Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 22, 1919, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 6, Image 6

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    V!l !
TT"- ' '!.
British Agreed in 1917 to
Recognize Dominions as
U Autonomous Nations
Divisions Will Also Have Part
in Council of World
' By the Associated I'mi
Tarln, Jnn. 22. Sir Itobert U Uorilen
Premier of Canada lias glut) to tbo
Associated Press the follow In? M.iteinent
regarding the claims of Oreat Britain's
eelf-gocrnlng dominions to u place in
the league of nations us automous .na
tions of the imperial rommnnuciltli
"In the Imperial war eouni.ll In 1017.
I had the honor of movlnc In behalf of
Canada a resolution, which was accepted
toy the I'nlted Kingdom and the other
.. ,n..m, e ,i, .nn.tiiitnn..it rr..
latlons of the comtwnent pnrts of the There was it dress rcliea' sal tod is ami
British Empire should be lused on the I, fl0m ,, xvi)0iM compile- was Fin
full recognition of ihe dominions as au , . . '
tonomous nat ons of Hie Imperial corn K .' ,,Ut fo1 lhp w ath of "e P0""
monwealth " ',0 v 'hut rhorus gn 1 on the
Prlnrlple I, ,.pll,,l dnljcIC; '" Alf' n! T' " C "V ""', "' '""
The pnnepie t i-s estnbl l.ed lit the smro until I was n, foi it ntid
een Illustrated and . ariicd into effect drew mMlf up majcstlc.ill' . nlclinugh
i) mc reatc v umerc'iice-, in wimii m-
evcral dominions
have distinctive rep-,
resentatlon as membcis of the woild
wide BrltannlL tommonwcallh, winch In
one sense, is itself a leiigue of nations
"The resolution of 1M3. to v hlch I
have alluded, declared In emphatic terms
the right of each domin'on to an ade
quate voice In the foreign po'ky and
foreign relations with which the p o
posed league of nat'ons Is intimate'
nd ltally concerned
"It Is neither neoeaiv nor dtslrable
to forecast 'he p.ui method by which
this essential purpose shall be fuliilltd
In framing the constitution of the pro
posed league
"In addition to the d'stincllve lepre
entatlon of the dominions at the lvnce
congress, their delegates nlso base a
place on the panel from which the five
delegates representing the British com
monwealth of natiors as n whole are
to be selected from time to ime By
one or both of these methods, ad ma be
determined after di eonstderation. the
dominions ma receive- ths recognition
nd exert the inflm np which thei"
national status demands In the pioposed
oclety of nations
Umpire I rill em Peine'
Regarding the rtutus nf the British
dominions in the coumll nf the League
of Nations, the Paris ne-wspapers tate
it Is understood tint a. .hough the do
minions claims to be entitled to e'tual
numerical consideration with the stnallor
Juropenn States, thty favor representa
tion in the samo for n anel manner as
obtains at the Peae t'mforpiiee Thev
will be content 'or the British Kmpirc
to speak and vote a one vokp and vote
as a unit in the league.
The present p-uiei Hvst'in it Is ex
plained, is regard-d as wotkiug satis
factorily and It Is confident I; felt that
the dominion representatives evould a'
"ways compose a. part o- even the whole
if necessar, of the imperial eh legation
in the league wnen eiucs ions e'oelv
mffectlng the oversejs arose
TQn Complotto dei Reali-ti per
Rimettere in Trono
Re Manuel
Publish'! ,t,t r - m.'l l ndc
ITItMI'l M 211
AnthnrlzM i t! , . if i t h-r n
1817. ra f s' tno Poxtotl n' I'hua
delphls. Pa
By ordf-r of ' r t-i i n"
A PI 111 t MIS-I'ostmabt.-r
I-ondrn, 22 gimalo 11 i npo eh 1
partito monarehio por'oghesc. Manuel
1'lava Comeiro si , iiosio a t tpo d. una
rlvolta dei rea'is i a. o seopo ol r's'n
blllre la monarcl in e r porre sul trono
He Manuel I mowmento va dllncando
in tuttc !e prlne'p.ih ui'it' d"l Porto
al'o. Oravlssimi eonflitti sanbbeio avvennti
in Oporto, Barn e tseos Alcune rittu
si sono gin' nrrese al tngnnrchl, 1. I.e
truppe del goverro repubbllcano sono
state InMete dl -utta fretta In (iporto
ove la rivolta sarebbe piu ?rave clie ,n
quals'asl altro punto
I.a legge marziale sarebb statH pro
clamata in tutt.i la naz'one.
uMilnmnn. lie, .' getmaio - 1 i
formazlonl glunte al lpitrtinvniu d!
Stato da Genova iinnunalnno che l'.'SO
Jlservlstl ita luni icngedutl dal strvis
milltare e gla' resideiiti In mei,t,i par.
tlranno suhito dlretti per gli m iti fnn
s bordo del apore llunte !lgi '!
Humn, II gennnlo I: s'at.i egg. a' -Tiunzlata
la formazione del pat .tr, vii
Jare cattollco ualinro ejueno pun n
rappresenta la prima organ ir'alor
polltica eatto.ica r.ella su-la Ui a i a
Islone, I Papi dopo U induta di ' i,o re
temporale e la ponfguent rnnur d'i
relazlonl tra .1 Vatkano ed ' cji. i i
Jion avevano imi p rnieso a tatin ea
)I premiere parte nlli politun na n iln
come parti to oicanUza'o
Protest Ratu on t'lio-phale Hoik
Exorbitant freiglit rates on piling,! ate
rock, which. It ts faid, vmuld ntim.i'e
destroy fertilizer and famnng lnilutr
as set b the Iniied Mat's M,l,pii g
tioard are coiuplained of m a letter wen
Jesterday by tlie Philnueip in ticHMi ,,f
Trade to J II ltos i,r el'in ot n' i.p
rations of the shipping huard Ihe lot.
er asks for un earlj hranng e.n , om
Seeley's Adjusto Rupture Pad
Increases efficiency of a trust 50rc
Semr 7
yillllWT H
Tb iflf-adJuttlDc frIurrn of
thU I'ftJ
ma It cn to v
iim it mmum in wrur. ino in
the fbamb-
-"-- n'ri'i.- .:: i i.i
iHuiMMr iiQifi vi alienor prr
UTV win. PM9WI ruviiitwm uruw hiuwlj
Ctr nn lruk thit r-md riibl
i Iht blnnlnff wer not. Our Impror
MPlu' mn& drnr4 method lnar
buiroTtiDfnt tw tTtrr cam d4 tar
UB SEELEY, 1027 Walnut St.
Ct at Ptl ktto for rtfrrmnf
rT . iii kt.i -... .. .r-r-
Will. !(
? . r5C. MS.
The Diary of a llonleis Recruit
"l.crt!iiti! I do seems to be wrong"
TtTAY 20 -The -orld his come cat
lennir down nronnd m o.-.is
i luilUMl pn n U11U011 ni W II li'li-lt
"Well loll him he1 Imi t u.ill:lnc- nn
""j- vuiiiinueei me director I was
lOld that .111(1 several ntlier ihinni eiltti
tirtital candor The ehncp wpnt on bul.w
I Kiipw the e.vps of the dliectors vvcrp
On me. Jh less seemed In tnjo nil
proper co oi dlnat.on. M v arms became
unmanageable. I i0t .step and could
not pick it up nealii as I struggleo.
rm desperately. The music censed nnd
1 slowed down to nn uupj- shuttle.
"Sweetheart said th0 direi tor, nil
tjiesslnr; mo ppisonnllv. "ou-ie not
danclm,-. You re swimming, that's
what vou're doin As a Persia n jlth 1
vou would make a flr-t-ol i--s v nn "
He Imltril for a moment and then
bawled nut In a gtoat voice Tuder
stud!" nnd 1 was temoved from thp
stige l.i a, falntlnr; rnnelltiuii. This
evening T was .liipieil baeK to cam
n thorougliK dNcredlted liuw Kill I
had labored loner In vicious. .oul
MaUe Jilnir coiscts nnd hete 1 ntn afte
all my sacrifice1 rclpgnted back to thp
scrap luai) Whj am I nlu.ivs
titirortunatf one" I nius' hive a pti
vate plot in thp rk.v strewn w'th un
luck stais Camp loutme nftei tup
free life of the Mage is tinlieaiabU
Irksome M.. partitulai llniiuv Ipbw
was vo gl-iil to me b.ieh ti.at lie
almost cried ns lie thuist a hiuotu nnd
a swab Into tnv Iiantls
"Bear u iinml." he said glipful'j ' get
to work and stick to it We're s.io t
o, men " ho added "and thp e is no
end of tilings for Oj to do"
1 did them nil mid he was t Ight.
Thorp Mnol.v Is no end to i'n things
lie can dev Isp for me tei do I long
for the glamor and footlights nf the
gae White Way. but I have been cast
out and rejected ns tnan.v a shim girl
has- been bofoio mp
Juttp 1 - The mnrniiiK papets tn nil
sous of nlcp things about Illfl'.Bang.
but I can hntdlv lulievp them incrie
nfiei tho trc-iiinent 1 leeched. I
know foi a fact that the man who
took tnv place was knocked-kneed and
that the iet eif his figure could no.
hold n candle to mine.
Juno 10. I was standing doing hn'in
to no onp. when all nt a sudden a sitloi
se-Ized me by the shoulders nnd etied
"Do .vou want to make n name fi
v oui self In the set v ice?"
Ye, I leplled brea Iilesslv 'oi
n ves '
'Then pick un that ' he 1 1 led dn
matipall. pointing to n elgnr butt on
the parade gtouud. 1 rlkln t wait fo
tie Leucine. 1 dleln I have in It
wis foi tin oimiiK immed'at-c IItts
peels of i .nilois uie a vc .v 'on
tilbe of erielmite1. Thev spcm tu hang
mound waning for f-otwlung to ' iUj1
at UKuallv me 1 hnvp le-pti tim ul
jri of nioie tn.tth Mtiee I came tr,
c.nn'i -ban tinv other man on the t i
tion Whutxer I dn I spem to do i
too muih or ton little Thne evet
seems to be (something mnth-provoh-lng
In my personal appearance, whiel
I have ulvvavs tegniiled hitherto i nt
withou. a lertam madp of satlsf.i
! am C'ii'1 of eouise to bo ab'P to
bring jov In'n the lives of sailor" In'
I end not enlist for tint sole puipnsr
Iletinnin:: to the cigar butt liove
I was ie:i'l quite disappointed I el,
so wart to make u rume f"i m
In the service tint 1 would eaiici
lump ui tl-e ihnneo of hailing in- il
KIpI Caniil In (i Duneg. t 'f l1"
weie it not for the fiiet tint - i n
nlvvnvn makrs me deathlv s , '
don t know vvbv It Is. but tlie mo'e f
hue to do with water the ran e re,
sot-B 1 find for shunning Tin c.i
butt episode broke tin heai ' tl ntitr '
left tho spot In n bittei. bumil i e.l
muod There Is onlv ot-e e ini'ur' ..
pait about the vvhede iilTni I d"
nut pick up Mi it cUHi- liutt ll fl.d
I'll bet. though whet- -leliod' was
looking. 1 don t know ns 1 blame him
ihere WPie stil' fc.-veral hei i d ig
left in i .
nw - i - ' -r '
niAiri ipti vb it ' i
I, Thomas 15. Smith, Mayor of the City of
Philadelphia. Pa., by virtue of a Resolu
tion of City Councils, January Kith, 1919,
do hereby offer $10,00 0 reward.
WHEREAS. Several bombs were placed in the
City of Philadelphia on -Monday, December UOth,
1018. and the firinj,' of these bombs resulted in
the injury of several of our most respected and
representative citizens, and also caused consid
erable property damage, and
WHEREAS, The placing and firing of these
bombs is a direct attack upon the principles of
our government and the conspirators should be
immediately apprehended anil punished; there
fore Resolved, by the Select and Common Councils of
the City of Philadelphia, That the Mayor be, and
he is hereby, authorized to offer a reward of ten
thousand ($10,000) dollars for the arrest and
conviction of the party or parties concerned in
the placing and firing of bombs in the Citv of
Philadelphia on Monday, December 30th, 1018.
Liberal Slated
to Head Teutons
Continue from rt On
i ollloe nnil the banks, and linve ported
machine minii In the market place
and In public bulltlliiGs.
The PoldlcrH In the barracks weie
dlinrtiipil by the worker.
A Kcnctol utrlkc ban been proclaim-
ml nt Hrmschold ns n piotfit nttainsi ,
.1.- i. mi ii- 1.-....I T.lnl.t:n.rht nnd
Unci l.uxemlmra. u Ilremen Mspatcli ,
states Kactorli-s hao been ctoiKl nnd
truffle stopped i
Copenliactn, .Inn. 22. -(Ily A F.
Althoitfih the Majority Socialists, on-
talncd an tihsolule majority In nerllii i
and the suburb Sunday. iiccordlnK to
a Herlln dispatch to tne iinneieisDiau,
tlinv p.mnnt consider thp results sat
Isfnttory. nt the bourgeois parties
found tnoio support than had brpn
ovppptcd TIip I.oknl Anplger, of Iter
Un estimates that tho bourgeois par
ties up to Tupsdnj afternoon lind gain
cd as many scats as the two Socialist
parties combined.
Onp of the Rteat surprises of tlip
elpctioti was tho success of the Ko
plallsts In Hast Piussla. whpre tbp
used to be detested by the voters. The
consenntlve.s pollod a lica ote
throughout the country.
n rntrtv r tAir! 'inter Llojd George and Prerident "VVII-
uy Mwii i JA.ii.3 (Fnn wcrp too conFprxath0 and reaction-
Special Cable to livening Public Lcdgeri ary for the Soviets to deal with lie also
ronurlolit. til, ill Vie ,V. V, Time Co. gave exact data on the Ilolshevlk forces,
......- ,.. n ,a,,..aThJ,h',,lnflint they did not exceed 00.000
i,iiitii, .mil '. . . ... i
('entrist of Clul'tlan I'eople s party,
swept the Rlilncland In the elections
for tho Oerman national nssemblv.
While otilv pattial reiurns are avail
able an official estimate is that tho
fen ti 1st ,-ote Is two-thirds of the total
cast in the district occupied b.v the
American army.
This t ps ill had been predicted In
these dispatches, but it pinne ns some
thine; nf a Hiiiprlr-o that such n poor
showing was madp bv the Social Dem
letnts. who. In Tieves. polled 4000
votes iigalnsi the Ccntilsts' 14.000. and t
'f vJoblonr. wcie
about three to onr
Reports from UP and down the
nhlno Indicate thp samp general re-ll"e n'. nnMous to secure the evi
sult. The Independent Socialist ote dence of nceredlted Bolshevik n prc
wns nrgllglblp In the Rlilncland, al- "tPV1 ", ,0 "10 stiUus of Kueslati
though that party cat rlsd I.elp7lc, for ' af'nlrs
instancp, bv a heavy majority. Re-I I' renrh opinion " continues tho new s
noi ts from Rat aria Indicate that the Paper is not nt piesent In favor of
Centi ists nnd nfTllatod forces won, two
to one. nnd in lesser degrco south
(let tinny appeals to lmo gone for the
Moderates safely
It is the opinion of our experts who
have studied the Situation closelv that
In the .N'ationnl Yssprnl)l the division
will lie for .me1, against socialism. That
will mean t n. the Ccntilsts. tlerman
Demounts, Herman People's partv.
i Nationalists anil People's part.v will
lino up against the two Socialist nar
ties, wl.o will mobabh burv their
differences timing the convention.
It Is piejbable that the National
senibl will be tailed for early next
week, after the I'lussiin elections
which t eke place nest Sundav Two
dnt!s of the constitution Conserva
tive tifd SiK'lillst, will be mpspnted
.1:1 tho opening da. It Is understood
nnil the battle will be fought out for
tlip adoption of one or the otlici, with
possible amendments- of couisp.
As tlip r.hliielaml delegation wl.l be
controlled b.v the Centrists It should be
mentioned thai tliee delegates, being
largeh of the propertied class, will call
for the deepest consideration of Oct
ninnv's financial situation at once, ai
problem u lib h does not bother the So
e alists partlciilatl.v
nrtin-wiik Workers re on Strike
instrrilnni, Jan -J- general strike
In 1 en dei tared u Brunswick Tne
FTtee' cats have- ip,nnl cipcnath g anil
Mie wo: Kits are i,ii.i'lti; tliroug i the
Depend upon it,
we'll deliver the
full n u m b e r of
tons you order.
YV h e n we can't
we'll stop taking
63d & Market Slat & Gray'a
Peace Council
Agrees on Russia
t'nnltnnril from race One
Adnm. This resolution accompanied Hint
jinrrru u me Ul Kttni7.aimn 111 W'niCIl llin
demand was made that those, responsible
for atrocities during the war be pun-
Ished as criminals so as to prevent the
retuirence of barbarities, I
', IM,I
, Indication today were that Premier
Moid (jforpes proposal to M Plclion.
"r,'n'h ForelKn Minister, would nsnln
take form In UalrB Soviet agents come
here, and three names of prominent
loaders were mentioned ns possible)
emissaries. But this Is now paid to be
definitely superseded by a p'nn of In-
quiry or Investigation, without Iniolv-
lng the presence of Soviet ngents. I
The Danish Minister to P.ussla, Har- entlreh on Ocrmanv"
old Savenlus, made a statement before Another full session of the Peace Con
the eccutlvc session of the council Jes. ' ference will lll.ely be held nou Friday
teldny on conditions In nussln, which r Saturday for the purpose of the
also had a strong Influence In deter- ' presentation of a memorial on the league
mining that Soviet renresentntlves I of nations by President Wilson. The
should not come to Paris He was tho
last or the ministers to leae l'etro
grad, and today he emphasised the fu
tility of trying to conduct any Inter
course with the Fo!et leaders
He tend nn artlclo written by onn of
the Soviet ililefs, declaring that Pre-
armed mrn. tli. lanimta tiAin, t,lu,-
out arms or ammunition, clothing or
shoes He declared also that the Itcd
army was largely leciultid from the
famished peasants, who tool, tli!f means
to obtain food nnd tlip pav the Soviets
seemed able lo give them
llgln-Ssttns 111 rcnrd
Piesldent Wilson and Movd i.Voige
are In complete ngreerrent ns regards
tho Uussian situation neenrdlng to the
rnns edition of thp London Dalle Mall
Th' regard a settlement of the Uusslan
i"euon ns nn nnsoiutei necessarj pre-
I i.ininary to tap formation of a league
"' nat'ons. tlie newspaper declares, and
even this admission 'of the Bolshevik
tegline. but the Ihigllsli pioposal Is that
tlie Bolshevik government should be In
vited to head representatives
rsentatlves to give
h suggestion being
of nussln sliould be
evidence, the l:ngllF
that tepresentatlves
Invited to come to Paris and tell the
confereme esactlv what ten Itorial pow
ers thev claim. If, therebv. an agree
ment eim be i cached as to teriltnria'
delimitations, the diffeiem Itussinn
governments ean be defined and ic
t)ueted to confine their claims and am
billons to such tetntorles and (.ease
ntlemptlng to estend them bv aimed
force '
Melinir In Inlerventlon
' I nles this is dotie Mr l.lovd (leorge
fears a pai.illel Willi the r inch llnolu-
tlon. when an attempt -it mtereferetice
hv exterml powets led lo tlie creation
or .n grest tiatlo.ial prnn Su. h nn
event irlgbt occur In Ilusla, tf Allied t
si'si IIP lilllP ! ' IIIiHIB " '"to.
.,, !'"!!'Hf IJHB m wKmUmmumi L UmmHt HMPfflMW Rul m SHfiiwiBilHilliiiill ill' ;
H1 i.f fJUH I ' '1iiii1' ' ii IHWIIMix!h;5i lift!!' 4 ill 0 '! W l L- J IHffflBffi I mm
' iffMltiMWHn i gfli i f wihmi l II ISlil JBfe liSH iilH
:W&mRffK Mw i i Li I Mm ift v ' til ll iiWlffll n "' H''iPsn lH LUffiralUW :
I lii''lBMMwrillll''!!!iiHiB WBM f
IPS Pliii h I JmliRBMillliliMlaBwEW ' ' WJHlMMMiiBHBil jjl;ji IP!
WmsWSmm ' ' ' The Bovs telhns
jm )-.- .hi in i. .iiiii- . ii Ti . i in" in in i iiiiin tiHHiiiiiiiiiiiMi l iiiiiiniiiiiiiiuiuninimniKi ihtiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiii-itm ittiiiiiiiiimiim iitiuiMiit,ii,,iii uiiiiitiiii iiiiiiirniiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiitiii'irii tutir iiMniiiiitiKiiiiiiiifiiiiiMitiiini i ut.rft
armed Intervention were pursued. Thd
Ilolithcvlk army might bo reln Igornted
nnd constitute n serious and continued
menace to the peace of Ilurope.
"French opinion, on the. other band,
seems Inclined to support the Poles, who
stale that the' nre prepared to talso nn
army nnil to limit, If not crush, not
'u ., , i . , ,., ,7, t
"heMsnt, If assisted with munitions nnd
on ''J-- . ..
Th l"helk attltiido, so far nn It
ean "" understood at present, Is this:
iiiey do ngt tiesire to become n great in- i
duslilal nation, and are nttvlous that j
Hussli remain purcl) agiarlau nnd self-'
"This n lew i! understood to have been
put foiward esterdaJ by Harold Sen
vlnlus, the Danish Mlnlste- to Ttussl.i, Jn
Hie course of his evidence before thd.
Supreme Council of tho l'earo Confer
piicp The IJngllsh fear that, unless
great care bo taken Bolshcilk Russia
may be forced to depenu commercially
Kncllsh nnd I'tench memorials on the
leaguo of nations will probably be
presented at the samp time, and the
trade boaid, ami lxrd neadlng It Is
i-, i .v,, i, .ii,..i r .,!
uimiuiu'"! .im.w iiiii ii-v,u;--ivj u( -"Jliit i
,a,u nr ei, tr.r.,1 i,i. .. I
The associations advocating the for
mation of a league of natloiiH will get
Into toueh with each other next vveel
iiiii, iiiuiii i mi v, ,i-ii uiiiei ne'M e'i;i.
I.enn Hotirgeols, he-ad of the French or-
gnnlzatlon . VIscouiii Br.vce. of the
Blitlsli nnd Osrnr S Sttaus, leprescnt
ing Amciiei will confer for this pur
Shipping .Men Meet in Witshiiig
ton to Formulaic Definite Policy
"It nsblngtnn, Jan 2J t Bj A, P.)
Formulation or a definite merchant
marine policy was considered nt a
meeting of shlpp'ng men that opened
here toda;. Tlie conference, which was
c-illed bv Senator I!andcll, of Louisi
ana, nnd has been Indorsed by the
I'nlted States e linmber of Commerce,
will continue tnmonovv.
)no or the huuJ. die to be considered
will be the pioposal. announced recentl
hi fails bv n V Hut lev, chairman of
the shipping hoard tli.it the govern-
men! write off nliniit tiitity per cent of
the war cost of methan shipping
Philadelphia .sailor ('oiiiutcnileil
' hlcf Turiet I'aptain ndiew White,
t luted Mates Navv. of JtaiS Soutli Sev
enteenth street, heads tlie list of nvetits
Iwo members of the aimed guatd of the
S st We'stboro wlio have lieen oMii'inllj
eotiintended tiv the Sin ct.it . or the
Xnv The vuliintiit i' iciiilend ns
si tat e In shifting catgti in 'I st.itiding
ua sli so that watti ou!d be pumped
nit, hi ship's tiinl.s to lit lng it duwii
odds tluit iii.iLlug foi more mipciI in
nn effint
to rscaps tl.MiURh d
committee proposed today then to work "e, B",- "" ''.',:,. ai,n,i of the
out the details, whllo the full conference I1"'""""'1 T -, Aon, tlio White
! may enunciate some general cxprclon jmclM fta C,t
of principle on the plan. , House no whs mo "J"' '. .. ,,,
President Wll-on tonfencd today with his association with members of the
Vatico McCormlck, chairman of the war Federal Trade Commls-lon, Ml. J.onn
,-T :.TJ!!ii.ii '...., f !. !,.. ,n!.ii:.iIi!!:Ji:iii!!!! l!!li!il!!!i!!il!,ii1ii;ii,iJi;i:i:i;,ii! Illlil!,;, .illNll'!! I'lKliliiLIIUHHIIIililllt-dl i.l " - . fr-miUKE
JAOTAKY 22, 1919,
Logan Accused
of Social Lobby
ronttnnrit from Page One
receives nn Irregular salary at the rata
of $500 a month from tho Standard Oil
Company of New Jersey.
In addition. Mr. I.ogan testified, hc
received 60 n week as Washington
conespondent of the Philadelphia In
quher, nnd that ho also furnished news
articles to Icllo's AVcekl. Forbes
Maganne, tbo Fourth Hstnto, Walt
Street Journal and the Ametleati Ikono
mist. Iln "resinned" from the nrcsa gallery
two jvars Bgo. ho toi.i tho committee,
alter irr nnu uvRun nn vuiiwuuu ..
nectlons. Later lie resigned ns editorial
writer for the Washington Post because,
he said, of that newspaper's pre-war
Tip on Ifnnrer's Naming
knovv if Mr .ogan did.' 'ha-ve advance
kotlce1ofMMr!'0,Toovc appointment an
Metnbeis of the commfttco vvanieu 10
food administrator.
It was slvwn inai
denied that ho unew imm .,,,..
"Tlinf nil eamouflnge, lnterruptRU
' . I . ltsit 1 v
Senator Kfttison. of Iowa Impatient .
Henaior urjijuu, ul ...... .......-..---.-
The Senator proceeded to show that Mr,
Logan was Intimately associated with
Mr. Hurlev whlV- he was chairman of
.v,.. i...,iMi Tmrirt romnilssloii nnd with
iitu ininui ,... . !. i
Jo'eph R. Davlef. io leceni j r"-h""'
frn, elm ennim sslnti to muse ""-
successful run for the 5-etnto from V ls
conjlti . ....
"Will vou denv that ou wrote the
packers a letter tel lng them tilings Mr
ll.Mics told ou?' asked Senator Ken-
rMr J.og.in admitted that there "might
tell this covimllteotli.it sou illdn t know I
members of Inderal Trade Commit.-.slonr-
said Scrvtor Kenjon
Vlr lsmn Riac' nw
Hurlev about four
vcars, and tnai ne
Vin,l hislneH the shr.Vts:
lng board In evciy
possible) way during" V,1'0
the ptent of suggeRf's'v
war, c A to
thoughts for
Mr. Hurley's speeches ,
ficm the
111 I i'-j,i,iiu v ts ..-,'--
commltteo for light on the JN "'""'"
,,,, . i.i.
!, ,, .. ' .
, u , ,
nl.pnml Ml- l.Oirfltl X -.s,"' '
tit of friendship lor .mi
lev,' he hid directed the picparntisiv
Ifl, 11 II 111 l.ll.S.ll, ...V ,..,'.... . .
daia In the nlllces of the shipping bu.t."
hn.it nic nn fie-rman and Austrian met -
idi.int shinning. Ml Hurley, hn said,
thought he ought to he paid for it but i
he had dec lined to i egat d the wotL as
other than a labor of love toi the gov
pinmcm. lie added, however, that the
shipping board paid his expenses ubioad
Mr l.ognn, In tesponsp to n eiuestlon
said tim' lm was intlmaie with !toepli
P 'lumult, secietarv to Piesldent Wil
son He was asked about dinners he
gnvo to government ottlclab- lie denied
lie was a "loval enteitainei ' and insisted
sin h cmc tattling lie did was not dial get!
to the packet"
how much they like
his tobacco
You, too, will like Velvet tobacco. It's aged in
nature's way, the slow way, the sure way, the ex
pensive way, but the right way. Two years' ageing
in wooden, hogsheads makes Velvet cool, smooth
and mild. A pipeful of Velvet will tell you then
you will tell others.. v a v
Party Caucus Directs In
quiry Into the Interlock
ing of Committees
j Sentiment Shows Leaders Arc
Too Busy to KccAll
Wnohlngloii, Jan.
-Senate progres-
, Republicans today won a MSc0n.
I" ,'"", "-Sp:j"J"!!i
- ;" "-- ..... iviucmiair iiit
In the bands of n few men nnd keen
ccitaln Senators tit tho head of Import
ant comnllttees.
A Republican caucus ordered appoint
ment of a commltteo to consider sug
gestions for nmcndlng tho rules nnd
make recommendations. Senator Lodge,
Republican leader, will name this com
mlltee. The caucus was i ailed to consider
.Senator Notrls's proposal to amend the
rules so as lo bleak down the present
cnntiol of vital legislation by n few
members who are chairmen or'membcrs
of Importnnt committees Progressives i
espected the caucus to reject Nonls's
plan or nt least to suggest that n be
gre-itly amended
The caucus1, however proved a stir-
Sterling Silver
Our selection offers a variety
of styles some with en
graved decorations and oth
ers in the new picrced-work
A sterling silver compote of
plain design with tapering
.stemheight, eight inches
S. Kind & Sons, mo chestnut st.
Velvet Joe
prUe. Wldnprtatl sentiment dvlopefl
for changing the rules. It wai put upon
tho ground that, In a busy session of
Congress members find themselves tin
hbla to nttend all their committee meet
ings. This frequently results In de
laying Important bills because commit
tees considering them cannot get ft
quorum for transaction of business.
The caucus action was virtually
unanimous. Progressives regard It as
u long step toward realliatlon of their
Dog Gives Tire Alarm
Wllkfi-nnrre. !'. Jan, 22, Mrs.
Catherine Shedloelc. of Miners' Mllfs, w
awak'ened by the barking of a dog, ana
found her home In flames. Willi dim
cul v she carried her three children to
safe'tv. neighbors giving them slfelter.
Tho bouse and Its furnishings were
burned, with loss of $2000,
'Tis Time
To Start
the Haster booklet or folder!
Speed delivery by specify
ing Bay Path Cover paper
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Trlntern knovv its possi
bilities nnd can get It
quickly. Ask jonr printer,
or us.
Papers for All Kinds
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