Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 17, 1919, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 7, Image 7

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irand Organ, 9, 11 and 4:50
WANAMAKER'S Stare Opens 9 A. M.
Chime nt Mrokr at Noon
Store Closes o P. 31.
oodNews! Good News! Here Are Wanamaker's Plans for Tomorrow
The Focus of the World's
Telescope These Days
A Special Collection of Ne
17 VER since this morning, when we first mentioned it
x- round
ja' v
the word has been going aWj
is upon the Palace Courts at Versailles, where the
conferences are in progress.
Earth's millions of people have, by general
impulse, become a Universal Debating Society
for the rcviewal and readjustment required by
existing compulsory conditions of the nations.
Blue Book international agreements are prac
tically thrown overboard for the time while the
court is trying to find the lighthouses along the
coast before setting out upon a voyage to find the
best landing place.
At this season of the year there's a good lot
of windy weather, and we must needs watch to
not have the heavy sails spread until we are sure
we have the right reckoning.
Business men can only be patient, trim boat,
sit tight and be on deck for whatever emergen
cies arise. There will be plenty of employment
and lots to do for those who know how. ' The
present moment calls for presence of mind.
Jan. 17, 1010.
The New Jet Garnitures and
Tunics Are Handsome
They arc all from Paris, in now designs and extremely good looking.
The tunics arc on fine black net, with designs worked out in tiny
jet beads', in larger beads and in jet spangles. These are in many
new styles, some belted at the waist, some straight-line effects, but
all attractive.
With them are new jrt garnitures, new jet bands and new orna
ments and pendants of this gleaming, sparkling jet which is so fashion
able this Winter.
(Alutn l'loiir. Ontrnl)
Women's Afternoon
Frocks, $22.50 to $35
New Georgette, crepe de chine and satin
frocks of the simpler sort and very practical.
Some are of the straight lined persuasion, some
are broken at'the waistline, some embroidered,
fringed and beaded, while others are simply
decorated with tucks.
Colors are navy, taupe, brown and black.
Prices $22.50, $25, $33.50 and $35.
l'lril I'lnnr, Central)
The Winter Sale of White
In these days good dollar nightgowns ars as scarce as the pro
verbial hen's teeth, and good clolinr nightgowns with trimming simply
Idon't exist. Wc have a fresh lot in just now of the kind without trim-
(ming soft cambric with casings hemstitched on, the neck low and
fcdecves short.
Plenty of other good White Sale garments, though certain styles
i e sold out every day not to bo replaced. Consequently itV a prudent
jiurchaser who buys what she likes when she sees it.
(Third I'lonr, Crntnil)
An Opportunity to Save Money
on Young Women's Topcoats
Now that January is half over wo like to hurry out the
Winter coats even though most of the Winter is yet to come and
there's plenty of time to wear them.
These coats have been from $10 to $13 higher in price than
their piesont markings.
At $28.50 arc coats of fine wool velours, with collars in the
popular shawl shape, of lustrous Hudson seal (sheared muskrat).
They are warmly lined throughout, made in good Winter styles and
are excellent coats for the price.
At $20.00 to $39.50 are coats of silvertone, velour and pompom
cloth, in fashionable colors, and a few black bolivias. Some coats
me finished with fur collars, all are lined throughout and well made.
Both groups are in 14 to20 jear sizes.
(Seioml l'loor, Chefttnut)
Exquisite Hand-made Blouses
ire gathering fast in the French Room blouses of handkerchief linen,
batiste, voile, organdie and Georgette crepe, some extremely plain und
Ithers with hand ombioidcry and real filet. The styles are appropriate
ar Southern wear.
Prices start at $18.50. ""
(Third Hiior, Clie.tnut)
trown Furs Have Made Brown
Skirts So Fashionable
Such skirts are ceitainly being worn to a wonderful extent this
The two especial favorites aio a beautiful Beal mown velveteen
(itli a full gathered back and the narrow effect at the hem. Two tabs
each side form the slit pockets. $12.75.
il And a line chiffon broadcloth n a dark, rich brown with olf
ied buttonholes and pockets. $12.75.
- '.(tint FJoorJ'ctniral) , . s
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your wardrobe needs freshening
If you are bored and tired
your clothes do not interest you then
Get a New Hat!
She's an unusual woman indeed who is not helped by a new hat.
AndJthesc new $10 hats fresh and pretty a3 posies, with their hint
of Spring and their new fashions are just, what ever so many women
want to tide them over until the warmer days come.
There are hats of straw, hats of crepe-and-straw, hats of satin and
hats of silk.
The colors and shapes and trimmings and styles arc all ncwl
(Second l'loor, Climlnnt)
New Satins
to Spring
Soft, beautiful, lustious
satins that fall into the grace
ful draperies required by the
new silhouette for Spring.
There can hardly be too
much said about the fashion
importance of satins in the
making of Spring frocks,
cither for the entire gown, as
a foundation or in combination
with another silk.
New 3b'-inch satins, at $2.25
a yard, come in all the most
desirable colors, including
black and white.
New 3G-inch satins, at $3 a
yard, are a handsomer quality
with a higher luster.
Reversible satins, black on
one side, green, purple, gold,
silver, Copenhagen or red on
the other, make charming
capes and bathing costumes,
$4 a yard and 3G inches wide.
(I'lrM l'loor, CliFotnut)
Women's New Suit
Cases of Fine
Black Cowhide
Black long grain cowhide
makes handsome and serviceable
suitcases. These nre moire silk
lined, have shirred pockets inside
and arc in sizes 20, 22 and 24
inch $14, $15 nnd $16 is little enough
for them.
The woman who wants a fine
fitted case can choose from shiny
or dull black leather with white
celluloid fittings, starting at $40
and going up to $100 for a case
of black seal with shell finish
(Main Floor. Chettnnt)
Women's White
Walking Shoes
for the South are of heavy buck
skin with covered military heels
s inches high, and white leather
Priced $12 in the Exclusive
Little Boot Shop.
(Flr.t I'lonr, Mnrket)
Tailored Shirtwaists
All white.
Two styles of linenc, one with a
pocket, both with high-low col
lars, $2 and $2.23.
Two of rlfedras, one with high
low collar, one shirt style. Both
Two of linen a plain shirt at
$3.50 and one with tucked front
at $3.85.
Such waists are excellent to
woar with the rougher sports
(Tlilnl Moor. Central)
Odd Pieces of Cut
Glass Much Reduced
One to four pieces of a kind,
now marked one-third to one
half less than regular prices.
Nut dishes, $2, $2.50 and $5
Berry dishes, $2, $2.50, $3.50,
$5, $7.50 each.
Berry bowls', 9-inch size, $3.73
Water jugs, $3.75 and $4.75
Bonbon dishes, 83c, $1, $1.25
and $1.50 each.
Fern dishes, $3.50 each.
(fourth Floor, C'hentnut)
Collars and Cuffs of
Real Filet Lace
These new collars and sets are
in pleasing designs and all arc of
genuine filet, that much-liked lnce.
The collars are in square back
or shawl shape and range in
price from $3.50 to $11.
Collar and cuff sets ave $10
to $15.
(Main l'loor, Onlral)
Peeling Potatoes at
the Opera Is Absurd
of course, though it was sug
gested by a cartoonist the other
day as something to take the
place of knitting at the opera.
But Peeling Potatoes
Under Water
is another matter altogether.
Very sensible. You do it with a
device called "Hamlinite." It fits
in the palm of your hnnd, and you
put the potato under water anil
rub it und the skin comes off,
quick as a wink.
(Fourth l'loor, Central)
Toy Notes
The most fascinating sand forts
for youngsters are ically forts
and trenches combined, and here
are faewtor cannon beside them.
Dolls with trousseaus all ready
in little trunks nrc dainty as
dainty can be.
(Srtenth floor, Market)
1,000 Yards All-Wool Serge
Special at $1.45 a Yard
A fine twill, soft-finish dress serge for Spring frocks or
children's clothes, and 40 inches wide.
We are glad to-say there Is plenty of navy blue, also dark
brown, burgundy, plum and green.
No question about the wisdom of buying such an economy
as this!
(Wrkt .lle)
The Children's
White Sale
Nightgowns of soft cambric
and nainsook, $1.75 to $2.25 each.
Straight-leg drawers, with
tucks, embroidery insertions, cm
broidery and lace-edged ruffles,
65c, 95c and up to $1.75 a pair.
Princess petticoats, lace trim
med, ribbon run and trimmed
. with embroidery, $1 to $3.50 each.
All 0 to 14 yeat sizes, ,
t (Third Floor, Ckw4uO '
. " . .
r -v --v '!...
White Sale Special
1485 Yards
White Poplin
at 25c a Yard
Outside the White Sale you can
easily count on paying 10c a yard
It is 27 inches wide and a qual
ity much in request for women's
wash skirts and shirtwaists, uni
forms and children's clothes.
Everybody knows how satisfac
tory poplin is for wear and con
stant tubbing.
- :"it"Wor.veiitin90',
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At Last There's to Be a Real Sale of Really
Fine Ulsters for Men
It is to be in the Wanamaker Men's
Clothing Store tomorrow morning.
It will be a Special Sale of a brand-new
lot of
200 Fine Town Ulsters
at $36.50. Each
and they represent actual values of $8.50 to
$23.50 higher.
Made of the favorite overcoatings of
the season rich, dark tones.
In full storm ulster style, but not quite
so long nor quite so heavy.
The most fashionable great-coat idea of
the winter.
Nothing like them in any whoop-away
sale these are fine things.
Carry all the comforts and refinement
of the town overcoat, but are fashioned for
storm use as well.
Note the rich materials, the genuine
tailoring, the luxurious shoulder and sleeve
linings, and the smartness of the cut.
Double-breasted, of course, with wide
sweeping collars and lapels to turn up, great
pockets and sweeping skirts.
We have had more demand for this kind
of coat this winter than for any other, but
this is the first time they could be had for so
little money.
(Third 1 loor, Market)
Men Who Want a Different
Kind of Soft Hat
from the kinds they sec on tiiousands of 'other men will find it in
the velour hat.
The velour hat is somewhat jauntier in shape than the aeragc
soft hat, and Its velvety texture and lustrous appearance mark it
as something apart.
Here arc the finest velour hats in the city at $C to $15.
(.Main 1 loor, Market)
Motorists Rejoiced in the
Half -Price Trench Coats
Coats of a fine, hard-twill gabardine, with detachable fleece
lining. Without the lining they are good medium-weight motor
or rain coats. With the lining in, and with the coat buttoned
up around the neck and the straps at the wrists pulled tight, jou
have a garment that will defy any weather.
$28.50 is exactly half the former price.
(MlllUrj Hiup, The tiiillrr.i, ( lirotnut)
A Great Day Tomorrow in the
Men's Wear Sale
, great day to choose from the fine bhirts at $1.45, $1.65, $1.85
and $2.15. Madras and percale shiits with soft or starched ciffs
and pleated or plain bosoms.
A great day to choose from the neckties at 50c and 85c ties of
many kinds and all good fashions.
A great (lay to choose from Scotch wool jackets, sweaters, sir)
inumers, siik House coats and silk house gowns at reductions of
third to a half.
Sae n third to a half all through.
(.Main Floor, Market)
For the Man Who Picks His
Gloves for Durability
we (I ugget, first, tan cape-kins. There's a particularly good sort,
with 1 lnt-r rnLtnnlni. ... .. i. - .
...... . w...j, .U.-.H.I11IIK, uukM-.uu mjwii, at $o a pair, yi
And next, genuine buckskins, with 1 clasp fastening, also out- fc
seam sewn, at $3.5(1, $3.75 and $4.25 a pair. IV
uoth kinds fine for Winter.
(Muln floor,
800 New White Bedspreads
Just in at Special Prices
White bedspreads are playing a er.v notable part in the
White Sale this year, and this newest arrival of 800 spicads and
sets means a splendid replenishment of the assortments.
300 satin-finish spreads in Marseilles patterns, 2x2?4 yards,
special at $3.25 each.
300 satin-finish spreads in Marseilles patterns, 21i.2'i yards,
special at $3.25 each.
100 satin-finish spreads, largo size, with scalloped edges and
cut-out corners, are special at $5 each.
100 fine satin-finish bedsets (spieads and bolster cover), mado
with scalloped edges and cut-out corners for metal or four-post
Colonial beds, aie specially priced at $7 a set for single-bed size;
others in double-bed size at $7 and $10 a set.
(Mth l'loor, t'cntrul)
Boys' Dress-Up Suits of Blue
Serge a Better Kind Here
For occasions when a boy has to bo "all drcssed-up" he must havj
u suit or blue serge. Above all things, it should be a good one.
Me arc paiticular about the kind of blue serge suits we sell, and
We ran s;iv uith .imnTin ..AH.innMA .1...1 .1 .... I
"' "" .uihiui:iii-u mut mey are excellent in every
feature uml in ovm-i- ,wn v f
..,J .IVtMII.
In .stylo and fit they are rcmaikably fine and, of course, they have!
good tailor-work back of their high-class appearance. Every boy must!
at least have one "dress-up" suit for occasions, and he should certainly
have one of the better kind. t
Single antl double breasted Norfolk styles for bovs of 8 to 18?
years at $12, $15. $18 up to $25. ' I
(seroml l'loor, (rnlrnll 1
Desirable Carpets
Specially Priced
Wilton and wool velvet carpets
in solid rose, blue, taupe, green
and gray, $2.75, $3.25, $4.50 and
$4.75 a yard.
Same weaves in green, brown
and gray Moorish patterns, $3.50
a yard.
Inlaid linoleum, $1.35 and $1.50
a square yard.
(httrnth Floor, Central)
OV SCOUTS are lookinir for-
waid to the creat (loimrs of
their clan all through February.
Many of them woultl like to
freshen up their uniforms u new
coat, new tiousers, new hat and
so on and wc heicby lemind
them that everything they need
:an be bought here, Wanamaker's
being the official outfitters for
Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts also.
(Secoml Floor, Central)
Some Good Old-Fashioned
Sweets That Everybody
arc the old-fashioned stick candies in bright colors and different flavors
at 40c a pountl.
And the creamy, delicious, plaited mint at 40c a pound.
And the fat, puffy chocolate-covcied marshmallows' at 50c a pound.
Chocolate-covered nougat, 50c a pound, is good, too!
(lion (tulm Store, Clietnut)
Women's Linen
$1.50 a Dozen
We've a new lot of these just
in plain hemstitched, and kinds
for everyday use.
(Vet Alle)
Picture Framing
For some reason or other more
photographs are being framed
than at any other time within our
memory, and wo have, perhaps, a
larger stock of the frames for'
them, as well as of the woods
from which frames can be made
to order.
Sizes run from that of a postal
card to one 16x20 inches.
. "(Fifth Fjoor, Mrkr)T,
"-- W,
The Time to Buy Shoes Is
When Prices Are Low
When a man can get practically any style black shoe he
wants at $4.40 a pair and get three pair for the usual price of
two pair.
(Main Floor, Market)
When a woman or girl can get lace shoes of dark brown, spe
cially tanned leather, in a choice of three styles at $5.90 a pair-
ana save Jfri.bU on each pair.
(rint Floor. Mrkl) 4
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