ff 'tfxfrH ,'i 'v v. i ' fc.r i 3 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1919 J $ POWER OF BERLIN REDS IS SMASHED 400 Spartacans Captured in Fall of Their Chief Stronghold TO FLX MARTIAL LAW Licbknccht and Eiclihorn Re ported in Hiding Shells Smash Rebel Fortress V Dy JOSF.ni A. HERRINGS Special Cable to Evening Public Ledger Corvrloht. 1)10. lv thn .V. V. Time Co. Berlin Jan. 12, via Copenhagen, Jan. 14. Sooner than even tho most op. tlmlstlc had expected, the power of 'tho Spartacans haa been broken, pollco headquarters liuvlm; been captured this morning after about un liour'H .bombardment with heavy artillery and ' Boetzow'a brewery ltavlni? been cvac , uated during tho night. It Is stated today that both Llcb- knecht and Elchhorn escaped and aro hiding somewhere In tho city. Governor Noske and War Minister Relnhardt. uho nharc tho credit for " tho effective suppression of tho sec ond resolution, now agreo that martial law must bo declared at once, and any man caught with arms In his posses sion must be dealt with summarily, because snmo thousands of Spartac.ius who escaped from Eoetzow's blew cry aro still at largo and may do untold damage. Tho bombardment of pollco head quarters began about G o'clock tills morning, t.cven centimeter guns hav ing been placed In position on the loofs of houses In tho neighboring streets. south of Alexander platz, aft n short, sharp man-to-mau engagement with Ftfiartac.in outposts Some, guns wero brought In a railway car ov.r tho! vvntch Spartacans Executed as Act of Reprisal JnuInn, Jan, 14. (Hy A 1 Members of tho Spartacus in Ger many have been court-martialed and executed, according to a wire less dispatch from Berlin picked up here, Tho dispatch follows: "Tho number of killed and wounded during recent fighting has been extraordinarily high, but tho exact figures aro not known as yet. Tho Spartacus people court-martialed nnd shot seven Government soldiers. Such acts had to meet with repi teals." Tho dispatch confirms reports that a son of Dr. Karl I.lebknccht has been arrested and that ltosa Luxembourg, Doctor I.lcbknecht's chief lieutenant, has fled from Berlin. quarters were again ti numncr of worn, en who belonged to machine-gun crews. Thcro wero also a l.irgo ntim lr nf women among tho occupants of Boclioiv's brewery, wno, counting al together nt least 3000, hao been let loose on Berlin, and are now prob ably hiding on roofs In tho center of the city, from which fotno hundreds wero removed last night with great difficulty. Them was shooting from and nt tho roofs In tho most populated streets until n late hour last night, keeping tho ambulances stationed at many street corners ery busy. RAPS PROPOSAL ' " wbmot feiners DELEGATES GRIM ..-. n. , Moderate in Irclund Fear British . TO INVITE REDS JSaftliJlSs. . AFTER SESSION tentlon to forcibly suppress the Sinn Keln organization Is attributed to tho . " " Harold Williams Declares TlXT"XTvuSZ"n- Clemenceau Dogged, Wil- i'muii m ma ua.i, jMoacriivi-o kicic, mo British Plan Plays Into Lenine's Hands OTHER WRITERS FAVOR Some English Newspapers Re gard Proposition as Definite Constructive Step Special Cable to Evcnin&Public Ledger Copvrioht. tilt, tv the -V. V. timet Co. London, Jan. 14. Harold Williams, writing In tho Dally Chronicle on the British proposal to Invito tho Russian Holnhevlkt to tho Pcaco Conference, sa s : 'Lenlne could not hao wished for better luck to glo him anothct 'breath, lug space.' To absolve him from the necessity of further effort Just when he Is straining eery nero to bring about a world resolution Is almost to ogree to tho ISoIshovIk plan of campaign. The armlstlco c.imc a little too soon for t.r nine. Un desires n breathing 'space, Just as he did a year ago, and now tho British Government proposes ho should be glxen one proposes. In fact, that he should bo allowed a Llcar field for his world propaganda. Supposing tho Uolshcvlkl did come BERLIN, SAYS REPORT cfnnn npnlmn t Vi ix OMrltVnlit. runs closely past tho eastern front of , LIEBKNECIIT FLEES poiico neauquartcr3. Spartacans Wouldn't Surrender Before the bombardment began the Spartacans received an offer of one last chanco to capltulat" on terms granted to tin' Mos-o building occu pants. This was lefused, and hostili ties wero then opened. The very first shot made nn Im mense hole In tho wall nMr the m.iln portal, which was w Idcncd by suc cessive shells, 1000 Nnnrmnlintants Irtlms t0 Iho conference Wo should stm- Accordlng to a scmt-omclal state- '" F'e " repeuuon on a large scale or ment, morn than 1 000 harmless pe- " ,,'.;.' l "'"-""" destrlans wero klllefl or wounded In ' "'ucnl ' .i .. in i . the streets within ono vvctk I'ven rl"nence.iu '" t,lu "ndlgnlflcd position i, ,,thf ii.i . .h Jrl)l ZJ r.?n t Kuehlmann and Count Czernln. while nf rlr'nn Jn ,rnJ ,ii Z Trotzky nml ltadck dlsplajed their gifts 2Ll .1 2 . r '"Mhlne of reI)arlC0 limI theIr coruscating theo- guns, the hpartaenn men and women rles to nn astounded world Thert could were noticed everywhere, the latter bo no Iorc crfcctl0 fct,muI, to ttorl(1 sometimes daring to flourish hand JO,,cxlsm tlian ,h8. Brenades ami revolvers In the faces of 0n , otllcr nnm, ,e nM Xeas astonished pedestrians, promising them rcBrct3 that IMcll0Il roJecpa lno rlt. terror and murder. ,,,, ,)roosa u r,Kards an Invitation They no longer nirade In the middle of to the Uolshcvlkl to como to Paris as thn streetr, but keep lo the sidewalks I a dillnlte and hopeful constructive step, llut they ate still endangering the city's and the opposition of Kio Trench Gov- Peace. I crnment as unfortunate It savs the authority of tho Bolshevik Government not, only is bilng established, but Is ln- corrospondent says, aro speculating anxiously as to what developments may be expected from a meeting of tho coun cil, which the governor general called Monday nlht at Dublin Castlo. The correspondent adds: "Sober minded, responsible men take a very gloomy view of tho situation. It Is feared that tho Government Is about to embark on a new campaign of re pression, which may Includo the forcible t suppression of the KInn rein, vvitn suoii results as nro to bo expected when tho Government takes up armed conflict wlth'75 per ce'nt of the population." Tho writer traces this fear to the Tory successes In tho recent elections In Bngland, which, he says, aro regarded as having given tho "coerclonljts" a predominating Influence In tho Stato and hove' created tho belief that Ulster will be supreme In determining British treat ment of Irish nrfnlr.s. Viscount French. Governor General, Is also credited wlthl tho Intention to exercise ills authority In accordance with military rather than political considerations. 3 SOVIET ARMIES PUSH ON WARSAW 30,000 Bolshevists Con verge on Polish Capital Over Three Railroads son Without Smile, on Leaving Peace Meeting LLOYD GEORGE CRISP Five-Hour Conference Taken Up Chiefly With Questions of Procedure i Tho Spartacans kept rnprnlingen, Jan. 14 (By A. I' ) Dr Karl I.lebknecht, tho Kpartacan leader, is reported to havo tkd from Berlin to Dolpslo, according to advices received here Clilif of Police Klch horn, according to tho Vorwaerts of Berlin, has lied to Denmark, using n pastnort obtained from the Danish nono missing tho mark, leg.i'ion some oavs ago a iarg. mas up a heavy ma l uul-,,M,lM iil- urea seized at i-iui- chine-gun llro. their Held guns having ' no,? '""L. . ,.,. ........ , ---- --...---. .... .. .. ,uuuv ... viui n been lemovcil to Boet70w on tho nights of Thursday nnd l'rl day. Within less than fifteen minutes most of the Spartncan machine guns i placed In the windows facing touth ' were put out of action by the Govern-1 ment artillery, but the Spartacans kept up a pernicious flro from soma ' guns, the position of which icmalncdi undetected until tho battle was fin ished. There was a terrific noNo when i part of the second story crashed down I in tho center of tho largo building Soon afterward a white flag was hoisted. I'our hundred Spartacans wero taken prisoners. Thcto were homo sixty dead and wounded. Tho Government soldiers, who. too had lost a conslderablo number, wero so angry that they threatened to lino up tho prisoners nnd shoot them it annr(V finvnrnnr Vnkr IntDircl v. plalnlng that the prisoners' fjto must i 'be left to tho Government. He promised, however, tint In the future no Spartaran would b per mitted to walk rw.iv fino nftn,- l,o P1' had been disarmed The Government, V'lias discovered at last what nil other neonle have known for mnnv d.ivs ' Ihflt tho Sn.Trtnpfin nu llifiv , nr .n. armed, went to secret arsenals, whprn ( they got new rifles and ammunition. Ilrewrry KTncuntrd nt Mclit. ' warrants for the arrest of Doctor Ueb knecht Mo-a I.uvemboug nml llichliorn. im- war .Minister is quoteu as tavmg , .,.. rn..rinir Hie Peace that Injal troops have begun a search rcspo . 1"i,i! f,m p,h" for arms with n vl.-w to disarming the ' ent-'"- telegraphs from Paris: population of lierlln. creasing, and tho one way to Increase It further is to adopt nu attltudo of uncomptomlsing hostility to It. The Tlmrs condemns l'llumanlte's attempt to make mlschlif out of Pi llion's rc.pl to tho Bililsh proposal re gal ding ltussiun reprcbcntatlon at the Peace Conference, and savs: "W cannot affect any surprise be cause the 1'icnch foreign MlnlEter vlg orntiKlv rpfutpd In rntprtaln lh nrolect I or because Trench opinion Is solldlv behind his refusal. The suggestion, how ever, appeals to havo b'en only one among a uuinbei which have Wen made on the same subject, nnd Its Isolated I publication Is deliberately mischievous." A. P Nicholson, the Dally .Ncwi cor- Confcr- U.S. MEN TO VISIT ENGLAND American Soldiers to Be Given 1 1 D.iv 1-eaM's for Trips T.nndon, .Tnn II T.eaves for roldlers of the American i:peditlonary Torce In 1'rnnco to visit Kngland will begin Wednesday of this vv.ek and the men ar eMiectcd to arrive at the rate of 150 dillv TliPir leaves are for a fiur-teeu-dav pei lod Arrangements an- be ing made hero to tare for the arriving troops, nnd rest ststlons have been s tnb!llied at Vr itfnrd-on- vnn Hova! Leamington Spa and IMInburgh, 'as many of tho men nro cpected to visit tlio!o plsces. In making preparations for looking after the men. the American Y M A. has been assisted bv tlic BrltMi liovern inent which has plated at its disposal 2000 additional beds BULGAR ATROCITIES PICTURED Prisoner Hail Pliotopruplis of Men and Women Hanped i Boetzow's brewery. It partly evaluated on urday, when many furniture vans drew up In front of it. It was then given out that the vans contained hundreds of guns for tho defense of the brew try, but In reality they served for tho removal of whatever guns and muni tions there vwre in tho place This ruo was continued t.l' early Sunday morning, when a herd of horses nnd cattle vehlrh the Spartacans had kept In the spacious gardens wire turned loose When tho f.ov rnment forces, rceonnolterlng, entered they found the whole place deserted Among the wounded In pollco head- Vn.nnl.u TlA.. ". , lr..a..H.1.... W ems, WaS I f 1,a .can, nl.i.l !.-, j , i ' ...I... f th" night of Sat- ' nhntogrni.hs fi.und on a ltulc iri.in nris- oner showing hangings of (-! hlan men and women 1 Bulgari-ns, li.nc come Into the pocsii)n of the Asoo'atcd Pres eorrepondent In most of the pictures Austtlin and Bulgarian o'lli ers an- shown grinning at the terrible tale of the vii tuns wno are seen banging from .spuiall onsiru. tul Rlbljtls in row i I Tlie iilinui-rr 'pls vre s ure.l on ,i tour reoutlv ni.nle hv i.erifr.il 1 'ran. bet iin-.pt I. tl llleil (i.mlnnndei- Most of the vi' tinis ,r, nun 'I In vmiieiinrn InltlreJ in v,.ri-.s,lni.. ptasant i ustumes. which would i.'tin I i Indl ale that thev I bad hcen giv.n idvaii'c noli- of their 'fate by the liu'g.iis nnd had chosen t i dio In their l.t-t llre. A representative tntmber of the American Peace Commlslon has given I me the followit.g message. I " 'This is thn chance of a century to I settle peice We must tldv tip 1'urope IquleMv, for If thl ehaiKe Is lost, reac- i tlonnrv folds will grip the world again P.. member, in .baling both w.'h P.usris sin! the en. mv countries that Allied troop.sclon t want to act un polite IniU 11- nlt.lv and waat to go homo as b'uori ns possible BRITISH PLAN GREAT AIRSHIPS ilinirnlty lo Build Vcskol Bigger Than Latest Zenm1iii Special Cable to Eiening Public Ledger Copuriahl HIO. Vj fjc S. V. Times Co. Iniidon, Jan 14 -A big program of nirlnp i unMriii Hon Is to bo undertaken hv the Ililtlsh Admiralty It is believed that, an a rexult of tvperlence gained during the w-ir. it will hi po"stlie to build vessel.s of a mmh grtater i ip.irltv nnd speed tlun the blggcit Zipptlins 'i iiev win not ne iiot as ngnting mi dlines but for scouting purpos, ., nnd v ill be ,il I to make a lung voyage with out touching ground KAROLYI HEADS REPUBLIC Elected Provisional President of Hunpaiian Nation Itiifcpl, Jan 11 --i ount Knroll, former Prom ( r, li.is lfi n tKotrd pr-n mional ;iTP.iilit of Vt Ilunar nu iiiiuMii', a If lid tpoM iINpttth rfpii'oil tntl,t Tho di-spatth -a lit that tlif ii.tttotnl c ijiim il had tirntit o r til authnnlj tu a ' popuhn Biititiicnt ' T'lipntihfH otrdiv announ n roMff- natum of i!if Iluiicarian, mtntctrx .ual lrodUtrd tint Karolyl uoiild ho olo t-d pro (Unit Konn.it Inn of a totMalMk Uahlnot As tWo forecast l'r.? mfi da flc lh ivi catf ba llil. he va tt IndesC their si tlsmol perslrtei Verdun, l,..nli.l Ytml 'nt St ' ..J.rt A ivrft".B?i!Lr, v : ""?r . Ha BONWIT TELLER &, CO. Olie Specialty Shop cOriauiatiOfUi CHESTNUT AT 13th STREET Announce for Wednesday A Special Sale of Every Fox Set and Separate Fox Scarf To Be Closed Out Regardless of Former Prices 75 Fox Sets in Taupe, Kamchatka, Lucelle, Georgette and Kit Fox 45.00, 55.00, 65.00, 75.00, 85.00 up to 125.00 Worth Double 100 Fox Scarfs Lined and Solid Animal Effects in Taupe, Kamchatka and Georgette 24.50, 29.50, 35.00, 39.50, 45.00 up to 75.00 Worth Double 1 cm X NEAR BREST - LITOVSK tty the Associated Press Unman-, Jan. 12 (dclaved.) Hoi shevlst forces arc conv.rglng on War saw- over three lines of railroad They nro advancing fioni Yllna and havo parsed Zudirco nnd Oranl SouthwiRt of I.Ida tluy have reached M"Ft, which Is sltuatvl on the caMein bank of the Nleman river. Other columns aio re ported mating Hret-I.ltovl The f'.er. man evacjatlon of lllalvstoek Is holding up the HoNhevlst advance In that region The number of the enemy Is unknown, the l'olea not having sent aviators as yet to Investigate It is estimated, how ever, that the Bolshevists have 30,000 men It is feared that Warsaw is In dan ger of meeting tho fato of Vllnn. Tho Toles have a certain number of soldiers in Poscn which may be thrown against thn Bolshevists There will be Uttlo cause for alarm under possibly three weeks, but tho ad vance of the BolshevlstB has lntlucnced svmpathetlc elemmts here Jleports of fpartnean success, s In Berlin had an immediate effect in Warsaw, A Lodz manufneturt r who has arrived here after being driven from that city by tho demnnds of workmen, said today: 'The Allies must understand that Bolshevism Is a disease the same as In fluenza and that It Is spreading west ward " It hi believed here that tho Germans e,n retiring from Poland, will hold up the ndvanie of tho Bolhev Ikl for n. couple of weeks or more. The people here-, however, place little dependence In any real relief from this direction. The political muddle continues here. Clenetal 1'llsuiUkl, tho 1'ollsli military dictator, Is apparently hesitating to ac cept the proposals of Ignaco Jan Padc rewsM fleneral PilsudsM Is said to fear that the pro-Bolslievlats will resume street fighting If they are not overawed Tie also Is leported to bo adhering to his otlginal contention that the present Government nf Poland must remain in power until lifter tho elections The outlook seems to be serious, In view- of the arrival of British and Amer ican missions, which hive announced that they .ire unofficial In charicter. 1 has been made plain that these missions will do nothing to help Poland unless a stable government Is formed This fact, however, has failed to Influence the So ola'lsts whoso nttltude Is deprecated by their opponents, who point out that the IJolshovIM are advancing and that the Poles mu-t soon Bo called upon to pro tect their frontier from tho Baltic tr Human la For Strained and Sore Muscles "TJON'T suffer from - a twisted ankle, a strained wrist, a "crick" in the back or a lame shoulder. For such aches and pains rub on BAUME ANALGESIQUE BENGUE that famous French re liever of pain originated by Dr. Jules Bengue of Paris. Sure relief for the af fected parts comes with a soothing, healing, and re freshing sensation. Both here and abroad for twenty-five years this famous preparation has been highly recommended by the medical profession. Be sure to get the origi nal. On sale at most drug stores in spite of war con ditions. j Keep a tube handy. THOS. LEEMING & CO. American Afentt New York i """""""" 1 Baume Means a Sure Relief nr JULat?u By CHARLES A. SELDEN Special Cable to Evening Public Ledger i.opvrwni, ins, bv the K. Y. Timet Co, Paris, Jan. n. Those men in America nnd Europe who, nccordlns to uio beatitudes, "shall be called tlio children of God," If they succeed In making peace that Is a peace, began tho second page of their task yester day afternoon, when for tho first time tho delegates of America, Franco, England nnd Italy all camo together nt tho samo session. Xo country was represented by a full delegation, und tho meeting really was a blend of a session of tho Inter-Alllcd Supremo War Council and tho Teace Conference. Tht nffnlrs of tho coun cil camo first, and nftcr tho military ....... ,,uu ucjiaueu mo civilian states men went to work on tho puzzling preliminary task of fixing tho rules of procedure for the future sessions. The delegates there wero President ilson, Secretary Lansing nnd Gen rial miss for America, Clemenceau. Klotz and l'"ocli for Prance, Lloyd George, lUlfour and General Sir Henry Wilson for England and Orlando und Sonnlno for Italy, Colonel House, lleniy White and Tardleu were among tho conspicuous absentees. Despite the lack of a full attendance nntl the Informalities, Paris Insists that yesterday's was the llrst real ses sion. Crowds wero out to see tho delegates artlve. Hundreds remained after dark to see them depart. While waiting, the crowds on tho quay In front of the building watched tho hwolleu Seine rushing under tho I I) lUges. Tho flood la still ilnm-ninnalv I near tho arches, but tho waters arc less angry and menacing than a week ago. With true Prench placidity, liun. tlroJs of men lined tho rivei wall with their fishing rods, waiting natlcntlv both for bites and for glimpses at the men who havo undertaken to rid tho world of wars. Poch, Kllssand General Henry Wil son left early nt the end of tho Su piemo War Council's business. Tho entire besslon lasted neatly llvo hours There was no official communique a. to what happened, but It was ndmitte that tho discussion had been chloll on procedure SHIRT-SLEEVE DIPLOMACY WINS HIGH PRAISE IN LONDON Morning Post, Expressing Appreciation of Ambassador Davis, Lauds American Fashion of Speaking Plainly Suggests Monu ment to Gerard for Services to Britain Special Cable to Evening Public Ledger CopyriaM, tote, bv the A'. V. Time J Co, London, Jan. 14. Tho Morning Tost, In nn edltoriat appreciation of Am bassador Davis, after remarking that ho possesses the gift of graceful and scholarly eloquence, which has dis tinguished his predecessors, says: "Here, as elsewhere, tho representa tive of tho United States occupies what Is a unique position In diplomacy. He Is not clothed In ambassadorial at tire, nor does ho wear any order or decoration. His establishment Is of the plainest, and ho Is wholly devoid of ceremony or ostentation. "Thus puritanically environed, the American ambassador moves Bcrcncly among kings nnd emperors, stars and ribbons and gold lace and medieval rageantry of courts. Yet there Is none, perhaps, whoso counsel la more eagerly sought or whose word commands more uttention. Monument for Gerard "We In this country at least shall never forget what our countrymen In Germany owed to the courage and hu manity of Mr. Gerard, to whose achieve ment we hopo to seo a fitting monument erected. Here at home, during the same period nnd during tho war, the late Walter Hlnes Page, whose loss, we all deplore, fulfilled his duties during a sin gularly difficult period with utmost dls-1 crctlon and cordiality. "It falls to Mr. Davis to take up his . omce nt that most critical period when tho settlement of peace presents -ill sorts of problems In whose solution thiro Is ahvavs tho pesslbll ty of d.ffo ence of opinion But " ire certain that the American ambassador will give wise nnd slneere advice his own tui tion ond to this country alike And h-ic we would say that the British public, perhaps, falls to appreciate the trui value of the great American virtue of plain, downright common snse. ' The American temperament again Is not disfigured by that weal: sentimen tality which believes only what It want? to bellevo and which always discovers sympathy with the burglar and never with the policeman. The American mlnj I. knit, ...ift nnd Inslcal. and thrf An lean Intellect nppilod to Ocrmari mttftl vers provides what their v;nici aiar trntn describes as tho acid test of si cerlty. "When Mr. Davis savs. as he said. Friday, that "we mean to strive for Jul ileo. .vnet. comnleta and even-handed all men. whether friend or foe, a Justll .tt-.. itnd not shrink from elemandhH that tho spoiler sllall return all that ll lino taken from Its rightful owner all shnll restore, so far as his humal Kinds e.sn do It. the havoo which hi crimes have caused' when the AmerJ ean ambassador uses such terms S3 thpse. we bellevo ho speaks for Amtf lea. Wo know he expresses the dcterml nation of his country, anu w0 say th Is good enojgh for us.- mBTCmaniTPniniimiimniinnunRnniniiimi pnniinniniininiimiRiiin'i'iim'nii JWE WORK WONDERS witn Velour or Bolivia Coats Velvet Suits n..ln,lni. all thn nrleinnl b.Aiilv mnA i I InstiT of the fabrlr". nnrt removlnc all j iraies . wcr nu riii,.T Specially Low frice During January ,chwarcwae.derCo.,ioi7-27WoodSi,' PALMER'S SILK Store Annual Clearance Sale 1919 Foulard Silks Unusual Value 36 in. Retail Value, S2.50; Sale Price $1.95 40 in, Retail Value, S3.00; Sale Price $2.45 Crepe tie Chine Unusual Values . 40 in. Retail Value, $2.00; Sale Price 1 aq 40 in. Retail Value, $3.00; Sale Price $2.45 Ifi-ineli Wn.hnM" PHin. White, also flesh; cxtrn fine mtalitv. Launders perfectly. Cl At Retail Value. S 1 ' 1- ?"- SILK PETTICOATS Retail Value, ?4.75 to ?12.00; Sale Pr!cc' -JfcO Kf) lo $7 7R .Vtirfc From Our Own Silks All-Wool Serp Black Navy and Midnight Retail Value, S2.25 to $4.50; Sale Price, ,.d si gg to Jo OC SILK REMNANTS I You know how they accumulate the better the business the I more ends. Every remnant will he sorted out and a price fixed I that ou will not need to be told they arc cheap. f 42-inch All-Silk Chiffon Velvet, in stient shades, soft finish. Retail Value, $7.50. Sale Price Only a Few of the Unusual Values Mentioned $4.95 Mali order, will be fliled nn promptly n h poi.lble. Xlense I n lmle postage. 1318 Chestnut Street 4th Floor, Take Elevator Kilt. 1001 O n necount of low prlre. nles tnu.t nil be eaih 'o. C.O.I).'., No re.frra-tloni. iVi ivt4 rM .tri r4i .ii '.I !i3S l-j: STANDARD Rugs s, fADDCTC lAU.fl CCAI E. M Iv.r "" yfc' IS a. 'V.V ft&c-s mm h ' ii 'jgj&& l w. "J l LM U Jl ' r r ?rs?3 ". PRICES m M Particularly Featuring the Nationally Celebrated Wilton Floor Coverings From Our Own Looms As much as we would like to advise our patrons that condi tions in the floor covering field point to an early and substan tial reduction in prices, all facts argue against such a probabil ity for many months to come. Raw materials, especially carpet wools and dyes, continue most difficult to secure and remain at war-time-value levels. Readjust ments of looms, hitherto busy on government work, progresses but slowly; the number of skilled artisans is as yet limited; while some manufacturers, only within the past two weeks, have issued new price lists, with higher quota tions all of which reasons above enumerated should beyond ques tion convince you Of the Rare Advantages of Our MILL CLEARANCE SALE i I4L2 l3 l French Wilton l'IMl AH fill.K RUGS Bundhar Wilton iiuhaiim: AS IKON RUGS Hardwick Wilton llf'TION IX WK.V RUGS ram i;cTinx ix wkaykry num ovit own JtjeSl 3 h. !-.( -lr I2!!S36.. 27n:.4.. nr.xfia.. 1.0x7.0.. G0... f.Ssl0.6. 9x12... lO.CxlO.O. 10.fi12... lO.GxlH.G. 11.3x15. . , I OO.MS tt.-tulir I'rl... 18.75 13.75 21.00 13.50 78.50 119 50 127.5f 152.00 174.00 196.00 217.50 FIIOM OUIl OWN nlr Trlra $6.50 9.75 15.50 32.25 58.00 89.00 90.00 111.50 131.00 147.00 1G4.00 2214x30. 27x54. 30x63. 4.0x7.G. LOOMS Krciliir l'rlr. 50.50 10.00 15.00 SPOR FROM OUR OWN LOOMS G9 57.50 8.3x10.0 . 9x12. . 10.6x10.0. 10.612... 10.6xl3.C. 11.3x15... 90.50 91.50 112.00 127.50 143.50 159.50 Snl I'rlr $1.75 7.50 11.00 23.75 42.50 67.50 70.50 85.00 96.50 108.00 121.00 Ilrnul.tr Mz l'rlrM 22i,x3G $7.25 11.00 17.00 35.75 01.25 100.00 107.00 Snip I'rlra $5.50 8.25 12.50 26.50 47.50 74.50 79.50 91.50 107.50 121.00 135.00 V....r Ha J BIML E . Axminster Rugs Itfirnhr Snli ''"".. I'rlin I'rlra 2ix54 $5.25 S1.00 "0x72 9.00 G.75 C.9 29.50 22.00 8.3x10.6 47.50 30.00 8.3x10.6 Seamless 51.50 39.50 9x12 52.50 41.50 9x12 Seamless 58.50 4,-)..-i0 11.3x12 66.50 51.50 11.3x13.0 75.50 58.50 11.3x15 85.00 66.50 m Sl IRON ) i:'iiiiiiiiiilii!!iii.'.!i!!!iuiiiiiiniii:iiiiiiniinBiuui!iii iiii mNX& nnu I For Immediate Clearance I A Special Lot of 100 I RnnrlW WlfAti Dii n I uiiiiuuai if uuii iugd i Size 9x12. Clearance price, $58.50 niiiiaiisiE'ffl'iijiiiBi'iiiaiiiijiiiiiiiMi'ia'iaiiaiTiiiiiiMiiiMiiii'i'iiaiiirjaiiimiiir 27x54., 36x63.. 4.Gx7.G.. C9... 8.3x10.6. 9x12... lO.GxlO.G 125.00 10.0x12 142.50 10.6x13.6 160.50 11.3x15 178.00 Bundhar Wilton .Carpets DL'HAIII.K AH IltOX $3.50 per yd. Present value $4.50 Rego Wilton Carpets $2.50 yd. Standard $3.75 quality Ready - Made Carpets Carried in all sizes, nicely sewed, ready to lay. A I V2 actual value. Other grades and sizes than those listed at proportionate savings. HARDWICK, MAGE ECO. IV;f;6V,:;6V.:S!:ll220MARKET,ST. & DURAUrVM W IRON A ! 9-3 . $ 54 cTri' ilCaf ZVA iS ta-ffii ::if-tiy' Jjrp . If j -v ..a.'sxa.fo rwww w. Ji'x' ix 'g&KJrtt- .- ' , v M. SaCZZv ' w.sr, - .v i." L-JUUIL, r ifc j- ifk. tfi i. r: : . m wmm mmmmmBm mmm -- .. ..ji.jJ.j...-l .. JM a-- WUmtimtilHktiditimL ijimii