.'l ) natt 'ea intlnt e prv heat re th, weve aw- v nfere Prerj , ternc 1 tho a lc He 1 .clall SCUSS ned. 'We GUARD OFFICERS 1 ASK WIDE PROBE fl oncrcbs to Probe Regular Army Discrimination, Colonel Brown Savs CITES SOME CHARGES Final Action Auails Return of Men Who Arc Still Overseas A congressional lnnulrv Ik predicted by Colonel Millard I Brown lnlo wli.il la Mid to have hern t.vtciiMtU di-crliul- (natlon b regular irni officer. against National Guard offn ert of hlRh rank j 'Tas'InK Hi buck," fo thai tho 'Vi sional Guard tonimnnder would h dis "credited and iemoid from command, and covet hontlim which manifested It- elf In a liumliel subtle vvavs arc xild o have- featured tne reeuiar oinceri- elatlona tovvnrils the mllllt.itiien who leld Important commands. This hostllltv manifested itmr soon Sifter the I nited Mates entered lh war, Colonel iliovvn declare, mid re sulted In the formation or a protective association of Mtlnnil Guard com. uanders The association plans to trim Us In lestlRatlon (runs on the allcced ir.etues if the rruulais n soon as sintleifnt Na lonal Guardsmen ate link from I nnw ivlthjthelr torrobnrativo stor'e- and their support of the movement Colonel Broun lonim.mded tlie 101th Infantry, foimerh the ol.l lirt of this Ity and the old Thirteenth of Vranton le was supetTedeil bv a repulnr army ifrlcer. "After T left thev hid eicht oilier .oloneli In cnmtnind of tho 101th, ' Colonel Brown assertnd He dlrectU accused BrlKadier Generil Thomas; W Darirth a teBuWi of mile- nt; an error, and men pJs"i"B tne uck" along to National Ouird officers parrah, he said, was In command of the brigade In vhloh the 109th was .1 unit J Every National Guard division In Franco except one has lost Uh original Commander accordlnc tot oloiiel Brown The exception is the 1 entv-evi nth Dl- Ision of New ork wliliii ts ne.irtcn r Major General John K OKvan There re only a few Nat'otial titiaru omieis ovv at tho head of their men he slid SEVEN-INCH SPIKE IN HEAD Man Found Covered With Wounds Inflicted by W.iil.int ltrnillnir l'n . Tun 1 V ill! -1 "-even. nch railroad SDiUe bth Line 11 his fore - fead and stab wounds nvei his face, nek, ne.k and 1 host Jisiisji Vwia ortj-flvo jears old, who lues on Kiur old, prohnhl will die ;osia was rounrj n vmnrno rar inese and t'letro Par7aneM an ho ticirrl lis moms lit was irinsciiMis imd ut -ered 'He Manned me hut was un ib'e 'O give llie name of Ids iissailmt lie ' :st consciousness at tlie nospitil when he spike vvas extrai ted ;osta was cnipiovtn at tiie irpcn- ler Steel vv one, ana left tne plant about S 3(1 list evening f"r home He teas attacked hist before lie reached the chuMklll avenue iirldge STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Men Returning From the Army and Navy Are Joining the Great Army of Clothing Buyers in This Sale Many of the thousands of men Uking advantage of the great values in our January Sale of Clothing are the Army and Navy boys from overseas and home camps, now returning to civilian habits and fashions. They are find ing here the most comprehensive and most attractive assortment of Suits and Overcoats in this city, at An Average Saving of About One-third As compared with pre ent market alue based on cost of production. In fact, on many lines there's a .saing of one-third from OUR OWN REOULAR PRICKS, which rune, been less than the real alue throughout this t-eason. This is especially true of these Four Under-priced Groups of Ulster Overcoats Now $17.50, $22.50, $33.50 and $41.50 A varieK of men's and otuur men's models at each price, and in the last three groups aro I Nurs from the M KIN-BLOi M ( o. and HART, SCIIAFFNER & MARX. At these fuur pruts aie ,iU plain ( la.sttilield and other coiihinntiw 0ercoat models. Four Groups of Suits Reduced Suits at $19.50 Men .iml voting men'" Suit- "Alio iml othri iroml make-. youthful .mi conserva tive mod' '-, .il! of re liable fain ii , vv. 11 tai lornl An e. ciUnt range of -ui Evening1 Dress Suits now$23.50 A limited quant it v of t!i e nh mlid s'uits !f vour sicc Is in the ii-foitinriit it s a i in oppottumt. Weather-Proof Coats now $27.o() Orifjw ail made for Ann Oftln i ' ue, now pel niitteil for civilian wear- lain-proof dtiit-jiroof art'l cold-proof A a.inK of ,il out .un l nlf. Men's Fur-lined Overcoats at $33.50, $67.50 and $125.00 Models for men and o mi; mtn Ilandscnne Coat-, lined with mainiot and nnii"l, at f n, the fabrics me thoroughh leliuble, und in dcsiialilo lildiku, and brown-and kui m vtu-es Motoring Coats, a limited number now S26.5Q and $ 17.50 MARKET STREET EIGHTH STREET FILBERT STREET BILTMORE OSWALD The Diary of a Hapless Recruit A'PlUk 31 Havn Jut como off Riiard duty ami fed nulte cv hausied The sunt tiro nltoK'Uicr too heavj I tan think of nbnut flvo tllf feictit things I (mild tetnovo fiom them without crcatl decreasing their ui lllt The Mist would be tho barrel. The artist who drew tho plctuie In tho last onmp paper of Diwn nppeai lug In the fotiu of n beautiful voni-in must hive had mom luck that I have ever hnd. I think he would have been t loser to tho truth If bo had put tier In a speeding automobile on Its vvnv home from 11 loidhotive It vuielv H 1 proof of discipline to bear tin mock lug, sllvoi toned hughtcr of women ring out In the night onlv ten fed nvvnv mid not drop join gun nnil fol low It light through the birbed wire. After tho war I am going to huv lots of imbed who and cut It up Into ltttlo bits just to tellevo mv feelings Last night I hail the fright of my life Soul" 0110 was fooling around tho fence in the diukiipss ' ho's tliot c ' T cried W'hv. 1 m Kaiser AMUIitn," came the iiusvver In a subdued oice "Well. 1 wish vou'd go awav, Kntser IVilllnm said I nervouslv, 'you're buvtlng the lights out of Hulp No 0 " What a that"' nsked the volte. 'Not to commit 11 mil" nice with unv one eteit in n inllltHiv manner," I M piled becoming slight Involved 'Tfiits not stub i uonduful mle" ram" Inck thn volte In otii)lTliiing toms ' I lould mako up a 1 ule better thin that." "Don't tiv It tonight ' I pleaded Theio wis siicine foi it moment th"!! the volio continued sulullslv, Kiv, 1 in not Kals'i William rcall.v. Horiest 1 m not " "Well who are ou"' I asked lm pitientlv. "W'hv I'm Tutks" the voice replied Tollts call mo that bet-iti. I tnko so man of them in mv trousois" "Well. Tucks" 1 replied, "vou'd bet- I ter bo moving on 1 don't know what I might happen with this gun lm 'tempted to shoot tho caitrldgo out of it Just to make It lighter." 'Oh. voti can't shoot me" ci led Tucks, 'lm tia7V I bet ou dldn t I know that did von"' I 'I vjvnt suie" I nnswet'd I 'Oh. 1 111 aw full nav ' continued Turks 'ever.vhody s,is n, und I look it too, In the div light " ' I "You must ' I leplhd I "Well, good nigh'." said Tucks In I tho same Mibducd voiit "If voti tlnd a flock ofj.lnk l.ib.itv Uonds iiioumt I here leniemb. r 1 lost tin til ' lie ib- p.uted In the direitlou of t-it It- I"""1 . , I Mav -1 -There seem to be 110 pine tin the seivice for me I tmnol cle lido what rating to select To be n quatteim lstei oiip nw-t ' now liow to 'signal, und sign illng ilvvavs lues mv nuns tine mii-t know how to blow 11 Ihoirld Mill UI little whbulo In order to heeomn .1 boatsw.il i mate, tiud im ens tould never 'tind tint To be ' veomiti It Is ntiessarv to know how to rattl pnpeis in .111 lmpoitnnt mm per and dN-emiiiate ini-ilifoiimtloii with a sti aight fa 10 nud this 1 ' ould never do 1 feai tho onlv thing left for 1110 Is to trv fen .1 lomniisioii 1 111 I stiro 1 would be a valuable uddition to ' anv ward! 00m JI.iv C '.Man lh' dragH' Hev Suits at $24.50 The famou Moin Uloili, Hart, .scballnc-r A Jlu'v, and olhei hirfli-Bfuch J-niU, in mnli I foi men of mi' .mi Hanil ome fibi i limlv tailoioii ami tin. Iie.l. Suits at $33.50 A lemaikalile lot of fine Suit- fiom out vi-1 j lie-t manul.icttn-i'In'- I he Mnn-liloeh ( o , Hart, Sthatrnoi cV Mai and nthoi . Mm h be low the irtiului val ue s i,j,o. Strawbridge & Clothier EVENING PUBLIC there. ou flannel footed camel, stop galloping! What nro ou dolne, any way, iihjlng horaei?" 'Don't bo ridiculous," T cried out, hot Willi 1 ago nnd humiliation; "oit know pnfcitly well I'm not plajlng hoi so. T rcallo n well us jou do that this Is 11 kciIous- -" At this Juiietuto of my brave tctoit a gun-banel slovo In tho back of mv heid somo one kicked mo on tho hln nnd in some Indrseilbiblc m inner the butt of ,1 tlfto becamo tntangled be-' ' tvveen my feet, nud down I went In n ' tloud of dust nnd oaths. One-fourth lot tho cntlio I'elh'ini field (Utitlctv, passed over my bodv, together with Its iH-vv. while thiough tho loar nnd I 'ennfiislon laised bv this horrible cati-' Mljsm I tould heai Innumerable C 'I. Os bowling nnd blackguaidlng me1 I in fienlcd tones, and 1 dlmlv distln gulsli their fotms dancing In ia,e 1 amid descending billows of dust. The j pnido ground swilled dUzllv around I me but I had no desire to nriso and , begin life anew. I felt that I had. at the most only a short tlmn to live, I nnd that was too long. "What Is the 1 Ulltmoi.) to n man In uniform, anv- 'vvaV' I lemember thinking to msself , Ins I lny there- with mv nose pressed 1 ft it to an ant hill "All tho best parts of it are nild dlsttlcts, waste places,) limitless Saharas to him. Death, 'where Is th sting"" T rontinued, as an outraged aut assaulted m nose. lop r shl Jilt1 h rrp1rlck A blokes Co. , no bi: t oMiNt l.D) NEW ENGINEER FORDELAWARE .Col.in.il l.a.ltie Will Uao Head-' quartors in 'I liis City I olnnel A illlim B l.adiie of llie 'sflTili totps. Vnted hlates llnslneets, who his been with the V nltcd Slates armv in Prime, 'his been appolntd tnltil States ditrle engineer for the , Delaware Ulver and liiv, with head- 'cuiarters In the Wltherspoon Building The nppolmment wan nude by the fcecre- 1 '"'"olonel lloluo was stationed at Jack sonville 1.1 IH'H and had charge of tho liarbor and toast improvements of 1 Ior da lie afterward became assistant to U10 ehuf of engineers at Washington While in Dianic be h id charge of ! several M-ctors of the I nlted Mates mllltar.v op. rations He will sueieid t D. human, who 1ms been tiniporanl in tharge of the olllce Fjr2& Victor Records c have man) koo.1 num bers, bard to get. else- G. W. HUVER CO. Ilir flmn of rrir 1031-33 CHESTNUT . 1'1 ui rt . Suits at $36.50 n v IubIi - (jiade Suits, of fine unfinished an 1 smooth vvoisteil fibti.s llnely tailored farm, nts, woith ron--i.loiablv more than our opt cial prifo J (G fill. sr.i Pur-Collar Overcoats, at $33.50, $36.50, $47.50 and $67.50 IuuiiOUs anl warm Coat, .i popular with ounj? men. At deci-iivc i eductions. Men's Trousers $3.75 and $5.75 Neat -tnped Trntiqpis, well-nmtlo in every patticu. lai. hx.ipt.onal values at i'A 75 and &" To. Mackinaw Coats and Warm Jackets now $8.50 to $13.50 Youths' Long-trousers Suits at $16.50, $18.50, $23.50, $26.50 ?. i. u bran frcio'lilti ov I I l j, r fast .MARKET STREET , EIGHTH STREET FILBERT STREET LEDGER rUILADEIil'taA,' FRIDAY, DEMOBILIZATION PLANS DISSATISFY Complaint Among Soldiers on Methods Pursued in Discharge MANY WITHOUT "WORK Due to Dismissal by "Unit"' System Instead of by Em ploymcnt Needs' flu a Stair Correspondent Washington, I). I .Tan IT- Theie Is hitler dissatisfaction on the part of the American i-oldicra and the people in all parts of tho countrv over the wav the armv Is being demobilized, complaints to tho vatlotin bureaus of the War De partment Indicate The svstcm or demobilizing the men bv army units Instead of In aecordanco with tho need for the paitlcular kind of work they'tan do, as the British Gov ernment Is d6lng has treated a great body of cmplojed men and worked hard ship on the soldiers who are unable to obtain emplovment Tteports to the emplovment servlco of tho Labor Dcpiitment show that unem plovment has material! Increased in all of tho Mates. General Marili s'altd a few davs ago that twice as many men have been dl ehaiged from the AmeiUan as fiom the titltisli armv tip to dale since the ar tnistlie While General Monh made this annotinteiiient with apparent pride, pco pto In ton, n with labot eontlltlons and the welfate of the soldiers after their dlsihirgn do not coivldcr It as a matter to bo especially proud of In a lew of the utieniplojment and hardship it has worked. As a direct tesult of this ranld de mobilisation, without legnrd to condi tions of available employment, the re ports to tne Dahor Department show that In fourteen States there Is an ex cest of common labor over Jobs to be had, whereas three weeks ago no excess was shown In any of the States. The excess of workers over Jobs Is not confined to common labor, but Includes clerks, uiriientem.and. men of the vari ous trades. There Is an ovcruprily of catpenters In almost every Mtate, for in stance. Kngjand Is avoiding the uncmploj ment proble.ni by demobilizing, on, tho basis of Industry and letting men so n Jobs nro found for them, InBtead of discharging them wholesale by military units and leaving llieni to find emplo meat Knglandw demobilization plans, were worked out carefully n year ago. and tho return of her troops to civil llto Is proceeding according to tho prear ranged program. If thn present rate of tho return of men to civilian life Is tontlnucd an un emplovment period of tonslderable stress Is ftaied that probably will reach Its peak In a month or two. If addi tional ships are atslgned to transport work, ns the result of negotiations, now In progress among tho Allies to take over German merchant nhlps for trans ports, the rate ot return of overseas men to peace time occupations will bo Increased materially. Meant lino the cancellation of war con tracts la proceeding rapidly, and In Good Time to Change Those Stairs DUTCH HALL Or any style. Estimates. Snedaker&Co.9th&TiogaSts. JANUARY 17, 1019 many cases there Is a period of unem ployment In tho plants which iad such contracts to give them lime to get peace time work, even when the plants do not close down altogether. rtecent meetings of tho unemployed In Bridgeport, In western titles and In various war work centers, have brought to public attention the demands of men who have been dismissed from their Jobs for other emplojment. Within the last week the War De DRINK The cost? Tis but a trifle when you consider the benefits. , Purock is de livered to offices and homes in steril ized glass bottles. Six large bottles or a five-gallon demijohn, 50 cents. THE CHARLES E. HIRES CO. 210 S. 24th Street, Philadelphia Eell, Spruce 3643 Keystont, Race 1887 partment Issued an order affecting men ln-thc home camps which will relievo the situation to somo extent This orticr nrmlilrs that men who have dependents and are needed In essential Industries be discharged first and as expeditiously as possible. ' The United States nmplojment Bu reau IS trjlng to cope with tho situ ation by finding Jobs and sending the men to fill them. WATER TALKING MACHINES REPAIRED Everybody's, 38 N. 8th St ' FtrnTlr 100 loth .!. Open Kt, v.u. THERIGHTWAY It's not what vou nav fm a true-k that's lniiortniit it's what ou get for what vol) do pa. This should Include tho assurance tlm ou tan get eervlto nml parts not merely this veae but In tho vears to come when jou will really need them. If It does not vou am making a poor Investment regardless of what units are in the truck or tlm price ou pav for If. 'llie Brockwav offer In hls respect Is unusual let u, tell jou about II BROCKWAY MOTOR TRUCK COMPANY 2311-58 MARKl'.T PTRI'Kl m lYniif u ' ill Mill T 'Z 1 - 7 iiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiTfiiniijtiiiiitiTiirii tifeni wJaUt. J.S JK2?-r