;o1 X, tIFB EVENING PUBLld LEDGER PIIILADELPIEI A, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 191D VTanhlfl regulatlci rcnnsjlJ by the a tlvs Feb Suspe: Included ngentV retail m nuspcnsl If price, conditio! These agents tr before effort to offers delherei without reglonnlif railroad t tracts a a fen nt For tlf road adi tracts uf. April l.J. vaso oci There coke a perioi low tho mlnlstr It "a. tho so ment" tlon of tho 'warg the ai reduced It 1st tratlon , for bltil the ega based The tlons fuel thai and natf Tho (.' which r' "4 a ton tu rite reef New li. Spates, t ports af Xo anth Chicago? with th! Certaj gard tci In effect Istratlop "It Isj mlnlstrativ i lines, L'N concenti of co il by pe Its cm "Th1 for t? operas by rf" tlon hcreF II" NEW CABINET LED BY PADEREWSKI Polish Factions Agree on Coalition Cabinet, Says Report From Paris DMOSKI PEACE ENVOY Legionaries Advance in Posen. Czecho-SIovaks Occupy Bavarian Border By the 4sociated Press Phi-Ik, Jan IT Isrnno Jan I'adere akl, the I'ollMi leader nml Oen ral Joseph PiliudsUI, the military dic tator of Poland, hae reached an agrrr rnent, according to a statement jrlven out nt the Polish natloml committee headquarters here last nlKht The statement follows Necotlitlons between M P.iderew ski. representing the I'ollsh nation and Oeneral Pllsudskl hac resulted in the eHtablKhment of 11 blots of agreement I'pon this basis .1 re-constru'-tlem of the ccblnet Is expect ed soon with M I'neleriusM .it the head of the new mtnlstr Tho terms of the compromise Include' n definite agreement upon delegates to Hie Peace Congress jr. Dmoskl, president of tho Polish ration and former Polish leader In the Russian Duma, Ins been decided upon ps delegate by both sldts. It was an nounced Tho Polish legionaries haie advanced to within two miles and a half cast or Brombcrg. a town of Prussli In the pro lnce of Posen, according to a report recledl b the Vos'Ische Zeitung, of Berlin. The Poles now lrtually incst Bromberg According to a dispatch from Hser, Bohemia, tho Csecho-Uaks hac i oc cupied the Bavarian frontier. Pickets are within hearing distance of each other along tho entire Bohemian-Ha-rarlan frontier. tendon. Jan. T7.-(Dy A. rl-The Cermans liao determined to seize all pulsions In tho hinds of tho Poles in Prussli, If the Polish I'rovlnccs of Oer man are to be restored to J'oland. ,ii e rnr,rt.s from an uUthorltltle SEES CHINA SAFEGUARD IN LEAGUE OF NATIONS President Hsu Says Far East May Be First Region I Dangerously Affected if Plan Fails at Paris lly CARL W. ACKERMAN zpecnii (..able to Eien'mg Public I.edger fact, th0 result will not only corjirffllf, tut. bv the ,V V. Timet Co, (All Foreign Itlclils Kesenl) IVItln, Jan 10 (deUed). "If un fortunately the proposed league? of nations falls to become n fact, the re sult will not onlj bo that a world am pliation will remain unrealized, but that tho rnr Kast iniy become the first legion ilangcrously affected It Is our earnest hope that, seeing the (.alamltj militarism has wrought to Kurope. tho Powein will check tho In ordinate ambitions of militarists In eery part of tho world." After nn audience which T hid tho be that the vorld's asnlratlon wilt remain un realized, but that the Far Hast may become tho first region dangerously af fected. 'The proposil of President Wilson for making the league one of tho terms of peaco and for the cincellallon of tho doctrines of spheres of Influence and balance of power In Kuropo and else where naturally recelxes the whole hearted Indorsement of 1'hlna If the proposed leaguo becomes a fact, the na tions of the world should tand on nn equal plane, and secret diplomacy will then naturally be deprlxed of Its sanc tion If this Is not so. the principle In- MONTENEGRINS FIGHTING SERBS 20,000 Insurgents, Resent ing Occupation, Drive Troops From Towns REPUDIATE. ANNEXATION Serb Regent Announces New Government and Assembly, Willi Montenegro Included honor of Imlng with China's Pros), olcd In tho proposed league will not dent. Ilsuti Shin Chang, at which tho prene really effectHo or a source of If.iruo of imtloiis and tho Holutlon of benefit to tho ui.deeloped Powers Pir Eastern difficulties formed tho -some western people hold the Iew leiellng subjects of conversation, the I thit It would he a great benefit to chief executive prepared a statement ciilm if the railroads, present and pro for tho Kvrvtvel I'rntlC Lut(iEii cm- s,ectle, could bo Internationalized until boehing the nboAO sentences 8UC, thno ns China could take full con- In the opinion of the President, ns In tiol of all the lenscd zones nnd conces the minds of all Chinese statesmen, slons and likewise b0 Intcmatlomllzed futute world peice In tho Far Kast de- as a temporary measure From the pends upon the Allied decisions In point of iew of China, liowenr, .1 ery Pails Clilna, knowing that unless different policy rtcees general Indorse ull tho Powers unit" now to solo ment, nimelv, that with the Mow of Justly nnd fulily the problems ot preserving htr territorial Integrity all spheres of Influence, concession lights railroads, leased zones nnd concessions and connnerc il no c es in Ulilna snoum reacri io ncr iin-muio ana com i r i 4 ' r I foll(P Jj bid, "f If w1 J . I I h il ' il , f il or fCl J Pea, i xni-riiut- in renorts from an source published In the newspapers jes tcrday All parties In dermal arc agreed upon this step, It It. bald, nml It will be easy, as the (Serman Immigrants In these provinces have been armed b the German Government Poland is regarded ns even more Im portant to Germany than the left bank of the Khlne If Germany can keep these' Polish provinces. Chancellor Dbert has declared, she can Increase her In fiuence to the fouth and east nnd one day reconquer in tho west what cue has now lost This assertion was niado 1 the Chancellor at a secret meeting of oil Tvirtlei nt which he also "fated that Gcrmanj will reconquer the west through the east If, on the other hand, Germanv ohould lose the Polish prov inces the rebath of political power I through pacific effects at tvpansloti to the rat will be In possible I At A Mi.ru session if the budsi t com bmltteo Jui-t before tho signing ot tho ''lug -mlstlce the report-i published jester (forc saj, it was agreed that the I'ollhhi sthe ulnces were not economically neces-, daansy to Uerniam It as decided that Prfnd public should not be Informed of 'arblds but Instead, would bo Impressed fhei the fact that (,ennan would die fhstl lout theho piovlnce ntjJisei HithJni II .v.nfin.PiiT -r lip V'lSH fAKUAiritWI tu mttt i ""Mtieh Governmctit Will Not In- 0joad i terfcrf lu ''"Vondnn, Jan 17 The lirltlsh f !o - ' s In t,ment s nut etpected to interfere ng niitti meetings of the Sinn 1'eln I'arlla- srrfifter lient. which will onn u liuiilln Jatiu-1 nj-i to ary 21 so long ns It kfeps to the Jfre or' pounds peimlticd cleoating smietiis nun only pass its resolution" savs a uuuun alspatrh to tlu Mail If It exii-cls iheh limits, lowever Ihe dlspitih adds and does anv thing liileifering with lilrn or the lights pf Individuals the govertimeit will be tompelled to tike 1 tlon Contlnu the pre, to hear, fore thf vv' conferef I'rem aftcrno on thej the Pel He I Koclalii discuss poned, ' "We In wht Teace f general has me." Here Jllstral 'i:xci "I It deny tS Joined I uroceec said tlvl such ajf been td ernmer Ing ths W thl v ersatlji . solicit "If i tlons. There w HI Inf tlons. war bj natlont human Prer Krencl) changt la Whe could i ' Confer that tl alread the 0 anew. "I meetlri contlni sincere terpen,,- ins cq. barraf "It all tt rethepj tM vT rls B. w.(lnt ditlona, ure U "ItEJ. realize i IS SINN FEIN ARSENAL RAIDED Scimrc Alaile in London IriIi Parliament Meet Tuesday i Innrion. Jan 17 (By A P) A ' number of revolvers and several hundred "ounds of ammunition belonging to hi tin Felners have been seized here, accord ing to the Mall Two arrets hive ben Jiade. Dublin, Ian 1T (P.v I 1 The Blnn Felners have nameil net 'Imsilav I for ituX nssemblv of nn Irish Hepuhlnan Parliament Only urgent matters will be dealt with, in the absence of Im prisoned ineuibcis of the organlz itton Hot Ashes ""tart a I ire Hot ahes nuclei i holler cm t e e Dnd floor of the canch est lblisl met t of Chester Asher Mlu'i erniatitouti it"i m started u Mnill fti cnh iida it was ev'lnguihlied w th iritlmg lufs the so same Powers later tnai bo drawn Into the Pnr Eastern conlllct, Is look ing fm uaid to the conference regard ing the leaguo of nations with Intense Interest nnd svmpathj. War I'mlir Way in Orient Ono cannot travel through the I'ar Kast todav, and I have been through Japan, Siberia nnd China, without realizing that, while one war Is over In Europe, another Is rapldlv getting under way in tho Pacific There aio conflicts in interests and policies In Siberia Slunchurli and China which should and ran bo pcacefullj adjusted In Paris If only the facts cm be plaod bcfoie tins gieit Powers lie cause China will bo involve d. whether there is conflict or pcice, her govern ment is naturally Interested and work lug for tho litter, while her statesmen foieseo In n league of nations Hsun, tho chief c rutlvu of n nation of nearly irtoooooon, might be cHlIed tho Wilson of ( lima, because of his scholarly attainments and his Ideas regirdlng International affairs He Is a statesman who has the respect and confidence ot the peoplo and whose strength lies not In any mllltarj organ ization, but In a policy of national and International peace After conversation upon many topics the audience ended and the President prepared tho following resume of lilt remarks. 'The Peaco Conference In Paris shortly takes piece lielng aware of the evil effects of militarism tlnoughout the world during the. last four jcir. eer nation cherishes the hope that permanent peace may hereafter be es tablished l'ven one. therefore expects tint Hid conference will not onlv end nil wars, but will also definitely remove a 1 those things which mas gne rise to mis understandings and nrltatlott between nations Thus Its hearing on the wel fare of nil nations and peace on earth Is certiinlv of tremendous Importance chlm Is pvrtlculirl Interested In this conference because Mio has alwas loved pea e and nlwavs cherished the desire of maintaining it above all else sniixht Peine In 111" Nation 'Since I became President of this re public I have pild special attention to the means whertbs pe ice ce.uld be re stored In this country between whit Is usually described us the North and South, although thesse terms are some what erroneous, the mass of the nation being united and uninfluenced bv the personnl intiegonlsms of various leaders Kvldeme of this Is afforded b the unity of their views and activities in foreit.il affilrs and commerce Hver since my Inauguration I have taken upon invsi-lf the dut of solv ng these elomestic dissensions 1 Live lis tened with willing eai to evpresslons of opinion from evcrv possible epiarter wltl the view of extinguishing pernnnentl these .Ilssenslon- I legates have now been appoint! el to negotiate with the leaders In the south In a concilUtoi spirit in otclc r to work out a compro mise which will assist our politic il prog ress and industrial development and eieate a new China "Ihe long duiation ot the war being di.e tu the militarism of the Central European Powers the President of tho United States h is no proposed the for mation of u league of nations China shared with Amu lea her desire lor peaco nnd inturilly Is reads to help to hei utmost In '1 fulfillment of such a pull-y "s for chlni s own hopes e on' en lug the effe t of such n league on the main tenance nt Him in tin Pnr Last tint depends upon wl it the league can actu iilv in 1 1" " is' " t tlic world and m,t t ,- t t i I .r I ast If unfortu , tt.-iv tl it 'an:, to be ome u pleto control, internationalization being unthought of. It Is China's heartfelt desire thit In consequence of the development of com merce and Industry her relationship with other nations will become closer and moro frlendlj, certainly rot that her sovereign rights should suffer from such development. It Is hoped tint the friendly Powers will understand that this desire will work toward its fulfill ment " TVsililrmlon, Jan 17 Occupation of Montenegro by S'erblin troops has re sulted In a revolt bv the Montenegrins, according to an offlclil statement Issued hero at the Montenegrin legation. In surgents numbering about 20,0no have succeeded In occupjlng several towns from which the SVrblan forces were driven. The Insurgents, tho- announcement said, Jiavo sent a delegation to King Nicholas, at Paris, nsklng that Ameri can troops be sent to Montenegro to preserve order fom weeks ago the Statu Department was Informed by the Montenegrin com mltteo for national unity that a con vention of representatives duly chosen by tho Montenegrin peoplo had met and deposed King Nicholas and voted to Join the country with the federation of tho Pel is, Slovenes nnd Croits under the Serbian dnast. Later represen-! tatlves of tho assembly went to Helgrado to report this action, and the country i was formallv accepted by the King Itegent ns a part of Grrater Serbia Ihe Montenegrin Government has In-1 slstcd and has so Informed tno State Depirttnent thit tho iissembly which de posed Klnp Nicholas was without author ity, as it never hsd been legally formed. New York, Jan. 17. The text of a proclamation by Crown Prince A'exan der of Herbla, recent of tho new king dom of the Serbs, Croits and Slovenes, announcing the formation of a new Government and arrangements for the convoking of a d-emocratle constituent assembly was made public here last iilght by tho official bureau of lnforma tlon of the kingdom. The proclamation, signed In Itclgrsde, the capital of tho new kingdom, said that the Government had been formed "In nccord with the chiefs and pleni potentiaries of all the Serbian, Croatian and Slovene pollllca: parties," and that leaders from "all the threo religions and all tho three branches of our race ' will have representation, including Mon tenegro. The soil of the kingdom, ho sild. would bo divided among the "neces sitous" peasants "with Just compensa tion to tho present owners," nnd the Government will work toward the es tablishing by tho Peaco Conference of political frontiers faithfully In accord with the ethnographic frontiers of our wholo nation." Ilspeclal attention will be given to obtaining for the new nation full rights to "our" Adriatic Sea 'from ono end to tho other." LOOKS TO LABOR TO STIFLE REDS Arthur Henderson Has High Hope in Socialist Congress in Berne. PROGRAM DECIDED ON British Labor Leader Believes Workers Will Turn Scfilc Against Terrorism MINE SINKS SHIP; 500 LOST French Vessel Destroyed in Straits of Messina Only 150 Saved Home, Jan. 1 7. Tho Trench steamship Chaprol has struck a floating mine In the Stralls ot Messina, slnktng In a few minutes. Five hundred pissengers, mostly Greeks, Serbians nnd Itusslans, have been drowned. Another steamship saved 150 of thO'o on board. Paris, Jan 17 Tho war between de mocracy and terrorism will be decided largely at tho International labor and Socialist congress In Heme this month, according to Arthur Henderson, British Labor leader Henderson explained this was the rea son the Government had supported tacitly the proposal of British labor that German and Russian delegates bo ad mitted 'o tho congress "Tho fate of tho worlds democracies Is at stake," he sild 'Tho Issue Is dO' mocracy versus terrorism. Between the two tho Western World cannot long de las" Its choice. "Wo speak for organized society In Its most real sense. We are prepared to stand between civilization and chnos. Now that tho Governments nro begin ning to realize that fact, there Is little likelihood of their reverting to tho old Idea that we (labor men) dro to be feared " Mr. Henderson said the Allied Labor lies and Socialists have drawn up a program of their principles, the reforms they desire, etc. which ro ready now to present to tho representatives of the Central Powers and neutral nations. The Berne congress will differ from the Peaco Conference hi this re'pect, as tho Allies will be occupied in Pails for months In reaching an agreement bl presenting their program o the CentJ Powers. Tho British labor leader expressed hops that America would be rer sented, but said he had received no lij matlon of tho intention of Samuel Gel pers, president of the American Fd tlon of Lnbor, and his associates. Is known, however, that Mr. aomt.l Intends to confer with British tnvJ union oniciais, who appointed delesal to Berne as part of tho Labor Partj represciieiuiuii. Gold Mesh Bags These dainty bags of fine gold mesh arc greatly ad mired. The elongated oval shapes are especially attract ive. A particularly desirable mesh bag is one of 14 kt. green gold, oval design, dec orated with tassel, chain and finger ring attached $130. S. Kind & Sons, mo chestnut st. DIAMOND MP.RCHANTS JEWELEHS SILVnRSM.ITII3 HALLAEAN'S 919-921 MARKET ST. 5604-06 Germantown Ave. 4028-30 Lancaster Ave. 2746-43 Germantown Ave. 60th and Chestnut Sts. All Stores Open Saturday Evening Until 10 o'clock Branch Stores Open To-night Until 10 o'clock High-Grade Cordovan SHOES y95 p Ml MMffM tiff mm I c v iUs jt. Mi I. All -iB-aiW iwtj.' Jii ilvyVTeSHB AttPUcu. ey SthPsf JrMHMr Jitter IWZ&z&P' Regular 9.50 Values These Shoes are genuine, high-prade mahogany cordovan svilh extra weight oak tanned soles. Shoes that are built for the man who knows "quality" when he sees it. im& 12-M Men's Cordovans QM 10 S im Men's Cordovans g-9 I ye Jwlhu?P;at , For Rent I Highly desirable oflice and storage space in our new i Central Bldg. 6th & Filbert Sts. in the center of the city. An excellent distributing i point. Oflice on ground- floor, and there is con I nected with it 2600 feet of light, dry basement suit able for storage, htock rooni or space for the dis play of samples or for 1 light manutacturing. Free elevator sen ice. An ideal i location for the installing ( of a jobbing or small man ufacturing business. Apply direct to owner. Central Realty Corporation OF PHILADELPHIA 1800 Lehigh Avenue ., A rbooe. Diamond 1303 The House that Heppe built FOUNDED IN 1865 ADOPTED ONE-PRICE SYSTEM IN 18S1 C 1 H.nne .. 9r.n c, .. ( "17-1119 Chestnut .St. . J. Meppe C 30n 1 Sto e 6th and Thompson Sts. 1'honei Pell Pllbert 2E80 Keystone Itace 1001 The piano is a real necessity Music is a real necessity in the home. And the loleal musical instrument for the home is a piano. Wintertime is the season when music in the home is best enjoyed. Why not buy your piano NOW? ffie Of all pianos, the Heppe Is the only one with three sounding boards. Its construction is pat ented and its tone quality is like that of a grand piano. It is made in a variety of styles, sizes and finishes. Call or vrite for catalogues. ItoPiflifflD Prices, $375 Up ( RnUaLPiymtnLXtrms If You DeiWi. II "J silt Jitlssdllt li Mmiii.r- IWWWrV.J sftH lH I lie Villi tsRHiJsIl 4- ii I i.i il.. I . -,., ,j , .mil in 1..I ' Ji'Mtl -t ll'e are agents for the follouing: Mason & Hamlin Grand Pianos SteinwayDuo-Art Grand Pianos Weber Duo-Art Grand Pianos Steck Duo-Art Grand Pianos Heppe Pianola Pianos Stroud Duo-Art Pianos H. C. Schomacker Grands Edouard Jules Grand Pianos Francesca Pianos Mason & Hamlin Pianos Steinway Pianola Pianos Weber Pianola Pianos Steck Pianola Pianos Stroud Pianola Pianos Francesca Heppe Players Weber Grand Pianos Heppe Grand Pianos Marcellus Pianos Victrolas Victor Record - . Jlfy -7f jr b M? A I WBecker'slSth Semi-Annual im a CLEARANCE SALEMl 1 c,iy Continues to be the most important sale of the AvPfflU i't;pf X&Nk season my, what splendid values, fine fabrics f ,S ( lllfKBf If Zl anc suc exceent tailoring! One can hardly mrhWm f-v Atr j imagine such wonderful clothes at such a low price. m Jmrtih f A I mi T Il 1 17rtO"FlnlTC I wV- .if V T Vl VUCl IO 1 ljJ ! m B jH Only One A m wM W m Store and m H m Clothes Only .1 sssssssssssW Isn ssssssssBT ', i .w m. r i 4 ssssssssssssssssssssssV sHJlBsssW dsssssssssssssssssssssF- NllltS .....A MM We Make the Clothes We Sell Tevoi'v nii( li Itrli of SLimdaid- cut in the latest style for the young men as well as their elders the variety of patterns is un limited. (iCt here early Saturday morning. 15 Values $22..-j0 to S33.00 VALUES 52255 to $55- We are prepared to handle e en greater crowds than last Saturday. An extra force of trained sales men arc ready to wait on you but make it a point to get here early and you are assured of your fit and style from a wide assortment. Overcoats Endless styles, including the big Ulsters, Chesterfields, Box Coals and Raglans, in every wanted material. You are sure of your style and fit. $15 Values $22.50 to $35.00 T OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P. jI. SATURDAYS TILL 10 P. M. BECKERS JL MANUFACTURERS OF V QUALITY CLO THES 15M-16 MARKET ST. OPEN EVENINGS TILL i 9 P. M. SATURDAYS TILL 10 1. M. L wJUi j't'jl .'l'r',''. f' & "-' It ri'' "l t'.".k-.,rt ttJl J fLl -U- L I