Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 16, 1919, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 18, Image 18

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101' I
Local Bankers Do Not Think Proposal of New York Institu
tion Feasible Fifth Loan Absorbs Interest Gossip
of the Street
rjlIIE suggestion of a well-known banker recently published in this
x column, that It would be n frond plan to substitute for a fifth Liberty
T.oan on equal amount of bonds of Allied nations, cuaranteed by the
United States Government, to avoid the general dlslocatlon'ot business
through the floating of another Llbcity Roml Issue at nn e-trly date,
while It may not result In accomplishing the result aimed at, Is exceed
ingly popular In financial circles In this city. And It Is nlo paid to
have found favor In New Tork and other financial centers.
One of Philadelphia's leading hankers called attention to the subject
from another nngle as contained In nn nttvortlsemeiit of the Harrlman
National Bank of New York. This bank suggests, as a speedy way out
of the present financial tangle and a return to normal conditions of trade,
the employment of Europe's debt to the United States In the form of
acceptances, with maturities fixed and methods of redemption agreed
upon, to be marketed as any trade acceptance at the Interest rate of the
original debt, namely, C per cent. The Harrlman bank says they would
sell readily and there would bo no need of proportioning them among the
banks, hut their distribution would follow the law of supply and demand.
It further goes on to say the Immediate result would bo to freo credit,
so sorely needed by the business community, nnd would nlso serve to edu
cate the American public In the purchase of foreign securities. Hut more
Important still, the bank sajs, the arrangement would obviate the necc
slty for another Liberty Loan.
Somo bankers claim that the objections to such a plan are mani.
but when asked to name them they confine their argument to the legal
objections. As similar objections to nn extent had to bo met In conncc
tlon with the Liberty Loans, It is argued that legislation could bo had
to meet present objections. However, tho suggestion of the Harrlman
Bank does not meet with approval In the local financial district. A
banker whoso knowledge of the Federal Reserve System is second to none
said that trade acceptances, to be available for ledlscount at the Federal
Reserve Bank, must represent a bona fide mercantile transaction, whereas
acceptances based on the European loans would be altogether financial
transactions. Another banker said, even If It were feasible, tho plan
would Involve the education of the public to trade acceptances, which
very few at present understand. This banker said that one of tho
greatest drawbacks to the successful flotation of the first Liberty Loan
was Its title. "Liberty." which was generally supposed to bo Its best
selling point People, he claimed, ronld understand United States Gov
ernment bonds and what they otood for. but Liberty Bonds were quite
another thing, and it meant a campaign of education to have tho public
understand that they were United States Government bonds. In fact,
he said, members of he local committee were so well awaro of this
handicap that they had all the posters in this city printed to bilng out
the fact that Llbertv Bonds are United States Government bond.
Fifth Loan Claims Much Interest
There Is perhaps no subject more freely discussed in financial circles
In this city than the fifth Liberty Loan, nnd It is no secret that there ate
doubts of its siipces if the campaign Is can led out on the lines of
former Liberty Loan campaigns and the principal appeal made on the
score of patriotism. A banker who Is friendly to Secretary of the Treasury
Carter Glai-s teniaiked esterday that Mr. Glass's speech on the subject
of the loan at the New 1'ork bankers' convention this week fell like a
wet blanket oer his audience.
f There are seeral suggestions for novel features In the next Llbetl
Issue being made by practical investment bankers in this city. One of
these Is a plan to call n certain number of I he bonds at a premium of
'i or '.. above par at staled Intervals of six or twelve months. The
, banker who made this -suggestion called attention to United States
Steel Corporation Ds, which sell at par simply, he maintains, because
certain of these bonds are called periodically at 110. lie claims that
, such a feature would tend to keep tho bonds at or above par.
, A statement which appears In the last number of the Annnllst. to
; the effect that It is generally admlttd that at least three of the pi.-
vliius Liberty Loans would have to be sold all over again, has been a
subject of common talk for some time past In the financial distilct A
banker who has taken a very active Interest In all of the four Llbertv
Loan campaigns, when spokeu to on the subject estcrday, said thai
In n sense It was true, but he remarked that the same has been the
history of all bonds Issued for war putposer. It was so with bonds
offered during the Civil War, he declared, but it is nut anything to wonv
, over. The experience of the past has been, he asserted, that after thf
popular sale thete bonds soon fourd a resting place In tho big financial
centers for a brief spell, only to (.merge shortly after nl. pirnUuin
above par.
Another banker said that several loans made on the second and
third Liberty Loans were still outstanding and are heme tenened every
ninety days. Rome of those who paid early installments, he sM, helng
unable to liquidate their debit balances, have sold at a loss in order to
wind up a situation which was unpleasant both for "i-melves and
their banks.
,- Savings, and IS'ot Borrowings for e.t Loan
Bankers generally wish it impressed on the public that to float an-
i other Liberty Loan successfully it must, be done out of the Mtvingg ami
t not the borrowings of the public On this point thu Annalist is p.ir-
ticularly clear when It saj.s:
"The failure of a people to subscilbe a loan out of. cash surplus Is
perhaps the greatest single cause of international Inflation not that it
Increases the floating supply of uncoveied notes so miu-h as on account
of the vast deposit credits that are ctcated on tlii books of thu national
banking fabric for the pmposj of enabling lnruneis to buy and c.iriv
national loans until such a time as they are able to liquidate these loans
out of future earnings. Too much business of this character is economi
cally wrong. It clogs the arteries of the bank" of the country and makes
unavailable a large supplv of funds that would other jv !so be devoted to
progressive commercial operations. All this ts purl nunl. from tli'
effect this procedure has upon prices
American Sumatia shared In inteiest esteruj in In oilers' o!tlee
with General Asphalt. A broker said the xeason for the advance in
Sumatra was probably the company's lednnptlon ytsteiday of about
$830,000 of the three-ear 5 per cent notes whlih became due, thus elimi
nating the funded debt. The oiiginal Uun of these notes was for
It, 000,000, and yesterday's payment was the balancn tejualnlng. The
pajment was said to have been made from the treasury of the company
in cash. By this payment the stock stands at tho head of the list, as
there is no security taking precedence between the preferred and com
mon, stocks of the company.
Jianhers Organizing American Acceptance Council
A number of big banks in New folk, Philadelphia, Boston and other
large cities, as well as Important private bankets, merchants nnd dis
count houses, are forming what Is to be known as the American Accept
ance Council, which will have as its ooject the fmtheunt,- of acceptance
business in this country.
There will be a meeting In this city next week, which will be attended
by Governor Harding, of the federal .Reserve Board, and Paul 51. War
burg, late of the boatd. Formal organization will take place nt this
v meeting and officers will probably be elected.
It Is proposed to make the council r.atlon.wlde. According to present
plans tho council will be to the acceptance field what the Ameilcan
Bankers' Association is to banks.
It is learned that local bankers are negotiating with the Hocking
Valley Railway Company for a new issue of see-unties ior the purpose
of providing funds to pay 15,000,000 0 per cent notes maturing February l
next and also to provide funds for other purposes of the road, it will be
recalled that these notes .were extended last November, when they ma
tured, to tho date Just mentioned, the plan having been approved by the
United States railroad administration at that time, While It is not defi
nitely known as to how large an issue will be put out at this time, it was
stated by one'ln a position to know the facts that use could now be made
of an additional 15,000,000.
Another offerlne of securities which Is expected to take place within
tht next few days Is that of 115,000,000 of notes of the Philadelphia Com
pany, arrangements for which are now Hearing completion. Daily con
ferences have been held by bankers and officials of the company reeentij ,
and it was stated that all of the plans have been virtually concluded and
the matter placed In such shape as will permit tho offering at an earl.v
' - date.' Tho price at wlch the notes will be placed with the publlo has
'"C ' not been finally determined.
1 ", Liberty Loan bonds were active throughout yesterday's session, with
v, . but small prlco changes as compared with the closing levels of Tuesday.
Veflgn Government bonds were active and allghtly higher, the feature
department being- the Angjo
. BeUfU iM lBintrii
r , r I
. f , v.
- jrrencn o ana mjtttma uovcrn-
Mtuee rre iulct- 7
SbPv9 :! S7v j" fTZaa..fc..Mtftfa I .ttBSSSBsV
.sHllllllllllimW. '' taalHk V'iijlH
' ac ' ' : -egg
frnortvd in
ilU lllriLjll laJ 1111
j Private Lcroy Du Gan Re
covers, However, and
ers, However.
Writes Father
I Ij tii3LALillCS lltiKLi
1 WCnty-tlircC From This Vi -
cinity on Honor Roll.
Many Corrections
Honor Roll for City
and Its Vicinity Today
JOHN J. KK.I. inoD West Tori. st.
nii?n of worsns
VI.NCK.vr IIRVNK. .m34 Ktyut st
I)A.MEI. N. STi:XEI 3."i37 Kensing
ton nvo
CIIKlsiiw tir.VlSEI.. Jr.. Darb road.
in;n op iiiseask
PALI", f.RNM:sSE. Kddystone
'i,sPI'F'' A- CAKIt. Chester
il0 I-IiniKW. W4S South
t'enth st
II. t'lll'I.T.
1 ouilh at.
71 North
AI'i.lMIs -, HEVNE. ..IS." Pent-
rldi, st
KOIIKKT Pl'I.I.IZRTON, Mat Wheeler st
'.VII.I.IVM p. (,;i.t, lltli; Erfst Co
linnb'-v ae
UOIIhltl ll.RNON t'ROVnVEI.I.. 1130
lliirrlunn at
AHUM K V, AMI unit. rtTl ( North Ran
dolph st fPrc.ioislv 1, port- .1 mlslnir.
JIII.I'II MlVl()N, 71119 1!l,vii it
JOHN l'ROt 1 OR. 3010 Arbor st.
.Illl.l'll K. vi.nlJW I..C1 . M..I.U.- .
IIVHItV II. 1) illft Nor'h rniliW
In, st
I.I ROV Ilf (lr K,js li.i, Us sl
KI.IlltNI.il III I)IJ, I'RIAllllM.V
rnovivs .1. 1:1 HKi;. 1-4113 n..smu st.
WII.I.IVM II. i:viEK. t'h.-lKnham ue
"' Itni t,
ItKIIVRO .1. 1'II.IIIN, Sell West Trent
it itilLO.lei." ujrlrrbs. I
His lua-k p u.ituicd by shiapne!
dut up a gas attac'... Private 1,,-u.v I)U
Can, lt,j9 ii'.-ims sliee- oinclallv re-
iniiLiii nussiiiB fri-vitai o.i.vs aeu, w.i-
taulil in il r'oud of tnu-stiml ir.iq nml
r mle Lima .-inj sijeetlilcss for s vir.il
mrs, .ieordlns to a letter received
from !ilm lutlui i lits father, lie Utt
teuavprviJ .md Is now- with the Vmrrlctti
arm of ucup.-itlun .iIokk the I'.Ii.ne
"The o'cl i. orlcin k.is ir.atl. I- n
lrt(y nnoil t-oiitrivan-e. but Hun hlir.ui-
nel coe i-lvjln vironKli li." Du Han
wiote 'J i.cei l;:tev lion v:i'uab.t
mine was until 1 Rut It puin tureil om
Uav and had to :u. . It off.
1 ua.s dihlr.K si'i ammunition ir.il .
October SS ilifl,' . o-.R the iron'. vvli.
thu Ml: wa- hoi u-i'li lielly, when o-i
of thu dam ,1iIiik,i c-Milmled almo'l un
dertu.r.h thu trahi. jui-' u Iittlu ple
tore a ln-IB In mi m.iU. but it ilidn
, serati'li my fa.v It wasn't lout; nf.r
I had taken II off hefoie a clo.ul o' il
mustard vanery Hoated by and put ii
out of con mission J. v.-.is blinded and
kIHLhlei for sevci.il hours"
f'llvat li i.'an t a nu'lnhoi (' H
ttn ". liibtn I .ejtl AiC'.lu.K. In
llstul thiee ear ago tti the o.d -'. .ii.a
KrKineii. N. ; V , anil vuis vslt'i fit
eral I'ur. ton on ihu MrNloati bold, i
fUC anil l?IT. ttr ihe tiouhlo do i
i ni, ,u .i'ij-,.eil he spent uo ., i .a i
at liunie. Hi- ti, lined heveral moi.tns
'anni llt..i.uv.U Infold ro.iif i.vtiye.i
last Jlay.
f'i..uto Iu vi.m tt.i. born m itus
and u'.tenik-il the public mI-.ooIs. i -leav.aK
school he became an i-ltitr wai
M U only tiventy.twu.
In retent lulters to hia parents he s,a
I.o homo- roll for tlil.s city arid Its i
Ity Itiif n.o.st of the Phil.ide ph.
.in- tnuM who Had ureiloua'j i- n
eriui,iji,usli recoiled
l-'liD vlio were i.uunded too Mi.ril
tu bo teturneil to ti.U cujnt'y liaM
died of their v.-ounila, anil tlirce o tl
plt-1. ale lejiortcd dead. Tu n.en are
wounded severely and tlttee wounded
decree undetermined.
Seigeant John J Head. 1C0J Wes-
10 18 with tin; .limy of ocou,.al,on. He k s:,Vm rV l"ooi"oa,f, ,
loveo atlil llf.i, lis !.15S, tmd iiii-nun Tffir Seafood lutslre. Uierv VsjI
U. inaltti II Ills iiermanein vocatlun JSS2L V?.rBSSt;,t Bvv5i..,r"( - X .
The csiniblntd casualty IM fo, -cla 0 'iKolWnsVISM,,. t
m small, niulit liundred ard for-- 17 nooMt a'r.'d'iVfermll? v1"r. Tf
ihi-M names ;.te futnlshed for the c.u, - m. BriWfb.'-iW'Wb'lS.JtJ. fttt cn,
I'emwlian'atw. Ttt.t5-.l,te0 .re .. . Cb." i tat. Am"'ciu L" U37
OWNKD AND -ii.V.N MU.D 111- JII.MntlltSi OF
niK IIKI.I.S''
"THK lll-.I.I.S '
'TUB .vtYBTEHY dint,"
fsz-il nMlAI in. . Maiilenood Aves
cnni.N.sK iinii'i'nii in
TUB HtlAD -IHIKII'llil im; IlAltK
U. P. C.nVT. WAR F!r,MB
"America's answer-
J hi r UKaUlN sj,, MAT.VPAW.T
Sick in Hospital
York street, previously reported wounded
severely, Is declared to have been killed
In action, Of the previously rr-uorlcil
missing, six aro lls'rtl today as located
In hospitals, reverelv uoumlril ti,,
L" ,,osP"nls. "verelj wounded. Thre
nJto returned la their units, unlnlnro.i
havo returned to their units, uninjured
Tho War Department has three men
' classified ns "sick in hospital." Cornnml
T ..!. - .... . "-w'i
msjui-ip.i .uutrixay, ussu Kicnton iiYcnup.
la listed under this head, nnd his wife
Mrs. Wlnlfrrtil fnnlriv ' fnC - . . '
I ,lev' 1,er husband is connncd to a hos-
"I had a letter from him Saturdav,
I dated December 18." she snlcl tmioi-
"and he said he was well and expected
L1? "'?" for homo almos' Immediate!.
She Ignores the Washington report and
expects her husband within the next few
1 Corporal MncKay Is a machine gun-
.Tier nnd nffarlitf.t In tl.A Tict. f......
Ho trnlned at Meade, and has lWn
overseas slnco Jul. He was ems,!
vvhllc operatlnK In the Argonne sector In
me inner pari or scpetmlier, but re
T-rltat, Jarnh lelfrr, Camden, report.
ed mlesltitr two months aBo, s found m
have leally ben hilled In nctlon. A
sister of the dr.nl
Reported Mining, l"'ro beiatnr nnx.
r ,. , ious about Iter
orore oiinrf In-other because
ITVe.-s Aofer '. liml, "?' ";rlt:
c-u ,,;,,, 1I1U1I('U
of him through
tho craves leRlstidiiun n-rvlce hi I-'r.mce.
t'olonei j'lice, of Oetieral ('roudcr's,
oilice. Investleattd Ilnally and located the I
grave 01 i"e nussuiR soKlIef "A slab nt
the head of the crave." wrote Colonel
Price to Miss l.cltvi. ".salt! that he h:id
hern lilllnl In nctlon Octnhor 10 ' Hi
Is burled nt I'hcaumonl II.iupc, near the
Marne Itlver, accordlmj to the lep'ort or
Co!om-1 PH.
I.elfci- was a member of I'oinpnuv M,
Sltteenth Infantry He enlisted in Huf
falo, N Y, In 1U1T and sailed for Kratn. 1
I)embpr 24 of Hie same year vv'tli tho ,
first American troops to go overseas
The SKteenth Infantry is a unit of the .
r.alubovv Division and pattlclpated In
tho atfprl. at riiatoan Thleuv Tp to
tho time lie was hilled Pilvate l.clfer I
nevtf ri'i-.'lvpil a scratch. '
Corporul .I11I111 Proiliir, the son of M'
nnd Alr Jolm Piocior. :;01u Aibm-I
street, KoiishiRtou, rpottrd misilni;
some time ago slim- N'ovclnber ! Is &UK
In 11 hospital, aceoidltiir to today's of
flci.il list N'o won! li.id been lecelvid
from him since last Aukusi. Up Is a
wiiilier of Company M, 31Sh lnfautrv
Up wpiiI Into setviiv I.-iit May and rr
ceived his training at Camp Meade.
Prlvnle .Joiepii Heriiitin, Coinpaiiv I
SWtlpth lnfautrv. was wntiiiihd sevrlelv
Octobtr 14. Up Was tweiit-!lv, .cats
old and v.as diafted in J.tmmrv. fiefnre
he was iliafnd lip was .1 di-rl. and lived
.villi IiIh inothrr. Mik 1111.1 Lang. 2331
ICptisington avenue
Prlvnle Ailnlpli kurinlii, SlJth In-fanti-
vva" killed In iirtifin S.pttinlicr
-t! Ilp wis twpMty-fo-"- li.fnie gnlas
nwio to the arniv lip was piuplovcd .it
'ran p Milliard' ,le lived with h's
fntlier. IVilnf Km mm it ilu I toil, lan 1
Pilvule Robert Lewis, L Jl 8 I'llln"'
wieit. .1 member of ("ompaiiv -V ..T.'il
Inf.intiy. tvvlei vvoundod. has ipturm-d
to this lountry and Is stationed at camp
Mierman lie is at home on a furlougn
and (vits to 1. iileayed from tin
aimv whci Im lias fullv I'-isiveiiil fin-n
his wound Piiv.it,. 1.1 v s was wounded
July :: in the vide hv RU'i shut while 011
ti.ittol du! may thp Veidun flout Ar.iIi
i, nt Huunded and .wod 11, lober L'T
Tills thin In th,- right aril' Me if ni.iltu-il
nn t!n Hold for tw,nry-.vi liuais befoip
lip vta.s jiM.t-d up .us.l 1:1! en to Iio--pirn!
hv the vtrelchr-r-bpa'-Pis
rrlvilte I boinns Vvurvvbl., 36, Mar-
tin uiaai vnninci f...ii .. ,.1.,,,i v..,(t
uml.ci ;8 Ik- hiin a i.ieinbn- of foil'-
tuiiv II. KiDtli Infantry. Prlvut.' Win-
vu , vas iirevlously iciiniinl voii.kI. I
nml it vv.is learned tlrvt lis, i.iilve0 h'
iiiJiuIih In Hie fiKlitliifr in vvlmli tl i
101'Ui I!enlinent ji.n tlclpaleii In tljt- .i-
P"' Foi'st lie vwit, traliuM iMiim
Un:icu.!v,, nml liail bfi fiseits f-inie
I'rh.itt K(dert l'tillerloti, 4'nmp.iti'
T. N.nMi InfnnM: . was nuUinkil sc
i-i.v Noumber (! He wan tncnty
plRltt :,!!- i il mill im 'iitil ,n Sejc
MJN'IKR moitTs
.1I..MK (111 N .1
Pnruv rum At, c'-oit to Btach ud
SUI Pitr, cantral locution alwayt opra.
Cipmcity $f) Every Mppoir. imnt eondu
clve tn comfort m d rr creation, Spccal
Winter tfm. Tt . lhertll fini nell
V nl) opt t
i -,1 et. j rn - moti
A T u t
i ! It.
III II I'lllM' OVII (IK I' V .
Fta eut diatreic In f,-es to th f.r gnu
resorts and OM Point Comfort
mvn 1. 111 inner. ia
M'lllsl'v ,V
Hotel Bon Air
A - ,i er sit ai.it d.ltkti tin ., ., . to spenil
lo.i lot. ua.s Good di ..ir ud niotortne.
f s ri. sadd t- t.orses -. to', tour,, and
kll outduor tportf
Addreis C. G. TRUSSELL, Mgr.
n ,mn i i.io-vT h-i' a
ilIAltll VVK.
i,n Fninkfnrrt I
jwt.tuv .luuil-njulii I
I.I..A . llli.lU.I.1 ui
I0njST.;'-'U A-NU Il-''sl HTOKETS
Lul-UJ' Mats 1 ran. a -so. ci. nun,. , ,
NIXON 5D AND S,A,,K,-'T. "i"-
and 9
niiAurY and uoo'rr '
PARlf nide Ave nnd Dauphin Ht
r"lN Mat li.l.t i:.e ii .j,-, (0 j.
I1VVJU.I Matin.. Dan,
STRAND """""vg&oo
.Title imnm -iitoT.
RARMU VYtr.T.IAMfl In n,nlr
tcmber, 1917. He served on the border,
and before enlisting he worked nt Bald
win's. Ho lived with his sister, Mrs.
Annie Gordon, 6104 Wheeler street.
Private Johnson 1), t'nrt, Compnny 11,
3.15th Infantry, was killed In action In
Xovpmber. He was twenty years old and
lived with his mother, Mrs. Angeny, at
2410 North Orkney street, Beforo he
wrs drafted he worked In a laundry,
1'rlvate Krnnk I'. Morris, Company V,
31Glh Infantry, wns wounded on Sep
tember 30. lie Is now convalescing at a
hospital nt Camp Meade. Ho Is twenty
five years old nnd before ho was drafteit
ho wns a stcamfltter and lived with his
parents at 2042 Wallace street.
llUKlrr I.'ilnnnl I.. Arrlirr, 3 loth In- i
fnntry, was killed In nctlon In November
S. lie wns twenty-four years old and
lived with Ids wife nnd two children at
811 liiRt Merer street. . Ills wife re.
cclved a telegram from the War De
partment stnting that her husband had
heen wounded on November 5. This was
followed by ntiotlier tclfRTnm. statlnir
that he had been killed, Llefore he was
drnfted he wns n fireman and was at
tached to IIiiRlne Company Xo. 8.
IV vivvirinitvf
,. , . 1ME1I0R,A" .
pniST -In lovlnn memory of mv dear,
beloved mother, who departed this life Jan-
uary to. 1!U8. r II. QlltST.
HTHHKPITR. In sweet reim-mhranee of
my l,el
lovtd l-usn.-inu. I.KONAHU NTIlKBPRlt.
fill nsleep In Jesus" January 10 Itlle!
who fill nsleep In Jesus" January 10 1MB,
1.AU11A .MAX HXlU.l.l'l.lt.
RltONTZ In lovlnir remembrance of Mrs
MAIIY PIPKIt SHO.NTZ. who died Jan. 10,
;iiiiihiii iiiimmiiiiiii
Fernandez Falcao
& Lemos
268 Rua do Bnmjardim 270
S Natianil and Foreijn Dry Gcodi Store
2 Noveltiei, etc.
J Special Department for Commissions
and Representations.
5 Reprtsntaties for Moorhcad Knillinsf
3 Co. of HarrisDurc, Pennsylvania.
3 Accept representations of American
manufacturers and exporters.
Banking and Commercial References, r
rs-rr rn-rrrsn iriii f rn Hiririi irrri
t Cut Ti Sjp
Ol: s,Mii'mtes lie h s'ul.- il' i. u (looa
rajjitf tjosi lo' s nv r .on ut si.urt
l.al.d ttio iiii si- J- iv-.ri i-u.-npltu
nll t .as-cs II t-I.H' H 'f-i.i,. ?
i..iro i an inn 1.1 u or n-'te
flir fill- n.l II. lurm .,.( ........
ftS1 i-IIII.V. ' lit si j,'i-' , 'VVu.fcOE
,mu I ulleire i,r Comuisnr
1017 I liplnut M.. riillHilr'nhln
STRAYER,s :m$$w
h!N .iiisi.t 1
Vt tr an nanir
dKi iTThl
n. JUictP 1 1 t tj
VllVit!lIN I O KAMI1.-
Vl.iln tllllll, MnrUi -;
it ours a,..
L. D. Berger Co., 59 N. 2d St.
- ..
.,, .
vvtiiuh is
ROOkimk. f
Alhambra Ki"., ,',;'B. 'TlViVS
APOI I O -1' n "iiiomi-son sis
"i i -i. i.i. in
s,;i i.i. r feiisixus
-MV"l-'l- ll.A. VI. lotlllSI' w.
I'Afl.lVI- riliUUSUH'K in
ilL'T (if I III.- SHADOW"
R I IFRIRD llI1D sTni:r.T ami
i-l.AUA lilVUI.M.l, VIIL'XCI In
"IIOAM 'rilltllfillt THU DAr.K"
BROADWAY ""tft A" '
irAMII Y THEATIHJ-inn Market St
rMlVlll-I HA.M to Midnight
MATtv nni..ivn i,.
Tin: rnnniciAi, wifk1
56TH ST.
'I'llKATUr Mi-lmi. Pnru.'e
viATiNnn nir
oNs-rvNi-n TAi.MAnai: in
.V I. All. Pi 7..V.V1I."
thi; FoRiiiDnn.v ciTr-
. rl.uviv
mats. Ui.-lll.
CR TirtAnv in
iA i '..Yr'" .AtlM"'? S l'.?;-,, r J.-,J",,"- ft" ioii t "1". ""VTinnoiin ?ti. vun, Rumpp t Sona. John F lleti Renenclnl
1SAIILLI.A. widow of William II. Allen. f,r,40,-, "v.0' L,',,.,, ,"'lufnJ1,,,0,t.-0, 2B,'. Arso. Invited to funeral services. Sun., s p.
Relatives and friends Invited to funeral I. . ''.J'-.. lni',Vd ,' ,f,VJrRl- rl " m mother's residence. 524 Noblest. Int.
services. Sat. 2:.w n m. resld-nre of son- . m., 2.13J V 18th at. High requiem moss u' "l"i t'fm. Auto funeral
In-law. Tnom.is 11. Rutter Jr. Si)13 Osage Pt. ColiimbVa Church 10 a. m. Int GAI.LGIIFli Jar 1 13 JOHN son of
H,A-!?-l i.nr'v.".'e- Ti p.miv-rivv v C"iihToaNT:nnAn8 VVuV' A d, 1 . laU.Juhu'aVTMamaVetaallVghe'r. " RelS'-
bW-Fitt me- nd frl:nd. inilled to funeral. n7:30
e-vr " iniuill 11 m.lllMUt, HUUkC U. Ill's
1 fmmWffmmm
mill i 4K'wk&n u ,4,
.i. ... it. ..,11.1.1.-3 ut Al- 1-14 i!ii..-,--n . ... l.i.ii iu iiiu.-iui, .-sal. n n in., liarr-nts
CHESTNUT HILL rS;; W.- :Bwr- ann,,- "-
jmm princess iwizr th:
empress;- i vlgg:. I5 ft SI-, S'vtE -j
f'flNSTAVi . -I VI.VIAIMIII lu n.l.itiii.. nml rri..n,i. i.i..., ."!'.' Jl
r, nni A, M.I Ailmlml duPont Post, Nn
24. (1. A. IV ! Hiia Tnwn flri-ln. No. 7.1. G,
A, n,, nnd I'hlla. I.odie No. 30, ltarnnl. r
invura n autna ine runerai lervicsB. am.
at 2 p m., from hid aon'a renldpnce, Jo
h ,1) Ankple. ItllT Wntmorcland at.
Int Orrrnwood Cem. Remains ma tie
viewed Ftl. eye.
IIAIim.E. suddenly, nt 4040 Larchwood
ave., Jan. 13. TOI.linnT M.. huaband of
Derate C ltaliblo. Notl of funeral later.
aied M. Pelatlv and frlenda, Court Jus
tice. No ISO, P. nt A., nnd Iron Mnldera
Union, No. 1. of N. A.. Invited to services.
Frl.. 2 p. m.. residence of J. JV, Vlchera.
2728 nidite ave. nt. Greenwood IC. of IM
Cem. Remains may be viewed Thurs., 8 to
10 p. m.
p.AKi:n. Jan in. lpcinpa a. paker.
wife of Ira (1. Maker. Iiu notlco of funeral
will bo alvcn from Ml! Thomas nve
iianni-n Tn tMi tan 14. Many .7..
wlfo of Allen n. Rarber. need on. Relatives
and frlenda Invited to funeral, home of Ed
win A, Newhniii i-rorsnicK. .-s. .. "., i
p. m. Int. Crosswlcks. N. J.
RARFOnD. .Ian. 14. AMT. wife of How
ard T, Harford and dauahler of TJuke o.
and Marr liushby Relatives and rrlends
Invited to funeral services. Krl . 2 P. ni.,
3147 Tulip st. Int, private. Northwood Cem.
Frlenda may view remains Thurs., after H
v. m.
Relatives and friends Invited to services.
Bat., 2 p. m., residence of daughter, Mrc,
William riemlns. 727 N. 88th '.. Int.
Arlington Cem.
RECHTEf, Suddenly. Jan 13. RAT-
. Mll.NU II. IIECMTKI,. son of VV'llllam D. and
Susan I. Iiechlcl, aged 18. Relatives and
frlenda Invited to funernl, Sot., 1' 30 r. m..
parents' residence. K2 N. I'd at., North
Wales. Pa. In;. Oreenlavvn Cem. Remains
m"v o viwen in., iloli P.m.
.IltSSHY Jan. IS. (IHUHUli M,
of Catherine F. Illssei.
Relatives nnd
friends invited to services,
Sit,, 2 p. m .
Irenn Tallin,.
residence of daughter. Mrs. Ireno
IS R HicUlo st. Int
xicKie st
private. Friends may
call Frl . 7 to 0 n
H!,AKBI.r.Y. Jan. 14. WILLIAM n..
., ..., J tliv Vim. fin. 1.,.. e.J 7.
snd friends. Holy .ame ntlely, Sodality of
rf.n,-5.".,.",r-S5i -v.,.h,!?Rn' k?-..?- ,ll.hl
nusuana 01 vainnrin- iiiRKeiey, iteiativ
West End Yearly Hen. Society.' Janitors'
i- t it, t ..mil 1 .. i ' I
11 l Mf.,i.?nSi rlu, vn i'i "i? hi"S
ii'.','.rti VI "fCnSTnC' vi' ;i"ioJJ' r '.Ai
InMte.l to funeral. 1-rl.s -30 b. m.. 20.17
WnlLtnTm ir. tLwf10"1, ,rtt
..! o s-.. ...... -- -. .... ..... ..M., uviiuiwire
Ut,'l!VL-,Av-t0 iSSCT?s v-m-rni,-,- n....
llOr.ll.N. Jan 13. 1 RhDKRICIv nonilN.
aged us. Relatives and friends invited to
funeral. I rl K-an n mr,-sldence of niece,
Mrs. James Mo-gan. .111 I,. Cninvrall st
Solemn requli 111 niass ihuicli of the Ascen-
8l0.n,."..,:i...l!,r.,,l.'!,,.W.. ' 0,.''r " 1 fln
.. ,0.JSi?.,l;!?!l"'Hj!: rrJn" ,4i PPSAN-
NA IIOtAKIII Relatives hntl frlendu,
Quaker Clti Council. No 17 H. ai.d , ,,f
I... Invited to funernl Sat. 1 :3n p. n) , p;,-,
L.', Alleghen: nve (tit l-ernuood Cem
nmcj:. n h. ruth hi.tinora
daughter of William J and Mary ', IMce.
aged IB. Relatlvts and friends lnvltpil to
runerai services in p. in., residence
nf parent lill'rt f. r.Tth t . WVtsl f'hllidrl
pliln, Int Mt. Mnrlah em. rriei.ils nu
call Thurs., uftcr 7pm
UIltnVN At CM lull, ph., r.rnnno rJs
Xnrberth. Va , Jnn 1.", liM.MA AT , wlfn of
.John 11 Ilrnwn Xotlcy uf funTfll latri.
imowN. Tn). 14. iii,m:k mtow
arr.l H? 1tritHsg ntA frlcii.T Mt i...t.. w
LoJce. No I."i. V nnd A M (Vlinta H 8' rf- l,f v- "itpt tn funeral aerx
I'hapter No IM, Maij ''unuiuinUen No' Ice9 ,Sa " p " "3' Iawrrnce t
rifl. K. T 1'hllndMnhla rnngltfi.ri ..,.
, Jllte. l-u Iai 'li'inple, A. A. t). V M s.
It ,.ILa. sminli7r,IUi,. .. .. I.. I. 1 . '
an tii.ii vi ni hmiu..iiiiiiifi u vv Ml' II JJ H O.
incniiipr mntu in lunor.ti. I", i r. m
3J.W Wwlnut "t Im wvm r.nurrl 111!) i
nt'NTH Tan 13 ANITA . rlmiHi
nnle and Int fail I ttunlli. I unoril
aerlcen nnd Int. nt onvenlence of family
HUr.UU At ninp 1 1 a mode. Auauiu
Oa., Jjii. IS, MtMrM, lniUind of imr
Mnry llurko (ni .Mailer IVIatUN nnd
filenriit St t hiiilis'i llolv iiiiip S.virtV
and l S nrtnv. Intti lo funf-al. Sa
S :,0 a in. reslilnu' of; aunt. Airs ( Kane,
L203 Kimball jt Solemn ntsh tna-i of if-
fiulem Ht. Clnrlrs'ai Chuh li a m Int
Holy (roM Cem Autn funernl
(JALDWi:i.ti.-Inn 14, 1I1KNI1 M . wife
of Andrew 1 ., 'dwell and dauffhier of
nle Join md ('itlmrlne Mifltnwi (ree
Mulliall). Afeoii :t Relatlf"i and frliiiln In -
ttMl to funeral. Sat., S n. in., restflenre of
coLs'n Mi-h Catliarl'io Tntem SIM Idernl
1. Maui of rs.fiul-tu f'h-irrh of PL Paul 1.30
a. m. Int Hols, Crop, fern. Awo sfrIe.
PALL irV fan 1" maim- .! nt
rornVlIu i CniinliiM r.n.i tianaU iij nf iherf
Newmarket -t. wolftnn irqulm hirm riwi. i
Crnn;,KmreCwm,'l,onl''"-'J1 ,n,-llD,
nTART.TmV-.T.n 11 i-ttlPIT-q
liuhhii.i : ;. i;-,,i V,..u-i.T, Vrt' iV.n.ir.l rn.iiMt.n. ne i ranicroni int N.uth
aim hoii ni Mic i nun'! nun .iar i nirie-
rlson ami Mart'ia D-nc". r.latlps and
fileruls invlird in Tunerjl Vrl., 1 p in,
M. I. Chinch, illadwyn. I'a.
f'OHKON' J-utl.Joniv. jdn ir, i;i UAN'Olt
VV. widow uf Nii.ii It I'nrjii.i :,atlcs
r..l frliuds lnin,i io fuier.il simIkk til.
s i n . U'lii Summit avo . JenUi.town f,i
i tirther fpnltri s.tt in t", i, nt m..mi
.'huri'h. I'Tlwrmo. N J Int n :u. i'm
fHAUOOCK. Jn U J M1 hunind
of !at IIHsa CmddrnU fnce IIWl)cd fcfftd
77 nltitl. a r.r.rl ilai .1. Al..nl ,.a
NO JO .5jrit of m t-ecrfc T 'lilted Co.iricil.
No 10 Utotherhyu.l o Am ..mi, ourt
)tw,the-iv :,ci, N'n 10 1. of A linked to
funeral r-cs In r tu, ,:15Z N l3tb
ei im ur nv ooti u ut r
nla tall '1 hurts t
, I NN'I.MJHAM far U
teir. rilviid "
r vni:Nr n
.1 , FQU (11 JOllIl KIM ,J
LiAL 'tHIl f I -.Hit,
It! 1IAIIY A wldm
It'lHtlves H id 1-iin In
it.. - til li in. Ilt.Vl (1
in I'll- n h im will
of .MUnad I'nutilt li
ImtUd to fun inl S
yt. Jnt il.'. . i i.
I'rl . aft i ."i i in
Ui; Win Ian la MAUV. wife of Jo-?r,,IJ-
j). t. ! KolatUoj and frlendu,
i1. - -)1 'T.0'!'''! and Altar Souletv of St,
MnnUfi'm hunli iinited tu fi:rirl .
t.ni n ii. , -ii.it ititi r. sn'oTnn iiut'iiom
vffi'ArWt.r::. lJ;!?;i . :,i?i
i?J!,J...?Jal.. '.!' 2Br.,..,s.. JUUtKe?. and
''."u: .l?'".m" .ni mi iToiiiMUiurrSi
sr U. "TS 'WiTSiZV..lBffff,'r!l
I. Ill ,Mi" v r MM'-IU I
Int iiilvuie Hillside t'eni
lie i -d l.l ii fit r s I,
im t ii -7 .
11 i.1,',,,' ' rl's "'
. Ilemnlns may
f.1 '
MvTlIi: Tit. 'of mV 'iV.r'tV'nVa
ri i mlii
uf Join, VI
I Is ...! I. . .- , '
I IS, l.l-lll.lMS lind.
.inn .iiii'n.. I Minimi ri.
(in iiini-n.ii.
li'. i da imlto.1 t.i f n.eri. l-ri
s .111 rf. 111.
OiImi- 11 U.ur ItlilL- is"u I'hestn-jt
nn. in ,t'i.. ni..- 1'iitliediiil 1'ln.rtli In i(
iiiii uiiiiiti y. - j... it jnr.imir.T
wwi mn.'. i i . i-ii-mis i.i. ,ull Jtmis
tu U p ii. Tesldein.9 of Vlis Atari- u.'
C "- wlVs "i"." n.rr' T" mrlor, of IV HKOKMAN'.-JA.. 1.-,. I.Ol'WA I! dau,l.-
C SillVi i x.m hit I- ",,iuu2h,,m. J,. Inl t"- f Ian llfniv mil Mnili K". ll..kniiii.
E r.V,r,-L , ...... .. !imral M-rur . s,,i , i .: ,., . nt,art.
C l-trva'lii-rrfiV.'v.S' ,s"u"-u1, ',' mi-nts i.t VVIIlUlll II IMIUlsb Il.'llr, X
'iv . iniin n i mi
"id Iiiei'id, I i flt?d' li fnlS.'fVi8 l-,;,!,lT-..'! " ofJam".s -Mui l.'.il,.Vln IIo.iVl.ton
vl-woaM.MMm, !!,? -SI' i,""""'"s "' '"' reaiVm mni's sT Vi:"n-el,, CllarVlu "'n"
i?ANSi:i:i:n '--.. i'. "i:ri:i,iA dn.h.' ""hivvi'n-I'mn ST'rvwiK r ,nr, n,
, il,; fU11 'rsT frl -l?l ,"","'!! 1'aimio Ynuny. Iflntlvea nnd friends Invited
i,;,iSi' .'".:., 'r.'.r..-'. ..I'.'," m Il, Ht- Cem ll'inalnsm.i lie visvvedThuri.. t to lu
Tim frtlln.i.n .Un...M ,!,!- I-I.-t.. . .
- .. .b wiiiHij ouiui.i men- piclUlCS
tlin CTIVIfV wi.:.. r- n
1110 hiAMLbl BOOKIUJ: COrpoVatlOn.
. . ,
a guaiantee of eaily shovvine of
. 3 """ oi
uie nnesc proauclifens. Ask for the tlieatte
in your locality oblainitiK pictutes through
the Stanley Booking Corporation.
LIBERTY uno vti'lCf AL'
333 MARKET ('V'J'vv
Ills.tlvAl"',lV",,,:,51' M
nn: I'lioii nun irx !'
4rn! 4:5 poith sr
itivLiwi-, Continuous 1 to It
VIltai.NIA fKAHMiv V?.11-
"liU'IlAXNDV's VVlFi"!
nvFRnRoni ('"f t iiiv.
uU &. HAVrii.
' ' --- - l-j-i.... "
.i,,.vAr'.'.Vv"i Sea-ltUr MltlS-rii;.
Vltl-NO l.ll.NS UN Vtin.S-101 " j',,,.
' ';;
REGENT -ik;t. nr
, VIVIAN MKTIsJ l Jl ' '
vis.i.-AJ.TI ''WOCKKV st
fA5lXR'"V In ST
MAi.i.-r. x,.0iiAiA"r.,n",,s '' M
"A pkiutc-t an' ln
' ,V; iv imii'iVi'.'. In
' A luy"
.STANLEY M'i"0'" 10'
"i:tb foh &te"
VICTORIA mar.kbT.bt.A?. mi
TOVf Vtlvi i--" -. .
- ..vw
linger. 7421 Tabor st.. Pox Chase, Phlla.
Int private, Frl., II a. m. .- ..n
daughter of late George and Nancy Down
ing. Relatives and friends Invited to fu
neral services. Sat., 2 p. m., Charles vv,
rocht. 028 I.aurena at. (near Queen Lana
station), Uermantotvn. Int. North Cedar
Hill Cem. Frlenda may call rn. eve.
DUtlELL Near Mt. Holly, N. J.. Jan,
14. JOSKI'H C, husband of lilla M, Duli-ll
(nee Jovce). aged 72. Ralatlves and friends
Inv.ted to funeral, residence, near .Vlt. Holly.
. J., rn.. 2 p. m. int. Ml. jtouy v.em
Alltoa will m.T train l.AVIne- Mara
'Kev s
ferry. Phlla., 12:4a p. m.. at Mt. Holly.
Ftnil.-Lfan ' 14. 'jfrti'J .T.. Jr.. BOO of
jonn j, ana Mary A uu.rr tneo lonnouy,
aged 25. Relatives and friends Ilrldtsbnrg
Council. No. 135. Jr. O. U. A. M.i Cr.terlon
Country Club. Invited to funeral services.
Bat.. 2 n. rn . 1918 K. Tioga at. Int North
Cedar Hill Cem. Remalni may ba viewed
Frl., ft to 10 p. m.
son of Thomas A, and Minn. Dunn, aged 2
llalatlvta and friends invited to funeral,
fiat.. 2 p. m.. parents' residence, 4200 N.
Falrhlll st. Int. Westminster Cem.
husband of Marrnret 11. Edgar. Relatives
and friends Invited to funeral. Sat.. 2.30
P m.. 017 Wlnton st. Int. Mt. Morlad Cem.
Friends mev call Frl. eve, Auto service.
rivic mn. 14. WILLIAM t).. husband
of Elsie S. rink (nee Crnnshavv). aaod 211
Relatives ana rrienus invitea to runerai, -Hat.
2 p. m.. 0753 Olcnloch st Tacony.
Int. Magnolia Cem. Remains may be vlcwid
Frl , 7 to n p. m '
FlTZPATRfCK. Jan. 14. nF.RNARD J..
son of Thomas and late Catherine Fits
pntrlck (neo Htewart). aged IS Relatives
and friends, employes of the Wirt Co , In
vlted to funeral. Sat.. 8:30 a. m.. father's
restdtnee, M40 Sullivan st. Solemn requiem
mm, (Thnrph nl Immarulntft Conception.
Oermantown. 10 a, m. Int. New Cathedral
cem Auto runerai
POX At 21S N. Willow Orovo pike.
OlensMe, Pa.. Jan. 13. onOROE H.. bus
band of late Sarah Kirk Fox. Relatlvra and
friends. Harmony Lodge, No. S3. F, and A
IT .1 ti.pl n.nnl, nafll Cn . 1i . . In.
vli'ed to acrvlrea. Sat.. 2 p. m.i Oliver H. I
i pl lo ncpirri, OBI., p. 111., w.ii.,-1 .
ii.tr litdir ls-'ft Chestnut at Int private.
PRANTZ-j'aVr 14 ""JOHN VV.?' son of
' rttidolph and Lena Frantz (nee Stuerta). aged
II, Hi., 1 criuvnt,u ui .lie 11 1 1 i live, u
Kdxinont st. Il(nu1em mnns St, Ann's
Kdxeinoni st. Requiem mass ut. 1
Chuicli m, Int. St. Ann's Cem.
OEAR. Jan 15 MARIE A., dauaht
late Henry W and sMatllda Gear. Fu
iter of
, rri- P- " flt -oneni(;nct of family. Int
OCHRlNGnR Jan. 14. GEORGE, hus-
land of late Katharine Oehrlneer (nee Pchop-
' pet). Relatives and friends. Archconfrater.
nitv of St. Honlfaclus's Church. A. O. IT.
Assembly. Hmersld lien. Society, invited to
funeral. Sat.. S.30 a. m., 33.,n N. 5th st.
Hlsl1 nas of requiem St. Veronica's Church
ton rn Int llolv stonulchre Cem.
G1RSON. On Jan IS at Nantri-. Trance.
of ciiumonla. AUIILIND PllPI'RR, daugh-
ter of Susan TV. Piouer nnd the lata J.
llow-.-trd (Ilb-nn
gormlky. Jan. 13. miciiael j , son
of late John and Nam ' Gormley, of ClauAv.
''ountv llcrrv. Ireland Puneral. to which
retaiivts nim menus invited, 1 ri.. au
e 111 . resilience or s'stei. .Airs, vienrge iir
I 11 242.1 S ChsilvviiK H. Moks of leunlenl
1 Innuli of St Monl".i 10 1. ni. Int. Holj
l'rf,-s tVtn Auto sen lee
RRAMSSI.i: inee VVairin) wife of 'hJr!a
P. Graessie. r.ged i:u 1: it,v,-s and friends.
I.aoie-- Auvtuarv or Aiiruium Lincoln 1 amp.
Int. nriule.
Uerman J.mheran Cem. lie-
niairs may bo !eve0 I'rl. cv.
11 n r n 1
(SnVT .Ian It. flVRAir W . Tv, If of
Jolm A, CJrav airj dnuulitrr of Is to David
nnd Ann Thonua. ncpiJ ft-l. 1t(Iatlpa and
' trends !n itl to funeral without further
' nolle 111 U.IO u, in reidtu'. Uethnre.
T'j Int priat. Hatboro Com Train for
Huntlmrdnn Volley .Mta. leave) Itenillnc Ter.
initial 1 L'l m.
ClUKAVl'S - .Ian II. .lOlflA. nuib.'vnd
ff Ann flrtvrs nsd t Retail. anI
friends ln1t"d to fi'nral perxi-ei, I'rl, 11
a. m . l3l X j'umac r I.okan Int.
prl,ate. Ivy 1(1)1 .iii lri wis may call
Jhnr 7 to l p. ni,
URKUIC. Jan. in. PRTER. ton of Jacob
J, nnd th Iftte Cnlharlti' Kicln RetitUes i
Jnd fi (ends lnIted to fnnrrnl, Frl., 7:30 a.
I m.. brother's re-ddenrp, 711 N. .ICth pt. Mans
Ht, 'Vratlia Church, 10 a, m Int. Holy
Crosj ('cm,
. HAM Jan. 13. .MART, wife ? Harry
J Tall and daughter of Anni and i-ueaHurmti
R-Mutlv? and friend, ln!ted to f-inent,
I r" H '" " rnrcntV rpldenre, 1LM V. I
!l iVimirwrv t,1 ! i iiA '.f f
JolmSla.V iVAalVA' and 'VfinSi
nA fll-ral ",rp"?'- V P.. tTI .
I'ed.u llilt Cem Remalni, may be i.eued
n. Itni'uiiis niay Im vlem-il l'u . ,s to lu
d m
I UKKllsT Jnn. 1.1. 11VI1I V .1 HIinnsT.
I ''"" al '-o'ds tlirbit funeral terilces
' r- - " IT' " MaiUt at t'aniden N'. J.
'n'.1,.,1',,;, ,' rM-'lX r:XVil,'t,'!i'' '"''
. 1IK'KI. Jan 1.1 TIMOTHY r . hus-
(il ii in 'inii-iu' i s,a mini 1 (It't? ,tir
1 nslvt'r) tteUtUeH and frleiil'i lnlttd to fu
ti-ral, at , ;t't a in. 'J.'.J.I Pine nl Pol
Mai li.irh rnaui of r nmtn St. I'.itrl k'a
CI. Mi' tu u r,, , Tinl Crn-i tm,
mm: .fan. l". kosam; n. vifo of
Hoi rt .1. HoIm m nnd d.urli'er uf lute Jam
l and Man .1 '.'jdon luini.il, to whuli
. tdMh'M tmd filciidi uro in.id Sat , S:'i0
is; Mirui . iipmn Ulan i.r ii.
ou'tm Chuuh of St I'miifW i1l K.iIph 10
in. ii r nni i hivs ii ni Auto ecrue
UDIHIUTUN" udd-nlv. Jan 1.1 JAMCH
n. ti . utit s'xh.
IltWI.V Jan i:i ET.KIXOn wife of Rd.
'Mird Iiwln Kd ". rw. latHfH nml fiindi.
ni-mb-MH of th. r'fih li-founed Vr(Pbterlnn
hurrh, in.tt(d to erk'p. Sat I p. m ,
sou i;. Al'slvnv ac. Int. tr"nmount Tern.
H m.iiin nu bf Mewed Kit. nftrr 7 v m.
IM.l.Kft. -Inn 11 niMKK A., luisband
f l'loruie Iserer (n -p Ktrunlo. lined nil.
i ..ii on, i n.,.-.i...A i ';..;.' .,.'"
i.immni pnu ii i-i I,-, uuri in "ion, no.
.rVin0 frln.di. II VI t v 111
icty. Uidis' K t" It. a . UiIIm' a i. k
'. ''-.""- "'"i, ipvitrd io Vn
I 1 '. . v tti .. I.I . .a . . .'
i'hui ii -..i'i.i in 'tti i ', ii Ut Htnrs
W:in riemniR n Jlniiiviiiilc. solemn
requiem mass Pt Stsrv's chuicli 10 am.
jui. ei .ir n imi... iioxnorourfl..
. ,i... .1 ....
'riiii'i. 'iiiuiu vii ki-im.-'S Olll . 11. in,,
1111.. r II II. I, III. It ,w.-i, , "I. ...., ... .."
1,1 n, int voiirmond iVm
jiiiIIivn -..in 1-1 livi-ni;t. 1,. n,j,m
of .lin.lill .lul'l.ili Heltitlle rilid flltmls In-
r,l ii. I'll 1 il mi tin, u. I ri J 1, m (,-i.i-
111 ijfw 01 11 11- inn. u 1 , i.uiik i.,n
-.1111 rim
v.i Alr-
Inl prl
Jl 1,1IS. .SM.Kloitlv. J.m 1.1 ITfTi-JM k
tiMf-bind of l.rrtnj Mi Kllum ' Juliu. aued
'( rt'i.itl'i and f 1 lendM invited to funeral.
' 1 n in .111 1 MontKoinery ae.,
Noilh il"-' Monlaoinfr Co Int West
I.llll-el llltl Ctl
II..M" Int" notlei. nf funeral ulIl lie uiitn
lrnl" '":l " Tlinni,snn st
1CII'.I.1J On Jan. 13, inu. lirtlDOKT
UJ1;,1,1- Jn"f''ttr ..t i..t uennia and Mar
Klrlln liirn llonnlej). Into ilirman I-clsh
i-qui.iy . Ufrry, Ireland llelativea and
iiirnns milled lo runerai. Friday inornlne,
at S HO troin 111.-. S. IBtl. st. Kclenri mils
"'.'' u''"1 i-'hureii of St. Tliomas Aquinas
ll.an u. in nreelstl). Int Hull I'loss Cem
KOIII.Ili:i.'KUlt.--Jl-n II. MAIIY J, vi If.
of MelloUs J, liidilliei-Ker Iteiutlies and
ft i. lids Invited lu fui.ii.il, Frl. S:a0 a. m..
I'll M.mac st, Wlasahl'-kon Hli.-h mass St
.lulin Hie llantlst Cliuirli III a m, nt.
Wet.-, n ui,!. i .Viii, Auli, s.ritip
KltA.vrr. Ian. II. Iir.NltY KKAMAIt.
soi. of late Henry nnd Sarah Kram.ir 11, la.
tnea mid frl-nds, Vilolnli ..oiln i ,.hi
R and A M all Bi)Cl"tIes of whlih ho nas
ft tneinuer. Imild to funeral serilcew Sat.
r',,V. .".' '!U'J3 u'- yorl! "' '"t West Laurel
lllll Cem
l.ATHAVI -.Im 1:1 , Ilu.arr,..i n
f;OKNi:i.lA . . til.Iniy f.f 11,-ijalnln Ldtlun,'
1 lllllAWnl u&wi 1. i.a Ik Vuii. X -1. . la.
l-KO.N-AJU. Taii'l!. HN'tltY C. ion cf
Rosi nnd lute Harry t' lroiitrd, ad l:i
I'uiifr.il, to -hicli nlat!vts i nd fiinfi
I uner.vl. 10 i-hlil. n
nre Invited, Irl , K n
ihun'ii if sat-Vd" iul
l rl . N ii rn nmilinr'i ruai.
iIaiiha 'Ml fmf.l-. m 'VI,. .. m -
llUll.il Of S.lficd Ileiirt (I fill n t,i l,ii
I Itnll. .r..uu In. 1 . . t I . .. ,M
I l-OVKIT. -Jan. 15 TIIOVIAS son of VV11-
Illam i:. "'"', Ma.K.jr.t 15. Loiett l?"e llJllj.
V,"0,J'-. nK;'d -'-, Illitlve and friends In-
f& .s.-. AW'iV.TO0'
' r J'YONH. Jan. 11 MAHOAIIKr. w'lfo of
Cnthcdrsl Cern Auto funeral W
'dauBhter of David and Mr JUcUndv
mid II).
ueiatiM?n anil frUnri. ,-.-u.:i
11,'lh United l'rr.h,terlan Cliurc'h. 1 nvlieS
Vi, ',"';' "J lrl- ' " m- "(rents' rcsldenr-,
IS.'lt Ii. Somerset st. Services 2 ti m l-'ih
United I'rcU.yterlan Churrh, ItuUi and' Soni.
erset its. Int. Northwood Cem Remains
mav h, il.nvrd Thurs.. nfter 7 n ra raa""
MANQINU Jan 1-1. 0-lTJlVi.iK" widow
;f Franel. II Manslns ' 1. atlve. and
friends Invited to funeral rn.. a", in
slsteidii-UW. realdenee Mrs. Sandbentlf;
Mil ledjral st Int. West Laurel fill!
Cem. Friends may cull Thurs evi
u MAIITIN. Suddenly, Jih 12 JAMES
husband of late Mary'Martln In? Lawi.r)
aied 47. Relatliea and friends Invited in
AUn,7i' jT.'tVin71?.'-.?1 Hm-' . " rsaldnc'.!
Andrew Martin. 2(111 B.pvlva at. Il.auleni
rs) I t smsJ1-''' sICsI,
H1-'AULKI..fIlH. J4, SUSAN wl. n
' WHUiu.McC.aCy nee I'rl.lV. TlelallTVi.
inenda mviteo to luneral, 8 a:6 . m,"
. ri.l.,1... Hrt ..,..... An.nln.-.a ,-. I.
., - H.......na.uj.. -s,t ii.ittvrvii iir li ii irn . ni ihaa iiinnm'i o.i
4810 Terrace st , Roxborouih. Requiem mi
St. John the Ilaptlst Church 10 a. m. Ill
Bi. John's uem. ... . ,-.-, I.J
AICINTYIIR. Jan. Jii. iiiiiiai.Ii .""i'i
of Patrick Melntyre. Relatives and frisrsl
f.,,1, ,. i&.cii.iii, n,B.", V.M-"---- - , w
M.h m... H, Ann'. Church ID ft. m. inJ
llolv Cross Cem, Auto funeral, 9
MrLAUl.tfI.IN1. Jan. 14, JAMES K.. hU'I
hand of Rose Mcl.auithllll (nea Sherlocli
and son of Joser-h Bnd late Mary MclJiuihl
nn. mnerai, to nnien reiauvesniiu '"''""j
nre ininrii, cini., i-;oi, h. "i.i -' . " ,-WVl
a, IBAl.n.n ma., nt r.miUffl CnUrCn OT Iltal
Monica II a, m Int, Holy Cross Cem.
Auto snrilre.
novvE. .lauR-nier or ine .am ivm bi.-j
un... tra.iiaati.. .a-.il ti. Il.Iatliea anol
..ina l.ilia. In fiinar.!. Rat., t! D. m.. 410fJ
Sprlnr Garden st. Int. private. Media, TaJ
Friends may call Frl., 7 to 0 p. m. 1
MEItVt.VK. Jnn. 14. C1RACE IX)tJI8Ej
line or inomas II. .IPriuiei an," iinuaitirr u,i
.,..,. U'.li., It ami Rllr.ah.th ClOOdHln. areil
40 Relatives and friends Invited to services!
Frl.. 2 p. m.. (V2T7 Jefferson st. Int. pr J
late. Westminster Cem. Friends may call
Thurs.. 7 to iu P. m.
nr.vrn Inn. 14 MYRTLE 51.. beloved
da'uahter of Harry and Jlame Hlah MeyerJ
aaed 20. Relatives and friends of the Im4
,1.. n HanMifiilln InillM.l In ll.W r.malnS.l
realdenee of parents. CK.17 Hniel sv. Frl,,l
7 tn 0 r, m Funeral RrvleS Private. Sat. 1
afternoon. 11
MITCHELL Jon. 14. MAIttAN S.. wlfe.l
l.l.n A l.l.n.,All Btllt Haillfht. Of Tll.O- I
dore and I.vdla Ileiher. aaed 24. RelatlJi
and rrlenns inviteu to runersi. c.iy s;u
a, rn.. lr.os Unltv st.. Frankford. Solemn ,
reaukm mass St. Joachim's Church 10 a. m.
Int St. Dominic's Cem. Auto service f
MOORE. Jan. 14. REUECCA. dauehtef!
of late Robert and Rehecca Mnore, of Let. I
terkrnny, Ireland. Relatives and friends n i
vlted to funeral services. Sat.. 2 p. m..
residence of nephew. James A. Rallantlne, J
1!I(IN ljainuriose BI. nil, nil. nm iiji. i-eiit. i
Itemains may oo vien-eu ecu, o m ,u p. i,
Auto funeral.
imntilir tan IK nl Pitman. N. J.jll
TAULINE E. MURPHY, aired 21. Relatives)!
and rrier.os inviiea io xunerai. nni.. u.ou n.
m.. residence of irrandparents. Mlehaei and
Annie Carey. Cedar ave., ritman High msssi
St. liriapet a u, i-. wnurcn. uinssDoro, is. j.,
10.80 n. m. Int. Glassboro. Auto service.
.HUM. .A v. Jan. n. ui.1,.1 .uuiiiiAi.i
Funeral Frl.. 8:sn a. m. residence oei
. ,ih., ru.rllr Vturrnl. 4I1.V? llaz.l ale. 1
HlKh rcnulem mass it. Francis do Rales) I
Church III a m. Int private. Holy Cross) I
NEWMAN Jan l. ANNIE, vildoii ot
(SeorKo W Newman Inee Dl-nner). aired ,SS
Hue nniire ni luurrui nil. rc k.iii. iiuiii .....
W Sedceley ave.
NORRIS Jan 14. MAE A,, v.lfe of Rns
II. Norrls and danahter ot Catherine L,
ami In. WllllAm lCauffman. S.rvlcea an.l
Int private Friends may call Thurs., 7 to
I) p. til., mn. Locust nve.. uirmaniown.
O'FAHItlll.L. Suddenly, Jan. 14, MAR.
OARET M, daushter of flerold A, and Mars'
A. O'Farrell. used . Relatives and friends'
invited to flnier.il. Sat.. :3 a. in., residence,
of parents. 2441 S. lillh st. Hlnti mass ne
I.t LI. sir-.l-. kn.al, (I s-l In!
rrnulPIH ni, .tiiiii:n r .iiuilii if a. in. lint
llAit frmi! (Vtri. Autn Arilrt.
O'KAN'n. Jiui 14, MAIIY I.. O'KAN'Ha
RelntUPH nnd frirndn Rncn-rl Heart Horlt.
II V M Ko'1tU of S( Thomas AriuinaH
rhnif i. initf(i lo luniTHi hi.. h h ni..
rpIlen,o of wlpr Mrs, 1M ird Wnrd. Jl't
; mill Ht poipnin rcnuu'm mHna nr.
Thomns Aqulnim ChurcJi HUtO h in. Int.'
uriintf N'pw l:itholroI ("m. Auto frerxlr-
(K1I I). Jan It. WIMaTA.M ,T.. hulmn!
of Mornc Oclc (nro Wliichst?r) nti'l nu
nf in If. .Ijinf. Hhii Mat iu Uirie ntjpn r.
IMitlWH rrnl frlcndn ItnitPrt to funrrnl.
rrHl-lnco of brotl.pr-tn-law, Sartrpiit Nlppe.
tiailVllt .VI (ill IKUIIII v u( i ,i.i il,. -. i. in.
Int -Mt rrllnws' Cem. rrlcndf may call
Thiir.. pfter p. m. .
don of Kit Henry O. nnd Hannah Fliher.
TtAiifUnsi nini frlpncln inltc(l to funeral ierv-
lees on Frl nt '2 p. m.. at his IMq retl '
denre, r.T18 Snruce et. Int private.
PPVW. At PI.iitsintMli. TsT. .1.. 3n,
13. OCOIlGi; P I'KNNY. need C7. nt
tUeft nnd friends lnlted to funeral aervleea.
St Murk' Iliilwonil c'lnireh. Franklin .t-
and Uo!ilMt,nrd. Krl, 3 n. m I'rlends m
mil nt -iui a .Mam ri . iiiura,, ionp. m.
Int. rieasinli:io Cern. New York paperi
roirnn - Ta. is. joanni &. pottbti.
nee 1-uneral serlce4 Hat,, 2 p. m ,
L'L'.'i TulpehorUcn st,, Ucrmantown. Ir ,
,rV0TTIC.i;n. Suddenly Van, 1J, LAV
niiNcn H, rOTTIOER, aped 2ft. Relative
nnd frlend-i Imtted to funerFl, Frl,. 2 p. m.,
.107 Church at,, AmUer. Pa. Int. Roso HIM
1U:AD. Jan. IB. GCOROH P., husband ot
Xnra. R.d nnd sin of William and Int
?inr ii'ad. pitt'd ai iiuintiea ana rriena-.
n.t-mueri or Aiphii iinritlit Church, vaininc
ton Camp N'. 1SS l, O. h of A.: Morris
Mm hlnn Dent nt Cramn'm. Invited to fu
nernl anlcei. Sat.. 3 p in., 1P17 E. Adami
Ft Int !rlvnt. Mt. Peace Cem.
Knui.KY. HUslJcnlv. Jnn 12. at nnver.
"ol . i:STKM,i: U JIRMI.EY (neo Wood,
formerly nf Haltlnuire. Md., wife of J, Frank
Krtnlcy Uue no Ice of funeral will tie Blvn
from rfrteprn of IJ M Wood, 5023 Cedar
uf . 'tt Piilladalphla.
RllNi:it Jan. 13 MARY ADAMND.
nldov of Oldecn T. Rltner, of Cerwyn, Pa.
Relatives and frlnd4 Incited to funeral serv
Im I'rl , 2 p. m., from Waterloo ave., Utr
i.m; I.i. int Malvern (Vni.
RlZIIR.s On Jan. 14, 1010. DANIEL M.
RIZTIR, aaeil .SI jears. Relatives and
Trlenda lnitrU to funeral services, on' Sat..
2 p. m . nt tljfl readt-ncc of sonlnlaw,
Charles ltrookt. 2421 H. Rnsewood st. lnt-
prlvale. North Mount Morlnh Cem. Re-
mains may Ue !eued rrlday eve. Aut9 1
HOIMX -At SreIe N J.. Jan. 15,
RODMAN V.. husband of Uv.i AT Rodan.
l'uneral erlce i'rl , 73(1 ;i, m River st., i
Mjrellle int nnd srIccs hat , 2 p, in . I
iiif-nu'uoii cem cnapei, camuen, .,
Omit I'owfi.
UirnORI Jan IS. VIRC.INIA S.. wlfal
of William J Rudorl aj,-ed ,r,l Rrlattvea I
nn iriTtH inMted to itinera! sei-tices. sat.. I
2 p in .12 J I Tnomp'-on nt Int. Westminster I
cem JTienus ma tall III 7 lo l) p.
.N.Jvi, need 4.i, husband of Annie Rush
nnila RelativeH and friends. Randall 1-odce.
-u h. I. CI. It S. . Orient Lodce No. 28.
i A M . I, ii O M , No. M. invited to
func-il. Frl, I 1. m. 1117 H, 2d at. Jnt.
liar Venn Cem
RlssKI.. ReJatlvts and frfnda Invited lo
nntvbeH, Frl , 2 p. i.i , 41U Preatou st. In.
Aoiidlani1s CVm,
FAX El:. Jan 14, of Influenza. ALY1MT
V husband uf Annie Viols. Raxer (ne
llamljn). l'uiural Frl, 17U3 N. 2Uth at.
Int nrlvite
nRl-.r, ilauichtei of John and Emma Van
WlnM Schaf'r need 17, Relatlvra and
frkr.dsluvltcd to funeral perires. Sat.. 2
it fit. iarnit rtnunce mji nttjne e.,
iltrtn.intnun Trit tnhnt
SEliHEIi den lluiklnshavv), wlfo of Paul
SeoLT, Jr. Relatives and friends Invited
to iien ites lrl., 2 p. m,, till) P. 40th at.
Int orivat". West Laurel lllll Cem.
MMPo Jan. ,.' '1HOMA8 J., nun-
nanii oi i.uo J.n.ma (., Nimpson. aeea ?h.
i;eiaii.es auu inenun invited to runerai.
Sal 1 n. in . L'JIO S. l.th nt. Tnt Mt.
Mf.. ih rem FiUnds may cull Frl. eve.
auui .it'i , ice
h.MITll Jan. 13 nmRflR t.RMHEf..
husband ot H'Icii A Creeden and son of
lite 'Iboman A ard Marv II. Smith. atl
2'i IleUttvesf nnd friends Invited to funeral,
Frl.. 1 a m. lOi.0 Laveer st Qerman
iunn int uoiy -""nuienre (m.
. SMU'H. Jan. 13 THERESA EUfcA-
1M"I It t. Ifn nf CcallC..t I' Dmlll, Ha.i4 T. U
..,,., ..it.- ... nntniii .i .iiiivil ru Wi
)lflntls und frlenJs ltillil to unr.
-nlrs rri -j i in yiaii ;. Van Pels
si Int nrlMiti. jii Peace Cem. rrlends
iiri- .hm iniiiH eie
sii,I,lUAV.-Jm ;:. rn.NK husband
if llmlly l.'napT. Sollldav rtnlntlves B.ii
in:iiiis. pnipii.os or jncbi. lieeii s sons. in.
ilnl to funernl sirrps. Frl. 2pm 112
P. Jldln it. North Wales. Pi, Int. pri
vate Moiiti:onicr Itantlht Cem
SOV1XIKH At Oitnk.rtnwn Pa.. Tan. 19.
MAIIY C . widow of Henry Jos.nl. Sonimir. 1
until 71. Funeral I'rl.. tt a rn.. 32 S. 10th j
i . irfuaicenowu. i'a. int. private,
.iTOMl .im 13 i-r.i.v a STnvn
tl..iuhtr of .Samuel and Anna C Stonff.
nsed HI. llelatlies and frli-nds Invited to
iuuer.ni i ri , i- p ni . but unurcn it , Am-
boi. Pa int. nnsn lllll r.m
. swi:i:.NKV Jan. 13. JOHN, son of 1st
.uiiiii iiri. fannin aneeney. late ox v ounty
UonoKal. Ireland, rtelatfvcs and friends.
Holy .Name Society nf Cathedral parish and
Don-Ktil Society InWted to funeral. Thurs.
.i" a in residence of brother, Hernard
Sieenev. 40.'(i N. RtU st. Solemn hlih. mas.
in .ri.uim mi veronica's cnurcii iu ft. m.
11). llnlv Prn, I'.m
FVi:i;T. -Suilderlv. .Inn 12 JOSRPIT M .1
1-n.uui ui i . ircnce ..en. wve"i .it na
wood, .1. Pelatl.es and friends Mlllvllle.
N. .1 , I.tils. No. .'.Ml. 11, P O R. and Kra
liinil OriliT of nat'les. No 10411 of Wild.
v. o, N j,. Invited to service Frl.. 2 p. m..
i J li l.urchwood nve. Int. Arlington Cem.
1 riends iiii call 'Ihurs. eve
TA1-T Jan IS of pneumonia, at 4823
Warrington nve, WM I TAFT formerly
in i-irtmii. hum, nusnaiid ol Harriet K.
Tafl anni ,1 rWtlces and Int Tnrrest Hill
,Vli" J!ual0" Mass, r'rlinda vvlll lilndly i
VII hi "iniii'ir.,
T.limV Ian 1i mTkm? T ffii..
Tilfu of Oeorao A 'tardy. Helitlvea and!
frl ids Invited to funeral aervlcei, Frl. 10 1
; ii.. .-..i milium bi jnt. rnenter Rural l
' r" i-Miin iuuv uu icwcu i nura. ava. ,
A i... .ilVVii11 .nesier panem com.
1 V riiAM - .inn 1:4 n t iri.A.rn. i)a
CORNIII.IA C . vvldnw'of nenjumln litham!'
il.'1.',.,,l.,.l..'.trl,"" ' Np,v Vnrk fltv.
'ILL I .!,-- .lau ir MINXIi; A.VNIK. wife
and hte R.diert Rlddell nsed S3 Relative
i.iul frUnd Inylietl tn funerul servleei. Sat..
- t uUi rt7.:7. h"rU Ht- 0'7th anJ Lanadowne
inflnt mnv be Ieed Frl. eve
,''!V':i'H-Jan l.-i.VlblT'S. wife of
..... r,""'iir.i 11. lunrrni atricei pat.,
J n m imvi Torrekdalo at., Yaiony, Int ,
,,,l,c,.i?.vrrJn-!.l-..AnniET, wjf. ffl
..'V!."1 ,. IMl-r .....siives ana rrlends. the,
inner council. .-o, nu, s. and D. of A,, andll
T." "iii.'ii. "i" iu "-nun ine was s member.l
mi.i-u to services Kri.. i p m. 205T Jluthl
rr --,r"""iiv v.rm. nemains muy dm
viewed Thurs.. after T p. m 4
iiuiiri.. jail. li-. I'liAIII.nH K hus
V ..! " . ..' """ "nd son of 1r.iI
Ji-sso T. and tlmma 11 Vomles. nelattvej
!;'.' . n.R,xA,s.,.i.,nv"'"l ,0 see. Ices, Frl 1
" ' "' l,"7,V """ 1,,t IT !
mt.v ca I Mliurs. .v. A,i. .,,...
WAI-Tlllllt Jan 14, .VIArtrjAllKT wlrl
... i-,..o nMU iiriMia inwiea to funeral
V v." ' m "v K I3 "t . Kern Iloclfl
Int rirnAiiiiinniii n... ... . T . '7,' .!
,'SilSFfe..7r-.--'S".. It" aai5i ,, a
f, .n,i. .'.... ".'..";" ""."" 'iauie. an.
Km" 2210 m'" W"?' ;"'",-.?..
n.m 'nSiV..'.'". ..! f'J'v. normwo
WII.L,iN(T1."-" ,T I'.""..""- Vfc .
s.td to. l'arenls' rsi4,nCe M iSli
Iat art,nwood. Kti
te &awfj'rfr,fii. '5ta2aJfcki&jL
- 1vsr J
. JLl.' . ' L '