S5!!2lSW $vw Mm r-n fr li K rata T J 1 I EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEK PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1919 ASK HALF-BILLION I aviator's sister helped win war z-ArirzsttS FOR RAILROADS director Ilincs Is Ready v With New Budget for Congress CONTINUED ; CONTROL New "Loan"' to Carriers Would Make Total of Billion Dollars TCaililndon, Jan. 16 The railroad administration, Director (leneral Walker T. Ulncs announces. preparing to nek Congress for another revolting fund of j ?500,000,000, to l.e used In Amine Inc the program of i.illroad Impiovcinetits and betterments planned ly the Gov ernment. This program, already begun, calH for a total of authorized capital ctpeml) tures, which mut bo provided for for the years of 1018 and 1010, of J1.6UT 000,000, and the director Bcner.il rsil ' mates that the minimum nddltlnn.il ' budgets for 1010 must tie T3r0.000,noo In discussing his intention to request n-ncw fund, which would bring the total . aj.proprlatcd by Congres-s to tho rail road administration to l.OOO.OOO.ooo tho director general made It cle.ir tb.it the money would bo expended solely fui Ifillroad improvements and new equip ment and would bo repal.l by tho rail roads with Interest In tho main, it amounts, Jlr. Hlnes explained, to ,i loan to the railroad companies at the pre vailing Interest rates of C per cent. "It should bo plainly understood." ho i added, "that none of this fund Is to bo used by the railroad administration to pay tho deficit of nearly ;00.000.000 In. currcd by the war emergency operation of tho ra Iroads In 101S "Tho making of the appropriation does , "jf( Mi Marpucrite l'liiillclon Drew, i-tn of l.iciileiuut Drew, the aviator licro, broke proilui lion iviunK in one lir.imli of llir powilcr-uukiiii; plant .it (.arnevV Point tin- il.iv licr brother inl down lii- firl German plane. She left hwartlimorc College to en into munition work, after having been itivpircil by her brother's iiniiMi.il br.iveiv badly but I leel.t In the Mlirht. ! "Wo wcro well Into the enemy coun try when suddenly out of a cloudiw M there darted down upon us a circus squadron of sixteen Hun battlcpluiiiB. Laboring nlonj; with a' disordered en Cine, I was naturally behind tho re mainder of my squadron, and I found mjsclf surrounded by tho entire emmy I attacking from all angles. Thero was 1 nothing to do but to flKlit, nnd t went I right at tho header with both my guns going full blast. "Thin wo battled It out until t got a couplo of shots In tho leg and a bul let hit nn Intcrplano strut and Just I about severed It. That would have meant tho lolhipse of my machine. An other bullet hit tho mirror In my ear 'and showered my face with glass, while I I recall that nnother went through my laaiator; nil the time, though, inv two tuns wtro pumping death at tho bochu .lanes circling round me, I remember, .vltli nil the uppearanco of a Hock of black buzzards. Dr. Liebknecht Reported Seized Continued from l'ugit (Inn varlan Oov eminent was planned for to day, Tho Government forces, however. Intercepted Spartacans who were march ing from Stuttgart and Augsburg to Munich nnd dispersed them. Two hundred HolshevIM wcro arrested In n laid on local liottln nnd many of them were beaten severely by angry soldiers Ity JOSEPH HERRINGS Special Cable to livening Public Ledger Copyright, 1311. Ii'j the .V 1'. Times Co. llerlln, Jan 11 (via Copenhagen), Jan. 1C Tlil. morning's newspapers publish ed a (lovrrnincnl order, demanding tho delvcr of all arms within twenty-four ) hours, on penalty of a heavy line and of i Imprisonment up to live years. bout 10 o'clock every street In i tho factory and tenement district was closed b.v the military In such a manner nobodv could leave liN liouso without , giving an account of himself to tho pa- . trolling Mild. cry. I which the dlbtrlct abounds were search- liuit ii.ti etllllnfflv ilftlirtpil ti.li?.. ,1,at th0 uovcrnmcnt l09es "DREW, MAIMED AIR FIGHTER,zrjTrzr lholr Although nothing relating to the char- ,., -ri, . -wrn .rv r -n in m r- tl Tn nrt n TTk I All the factories and largo mills with pearcd In tho statement authorized by Mr. Illnes, his argument for nn addl- tlonal appropriation 's taken to mean i Uoutcnunt, With One Arm Gone and Service Cios (l ill cast, Meets that the railroad administration con- ,.. . .... ... , ., , Iriri It iwm tic iniptrcu to i on; in I'oivdcr I'lant Market Guide for Housewives Prepared by tho City Marketing Agent of the Bui can of Markets, United Slates Department of Agriculture ABUNDANT Potatoes, onions, cabbage, carrots, turnips, squash and lemona. NORMATj Parsnips, grapefruit, oranees, bananas, beets and npplcs. SCAHCi: Sweet potntoes, tomatoes, CBBPlant, peppers, spinach, beans, cranberries, strawberries, grapes and celery. VKCIUTAIII.UH IterlN Parrel l!ruj"l sprouts Carroln Nw J'-rpey. uatket New Jrn"v, barrel fnblmse New York Danlrli Coler Nw York wanhed . Jnnsjlvaula T.MtlH e riorMa .. r'?lorii Nw York. No I ,ellow . Potatoes Prnnnvivanla N'o. 1 wliltn ., Nw Jeri-y No 1 whlto . Now Jornoy. N ttnKkct Sneet TcUtoes New Jeme. 'i banket lHuvare, hnmpors Turnlpn New Jersey, 'i basket Local, 'i basket rnflTs -Apples New Yoik nauiwtns New York (IreonlnBH Vork ImperlaM VV'entotn varlMl's k . . Cranborrlos New Juriiey, barrel . (trapefrult l'lorldt Lemons I'alltornla Oranges I'lorltla California ("out to ItctallT Today . ....'..',0.3 00 bhl (HO-lOU lbs) ...lH.'j baa (quart) . . SO Oil hn (ij.ll 1, pk) . ..s.L'R-n no btii (en.i. , rk) . . - 2.v-:' ;r, i,hi n.-i-no ii.ts) . . ll-l.'jn bch (1 stalks) ,. 1X-2.' brh (Ml stalkal . ..a.no-r, nn u bbl C14.4.V hds) . .,i.7r,.L' sr. Us (H3-in ib) ,, . 2 M-X .10 cwt CJ4.SII i rk) . .2 30.2 00 ewt (21.21) 'J rk) .N.V.I 111 l.na rh.ll 1 nkl a ban (" v 'i pki 1 VO.t ' ! 2.10.2 nil hmn (12-14 , 40-.1O baa (! l pk) . co-s.v ba (s-a ; pi) pl() ... (1.-0-7.7.', bhl (H-42 i pk) ,.. 00.7.2V bbl (IH-4J '. rk) , . . 7 nn.s 21 bbl (.it 42 '. pk) ,..3 00..1 7.V box ((lMfilt ,...'. (10 22 0O bbl in VIS qts) ...4 im-s no bo ean-fiO) ...4.2..-v.nn box (inn-ann) ..4 110-nnci box (iso-2"0) ,..4 50-0 00 box (1S0-2S0) l"alr Price lu e'onaumcr Today 2'4-3i lb 24-.1UJ tit . -.He 'i rk II-IIIO i pk O-IVo lieail Ii. 1.1c ntalk n-po stalk 11-1 No lieait 2'4-ec :i 11-liie 4 rk ll-ine i, pk 11-K,o ', pk 2i-2ne i4 rk is 2n 4 rk Vhe ; pk s-13o "i pk sn-ida i; pk l"-24e 'i rk 21-aoa H pk 21-7.10 dot 21-120 nt r,-ir.e each lil.'juc toz 2-iivc doa 30-ti.Vc doz ed, among them Iocvv'h munitions work", tho employes of which sympathize with the Spartacans group, also the Berg man!! Kloctrlc Works and tho Sicilians llalko plant. Whllo this was being dono field guns: and in no throwers were stationed nt rcrtaln points from which the most dan gerous parts of tho district rould be cov. cied. l'p to noon, however, no serious trouble occurred whllo tho Clovcrnineiit's auto cars wcro being tilled with arms of all Muds. Tho housetop war last night was worse than ever before. Tho newspaper district was ng iln ono of the princi pal battlegrounds. On Yorkstrarbo tho Oov eminent troops In tho street were shot nt by Spailacin machine guns from housetops. 8cver.il street cars wen- hit and trnlllc was finally stopped complete ly. Iriedrlch-I-tlli'lKeistrasto was re sounding continuously with shots. Whllo It was yet dnj light pedestrians, had the amazing spectacle of steel hcl mcted warriors chasing the S-'partacans over tho roofs of adjacent blocks Hand grenades, thrown from roofs near Bclle-Alllanceplatz, wounded n number of innocent people. Later In the evening Zuelowstrasso and Motz strasso were scenes of shooting affrays lasting for hours. The worst disturb ances, 'however, looic place on iiaien compelled the Scnato to surrender Us authority. Tho press has been placed under a prcveiitlvo censorship. Tho Spartacans are carrying on a vig orous agitation throughout northwestern Ocrmany. Attempts to selzo tho power at Dtlmenliorst nnd Wllhclmshavrn fail ed. At Dclmenhorst the citizens Joined SHIP IN PERIL OFF NANTUCKET "S. O. S." Signals Bring Response From Philadelphia Nnvnl District Washington, Jan. 1C Wireless SOB signals wcro picked up today from tho steamer Ansabro Tyzo (?) In distress with wrecked steering K""-- '" hitltudo tho majority Socialists In tho putting 39 pgrpeg nn(i 21 minutes and longitude, down of the agitators. cg degrees 0 minutes, or about 175mllc At Wllhelmshavcn the Spartacans Kl)UtniC,t of Nantucket Lightship, seized the offices of the Tagcblatt and, jiarnimo registers show no vessel of Zeltung, but lojnl soldiers compelled thelnal name, but record an Italian steam SpartacanH and Independent Socialists ip named Ansnldo IV, a vessel of 3270) to surrender nnd lay down their arms, I tons. Other vessels bearing that nam 10 Hurrcimci turn .a, .vlth different numerala havo been ply. Dispatches dated In Wlllielmshaven' "mnnere j,hUadeU Tuesday declared that n barracks In , . . , tncrc la no recbrd of tho move' which were quartered 400 marines had J mct,ts of tho Ansaldo IV. Joined tho Independent, nui nati men At tho Fourth Naval District head quarters here It was announced that tho same wireless message had been picked up, but that no aid had been sent to tho vessel, pending further orders from Washington, surrounded by Oov eminent troops, ii was said they probably would bo obliged to surrender In a few davs. Ixindon, Jan. 1C (By A. I'.) Order has been restored In Berlin, it Is an nounced by an ofllclal wireless appeal to tho German nation sent out by the Uer turn Oovernmcnt nnd picked up here. The anneal, which wart signed by Tremler r.bert and I'hlllpp Schelde- i mann. Herr Landesbcrg, Gustavo Noske j and Herr Wlssel, members of his cabinet, siys that tho Government Is determined to prevent, by every means at lis dis posal, a repetition of "similar abomina tion." Tho -appeal refers to tho romlng elec tions under tho "freest suffrage in the world to determlno tho constitution of tho Herman state" nnd adds that the present Government Is preparing a draft I nlni- tt hA.rt tltn lintlprirriilinrl ptncrpcB from'' a tunnel to reach Glelsdreleck, and of a constitution which piotects tho free I ... . . i iu. r r.tr-. !nt,tlintlriM .f tli. notion ' attcrwnru mieiowniras-o on piers re- ubiii. "t d'-"" .... -.. -- sembllng thoo of th- New York elevated roads. There was fierco fighting hero be tween the government troops nnd the Spartacans on housetops, lasting from 10 to 11 p. in. l'asslng trains wero con stantly exposed to fire, and It was said that the Spartacans wero Bhootlng at tho tialns to terrorlzo tho passengers and cmplojers and slop all tiafllc. They certainly succeeded In compel ling the passengers to crouch together at tho bottom of the enrs, trembling while tho tialns rushed through tho dan ger zone lit high speed. lterlln, Jan. 10 (By proclaimed Indepi ndent (Sjinrtncan) republic of A. 1'.) Tho communistic Bremen has against rll counter-revolutions or cf forts at terrorism." , I Efforts nre being made. It Is said, to i "arrive at a peaco safeguarding tlio freedom of tho German nation and which will render possible the foundation of a union of nations which will give protec tion against the danger of a fresh war." After declaring there Is necessity of defending the natlor against Polish an nexationists, the appeal concludes: "No less Is It our task to protect our frontier against fresh Ilusslan military despotism which wants to force upon us, by means of vvarllko power, its an archistic conditions and unchain a now world war of which our country would bo tho theatre. Bolshevism mean3 the death of peace, of freedom nnd social ism " CT .- jg MALTED MILK 1 s Ijj 1 1ST QUAUTV ttMl'mn-.J" A glass of Borden's Malted Milk every afternoon make it a praeticel Tonesup the system. All fountains. Insist on Berden't always. It's the improvrdMaltid Milk. 3ortle4i4 LMIK IMI'RUYKII MALTED MILK I'or the first time nine h" returned tlm fact tint her brother was rl-king ,. i,i-i,...i,r,,.i,i. MKnM.ir.il'1" life i-Vfiy minuto in tho aviation i "templates continued Government opeia tlon of the roads at least through 1019 and part of 1320. In some sources nI--o the action was taken as indication of definite abandon ment by the Government of fornior Dl- ivuiur uciiciiti .uc.iuoo rt inreac io i"" ...... ,.wk....v ,..i,. .i , ,i .int,.n,.,i.. i.,..i. turn the roads back to private operation Kuci llo l'ei.dleton Drew nut her brother. , , infurmed of bin movements, iinmediatelv. if C'onnrpsti il il not Tirnvliln i . . ,.. .. -...,, t.... .t ' ' :----" i .1, in, n.in t l .incs aii.tt t- iii; . ,tfc i . . . . , - ..,.. ,. . , .. , --- t'll .uum to, tviicu FIIO IlfCltlU ttttrti their home. 1C23 Nuvvlinll street, Cci-tl,.,t hi- had put ills a stubborn Ilgut niantnwn, today. with nxtcen hoe ho airplanes and had Miss Drew came from Svvarthrm.ro ' rerelvcd high trlbut.-. Miss Drew worked i-olli'go this morning. Hei brother, who harder than ever and broke the produc- ...." .i ,.- i... ..i,.i, ..... n.,1 tlio i tloti reeonl at ('.irney.s J'oint in her Onno'C Illlliii"inti(in Iotrii'lion .w,- T.nra -luitin! in iln', evts of both i paitlctilar llm- of work. A A C" tJJi ,v....-n..-.- --. r, for extension of federal control for llvo years. ITALIANS HERE PROTEST $1395 F. O. B. DETROIT ni they iinnrao n. .vura urira fit" " . t n .!... 1..... I.r,.l1l.(. Unri. tllO ills- protested ! '...'., .,...., !.., ,.. ,.,.tJ ki, k.,,.- nKn against icttrk timis be ng placed on im- ',. " , .,' ,,., ,.,,'" ,rl, ,..,. .. migration Into tho United States C " ' , t of ,,ls'rlKbt arm, ampu- --kA'.B?IUl,TJ0S" ' li''rt'lu,ccl a"d , tate.l just below the slmulder. Gilbert U Jones appeared before tho kCvv lirotherB and sisters did more Houso Committee on Immigration, at f) ,lp sta atl, Htrpps ,i,nitig the war Ituuilt. llt-utllis, )itnu)' " '''-" ilti.n lit, lun Villi, intt tllS inttrilllg When her brother went to war, Jli' fla..ti iil nnlil.. linn 1ill1. It flflil fltfltllft Phlans of Italian birth. , ' ' " ' ",,,". ,,rn. tl. ol t,. h. 1.. w in FTl.- .ToaI-c.1 1.a kllVr,,..!. t.A I ' " ...- n -- - Before JIouc Coniiiiiltec Itnllans of this cltv have latlon for Immigration restrictions, and fnrmnllv ni.-wlo lho nrntest of Plill.ulol. I ,1 i i .!) 11, v ,, , 1 , II - 1. .v. i,f f l.tlucatioll ti although there Is little 'Ikellhood of any Urge Immi gration from Italv, tho Italian-Americans believe any hglslatlon restricting tho Immigration of Italians would bo an abandonment of policies on which the United States developed "Italy will have rcionstructlon prob lems to meet." said Mr Jones 'It will require all of the labor that has been i coming Into tb" 1'niUd Statts In fore the war to inert Its own problf-ms " He said that Sun.OOO Italians camo to the United States annually before the war. but that Italy lost 1 Ouo H0() men In fighting, and it would require flvo t enrs of no emigration from Italy to makJ up tho vvar loss In manpower TO DO Y.M.CJL WORK ABROAD Prof. Str.tdlini; to Labor iuoii" Troops, in I'Vain'c .mil (tcriiMiiy George 1". .Mr.tdliiiir street, j,iof.s-i,ii ,, liliitflcs at tl,.' Nuriii lias been grant, tl a absence bv- the Board tlo educational adniinlstrativi noik under tho auspli es of the . M ' A , among the American 'roups in I i.mie1 and Germiiny rroffsisrir .!iail!mgH I leavo nf absenco from tho Xnithr.i-t High School vv ill commence Fi bru.irv 1. but no dato has be. n se' for Ills sailing. I Tin. V. M C is conducting schools for tho ttoopj abroad n. that tin v may I resume th-lr stiidi.t on theii rtturn. Mr. Stradling will aid in this work l.a--t. sear Mr. Stradling volunteered fur thf avlotlon coris. but w is rejoeted bci ause of poor eyesight He graduated fioin I tho I'nlversltv nf l-i niiMivain.i m lhST RAILROAD HEARING EXTENDED Interstate Commerce Committee Limits Number of A ittie.se IVasblnston. Jii lb -(Bv v T ) To expedll. fr.imn g of railroad ) gi . latlon tho fii it.. In'eitate Ooinn.i'r e Committee uiiiioiiii I today tlm' it would lout tie ninilvr of rej.rpi nta tlvos for eai Ii oi tn iiiensti. iivolved The hearing K bi mg t t'iided bevoi.il th, original pi hi" Daniel Villaid incident of t'i Ila tlmore and Ohio ;.u io.nl, pri.iublv- will testify follow mg A P 1li,,ni routiniM for the Asiii'iiit i ii uf n.inuav IAmij. tlvos. who ton'lniied Ins arguments to day for thf leturn ot tho roads to iheiri private owners wnl m tho twnty-onp month period provldij bv 1 ivv I'lre, tor General Hint's will not appear until near tho rlose e f ilie li.-armg to sum up the case for the rropoil to extend (lov crnment eontrol un il 1521 HANDLESS BOY HELD AS THIEF Telephone OflTicial- Link Ilim With Others in Wire Stealing ' UnlontovTn, l'.i.. Jan 10 Three I nlon-j town bois. one having no bands, haveji been arrested on infminatinn mad" be-1 foro Alderman Darby by olllclals of the! Bell Telephone Company, who allego that tho trio Interrupted telephono com- munlcatlon by cutting vvlrn from the, poles nlon; the National pike, nenri L'nlontown and told a part of It to Junk dealeis. The bos are Wllhum Holland, Joseph Carter and Charles Green The Gretn, boy, who sells papers on the streets, lonl both hands several v.ars ago, when he, came In coiiUet with a high-voltage i electric vvtie. Lai li of inem Is about twelve years old. tho .trugsio. Sin- apiilUd fur a poti tlon at the Carnt'js point powder works. On ht'iiring nf her tiualilleatlons one of tho ollii'ials offeicd Miss Drew a plac Tho oui.g lleiiltnant, who has served In the nrniv since N'ovember, 1917, with the Thirteenth Aero Squadron In Trance, under the command nf Major Charles .1 Diddle. told today how ho had be n ntt.li kid sniKlc-hninUil bj sKtein Uernian circus pliius, had stajttl in the light, despilo inolor trouble and two bulb t wounds In his leg, nnd how lie had finally plunged, half i oiitIous, sev nral thousand liet to the ground when, hit bv an iviiloslve bulUt, wlueli rlppi d opt n his light arm and rendered i-on- , 1 trol of his plana Impossible. I On Morning of M. Vliblrl Drive , "It was on the morniiiir of the S" In the olllce. but she insisted she wanted Mlhlel drive. In September last," said to do comethlng "moro essential." Lieutenant Drew, "that our squadron re- ,. , . ,, . , .'h.d ordeis to clrelc Ij-hi nuns Into M.irked on .Vla.blne tll, , emy tetrltory end bring down rer- She rolled up her sleeves and went in ttlu t.l servatlou balloons which weie woil on .i powder in.it hin- Iii-piiiil b. lint nog the enemy lire upon the Allied I T HallamanS 919-921 MARKET ST. nnnniii 1 JJ-wtivuwus"111 Win IJ--- VVTpiatsliilffl B w gg ARMOUIl DEFENDS PRICES Ses Little Proipect of Drop in Meat Quotations Chleat-o, Jan. 16 'While tho extraor dinary demand from Kurope continues thero Is little prospect of .lower meat prices, J, OKden Armnii-, yearly report to stockholders said today. Armour & Co. paid Jluo.000 000 more for the same number of pounds In 1013 than In 1917. ' HDinnl-.m .... nte... K,mlt n.ln.B n ,. necessary." the report said, ''and n reallre the peed for prices which will encqurace continued agricultural effort," Orosa salea were larger In 1918. ,Ar Naor asserted, by So per cent, but re. -- ilfWere Bauck BinaOer. " it "t- "-' f IV. 5G04-06 Gcrmantown Ave. 4028-30 Lancaster Ave. 2746-48 Gcrmantown Ave. 60th and Chestnut Sts. AH Hallahtin Slorrs Open Saturday Evrmng Our Bravfh Stnrr Arr Alio Open Friday Kveninp AMMUAL V ALE f jrJ'','i Women's 3-B to IQ-B Soots doocl, sturdy calf..kin high-cut laced boots, in browns, tans, jrrays and black. Also French heel, high-i ut laced boots m all leathers. All sizes and all width.-. Reduced to irOo5 "" J w 4m 5'flf 7'oBoois 5 6Mu 8M Boots, 4M q 7.ooto S.ooBoots $.85 1 1 9S0 to n50 Boots, TM xi W5b to 12-so Boots, 8M 12M to 1&00 Boots, 10'M HALLAHANS SHOES REDUCED Come Ride in the Essex Its First Showing A -Light Weight Quality Car We Want Your Opinion of It 3i Ml'y I -J AH motordom has waitea a year for tlie Essex. Dealers have ventured all sorts of descriptions for it. But today it is having its premier showing in hundreds of cities and towns throughout America. For months the trade papers have given first prominence to whatever news they could get of its details. Their interest was awakened because it combines the advantages of the light low priced car, and its economy, with the performance, sturdincs3 and beauty of the large and costly car. One leading writer proclaimed the Essex a new development in motor car transportation. Don't you want to be among the first in this locality to see the car that has awakened this interest? We wish you would come and ride in it for You Are To Do Ita Advertising We have long wanted to reveal the details of the Essex. But the manufacturers said they wanted the car to speak for itself. They said no detcription that could be applied to it would create as favorable an impression as would result from a ride in the car. Even now we hesitate to praise the Essex since we can say nothing that has not already been claimed in praise for some other car. So the endorsement it i3 to receive is such as you and other thousands of motorists volunteer to give. All we ask is that you come sec and ride in it. We Were Surprised Let Us Surprise You When ve went to the factory to see the Essex we wanted to know in advance some thing of its detail. But we were told that was for us to discover as we inspected and rode in the car. Perhaps we would have been skeptical and have concluded there ws nothing un usual about the Essex if we had not known I the men who are building it. But knowing them a3 we do and knowing the quality of cars they build, our faith and curiosity were aroused. What a Ride Proved to Us Our first experience was a ride over a road so rough that you would willingly go miles out of the way to avoid if you were in the average light car. We took it at highspeed, but the effect in both the front and rear seats was more in keeping with what you might expect in riding over a smooth pavement. Then we drove into soft sand where the wheels sunk in below the felloes, going through as though it were thin mud. Every test that reveals performance was shown us. There were no squeaks. The motor did not labor. The car had been in similar service for months and still retained its appearance of newness. These are things we want to show you. A demonstration like that which surprised us is ready for you if you will come to our store. The Essex is Built To Endure Every part that wears is adjustable. Hard service can not loosen the body nor twist the radiator. It is so sturdily built that the frame remains solid and rigid over the roughest roads and through the hardest service. The motor 13 practically free from vibration. If you were blindfolded and placed in the Essex without having seen it and then were given such a nae as we want you to take with us.you would likely say you were in a large and costly car. After you have ridden in the Essex we will tell you all about it. Then, we think you will be so enthusiastic you will tell everyone you know that you have ridden in the most surprising car you have ever seen. E3 m GOMERY-SCHWARTZ MOTOR CAR CO. 128-40 NORTH BROAD STREET m BELL PHONE, 10G0 VFVcTn.,r H rH ituuiunt, KACb 2355 jfj Up (W ; HhHHHHHHHHIHHbHMHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHIHHIHHHHHIHHHIHHHHHHHHBIHHI c ir'''SL. 'Viy w. ijfrfii i -J'.