m? -iMty r i i tJSiVW "' -. -.vt -v.- 5irtii5-48r P7 f -"- w !a . j vCT't"TT'-af ' e EVENING TUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA", FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1010 11 i f i! x JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE i' nancy Wynne Tells of Huge Ball to Be Held in the Academy f of Music February 13 Victory Week, February 10-15, I in Kn film rtf V.ntnrfninittn TAVE jou heard about tlio Victory ball CJ-whleli In o he clvcn on February 13 II It tho Academy of Muslc7 A perfectly Jtr affair, you know. In f.tct, the- whole tiuft. Ic Is to bo Klven over to entertaining. pV to ho called Victory IVcclt. and tho Sea Is to hold nn entire TieeK or enter klnlnc and fun, and tho money received 1 1 torn the entertalnlns will be used to raise (large Victory fund which the nmerpency i jld Is bacltlnB up. Thcro N to be every Ijlnd of entertainment you eer heard of. J sort of repetition of tho "Made In Amor- 'a. Week," which tho IlmcrRctipy Aid sol illp In 1915; only this Is to bo more so. i'l Mrs. "Barclay Warburton. Joe Wtdener J'lnd Mrs. Henry Drlnton Coo nic at the till dead of the ball and there Is no doubt that will bo huce and erv corceous. It Is to Jrjo a costumo affair and will bo cry beau Hlftil, I'm told. iJVD jou know the Junior Music Club 5Mof the Main Lino will meet on ihe ant Saturdiy of this month? And straiiKO to R.iy, this time It Is to be held In town Hid at the Ilichard Xorrlscs" house, 500 ."orth Twentieth street. I nm beginning o look on theso concerts, which arc jsually Riven four times a c.ir. as quite (J Aiomethlns to which to hope for an Itnl il, katlon. I Anion? tho members aie Alice Benedict, oily Tliujcr, the Carol HoiIkcs' children, ho Uurton Ounces' little ultls. l.lfiino uplcc, who Is u new member this jenr; .ouleo and VlinInU Norrls and 1 can't eRln to remember all the others. Ami hey really do splendid work. Quito some co musk-Inns! Of course, all are not ery "wee, nut me aro an juuuk. ' on't think there Is any member uicr leveiitecn, und some lire as joutiB us ten ,nd eleven. fflril. AND MUS. ALEXANDER VAX jUj-- UKXSrinNAint are BolnR to help re lie with the war s-ervtce committee at fjils week's reception for enlisted men up 8at',the Historical Hoc lety. ttr. Hollls (lod .trey, president ot l)reel Institute, will ttko a short address and the Orpheus Is MOJsIiib ii Broup or sours. .Mrs. noiz is jjgolnR to shiB. too. She has such u flcllfclit Hfuijolce and the most cliainiliiK way of folns It. There will bo the usual Liberty Mhlfs. led by Mr. Hoxie, and then dancing Find supper. sKl didn't so last Saturday and I hear ttlit I missed quite a thrllllns time. There Spire about twelve, hundred people theie, fjlcludliiB several hundred nay men with Ajlumber of ollkers. The sailors had Just iartlvcel at the nay anl fiorn foreisn 'airtlcc. and rcmescnted tho Hoop trans- R'port l'ocahontas and nlno destroers tho "Beale, tho Stewart, the Wordcn. the lior- roghs, tho Ammcu, the McC.ill, the Truv tun, tho Whipple and tho CiimmliiB". Hich crew marched through the hall to the plat form und was Biected with cheers, while its brave deeds were "suhk" anil applauded. It was a most stlirliiB evening. THEY hadn't seen each other for n Ions time, nnr the had a Rie.it ileal of business as well as lemlnlscenie to lulU over at dinner. Kadi Insisted that he was the host us the sat down, and they both decided that It would be nice to have some calar. So thej ordered thai umnnR oilier things and then stalled in. "Well, now, this Is the way I look at it," and so forth nt great length. Onco In a while, both being hosts, one would Intel rupt for a minute to remaik, "My, that caviar is good; have some mine," and then the talk would deepen again. Finally tho dinner and the talk weie over and they called for their check after the manner of Old King Cole each grabbing a coiner as It was handed Jo them, liotli looked nt It and then dropped It as If it h id suddenly reached out red hot claws to Brab them. Hol looked at guest and guest looked at host. "Do ou sec tho same thing 1 see.'" And jou ian bellevo it or not, take it or leave It they had consumed twenty-four whole dol- lais' vvotth of caviar alone', (incwenrui, olio ot them is Just recoverliiff from appen dicitis, but of course that's another storj.) XAXCY WYXXK. Social Activities Aiiioiik the guests who will attend the luncheon to be given next 'vVcdiiesUu by Mrs. Graham Dougherty, of 1115 .Spruce treet, In honor of Miss Lorraine Goodrich iSrnhani, whose engagement lo Mr. I.dvvanl A Bacon, ot Milwaukee, was recently an nounced, will be Mrs. James S. Smith, Jr.. Miss Katherlne C. Lea. Mrs. Howard K Hanscll. Jr., ami Miss Kllzabeth McMlchael. Mrs Kleanor du Pont Perot Is spending the winter with her mother. Mrs. Trancls T. du Pont, of Montchalms, Del. Her small daugh ter Miss Justine Perot, is a scholar at Miss Sellcrs's school at Green Hill, near liming ton. (Mrs. S. LawrcncCfBodlne and Mrs Joseph " IWra. of nerwjn, are spending a short (no at the Brighton, Atlantic Clt. ii Mr, "William K. Carter has closed Ivy Cot jise, his koine In Ilosemont, and will spend is winter at Aiken, s. w. Mrs. John Barnes, of Haveiford, enter .Ined the card club, of which she Is a niein r, on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Robert Irish, of Boston, Is the guest iVMrs. William 1). Nelson, or J.ansuowne. I Hi re. Kdnard B. Cassatt, who has been MJlng at Cainp Merrltt lo be near Colonel 'I jssatt, who Is stationed there, will return luerwyn on Sunday. 'sirs. Kdward T. Stotesbury, of 19.'3 Wal (It street, has been spendlnc several dajs I the Illtz-Carlton In New York. The Woman's Club of Ceriuaiitowii has ar inged a meeting in the Interest of prohl .Ion to be held on Monday at 3:30 p. in. X the Germantown branch of the Y. W. Mts iicnry v rrauwij, ui iiQrri, will speak on "Prohibition" and pine Protection for Our Soldiers and Sail- Mrs. Peabody has been closely hlcntl- with the campaign In her own State for ratification of the Federal prohibition indment. Warden McKentyt will also Ik on prohibition In connection with his k. lie Philadelphia Chapter of the United ilthtcrs of the Confederacy will lvu a :heon nn Mondav In the iioith irarden of '.Sellevue-Hlrntfonl In celebration of Gen- IT1T ...u I.I.H..In.. nnnl. APU.iK.. f. It'll. I1XF V Ulllliui.j i,,i,.r(,j. ., ty, , , ,,- Douglas Mason, tlio president, will pre iind the program will Include addresses entral Lyttleton W. T, Waller. U. H. on "The Present war," ana thf nv. Helm Jones on the "Anniversary ot 4 Lw's BlrtU4y," and toUm by Ulsa .... I.lunbelli Ijittn ami Mid. T.uo Nelson Sharpe Mrs. John Cook Hirst and Mrs. George W Brown, of Overbrook, are the vice presi dents; Mrs. Alfred Best Is recording secre tary: Mrs. Joeph Huston, corresponding secretary: Mrs. Sharpe. treasurer: Mrs. Louis Lewis, historian, and Miss Helen Tull, of St. David's, registrar. Mr. J. Steele Pearce, In the U. S. .V. avia tion detachment, who was stationed at the Aero Club in Minneapolis, Minn , has returned to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kugene Illcliurds,on Pearce. 13 West Tulpc hocken street, Germantown. Ills brother. Lieutenant Itowan C. Pearce, who has been home on a short leave, has returned to Quantlco, Va. Tonight Is "Navy Night" at the plsy and dance given by the dramatic society of the Calvary Protestant Kplscopal Church of Oermantovvn In the bovs clubhouse, 23 West Penn street. The nffalr Is In charge of Miss Llllle W. Shipley. Between the acts of the comedy Mrs. Frances Harland Kellogg will sing. Mrs Arthur Burgess and Miss Dorothy Burgess, of Lincoln drive, havo gone to At lantic City for a fortnight. Mrs Burgeis's daughter, .Mrs Joeph Darlington Wilkinson, who has been Mtlng her mother, has gone back to Now York Dr. Maurice M. Hoie, of 2543 North Mar Bton street, has received his discharge from the service after being stationed at General Hospital No. 3, Itabway, N. J for a je.ir. A dinner was given last week In honor of Miss P.ose Goldberg ot her home. 3761 Pine street, at which her parent". Mr. and Mr. M. Goldberg, announced her engagement to Mr. Jack Ku'iicr. A dance whs given this week nt the home or .Mr. Daniel Simons, is3ii North Fifteenth street, by the members ot tho Aces Club. Friends of Captain John It. Ball, of Wil llamsport, will be glml to bear that he has been presented v Itli a C'rolx. ile Gutrre bv the Belgian Oovernnunt Captain Ball Is now with the 107th Field Artillery In Germanj. The picture of Mrs Francis J. Kelly and her two sons, which appeared In the Kvi.mmi rrm.ic Lrnmrni on Tuedaj, was taken bv J. Mitchell F.lllnt. PRETTY WEDDING" IN LUTHERAN CHURCH Miss Florence B. Wcilpnd Is Bride of Harry L. Pulch, U. S. N.R. F. ii attractive wedding took place In the Kvangdlc.il Lutheran t'liureli of the Tilnlts, Klghteenth and Wolf sheets on Wednesday evening, whin Miss Floience'll. Wellind, daughter of Mr. and Mr.s Geoige Welland, of not South I'iftj -first strut, and Hirry L I'ukh, IT. S. X. It F, of South Twenlj third street, were married b. the pastor, the Uev. Sitnuel S. IC. Francis, I). 1), assisted by the I'.cv. Frank M. I rich. The bride wore n gown of while satin, veiled wlih georgcllo crepe, embroidered with pearls, llei tulle veil extended to the hem of the court train of satin and was caught with oraugo blossoms. Bride roses and orchids weie carried Miss Ida L Wel land, the bride's sister, was mild of honor and wore a pluU sitln frock, finished wltn a turquoise bhn- glidle, a hat of pink inallno and carried a shower of pink roses and sweet peas Tile brldesm lids. Miss Kdna Mn I'uleh, tho bridrgroonrs sister, and Miss Iverna Betz, of llilstol, Pa., wore tuiquois. blue tnffita frocks Veiled Willi Ilrussils net of lilt Sinn- shade Thetr m itlnee hats nintched their gowns, and tliel carried arm bouquets of pink roes anil, sweet peas Miss Katharine Pulch. the little imisln of the bridegroom, was (lower gill, and wore a llngirk- frock of white batiste and lace ller plnk rosebuds were can led In a pink hat tied with pale blue ilbbons Mr. Howard Pulch was his biothci'a best man, and tlio Ushers, who aro all In the F. S V. 1! F. Included Mr. N'chon .1. Berner. Mr. William Collins, Mr. (!orge Gralley and Mr. Clarenie Becker. The service was fol lowed by a tecrptlon Mr. Pulch and his bride left on a foitulghfs tilp. and will be at home aflei Febiuarj 1 at 1101 South Fift flist siicel Deaths of a Day Dr. Miarpless Hall Di. Shaipless Hall, it former piofes.oi or pathoIog at the Hahnemann Hospital, died .csterday at his home. 4613 Chester aveniu. lie had been In falling hciltli since 1907, when be retired fiom his position at the Hahnemann Hospital Doctor Hall was tl son of the lato F. D. Hall, ot 0300 Lan c liter avenue, and was born In Philadelphia I Itober 21, 186T Ho received his early edu- Jlon at tho Penn Central School, from which he went to Swarthmorc College, grad uating with the degree of B. S. In 188;. He was graduated from the Hahnemann Hos pltal in 1891. The ears 1891 and 1893 he spent nt Heldelburg Unliertlt. Dr. Sharpless Hall was a member of the rrlends" Meeting at Fifteenth and Uace streets. The funeral will take place on Mon da) afternoon. James J. Power James .1, Power, president of the L. ponn Woodworking Machine Compan.v, ;o South Tvv cut) -third street, died late last evening at his home, l-l- Spruce sticet, After graduating fiom the Catholic High School of this clt) In 1897, Mr. power en gaged In business with his father and was piomoted to the presldenc) of the company a few )ears ago. In 1903 he married Miss Josephine Kaul, daughter of the late Andrew Kaul, of St, Marjs. I'a , who survives him. lie Is also survived b) three sitters. .Mrs D. A Kgan, of this clt) : Mrs. Philip J. Fauat, of Jamaica, and two biothers, Law Faunl, ot Jam.icia, and two biothers, Law rence and Thomas J. Power, both of Phila delphia Interment will take place hi St Mar)s, Pa, L K. Warren U Dead Chicago, Jan. 17. Kdward K. 'Warieii. president pf the International Sunday School Union, died )esterda at Kvanston 111. His homo vwas at Three Oaks, Mich Mr. Warren, born at Ludlow, Vt In 1117, acquired a fortune In the manufacture of a substitute for whalebone which he Invented In 1803. He was president ot the World's Sunday KcViooi Convention held at Jerusalem In 1901, Former Theatre Owner Here Dies lbnr. . Y Jan. 17. Mrs. It. B. Nichols died at her home here Tuesday In her six tieth -.ear. She was sick since last Novem ber. Mrs. Nichols was a former actress and opera star, her stage name being Agnes Hal lock. Mrs. Nichols was at ono time owner and manager of the Umpire Theatre of Phil adetphla. l'auhboro Editor Dead I'auUboro, .V. J Jan. 17. Charles M. awllllam, aged firty-seven years, and far many years editor of the Sun, a local publi cation, died, at rids home her yeaurday Mornln. . h- i --. OPERATIC SOCIETY IN "BOHEMIAN GIRL" Excellent Performance of Bnlfc's Melodious Work Given by Local Organization The Philadelphia Operatic Society ast eve ning gave one of the best performances of Its career In Balfe's tuneful and thoroughly delightful opera, 'The Bohemian GUI" The society has secured for Itself a tlxed posi tion In the musical life of the clt). which the performance last evening strengthened. While the principal parts ot the opera were adequate!) sung and acted, the miln strength of the socletv lies naturallv In Its massul effects, the splendid ehorus Htid the members of the graceful ballet. Mr Lep, the conductor of the soclet), has done won ders with the former and has trained It lo n high degree of elllclency, while Frances Fitch, the mistress of the ballet, lias per formed on eqml service for thoe members of the society who eome under her direct supervision. The psrt ot Arllne ring bj Kathrn Mc Olnley Noble, was s)iupathetlc In Its de lineation of the character The opera abounds In melody, but there Is none In It which has had a more enduring popularltv than the famous song (It can hnrdl) be called an aria) In the second act. "I Drenmt I Dwelt In Marble Hsll" which was Riven with tine voice and temperament. The prin cipal male part, Thiddeus, taken bv Paul Volkmann. was well done, bis chief numbers being Ills psthetlc opening song "'Tis Sad to Leave Your Fatherland" In tin- first net: "When Other Lips and Other Hearts," one of the still popular songs of the opera, and the stirring martial ong, "When the Fair Lmd of Poland," both of the latter In the last net All wire will sung and the histrionic elelliiPatlon of the part, which Is not eisv, was as well presented A close second to thec two nrlnein.il n.irts was that of Count Arnheliii, sung bv Horace II Hood. Ills singing and his iie-thig of the part left little to be desired, mid his melancholy song, "The Heart Bowed Down." in the second scene of the second ml, whs ono of the features or the evening. Tills song In permanent popular!! rivals the prin cipal melodies of the soprano and the tenor The other leading perls were also well presented, when It Is t ili n Into consideration that Mr. Lips Ins not had the advantage of the long dull) rehearsals, which, In the end form the basis of the perfection or the preat opera companies Kathr.vn C Morton, a eon tralto new to tin? Operatic Soclet), did falrl) well as the t,)ps Queen, although the dra matic requirements of the p irt are evicting and iriusuillv dllllcult for nn one who has not had a long prnft s'lonal training The p iris or Devilshoor. taken bv Charles J Miuttle vvorth, and those of Fkireslan, b) Herman .1 Hub; the Maid, bv Kva Allen ltlttrr, and the Captain of the Gil ird. b) In Frank G. lilttu. were adequate!) sung and ai ted Mention his been made of the worl of the clioius, and there were some exmlleut ensem bles. Among these were the )psv c'lioru", ' In the G)ps)'s Life lnu Mav Head" In tho llrl act. the prajcr, 'Thou Who In Might Su preme," nt the clos,. of the same act; the quaint little g)psy chorus, "Silence. Silence, the Lad) Moon," at the opening of the sec ond act ; the unaccompanied quartet, "From the Valle)H and I11IK, ' In the second scene er the second act, and the pretty ensemble, 'Praised B the 1 111 or Heaven," which closes the second act Much credit must nlso ro to tho stage manager, . II. Fitzgerald, Tor the clever staging or the opera Tho scepprv was at tractive and tilting and the sinoothnesi with which the entire opera was performed was due In a large incisure to tho work ot Mr. Fitzgerald. Mr I.eps conducted the opcia with a thor ough understanding of Its lequlrements. Conducting an opera wlih hlghlv trained pro fesslonal singers Is ono thing, but conducting it with a nim-profc-slonnl company which has not had the advantage ; constant re hearsals Is something entlrelj different Most of the success f anv opt ra Is due in the last aualvsls to the iiniimltlng t.ue and vlgllince or the conductor and last evening's performance was no exception to this gin eral rule. WAR GARDENS LAUDED Hoover Mentis Letter of Praise to School Children Several thousand pupils of the public schools In this city, who weie volunteers of the Fulled .States f'chool Garden Arm), have been praised by Herbert Hoover In a httr sett lo school teaclicis fiom tho Fnlted S.ates food administration office In Wash ington, and read to the war gardeners to dav: Mr Hoover salil ' The work )ou have done duung the last month or the war has been no small contribution to the gieat cause or humaiilt). 'I ho actual rood produced In vour gardens was or mateilal help b) miking possible ,e saving or staple goods, available foi export to our men abroad and to the Miles, thus giving them Just that ninth more- of tno food s-o vital lo them. The growing or sup plies Toi local use was also u definite assistance In icllevlng tlu "tialn upon our railroads. 'Ihc example set by )uu In .vour undertakings has stimulated ami Insplied others to produce where the) had not pro. eluced beroie. It would be a matter of re gret IT this wink should no' go on. Ameil ca's rood obligation to the stricken countries Is great and .ifforelH no less opportunltj to help than in the last season " Teachers are urging their pupils to make plans lo cultivate xegetable gardens Jiext season Students ore being encouraged in this via) to assume a shaic or lesponslbllltj In tlio national twent) -million ton food sav ing program for the nations or Kurope STATE BODY IS PROPOSED Girl Si out Organisation Headquarters Here Suggested at Meeting Philadelphia as the headquaiters or Ihe State organization or Girl Scouts was dis cussed In New- York toda) b) dclcgatis at the National Convention of Girl Scouts. The session, held In the Metropolitan Towel, opened esterda) and will be continued until Monda). The Philadelphia delegates now in New York are- Miss Kllea Mar.v Casealt, scout commis sioner: Miss K. Gwen Mai tin assistant scout commissioner; Mrs Thomas Kohltis, Mrs. John V, Mat tin and Miss Katherlne Hutch inson, members of tho local executive council; Miss Itebecca Teller Ma)er, captain of Troop No 17, representing the captain's associa tion; Miss Cecily Barnes, treasurer: and Mrs Victor L. Lav ell. local director. Mrs. Lavell made an address toda) on the work ot the Philadelphia Ghl Scouts as an adjunct to war activities during the last )ear. SECRET GIFT TO BELGIANS Subscription of $4000 Made nonvmously to Hospital An anonjmous subscription of J1000 to equip a twent) -bed memorial ward In the St. Jean Hospital for Belgian soldiers at Cannes has been received at u meeting of the Bel gian relief committee of the Kmergency Aid, at 13-M Walnut street. It was annuonced by Mrs Ba). ird Henry, chairman of the committee, that every eltort would be made to obtain a fund sulhclent for tho support of fort) beds In the Belgian hospital The fund Is being raised In re sponse to an appeal from the Duchess de Vendome, who has been asked by the Bel gian Government to equip the hospital with beds for Belgian soldiers who had been prls. oners In Germany. Subscription totsllng 81 1,2 Jt. SI have been received by the com mltWe skivv January 2, Co' be used Jn re- uw,wru.V i '& MRS. RUSSELL B. PATTERSON AND BABY IRllBIHRaHHHBX rMv ' -KSa9Ss8BlaHi. Mr, l'alter-on is llie wife of Majiu ROOSEVELT HIGHWAY PROJECT INDORSED Many Kaor Uciiainiii tif llw Nortlicd.st Boulcvaul for Former President Public iniloisc int-nt was glim lodav lo the plan to rename the Northeast boulevard as Itooseve It boulevaid 'Ihe proposed hauge Is provided fur In two orilin iiii'cs intioilur.il In Select Coun cil as this i Hi s ti Unite to tin- foiimr Pre si dent Both nuasutes hive bun life tied to committees Select Coiini Ihnnn VV Mil im It Horn of thn Twent). thhil Waul Introduced one bill di recting the DltM'tor of Publli Wenls lo mal.e the change 'Ihe lilll was retell, d lo tlio Suivc.vs ('oiuimtice of I'nuiiills Tlu other me asm i . ordering the I'aitiiiounl ParU t onunlssloucrs to in iUe the i liange was presented b ilect I'oune llinn Fhlili, of the Fort) -see iind Waul anil Mile hell, of the Thlrtv-llfth aid 't bis bill was re fund, to the Falrniouiit I'aiU I'oiniuittei. The text of the bill oflueel In Council men I'lrkli and Minhell lollows MMieien" the late Tlnmloie Itooscvell former I'lesldint of the t nllcd Stales, w n istceniid and respected In the i Itlens of Phlladelphl i as one of Ihe foremost clllcns and stale sinen of out i ountr) , and Whereas, his Intirc-t In .ill public Im provements for beautirving iiuiiililpailtlos was well Known. It Is but titling and pinpir that Philadelphia should e oinimmuiati his name be ileslEnatlug one of our In iln arteries ot travel as the ltoocvclt boulevard , tliTe foie, 'Section 1 Ihe Select and Common' Coun cils of llie clt) of Philadelphia du ordain that the lommlsslorers of Falrmoiiut I'arK lie and thei me lnirebj nuthoiled to ilmii, nite llie lioiileviird as Ihe Itooseveii boule vaid ' ' -Din" jlhii.ee .ianl in jr. llrvan lo ,speak Here at ( eleliralion of Pro hibition iitorv Piiiladelpliia's llrst h'g jubil.e ineeilng to commemorate the latillcatloii of tie. li.1lluii.il lone dr.v ' law will ho held l,i the letio. polltau iipera llo se on Miuil.i) iflernoon, Januarv .'ii The meet ng w 11 be held under the aus pices of the Xnlt--alo in League, and William Jennl-igs Iti). in fur tvventv-llve )cars an advoiate of prohibition, will be the p-lnclpal spe iKei. original!) the inictmg was sehcduled as a lempciaiice lallv and was ileslnul to ei)s talllre public senllment In lavoi- of iiation-vcldi- prohibition, but the at Hon of a half iloren hiate l.elslatuies this weel, has cliaugcd the plans Homer W Tope, or llie iitl-Saloou League, will be In eliaige of tlie meeting, but tlio ihalrnian lias not bun seleettd. The P.ev .1 G Ilolton will oITi i the opening pra)ir and Harry C l.inciiln, choir leader at tin- Hill) Sundav ie.viv.el hi this clt). will had the singing PLEADS IlLShlA'S CLSE 1 anil of (,hao U Heart of Kurope, sai Dr. T. I'. Herman "ir a brotherhood of nitlous Is lo sup p'ant the neighborhood spirit which was so nearly destroyed b) the wai. It must be based on muiua! understanding and s.vm pathv." said Dr. T. F Herman, or the Fast em 1 lieologlcal Seminar), er Lancaster, ad dressing the Women's Club, or C)nwd, on Ilussla Promise or Menace." 'Those who Know llussK best" lie said, "are most optimistic In icgard to her futuie Tin- American altitude of distrust Is duo lo Ignoianco and Indifference 'I ho real Itusslu can be found III a stud) or her hlstorv, the story of the revolution, and In her lltela lure. No counlr) cscept llussia has put hei soul Into her tic Hon, and th llctlon or llus sia reveals a soul decnl) ethical, never c)uleal. a trul) dcmoci.itlc faltli In man an ardent, unwavering be Her In unlvusal brotherhood, a rellglo.i based on the heimoii on the Jlount. a liuinm that lests on a epilet substiatum or happiness, and tluogli all an absolute r.ilth In God and trust In man "France ma he called the Benson or Kuiope. Fngland the Will, but llussia Is the Heart, and no biternatloeiel brotherhood can exist without those qu illtlea or heart pos sessed b) Ilufsla above all nations " ASKS QUICK SUFFRAGE OTE Mis Mar) Ingltani Scnels Appeal to Sen ator Jones Miss Mary Ingham, chairman or the Penn s)lvanla branch or the National Woman's party, has sent a letter to Senator A, A Jones, ot Washington, asking him "to lemove the need for public demonstrations such as that of burning the President's speeches In front of the White House, by announcing that the Democratic part) will allow' a vote to be tal.cn on tho suffrage amendment at once." To both of the Senators from Penns)lvnnla and to the Congressmen from the lllghth andiLMghteenth Districts, this telegram was "Miss F.Hen Wlnsor, of Ilaierford, and Miss Kate Httfelnnger, of Sbamokln, ore un justly Imprisoned In the district Jail at Wash Jngton. ivtiat will you do toward cndlna-.tala. Ktuauour' "K'ssrreM'r PhuloKTrtpll lt HutirHCh iallrrnu, of 3110 cSorlli ltrouil street PASTELS AND ETCHINGS ADORN ART ALLIANCE Afternoon's to Be l)cotcd to Works of Entente Allies, With British Day Next Pastel portialls bj Josephine Streatfleld will be on exhibit In the music room of the' rt Alliance from Janu.uy Id to rtbrtiar) S The eolore.l etchings b) Gnbrlellc D Clem cms win reiniilu on exhibit till ne.vt VV eelncsd u In accord into with the plans or the Joint nits cnmiuittcp devote the Art Mllaneo nttc noons for this se.i'-on to the worl.s of tin lhiicuie Miles with a view to augment ing, thiougli an,, expressions of Internallon il svmp.uhv ami unilerstanillng. the next arter iiiion, Jamiai) L'8, will be British Tlie Fngllsli inulrlgili will be given bv a ehorus of the- Phil iilelphln Music Club Kn,.s lime' IJuhil.m will give a lalK on Irish music and Mis Samuel Woodward will ilng a group or Irish. Lngll-h and Scottish songs Henry S DrluUei Ji . ehnirniati or the music com inittie. will be. In chirge 'ihe aceomiKinvliig eshiblllon, under the ausplies of the conunlttie on engravings and the aits and n.ifts eoiniiilttie, will be Fng llsh lithographs mi war subjects and British handicraft 'Ihe exhibit vein be open Irom Januai) .'.' pi Fehiui'" During Febru irv there will be the official exhlbltliiu of Persian nrt from ihe Pauauia Paclllc' lnleinillim.il Kxposltlon It Iniludes antiquo weaves, tapestries, brocades, em broideries, cloth oT gold, iiand-woven shawls, mosaic furultuie, silver vvnrh, nilulatiire paintings, iotteries mill lllumln ited matin stilpts. l'tenil t;atti-Caaa"s (.'onlruit New nrl., Jan 17 Vnnouneemeiit has been made Ii) the directors of the Metiopoll Ian Opera Conipni) thn thev had ixtendid until Miv, 1 123, (Hullo O ittl-Cas.izra's ion ti. lit as general man iger lie .11 lived here from Milan in 1 til S to accept tho appolut nieul Plttl.ADIll.PHIA S rOIUlVIOST TIIKATI'.ES BROAD LAST,:.,iTGS V 1' 10 Tomorrow Urrnn nnl Io-uH GEORGE ARL1SS (Dlreetlon of Cpnrire C Tjler) AND IIUILLIA.ST ASSOCIATK HLATF.PS 'N "THE MOLLUSC" A-NB Rlr James M Uarrle's Latent Plalct "A Well-Kemembercd Voice" NEXT MONDAY, JANUARY 20th MriMri COBURN Haclyn flrbuckle r as "Old -Bill' SEATS NOW ui t.unrrri.1.1. lin-PLItLM' COVtIMlV W I'l II MtSle GARRICK LAST ? ews. IheHuut ami Juniper EXTRA MAT, TODAY T, DIVID Iini.AKrO I'rewnts lML(lT7'Oira 1UUUU A "".. ci.Aiiti:. onii. scorr. it iilkves. bill ill ana lintire ontlnal New york Can. NEXT MONDAY SEATS NOW lonnn una Harris rreent The runniest American Comedy of Ilecent Year A Tailor-Made Man WIT It liUANT MITCHCLL AND TUB UIIIUINAL NT.VV YOnK CAST FORREST BIG MATINEE TOMORROW Ilro.nl and Hnn'om ki.avv I, uiii.AN'otm a GOOD BYE WEEKS 1 PHILLY SETS THE PACE. NOW NEW YORK CALLS JIUSICAI, COJIEDT SKNKATIOVI ICIIIU anJ MMUOIIl,! VICJTOU llLltllEllT'lJ KntranelnT lituale SUATH NOW tei:t.t.tsu VOJ M5.T WKEK V TNIVKBSITT MUSEUM. Bat. 8;8Q. Fre I I I lllu iiiuniratesi iciureij. u,, AM,mii' bm Tvirkw la War, Famine ncj JUvelmteaT . IKr, WIW" w WIHWI , tt I ' "OSc 1 M WINIMiXXY LKI'T $100,000 Hullc of Heel Cron Worker's K-tale Goes to Widow Here Marshall K Wlnpenn), prominent I'hlladel lihla law)er, who died In tho lied from rerv. lee In I'rance. left an crtate of more than JlnO.000, tho hulk of which Ik bequeathed to hla widow-, Mrs. Anna (lllpln Wlnpenny. Tho will wan admitted to probate nt Nor. rllown )eMcrday. It names Walter Tllddle Saul na exeiutor A legacy of JlrtOOO Is left to William K Toboldt, of this clt) -Mr Wlnpenn)' "In-ter-ln-lavv, Hratrleei Ktta Wlnpemi), Is given JlOiino "in appreciation of the eontldence allow n bv her In til) titans for the education of her son J llollon Wlnpennv, 'Jd, and of her apali-tniice In earning out thepe plnns ' Tile' vclll atlpulates tint the Income of this bequest Khali be used for the nephew n idue'itlon The bov Is to attend the KcKsen elen School of West NVwton, Miss , until fourteer jenrs olel, nnd then to attend St. Paul's School, at Coneoiil, Mass, until he Is read) to enter llarvaul The will also Mlptilitcs tint the bov Khali rpend bis stini. niera up to the lime he elite ra colli ge nt Cnuip racepiniie), llrldgewnter, N. II. .Yr Wlnpennv was connirted with the law llrm of llrovvn & Wllllains before he entiled tho lied ("mm Hirvlce as h gal aide to Major lleorge W I'trlilim Ile was thlrtv four )eirs old and was married In 1917 to Miss Ann i llaldwln (lllpln He died In t'n H. lan October llesldrs his widow, be Is Kurvlved h) two brotbem nnd a ulster POOR TAX RATH CENTS Hoard lixe.e l.cv) for 23(1, 3'ith ami list Wards The poor tax rate for the Twentv -third, Thlrtv.tlfth and TorD-llrKt Wards, compris ing the Oxford nnd laiwer Dublin townships, for the veur I'Jl'i, will be light rents on the MOO Tills was ileclilcel at the meetlrg ot te 1'oor lloaid at Holme sburg )eKterday Olllcers were electee! :ih follocvs John Mid dle, president, t.linvoo'l T Holme, necietarv ; Ilobert T CorMin, tieisuier. llenrv 1 1'rlrB. Bulleltor haniuel Kell). Kti-wnrd, Mrs Sam uel Kellv, matron- Hr l) Vioom, Jr, hou-'o and l'ox Chaw jihvslelan lir llobeit (Irev, phvslclcn for Piankford , !r (leorce r Ihiocli, for IlohneKburg lr William J r Maitln, for Taconv , lr T II I I'cKiumi, for Rustle ton; S Austin l'leld i Inplaln ; T V. Schumacher. tn collee tor for the lower dlw trlct, and Henr) 1! Weed, tax collector for tlio upper district MRS. A. J. DREXKI. PAUL ILL Children ami Servant. lo Have In Hucna Mrs ,i Hicxel I'aul, of Woodeicnt. Itnelnor, her three children and Kevin uv untM have lulliieuzi capttiln A J. Iiiexel l'a ui lecenilv te. turned fiom seivlcc in the navv Ile lu i lulled among his thrilling experiences a narrow iiape from death when the Aleedo, nn Vinerlia-i pitrolboat on which he was miv lug, was mink by a Herman Mibmatlne Mrs I'aul, hefin e her m irrl igu was Miss Imhel lllddle d uigliter of the late Hr Ah -nnelei W lllddle t'ipl.ilii I'aul Is a sou of the late Mr ami MrK Jnnna W I'aul of this clt) lie Is a lie phew of lleorge W Clillds Prexet who gave the Alec do to the government BUM) OBLK.MA TO SPEAK ?ir Atlliur Pearson Will leeture at iail cm) Nnielav lloiv the blind mav ' Kei' ' the blight side of tilings and forget their Ills will be- the KUblect of an lute listing luteins bv Sli rtliur Pearson, tlie will-Known lhigllsh Jnui nallKt, at tin Aiadcinv of Music, 'imilav afternoon lr Vrthur who is blind himself, will tell how his liisiltutltoti at St. DuiiKtan's. I.on ilon, has m nle it possible for -iilelle rs who lost their sight In til" war lo KCnre a victim o'ci blindness I'he hospital was the gilt of eilto II Kalui, of New Vorl Tlcl.ets for the lectmo mav be obtained fnc from the Philadelphia counc'l of national defense MAItKKT hiitunr AIIOVC li.iti it 15 A JI. TO 11.1", Toi.i vm Toxtonnow 4sf i m. NAZIMOVA ' ""' ' r ,, ij'mu km:- Net UVelt William ratrnham In Silver Klnc' PALACE tin maiikht "TnFT - in a xt to ti-i-. r xi 3VELYN NESBIT V' ?,-'? tson I vvv ls "llsT "HER MISTAKE" Pitt. il'vi 1 IDS in-iik iiuginiu, AUDKl) ATTItVl'TIOS 1 IltST MIOlW.Nt, Roscoo "Fatty" Arbuckle in ' CXMPtMi Ol r NeM Week- WILSON On. THK K IPER ' ARCADIA n cnnsTNPT nrrow ic.tii 10 l XI, t?. .' 3 .41 -. 4". T 4'. 1 "0 P. M Pauline Frederick ,OLT "' T.!iJ:U)0.. , Alt Next Veel MTn.15 VVOXtll.S' I roin Ijoulsa M Alcotla Novel VICTORIA I.I.VUKT. P ,Vl.e,,. 01 II VV.VI I O.N tre Ms S1111VV I, , Mill. .... TOM MIX AJele I' Ct Ntxt Weelc- In 'Q In First Showl.e "'" I'Tlel'lT r-f T.A.m.... " ,, , . ,, .., ,..":' ."-" 'ieiuuil- Ne-xt Week ASNETTE Kni.I.rrtMAVN in -qi i:u.s or Titr: si:x' REGENT MAitKirr sr ivtnw ithi . ,.,,.V,VnS' MVItTIS' In J vm; ,;ors a vvnot.vei ilrn a XT " spKn iffli, CU.NTIXUOUS fjif, VAiinvi'iiio "Oil, WHAT A NIGHT" ROLAND WCSr t. CO OTHERS CROSSKE YS WiZV-Wtfy "HULLO TOKKV Others l,5ul,' IIOL DIM In Mdmer )l)ster (Vo S) BROADWAY ''.., Tt:n avb. 'OH, YOU STORK"" Mt-wtAij';"-'li'.'.-t.rK, "THE SQUAW MAN" METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE Wednesday Evening, Jan. 22 GALL1 - CURCI IS X SOl, ItKlII I. AliMtssiov lie-Kr.rs ox hai.i: 'louw XI1 1I0S I'HUilTM r MIll.KT AUAIMU NEWMAN ACADKMV HI' Mt'RIU Travcltalks Color Views Motion Pictures Toiiienl at :i& Tomorrow' st PARIS, 19 18 - so WAIITIMR Ilt'MOPB 1 ICUlim f'Oc 7.V $1. (it llepis! Vmp ;- B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE EDDIE LEONARD & CO. in "DANDT DANS nETL'ItN" Lois Josephine & Tyler Utooko Joo Laurie & Alccn Bronson sir, nd Mrt Jimmy n.rryt Bert Klmr , K" 3ttt Drown Other Big feature. WA"' LAST TIUIIJK Tlltri THE GARDEN OF ALLAH MQIiTS t BAT. MATINEE. Sta to 1100. NKNT WBKK HBAT8 NOW ON SALE FISKE O'HARA In Ills ivew llomantto Faro MAIIUY IN HABrU" CASINO Walnut Above 81b. St. I.AOIUS' HAT. TODAV "Hello America" With !! and Dxt iAVrTV TlfB HRnenffiv siiEt.i.'aA Amt m, JOB MXMXB 3fK8wiii JSV i( By. Mi imm VvT(Ji?M "DON'T SPOIL THE BOYS ' COMING BACK," HIS PLEA' Russell C. Lowell, Federal Board of Vocational Education, Ap peals for Soldiers ''Don't spoil tho boiie vvlicn they comd back." wan tlie- plea of Ilussell G. Ivvell, of tin Kcdcrnl Hoarel for Vocational Education, vvlicn lio fpolec vcsterelny at thn N'cvv Ccntur ritib Ornwlne Itoom, umlir the nuieplees ot the Philadelphia School of Social Service. Ho said that inuny of thonei who had been maimed In the war vvero spoiled for th future bv belnir feted too mucli and adored ns lieroeH when thev reached their own home towns Up cited several Choi's where vouni? men had xlriiiilly refinvd to undertake to le.irn new trades after belnir unfitted by their vvounda for contlnulnit work ut their old trades because, they said, they didn't need to work iioh After a time a inati tfren of such Idleness nnd false honor, nnd he either Ketn mentally Hick ami ilesponilent or Rets fiulto crooked In his methods, nnd begins to prey upon peoplu Instesd of trjInK to earn a. llvlnc. Mr. Lowell nslie-d every one to send word of nnjr inaliiied noldlerii, nillors or marines of whom thev might liavo knowieiltfc to the educational he'.-idiiuartcrs In this clt, No. 1(16 South l'i mi Seiuare He said tlmt one of the chief elllllcultlei the IViler.il educational s)stem la flghtlnK Is tint of gettlni; hold of the maimed men when tlie have- been retunicd to tills country They filter back to their nvvn districts, und, unless promptlv taught to pull themselves together nnel find out whit there Is left In llfo for them he nald thev rcu'Iied n ientl Btng where It Is verv dllllcult to get them to over come tho real plijnlc.il dimeultlcH which exist In the re -education in trades Business turn aie iUlle willing to co-operjtn and tnKe Into their cinplov men who, though iii.ilinrtl have been lltteel for work It Is to hrlp And thc-e men and teien them beforo It Is tno l.iti that curv one who may lentjvs wliero theie Is u maimed man Is askivl to drop a cud or leave Information nt tho heaelciu.irters form eurels. in f.ut are In prepiiallon. Mr. Iliissell Mid .end will mon be renidy for distribution through iniuo channels that am open bj vvnv of organizations and groups of people nnd church i enters which are lnter esteel lu IooUng after tho llghtera who havo HUlTcinl. unit doing home thing that will help the'in, and not hinder them. In cirnlne u liv ing Tanker Does Cell on Trial The nil tiiiiker Itr.indj wine, built at thn rviins)lvaiil.i Milpvard. (iloue ester Clt.v, ro tiiincd ft om a Htieecssful trial trip outside tho Delaware llre.il.wnter The test Lifted forty liinirh and the tinker made 1 1 WU3S knots nn hour, (Micdlng Its spieel reiUlrcmenta of ilevrn knot!' William (1 i"oc, director of private Iv owned KhlpMirels for the llmergencv rieet Coriiuratlon and .M V Ii.ivls genernl iiiinigir of the l'uke . Jones Conip.iny, ex presses! thenifc'lvc ns lilghl Kratllled Th boat will be turned over to the government nt once. riULADULrillA'S LEADING THEATRES Direction I.LU iV J J HHUIILUT ADELPHI 3nlni at 8:15 Mriui: TOMcmnovv at 2.15 messiir i.nu t j 3. Biiuntitrs .Neveert Musical Comesly Onlr hHm! Willi V l,VV VltllVV OP AIUI.STS AND M.KM.HIST XIMIIM. ll) l)AM-lll K1KII1I H K(IN( i:i Mlt." BAM H SHUBERT TIIBAirtE LAST 2 NIGHTS Las! Mat. Tomorrow hr"T $1.50 JtrtSItS I.KE ft J J PIICOCRT Trenent McINTYRE and HEATH In th Vw Spe tsrulur Muslesl Comcdr HELLO, ALEXANDER with n Great Surrortlni; Cut nf 100 And a Breezy Bevy of Beauties Next Week. Seats Now Felttjn nnd Company Prent R0CK-A-BYE-BABY Be1llvs Fmir'nt, nreeilest Musical Corned j wlih Jefferson DeAnjjelis, Edna Hibliard, Wnltcr I.awienco and Dore & CavannuirK and a Bevy ot neautlful Olrl-. (lownxl by t.uctlla. I YRir Ecnini;s nt fl:15. Lj 1 11V Mats. Wed. & Sat.. 2.1.. 1 Kf Mat. Tomorrow . - ivr.vv riuLUB TT.nlii'rt tv -rut' mttvo n. . . Lower FRin.VDI.Y ENElilES r 1UUI rrrni.rs viwiflBn -"-' ' suciv CHESTNUT ST. "opeTm EVOB. HOUSE .ll.es Mghts. Jl SO Jt Tuc, .'0.' (Ex t-ats 1 Ilolldiya) miim:i: iomoiiuovv POSITIVELY LAST 8 DAYS y RAT COMSTOCK WII.LIASI ELLIOTrB New Yorlt 1'rlnce.s Thratni Musical Coraesjj fo a(aJ52 LbaacaiH Aliolutjy Untlcal Nw York Cast Mi:TROrOLITAN OPE1JA HOUSE Monda, Oanuaty 20, 1919 at 8:15 Russian lot-ctncr with the Isadora Duncan Dancers ULOItlJl: COPEI.ANI) I'licnl.t. AsslieUnt Artlit TieLels linn nn ,ir t Vcy. mHiiii's linn l'hetnut St 75a. II mi tt Ml nti.l Jj no ' Symphony Orchestra MlirilT AM SI "I ''ll e onuiirci METHOPOMTAN OPEItA HOUSE Mttropolimn Tue3. Evg Jan. 2 I . nt R Oiru co - SAMSON et DALILA Mme. Muttuwier Mm Ceruio, Coculnou, Mtr- diin llflss (.ontli'olnr, Monteui. t..ts HOT Chestnut Wslnm 4C.' Hc t. ACADEMY OP MUSIC-Wed Eir. J.a. ii. N V New York X 1 S U II A Symphony Orchestra alter Daiiiroe.h conductor LEVITZKI nurslan Pianlit S'ololit n. SeBU. 12 50, U, 1 BO. II. T5c. t Iltpp.' D Mrs. Jane H. C. Miller ancing 1028 chestnut st. ...r u.oti at lIniMt'a. 1111 rh..t..k PHILADELPHIA todav Tomor f i OUCHESTRA Soioi.t ,j,c.nU "" KIIOM Till: MENDKLHSOHN j??3 Dor,nfT CORTISSOZ ancing ra mwu ULdo, T- KS 18S0 Chi.tnm 8U Tht itrs""' dally. UllO A M lo U P. tl. MAj?..r.1l?N0 The Old Homti4 ?" jwt.vqac L. DA.-ve-i.J .'hvtuHDVY. trom u lo J'-'. "" I'rlvatr ln Hilly 'r"m.'" A. Jt lo 1 p. U, 1 rtt"&l'i1jiaSFflntN.!'"tiMi'"tf,IIPAy mmv Mr. X IjIm " the W r h i - i-S -A .5 r o--1 . -...A. , . w - , f . j '' j.'- --. O 'V vi " v.; rt'T ' i VL x . M in-" -.f I i . - "-