m ias-)?! Euentmj public IGedger PHILADELPHU, MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1919 A Varied Pictorial Portrayal of American News Happenings Glimpsed by the Camera ;'. -ymmm 'a S" . , ovj-- '' - .:v.".t., P8-- ''' ' vrs v.-ft;',j.' ,-?5l4?i-sWE-''rtfS?5??S ls & s cm W tt w ii niiiii ii - . W ' -I ,jpi&lmri P&vSjw v ' 1m vkvMRviK wfKEBMw? 09H PVF rttHM L y f r 8yii,iwi'5sBr,""i" iiiiiiiiirrFrmigriin HBaaw isipwipsf MW'ymrW-ti'y7 ttt&&rffir&' &iPJk&xm& f Hills ip fill? tw 3,-l-vtMit. &? We1 SI Ik mimm ESsasEaasssse ssMEasmffira MSilP? ftiM MY. Timfcs Photo iStrvics. s t. k -m. m - Asi f. () ln1frnftKonl TVIn- pryi'ct, WHKN JOHNNY COMES SAILING HOMK. The United Stales cruiser Seattle arrived in New York harbor from Brest with 1500 fighters from overseas. WHEN THE 143D ARTILLERY BOYS arrived at'Oakland, California, under command of Colonel Ralph Faneuf, the heroine of thousands of feet of film, "Colonel" Mary Pickford was there to pin a bouquet on the smiling colonel. '&M i33&g 4J a r 7c c- - tff cJtrwcod THK oRf'HKSTin TIT : mi- N v V. k th .u . li " H, Kv K. 1 1 -.- di'-octinj: - own muk- m tin pantum.nv ,M.if, i- auui i in s.;i-; -n u n aiiia ji hh? -- inimnnic m-iiim. thiit nclmn mill m i c vn l'1 '' ini'outrh a tiem-h pi imm.-op- a he iin-rt hi mtiMiMan. .Mr. i!(ii' wutihch tlv stajr' .; s r8$M??J2- . IS. $. - . s, i" - ,!.. ? :; sr j -' ..s ;-v ' Ay -. ' v WTrrTMWrii " "- aas-e s ::-i-, y A -unRBirKKK5 Jf tSKi JTM " n "T iMEET 'SSSS M 3& 3S3 ' V" .jv. . w 4 ' nv. : jvicWrflMH! vtf aaMOMsVmJf. irSTTS sazraiansBanGni.-.ai4Ba&iBflK jt..i ; . . . iv-. vr'.r m.e..9&mmmmmmi M f'TT r-V TirTI'T t fffflTtffflHr"1ffTT?JrrtH-y - iMWJi M Tim.!"! TIT! WW 1M KT n7i1 ? " -T 7i ITfufi i ? v' . .';"." s' LtV '-. -". ,S-..'-! ; . fivS ..; ii'SKf R'MXWbff f2MflHIB tO&BS YAUW HtxJtv x.Mr.p'viiBiiiHi.Ttjn4iin?Niir!xioHwinvt :r?iaidwiniHiinBc.ui. v n-v ct- ,, your. s aia rsirs x-.si ..i i jt i-auaB (mjv t-k'7 wjh Knn a.w nn nLi uv w I II I II I I I I II II III IM I I ! Ml !!! I 1 Mil TT T T n 11 W ' 'Till " ' - ' - - - " "- " J - t E .- ,!. Kt?:v .. .' I'.wfW : .- Lv. I,,'i4,vi- t r T 'T 1MB )1H TB 1MT l'"ffl"""W : - W i i" ii Wl'li i II ii BW 1 1 i' ' I "m m Hi i n1 1 I III tl h i. iM . ?Mi'M.ms:tmmkmmmltM'Stammr azji:m?i'sixmmmtsmmrnBmimHmBBKim NRHMiTHnKflHcsmkKfiiKaiHLarfc)A-K.d&v b 'tw:fi9REKeMnwKviBCByErs'ff'ffBUs&ajHiBHiiHiraiHirBBix u VRHHHuBBlHHIIIIIIIOflKKSKBHHHflHHIiHlHillllBslBf ('-;'!; r; krii' !8- -J MM X IM J(lHlJSffl mumu it , ;.-.Vi'i v-' - .,.f.iijp SiV .4 i !W '.-J '.Ml; .V"'' ' '.''' ' 4 r-n . ?-?iin.ng,,:j; 4 u teMti.t ijr' ' ; ii tL' -t '"C-, UndfrwocxI & Qncig.rwcoJ Phon THIS IS THE Ilia XAVY DIRIOIIJLE C-l, the lamest of its kind in America, which recently made the flight from Rockava Naval All Station, L. I., to Key West, Flu., a distance of neatly 1500 miles. The crew, consisting of six men, was under the command of Captain S. V. Parker. NYTimtt Photo Hdrvlcej di Plin ADKI WIIA'S SKYLINE OF HOTELS AND OFFICE III JLDIKGS just soutb of the City Hall makes an Impressive and effective greeting i iuluwcui. "liQ th(J u.avekl,. aniving at tho Broad Street Station, To tho left is the arch of the Pennsylvania's trainshed. THE RESTING PLACE OF FORMER PRESIDENT THEODORE ROOSEVELT, op a knoll in Young's Memorial Cem clery near tho rambling, rural highway along which ho traveled so many times in boyhood and in manhood betwopn tho Sagamore Hill house, which was his home, and the quiet village of Oyster Bay, seeu through trees in distance jf U. r. rVSiSjawwaytjSWaii t-xJL'lSWt Iwwfe -gSgy' "SWS reyrrrfr zaaAsittftf..... ', .Hr f r ?- JtM : '.a'-1 , j