Sfr&(iii8& TS 'i rEi"rcS53 Iff jiiMt'if'iirnr'MiM HrvfrirmiiWtS .1 Ii . r Izuenmg public Ukbzx THE WEATHER Washington, 'Jan. '16. Fair and uarmer tonight', Friday rain or jnoii'. TKiirrnATtmr: at cn nocit I 9 110 I fi I IS I II I . I 4 l"51 130 I 3T 134 I 31 I 40 I 44 MR I I I MIGHT EXTRA CLOSING STOCK PRICES VOL. V. NO. 106 Publlihed Dally Kxrrpt Sunilny. Subf-rrlptlon Prlfe A a Yeap-by Mall. Copyrlslit. 191D by Tubllc 1-fd.rer Company. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1919 Entered Stcond-ClfM Matter t the Prutemce, let Philadelphia, Pa. Under the Act of March S. 1810. PRICE TWO CENTS S. VOTES ITSELF BONE DRY;. EFFECTIVE IN YEAR; THIRTY-EIGHT STATES RATIFY FEDERAL AMENDMENT; ALLIED DELEGATES CONSULT PRESS ON PUBLICITY i i wmmm& WHOLE NATION TO BAR LIQUOR IFOR AIL TIME (Nebraska. Missouri and Wyoming All Join ir Ratification DISTILLERS PREPARE FOR SUPREME FIGHT &Iavc Billion Dollars Available ! for Contest of Measure FIRST BIG DRY COUNTRY ; Enactment Called Greatest i Piece of Moral Legislation ' in World History I United Stales Made Dry by Voice pf Millions Populations of the States that ihavc ratified the prohibition iimcml monl of the Constitution, making It the law of the la ml, are bIiowu lu the follow liiK tubu lins J'oiitllallun 1. MIsslsMr-i I. Jan s -'"i,1: ''l!1, L Virginia. Jon 11 -f '9 a. Kentucky .Inn II -. S?-',2 4. Nnrlll Imknla. Jjn 2" . '"!.' R. South (.'arellna. Jim 'JS 1 i,i,ii.'mI Mr Intnl. Fib 1"- ' :'""'-:.0'! 7. V. h. 1!. , 1-B 3. K. !, Mnnli I -I ''".r!,1 II. Delaware. Miirrh IS s'.'M'i! Hi. Muuth lakui i. Jlnnli VIii 'l4'' II. Mamuuhuselts. Alirll 'J iLHIlliH IS. ArlinlM, Jlay 'J4. . JJ.MI II 13. HeorKll. July SO S.llTl.ltli 14. Iioulnlann. Aiwut 8 . l.ssi.77s ITi. l'lurleU, Xnt. -t I'll M7 10111 1'nl'Ulatlnn lit. Mltlilenn. Jnn. a n i.ii7s IT. llhln Jan 7. . . . .-'71 nil 1H. okliiliumn, Jan 7 . ". 1i7.i,"i 111. Tennessee. Jnn S u:l-'l."r'ii 2il. Mann, Jan h . till, j "HI 21. Maine. Jan h. . . . 7SJ I'll -'-. West Vlrclnl.i. Jun ii l 13'i.iin 2.1. California. Jan U . n.llli It J 21. VVaahlneum, Jan 1:1 l.i,i,n,.,.h .'.-.. Indiana, Jan II . - 211. Arkansas. Jan 14 . I.iiu HOI 27. llllnola. Jan II . .:H7 7S4 2S. Knnnas, Jan II . . . I.sil.llil SO. North Carolina Jan. It . 2.4(111 O.'", an. Alabama. Jan 4 . -'", 27n HI. Innu, Jan lo.. . 2 221 771 .1J. Tolorailo. Jan l." . liill.nM 1 )reson. Jan 1.1. sss st 1 31. New Hampshire, Jun l."i 4IH.T.J .1. Utah. Jan 13 ... . I "I 14s 31. Nehraaka, Jan. in.. 1 2in, S77 37. Missouri. Jan II, . St IS Ills 38. 1otnltiff. Jun !:.. I'J30 I SJ. Paul. Minn., Jan. 16. The Minnesota Senate today ratified the national prohibition amendment, '18 to 11. liy the Associated J7e fliliaeo, Jan. 16 The. United .States today completed the lenlslatlve process of otine Itself dry. AVlien wold was flashed over the wires that tho thirty sixth State, Nebraska, had ratified the prohibition amendment, pioblbltion lead. ers declared that llio ncconipiianmeiu was the greatest piece of moral lcgls. latlon In tho history of the world. The amendment to tho Uedeial Con tltlon nrohlbltinB tho manufacture and sate of Intoxlcatlns beverages become!! effective ono icar after the data of its final ratification. Mcanwjillc, tho nation Roes dry July 1 next, by presidential proclamation as a war measure unless 1I10 President rescinds It before that date. It was at 10:32 a. m. when the Xe braska Leglslituro completed ratifica tion of the amendment, at which hour the Senalo voted to concur In a House amendment to a Renato Joint lesolutlon providing for ratification. Nebraska, is the homo of William Jennings Hryan, always iv prohibition advocate. Mlaaourl Tails In Line The Missouri Legislature also ratified the amendment today, when tho Houbo concurred In tho Senate resolution by a vote ot 154 to 3D. Missouri Is the thirty-seventh Stato to ratify tho amendment. natlficatlon by tlio a)ouiiiib Legisia- ;ure today brought tho number of fctatcs pprovlng national proamnion 10 iniriy ight. Tho voto was unanimous, both ousea acting beroro noon. Congress passed tho resolution sub itum: the amendment to tho various iBtate Legislatures In tho midst ot tho ethlnar preparations for war in lii. The Senate adopted the resolution Au gust 1 by .a voto of 05 to 20, and tho iwer house on December 17 ty -t; 10 The Legislature of Mississippi was the Irst to ratify, taklnp this action on Jan lary 8, 1918. Fourteen other States ok similar action during that jcar, o last of them being Louisiana, which .titled on August 8, Elections Derided Inue In the fall elections tho wet or dry iuestlon was paramount In most ot tho emalnlng States, but tlio voto left 110 loubt that the United States was des igned to be the first great nation to veto quor. The ban on vodka In Iiussia vva lever .completely effective, nor did It nterfere materially vvitn tlio consumn- lon of moro expensivo liquors by those Contlnufd on Tate Two, Column line A WOltD TO WIFEY! Fcrliapa your ntfa may care to cuotw Tonight it it.l1 le leormcr. fiTomorrow radi or, mayhe, snow-' ..-So yon may inform her, THE STATES THAT MAKE US BONE-DRY H UTAH colorado 1Zy . DRY STATCJ STATES THAT HAVE NOT RATIFIID PLAN BONE-DRY JUBILEE HERE r iNews of Ainciulnient's Rati iication Inspires Thankb- givmg LEADERS ARE JLIHLANT 1'hp iiiuiuirs aftir the ncw.s llat-I'dl i over tho wiriH tlio .Wln.iska Lci- lalilic ratllkil llio loiistlltith 1 'hone ill)" amendment, Hie l!cv. I'riink II. I. lllll. p.lBlof dl Cliuiuh, niitiuuiicctl ru plan for a bie tint 11. 1.5 lull, pastor (it tliu Clirncitr M. i:. that he huil launched colihrathiu hi this ell). ".Whr.iKl,a'n OLtlon, ' i-ulil tl LlerB) "Iihh Riven ns vklurj. It Is the' Kreatcn rnit In the I'liilstlan era iiml I hhuiiUl he piopeih lelehraleil The event cannot pahs miMliif,- anil unlierakleil e wilt have a ureal in. ism nieetliiK anil at paiadp. I'lan.s will bo under vvaj in a few liutirt., hul 1 launot nnnuunee a dellnite pioKl.mi until tomorrow nlshl "i ."- - -uvi(uu..i. .. On tho eve of this mliiimloiis ivent unc laniiui 11111 iiuiiK ol inoc Heroes w no Lf.wiit .1,, ,l.n l.,,,li. lit... f..p,. , 1... i..i .Ve.ll linn lime,,,,,,- 1'lsU.' I'l.i'v.inn, i , .. .. . 1 John 1 St John and the nsl whose glorllled siirlls are toila) rejoie.iig with us in tho ureal vletoi) Trllinte To I rum on Ullbird .Vor can vie torcct that wiiiulcrlul voinan whose 11. huh humus mom In tlio light fur prohibition than tho namo of iny other, Trances 11. Wlllaid, tlm peer less leader of the White IllbhouerH. A11J ono cannot but congratulate thoo lead ers now living wlio through tlio years have homo tho burnt of tho battle Km h men as Sam Small, Clinton M, Howard. Michael J. Fanning and tho d lecllng forces of tho Antisaloon League whose e)es are permitted to see tlio dawn or, tbls nilPPlcIous dav. or Miould this 11111 mifjuiiuus u.i). .vur snoiini in s 1 victory be allowed to pass unheralded ! I propose a mass-meeting In our largest iuuiiui nun, 411 i-ccMivu ny u inioiiu paia'ie of our ministers and churches and with banners living and bands plajng to celebrate tho greatest event In tlio Chr Htlan era." News that Nebraska had ratified the constitutional amendment and com pleted tho quota of thlrty-sl Slates neccssaiy to inako natlon-wido prohibi tion a reality camo as no surprise to temperance foiccs. Among tlio coin ments were these' Homer W. Tope, Anti-Saloon League "U'n li.iv. piftre' rlrrh. In u tn.n ilii... .. ...,.., ..rf ..n..v ... ..""vii itHUhE up. For seats wo have been looking mi ui u in una nil) ami now mat It has arrived wc must ctlebrato It. "Wo were certain of Nebraska und are equally certain of tbreo other States King Hoozo has taken the count, llo mado a great tight, but had to go down with the rest of his vlcloils friends. This is one of tho greatest daa In the history nf the cnlmlri' unit e 111 1ia ..l.l..niA.iV.. all true friends of the nation." Charles . milium Mnsland. carpet m- the nlghi lie till mil on a let ot the set fortli ill the brle-f which 1 Plod with manufacturer: tango, the police sa). llie Public Service Conunlislou," said "Thcro haH been a great change ofi Tlio ct)lng of Catharine, hls-eai-olI ill Tii)lnr. ".11111 I have no further stalc hcait among our big political leaders' diiighter of Mrs Hums, awakened tin nient to make" and in a short time eou will seo Senator, Ponrose and other Pennsylvania leaders lln.i tin f,.e 11,. ,,1 ,", n, '."VJ TI v ?. VP, ,1 ,, of temperance Now that natlon-wido nrolilbltlon is as. Bured, wo must seo to It that leal teeth t'mitliiufd oji i'ate Mne, faluiiui M WOULD LET HOSPITAL TO U. S. Bill Gives Part of Philailclphia General for Reconstruction A bill to authorlzo tho leaso of pait tlio Philadelphia (Icneral Hospital to tho (iov eminent for uu army reconstruction hospital, at a. rental of $1 a )ear, will bo Introduced in Councils bv Chairman Joseph 1. (laffney, Finance Committee. A provision In the same bill will cancel the lease alteady made by the Government for tha city buildings at II) berry, which wero to have been used Tho Finance Committee today was informed by Director of Health and Charities Krusen that $85,000 would be lequlred for plumbing work at Ily berry. HUGE FOOD SUM APPROVED Senate Committee Order Favor able Report on $100,000,000 Rill WnnlilnKton, Jan. 10. (Ily A. I'.) AVIth little opposition, a favorable re port was ordeied today by the Senate Appropriations Committee on tho House bill to appropriate the 1100,000,000 re queatiyl by President Wilson for food re lief in uiuropc. Vr-s X I JhA Former ,ig Sulzberger Vnr.s ISational 'Speakeasy' 'I ant not suro that the lieoiile of the rultcil Stales aie piepareil to acicpt a national amendment which will deprive other States of flie ilitlit to have wlno 01 liquor If they want It. It nin lie that there Is a State hue or a city which thinks it needs liquor; and it 111.15 not lie satMlcd tn huvc other Stales dli talc to It that it Mi. ill tcinalii ir). "In two or thiee )cjis fionj now wc will he able lo a whether the new amendment is woikuble. "Alsu, 1 have 110 iloilht that in any event It will pioduce an enor JiiuiiH number of seiret utlll1, iiml that wo will he 1.011. ei It il Into a. Krtat nutluiinl npcuk caw) " I'oi- ix' r Jiiilqc Mailer NulxhviiHfr, FIRE DAMAGES DWELLINGS One Oiftipaiil Uiirtieil in Vtteiupl to Sum: Furniture I 1:1 iiiii ii. iii inn 11 in in 1 1 i 1 in,- 1,, w, ki piiliiid, Inblu iIupIIIheh lo- d.vv weie inevenled from spreadlni; b ij"iiiihk nuuir. Tin uiu4(H il.Ltii.iir. 11 were I nose 01 S.. V' . T"JJ- . H-. . M!rU(.n and .viKhai I .w llauin .lifts le 1..1111 ej hm-l , ilefeitlvi Hue It Is believed the blaze In the .MifiaMu I1111111. MlffnMu was himiill) inline il vv line liyuiK to save hi furniture The loss was flHOC l'lie lit the' l'i lb liniiin was iaued b) tin bmkllre of 'in auleimnl'lle in a gniaire at the itar nf the house The Haines eailed iluOO ilaiii.iKe PONDER HELD FOR COURT . liroker to Get Another He.U'lllj: on Other Fraud Charges .T.ilnc'H V I'ondi'i'. a real estate broker anestcd list wnk and helel 011 a fraud "haw. was analgned on either charges hi 'l') Hall tma) and held in tram ., 1, ;,S,L.,. ., th.iico of ha" b .llV"Jd u Xm's funds to hli uwll uv .,,) i,n or a further hearing j ni t week lei answer oilier nceudauenib ' to be preferml I Frank Woodliead. of (Jlen ltleldle. np. lie'UIl'll II1.IIIIM i.'ii.iu i"J. ." en,,, bo gave Ponder rai woith of Libert) IJonds last November as pan pajinent on a homo at Urteiivvlch, and that Ponder inado no effort to purchase the bouso for him The complaint against libn last week was a similar one, mado vi two jihjmoc! QllinnP IMPFRIIS PIVF JU1UUL lllirCJAlLJ IITL ,, . ., ., . hst'dping Gas 1'llllies IVrilieatCt House, Mllll.inglTlll" Initiates Mis Sadie Hums and her four iliil- dren nanowiv escaped suflneation last "ti- night. Tlw pollco say Henry Zcrbaugh, a 11 T rioiKiioiuers imercsis boarder at the Hums home, 2911 I) A Men It Tavlor. former transit dl strcet. committed suicide by inhalliur lector, who opposed the lease and filed gas, but that the ese aping gas Imperiled ,H objections with tlio I'lild'c Ser- , the others in the liouse Commission, would add nothing lo u Conn, and WMfced ut BaW?n '"""u'' .,.w ....,i-..w ......... v... I)ur- mother, aim tno huininoiieii me priiice'. ,lf,er s'1""1"? rt the gas ami Uirowlng o)en the windows. The clilldien and .helr ,00,1,,.,. ulTe tieatcd by neighbor. Ing ph.vslcluns. OHIO DEFIES BURLESON State Utilities Hoard Rejects Lonp!,eacl,,,,B a "CW "cement thatjvm ; Distance Telephone Increase .n..jvonjjvcnh,, T.,re. 1 rolumbus, Ohio, Jan. 16. (H) A P ) nDA7ll DDCCinrMT Dl TPT nrAIV Tho Ohio Public Utilities Commission BKAtilL rnfcMULNl-KLIlLI UthU today rejected the proposed Inci-ase in long.dlstnnfo rates ordered hv Pot - master iKneraiiiuri. son ana eiei'iareei J iiciitiiil nun iiim uiiiiiieii should not become effective la the) Ohio COUP D'ETAT AT OLDENBURG II wlifil Dennsnil us 1Iiail of because of III health, died today He Jtailicdl ucposLii us iieati oi tMllly , cn.rncted Influenfla i jesterday I'riesluiltl Kcpublic afiernoon he received the last sacra- lZR-.W&ll&iWX-ZA ' , - President Kubuke of the "itepubl c of J,a8t J;,rilf,Vi!l.' cH,?iit wi, h".eU i,'.5' ilnrtlv IH'lllliHlH wild hmi. In. "new- wer&t'o , was an Independent Socialist, its from Usseii .say that the Kir. limiuii), ':t, , ' . stalled i Kuhuke llepous irom j.ssen say Hint llie Spartacuns nro compelling tho miners IP lime uwiliu , ftw uti .limn tiBtiiime their will. Clerical election sneakers ln that region havo been attacked by BoisneviKi. The Spartacans who attempted to selie the plant of the Volkszeltung in Dresden, Saxony, have been arrested, to gether with many other disturbers of the peace In that city. ' AUTHOR OF LEASE REGRETS FAILURE William D r a p e r Lewis Sony Rejection Will Fur ther Delay Transit STOCKHOLDER IS GLAD Hill.. mi Diaper Lewis, whu drew up llio IraiiNit UBrieniciit which was disap- pinvcd by the I'nblie rrr k e C'oinnili- wlon. txpressed iliFaiipulnlaient todaj at escape tue iiercn names. ! the cou.,,ioncr8 a. mm. A number of men ware badly bin 1.1.) , M iNon s btano Lnei-rtain , I "I have net ct bud llino 1 oinplctcly ln" lhc bl.ulnfr oil which ovcillowed ( picddent WiLon himself piob ,lo read the deVon," Faid Mr. Lew w. . from a tank and wan limited by the 1 abj js uiiculLdn slid on that point. "ii 1 1 .1 . t .1,. ,,. f,.i I riiouhl eominent on It "I me) ".-:, however, that I tegret . . ... a very iiiuen uiai ine uesiic or ine pcoi'ie of Philadelphia for a uniform traiiMt "SMciii ,s subject, us 11 rcMjp of the dtiMou. to tuither delaj " The next development in the transit 1 - fllnatlon. cronim; out of the disapproval f n,a nBrcement, will be the precnta- . ... """ '" " 'i "i llanlsbiiri; to replaie ,, S.llUS bill defeated at the lat ses ' Moil of Ihe Legislating 1 The United lliisini" Men's Xwuciatie'ti iiiinrdhu to i:dwaid A. N'npiiel, Its presi- Ii lit. villi nii-Miit sue 1 a bill as Minn ii 1 II l.lll lie llaliled The nbjeit of the bill will bo to 1111 puwe'i' the Public Service CoinmliiSieiu to 1 onipel the t It T. foinpaii) to slab llhii eiiiifielinii between the Frankforil "I." and tlio csWlhig M.iikrt sin el hiibH.ij-eleiatiil. The bill will Hit tin r empovvtr the (iiuiinl.-hlou to make mi ntiuiiKimenl Willi tin transit company for a uuifoim llvc-ecnt fare afipueauie 10 110111 lines VV1111U Mnale 1'iirm .. .entlil" i,ild Mr Nomiel iu- It seMintlai, lam .Mr .-soppcl ui- iliy, t Cft some Ii.ihis of ngieeiacnt which will make the Krankfoi.l L eff.c. live It Miould be possible for ileitis fiom I'rankford tn go to the end nf the elevated line in West I'hlfhih iphla. It thi v eliooi-e, for the one five-rent fare' 1 liarles II. lugersoll, a director of H101 I'hlladelplil.i l'.apld Transit Conipan). when asked his oplufou of tlm coiiuuls slon'a action In rejecting the lease, said 'I nevei believed Ihe plan as eoiitalued j , , lla orkai,e and said sn at t()e ,nC lt , u,i,,tf.j ny tiic nimpaity and til" cllv Uvldently tho lommlsslou. allvi Paving tho mailer before It foi 1)iin ,n,i,s, k 0r the s.une mind eilie'lllllln l.lll lV liuilll'll lllll. I ,,, ,ial vvm rn.,i,ie the l. It. T Mmietblng e'.iii be worked mil. I am lu develop and betlei Klin the public In the opuatloii of tile high speed lines, and at .. .. . .,.- ,. tne s.nne einio pum u cue i- .,.. .....esscd lu is lir'ef. "'V1 views wero'very full) and ejearl) llllll kll Dlniipp.iililnl With the proposed leusa of the city's high speed lines to the Philadelphia Ilupiil Tianslt Company disapproved , by the State Public Service Commls. 1 slon, city Mid tinnslt company ofllclals , 1 toda) uro faced by tho problem of ' 1 I)r AKps. Frientl of United i i . -- Sllltetf, surcuiiilis to Loilff; illiie?s I'lo .Innrlrn. ID lr llodilgues Mves, who wins uunnlniouslj electul President of Ilrazll last March, but was unable to assume his .olllco on No. v ember IS. the date ot Inauguration,, , ...,.. rtr in. ,'f,in.,,i. ,-,,,,pni. I Uoctor. Ahfs l,urSeadv''serv eel one I ,frnl UH ireHlclent of Uraull from 1902 , lil('c- riur'ne the ndmlnlMratlon he . "V. -"" hhi.ihiiiiii iid , 5' 1 1 ' deSTmpro 'ing t lie principal noru re. Eled iiml lrtusllyreuiillt tlVe cU .,nied and lrtusllv rebuilt ih..ii. 0 nto de Janeiro. ' i les IIISO SITOV C at nil tlniPM tn lrlnr- a closer reliUloiuLhlp between Ilrazll and tho United States. Ha wiib regarded as the strongest friend of the United Staiex and the foremost advocate of pan Amerlwnlim ln South America. Vice President Delphlm Morelra. former Governor of thv Mlnas Geraco, jeeeeda to the prealdeacy; i. DEATH IN FIRE'U. S. WITHOUT PLANS ON OIL CRAFT UPON LEAGUE UNTIL AT PT. BREEZE PRESIDENT DECIDES Firemen Recover Boil Sailor Seek Two Other. MEiN DIVE INTO SEA of blazing liquid' Several Injured in Hospital Not Expected to Recover TWO T-VNKERS ULRNED Heroic I'lght Sac (.rigaulic, Still- and Oilier eels. . Ncarlt oiib man was burned m death, another U believed to have lost his life and scvcial were mjiind today in, ti four-alaiin llio that burned two tank I steamships anil a barge t.nd threat- j ened destiuctlon of the Atlantic Itelln ins Company's oil plant at Point Hrcezc. The master and tho mate of one of I that they aie auditing J 'resident the tankers, the Uaould Aniiind-en, ate I Wil.-on's dccisio.i whether lo cm lepoited missing. power the league with meiely c.ecu- Scamen from sevcial vesoels jumpeil tive authority or give to it aimed ovcrboaid Into a veritable sea of hlaz.( fol.,,s tt) almvc obedience lo its Inc nil mi the Schulklll Hivcr to doci-iolis le. Willi 11 martesi 111 me iioiu u iur ItiouM Anuiuilscn. The flumes spread to the tanker iiKiihei.'cu. nculij. Tin l ttl.V 1. II l',l I'Slllirllf 111 ( .......... The llio htarlisl llortl:. nticr . 1 o'clock tills moiniilR aim 1111s nuci. noon Ilromen vvcie .still poiirlui; water on the ruln.s of the thiee e-,hpli, 1 which vvcie list 1 111? badly, till eaten IllK , to sink ln folly tcet of water at their docks. Several Injured .Ma) Die I'hjiiiciiu'r l'vbe several of tho III jiii til 1 annul rceovct 'llie dead WllUniii TI 1111.1111. S283 Soutll Hem pi rgei stret t The injuied were taken to the follow ing hiispltals' Mrlhoill.l Hiiipllul elii nilrroii. forty )ears old. )Piili.iiren, Denmark: burned all over bodv , (oiidltluii rritlcitl. Aiililrnnir Vlilirrn. Ihlrtj-four, Slam Mind, Norvvn) , burticel on bod) ; londi' tlou serious. Thee nun are fUffenng from sliock and minor burns Hurr) olunkrn, Sweden. Vlcxiinili-r Nit. Chrisli'ima, Norway. Vlfrnl f.M'i'len Denuiark, llirrt I lldilell, Swede 11. .Vlemlreen Juliimnirn. Uergen, Nor- way. Mininel I.ari-fii 110J South Twenty- 1 1 llll nlnl. ItiQ.t,, Klrnel ' ihlnl striet I. run l'arrlnli 1 1 ITnhemltv llenpltiil Paul llervlne, pollco boat King, burns of bod). M. AgneN'H Ilohplttcl Corporal .1 W. Spangler, Canulen ii.ji '. of hands und arms. William Thompson was a machinist fin email tinplo)ed b) the leflmiig 10m p.ui) He vias trapped on the wbaif and burned 10 death. 111m hod), with one leg and 11110 arm bullied off, was rcenveie d. aoker on the Copenhagen Is be. Hewed to have lost his life In the hold of his ship. j Itriives 1 eiiplinr Flames The first man outside, tho tankers crew to reach the billing vessel vias. Corporal Spangler, of the Atlantlo Tle llriiig Compaio's force of guards Spang-1 ler sprang aboaid the msc1, selied a! hosellno and reached a vantage point1 that covered the hold. The couiageous corporal wunsiood the (trrinc heat and Ignored the leaping fameH lor several minutes until a sud-l a.,,, Mieen of tiro burned his legs and, nody. Other guards cairlcd hhn from h,. tanker. A soure'e of peril wero the feed lines througli wl.lcl; i oil Is ,jlpee .from the 1. to tlw tankers. j i jnum, directly with the huge tanks, caught lire. Oil company workmen plugged l -innc-cn eiicco i-i-o ......... ivu.n llrectiy wnn tne nun wins, caugni , the plpo lines, preventing the flames from lumilng along the pUied oil like a fuse rm one of the docks Is a small grout. of office buildings. Clerks and workmen ,..,i einm una Mnnkn to rej,cu enin "', ' ,, ..,, hnnk able records and books, Tiir Tankers Moved Ami Tl,r'e TBnk"" -1'" A"y On we wesi sioe ui me ncnuyntiu River were moored three big tankers. Although the wind was easterly the nnbeiii U. fir liinVvH fmrf i)lfr mnnrlnn.. and swung Op-stream In the wake of the O'Nell, which had passed under llio w ...-,,, .,,.,v,i ,... i..iu unucr I through the open draw ot the FassyunU enn hiWKe. 'rl, nrlllKC- lmt'' ',ollce cIear' It. wis thronged with hundreds of speeta- inra (llitrpirnrilliiir tlntiffr In tliAlt nmr.i. ness lo view the spectacle, The drawbridge was kept open, com pletely tying up traffic at that point. At one time the flames, forming- a red and yellow wall, .constantly moving, ex- CeaUaned on race Two, Celuna Sttio WilsOIK Etideutly Puzzled lis to Course. Seek Concessions lYom I lie A 1 1 ies Before Viinouiiciiig SCHEME OF WORLD WOULD CONFLICT WITH BRTTJSH Uy CLINTON . GILBERT tuft 1 nrrc,pnnilent of t Iir l.ienlwr lNilille I fiUir With the route Drlexatlim In lairope fly Special Cable i uyjriQhl, 7!'I9. bu fubl'c Lctlotr tumpa j Paris, .lan. Il. eurther ilevolOD-T Further develop-1 merit of a definite Amciican scheme ' "or tl Leuguo of Nations now waits on I'icsidcnl Wilson. jc jms t)0t siijnilied lus position . ci as lo v.hether it should be a ! superstate, and until lie speaks there 1 wjj continue the individual t-chemes, but no off.cial tnciicati one. inn lairfo coips oi ic(;ai au.'isers of the Amciicai peace eomniifeaion is working od the league idea, but it is possible to say with authority In Washington, however, ho was 1 supposed to look with favor on the idea of a superstate analogous to a ,,:-. t!l fr.i "- -.. -... .,, but no Allied statesman yet lias pro DANIELS AND HATCH DISCUSS VICE SITUATION Seeietaiy Daniels and Colonel Hatch held two confeicnccs today In Washington lcgaiding vice conditions in this city. The whole situation, Including the eontioveisy with Mayor Smith, was gone over fully. SecieTnry Daniels, after the eonfeiencc, said he might make announcement latei today ov tomotiow, bel'oie closing eonsideintlon of the matTei and decidlns on a ttituie cottise. VERMO-y" SENATE VOTES FOR RATIFICATION 1 M.ONTFI jSR, VI.. J"nn. 16. The StnaTo voted in l.ivov of the latitication of the Fedeinl piohibitlon nnieiulnient today The House was expected to act on the lesolution Intei. NEW MEXICO HOUSE FOR PROHIBITION SANTA VC N. M.. Jnu 1G. xiw New Mexico House of Keptcsentatives ratified the pioSrDTTTon nmendnicut today by a vote of '15 to 1. Senate npinoval of Hie nniciuTinent was to be ucoided shoitly nftci the lesolution was lecclvcd fiom the House. VARE CHAIRMAN OF CITY AFFAIRS Senator Heads Upper House Committee That Will Handle Charter SAID TO BE NEUTRAL State .si'initor Felwln 11 Varo toda) was rppointed cliHlrman of the Senate ' Conunltteo on Mitnlclpil Affairs, and thus nuv be a big fnctor In deeldinc the fate of the proposed bill for charter I revision Announcement of the Senator's ap pointment was made nt a conference of Republican leaders at Itepubllcen Slate Committee lieaeiquaners, iiroael street be- ,ow rine The conference was called on committee chairmanships of the Senate and House The committee over which the Sena- tor wMI pres'do will handle all bills relating to munlc'pal legislation To this commltteo the Charter Revision bill w HI be referred. As chairman of tho committee Senator 1 Vare will preside over any public hear Ings that may be held on charter re vision. Ills attitude toward tlio b'll at the present time Is said to lie neutral. He Is opposed to many features pre sented thus far, however. AliairH ni llie ,-IEIlltie IICCUIICU IIIO RV tenth... of the leaders throughout today House committee chairmanships will be taken up tomorrow Affairs of the Senate occupied tho at- State Chnlrman Wllllnm II Ciow has been drclJed upon as Republican leader of tho Senate. Ho will succeed Governor elect Sprout, Among the leaders attending the con ference are Senator Ma Leslie, Pitts burgh! Senator Clarence J, Bickman, Continued od face Two, Caiman Two His Sluiid SUPERSTATE posed a superstate eumpaiable no;pil n Mineit!ito cumnaiatilp in power to America's ccntial govern menl. Since his arrival here Piesidcnt Wilson pio'oably lias cncountcicd much opposition to the superstate factor, for there seems to be in Kuropo much skepticism as to its (practicability. Even the Librtals in ciiKianu ale not. icauy to fo 10 mat length. This may have modified President Wilson's views if, as un- derstood i.i Washington, be did favor file superstate. Setlis Allied Concessions The President probably is trying to asceitain bow much he can get in the way of Allied concessions in llie League of Nations ptoject be fore definitely committing himself to any advanced scheme. He an patently Js waiting und listening while other advocates of the league, like Lord Ilobert Cecil and Gencial C'- itnB r!l,V nty, Smuts, for England, both speaking with a huge measure of authority (nntlniirii on I'nse Mw, Column One DR. LIEBKNECHT REPORTED SEIZED Spartacan Leader Captured in Berlin Sniping by Reds Continues EIGHTS ON HOUSETOPS rty lio lisoct ted I'ress Ilerlln, V lesday, Jan 15 Dr Kail Liebkncch io spartacan leader, has been captjirei it was learned late today, by officers nnd men of the division of matlou divulged to official statements, mounted rltlo guards who arrived in Tnls dec!8lon will preclude tho Amer nerlln todav , lca" ue''"ates. even Mr. Wilson himself, uerun iouuj. frQm dSCUMlnB tl)e formaI announoe- Thji Spartacan leafier Is Bald to havo ments that are Issued. It will likewise been seized and taken to the fashionable stP ine Practice of Premier Lloyd Hotel Falen in the western part of Ber- Oporge. of Great Britain, of dlscusalnt lin irivii, leieiiiion,. ,.nn., affairs Willi Ilritlsh correspondents for ith the hotel whh cut off ahmmii. sn.. ufter t was reported that he bad been taken there' i Spartacan snlpcis continued their ac- tivltles last night In some sections of tho city and especially In the newspaper section where tl Wolff linr.n,, ,i, and the Tageblatt were, the objects ot their fire. Other snipers rendered the district around the Halles Gate In tho ..!,.,.. :,.. f .i. -a .. .' ". there also was some scattered firing in the northern part of the city The aoi.rnm.nt still maintains a strong force or iroops in me Moablt soc-l Hon and the search tor weanons ,i criminals there Is said to bo producing gratifying results. Hot but futile firing went on all night around the Stettin railway station, MiiDlrli, Wednesday, Jan. IS. (By A. P.) An attempt to overthrow the H- Contlased ea roar, Cleaa Vkvu( PEACE VEIL EXPECTED TO BE MODIFIED Impression Prevails That Restriction Will Not Af- feet Comment PRESS WILL VOICE ITS RIGHT TO NEWS President Cannot Disclose E en Personal Views Un der Present Ruling COL NCI L IS RESUMED Only Ofliciul Communique Will He IbMicd I)j- Allies in Sessions H the .tssociated I'rcss IMrU, ifiThe Supremo Council lud.u. after otit.idcrinK the matter of me icutions between the eonferenec and 'o press, decided to call a meeting at S "clcl tills afiernoon 10 be attended b lllc ""mbers of the press of tho Allied 'lml -"oeiaioil nations in tho conference uiti-rcliangp vlewn on publicity metlioils Thin was amioumcd In tim ..1111,1 s,;"(nicnt of todu'n sension of the eouill, wbu-ii also save out tho Informa tion that the l!us.sian question bad been llFeim-ul .urn would bo Jointly examined 1 iter, after the various CovernmciitH had iMhaiiBiil their latest Information on the subject with ciich other. Tho oillclal tuiniuuniiiA teadfl: The. President r tlm United State or .vintrlen nm Mi. tri., ti..t., and r,lr,lm. Mernailei of the Aliled 1,',' ,,1 -'''-i by tlv JiipaiiFdo am. ,l,aiwiidors in Paris und London, met tiM. n, ti,, yui ir,,IH,iy f ,0'" in to U in p In Meet Hi I'resa ( lub Ihe nii.Mloii ()f the lelrtions be I wis ii ihe loiiineuie mid the press " .'" taken ,, i ,VMM decided to .. iiiectiiM ..ii .iii-mber. of he press .nm the Vllied and iinsnciated iiiiiniriis ni llio press Club su Avenue I'is I lumps i:isee toiln m 5 o'clock lor llie tut, rrliauge ni icvv as to the in. thud to be adopted "llie in. e ting then took un Ihe ques tion ni ihe situation in Itiihsi.i and agr.ed that the ilovenmients should aiiiualiil r.ieli oilier with the latest Inhumation at their disposal, ulth a. view lo the joint examination of the iinsliou Tlie not meeting will be held to iniirnnv, Filila). al 10 30 a m. I.vpert MiMlllliatluii Tb" Impression p.-uvalled today that, follow Inc.- tlio proieMs Hint bavo arisen against tlio dulsion of 'lie Allied Su ptcme CnuiHil. lettileting aP tlio news of lis sessions to formal communiques the i.'Htrlctloii will i, made to npply only In tho actual proceedings of the current day and not to any comment by tho delegites on the general question before tho council. Tills impression cannot be officially confirmed, but occupied a conspicuous placo among the reports in circulation today. Tho newspapers teport that the Ave great Powers will decldo today whether the secondary States, even outside of Uurope. will deliberate on decisions con cerning the fate nf lluropo and ques tions regarding tho safety and future of the JUllcd Powers Oiluiidu Mill nt Home Tlieip wero present for France, I'icmler Clemenceau and Foreign Min ister I'lcbon for tho United State. " To,-"' mluS,? Ml? l.O)d fleorgo and Foreign Secretary Ualfour; for Italy, Foreign Minister t-miiiino. ana tor japan. Viscount Chinda and Uaron Matsul Vittorlo Orlando, the Italian Premier, was the only absentee. He still Is detained In Home. Piesident Wilson arrived at the meet ing plnee accompanied by Mrs. Wilson and her secretary, Mls Uenhaiu, No one outside of llie delegates lo the Peace Congress knows anything about t 11 A il I LrIIUCjl-ttl till I ftl lirAuelii1 .. ,"..",",: .'", " '" .11.."" the Congress secret and to limit infor. the putpose of guiding them in forming public opinion In Ungland It has licen believed hero by persons close ,0 rreslllent Wilson that ho would contend for open sessions ns far as pos- "lb,c' Tlla . ne " " .. u,s Bame wa'r Is the opinion generally exurcseed hera ,UBt night. America for Publicity , , . ... .. ., Cur ously enough, the question of wl,ethedVlbar',0en!,.n,,ertre .t0 bJ?n"'J or secret had reached a stage befor,, L" " ,7.Z "'nn" l' .,,3 i "'' "'"'"""; "T Z ,"' ,11 I.-.Z... ' " sought. Just before the meeting 8ee rctary of State Robert Lansing autUor. s1 '3 tied the following as his view: i - :V'3 The American policy Ls that fullest i,$-'fM publicity consistent with the rapid arid "t ,n40 JS satUfactoryt discharge of Important 4' - 11a business wnren musi come before the J Peace Congress should be uccorded. It" Is possible that seaalons should be ','" M ? kl "cLl a i 4 tf 'ft- u 4 y 2f.k ja 1 r v ''. -K J p , 'B$n. 1 . ?,'" ' ? ", r , 4LJ J.