Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 17, 1919, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 9, Image 9

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    T;'" c'n
'-rv',e Vfv
TODAYS INQUIRIKS Who Arc tlie Bol-hevlMs?
h ftatw mntnm tint MI It I 1ltllCl to fltF t'ttttor nt t mitttilM tmif
r... ...r... ." 7. " . .'.. ; :. ... ' ' -.
M I the correct way to tin tl' lr i,y nnUc
Fff n. khamtMiti' r-.
find all this on the JIIch of the newi- Reconstruction Work
paper or on Hip fllea of vvorhWntcrcst" Tl, ., ,.,,,..""." W
lnB(tnliif In the public libnilj. Thlr- ''"r ','"' "' V'"""1 '""'
leemh nml Locust alreeto. ir',M,, ".'llJ!!l. nm .lntere.lil In fe...n
Vour tlili.l qUNtlon vvlll be IWi.l ; I'.WTo ;f?,?7orm.nt,i5rn'ieftlM,lP.
In another Issue. '.nur.e. i.o in prnjrrn. Are nny of ihrr
. '"'"'" mien ny tne uovernnnMit; wtim
hip ppciiai rcquirrmrtitt lor entrain ?
iln -in whom .hnuM I write
tor Infurnwitlon re.
iHdnm ill ou liindij- obllm mi A (jifi for Mother , in II
'.t-:.', "",y" "!.!., . . ,. . ... , ... . F in ininiiiirion. n. r
wel rarl. ran be of ret .ml. In.nn.rrhl.m? " "' D,ar M,lm-M.flt do eu think .aU Wr? W!,,,! .Xr .w". iV,Vr',,,rw. ',m
is .mini room, mow ii .. u.r... dvnn nr ne iioi.neviti and to wlmt party lw h u tub silt fur a mollier on ner n . rr.ir for iiuul Ho.1 iV,ii i,pV. in
..III l...l,. ih. III. if llnnlrum ' I o thfl be OHE7 lIKAtlMI lilrtha.i. nhl. h I. In IVLruan from hcr.i.l.. .1..: ."..VA-"". ,"I"'Jnml '.riu 'A".' -'"
lw So They Were Married
I'.pisode Three (Jealousy)
i ourlQHt, fill', tl J'tttille l.tdatr Co.
('HAlTlIi: IX
Htoll cams home from Iho ollUe ono
. , , t
Now If Itutli Jlsllktd tneftlne and bo- Scott, they seldom took anything to) j
ItiR villi Scott'H frlenOi, Scott disliked drink, nutli nctually liked eatln we.ll? J
hnlnt ul.li t.Ani.lA llltn lli'n Cnrtor. Porl enough In cnlnv a .nrarl unit all attdr'y
ono rci.Koii lllll Culler made a great .Scott had iilnnned to order tlilnfa they, ' ,
deal more money tlnti Scott did In the) liked. (
tiiislness world 1'onie.uietillj Soott never "I'iii RolnR to have lomelhlnc to at,t '
Knew Just how far lie might Imve to Ko Scott said, briskly.
,,,,?.,.' ,L WL ""," ti,. I ,,,, 'e claret lemonade first," '
I'M prompllr. "and decide what
OXl'i: hnHiK impliniU'd the seed of g,,, 1()t lllC(I bul caBll. to do onle.
jealous on fertile soil. It M"i"J llnB I1p an(cd t0 Ke, oul of him-
nii.l - tfatili l.s.tm tt illutrttat ir
ni ii iLinn n uuui uiknii uj uipiii.ri.nii ..
lllrlM r.nnil.rrl nml Mil. SUrill ld nt " ,u l"a
...... - . . -
to forget tho world of
too. Scott hail lomc out for relaxation
to cat nf torn aril."
mill Iim nluu.u f.lf uu fliniiirli 1m iver I
Maying a game when he and Itutli were1 , Hetter liae a highball, hcott, old
with the furteis. Is.ibel nnd lllll had u". IH "aid, and gae the order tu
..ii-.,ii ...... .....i.. .,. t ,iin '? "a b'f"- tt could say any.
...., ..Ill, ....,... U. ...... ....V....M ...... . . ,.n.. ..- nnnlt,,.
Isabel' ""'.. " "' "" "
Slndow? ,h..m"V.;iY:..T."'." "''"" ! "y sornell.m TnaiiKin ,
K'vs.i,iif;! '".jiiinrn"-., of Wv.m,ia,i!,osr!5ft-,if "'- '- hri'T, ,vv1,M- '" ini- ,"- Xo'hniVun.' 'eu,; ::, r : ;;;:f'-;;l;,i -" -" j,ruZ,;r-o ohnh7arV,
holorn,l.',.,llVBrnJ,V ."'Ve'aV. JMornt;,nra'. which would d" nwn wlil . ,tl el Sr thins, to wear. lh- Utile .. might ,"' to which m.u irhr Is Hut which had thought a great .lea of uIiir to ,Ja , UJU flp0i um, ,,, lrstillral,i , l.' " , , b , j t sl, ihe'd let u. dunce. What dothey
WSln. wSyidiwlnn .,..1 Maliy. K,eat ,art. the lii.UM.tii.il efTort or ' her rrtt sweater or georBote ,,Ca, with tl,, arta and crafl- teachlne make Scott je..l..u. hh 1 lllv w.i. of tsa- trouU, , ,suie...eker-. Uulli fiml, '. . linn it ne.l i m i.flke i! Ii'llwiilwihrlf rutloletpwiil.
tuifn. iffiiiinr iinnUernarj ruil for nnnin.iHin.. .... . u..u d..ni. .... ii.. rrMi hlmiyn. Tlipn tlioii nit other iwi .of lli umitnii .1 tniiuru ri.rt hai ahi. lifi hut it k mi.i! tn hr tmnai-ilhlp Oiica , v . . . ' . ....... - ... I oo,'H!i, uinn irtutnru. uiiuiniiKe re- .. !..... .. , ..
'i''!nlrl.v..r r
ISiaS .".fflla7BrfflK hVtVoducing'.r;.;. rlbution of t ff itT. h.VonmooBi..i-i.Hy .".!, he XTJou'i" vclous ih.U she wa, wo,i.i of the ad. ;;;"VcoM ;;.V uIw.iih u- ,. TosV whn XtufV'r", uT?
,.,.,1 t.n nne trttnre In clolli iinri nlor nrntinnfn ..r ijhm. nt..i .. mitin. innri'nr u nrrtt Kllk umbrella 1 nines for ileln tin tlu-i.. ne m Uu. i.m...ni ii..,i'" Jt-iiou,. inlrnl on she w.i, sUlu to lculxe. nn i.,,. ,., u ..,i ... i, fri,..l tnoUBlua to speaK Deiore she couIU fol-
I .mi. inu.. I nitilil he liiilnim ' Tin i ! fim it, .1 .in ii n iin 1i.nl . eiuArltiiil. inueli. ..... . .. , ' . ' . ,. ...i ..... ... low In Label's etn .if thnuirhf.
1 Jnini "h,r iTi1 ii.1!' the Joint nruneiU of the inembeis of the i best of all. are a little boudoir 1jiiii , . raft ileslgnlne nnd other clitntlxe'bed ' hud ionf.,ed. I think nnj woman Ine-lv in S.ott. that si e did hone they i. ..." .H. ...... .... ,.' ,. ,...',.. "fa do !,' Scott seconded,
In;.... nd It I. iil.o community ImahoRiui sewing tuitnil, piece or ranc si.io work -nt the Sihool of Iiidusirlnl .ould wouldn t mitt ,m ono thev knew thai ,'" ...'.... ..' r..., ., .. .in, .. "Mercy. I don't think anyone liked the
".r,,..".!ri.."lifrpiIln wli..lon when ll.e "n'1 ciihUhI, I.ei.iUM- of this distribution J'e house, and ninny women jojc these ulnssis In occupntloinl thcrnp tint la,
I" --,-: ------- . - n, in HI .M. .itAiri .. r t Ik. (nfllna-.aa nr all..
I mm l ftliinintt on
l aia a. m Jkil It tt I ll
Ihnrtl on the eM nt the one who
I flaitnlliF.
I.i !. jMirlh. nnnlleil
F liourn in n urritn ijt
fTllllliy '. ... ..
It rrniOP ITU! Minn inrm
llitHtfU oil Iinu iMitinii
lh one who I. Tn UiilshcMsla nie u separate party I linen, such as madeira work. ..r a low Ut i.,.,,i nr,i P110 tr,ets. nml ihn lf ue exer Jealous of ou"' ilcli- ,'.'.,' "'.'".,'. Y. ! , ,,)., V. , , "ilMret uny more, it went out of Mylo
on marble win V,oi.r It? l" 1 7 xJ " tCc on-K nn! tlio I am Mklng It for granted il Is daddj;, nu.pke, f the Vntlonnl Leilguc lo? "" rd ner show II. no of I. Kile, one of tho s.iftlj lighted tables, when ., ,ro ut sarcasm ... a protection. '""''c' J ',' . " "J S
nm wood rub hi nrst Itusslim retolutli.nnri urt was raonn tluit will be Bpent on lie gift Women's Sen Ice (.'Milan hospitals It me Itutli knew now th.it he had Scott w.is skipped on the Inik nnd Itutli wh.il will oil 1 ao lo drink'' lllll "a n , ,f. '. .', ,c l0"n"' they still
ii . nm Muuii nun in.- hhii- mtm .-. , in, ,ni nun u.uig ints cui.itixe won., spoiitu me irinr. l '. "no iiieu . luriieu to nun
i snMngs nro lo be spent on mothu I lie ttn.htnetnn address of the aides n hurd to iiinka him Jenlou.; It Is on them
nre other suggestions pair of .supuxlsor Iteconstrucllnn Aide.. Kur- ,, d'llllcull Inliie to do whe'i one doe.n t "i.iliel m
h.( gloves, n .hilim co lai-nnd.. uft gon (lo.iernl s Olllce. War OeiMrinifn , L,t, Vhetncr nnv oHier a i iaImV ofSiIne -Vome
a icnterplece for the tabic or a little Wn.hlngior l (' l wneinir an) ouiei in..u im.i, of lung, lomr o
oierthiown ! it UoIslieMsm Is n
form of nnarth.v Ii his for Its aim the
Kclzme and dM'Inn of cnpltnl and Industry.
, gre.il drill can be said In cnlniglng
Silking of I.ti'ilaniu
ie Ktlltnrof lroiitaH'i Vnrji :
I. mp Mmlum KlntllN Rl Iho ctBi't ililp Inn thin .lpllt.itfnn. lull von will tip utile In
Iho siiiklne nr me i.urituinn
the l.u.llnnU wns sunk Mn
I. Ii
seem to enjoy It '
gr. inl.h-lirown liipild and lllll rind Ih
ne sum din. imdltlonnl Keltrer bottle befoie him Now
u r not
u.il.o a foul
(In Hie net rlmnter Seott ulion. more
on over lo our table nnd there was ono thine nbout lluih and "'"" ' nnl amount of Interest In
some." dancing.)
Honks on Vailon Management
lite f'rflloi of Woman's 1'oor.'
lear Miidsin Will ou print In nur
uinn tli till, of some booK. Ihiil ton
n romplelo Informstlnu on 1iu.ln.sa nnd,
iraniia. ment of a fartori" Th.s liiu.l
cot very mu h and plctsi' d II mt
ere to pro. ore thiin 111. Nnl.ll
At Ihe I'lihll. I .lbr.tr Thirteenth and
ruM stint", von will find in the tef
ikp ininii .mi rnrvi 1one.1l i on fnetoi v
ivarcnirnt vvhl.li . v e. v iroo.l and
Out I.e. nnd In toe ( ii. ut.ltlllg ilen.irl-
i tint thre nte many good buoLh on
li.toiv iiuimicemtnl nml fnetorj husl-
oJfas In genernl The llbi.irliin will tilled
rou to these volume. titi cm get u
ulrd anil take them out. nnd then ou
-Will not have to bu.v them
9 -" II fl
ckaga MakeaQuail
A d.ei't for child) en and
Krovvn-upii that
Tastes Good
Is Good .
It is nourishing, easily pre-
pareil and economical.
Buy It Today,
Be Sure It's
Mrs. Morrison's
BniAlftA.. V liM
I .... ,114
The Morrison
Co.. Phila.
Today is Iho 21.1th anniveibtivy of the birth of ono of tho
Kioatest Keniusea the countiy has eNcr pioduccd, our- who, though
not a native of Philadelphia, had the vvelfnte of the city of his
adoption continually at heart, and who brouRht more glory to it than
any other one single man Benj'nmin Franklin. Many of the improve
ments advocated by him have come to pass, and in the Chestnut Sticrt
Shops his ideals of n business founded and maintained upon principle'
of sound honesty aud integrity, with a square deal for cveiy one. and
full value icturnrd for every dollar spent, have been completely
LISTEN to the clicking castanets,
the whirl of skirts and tho
nulsinc of tho soft guitar! In
the quaint old Moorish town of
southern Spain, in Almeria, the
dark-eyed scnoritus arc making
meriy, for the grapes have all been
fathered and been shinped to the
New World. This, year they were
extremely scarce, and many spoiled
en loute, but at Henrv R. Hallowoll
& Son's. Broad below Chestnut
s-tveet, where they make a specialty
ttrJbvrcJyy 2&vVt
1 WONDER how many women
have lecently been unable to I
have their old pianos renovated.
Several that I know were delighted
the 'when told that N. Stetson & Co., I
llll Chestnut street, arc prepaid! to
resume work of that nature. For a
time the embargo on materials and
lack of workmen gieatly handi
capped them, but now that steel,
wiic, wood, frit nnd skilled aitisansl
are procurable, they arc icady to I
accept orders. It is really rem in;
of Snnnish Almei'in Gianes. the lim-' f',J w"!.lt l-a" '1" .done to ililapt-
itml mnnfllv ill... n fnrt.molo I OatCCl PUtnOS. Kelllllllling IS tlie
ONKY for a useful
purpose may be bor
row ed on the MORRIS
PLAN in sums of $50, $100
or more. , You repay at the
rate of $1 each week on
every $30 borrowed.
CHARACTER and earn
ing power are require
ments for MORRIS
PLAN loans.
THERE are J 04 MOR
RIS PLAN companies
in this country. They
have loaned $80,000,000 to
over 600,000 borrowers.
Call or write for Booklet:
1 How to Borrow Money by
Means of the Morris Plan
The Morris Plan Co.
of Philadelphia
name thoy give it, and that is what
in borne cases, while
ited ouantity they were fortunate '
enough to secuio is the equal of any i '. . . : h
ii 1....1 r. ...i -r .i I it amounts to
. Vi i j Ltii.u. . .1.. m others very little is needed to
are ctowned with ruined Moorish , JZ 'Vh nM oiCnl'Pj' hi
rustics crisn firm and luscious the pi , V0."' the nld Strinway may be
W h ?ers i l deseiT ther1?'16"1 for a ,"c,v' th n nerous
Arabic name-Almei'ia! meaning "vance ma.Iof6rtho same.
"The Conspicuous t1MUS hca.o., the Ulstcrctte style
NniiTiTtnpaT .f i ii. i, .lint.! B "f overcoat seems to be in
ORTHWEST of India lies that JL t (icmalt(, ,, b ,
v-,st mountainous country of tical as we ns t Ug, d
Bcluchistnn. where to this RCrvCs its popual.jt'y Th(. "William
day the occupation of the people is Pcnn umftle .Gnnicbiook" arc two
cithiM pastoral or rug weaving. The of tll0 niuny mm, , t, t Jncob
main distinguishing featuie of these Rr(,d.s Son; I4o4.2(i chestnut
Bcluchis an lugs is that they com- Rtrect niu showinB amonl, thcir
in ical dark blue,, with dark brown, laiKe stoeI. of ovcrcJntai M;do , n
i ed or green as faint outlines for the choic,. Splectlon of distinctive ma
border, .and peculiar geometrical I terials, such as Worumbo and Ciom
nguics in the center of the rug. llioa in phlin coIor f , ,
Quite eiioneously they me boinr- fnncIe,. forty-five inches long, cut
time- called "Blue Bokhara"." from with n wcted hiKh.waist ,' nnd
the predominance of hat color. At decWed nre to thp nm le k, t th
Fritz & La Rue, 1124 Chestnut ' rffcct is oxtlcmoly nnt'tv and mili.
street, they havje not only the mod- tary. Younger men will apnieciate
ein.Beluchistani, but also a few tare i thelr ,mart swaBRCl. !inps w'hile the
antique, specimens, n glossy, lui- older men of a youthful turn of
tioiu, iich in tone, with heavy pile, I mind (and fiBuie) nnfl with an eve
and as they ate one of .the few makes , for t,,e bpst thin ' f ,
that are to bo had in very small. nie thpll. sensib!c polnts nml ,'.
nanow lugs of .soft shades, they are tinctive chaiacteiv
much sought after
DO -YOU necT?. introduction to 0'Sd.ZitL arti!
Mai y.EUen Frocks? Probably , J- cIo lhe quicker ,t dkap ".
not, if you have children to T,iat. nhat 3 nappen!np. at
dress. for nearly evety mother heie stod: of jellies at E. Bradfoid Clar e
knows them atl ',!s f".,,cn ' 1?,vc Company, 1520 Chestnut street, and
with them, as I did They are the , om.P thpy llave it , h ,a'
sweetest, quaintest little wash say if thcy can bo IppiBcedf u ,
dresses, and Joseph G Dailineton these little accessories that add t-o
& Co.. 1 121.-28 Ches nut street, has much t0 thp cnjoyment of paf
he exclusive light to sell them in WlKl fowl. venltoK steak and mut
Ph. adclpha. Made. in Washing on (tm. BOod , themselves, taste "belter
by two slsterb, the pioneew in .using with a touch of t . e l
Dartex, .the mater al of which they of the t , . ' ctn,e
-Mli0.":1. ome person prefeTtlfe
fi'. ""T,i "r"T " , V rK 'iX,. ,r0l,y K'een. "". Jey . io mint
T(tlli: OIMINK D.UI.V 9 A. .V! IMI Cl.tlSllM AT .1130 r. Jl.
Starting Next Monday
Phenomenal Sale of
Used and Taken-in-Ex-change
Pianos and
Fnmous make instruments at
average half price every one
thoroughly overhauled and in
perfect condition.
1--'- ' Sqjl
One Yellow Trading Stamp With Every 10c Purchase All Da
The 1'rl.e fur the On IB) Only I
Women's $1.75 & $2 Ingrain
Thread-Silk )$
U .IrvrUtnfra . . .1
l.ceptlon.il I'urchn.o of Too TalrsI
(if black lliilshcd nt top with dainty
.olorlngs .l.o plain while
fBmmmmmatmiDfmu an uu cfl
111 1 UU .' .r I III 111 I
lllll PVVanl .1 vl HI
wm mm
... . .. i.i i
..: u.1 . n h k. n n nml n sii mi ii ntv - - ' .
r''K"'"'V'nirrn-P ?r?r..MF.on siek -.r'H invalid to
HW14biO HII1.VM. w... w..U.i ....
called for over and over, and never
seem out of style.
cater for you will know how enj'oy.
ul'ic iuec aie.
O YOU know what "used"
pianos arc: some persons uo
OULD you believe it, I only
yobtciday tried a box o'f
jusv tocoanuts," fiom
not. They imagine them to Whitman's! When I rhini.- nf -i.t
bo worn-out wiccks of an inferior I have been missing it makes mo
maite piano, inai cvun ui mcir iuw mure man saa, Dut "bPtter late than
price it would be a waste of money never." and I i,hnll now make up for
lost time. . During the war, when
mo ..noun in cocoanut shells was le-
to buy. Now, exactly the opposite
i nearer the truth about these being
sold by C. J. Heppu & bon, Ul.-l'J quned for gas masks and all users
Chestnut street. Mnny of their i of cocoanut were tiigcd to increase
"used" pianos have haidly been their pioduction to the limit, Whi'
used nt all. They have htood un-1 man, always one of tho latgeit buv
opened in some of tho handsomest era of this nut for confectionery
houses in town, and then been ex- purposes, brought out these boxe's
changed at Heppe's for player- containing noth'ng but cocoanut
pianos, and fiequently they are the i candies, eight delicious vaiietie3 of
very best makes of pianos Others caramels, k'sse.s, molasses cocoanuts.
have been used for conceits demon- toasted cocoanut marshmallows and
tiatlon in the shop or rental: all caro cocoa-iuts. Thev became so
have been renovated and, Uprights veiy oopuliir that thev have been
i? 1 til . . ...... -,.,,., or (jianiia. nicy win kivc veuis ui uuukcu io continue mn King t hem n
lt lOOk like d WW perS01t SMC service and perfect satisfaction. lage quantities, though the war
i- ..- i. iui su uumg is past,
HENEVER the woid "stem- , .
ware" is spoken I tealize it I CI'I;,'V "eop ,eKu'r sleep, is an
means goblets and glasses, . absolute necessity if you expect
but it always suggests flowers o to go about the business of life i
mo norhnne hnemi.n T lion.' If nt SUCCOSSI UUV. Nobodv can ennfliin.
It is peculiar liovv skin affi-ctu.ns Bailey. Banks & Biddle Company, ously lose lest without paying the'
OUU..C it srioc ui uc3,smnuii ni,n w nerc lliu uitisa oaiuu ja cvci uiua- ,--".. , ...... .... ...j iiihji ul tl
hpondency. The unfortunate ones somlng forth with new ana ueautllui vension. ine neaiin uegms to go, and
ready to d anything to onum rr- stem-ware in juiiiii crysvai, whims v!" . i tV .V" uvuu-ov to
-even cover up the abrasions with and gold incrusted, cut or cut and good loolis! Half tho cuses of in-
imMlr. I,, ill linne that thev w'll engiaveQ rocK ciystai, in an 01 wnicn . - "" v puur uprings anu
imet c, m tne nope in.ii uicv u i,i0f i- P nnd .firi.et1 matttesscs. If one s so sn.o-v vm,
dually disappear. glnsbes, flnger bowls and plates and roll Into a trough and the other ho
.ease tainpf ring wlllt vour skin, lo ijitji Bimnml ,l'.ki rP hn lumnv a boaid is comfortnhl In
pin skin health, that trouble mint sjxty active pattern"- they cairy I comparison, how can you relax-.'
feive proper treatment. Rcslimi 'can ony remember . few, among What, you really ought to have is a
itment and Rcsinoi soap lor year i them tho nanasomo ";'ranunn.' iuxunoua uu bumur anu mattress.
ke lirought liearuell rcnci io micii vvuicn nas u neavv uicruaicu vviuu
Kerers. File upon hie ot testimonials goia uoruer aim wen,-coveieu convcn
Resinol w'
cleared your skin
r evidence of this fact. 'Give this t.onai leai ano, scroi. ues.gn an?
soap a fair trial. You . """"-'. .","'" Jj? r"'Va
ment and soap
I vlnot regret it.
DJvUlt T SM nl nil dniriisH
'with a narrow border and flat gold
I graduated Knee that run down the
' glasses in Bujjiea,
fiom tho II. D. Dougherty Company,
mm wiiicsinui sucet. un tnese your
tired body is revived and stimulated,
your nerves arc quieted, and after;
restful, refreshing slumber you ailse i
leady to reagsumq. your cares and.
The Famous Kirschbaum Clothes for Men
Exclusively Featured in a Remarkable Sale. THE FIRST OF ITS KIND!
The makers, A. B. Kirschbaum & Co., Broad and Carpenter Streets, this city, are known from coast to coast, and justly
fnmcjrl for the superiority of their products.
Kirschbaum Ulsters, Ulsterettes, Box Overcoats & Sack Suits
Marked by the highest standard of achievement in tailoring, and distinguished for the sterling worth of the materials,
which are guaranteed W0 Per Cent Wool.
vJBsiiJx . "JExl
$35 to $45
i $
$45 to $55
Overcoats s
$2950 , enpe , $2250
While this opportunity provides for all men, it bears special significance for soldiers returning to civilian dress.
Kirschbaum $50 to $100
Kirschbaum $40 to $65
Sample I $:. 50 SamPIe I! 1 .50
Overcoats I JvJ. Suits I J JL
A Limited Number Act I'romptlu to Share licst!
The lot includes designing models and salesmen's samples no longer needed and
therefore turned over to us at a concession. Every garment is chat acidized by
elegance of material and lining, distinctive stylos and perfect lines.
I Sale of Military Overcoats
A I'oituiiate Circumstance Turned This
Purchase To lis Profit. By Sharing
Snappy styles that boys like with tho
substantial backing of quality 'iat counts
for service. I.aige, comfy and waim
well made and duiablv lined with woolen
Oo9rrlntm,A.B XltaebbasB Co.
In Conjunction With This Great Clothing Sale Attention Is Also
Called to a Fine Selection of
Suits, Overcoats, Trousers and Full Dress Suits
From highlv imputable niake.s, at a full third under the fixed value.
Overcoats, $14.50, $17.50 & $19.75 Suits, $13.75, $16.50 & $19
Full Dress Coats & Trousers,$19.50,$25 & $35 Trousers, $2.90, $3.35, $4.90 & $5.75
l.lt lln.tl.er. HIS'llNIl 1'I.OOK SHVIINT-1 1 STIHIIIT
1 LOT 1
i $8 Values
Sizes 1! to 10.
5' LOT 2
$15.00 Values
i Sizes a to 10.
2 LOT V.
2 $18.50 & $20 Values $1 O 7C
i Si'rs 10 to tS. . LtU.iO
t l.ll Itr.illirr- .hi;t u.V Kl.OOIt
Vjp JJLf
Clearance Reductions & In
coming Stocks Cr.eate Keen
Interest Concerning Owr Shoes
The outgoing lots compel attention because of the economy
in new and lowered prices the incoming lots depict
advance spring fashions. A splendid time for choosing.
Women's $8 Shoes $ AC.
VVoimI. trot vnlu. ' Sm.irt j T"T7't
t.imlilii.illnn nml aneilA tnco
Juioim llniui'itirneil sole" iiill I.ouim heels
Men's $5 to $7 Shoes. $3.69
H'ih Kilt kin mini ill nnd inn "ilf
' I, mil. tin ui i
'nil LouIm lie
Men's Shoes, ' ' Women' $7
$4 to S9 Black Satin
si uiniiviin nan. i.ui Cfippers, ipo.ov
I nun ii inn. titiuni nil
i in 1 pat. ill KilM.'p
Men's $6 Lace Shoes, $4
I in.- liliicl, Uatheix
Women's $6 to $8 A IO Boys' Shoes, $4
High Shoes p,, -i.i Milmuni mill kui n n.i
I'la'n and inii.hl iii'ion som ii bh . in ln an nr.nj
III llrutlior. Kl) it I'loo- Su ll 1 u 1
A Nemo Wonderlift -7i!,e rX""a
oi' ,v ou o'.'.irr mic,
o. 530 is for tlie tall, full fhjuie; o. i"G4 has medium bust. 1
Xo. 553 has low bust.
Xo Other Coiset N .o Helrful und SlyUh.
2;.?" "ii P' N' Practical Front Corsets
arc HUilliu the iitlcition ot all ivoiucu. Tho clastij section in back.
the new constiuction in fiont. will convince you of the uracticnbilitv
f ill CO. .
"; s ."-I and 'VI.
Ml llr.illier-SUf'OMi ri.OOU
Just Arrived! And Ready for a Record-Making Saturday!
500 Specially Purchased Coats
for Misses & Women vlTvnZw
Representing the Entire Close-out of a Weil-Known New York Maker
Jaunty Practical Style? Savins Fully a Third!
Iland-onie plain-tailoiod and fur-trimmed styles.
Velour. 'Ihibet, Xibeline, Ktr.-ej. .Mannish Mixtures -iiid
Plush : Three St) let Pictured
Blacl- r.r.i! innge of fashionable shades, including navv.
brown, grcci and Burgundy, kit coney, nlush or cloth
collais. Lined to waist or throughout with satin.
Women'-. si?es, H4 to 'M; misses' sizes, 1-1, 1(5 and lb.
No mail or phone orders can b? filled and none .sent on
Just Arrived! Women's & Misses' $OC
New Spring Taffeta Frocks '
Va.icui. clever st.lo.i depicting ulplicc etrccts. bow.
in back sailor col.ars. vestees, beading, embioide -ing,
tight sleeves, bu'ton trimroings, collarless rffects,
tunic and draped skiits.
Women's $35 to $40 Coats
In velour .'licviot, broadcloth, i clour de laine
and seal plu-.Ii.
Have rich seal, k t tune.v, opo-Mini, cloth 01 fui-tiimiiied
collar.-, jaunt) pockets and satin liniii'rs.
Women's & Misses' Serge Suits, $32.50
Notably smart lines. Coats featuie b aid and button
Uimming, cioss-front oelts, new collars of the .
vcitible'type, and satin lininu.
i i i i kW , I'vTr r
lit llr.ill.er Slilll.Mi ri.DllIt
Fresh Lots Revea'inf? More Dainty Beauty Added to the
White Sale's Vast Stocks
H Crepe de Chine $"2 2S
Chemisey&vj special! j9
r ?4, ' J
:th&1 feffiS');.
"A la
HV htptcfolbc, in Undergarment
... or Stout H'ow.w'
Choice of m good styles. Fine
ijuaiity ciene de chine, prettily
h'mmed with Geoigette crepe,
laces and ribbons. Two pic
tured, '
$4.50 Crepe de Chine
Night Gowns, $3.98
Flesh color. Square neck,
daintily tiimmed with lace
ami ribbons. One sketched.
$3.S0 Washable $0.25
Satin Bloomers . . '
Re'-enfou'cd.. clastic at waist
and knee, rlinlloped ard'hem
atiichel vudlc.
$1.25 Chemise, 98c
Eight excellent models.
Fine nainsook in plain or
Dietty lace effects. Regu
lar ai-mholes or ribbon
I It lirri.'iofn SECOND IrLOOIt
Men's Hats
Values in
Bought With the Thought of
Qualit.v I'ppeimost
nrien'TDTrbic?rS3 & $4
1 Fine fur felt in jet black. j
Stetson Hats, $6 & $7
Detbies and soft hats in best
shapes and colois.
l.lt !lrlher -I'ust KIoui T h v'i
Timely Purchase Offers
Chic $4 Ready-to-Wear
. Straw Hats,
' he noveltv nnd
lieautv of iho
new Hllc me
'.nv'iii' lrresl.
l.lc The e nte
n tin tikorne.
" r Ii ii n und
i. h r in (i 1 1
tv'es ilu't hnvp
c .1 e I d i d 1
laupij u i r
novel III 111.'
i'ninhiptln o t
(un Hlilnv llKre
with riiuiili
Ktruw, SprhiE'a
new colors. Two
iit.tii .,.
1J1P"7 "OOTl
. .VJ r
lose-Out of Sample Lots of
Girls' $19.50 to $ i A C A
$22.50 Cbats 1U.DU.
j$8l. Main Are Richly Fur-Tfimmed!
W'K' Phenomenal Values! Two Sketched
UI wool vcloui, boucle and zibeline with plush or kit
coney fur colla-s, patch pockets, belts and full skirts,
''izes 14 and 10.
Little Tots' $6 Coats. T ) $Q UC
Fine corduioys in wan' ed colois warmlv ' &
'Iiiioa anil interlined
kiiflS" .
k1 l Far . r
inockets and belts. Sizes 2 to.
(), One sketched.
, .. .. ,
Girls' White Dresses,
$3.49 & $5.98
Persian lawn with laces, em
broidered designs and ribbon.
Fizes 8 to 14. One sketched. '
Girls' $12.50 Coats, $6.95
Of tweeds, boucle and baby
lamb with fur cloth trimmed
or velvet inlaid pockets,
patch pockets, belts and
buckles. Sizes 10 to 14.
l ' ' -