m 1 u. 1... . 1 1 1 rrnmw-z K ,.(' EVENING PUBLIC ' LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY IT, 1919 13 "I. 1GESU.S.KEEP Grand Organ, 9, 11 and 4:50 Clilmm nt Stroke of Noon WANAMAKERS DOWN STAIRS STORE WANAMAKER'S WEATHER Rain M fILSON IN EUROPE 31 tabbi Wise Dcclaves That This Fine, Seasonable Merchandise Will Bloom for Saturday in the Down Stairs Store at Wanamaker's Is America's Imperative Duty at Present bHA'S GREAT WORK TO DO IA-W T'l"' ,'" ' 'V ' Jcplorcs Coming of Promi nent Americans to Paris to Oppose President's Labors By CHARLKS A. SI'.M)EX Special Cable to Kt enin; Public Lrtlgtr copunont. 1919. bu lie .v. l . riniri Co. rarls, Jnn. 17. Ilabbl Stephen S. Wise, chiirnidii of the Ametlcan Zion ist deputation, ho lias been In I'tiR lanl and 1'ranco for tlio last month, will leao 1'nrls today fur Ameilca. I asked htm wh'it he would siy nt home concerning tlm l'cnce Confcience, niul I'rcslclout iNon s picenco hcie. "The chief tliltu; to bo done by Ameilri." ho Mild, "Is to keep Presi dent AVIIsrm In Kuiope. If the Amerl- rah people knew lmw imperative 11 the President's presence In l'.iris nt the present time, tiny would beseech nun to &tny liere tlirotislwut the con ference. It Is giciitly to bo icgutted thit ho must ictiiin to Anurlc.i In l'chruaiy because of the ndjouinment of Cnimrpss. Ilia business Is llurope's Ptaco Confcrenio In 1'r.im.e America lias a great work to do and 1'iesldcnt Wilson above all men Is ntedtd to do It. "Another tiling to bn 111 kccI upon Ameilcins la that i must not allow our domcstlf dlfferencpH to be niiKiil fled Into Kiavr national dispute" If nnv Amei leans imc to I'.uls In the bopo of lessening the pustlv;o of the Pionldent, let tin m fi.inklv f-.iv so, tint all AmulintiH tmj know An un believable luiimr h.h-Iks mo th it men of Rieat dlbtlniHioii in Ameilcan llfo are ni rising In Pails, nomlnilly to serve .is newi 1 r iniicpomlcntH or in one rup-iiltv or niiothei, but ae tua!l to HkIii tlii' PnMdent The Piesldint can take i.ne of bituvelf. and the Aineiltan peoplu will tike pa 10 of then (,-entknieii, whatever their motiws or whotver thcli clients, when the d.i of leekonlm? comes "Amerii.i tutus the 1'taco Cnnfei 1 nee nilglitlly mhuiitiigeil 011 two Rronnds Wei ask nothing wo desire nothing, sive a Just ami durable peace. In our disintciestedness lit s our htrength "In the nrt phce, Ameilca is irp. resented bv the man who has come to lommind the rontldcmc of the people nf Alllril 111 in. t.li u no .... iiIIi.ik II. !... 'man has Tlje faith of the Allied peo ples in M IKou Is a 1n01.1l iict mi- aloprous to the faith of the Ainoiiean peoples In Wilson tluounhout the ais of tlio war "Two things mo nei ded The Pit si. dent must icniain In the Peace Con ference The Ameihan pcopl,, must stand united behind hhn In in tl.lng peace ns in linking wai. Amerlei Is not nsktd to mm lender its Independ ence of Judgment to 11111 presidential I Jilt. I lmvn (.ecu and luaid things In jxindon and P.nis tint ghe me the Hght and make It mj dut as 1111 , iAmcilcan iltbon to liv it upon the' (lieaits of niv fellow citizens to .stand liehlnd the Pusidout now." ) f AUSTRIANS DjyiDED ON UNION ' f3iany-Oppoe IM.ut to Join Ger-bniiiny-r-Viciiiid Broad Nation Cut Special Cable to Liming I'ubiic I.t tiger Bft Topirloit, I'll 1 hn the 1 timet I u KVIrnim, Jan 17 According to mc CJBl Infoi illation fmiu (iirnum tlio Cen tre mrtv. reiiris, nting the Citliollc- eli ments, Ins tlerldid tn taippurt the plan of a German-Austrian unluii with ittr- mny. FJBAustri-in ft cling icg.irdlng tlio pro gpoecd union is illvlriid 'I lie plan Is nip- porieu ity too utrmau .Miiionaii'-ib .ma Social DcmoeriilR, while opiiosul t- the Christian Swliltts ami in lunf.ii luring cI&fs uiio tut tin, inward a federation with the otlur ti(.l forimil Austrian Statea, If pn-nilile lOnlng to 11 h'mrt ice of flour tie mih. Hobrcad i.itlon In Vi 1111 1 for nct wick has b en rnliiicil one half Whe Pains of Winter J17INTER and its cold brings many . pain of rheumatism kid neuralgia which ,roii can easily con quer. Just keep in I the house a tube of SAUME PTnalgesique IBENGUE HHSL atlit famous French re lUliever of nain. $8fWhen the pain comes i&Wit from cold, headache. neuralgia, gout, rheuma- citm, sciatica or muscular rin rub on a little ot it Bflume. MVlmost instantly there 1 A warm glow which lasts crhans twentv minutes .. i .1 - .1 a wnen mac goes, me jn is gone, too. Get the genuine. Order full name. OS. LEEMING & CO. ieric.an A genu New York 1 1 (ou Need A Remarkable Showing of New Spring Hats at $3.75 HccomlnR little tailored turbuns nbound in this luight, new tjnthctinK of fresh SpiitiR hats. Most of them fit snugly and hac burnt plumage, ostiich tips or ttiff tibbon quills jutting out at amazing angles. Some arc cntltcly of straw, some have facings of satin and many have s-atin crown1?. Most of the hats are black, but there ate plenty of navy blue and blown hats' among them. All aic quite special in piice. All of the hats sketched nic $3.7C. Straw-and-Satin Hats, $3 Small, close-fitting hats in navy, brown, black and henna in several different shapes. New Street Hats, $6 Charming hats of coar-e, rough straw, tilted at un expected angles. Many mi nations of the tricoine aie among them. Puiplc, biown, black, nay, henna and giay aic the piincipal coloiings. (Markrt) Sample Georgette Waists Special $3.90 The waists are most attractive with dccoiativc stitching, beading, embroidery or neat tucks. They show round or V necks and various kinds of collars. Many of the waists are of white Georgette crepe combined with another color; othcis ate of tan, pink, white or yellow Georgette crepe. All sizes aic in the lot, but not cveiy size in each style. (Market) r Another Group of Canteen Boxes Priced a Third Less which makes them $3.73 and $5. Sizes ary from little boxes to fairly large boxes. All aie ptcttily lined and some are fitted with various toilet articles nail file, cuticle knife, minor, etc., and each has a small change purse. The leather is in alligator and ccrase piessings and the colois arc especially attrac tive: blue, gray, tan, lavender, gtecn and rose. (Central) A Yarn Demonstration is going on in the Art Needlework Section. A very competent woman is there to teach you, without charge, the various stitche3 of crocheting or knitting. (Ontrnl) On the Side of Your Skin against the Winter hordes of wind, snow and icy rain are ranged the soothing, healing lotions and the good, old friend, colli cicam. Hotllcs of almond lotion are 33c to $1. Cold cicam, in the tube, begins it 10c; in the jar, at 23c. (Olitral) Glove Specials for All Hands Women's woolen gloves in O.vfonl giay and black aio Soc a pair. chamois lisle gloves in white or giay have Pan point stitching on the backs and aic 85c a pair. duplex chamois lisle gloves are in .stiap-wrist btvlc and arc in white, mode and giay at 31.50 a pair. tan capeskin gloves that aie ".seconds" aie $1.35 a pair. Children's waim, lleece-lined fabiic gloves aie in giay, blown and khaki color at 50c a pair. Men's fleeced fabric gloves in giay and black aic 50c a pair. (( rntnil) SPECIAL Thick, Cotton-filled Quilts, $3 These arc the best quilts we have ever owned to sell nt such a price. They are coveted with cambric and figured cotton tnateiials nnd some even have sateen cov eiings with medallion centcis. In weight they aveiage 5 pounds and they arc thickly filled with cotton and scroll stitched. Many aio worth as much again. For schools and boauling houses, as well as for homes, these quilts are splen did. (Chestnut) Women's Coat Prices Swing Low and Are Within the Reach of Everybody Nearly every coat has lost a goodly proportion of its original price and savings often amount to quite a sum. This applies to so many coats that there is no dearth of choice. The coats are cut on the fashionable lines of this season, veil made and warmly lined. Some are quite heavily trimmed with fur, having shawl or cape collars and often cuffs of scalene or nutria. They are of silk or wool velour, bolivia, pompom, broadcloth or kersey. Now $18.73 to $85. If You Prefer a Coat Without Fur there is broad choosing among them. Coats of velour, silvertone, cheviot, kersey, broadcloth, plush, bolivia, cashmere velour and pompom have no fur whatever about them. They are in good taste and many have beautiful linings. Present prices range from $11.75 to $67.50. (MurUfl) Hosiery and Underwear for Women at Special Prices Combination suits at S1.55 arc of a medium weight ribbed cotton in ecru color and in extia bizes only. Iow neck, shoit sleeve and knee or ankle length style. Illnck merccrizod cotton stockings, 33r, three pair for $1. They have scams in back and rc-enfoiccd feet and tops. "Seconds," but good ones. ( rntrnl) A Special Group of Interesting New Velour Frocks at $18.75 Most of them are collarless, while others have throw ties at the necks'. The skirts, bodices and cuffs arc adorned with tiny pin tucks. .Small bone buttons arc much in evidence. The usual selling price on cveiy one is moic than half as much again .some a good bit more. New Satin and Taffeta Frocks Special at $16.75 In navy blue, plum, brown and Copenhagen blue; the frocks aie in very attractive models. Pointed overskiits, three ticis on the sides of skirts, dainty Georgette crepe vcstce.s, silk buttons, etc., all go to make up dainty frocks. Of couisc, the collarlcsa bodice is the favorite. Two Fashionable Serge Dresses at 16.50 One is embroideird in silk In aid. The other, which is sketched, shows three ticis on the hkiit. The collarless bodice and the cuffs ate piped with lose satin. Spring Frocks of Taffeta $19.75 Diaped skirts aie finished In back with laige bows; bodices and skiits are trimmed with bands of black velvet; other flock? show silk embroidery; while some unusual now dicse exhibit five ticis of flounces on the fide1. In the group aie taupe, blown, lookie, Belgian and navy blue. Among the Other New Models At $18 two pictty models of lustious taffeta aie in lookie, navy blue and taupe. Special at $23.50 vcrv new and vciy attractive navy blue serge dresses in a Jacket effect show tan broadcloth in the collars, cuffs and vests. This is bi aided in black soutache. Novelty Taffeta Frocks at $24.75 One Is sketched. The bodices, tkhts and cuffs arc trimmed with knife-pleated frills. (Vlurkrt) mm 1 Afternoon Frocks for Bright Days Taffeta and Georgette crcpo com bined, Geoigctto eiepo alone, or crepe do chine foim lovely, lcfteshing dresses. The colois are vvoith see ing: navy blue, tan, taupe, beige, peail giay, gold, pink, lose, tur quoise and lavender. S19.75, S23 to $47.50. 1000 Pair of Children's Shoes at $2.50 a Pair Serviceable, sturdy shoes are these, of dull black leather in button style. The toes are sensibly wide and the soles are sturdy. In sizes 8V-; to 2. Women's Gray Shoes Special at $3.50 a Pair . These fashionable shoes are nlade of soft gray leather, very much like buckskin. They lace high and have covered heels and welted soles. Special Tan Calfskin Shoes for women, lace high and have medium heels and welted soles. Now $3.90 a pair. , Several StylesSpecial at $4.40 Included are women's shoes of neat black calfskin, gray kidskin with cloth tops to match, and black kid skin shoes with gray kidskin tops. You may choose high or medium heels. Women's Black Shoes Special at $1.50 a Pair In the lot are shoes of black patent leather and black calfskin with cloth or leather tops, in lace or button styles. Sizes run from 2'j to C'' and there are almost all widths. Heels are high or medium and the soles are welted. The shoes are worth two or three times as much. (Cheitnut) The New Spring Hats Call for Veils Most of the newest hats fit closely and have little or no brims, so a veil becomes a necessity for a well-groomed appearance. At S.'ic, made veils in square and octagon meshes with velvet or chenille dots or scrolls. In black, brown or taupe. At 75c to $2.23, some very nttractivo stvlcs in square or octagon meshes with dots, sci oils or the new braided effects. Also in black, brown or taupe. (t'rntrnl) 1000 Good Corsets Special at $1.15 In this big collection there arc corsets for all needs corsets of coutil nnd batiste in both pink nnd white. All sizes, 20 to 30, are heie, but there areTnot all sizes in any one style. Brassieres, 35c to 75c Iloth bandeaux and brassieres aie in this gioup and they aie in dorcn8 of styles, but not all sizes in any one style. They are in pink nnd white trimmed with laco or cmbioidery. Sizes 3t to 16. (Ontrnt) Lovely Silk Envelope Chemises Special at $3.85 Two styles have been marked special for Saturday. One, of heavy pink wash putin, is gathcied aiound the top, hem stitched and trimmed with lose-bud- and ribbons. Another of ciepe de chine ha a casing of Geoigette and much shining and hemstitching. Bloomers at $2.85 One style of wash satin has hemstitched luffies at the knee. Another of nink tub silk is in the same style. (Ontrnl) A Good Many Young Men Are Coming to Us for Civilian Clothes And they couldn't come to a safer place. No need to search through this stock of clothing for a suit that is all wool. Every suit in the entire collection is guaranteed to be pure wool and a sound in vestment. In fact, every suit represents, at this time of year, an extra value, since they are all marked at lowered prices. There are huits of all the good Winter materials for men and young men suits that real men like. Their prices range from $22 to $29.50. The Same High Standards Apply to Overcoats They are sound and good, through and through. Fabrics are heavy enough and strong enough to stand much Winter hardship. Prices begin at $22 for straight, single-breasted box coats and rise, by easy stages, to $35. In between are many heavy Winter ulsters with convertible collars, deep pockets and belted backs. Town ulstery, too, which fit a little closer and are a little shorter. ((.ntlir.r. 'VUrkM) A New Necktie Is a Transformer It can change the whole appear ance of a man. Haven't vou noticed it? New neckties of vanous silk mixtures are in the good, all-round-man patterns. The shapes are open-end, foui-in-hund style. COc. (ftallrr.r, Mnrkitl) Warm Domet Flannel Night Things for Men Nightshirts arc $1.73. Pajamas arc $2.25. The thick, warm domet flan nel is striped with pink, blue or gray. ((iallrr.r. Market) Specials in Men's Hosiery " and Winter Underwear Ribbed cotton shuts or dinvvcis, $1.15 the garment. Giay or ecru color, high-neck and long-slcevc shirts and ankle-length drawers. Black nicrcencd cotton half ho-e, 2-'c a pair. Coloied meicerized cotton half hore, o0c u pair. Of fine quality in gray, tan, black and navy. (dnllrrj, MurUfll Special Shoes for Men and Boys 500 Pair of Men's Shoes at $3.J0 These arc of black patent leather or of tan leather on English lasts. The soles are welted. Kvcry pair is worth more than half as much again. 400 Pair of Boys' Shoes at $2.50 For knock-about, rough wcathet, Winter wear get a pair of these "Hull black leather shoes for boys. You save money on them, too. ((Iiratnilt) New Furs Have Come ' to the Fur Store Pretty new mull's and scarfs that we are glad to add to the gathering of good and inexpensive furs in the Down Stairs Store. Almost every piece is marked at a saving of at least a third, as you will readily under stand from this list: MUFFS Australian opossum muffs, $18.7."). Dyed-blue kit fox muffs, $22.50 and $25. Taupe-dyed kit fox mufTs, $28.50. Black-dyed fov mull's, $18.75 to $.'57.50. Brown-dyed fox muffs, $18.75. Taupe-dyed fox muffs, $18.75 to $15. Blue-dyed lynx muffs, $57.50. Taupe-dyed nutria muffs, $15. Hudson seal (muskrat) muffs, $15 and $17.50. Dyed Jap mink muffs, $10. SCARFS, CAPES AND STOLES Hudson seal (muskrat) capes and stoles, $35 to $45. Nutria stoles and capes, $22.50 to $ 12.50. Natural racoon scarfs (large), $18.75. Skunk scarfs (3 skins), $39.75. Skunk capes, $20. Black coney scarfs, $0.75. Black Manchurian dog scarfs, $9.75 to $18.75. Kit ccney scarfs, $6.50. Black-dyed cat lynx scarfs, $23.50. Black-dyed fox scarfs, $18.75 to $37.50. In addition we have some fine matched sets of fashionable pelts. Still Some of the Good Wash Suits for Boys at $3 There are Junior Norfolk's, Middies and Russian suits of chambra.v, gingham, rep and galatca for little bovs of 2'i to 8 yeais. They arc well-made, stuidv little suits that will stand much hard wear and many washings. (Ilnllrr.r, MnrkM) A Special Lot of Boys' Sweaters at $2.75 Some arc 1 educed and others were specially bought. They aie in navy blue, giay and red with 1 oil collais and roomy pockets. intlrr, .MnrkM) Cloth Hats for Boys Special at 75c There arc various shapes in mixtures and tweeds, and w oolen overseas caps and sailor shapes of seigc or corduroy for the little fellows. Sizes aic bioken, thougli boys of about 6 to 12 years can be fitted. Caps, Too, at 75c Are Special and have been regularly more, but .sizes on these aic bioken, too. Thcv aie in giay, blown and blue mixtures and in good shai es, (nllrr, Markft Children's Warm Union Suits Special at $1.25 A lot of ribbed merino or cotton union suits in which sizes aie somewhat broken, but plenty to choose fiom. They arc white or ecru color with long sleeves, high necks and ate ankle length. For children of 2 to 10 jeais. (Ontrnl) (Mnrkrt) Pretty Special Neckwear at 50c Thcie is some lovely organdie neckwear which is about half price. A lot which brings ahout a half dozen styles of collais nnd the same number of stvles in sets. The collais are all newest styles most of them for lound-neck frocks, but some loll .shapes. In white, Copenhagen blue, led and tan, many of Picm pleated, some embioideied and lace tiimmed. At $1 Imitation Point Venise ioll col lais and Georgette collars edged with lace, all of hich would oidi narily be more. (Ontrnl) Junior Girls' Coats Are Reduced 'I his i eduction takes in piactl cally all of our Winter coats in sizes 12 veais to 17, and some of the coats are woith a gteat ileal moie. They are made of cheviot, velour, corduioy and velveteen mostly in biown, green ni.d blue. Now $13.50, 'jilG.oO, ?2J.5() and ?27.50. Coats for Smaller Girls Are Now $7.50 and $10 For the girls who wear sides' 10 years to 14 this is an oppoit unity to be seized. The coats arc all lined and interlined. The majority are of velour, cheviot and cordu roy In brown and green, a few are In blue. Early Forecast of Spring More New Suits Arrive They aie in such happy mod els, too! The jackets upple and manv display smatt vest? New collats are in evidence. These innovations' and the gen eral attl.ii.tive ,sniaitnes leave no loom for doubt that the coming Spiing will eo moie women vv rating suits than ever. $25, $27.50, ?30 to ?35. Trini, Mannish Serge at $23 Why, hciu arc many models! And no one was expecting to roe mun.v models in seigc at .'25. Call it a pleasant sur piise! One is high waisted, another s h o w ,s the jacket pleated below the belt and gioups of tucks above. Small buttons' aic used as trimming. Many ovci -collais aie of pon gee. So on, Through Many New Models One, of wool poplin, is quite sportive vv'th black braid. The iacket ripples gi acef ully. S'7.50. Another model of mannish serge, piped with braid nnd trimmed with bono buttons, is $20.75. The tuit that is sketched is of wool poplin. $20.75. J iv 1 N ly Winter Suits Are Greatly Reduced I'lices aic now S16.50, $22.70 and ?35 for suits of wool poplin, butcllu, seigc and broadcloth. (Markrt) New Silk Stockings Just Here More of these women's black silk stockings, with the tops and heels lined with lisle, at $2.15 a pair. A Satin and Nainsook Nightgown Special at $1.50 Tka inn (a r? lnl iral tttil f UB vp a V ftMfh TfM omvUM . hemstitched in blue and the hodycV or my Mr. ltlc tha i i,i jJH r) ! rti M .1 5M ti tr - rk 1; got Suffer! I iicnirai) (Central) -r -.v V : rf-S'ii. Limifii:aMyiL :&!&& ,fl ,J,i, ,-rvkLSt - -amAt).tfi.fc.':..ttv .v.-.,,i:.tW. 4Tfi.jr.tf-V' .j.Jiii3..-...,A ,