Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 23, 1919, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 6, Image 6

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    rjviwiuV fjttfljf " ;') 'j-4-Wf.'Tr,& w.'7
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fe tMYiaa riiLMiM
President Ador Brings
Formal Statement Will
Meet Wilson Tonight
Seek to Remain Permanent
Neutral and Desire Ac
cess to the Sea
By the Associated Press
Tatn, Jan. 23. Tho Presidents of the
United States nnd Switzerland will meet
this evening at 7.30 o'clock. President
Qustnv Ador, who nrrled hero from
Berne yesterday, will, before ho meets
President Wilson, confer with Presi
dent Polncarc, Premier Clemenceau and
possibly Premier I.lojd Gcorce
He comes to Paris bearing an official
statement of the Iews of the Swlsi
Government on pending International
questions, which will bo laid before the
Feaco Congress, The statement follows:
"One. Switzerland expects to bo ad
mitted, with other States, to tho peace
negotiations as far as they will deal
with her own special Interests or with
problems of general Importance In
clusion from deliberations on problems ,
of the league of Nations would be i
considered by the SwUs people ns lncon-
lstent with the principles of democracy '
Neutral States not halng been called
upon to make as hcay sncrlflces as i
belligerents, hae, nevertheless, suffered I
severely In consequence of the war. All ,
haVe been able, especially In the case of
Switzerland, to render considerable scr- j
Ice to humanity. j
Swiss Fin or Lensue .
'Second. Switzerland highly approves'
the creation of a lpague of nations fori
preserving peace, and expects from it a
oomDleto reform of International rela
tions. Consequcntls, the maintenance
of peace Fliould not really depend upon
the observation of a, procedure of In
" wwot. ... vi j....v...- ". ...
qulry previous tq a declaration of war,
DUt musi do lounuca upon a general in-
terdlctlon to parties In conflict not to
resort to arms. International conllk.s
must, as far as their character allows,
k. .nurt ith.r hv nrhitrminn trihun.-iis
formed by tho free conrent of the par-
ties, or else ty a permanent interna
tional court offering every guarantee of
political Independence. All other Inter -
national disputes must be submitted to
a procedure of mediation through which
lajttlncr npttlements on the basis of roullv
and justice can be arrived at
"Third, Switzerland recognizes tho
necessity for action, which may ulti
mately consist of military pressure,
within the system ot tho league of na
tions. Nevertheless, Switzerland Is de
termined not to abandon her neutralitv,
which Is laid down In the Swiss Consti
tution and based on the tradition ot
400 years of peaceful politics. This neu
trallty is necessary for Switzerland, con.
slderlng the composition of her popula.
tlon. as well as on account of her being ' VltnHz mm ha la posslhlllta del con- ,
in a particularly exposed strategical po- trollo dell Adr atlco e daltr.i parte tutt.i
sltlon. In case armed conflict should. U i."ta adrlati.-a dell Italia .entralo
after all, occur under the reigns of tho , resterebbe alia merte ,11 ipulMisl naz -league
of nations, the exigence of the ono cho avesse II posus-o ilella lMl-
several permanently neutral and Invlo
lable States would be a great benefit also
for the league Itself The Institution of
Irt.nna tf a.tV. nalll-nl , arrM rT-r If
.w .... ...... .,....., ..
Is to be able to entirely fulfill Its task.
"Fourth. Freedom of production and
commerce is of vital Importance for
Switzerland. Tho Swiss people hope
peace will re-establish the principle ot
commercial freedom. As far as limita
tions wllj be Imposed concerning Im
portation, exportation and friv passage
of goods, and raw materials, all States
should mutually accord each other most
favored national treatment.
"Fifth. Switzerland, ns .i landlocked
country, mainly dependent upon Its
share of the world's commerce, highly
approves of the principle nf free .iccess
to the sea. First of all, Switzerland at
tributes great Importance to the main
tenance and Improvement of the exist
ing International waterway of tho
Rhine from Basel to tho North Sea.
Switzerland fully expects, besides, that
i It will soon be possible to come to an
understanding with France and Italv for
opening the llheno nnd To-Tlelno nivers
for navigation on ,i big scale, and ob
tain recognition of similar principles re
garding these rivers, as are In vogue for
already internationalized waterways It
also Is of vital Interest to Switzerland
to obtain the right of passage over rail
roads to the sea and through Kuropean
States eastward.
"Sixth. The political, legal nnd eco
nomlc principles formulated by Presi
dent Wilson are so entirely In conformity
with the traditlonnl wants of Switzr
land that she will adhere to them, what
ever difficulties may lie In the way of
their realization."
$e Economical of
The best' way to save utfering
and dentists' bills U to keep your
teeth and gums healthy.
SOZODONT cleanses and purifies
the teeth, hardens the gums, stimu-
lates circulation, neutralizes acid
irjr and refreshes the mouth.
Liquid Powder or Pasta
1! years ago w had the smallest
coal yard Jn Philadelphia, delivering
3,000 Tons a Year
Today we have the largest coal
yard In Philadelphia, delivering
150,000 Tons a Year
We have had Blizzards
We have had Strikes
We have had War
And vt served you welL
Mo order too small or too large.
One Price to All
Owen Letter's Sons
Coal Service Station
Jrestoa Are. & Westmoreland St
- 1
M nm
m H
I -s-B
I LLm j ' Hh
Hr jjlhH
1 iHiliiiliiHH. iiiH
Ho it in Paris in meet President
Vilon anil the oilier Allied states
men to present ihe icw anil ilc
tires of the Swiss Federal Council
on tlic arious peace projects now
under deliberation
Solemn Proclaniazione
Parle del Consiglio Count'
nale di Zara
Publish nnrt DlKlrlbiilM Under
PRrtSlIT NO 311
Authorize! lv tho ntt of October ,
1P17. nn lll at tho I'ostofflco of Phila
delphia P
Hy order cf tho PrliMit
a h nrnLi:s(w
Postmaster 0-neral.
Home. 22 gennaio. Un dlspacclo glun
to. oggi, da Zara, annunzU die in quel
la cltta' ha avuto luogo una grande
diniostraziono d'ttallanita'
In una solenne seduta plenart,i .lei
! --- - -
Consigllo Comunalo II Sind.no Ingllotto
ha rlaftcrlnat0 tl p)l0 ,lirt,0 d
. .
UMa 6U" ,crro dtlla WalmnHa I
I conslgllerl o la folia che gremtva le
'tribune dell'.iula municlpalo si abban-
j 'lonarono
nd una dlmoMrazlone. en-
thuslastlca nl grldo di: . Viva 'Italia!
1 r-arlgl. 22 gennaio. La Delegations
.Italians per la conferenza della pare ha
oggi. una conferenza col Cene
Plaz, comandante wupremci delle
forze Itallane, per dlscutere le aplr.i
zionl Itallano do un punto dl vlita mill-
tare e strateglco, con special.' nttrnzlone
nl possesso dl quanto g 11 ltalianl cbla
'mnno "le chlav I per le porte dl terra e
, dl marc "
Per reallrzare queflo (.-oggelto, I dele
I gatl ltalianl. si dice, conslderano Indl'
ipensahlle che 1'Italla abbl.i il possesro
I del Passo del Ilrennero ed nuche la costa
1 delta Dalmazla. con Zara e Sebenlco
I Senza nuesto terrttorlo essl rtlcono cne
Itnmn, 21 gennaio Cn rontlngente dl
mnrinal anierlcanl noun "KkI giuntl in
it I ltOlll.1
provmlentl da 'i Itavecchi.i II
.. ,,
Cioverno Itallano nvv-va post.) a loro
i dlsposizlone un treno ppe.-ialo aaiof-ch--'
1 potessero recarsl m-lla Capitals e vl.-'I-
I'na grande folia nttesc 1'arrlvo del
marlnal amerkanl e feci ad es"l una
, entusl.istlca dlmo'-trazloiie
I II Mlnlstro dell.i Marina diede In
oimre degll Ulllclall amirUanl uno r. la-
zlon alia quale ireero parte sp'i. ate
person.Ulta . i marlnal tuner). mm f r .
ternizzarono con qin-lll Italian! durante
un banchctto loro offerto In uno d i
principall restaurant delta cltta'.
Srrjnlon Colonel a Caniliilale
sfrunton, 1-n,. Jan 2 Colonel Iiul
Pivls, of thl" rltv, former City Soli, t .r
sent a cablegram home from Fni.e
announcing that h had decided to bo
como a candidate frr Judge In I..i,i.
wanna County at tho next led ion ('nn.
nel Davis Is attached to headquarters
of the Twenty-eighth Division, but . -cording
to t)K message, be exp. ets to be
home In March, whin he will h. gin
making arrangements for his lampaigu
With the Orierina
Orchard Flavor
10cr?nd 15c Bottl
Diitributed by
50 N. Delaware At.
49 N. Water St.
President Favors Vice
Chairman of Democratic
National Committee
Pcnnsylvunian's Name Not
Likely to Be Considered
When Choice Is Made
Itu a Staff Correspondent
AtiiKlilnKton, Jan. 23.- Homer S. I'uni
mings, of Connecticut, is definitely asur
ed of being elected chairman of the
Democratic National Committee on Feb
ruary 2$, wher I1? full committee will
meet and hold nn election. It wns learn
ed today.
The name of Joseph I' (luffey. of
l'liiiiMyh.inln. which was mentioned for
the place a few il.is ago, will probably
nci-r bo presented in the committee.
All speculation regarding the election
of n Ktieocsor to Vance Mi-CMrmlefc,
whobe resignation was itnnunrcd on Jan
uary 14, when he departed for Kurope
to ntUlxc the American pence delegates
regarding International trade, was bait
ed today when it was learned that Pres
ident Wilson had cabled leading mem
bers of the committee here that he fa
ois CuniuilngiN lection. Cuminlngs
It now lce chairman of the Democra
tic National Committee and has been
acting as chairman since Vance Mc
cormick was made chairman of the
war trade board shortly nftcr the fulled
Stnted entered tho war.
All Vrlrndly to CiininilnEs
More than a dozen national commit
teemen who h.ie been questioned here ,
in th,. lBt week ns to who would be I
ihn nrvt ilialrmau nave
aceiareu mr
Cuimnlngx, and appeared to take It for
granted that he will be elected ihe
Pr.sldenfs approval appears to remove
nny doubt
When Mccormick resigned It "IT
ported that Joseph V. fV-i, i"nnm-
air,, buslnen, man of I Ittsb urgh. i mo
ratlc State chairman of I cnnsjiv.inia,
aim tun- ' ". .-- - -
trty custodian's office, had been nisurcii
and director ot saie oi uii- " '''town by railway, tel. graph and tele-I
of considerable support and was slated
for tho Job.
C.uffey did not announce his candi
dacy, but It was said he had tho support
of Vance McCormlck nnd A. Mitchell
Palmer, the alien property custodian.
with both of Whom he bad i.een Mo-e j ,
associated In Democratic politics in
I'mnsilviinla I
I ennsjiv.ini.i. , . '
l.'ki- McCormlck nnd Palmer, iiutley
Is a close friend of President Wilson.
and during Hi" fight In I'ennsilvjini.i fori
' 3 irfi,
Lri-ri.J ..:
-- ft 1
. .'.--l---.l'C
ici&szzi.''-: , r.w
' "it .rtmirr, Z
rv Hank n'l tin. Jiui linj?
13th htrfft Opp, 10, lVnn J mm re
The Institution that gave Philadelphia Day and Night Service
sv ot aytf jjjiJl Ilk
gz YPmmmmm
W111 l I VJisV ilK :. .Vfl ill
- .v ik. ffl w n..nii r
the Democratic nomination for Governor
ho received the open Indorsement of
President Wilson, who wroto Jhnt lie
desired tho Democrats of rennsivanla j
to support sir. tluficy.
C'ummtnKs Not Illumed for liefest
Mr. Cummlngs Is nlso a close friend
of President Wilson and Is highly
esteemed by tho latter as an astute
IKjlltlclan. Cummlngs In not held re
sponsible by the President or by any
nf tho natlonnl committeemen, It Is said,
for tho success of the ltepubllcans last
o ember, but Is given credit for carry
ing on a well-ndvli-ed campaign. The
appeal made by President Wilson to the
otcrs of the country two weeks before
election; last November, which Is con
sldered by many political leaders of
both parties to have resulted In a swing
fiom the Democrats to tho Republicans,
wa not made on ad.lco of Cummlngs,
It was learned from an authorltathc
&ourco today.
Cummlngs Is not n candldato for At-
It was said by his friends today, and;
baa not been considered for tho place. I
, , . . n . A.. 1 A ! decision of President Wilson to return
Bolshevist Peasants Attack Ans-L KranC0i whlch , not Jfl ,.nown Ken
tocratic Country Seats in Hungary Lra s bound to brnK ftatementi that
Special Cable to t'tcning Public Lcdgern ),as changed his mind.
fopurlattt, 1919, (11 the .V. Y, Times Co,
lenna, Jan. 23. Depredations are
reported on aristocratic country seats In
Hungary. Count Andrassy's castle, TIs-si-a
club, has been pillaged by Infuriated
Bolshevist peasants, who caused enor
mous loss, spoiling valuable Gobelin
tapestries, a Van Djke picture, nnd'other
Incstlmiihlp nrt works. Count Andrassy
declared that he would never Inhabit
thp castle again
Strong monarchist manifestations oc
curred In Budapest, nrrnnged by cler
IcaN, oltlcers of the former army and
students Thousands paraded the streets,
shouting for the monarchy, cheering for
King Charles nnd demonstrating ngalnst
Karu!l. They Im ailed numerous coffee
houses on the boulevards and attacked
the Jew Mi guests, btntlug and robbing
them, and disturbed the nudlences In
theatres The crowds Anally dispersed.
, Munitions Dump Blows Up I
rllH,t jllM o3 A forn,cr Herman '
munona depot nt Quatrt.cnti SOutheavt
, r Ghent, exploded vesterday. and the'
. populace fi. Id hurriedly In nil directions, I
according to the newspapers. It has not
jpt Wn ,,,.,.,, llrU,r lhere ,,rc ,.
rilsUil,tll! Communication with the
town iij r.uiw;,, leitKriipi
pnone ,aH j,ecn (nltrrupted.
Machine Shorthand
Mor rApMly ,.,. mnfr ,,, roai
maiir nrmrary nssur.d New rlaxs utarn
i;,n"''rl -"'fnrnn-n nnd women Instruitlon
DU'.irtmrnt. Central Ilraneh
y. I4 (j t
(3 ARrI j,TRE.T
Our Day and Night Serv
ice should appeal to every
live merchant and business
There are advantages
which only a customer can
appreciate. Open an ac
count today or tonight.
Checks cathed, depotitt re
ceived and accounts opened
from 8.30 A. M. till Midnight.
Resources $10,000,000.00
Trust 02
15th Street, below Market
West Philadelphia Oflice
52nd and Market Streets
Wilson Won't Take
Chances on His Principles
Being Emasculated
French and American Ideas
on League of Nations Now in
Agreement on Most Points
K'ireleis to Evcninp Public Ledger
Copyright, 1119, iu 1'nbHr I.edaer Co,
and .Vrio York Time) Co.
Pari.. Jan. C3. In somo quarters the
This .lew
l immo nut. In a measure, by tne cir
cumstance that when the President came
to Paris It was with a rather Indefinite
Idea as to tho tardiness of diplomatic
procedure. l".en when this was realized
thre remained in the minds of many
of Iho.o concerned In making peace
nulcklv a feeling that dilatory efforts
wern being made to prevent nn early
solution of the problems confronting the
Allied statesmen.
Since then there has been an Improve
ment In this regard, so that now It Is
generally accepted that the best thing
to do l to firmulate a peace agreement
with the greatest possible speed and to
let the nations of the world return to
a normal basis.
But the Pres'dcnt, it is evident, does
not Intend to take any chances on his
principles being sidetracked or emas
culated on account ct his absence, and
Go Wron
Ivinssponge Cake and Ivinspound
Cake, baked in a scientific . way, are
always delicious and wholesome
because they are scientifically correct.
tractions in the Ivins Bakery ; no
doubt about purity. Ingredients
are tested by the Ivins chemist ;
the mixing never varies; the
oven temperature is always right.
Relieve yourself of all cake
baking worry and have your
cakes always baked to a turn;
tempting in flavor and appear
ance. Buy Ivins!
Sold by the pound, or whole 2-lb. and 44b. cakes
in the original oven paper. At your grocer s.
JXmiAKY 23, 1919
It Is mainly on this account. It Is be
lieved, that he hAs definitely determined
to come back for the finish,
Ono'of tho most encouraging signs
of the. success of the plan for the for
mation of a league or nations on prac
tical lines Is afforded by tho knowledge
that tho Interview on Monday between
PrnlHrnt Wilson nnd Icon Dourgcols
was productlvo of an agreement on the
most important particulars oi me iut
mula for tho organization of the league.
M. Bourgeois Is ono of tho foremost
ndocates of the league Idea, nnd he has
been designated as the French represen
tative on tho commission which will
draft the plan for adoption by the Peace
Tho French Government has shown
rather a cold attitude toward the league
proposal ns President Wilson conceived
It bb, for Instance, wns shown In Clem
enceau's recent advocacy In the Cham
ber of Deputies of a balance-of-power
For Ihe invalid end the con-valescent-Borden's
Milk pleasantly palatable
and highly nutritious.
Insist on Borden's always.
In square packages only.
There are no household dis
IVINS-r-Balter of Good Biscuits in Philadelphia Since 1846
Pioneers in Pure Food Baking By Skilled Bakers
combination, with America, Great Brit
ain, Franco and Italy as members, which
President WIIon opposed indirectly In
his addresses In Manchester and Rome.
But now, Judged by what Is learned
In the best Informed clrclo as to Mon
day's consultation between President
Prices' Lowered for
SiMs &OveK3oatS'
A limited quantity of Suits and Overcoats (about
600 garments in all) are today repriced at figures for
immediate clearance.
They are good clothes our usual high standard
of quality, workmanship and style, hut the assortments
arc badly broken. In some instances we only have
one or two sizes of a lot, and we want to clear them up.
Now is the time they won't last long. There are j
49 $20.00 Suits Repriced $15.00
57 25.00 " " 19.50
73 30.00 " " 23.50
151 35.00 " " 27.50
66 40.00 " " 32.00
45 45.00 ' " " 35.00
42 25.00 Overcoats " 20.00
17 30.00 " " 23.50
45 35.00 " " 27.50
23 40.00 " " 32.00
27 45.00 " " 35.00
All alterations charged for at cost.
Jacob Reed's Sons
1 1 1 ot i! m mi i in n ill n tM list j;ttii im.m uir; innnn n n n h i ihkj r nn
that Cant
.v '
Wilson and M. Bourgeois, there ieems
tangible ground for believing that
France Is willing to agreo to an organi
zation of nations which will be practical
In Its deterrent effects on the disposi
tion of nny nation or nations to resort
to hostilities.
nt n iiu i n mm tii imn imn itmn Ftm inrif i nnn mr i mi i trntERi j imn iniiimTii nm imnrii7n(nnjj!
... . V t 'J
V 0 1
, I '.
Ivins Other Favorites
a tasty cracker.
a toothsome cookie.
-a snappy, zesty biscuit.
Bll rbn. rrnkford tlSS
Kejrttont. t MS
' '