f'TSTyV-SVI . f,0lJ4 7 1 v.(i'ii c1 sW f. - fn c5TH5vms Evening public ledgek Philadelphia, fiuday, January it, iopj V ? "tJT"!? -i. the 5ox ery ure LLIANS in split !R ANNEXATION BOYS FROM CITY TO POLICE PALESTINE of Cabinet Due to Dis- lute Regarding Terri torial Claims NNINO'S IDEA OPPOSED1 S57'f lUij-S. Against His Policy on IFiumc D'Annunzio De mands Daltnatia vtSB '' "C A$$ocmltd I'ress tffpMi, Jnn. 17, News of llio te'lgna. EfttMof tlio Italian cabinet has been to- 'WW ncre. PTHe present crl'ls Is said to no duo Jtifthe conflict In tlio Orlando minis- atiXibctuccn tho!e favoring nnd those ; opposing tne policy or rorcign .vuni- tef Eonnlno for tho largest posslhl territorial annexation and for no con- ceaalonM, partlcnl.ii ly to tho Jugo. 1ru'va The Italian nc.nee delecatcq here c- fc' press the beHef that tho resignation XfoReWrtl niton It became Known to f,Tvtmter Orlando that tlie t'tiltrtl If-States representatives are not In cn SuttranKreempnt with Baron Sonnlno's nKvlewn loncernlne Flume. l?S...f f !... n V.ttt.inn P11M1V T.ilpttr WnAnurlnlit. tttt. Iiu tir .V. 1". Tlmri Co JJHlnn. Jan 17. Fresh fuel to feed the llry outburst of sentiment In Itnly Is furnished todav In a passlonnto rhetor ical (manifesto from tlin warrior poet, Gabrlele d'Annunxlo, demanding the In clusion of all D.ilmntla In the kingdom ot.'Ital. This extrnordlnnr.v manifesto fills six columns of a opecl.il edition of i -i I , 1JJMH!".IW1BLU..WH WM1 lananananananananananallnattBnananananY . dMMv ' mKmWHn&IM aMnanHFUnanaWv.TCSmSsnananTHM EsnWsaEaaiasaaaBisBnanBiM&Hiaaro 7taLsTOw 3mBHKa IvmNRFllH ianaMaaAXaBananananananananananaaHananananWananananW raMri73lBE3HFi-ftl. Sfr'jaJnBlM SnBSnananananaananananananananananann?$s7BSBananaKnanananaKr " .-JBnanannaBT? linansnanaBn1IBK3':v''4BL it!9mjr M'JBJBBBPl ?BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEaBBBBarat!SM9sBBBBBS iVbbKi ' r'isssnassHBssssssBasaH&iPQssHlrc. .F-p PALESTINE RESTORED ' BANQUET WELCOMES HAS INTEREST HERE RETURNING OFFICER Chapel), l-'red Wagner, "William Boycr nnd Harold Leake, of the I'ress; Charles llleloch, Jnnns Morgan and (Icorgo I.odge, of the North American; I.. I". Molt .1 Hissing. J It Hlltrior. 0 Latch and 12 M Crhsson, of the Rec ord, Outgo ltor, (icorge Shaffer nnd T Minil'MM , c,. .... ...... .1, it i r s.t .. , Stlenman, of the Inquirer; Prid H I'lllltl of .i.UUO.OUl) Appeals Hcatlt- of iNeUPpiinrr Medial)- Hihonberger. of thP .lohnsnn Ink Com- Because Philaiilelpliains iral Department Greet Arc in Jrwioh Legion Lieutenant Marker pnnv, Jl I lirlstrnsen, of tho aracus6 Smelling Worl.s; W, Welsh, of the Amerlr.in l'.lictrotpe Compaii), nnd A i: lllaclz, of tho ltoal Klectrotjpe Company Lieutenant Wnjno MncWIgh H.trLer 1'hllndelnhh ts Hnfei'.ll lntereted In '"ii fund of jn.POO Oft.. 1., cause of COO of "f lllt' ""' of l,r - IMrker. news-he- box In tho Jitvls'i Lrglon paper in irhlnlsts, 1S Sansoni street,' Thfso ho;s, vsli.) hilped the llrltlsh to as Meleotmd Imino fiom Traiit'o at n rle the Turk frim tho llnlj Land, .n, i,. ,.i i .. ..... . iiu now being transfnrmid Into a mill- ,,, ,., ... .,,.,, , . ., Ir, ..nl'o,. (n n.nlaln r,1. r In their Ca'ni1 ' tttr I,,,t "K1,t " ' h-l.ds of inilont hnmel ind. for millions of .lows Hio nireli.inb ill ilrpnrtmcnis of tho I'hll. i afli i slio bnil I iken tlio oath of oinco iro expected to emigrate- to I'.ilisllne ndtlphl.i newspapers Wednesdix addressid tho ilelfgatlon of ' as soon as peaeo Is dtelaroii ' Wuno ' enlisted In tho fulled Mates , the Chamber of )i putlos whleh had been i I Among l'hlladtlphla bos In Iho legion ""rjno aMatloii o.riis In September, SEEKS ALLIED FRIENDSHIP Kcuimmic Life F.itikril Willi I'.n tonic, Sii New l,nrm!iurg Hitler I iMenihiiri, Jan 17- (Itv A I') i itrand puihers ('hnrloite Addgonde,, i 1917 1 sftlt said to reielo her atllrmntlon. .she1 He 1' Under KiiR M.utli SIMh street 1 '',!,' """.'.' " ' "" ""-vninir ai I'hila- ..i nm roiid to take tills oith to sup to- Mlz-nchl. 030 MiiMellan street i ""i'i. -i.iienui, i, i , i,aKe cn.irles, , ,,ort ti1P Constitution and Intend to place Meer Sennor, CIO Mi.riell.ui streit ; lo- '' nu .Miami, i in , and afierward the Interests of ti c neople of Luxemburg Ph Koo. 2310 lomli Atneilcin ,"J'' inet IlenJ-itnln Heltsh. K.'fi South T,,e noimaii onieers told us to Imic th street. Morris nch :.S7 S gel "'?. cll.. .(,r. "'.' """I'1 hl arr.sted," ),. SULLA CRISI DEL . GABINEHO ITALIANO L'On. Nitti ctl Altri Tre Mini fitri Ahbaiitloncrebhcro- Portafoclio Slid "And then almost Imnudlntett told us, 'oii need not get ou.. but for Clod's sikc go to the other end of tho cltv.'" IU..1... 1 l.i. .. . . .. 4ixith "i it licpu, rniei piiKniecr or itir iiiiii- ui-i'iti-.u, js lo.iMnintior ana lllntn lie, cms h. WM.sm.ui. 1511 youth MM1, strc.t: j,,,, "i. r ii, m ..., .... ,.. Max In of tho Kicmmi Pi nur LntidKn, Kr.mk Smllh, James 1'atton. V Slmner, W Sehnnrtz and W Wentzel, of the l.'ienlng Ilulletln; N" Hnrellp, Harry sirtit, Simtiel Iteiorli'i. TU Urii.s 'reei A Illel, fifth and IMne streets, V.iron K Jtkmshl, 3131 esttnont slreelj Kid ix l'rlpe-teln, :il South Ameilean street I, l-ltT 1111 South -inet H,irr scfiwartr. n.'C Pine tnet J I nliMn i lerl I hi tic t ilexlro lo Mork M I til tho people In strengthening tho ties of i g friendship whleh must exist between this If country nnd tho Kntento Powers, with S3 whkli our eoonoiitlc life Is lioiind up ' R Bouton'i Patent Ij 1 K.HTHI. TI HNUt Piihllsh'.l nnd nistrltnitod Under PHUMIT NO .14 1 Aiithorl7il liv the net of Ootnb-r . 1B17 on flli at the Pontomce of I'hila delDhU, Pa By order of the rrfshVnt A S IIIIRIjKs'ON Postmaster General 111 tlio lurpo group .it tup, in iiu tippr row, I'c.nling from left lo nplil. are: Aaron lulko.-ki, I i li I'ripc-lein, 1.. I i-lirr, llarri ili4art. J. Weifmniiii, I,. (inn, Harr l'ri-anl ami , l'oriii.in. In the m'ioih! row arr Morris Waili. Satiiucl Keiililin ami . Itlei. In the bottom row are Jo-epli Ko-soj ami Iti'iij.iiuiii llci !- Ii. In tin- in Ic at left U lien Mizratlii. in the tenter is 1'. lluiler ami in the urile al right i Miner Connor I ilitin, 1.103 South Itioso rtreet , Harry I'rP.nut, J'il.1 Sulgelei, aienui, and A. l'orm.ni C01 Morris stieet Mrs Joseph Pols, of Philadelphia l bo l'hllidilphla lb legato mi the ndnilii Istratlnn lommlsslon She Is at pre-ent in Kr.ime, looking lifter Zionist Interists In Kill ope Phllidelphin'r share In Ihe c.inipalgn Is fnourt Owing to the remit drive for funds hero In tin Ki deration of Jewish Ch.it Hies, tlio Zionist r.unpilgn u this ilti will not open unlll I eiiru.iri '3 Ulsewhero It Is iilrerdi under wai lr s Vi mt(ii sn: iimiii:, M M1 ne i quires no wan t.iper Strlk. mat h on 1 hinaii enp nl in- In holder niiil turn nn tli- i Keip n few mt'he tn SK.,",,Aiir 'Z""tZn7 n..S" 1, JS.W Kubww rmmmmmmmmmmn OOMEHOW or other "hotel cooking" and "homp cooking" arc often compared to the detri ment of the former. So try this test at the St. James: Ortjer a dish hereof which ou'rc par ticularly fond at home. See if we don't measure up to the home standard and do a little bit bet ter! For we're mlfihty particular here as to Food and Chefs! Cfcc St. fames Walnut at 13th Straat IF. 17. Johnson. Manager L thai newspapers llnmii, 17 gennalo. La-rrlsl mlulte- IVAnnunzio follows it rlalo si erode s.ira' rlsolta entro la glor- up.Vilth a torrent of merciless Invective nata ill oggl, poleho' 1 On Orlando dove atalnst Sgnor Ulssolatl and that portion rrartlre alia olta dl lMrl'gl er esserc dfttbe nation whlih Indorses Ills renun- ,,rftsoIlto n )avorl della Cnnferenxa rlatlnn nr.llev hi- writing holdlv: ' T Rlni ,11 dI ,1irrnn,U,nr, tiel unrlli nlm I '.o bones, no scraps, no rags, no Bar- ch i,.,,,,,,, orlglnato l-i rll mlnlvtorlalo ereue uiiio nariuiiio i r in-on i.iii- u terlmr. no frnuds! Knouch! Knough ! -i ,nnin..ninr. 1.1 urnliiililtn kolnr.lnne famlglio del roiitadlnl ihe haniio per- fivprtiirii llie imlnteis' Smasli file raise "balances' If It becomes necessary, we ))) confront the new conspiracy after the fashion of the Italian nrdlttl, with a bomb In either hand and a knlfo be tween the teith ' iContrnry ffeiHho nuef tdor.i lvamente the l'lt.illa soltanto In questo niomenlo ilia spettacolo ill un governo ihe non ha saputo elimlnaro II Palermo. 17 gennalo In vnpore fr.m- currents of nubile feeling .ticui.iin , i, rm-nfii,. ,i,.i mm .mn AflkVlVin micl-n !ra i-nllro nP llltll RllOh , , ,,.-... .ai 1.. 1 ..r. .1,.. ...I .,( lnu imriiuii . ...u........ ...... -- lei! I I'll lIlillllll, till lUllllllll, v... Vfrlblenec that the annexationist counter- mStr Xlttl. Clffelll o Kera, poscla VAunonstratlon, which was to hac been s p. r(.c,,to dal Up. Nel liomerlgglo ha a.1.1 In.l Hlhl n T . Urtriln nar I l,.,t1e . .... .,. , ...1 lt ...II It. 1l flit.. iixxviu 1.1. i ii.Ki.i .ifc . .-t.... ..... ...... -.., niiiin i-niiuniii lui iii'iiiiiin i-hiivfi,.. .Wlth tho Intention of Introducing several 0 j)a2 c Lon Cninm Mi higher, dlret-' cose, .ti.insltando per lo stritto dl Mc- yjaimaiian oraiors, una lo no m-iui-u n oro genernle ileil.i iianca n nana Alio the last moment by the police. ' orp 19 si c' ilunlto II Conslgllo dil 'rfftt lu RtnleH th.it Klfrnnr lllssol.ltl. Iho Ml .lB,vl I ..iinll iti.ur.tn I Inln llnrlnflirjrll Socialist ex-mlnlster, who during the last a rilspiislzlonc dl Orlando nMcade has been one of the most proml- j,,. ultlme in tlzio fanno rltenere per Wnt figures In the Italian political nrena, , rPrta 1 usilta dal giblnelto di I Mlulstrl fiiitends to deliver hi fore his constituency I xittl, Sacchl, Mlh.nil, Del lloiio o Zup- t, : ... .: .... . -11-..... .Virevcnieu ins ma King al .Milan, in ex itauinntlon of his break with the Orlando nnino coalition. lo pin' fertlll del regno tulle le coltlva. m,i, hi urt.ito'lii una 111I11.1 id e' nrfon 7I011I soiin iindatc pcrduto La sltua- (lain I'linpieeeiitu pas-ngh 1 1 1 he er.mo zIoiip o' tnollo sirla In Tosi ana, vliliio a borilo simhia slaiio peril! 1111-1 rami 11I1 I'lsa, 1'Aino ha Inondato p r pamihlo II 11por1 Itiglese "I'algi slon salvo 130 nilglla riundrnti' le ilnnstanll 1 anipagno Ipusono II Vaporo 11.1 dollo spotameiito o 'a lornntc lia porlato via albul, i.ise ill liiim tniiiR-llate id nvei.i a boido 1,30 lolonlche it iU.uH'.illln ha trovato tu II 1 p.ibs ggn 1 1 rinveulva da Marslg sua via. Ttmpnraiicaimiito sono sliue It iikIiIhuIiiii, It, gtnu.uo La Lega Iniui Moiittiiegilu 1 ha clnru iiiist,t luitli 1111 lomiiukatn dal nil lie si rllei.i 1 iiu uparlono del Mniiteiitgio, ill rto 1I1 lie lnniiie serin In ausi 11 una iibhandouatl al ti inpo di'l ouupazloiio rlvnlla I moiitenegi Inl nisortl In nu- inmha Lo auloilla' h.i-ino dlsposto mi ro ill Jii.iliiu, humio oci upain partiohlc pi r lmmedlatl souorsl o lo truipe lavo- ilttn lostrlugt ndo le tiuppo stibe a ratio ovuniUo per II salvatagglo rltlrnisi In llnmii II Ton ere ha till si gnato una plccola dlmlnuzlonc ill plin.i DIAMONDS WANTED i-ll-lV liIMOS-I- NTi:i AT OVl'i: TO 1 'iMI.I.nflloltl'l-.ll-- WII M J.'l MO In fllHMiim eiilh I'rljo rm "hi n I KKI IA IO.. OU tltlVTMT ST. "ilt'e il-li ''" H'l'''' Besliiursnt P $10 & $12 Shoes lteilmeil to $6.90 dl e-sa rilevano ihe la vleonda ha meso I ' '" en "UTl In segulto alia Inon- , no In evldenza certe amblMonl plu1 , he I ''"' , Anihe I I'lav, ha sl.ar Ipato , nnterese dclln causa nazlonalo SI do- ""'" '" " l""'1 .J "-'E" ' U'J V'"" I L'; )iiril iiiara iifsouui h .A Hforn political life. SI erode clie II Coniin. Strlngher ns- aiiMier.i 11 linrtafncllo del Tosoro. l'On and that the cent 1 j,-nctn quello dl Orazl.i o Olustlzla. 1 On 1111.11 icuiciiiciu Kradaletto quello nolle 1'osto o reiegr.in, l'Ammlragllo Thaon dl Uevol quello della j - I Marina e II Oenerale Dall'ollo quillo , della (luerr.i. I In parecthlo piovlncle dell'Itulla set. tentrlonnle, 11 causa del'o Inslstentl plug. . gle, lo lampagno sono stato Inondntc c . centlnala dl famlgllti sono ilniaste senza AVeakness for a chicken dinner sent tetto I dannl ammontano .1 pareichl ffohn Donnhue. thirty enrs old, no mlllonl poleho' In dette reglonl, 1 lie sono Home, to tho IInuo or 1 orrectlon lor . Ithree months Patrolman Ijodley, of the iFirty-nrth and I'lne streets station, board the squawk of a ihloken white standing at I'lfty-slxth nnd Mnil.et streets early today. Ho walked south to Ludlow- street and there met Dono huo with a thicken hlddtn under his coat. -wmwT I r. .i:t I w jfy T"'i " j 1 V 0NI1T AIL J 1 34 N. 13th St. ifc". 1 0 f (tm'th M mm V 923 MARKET STREET LOSES CHICKEN DINNER Ijian With Fowl Under Coat Sent to Houie of Correction TjCoat, 71 Oonohue explalntd that he hadn't nad a chicken dinner for a long time, nnd flj seeing a i-hlcktn "loose" In Ludlow rstreet, lie caught it. Loniey couiu not j understand how- i chicken could be 'walking on Ludlow- street at o'clock 1 In the morning, so he arrested Donohue 15 Waltham S4 jl.75 m Jewel 20-Year Gold Filled SUICIDE TIMES DEATH zr 11 1 JTl. gAVf 1VAI.TUAM O'-Vk I !?& TTx 4'Si $20 Value Stop Watch Shows 3:30. Hour Which Is Set in Note New- York. Jan 17 Drawing his watch from his pocket esterda after noon, In the (irand Central Terminal, a well-dressed man shouted to men and women near nun: -wen, loins, i mm a a.'." V ec S TS nJn cood time In thisSvorld; no kick coming r-n. fcf iN.'T, yCW ""Th0e.dman"had a silver stopwatch which ""'"- mfimrf Joff.""4 be had stopped at 3-30, the time he Hied . JT ., . . the slot A note found on him read. L The reH- Important thin; for us U "I am going to die at 3-30 p. m I have ' !oa our customer t satlifartloar W temeleii a lot all over the world and t re therefore) .rrnpiilotii.ly nirefut to set .i...... .u .1,.. .n,i,i, t l.ntA litwt miaii to It that onlv the IIRST flnus a d1mc cents left. Who I nm or where I camo aw Xa- .T1"" ,s-,'l Waltham. 50. fiom concerns nobody" . J,n,r. fald-flllesl watrhrw eiempllry thai - ' policy. A high-grade watch and a yery oeoora monry-n?ing prlio. Their 1HOQ MARKET IU.CC? STREET 1,000 Men?s $30 & $35 Fur Collar and Silk Lined Overcoats Mr. HUl's Guarantee Goes With Every Purchase A Kilter Cafts 4 Suits? Gels Relics of German Dane Police Lieutenant Crank B Canon, Twent -eighth and Oxford streets, has 1-apMipiI nn ornate ash troy made from parts of a fallen German airplane fiom Ilia son. Hen Canon, chief boatswain of tlio distrmor Xokomus, stationed at llordeauKTrrance. A paper-cutter with' a handlirtHBhioned from a Oermnn car tridge accompanied tho traj, taal Talon Is r.'OOO. Mall orders filled. lEfebaTm!alV :a bCUircKs Oi ktt. i J0I5-I7 rlARKET 3T eW-WCHUTNgiJi, 00'JMARKtTST. Mason & DeMan 1115 Chestnut Street Oppttite KtitK' Theatrt SPECIAL TOMORROW! A Grouping at Below Regular Price New Straw Hats n i-J 1IAU -J,' - ' tomDineu ytihi J&& Satins, Taffetas or Georgettes $5.00 New spring models now in demand by up-to-the-minute dressers. All the new spring shades represented. Many women will appreciate this unusual saving on new millinery. .'1 WanVaVMCfalW' soBBmmSr 1. M ftSW ju 1 1 --" WMiSw ' fc&r'j - J, Wk c j 3?W ' nniB&IHSnflnHnlH aHaVaVaVlnmnValBaV T mmmmmm 1 crr IBP x ' mmwmmsm y Ii 1 hHiv $35.00 If Values V ? 7 Wirater C ffl Hi W 'lull 1 JJ 9 A Reduction On Women's & Misses' $25 to $49.75 Coats & Suits It"'. '25 liV Seioud 1 lour BiV V I I 1 1 'Ihcso nre all high-grade g.iimenls in ivirj j Iff sphudld mntirlal in favor this se.iMin , I jll A gioup of sample mats Included but ono fTlBtsfr1 or two of a kind if I " TT Tho in.ijorltv of theso coats have large lu- J V urluus collars of good fin Ml this mmshi'm 1 jH best inloilngs livers slzo for women and misses New Spring Satin $Q.98 Skirts (l.iihered b.nk, belled and tal lornl pocket effitts hpt-ilul alues at this prln". street Hour Hirsch's Soecial Georgette & Straw m ?h Trimmed HATS $5.00 l.n r go sailors 11 11 d s 111 a 1 1 mushroom e f - feets rieorgette o 1- owns a u d 1 1 se r e brim'1 All newest spilug rolor Ings Alain lluiir rti is.r k NEW SPRING DRESSES $15$25 Well taffetas. Oorgetlc ( repes and serges In new ffecf. with bright olored einhroldt-rles set mid 1 Innr ASKNSATIOXAL puu-liasc makes this extiaoulimuy big saving possible. Our Mr. Hill scores the Bicatest ' clothhiB hit in many jeais with this puicliase. Come in tomor tow for the greatest ocrcoat value in many yeais. NEW ULSTERETTES Newest Skirt Models Double Breasted Convertible-Collar Coats Navy blues, oxfords, grays, 1 greens ana tancy mixtuies. Silk satin yoKes, sleeves anil silk piped seams. ) Silk Georgette Waists C 9 Actual $4.00 & $5.00 Values, at $3 M Street 1 loor m n I its. WBSR The dressiest, loveliest sheer sill; blouses ever offered at this price Ihnhioldercd. lace trimmed nnd tailored stes, Also crepe do ihlno and all-over lacu blouses "Big Savings on WonV s WINTER COATS $I7.98$J A.00$-9.98 A V i:very coat In this group Is worth fully double our speilal prlie All full length, large collar coats, home i vvllh lobars of fur, JInde of hersiys, Mlours, V cheviots and neat mixtures i:try- slse up to S3 bust. 1 frW 7 C1 m ITV. TF" m sj Men's $5.00 Pants Neat cassiineres, mixtures and cheviots, Art fp Wjrht and daikj J) colors. t Purchasing: Agents' Orders Accepted: s(v.ii-vr.- - r.- ,. vu- -r. ' j L.HiiCf.r-lWSMarkrta, 1. 1 V rf. I n i I' Jfc to )ei C Women's Silk & $K.OO M $Q.98 A Value, range up to J 19.98 Neat tailored and embroidered models. Ulack, bluo and desired shades All sues. Children' Chnmbray Dresses 98c Bom e ft re embroidered Sixes from 2 to 6 jeara. Glrlt Wintei Coats 2:8 Of cloths, cord uroj s nnd velvets. Sizes 2 to 14, ,75. Girli' $6.00 Serge Dresses $4 .98 Also cordu. ro.vs. Em broidered or tailored. Kites 6 to 14. Children's Sweater Sets $ 3.98 Cap, sweater, glovea and 1 e g g I ngs. Sizes from 2 io i years. Mavfeon & DeMairp 1115 Cnestnut Street (Opposite Keith's Theatre) FOR TOMORROW IN OUR Rcpairino. nrf Rrmnd- elinp at Moderate Cost. Mail Orders Filled Extra-Size Coats Up to 50 Bust. Charge Accounts Opened January Fur Sale! WE HAVE ARRANGED These Extraordinary Savings NOTE the remarkably low prices we did not believe our fur prices would ever reach this low level this year. Though fur skins in the wholesale markets are increasing in cost daily, we allow you a 25 Per Cent Reduction on our regular low marked prices. Think what this means! Selling direct to you saving you the middleman's profit giving you the price advantage on our early fur purchases all this means that 25 percent off our prices is fully 40 to 50 per cent below the prices quoted by other fur stores. A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase Until Desired! Wolf Scarfs Taupe. Gray or Urown 10-00 Regularly 20.00 Fox Scarfs In Ilrown or Taupe 2250 Kegularly 39.50 iiiiiUi'iuiii'uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniMMiiiiininiiiii I i J Fox Scarfs In Taupe or Urown 39-50 Kegularly 65.00 UIIOIWIIinilllllMIIIII! a Fox Scarfs In Taupe or Hrow n 49-50 Regularly 09J0 Nutria Muffs In Smart s Ilarrcl Shape f 10-00 ! Regularly 16,0 p, :IHlliilillrlllililllinillil!!!IIMIillllllll!l!!llilllli? Fur Sets ' 38 00 Regularly 55.00 Taupe or Gray Wolf Sets Natural Raccoon Sets. Natural Nutria Sets siUWinUJHI'IF! Hudson Seal Muffs 15-00 l Regularly 20.00 1 llirillUIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIiilllilliHInilllMIUIIIHIl? h 3 & Wolf Muffs Taupe, Urown or Gray 24-50 Regularly 39.50 Fox Muffs Itlack. Taupe or Ilrown 34.50 Regularly 60.00 ttiiiiiiuipiitniuiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iinniiii a 13 y dun Fur Sets ' 58-00 e Regularly 8S.00 g Taupe, Urown or Ulack Wolf 6 Hudson Seal Sets B Taupe or Black In- Sets "wniiiiii'iyiniiiiuiiMiuiiiin IIHIIUilHilllilu Fur Sets 74.50 Regularly 1 J 0.00 Taupe, HlacK or Ilrown Fox Taupe, Ulack or Brown Wolf Skunk and Taupe Lynx Sets miLii nun iiviiWi i wn iiiu .iiuiiiiwn mm N Marmot Coats 64-w Regulatl) 92.00 Muskrat Coats 89-50 Regularly 725.00 Australian Seal Coats 98.50 Regularly 135.00 Nutria Coats 125M Regularly 165.00 Australian Seal Coats 145M Regularly I9S.00 Hudson Seal Coats 150M Regularly 225.00 HOME OF STYLE AND ECONOMY j,1V. i , .- .'i Hudson Seal Coats 175.oo Regularly 265.00 Hudson Seal Coat 195M Regularly 24SM Nutria Coats 125M Regularly 175.09 Hudson Seal Coats 245M Regularly 345.M Squirrel Coats 265-00 KtftmtfSUM ONOMY y ,, L PURCHASINQ AMNT 0mh9 :AiQUm.m ' -,yt jtfAAni.ai, r iiliT i ' '..i i..ii i.iii ,,.,,, I. ', iiiiMtfu on . 'i i'i rn liaHBHnnnMnnmanVBlln Squirrel Coats 325W 404M I 1 Vr ft 'A I.MK isr