Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 17, 1919, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 15, Image 15

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L .V'V w , n
Predict Prosperous
Under New Conditions.
Majors Must Buy Players '
10M3, Hollo, vc woulJst wander, thli eve, to any ono of the nll-nlcht
I'-' lunch rooms within u couple o' Jumps of City Halt. Kaso Into a scat
-.r and slant tho notebook published by tho chef. You will no doubt noto that
i tui
Mr. Hoover was n shocstrlnB piker compared to tho chef when lie tried to
cllmlnato food from moati. This placo was opened many jears apo, Hollo,
and they tied the key to u fish, so thcie li no hurry.
Xw York, Jan. 17. The minor leagues
born, j
1 .c.l
rs t(I
er hj
v'l 111
m thli
t nit
I It bl
" is
today wero paddllns their own cancer
inld they were Bind of It and predicted'
they would he more, proiperoui under
new conditions than at nny other time ,
In history.
The major leagues, declining to meet the
demands of their Utile lirothcri In the .
way of draft ellnilimtlon, p.ied the wny
for the minors to malto their (ran break
bv aereelnK to repect contracts nnd
territorial rlKhts If the national nsree
ment, promutB.ited In 1903 lit Ilurfalo.
was abrogated
The National I.caRUn wai to ro into
cecutlvc xcpMun at the IcaKUc ofliosi
early today and there was eery Indi
cation that the i-alary limit of $11,000,
monthly would be thrown Into the dl.
card. Criticism of the move by tho
p.-CKS and the fact that tlie American
I.caKUe refused to conluer tno rule at
ihe Joint meetlnp,.lt was believed, would,
force tlie National to reverse us eco
nomical stand.
Situation at Present .
The situation In biseball now st.ind'f
Tho National Commission will eon-
Intie In the old wnv with Oany Hetr-
manii prohably to remain lndeflnltcl as I
Minor leasruc cirs will be In thei
hinds of their own directors, with their I
iwn RoicniliiK board for decisions
Thero will be no draft of Majors
'ioni tho minors by tho majors. 'laors,
must be purchared
Territorial rights now held by the
minors will be continued In force. I
It li not improbable that new minor
leagues will spring up, ready to submit;
ihem'elvs to tho draft and other proc
esses now In force. If so, they will be
minora not under Jurisdiction of the
.National Association,
' No More Farming I
Tho major leaguers were virtually.
'unanimous In declining to meet the'
minora on their demand. Uhey con-
Vf ,
: u i
.C L
V. .-
. i V ri
v v- Vtjliiv. J"S
-Y I
- i J-'A Y
i muim.MJ-s'v i l.
i iiRVoN
i Refuses to Sustain Protest
I of Clcarvicw Club Over
i January 4 Shoot
, i
Given Prize for Dcfcnting Chief Won't Allow Pole. Herman to Mr,et
Hrazer at Service Club Uiarlcy l.c uru in i-onnon
Kid Applrgate, whn Is n s iltor who Herman Tavlor announced todaV that
renllv cm flht wen a cold watch In Hilly Olbson
the middleweight diss at the Service
Club last nlcht, defeating Chief Hra7er. '
Dy a five-to-three vote the I'hlhdfl
phla Trapsbooters' I.eaguo refused to
sustain ths protest the C'learvlew rliilil
mado In Its match with the Camden
club, which was phot over the lattcr's
trapi on January nt a special meet
ing held last night. This verdict en
ables Camden to malntnln Its He with
tlie K S Whttei nnd C.len Willows for
etond place In tho league rncp
rlcarvlew protested tho match on tlie
grounds tliat tlie Cnmden cluli did not
have sufficient equipment to tnible Ihe
clubs to finish the match, several of the
gunners lielng unable to shoot, owing to
the darkness This i.l.ilm was made bi-
au?e one of the two trnps In operation hnn i.aKue schedule his ije.n iliaiigcd
n" t hester Hhlp will hcrtafiir I
nr.Er ric, kolls an- coitlc
XK of your tender jouth and lnevpcriencp might Innglne the joung cltl-
7ens with slick hair who dally aroutnl sou with cigarettes and coffee nro
discussing largo problems of the front page. Ah, Hollo, ou err, jou err.
'T.'s after midnight and vet the subject of their chatter Is success and finance
that runs not Into three numciat. T" tae wlso Who-Strucl.-John gujs thej
are known as ,
WHY, querrics ou, do they not nnl.lc homo to tho slumber. 'A1i, hut that
menus but u few hours wrapped In tho haj befoic tho clock lings rcvlllc
and then to work. It Is much mora pleasant to scheme nnd dope some method
whereby tho cail rising could be dropped from tho menu. They btllcvo with
Oeorgo Ado that if one is early to bed nnd rlEOth early ono will miss meeting
a lotta, piominent people.
broke, anil is I'nnnlen dlil not 1 av e
neceKsarv toulnment nt band to make le-
p.ilrs, the match was continued over o in
trap, which lel.i)d matters so mneh
that dnrltness prevented some of tlm
shooters from getting In a shot
an Indian, who Is In Vnclo S.im's naval
service. In two rounds,
Another gold watch went to Hob I'al
lender. of the marine corps, a protige
of Major A J l)ncl Illildle. who de
feated Italph Mwlgert In a four-round
bout The lads hosed three rounds so
evenh that the Judges unbred Iinothfr
round, nnd thes were unnnliiious In their
opinion tliat the watch should be
awarded to Cnllender
Willie lliirke hid llule trouble de.
featlng Kid Morales llurko knoclted
Kornles down In the first round nnd
knot lied him out In the seiotid Mlki
llurns mid Ilattllng lumlce boxed rl"t
rounds Fred rpem won fiom llittlln
Minns In three lonnds Tomtnv Iluli
nnd Harry (Iraham bosid a sl-round
draw Kid Cloven and sidtnm Smith
opened the show with three lounda to an
even bienk.
Several Shifts Alade in H.iskctb.tll,
Tho Delaware Itlver Shliiv.ird llisket-
of New York, acting on
behalf of the .Nntlonal Sporting Club,
otuioii. h.18 nceivnl a e.iine lor a oom
between Charlev I." Oeuv bantnmwi Ight
champion of Trance, and l'eto llermin.
for the world h hatitamwilght cbiiinplon
ship It was also announced tint the
light If urrangid would be for tucntv
rounds and n purse of 12,000. with four
round-trip tickets from hero to lindon.
Messrs. Tailor nnd line Cutih, man
agers of Herman however. Invo reftihed
the offer for the present, owing to Her
man orlv recently having bun dis
charged from the nav, and nlso on nc
eoiint of suwr.il matches belli, iirrnngcd
for tho ihimplon in this countrv Thev
will nnslilei the offer later, when lhe
fel that ll'rmau Is In condition to do
himself Justli. In a ihaniplonshlp bout.
tSBC'QH s mMw r j
Juilpc Ronniwcll It Treasurer
The lion Kutfn IJonnlwctl his ncrppt a
the Inllllttoti to ji: ns trnnsurer of tin
hem ill hnvlnir hoilts to ! h-lil fiT the bnp
lit nf lh,' wlttiw un.l ihll'lreti of the lute
Mnrl. ' .VtcUuIirrtn, Bt tlie Nntltmil A .V
VVeilneNtlA) lilKht 1 ihruiry " Dnimthms
i in lie pent to JutlKC Itonniwrll, Ueom rtl I
VI y Hull
Moling Hoard to Itoot Sport
Mluuir, N. V.. Jnu IT The aimv an. I
nn nnJ iHUihii lieir.l .if Imxlru lentr
ynn nuU ItuornerntPil In lie offli e of 111"
.rdnri ef Stale rsterilsv 'the nvni a
object of th new i orixirmton In to rat
the Kplrlt nf professional tHitlri; PO as to
receive the approval of the n lbllc and rlrht
mhiUed ptopto KCnerall.
hester Khlti will hcrtafiir pu home
gitnis on Tutsiliv evenings rue a.
.lones has secuted the 1' li I! V 51
(' A hill In Cnmdm anil will plai all
home gaims on Monday evinlngs with
the exception of next week l'U"t S
.lcmes has arrnncid to milt Harlan, of
Wilmington, on Tuesdav
On the h.iino night Hog Island meets
Chester Ship, at Chester, and hun Milp
ll.i New York Ship the sinie place and
evening Hnrl.iu bus tr.ilii-ftni 1 Its home
night from Mond-iy until Ihuisda.v, and
win pin .xill roiji ui'M tiiujMiij e ri
duv Vhestir Ship plain nt Hog 1 ttnid
anil S.iturda Pusey ei .fones meets New
York Ship at the Cnindiu Vrmnrt i nes
i r hlp was siloduleit lo pl.it . w
lork Ship at the Camden rinoiv 'is
.s.ittird.i, but has nsked for a po pnnt
moni More lake a Cricket iorc
to a heitt aemtntr cinie at llolmi miurs
Irifl tilRht t.iwtnti ilefeaitll llollniAbuit; b
Ihe score of 00 to U
AND $ J. 50
Make Our liig Factory
Your Clothing Store
Our factory-to-w carer plan of sell,
ing clothes .usuns ou lilsger Fil
ings than vou i an e.pect in the many
totalled 'Sabs xfet nt
1'iirilinslni; AxenU' Order Acceptril
.50 .
In this Great" - ''
1 QM
9 OVER 2,500 :
7" m
Reap and Reagan Viit Villanoa
IIIlAnotii, Ta.. Jnn. 17-Kirt I-iPntn-iRts
Jim lltnp nntl IAt nriji.nn. wha jla l
mi thrt MUiikhr footbnu tonm for ilir. !
MTr, nr spcndlnir n tew ilrt nt Vt
noa f'nHKP MfutmaM Heap hi Juir
returnr I from rraini. wlir li w tit
ntonthn' mrvloe with tli l.iu rt llItoii
LlfutPtinnt Uraftar. 1 Ptillonod at Camp 1 c
whTe he Is an 1ntrurtor In lnjonct Urli .
Uroun I'rcp Dcfeati
itnd the minors will find themselves In nnT nn inrfiil of the vncnt nmliltloii that worries the mlmls nf iim mlilnli-ht
.1 bud w.i without tho supporting hand li ,! -r., m n,i, m,i t i id t. i,,.i- rt
tho majors have been putting forth On', " , " . .. " ' ", .' "- """ " "' i"- "
the other hand, tho minors contend a barbcr s'10!' 1" retrograd. Iluy u section of I alrmount I'.irk and break it up
Into building lots. Huy all tho bccond-hand Ivory cuo balls from billiard
pallors ami chop them up into poker chips and make i million. When the
engine s.tni ta Kicking, order
Pert llew.ll. Mil. Jan IT -llrettn Pre. I
nirntorj hchool soranr i bit? puriirtse l
ilnfeatlns the Tome V hool iiulnlel In a
biitkelhrfll fc'imo at the Tome school am
Tilchf II to L't It wan a well-lhite.l hi i
tept tlih tlie llroun ferwirils MiVulluu-ih
unil M Lai. n In mtileason form.
(helping hand sometimes turned to nn
Bopprcsslio ono under the old agreement
Tho action means absolutely that
thcro will bo no more farming of play,
icis. It also means that major leaguers
twin ouy lewer piavers ana that men
Leaves Harvard"
in .iiafMin Kct more thorough trials when thev A ljr' '"'"E SPem l'orslble amid the gllkten of the bright lights, tntt.e and
fVdo go up Hoth majors have adopted 'dln of clanking dishes,
p,ajer limits of twenty-one.
That's why they tall It tho
C.imlirhlsr. VI is Jan IT -'' IS Krrg .
iiesv 'Jl star all-trounil athlMo at lln'"
,itrl L'nltcrslt) has lieeu ilmpperl from hi
elas throuull sdlolirshto ron.lHMns ai it
has left cillme fer his liom In Chti ibo
North l'res. Meets St. Paul Tonight
The Norlll Prrslon rlin 1 iHftbvll tetm
till mpet tho stronu st p ml il , nf i r 'i
. rhll ulelphla in tli 111 rs KMnmislum at
MJro Hi and VeninKO stiepts tonlnht.
. Mir. J
Are Our Soldiers
Getting a "Square Deal"?
As the din of war dies away, lesser sounds become audible and our papers arc beginning
to give car to various creakings and joltings of our military machine with special attention to
their effect upon the individual soldier.
Thus we hear many complaints that discharged soldiers are stranded far from home
without money or a job; that we have not provided adequate hospital accommodation for our
returning wounded; that there is an unpardonable holding back of soldiers' pay and the allot
ments of pay made by soldiers to their families; and that there is delay and inaccuracy in pub
lishing the casualty lists and excessive slowness and failure in handling the soldiers' mail.
In an important article in this week's LITERARY DIGEST these various complaints
arc set forth and the views of newspaper editors and others regarding them are presented.
Other articles of great interest in this number are:
Theodore Roosevelt American
A Summary of the Life and Achievements of Our Former President, as Told By American
Newspapers of All Shades of Political Opinion
What Next in Ireland?
Chaotic Conditions in Germany
Why We Are Invading Russia
A Scale Model of the Universe
Five Talks Over One Telephone Wire
The Resurgence of the American Art
The Marines Adopt a Preacher
Personal Glimpses of Men and
The Best of the Current Poetry
The New Railroad Era
Belgium Asks for a Slice of Holland
Why Not Homelike Hospitals?
Facts About the Trench Shotgun
The Sinking of an "Unsinkable"
Deciding on Barnard's "Lincoln"
Without Seeing It
Hans Delbrueck A Disillusioned
German Professor
The Y. M. C. A. Viewed at the Front
Important News of Finance and Commerce
The Usual Fine Collection of Illustrations, Including the Best Cartoons
"The Literary Digest" a Constant Companion of the American in Europe
In Fairness
In every Statler bedroom is a framed
card giving the rates for that room
for one person, and for two.
Thus you know you're paying just
what every other occupant of that room
pays no more, no less; and that you
won't be overcharged through a mis
understanding, yours or the clerk's.
You have as much right to sec prices
marked in plain figures at your hotel, as
in the stores you patronize.
That framed card is one of the many
concrete applications of the Statler
policy of fairness,
and of a full and
honnst money's
worth to every
Go where vou will among the millions of our people
on the other side, whether in camp or hospital, in occu
pied or friendly territory, jou will find everywhere the
men and women in and out of uniform eagerly reading
Till: LITERARY DIGEST, which to them reprc
seats home and all that the word connotes, the peace,
progress, and prosperity that they have left behind them
lor a while to help make the world a better and safer
place to live in. The general headquarters, the private
when off duty, the Y. M. C. A. and K. of C. worker,
the Red Cross nurse or orderly, all these and many other
representath es of our great service for humanity keep
busy the largest distributors in France with their con
stant demands for this greatest of news-magazines.
Ecn in the air it finds a hearty welcome. Witness this
tribute rcceicd from a Major in the Aviation Scru'ce,
along with a battered and discolored specimen of a
recent issue: "I am returning herewith a copy of THE
LITERARY DIGEST, which might possibly interest
jou. This copy accompanied me in an aerial trip of
about 600 miles over France, and was read practically
from cover to cover, at an aerage altitude of about
8,000 feet." You can not do better than follow the
example set you by this great host of jour compatriots.
January 18th Number on Sale To-day All News-dealers 10 Cents
i f WS.S. i
I ..
I tnoro trref m
FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publisher of the Famoua NEW Standard Dictionary). NEW YORK
s mm x
Ira 4joh4" 43ocihB t-rBBHiibpSKfyiWV u
M D .v tV f a ft ro w EVjH 1 W
3 JDETR.OIT Yffil b m K b ufl j 1
lOUOn.om. !000tt4thi Wto'lM 1 I
a tfci'ji-'"" 'f'XJmmW m
Jm V mm4B&wm To bo Statlei'opatated.
Direct, From The Most Famous Makers of
Men's Clothes in America Clothes Thatil
Retail in the Most Select Shops in America'
at $35, $37.50, $40 & $45 '.' l
At the One Flat Price1
Tin's spectacular value-giving event is sweeping -all''
before it! What was planned to be "the big drawing')
card" for Georges proposed second floor sales
rooms is now in our 15th and Chestnut street store
the greatest sale success in Philadelphia's Clothing
J'lvc months aqo when we
oecideu to duplicate our Nowit
Yoil; lecord-breakintr sec-ll
ond floor policy in this city J
e maac Americas leading
clothing manufacturers a
spot cash offer for all surplus'
stocks on hand December IbC
-witu tno result that wi
obtained aver 3000 nil wools
hand tailored Suits and Ovor-
coats at a sat inn of $8.50 tol
SIR so
I. very plan materials
ued except tho de'
sirod second 'floor
location, and this'1
will not be available
until later. Tho Get.'
B. Wilson Estate"
jrave U3 an extend
sion of six rnore
months to our lease,
cnabhnp'us i to dis-.
pose of this vast.
stock at this ainaz'-
inely low price
SMimSses ' i' '''.: 'mlmmWlmmW
K? if y'i-TTWi
hSm tori Z&i&i&xLh
Item' 'Ui t-i.X ifBwaillt'1
life rtll
I Lw 1 ' IB III
Extra Attraction!
Five of the Moat
Celebrated Brands of
Suits and
These fivo brands of
Jlcn's Clothes arc the.
buiti and Overcoats pro
duced. Their established
retail prices are .550, $55
alld SG0. Fivo .lmn,lvJ
of them qrc here in this J
ruic lor your cnoosing at
15th and!
Chestnut il
f.H ii.iv iM H.te Ji.ig a
New Vnrlc TI.l.dniirrlui.1B Wat MthBtrect' ?-'
'. " ' -h - ' ' ' '
' .7.i.itf l.- '
-j, yMll
. I .i'iJLT ' .W"
r-t 'vf