at -. I BVJiNlXO 1'VlihlO JJflDGEK PHILADELPHIA', FRIDAY, JANUARY IT, 1919 til HOUSEWIFE AS BUSINESS MAN : MONOPOLIZING THE PHONE : NO VELTIES : WOMAN'S EXCHAN& ( dellve xvltho reglor rallrog tracti. a feuTJ For road tracts? April V REO I Thei w I) I mi mi J to the pr.', i to hca' 1 1 fore tl i hoxx-ex-J I ' draxv i,"j confero i Prerfl I aftcrnQ! on m th Pei He Lt Social! i discus: ! poned,' "We.' In xvK! Peace gem has eru Jlistra MRS. WILSON DISCUSSES MARKET BASKETS AND SAYS "LESS MEAT IN THEM, PLEASE Meat Is Expensive, and in These Days of Light Work Too Much Is Bad for Us r4 Way to Cut Down Cost of Table and Have a Healthier Family at the Same Time By MRS. M. A. WILSON (Copurteliti til), hu Mri, Xt, A. lnlion All HpM rrserifiM rpHE qualities of a Rood business man and those of a good house wife arc identical. Both should have a sense of values; should givo prompt attention to details; should have good judgment in buying, and have the ability to quickly adapt themselves to circumstances. Just as every successful business man keeps actively in touch with his business interest through the trade j journals and the knowledge of the markets, so, too, must the housewife learn new and up-to-date methods and new use3 for foods. She should keep a strict and economical watch over the most important xiav. ine most vuai nrooicms 01 me home; namely the expenditure of money for food. The actual cost of food today need not really worry the housewife if j she will make it her business to see that every bit of the food be usr-d . to supply her family with their daily j sustenance. Now, let us get this clearly in our minds: The day of cheap meats is trone. Several reasons mav be. put forth to account for this. First unu AUfcmu(, la liiu Bkvauy ri&u jii i price of meat. This is due to the fact that the large ranches in the ' West, where the cattle could get cheap and natural food, have been ' cut up into -mailer farms. Second, the prohibitive price of farm labor, Third, the increased cost of trans portation. Fourth, the demand of the housewife for thc finer cuts of meat. Mrs. Wilson Answers Questions My Dear Mrs. Wilson Would you 'kindly give me u recipe for choifolatc cookies, the kind you roll out, cut with a cutter and arc soft when baked? Some people call them chocolute jumbles. I have one recipe, but they a"e so hard xvhen cooled otf. Also will you please explain how many de grees is a hot oven, a moderately hot oven and a moderate oven? Does quick oven mean tho same a a hot oven? Mrs. L. .1. T. MRS. L. J. T. Tiy using your own recipe in this manner: Roll the dcAugh out on a piece of oilcloth and th'jen cut and lift xvith a cake turner anld place on a baking sheet and bake in a moderate oven. Cool and men cover with cloth wrung out (ery dry from hot water for a fcxv minutes. Pack into a crock or tin prevent drying off. The addition of extra Hour and too much knead ing will cause the cookies to become hard. Use only a small amount of dough at once. My Dear Mrs. Wilson I am taking the Kvening Plhlic Ledger simply for the iccipes in it which you write. I have made the plum pudding, thc one for a small family, and had no trouble with it; turned out tine. Ilut I have no luck with your candy. I have made fudge, or tried to make it, according to your recipe and failed twice. The first time I made what you called raism fudge with brown sugar, evaporated cream, etc., and I substituted Eng lish walnuts instead of raisins. When I found, after standing over night and the next morning, lt wnK rttill Knfr. T hnileH if nver :iml it was pretty good. Two days ago 1 attempted to make almond fudge. It called for four cupful" of light-bioxvn sugar, one and three-quarter i-upfuls of milk and two tablespoonfuls of butter. I cooked it and iioat it and set it aside in buttered pans, and it was soft the next day, twelve hours after. I reboiied it, and I cannot use it. I hate to waste materials of any kind. Fcxv pertons have candy thermometer.'. Please state where they can be bought and hoxv much they cot. I am a novice at cooking and sxveetmaking, hut I like to try theie things. If you would tell just how long to boil the fudge it would tuin out all right. I don't know when iMu degrees Fahrenheit is reached and I would like to know hoxv to use a candy thermometer if I had one. Please tell me through the paper how long, on a gas stove, it takes to boil fudge with the proportions you givey Can I rescue tho pan and a half that I have still soft? I read with interest of your having been in Queen Victoria's house hold. I have traveled a great deal all over Europe and have been in Buckingham Castle and also at Windsor Castle. .Please tell me where to get a candy thermome ter and how to use it. Also some idea of how long to cook the stuff. Mrs. M. II. L. MRS. M. JT. L. Thc trouble with your candy is that it is not boiled sufficiently. It should form a fairly hard ball, when tried in cold water. Return it to the saucepan and bring to a boil, and then cook until it gives the desired test. Hard and rapid! coning tenas to cause tne mixture to turn. Tha only practical Tray to be as- Ktiii jl reanlta is to use candy HOW TO CUT THE COST OF MARKETING In i-urli ha'kel (.'fr -.ailinp fortli In market tlirrc tliould tie llie imaginary prfonco of the tcmplinR fruits ami r-sctalile iloni-up .it limur-in llm'r proper ffaon. I.uiky and wise is the liomcxxifr who ran go calmly forth in thii way, Innwinp that at lr?at lulf lirr meal i ready rind mailing on the thclf! It is only by planning abeud in the tunimrr anil reapins the fruit of her ilaniiins in lli" winter that a womaneau leally hope to rut doun thc high iot of liing and luxe an allrucllxc table nt i tame lime Thc usual percentage of choice or prime cuts in the meat is about ' .... . . ., , i o . (0 coycr thc cost of thcge cuts Co. i ditions and methods of living have-1 changed. Our modern homes are models of comfoit and luxuries. Wo iluve heated homes, luxurious bath I appointments, electric lights and ' elevators to carry us up and down , stairs. These modern conveniences ' relieve us of the fatigue and dis- comfort of the old-time davs: there- ' fore wc do not require the heavy , I'.uii'iu iuuu iuiu uiuib i um (.lumr i dad's day. In those days only the lit survived the open fireplaces with , wood for fuel. It was necessary for ' folks of that time to eat plenty of meat and rich, heat-producing foods so that thc body would radiate suf- MLliriit iivau iu i-iiuuit; mum iv uu their work. Now all this is changed. Most i dxvellings and offices are heated in thermometer. llirte aic sexeral . i makes, and they aic usually fcold in all housefurnii-liing and department stores. The investment will amply repay you when you make jelly, as i tho use of the thermometer gives i the practical and definite results. Adventures With a Purse TIIK most inexpen-oxe and, xxitlial. at Iraclixe b',ai. J.-wilry 1 haw ytt ' found I brought to light In today's xxanderlng. There two slender i Pins, faintly liiarl-td xvith stralgli lines nnd xxiih n small flor etilnd, on either end And Micro a"i friend chip ilrUes of du'l Jet finish, which look fu well against a white talloied u.ilst. Your cholcn xilll cost but men. tj-fixe tn's. Jsn t that remarkably reasonable'.' I.nly JIkii rang for lur nuid nnd i o-dereil her li.nli. "Be suie. ' she te m nded her tna.(i. "io usn some of inx' hjth salts In ili xxater ' nd "x i sniilw at the Lesi seller and trot off 10 run our own wnir-r ror our o-xn bith. We can't bu I.adj Maris exeii if we'll , like to he. but, by gracious, wo can haxn bath alis They are ilcHt-lillul. j iefielung und ian t.isilx- be alled a nti-cssar.x luxur Kaney, tor Instancy, taking a hot h-ith tonight xxlth somn aromatic restful bath sal's made by an Knglisli firm in London and then nes tling down sleepllx' and contentedly in a xxarm. soft bed Confess now that the HiiKlIsli bath salts would be half the pleasure When jou see them at- tractlxely boxed jou'll be unable to re. sit them. "Now r lav n.e down to sleep," sa Ml Hetty sexerely to her oungest ' ne- and ttuks h-r In Hie chair for an 'lppr,::' b" ' "''' '? B"" ' ? be not more than. Faj. ten Inches high .1 real bed may be pur, hnsed fur It for len cetitx H is n little lion bid, sin- j gle. probabl) a foot In length, and i oxen has a striped ma'trr3 and pillow. 1 so xour sip:,ll ihiuiriitpr'H rte'lirhl nt haxilig otic of tlusi iiiniilni; dulls' KriiT u utirl T r jn ln fl ni ,i linrrnti Ing from xou a handkerchief or two for bid clothes i ' "fse as reap ' rend Hie ihrc lions on the bottle of skin softener ..Ml whinner --iin oxcellmt preparation for tl. chapped, rough hands xxhirh xxintcr so often caues. And being iiunle b two women who bine maun a study of women's needs this preparation, xxblih pi,iv be scured for lwent.x-flxe cms and xxhlili brings xilth it the fragrant sent of xiolets. somhow Inspires t ." confidence that it xxill xxhlten and sof'en the skin. Kor the names of shops where ar ticles mentlonr-d in ' Adxmturea With a Purse. ' can be pur UaseJ, address l.Mltor of Woman's I'age, ISvcs'iKOj PfBtn" I.edokii or phone the Woman a Department Walnut 3000 - STORE ORDERS ARE AS GOOD AS CASH and ensblt ou to buy at th. drrsrt mnt and spec-Llty stores you rrftr. Our tfrrns .re hiinr on th lenr'ti if erellt .r ftr ami moderate, Writ, for full n.i.ii. jiAnmorr unos.,ni8 chestnut Cuticura For .Baby's Tender Skin AH dn)Uti; 8oo tt, OInt mot tf and M, Tftleum U Bmplich fr of 'ti- 'ulJbMt .IMUI." r ' V I lS il I i-f ' V HjiSv''si W'fftJCWa" " "'THSfrMP-' -. . -7 winter in a way that makes one vcrv comfortable. People wear the ""eight clothing all the year round. Now, if the food supplied provides an overabundance of the amount of protein it cannot bo used, Therefore it must be eliminated by the kidneys. This oertaxes these organs and wastes food that is vitally needed to feed starving Europe. How can you prevent this? By eat !nr meat or its rnuivalcnt not . rnore than twice daily. Keep this j jn iiiiiiu wiiuti.ur uu uu uiuu ui i woman. If you rat meat twice daily you should walk not less than I two miles, if you are engaged in I working indoors. People engaged . in hard, laborious outdoor work arc the exceptions to this rule, as are ui&u rUUlllB irum uili-cu lu tUili- four years of age. We, as a nation, consume more j sugar and meat than any other pockets are smart ,An r KRy TVI JMVnntJS i:i;ht pnikel'. a huiMeil belt and a soft tru-hci) collar are fcalurcs of ihis i lexer oal .1 Ihih Wiiii'i InlU In riornur fluxe AOl.r n, lust,. i NOl.l'Mi: iu.!d Le written in the ry of po, kith within the las' few i'.i: After the dmaiipcaran. 0 of I "1n P";k"t that used to be long sears agn. i .ex i l sometimes not so ckxer- j icnctai"d in the, side senni of a wom.u. skirt, theie wire xcars when po-ketn wen- unknown. O.. aslonallj to be suie. t wero pork'tH on our oca ilafl hi m r II 4 i i"w"" '""""" " "H m Sth Ave, J42a WALNUT ST. I B f h al. ',6th St. PHILADELPHIA frjl B " "jL i Hearanee I I I "Curious 4r -o ii B I - -m. m I 1 now in progress involves all remaining I JsCllHJl w'11&'a Noti winter -pparei selections urc aim exicu- p I ttivT.T.. . mi I th sive owing to the vast collections for which I VV HAT improvements will 1 .. . .. ,,7, . . ., , j I W rj0t My wife never 1 "n,r this establishment is justly noted could ba;e a biscuit until she got I l,,nd,s m . N ,-. 1 Miss Princine Pure Phosphate I Cup IU TAILORED SUITS 1 SKIn-eiSnlh B FROCKS GOWNS I the bailing chef at the Bellevue- I ffl . COATS WRAPS I Stratford. It's because Princine I DiriTTQlTQ I rises in the oven the heat brings IQI DlAJUaC.3 III M out the Ieaveninir DOWer." UWS . llll II N full WE!i!nvS,EI5Si full I QM WINTER MILLINERY AND FURS 0t I i lb. f n( i i ID WL. fJw I f on o'her goad ttor r ISCl-arr;i--jLrmimasBSS!sessssemtnVM I H 5KHHBfii'SsssBBlBpiWDIWiw5KBiiBBaHBBBiHBB24Sl y nation on thc face of the earth, and for this rca&on we lead the world 1 with the largest number of Vio ' X" I kindred troubles of the liver and i , ., ,. i ti..ii ...iu x.: t "-' not inenug. xou couia lane mem kidneys, hven John Hull, with his , oul on different nlghtB. but do not con great love for beef, fails to equal tlnuaiiy go with tho same one. r, . . lL . . ,i H N certainly funny to hear n, sailor this country in this trouble. boy speak against haxlng a girl at M.. .,( i ni....:n;nr, lmf exery port, for I alwaya thought sailors, any noted physicians agree that i or the nl!1joriiy of them, were "fickle- the liver and kidneys of the average minded." I am going to call ou a r Amcrican are at least twenty years fTtatf.a RlriwillrSBllor Boy. to older than his body. Think this i over ami then gnther the family to- t,(.iin.r anu jiutii ,v menu uii. ui.a ,1 ...J ..!-- .. .. 4L..I ........ mrnt. frrnnrntlv instead of dailv Keep in mind that frugal and wise ruuiii; ifuiJCtu u iii.tii jii j;uuu health. This docs not mean that one must starve or deny oneself suffi- J' cient food. There arc many foods that, if wo would only cat abun dantly of them, will repay us by giving a body of glowing health and xjkUiliy, mat xwil llliuw iu jJiiysnui weakness and will enable thc owner to combat thc battles of life with success and thus live to ripe old age. topcoats. Ilut xo nexcr put anything In them saxe, occasional!, our finger tips mi a cold day. Now tho pocket has gone back to a morn decorative phase To be Mire, the merchandise dellxory system is still n bit out of mutual. Ilut xxe prefer to carry Aur packages iu rhopplng bags, rather than In our pockets. So the dicntatlxo pocket Is tho ono at present In xogye III the coat shown In tho sketch today Mm pocket is really at Its best as a deeor.itlxe feature. It Is not supposed, in Its eight ltii.inre'. to be bulged xxlth packages. It Is frankly a feature to adit to the attractiveness of this coat. The i puckciH nio not tho only good feature I of this coat; tho xvlde, buckled belt, tin soft, crushtd collar, and the long Hues down tho center front are all In xcry good sis le. Tho hat Is of the toque variety, xxith a high brim rolled away from tho face at the fiont. At the back thc brim Is narrow. The decoration Is a little curl of o-truli, finite bewitching In Its soft ening effect (.pr:h 191P by riorem-e Hose) With Salad Flavor JifTy-Jell desserts come in many fruit flavors. But Lime Jiffy-Jell flavored xvith lime fruit makes the best salad jell. lt is tart and green. The flavor comes in liquid form, sealed in a vial. Srv WitK vnup ' U" it 'a,ad Or miT in veg- i'-JtU( etnbles, cooked or uncooked, before the Jiffy-Jell cools. Left overs xvill do. Or mix scraps and make a meat meat loaf. Try Loganberry JifTy-Jell for a dessert, and Lime for a salad jell. One package serves six. These quick, economical dain ties serve a big need today. 2 Packages for 25 Cent At Your Grocer' Jlffy-Jell Waukesha, Wis. ia-71 Jm-m -TiW"T J1 r r .. ,. V"" H I SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN ALL 1 1 I Please Tell Me What to Do By CYNTHIA Meaning of Letters J. S. There la no special knoxxn mean Ing for tho letter ou quote. They muBt he something that the writer and re ceiver of tho letter Mono would know. Don't worry your llttlo head over them. Cynthli Answers the Worried One It ncemn thnt your fiancee's parents are more than unreasonable, If you hue remembered to write ccry detail of the cause of your qunrrcl with them. It the little girl continues ery unhappy consult with her brother, and If he ap proxew. marry her now without waltlnar lonser. If you mn sae us much as J 15 a week bisldei onr expenses you should be nnie io marry and llxo well If you nhtA In tnnrrt' unrl llvn iftl 1 vrtti nm both careful of expenses. If xnu want i.i.. ..;.., ...""::."."";." .r,:..rir i any further suggestions send an ad dressed enxclopo stamped. Helen H. Answers H. D. G. Dear Cynthia Please pilnt this: It Is rather hard to talk of "sincerity" or "steady company" to a sailor boy. If there Is any truth In that old saying "A sailor haB a girl at ex-cry port" Pallor Box-, did you read tho letter that "One Who Knows" wrote? It Is all right to keep "steady company" with the girl you aro engaged to marry. A girl should never keep company with any man unless she knows his Inten tions and ho hers. But a man and girl xxln don't know cither's Intentions should not monopollie each other's time. Sailor Boy. you made a terrible blun der! Thut Is Just what jou sailor boys do. When I say don't keep stendy com pany I certainly don't mean for you or any ono elso to ro out exery week or every other day and look for a new companion. I said haxo lots of friends. Would you call peoplo xxhom you look for and find ex-ery other clay or week frlends7 I would say you wero flirting. as most sailor boys do. You can have sexeral friends (real '"'nasi, people you nave Known tor XTAMI nr linen trnna In cVtnnl n 1 1 V, Ttnf people you meet In tho way you mention iittracl attention? And wnen she puts tlon Is hers? Does a man admire her? on ariinciai ne.iuiy wnai Kind or aiirau- I rlli! lint n.iv n crlrl pnnlrl hnlrl lipr m,,n,. fr ih wi n,l good man knows that ono xxhn has a ffiUrt h.o '" ri noia ner own. i wwn ou ine nesi ni lu,:"' ha,lor Bo'- ancl J ""P 50U w,n OUT OF SPOOLS This loxelieft of tables for the dob lies was made out of eight spools and a randx-box rover. The spools are glued together and then the randx-box lid is glued on, too. hpoolj and bits of pasteboard ran make other interesting doll furni ture as well JH pojoettnauotgp January Clearance Sale ;:; I 3 Model Illustrated of Chiffon Velvet 39.75 I ,L i 1 M PARIS NEW YORK M 1 irthtna I ill -, - - mi & marry one of the dearest little girls that can be found In the L. S. A. Sailor Boy asked for an answer from Helen 11., and hero It Is. A Ilrave Little Rder Pear Cynthia I have nv,e' 7rJ",'1" you before, but I read your column d,,,y mi see ine va uapio ... -.-,; B1V bo anrt thourht that yoU XX'OUld willing- to, help me also. Mv !?riBtore,. ..It" is tho professional tele. mother died five ycsrsairo ' "J."' wllTh Srbus";ne?,C.dHO T he Vw little ?lme to witli other clrls. ns I am jse for my ageu father and I help h "J :h his business, so I liaxe f "" time to ro Xvltll oilier Kins. -" .yuung men unu huhiui iuuhukv.. .... kept so busy workln-, but at times J telephones at home to tho pxtent of am nn lonely as lonely cn uc- "ul .cutting off tho possibility of any In lov to read; tn fact. I lpve bpoKs as comln cnl9 witliout haxing them tn- dear as my very life, but I haven't any I am. unable to buy any. but I .!....,.. .i.H... i.lHtnw itflhllo library and iuiin.ii c1"" -..& ;:..i , iw. ana kpuihb: dtoku. a w.- " -. .- roult to read some books on travel and, In- i deed. I would like io g "' " Id like to get some on ei : when the epdemlo broke out ,hla. h0,i S,.u,.Lv nh! i queue. And wni I. Ilklln.lAtnVilt. to know hoxv to help the sick, io Know IIUW ill iic,. " -------. .- , xvould like to bo a nurse, but It Is im possible for mo to go to train, as I a m needed so badly nt home, but I would like to read some books on hew to care for the sick. I xvould dearly love to be well educated and able to converse with people, but I am very oui..... " I would rather die than meet TPJP'e That Is the kind of fetUng I taw So. never meeting many people, that la tho reason. Now. desr Cynthia, pleas advise me about reading on these sub jects. I want to lmprox-e myself ana that Is the only way I can do tt, by read ing some good boota ILy nEADEIt Join the library by all means, dear, ..- .kA la .. r0-iilar rnla mine 01 of he iniou-irirn wait nor for you and tne rending wilt help you a great deal, butlan for the evening of the day on which ai me same inno m uvu,,,c ...-. ...- , consciousness jou must try to be brax-e about meeting people. The. bojs and girls you meet probably dont know as much rb you do. Trufs-, th.xy don t. I ran tell by the way your letter was writ ten that ou are abox'e the average, bo just ba brave. Now. about the books. There is a list called "Lubbock's Hundred Best Books" that jou will find In the Public Library at Thirteenth and .Locust streets. Pick out books from Ihls list and read them for self-lmprox'ement. Among them you will find some books on trnx-el. Robert Louis Stevenson ha; xvrltlen delightful books on traxel nnd the llbrarlsn will be glad to direct you to these, too. A librarian Is nlxxays glad to help any one In this way. The lied Cross has published a helpful llttlo book on nursing. This Is called "F.lementnry can buy lt for fifty cents at the lied Hygiene nnd Home cursing," ana vou rrmti Tnstrurtlon Denartmenl. 21H tOUin vineipenih street. If vou will Rend me a srlf-rddressed envelope, lean gjx-e you io iti juu ero nwno .i.u i.x.i-jx.vt. Now, brace up and make up your mind to learn lots of things for the time that nice man comes along to marry you. Today's Beauty Hint If you have a double chin do not use hot water on It except on rare occasions, as this causes relaxation of muscles and chin muscles that are unruly and must bo kept flrm. There are special exer cises which help to do away with thc double chin, but these must be prac tlced faithfully to have tho proper ef fect. Significance of Red nomologists say that of nil bright colors red Is the fax-orlte among prlml llxe peoples, lt excites to lolenco In flags and uniforms. On the other hand, red has replaced green In one respect as a restful color. At great State functions out of doora In Indlat such a a durbar, red umbrel las are preferred to green as an efftc tlxe sunshade. 1335-1337 Walnut Street ( Opposite X, Bltz-Carltea ) Smart Evening Gowns Specially Priced 29.75 to 115.00 OUR ENTIRE STOCK of GOWNS & COATS At and Below Cost Comprising the most recent style creations in all the nexvest materials. 15.00 to 75.00 Formerly Priced 35.00 to 150.00 TO THE MAN WHO 'SOJOURNS) IN THE PUBLIC You Find Him in Hotels, Druz Talks All Day. and Wc Wish lie Would hive the Rest of Us a Chance TN XAMIXGS tho posta that might be X ollmlnatcd In this freslienmg-up after-the-war process, there Is one on whom a great many or in nai a w signs. Thii particular pest Is found In .,,,. -.M-n-j llroad stations ana urun ,PJ - lt , Trulj, It Is nVinn.r. Truly, It Is bid enoush to have yountr men and women monopollzo tho met a wrong on tno great suuerinB niihllo wattlnrr outsido tho nubile tcle- Dhone booth. For lt is a wrong. It (j, funny, to be sure, to bo on the out fiie looking in on a young man say. enat nothings to some sweet U - oung person on the other end of the wlro. Ilut there aro times, on these occasions, when our sense of humor utterly deserts us. Here is the typical conversation: First verse: "Hoxv did you get over the dance? "What? Ten o'clock," etc., etc, etc., etc.. for fifteen minutes. Second verse: "What aro you going to do tonlght7" etc., etc., etc., etc., for fifteen more minutes. Chorus: Iletura to first line, ilrst verse, with slight modifications, "So you got over the dance all riEht.' TF A young man Is anxious to make 11 an engagement with a young worn - F A young man Is anxious to make an engagement xx'lth a young worn- Established 1850 RUYL0CKBLYNN,Inc V 152S Chestnut St. the Apparel Shop for the Bittcr-Drcsscd Men and Women Cold Weather Togs for Motoring at Specially Low Prices Men's Moleskin Cloth Coats Sheepskin lining and raccoon collar. Men's Short Coats, 15.00 Men's Full Length, 26.25 Good-Looking Men's Sport Hats of tweed in checks, 2.00 Double-Lined Warm Gloves, 7.00 - No cold fingers with these. There is a Woolen Glove inside the Kid. Now For Big Savings! Vhe Famous cflm). SHOEjorWOMENi THEIR regular prices were $3.50 and $5.00 and at these prices they were by far the biggest values in shoes for women in this city. It's the end of our season, now, and to make short work of the balance of our stock of these superlative shoes, we have re duced them to $2.45 and $3.95 per pair. Choose your pair tomorrow. jW.ai4Sii6e StetvGx F . IARCEST RETAILERS OP SHOES IN THE WORLD. i v.'V r:'0. '?"' ami mks's stoki'.x in rnntxni.v',' ",:, ii Krnoliittan Air., k,el. VorK an1 I, i) ' , ' . .' l '-tn v i.un ... umnarianu Ma. 2,3t Cirrnianlunii Axe., It, Lrhlch IV, S"'!!1 .'" !"" roar ('lierry St. ill Xuiilh hi., near 4lh 81. lilt hnuth ntii ht. 5S3 Frankfonl Alt'. 4SSS Frankforil AiV OTHER .SKH1IV hTOKKNi CAMnKN rinnri .jniirM-i y, 7 aiUKCS PHONE B00T1 Stores and Railroad StationsHo he enters tho telephone booth, whv ifVJ$ j!irLe"ou to eey'd not so? hedging. A girl thinks a great deal more of 'the oung swain who knoxx-s xx-liat ho wants nnd then asl for It than tho undecided fledging who has nn "I-ilo-and-I-don't" disposition. This is simply ndx-iee. And. after uk. .., npa ot,'i ITIinftrt K.. uu, it. ,n iciui wramo ino point Tlml uuny iiin in wuiunii wno walls ou. Important call is not much cnn-.i ns to hoxv youth settle- Us Joxc sf.i '"" Jin, iiu.1. m immi u (mi; Ono I citizen of tho city Is unfairly usurnlnc publlo utilities when they belong to Terhnps in our kinder mnm.m. . could forgive the little Willie boys for tholr aojoiirn in the phone liooths but what of tho grown-up men who iiaxe been out In the buslncsi world lonr I enough to know the Importance of tn I1M1IU1.7-. auu I.IIU IIUI1 HUUrS. DO ll'A only believe in rules for other people' ' Surely tho gentleman with the pfosl i perous-looking overcoat, xvho has been In that hotel phono booth for the i., l.l !... nUolnr. .ll. .... . l"0 . & nun. ,.uut, jimj nib, ,itn mo ie,ephon wire and coyly talking In between times, Is not always on pleasure bent. xnen lei. mm do a man and rcmem ber tho rest of us. We aro waiting t,", telephone, and if ho only lets n? . that precious llttlo instrument for two 1 minutes ho can como back and stni ' the day there, 1 ;ale '$3 EXTRA SPECIAL JuaanlllMWomi'i tit 89e Tit SUA Slipitf SSe ISc. Coil Curl.,.......7 ICt Or. Beriarl Cork tit Half lnolii.. .7' 10lDr.SiiBir4'iCiiiMM, Cork lot flit liiolnTe 3Kfc. -m. KiVA. idKXftk. TfM. .bV liBLl 3L ' iit?fSj u4bmT tsLa Oxfords and Pumps. Exact that niott particular ef women will waar Ihla 3 prim and Summr al Metropolitan Faihlon Caottra. $3.50 to $5.00 1 fcXiiii .. i . -. .l... i.iiniiiii rki ..l,,...'. "-., a. DO Oeniiuiitowii Af.. nr co Tftni. ni,. nf.i '...,"..- . ..AT:a. , rir St. . h, mini rn.i ni u",,i..j finul aiu 1 I14.. nr. llHTl UMDV I JlSl.houth H.. bt. iiroul J' 316 N. flth hi., lt. ce A n9' It I dire mid ColumbU Ave. Mnimrunk. Vm, . . . n ..;H'iw.iH4rwiB niMlirKnuili BBSVftw' .- - in 87t;iTlfc3.-- i f' -Tl J&V-" ,, '-j " ?,,; fljJ ' "-' ""..i .ilii'-il 7 in il i f Vi in MiMlilliMliyBi7.JtTlMf