
$5 000.000,000 they are assessed for only
jrt.OOO.OOO. We want them assessed on
Cosllnned en ri B.nsUeu f.luran t!r
ilu leacue und wolk lp close co opera.
Hon with ill" league If the effoit to
piomotc Intel national conpetntlon is I
to ,ie successful '1 he Hrltlsh plan
provides for a general confeience ot
the delegates of nil tiitlons niemberri
of the league and tor n smaller Intel
national exeeutlv.. council foi the
transaction or ordinal) business
J V peimanent si cretin lot for the
leiguo would be presided eivei b) a
man of .ctlthoiltv nun- epeilcnco In
Kuiopean nffnlis sitting nt the cap.
Hal of the league with all niiesuv
diplomatic Immunities Periodic meet
lii2H of the league's delegates nre pro
v Ided for, but it is pointed out that
Ii piobiblv would be convenient for
State s to appoint pe rm.iueut represen-
tlatlvis tu the capital who would act
"',, v""" '" T " ' lt uuulUM
tatUe ch'leKatM nnhed
. .,...!.. .nii..ti !.. t.fl .......... 1 l
Thi- plan e(.ludes pohu State1- like
(jeiniain from tilt Iaue fot Hip pt-.
ii mi tlm m iiittitl .if itiiniEttiMitiii
""" eiiniuniuiuu
ouleJ't.ot'le'olol, TrSSX
K?r) civilized State wi,,, H se,tled
R!""if i.e. would 1 ... Invited to Join
the 'aiUP Piovlslons for sepaiate
Mi dominions are made Disputes
for settlement tue divided Into
two classes Justleiible nnd nonjustl
cl ible. and each State will be the fltml
Judge as to whether a dispute' Is jus
ticiable or not
The establishment of a permanent
couit of Into) nation il Justice) foi the
settlement of justiciable disputes Is
pioposed nnd until it is created a
court of nibiiintiou Is suggested
i ontinurd on 1'aKe eie ntren, nliimn Three
Loal Russians and C.ecliO'
Sloaks Lrge Speedy
! fie .lcsoctafcci Ven
V liulho.tnk, Wontlav, Jan .0 L fa
has fallen to the Itolshevlsts the te-
verse to the Uusslan nnd Czechoslovak
forces being s lid to be chleflv due to
the failure of anus to amir from lad -
The tioors which defended the
citv haie, fallen back to Zlatoust HO
ml'es to the northeast, where the) are
making a courageous stand in the
(nthave been lushed to t hellablnsk which
is not believed to be In danger for the
present at least
Militate cperts here realize that the
wen. points on tie I ral front aro lie
tween Lfa nnd C helinhlnsk and further
south at Orenburg where General Du
toffs fossicks aie re ported to be worn
out In constant pressure from superior
fories of Holslievss Negotiations for
me dispatch of Ulled contlnMiits to
OrenbuiK are now doing on, but have
not as vet been brought to a successful
conclusion The capture of Ortnburg
would give the Bolshevists control of
the tallroid itintilni- imn u . c DA. tAn
of Turkestan and would Increase their
.linn to resist llled and Pusslau
(I nroiiflrmed reports were received
I.OHUOU januati Jl that Orenbure
hail lieen taken In the HoUhecistsi
Further north Bolshevist forces driven
bul. fiom Perm whin General (Jald.a s
sibeilan and ( 7eihii-.slovnk troops took
thnt iltv have been i, organized and
Hie repotted In In lighting desperate!)
al(ig lb, Kami ftlvei The Bolshe
vist nie- reported to be attempting an
advance lo the, southeast of Perm, in
the direction of Ilknlerlnburg In spite
Of the fact that the ltltnslnn Irnnna n,wl
their comrades arc without sufficient
clothing nnd have suffered i,nt hi.e.
ships, It Is believed here that with Gen.
eral Jules Janin. commander of the
Czecho-Slovak arm) In charge of mill-
tar) nffnlrs nnd with General Knox
of the British ami) looking after the
I coulnment of the fore,
Ul th8 scaioii is favorable.
the situation
P ) U'ga
l.oinliiii, Jan 26 (By V.
was saved from attack bv
i ""'' fr01" 'll!ior 0erM w "In the clt) b) a
5r!,Un n"t "l,U" """ " "'
nn," ,ntl '' Ibcember for the purpose
of assisting refugees to leave Ilussla
N B-Antsa .f1 l,.,.Vis, J... .fc ...la .
r, ",..". "' ".""r: '""' ..rV:"iLc". '" '"
0 leers that thev were her. e" 7my
, Xr a!i ?h .t thev n,,i,i If "P
r.d'r. " "'I. t.t'l'v 2?"!a .'" e "" 80?"
... ....a n,,v. ...m. annicil)
""um iieec uirurv uui
Bolsl ev 1st troops, which were exnected
to uttnek the town at any moment, de-
(erred action,
British Premier to
Offer His Program !
Little Countries, to Have
Opportunity to Discuss
League Proposal
President and Lltnd George in
Cloe Harmony on Society.
of Nations.
.Sieco, Cable to tt emrig Pmoiic Ledger
vnur uni Jill
IU ) Tli.ir Co.
I'irls, ,,in
.5 foda)'s plenary
meeting of the Peace Conferrnie which
Is to be devoted In part to considering
the question of formation of a league of
nations Is ll'eh to be a disappointment
to those who epeei com rete results or
even nothing more than some definite
guidance as to the attitude of the great
Dowers concerning the league scheme.
Ml the evidence nt band goes to shos?
that tlie powers are not read) to dis
close theh matured vle-ivs an to a work
ing plan for making the league a
practical organl7allon
I It wns eipened that the British would
pieent a definite program for the leagu
at th, session
I'ropo.nl , Iteseilutlnns
The league of Nations proposals will
be thought befoie the conference through
i i half dozen resolutions offered by I.lojd
George, which It was supposed would
lembod) a set formula for nn Interna-
t tlonal societ) designated to'prevent a
lecurrence of wats All those concerned
were disinclined to dlscusa-lhe character
of these resolutions, but the Inference
wns drawn from the little that was said
that the) will be general in scope, stat-
tug principles foi the foundation of a i
league and not containing a detailed
plan of oiganlzatlon and procedure.
I.lo)d George will reserve his re
marks, leaving to the smaller nation
alitlea a chance to express their Mews
on the urine Iples which they believe
thould be lecognlzed in anv arrangement
Intended to sivo them from aggression.
such as the Teutonic Powers Inflicted
on berbla and Belgium
Iherefore it looks as if todays full
session of the Peace Conference would
be malnl) Important as a nvtlce to the
world that tlie League of Nations pro
posds were now foimallv befor and
subject to continued discussion until
ell-posed of It is the privileged busl-.
iiess of the conference and under th
agreement readied shall have prece
dence over evervthlng that pertains to
the making of peace.
No more striking instance of the
unit) with which the British and Amerl-
can delegates are working can be af
fordid than bv the desire of Wilson in
1 have the Prime Minister of Great Brl-
I tain launch the craft for which th
mcrlcan Government has been assid
uous) laymg the wu)s ,
1 level Ceorge likes U il.on
It does not need supernatural power
to understand that the President's visit
to fnglind in Christmas weik and Ills
subsequent private conferences In Paris
with Balfour and Llod George are
Denrmg irun
As stated in one of mv urine hi..
' 'mclles tho,t lose to the Drltlsh dele-
gatlon are saving that I,lo)d Georee
has come to have a great liking for
Wilson personnll) nnd Is pirtlcularlv
Impressed with his sense of fairness and
courtesv ns well nB directness TIiIb cor
dial relationship between these two men
Is all the more Interesting to those who
had been hearing predictions that
soon ns President Wilson nnd Prim
Minister I,lo)d (Jeorge got dowoi ts
' ,,ual6s " e,asl ,,as bound to come.
c, riAtcTvnTi tt - -r-,
, Rcfttec Tiure When Home Foi
lm-. Dentil Frnin Tlnnna ."..
-- - -. ......t ll
Red Violenee
I ''Hr'"'
Jan IS (By A P )Ths
of the National nnd Demo.
ernltc bloc of Husslnn polltlui) organ!
nations niirond has sent a strongly.
worded protest tn Premier Clemrncear
i ng.ilnst the decision of the Supreme
Council to call a conference of th
uussinn tactions uie protest says:
We would he men without imnn. i
and courage if we accented for
single moment a truce such 'as pro.
jHised to us while all thnt are dear h '
nre In danger of death violent death v V
b) exes-utlon of nssasslnntlon or slow "1
denth Ihiough hupger, rX')
rue nuerisi oi iiiiinnnity in geheral Vs
iiiiu uniiutini; mi i 'in ui-Liinr. riqujrcii
the pj-ttahllfthn.t'iit In RuhmIh of a re- V .
Klme bnntu on the KONcrelirnty of the1
vised meeting nt the Princes' Islands .'
cannot be nn expression of this sort, t "
Russia has long clamored for the fret e '
election nf a constituent aaaembl).
The attempt va stifled by tl n How,
shevlkl by force of arms, nnd IHe"
raaiimoeHl tin '( UnaHtm Cs4vm
e the
i i jr - n
-.re - wwr
T . ' "