Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 14, 1919, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 3, Image 3

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-ii .
TjftvEjr3w r V''ptmv755
four Hundred Farmerettes
Attend Land Army
leturn of Soldiers Will Not
fad Demand for Assistance,
Leaders Believe
."Women farmers from ccry part of
country aro In Philadelphia today
the first annual concntlon of tho
omen's Land Army of America.
Joro than 400 farmerettes aro hero for
conference, which began at 10,30
block this morning ut the Art Alliance,
win contlnuo over tomorrow.
Problems pertaining to tho "back to
e land" movement, expected to per-
tate tho country this eprlng, and to
employment of women as farm la-
Ters, nre belnc considered.
iDespKo the fact that many men will
i released from the army by that time,
Is believed farmerettes will still bo
demand. Problems of the forclen-
bm women trained to do land work will
so be discussed.
i1 This morning's session was a strictly
osmess one, open only, to dele
tes. An open meeting will bo held at
IllO this afternoon at tho Art Alllnnce,
nd another ut 8 o clock this ovenlnc
tho Hltz-Carlton.
dominations for zonal directors and
ports from tho State directors of tho
na army will be heard this afternoon.
Mudge Wll'lam W. Porter will prc-
io ai a oanciuet at tno i; tz-Carlton
7 o clock.
,moiur tho speakers at '
i mi u. ..' . ...
he cenlng session will be lira. A. Bar
of tho V. W. C. A., who will discuss
so proniems or foreign-born women
uieu lor land wont anu meir rcla-
n tn fiin land :irinv .T. iT"1v1a Mamnln .. -
.0 will speak on "Markets and Marl wtl, about lioO. 8;Cn of the "? wl" ,bo modc u"'
ting": Mrs. H. T. Davis, member of Among the units aboard tho Man- loJ c",Dany of "" lo u1nd " nipany I
, executive committee of tho Penn- churia. duo January 20. -are headquar- $ S!" '"! i" "l1' a-NM'rYw
nnh r.nri Amu- i. ..111 ti ........-.. . .i..i.i. .1 1 1. neaueu u tno murine band. I
i work of f-irmerVttPB In ihl, uin( , . ., 7 V i i ,
tmLrnmlXstrSBhP Z ? 'i ,T. iJ.l)
tpr h?Mp.. Inin Lnmn. . jM,Sn,Il'nr? Tr!l"V . """f"8' "ff 1
leVai of ihn t r 4 Vmnlov i,,.i,T ,
icrai oi mo l. w. employment serv-
E r1,n..1AU T nl.n rrl. t i . I
L .ViniLoi .. i'3, ' 5rcsl,Ifn' of
t.hlVurtn. ,T !r ii- ..i- ilamn ilc: t;oml,an " """ m,u-
..... " ',," ' "- nuion irain, jniriy-iunui iiiuu, mi
Bductlon vVomens Part,' and u.iniuim fwlnr. Kv.i 301 Trench Mortar
Ward Davison, Who Will tell Of
nen'a farmvvork 111 Xetv York State. I
fU Oueuls of Conferent-e '
ffathan Smvtho :iFsis!nnt tUmotnr
VdlUdll iTilllJllli, HFMMIini (lirCClor
Ciai Ul l UP U r. LJiimuymeiit Ber .
i. An - ---. 1
tho conference, nnd I
itiL. .virs. William A. ,
, iiovvuru navison nnu
Of revv lork! Mrs.
Is U. Richards, of New Rochclie:
H. O. II, Pchenok, rhulrinun; Miss
kabeth Merck, secretary, und Mrs.
jtnvllle Whittlesey, of tho Connecticut I
End Army; Miss Anno Mcilvalne,
Airman of New Jerhoy; Mrs. James I
lis rost, oi .vioiris county, ana Mrs. ,
C. Hatvey, of Trenton, X. .1. ; Miss
no C(. Turnbull. of Uaitlinore; Mrs.
,. Viol mi .if r....1oBlni. .tn,! ' t-.HiM
16H MSlier, Of UCL'IefltOtl, Ulld J.iniOS
Kimble, of l'ort Deposit
I'faim labor conferences.
Phlladclplitii women ilally liiteret-tcd
Hlio laud army tpovement Include Mrs.
Clllis Martin, member of tho national
ard of directors of tlu women's land
ny and president of the. National
krden Cluli, Mrs Henry S. lioycr.
sinhicnt In lied Cross work; Mrs. l'd-
krd W. Hldllle, nrfsldent of the Civ if
lub; Mrs lCdgar Haltd, chairman of
r" ,."".. ,. ... .",:.' ", " .V I
. .u.,:. ..,",.,, '- ', v-"""ea.'"-i
''"'"T ol l" i"u.iiTyaiioii
imiitco; .Mrs. ji. i,a jiarro Javnc. .
rs. Samuel Kels mid Miss .Sophlo Cad-
. .... -....' .
lader. Miss Maty K. Olbson Is chair-
an of tho Pcnnsilvanla branch of the
'omens land urmv.
A feature of tho confcrcnco will bo
open forum, where those who have
iployed farmerettes will bo Invited to
ell of their experiences.
.Directors of tho Philadelphia land
krmy say they havo already had many
alls for women to help on tho farms
luring tho coming season, Tho women.
aro eager to return to outdoor work
nd many now recruits are being added.
roonpiiltloti nf Ihn Rer!oes rendered
at summer by tho w nine A Secretary of I
bor W. II. Wilson harf- approved u
jan of ro-pewtlon between the land
U- ...1 l. It.,ll.l Ull lSnnlnvmmt
Irv Ico.
Pennsylvania was ono of tho first
atcs to organuo farmerettes to an- i
.n ,1,. n.ll In mlllfa.., nlH Df tiOtV
nerotto units in this Stats Piiiiaaei-
ila sent out twenty. The bloomer and
ck uniforms. looked askance upon nt
bt, became as respected as tho olive
ab or the navy blue of tno men in
vice. Farmers skeptical at tno oegin-
pg of tho season grew to admire tho
bck and conscientiousness of the
aen workers and put in their requi-
llons-for more.
7ith last season's experience as a
ed starting point, the women expect
provo far moro valuable to tho coun
r this season. They have organized
lined workers In virtually every sort
I farm work and will be rcnay to an-
r the calls from uie larmers.
ON'T expect
tising. It couldn't sell skates to
the Cubans or hymn-books in a
gambling house. . But we have often
made it accomplish the seemingly im
possible. A consultation involves no
obligation. Confer with us!
Sherman &Bkta
79 ifih 9hnti9
for Daily
$10 and $11 Values, $7.85
$12 and $I4Values, $9.85
H b,. n - Vg:x) .UJL 4c JUL
Dejjtw y - J kr
namr runrro mt
The above map depicts the physical characteristics of the proposed junction of the Frankfort! elevated with the Market street subway at the Delaware
avenue loop. Frankford trains will enter the west-bound tracks of the tubway at the connecting link and continue to the Sixty-ninth street terminal of
the Market street elevated road. The return trip will be made over the same roadbed to the loop and thence to Bridge street, Frankford. A straight
five-cent fare will be charged in each direction
MEN; 5200 ON WAY
Huntington Reaches N e w
York Manchuria and
Canada Leave France
New York. Jan. H. (By A. P.) The
United States cruiser Huntington arrived
hero today from Brest with forty-four ,f'"ator Snrul nJ Governor of Pennsjl- Joe" a3 the hoys lovingly speak of him
. .. .i. . , anla next Tuesday. Is to be relieved of dutv na the executlvo
omcers and 1700 men from tho American I K.,.,,. , ., ,, , 0ni .,j,r. -..,, .
, . I "election of tho Mayor was jnado I oinerr at till cantonment,
expeditionary forces. Tho troops 'n-1 after former Governor Kdwln S. Stuart Olllclal advices from Washington thlfl
eluded the Headquarters Company of had declined becauie of advancing years ' 'Horning stated that Colonel Frederick
tho Thirty-ninth Coast Artillery Brigade "nd !t was found that Brigadier General w- Bugbec, now on duly nt Camp Wads
and tho Klftyseventh Coast Artillery ' wll'lam a. Price, Jr., tho original , worth i. hild been named to succeed rien-
,. . nlso wern na-.cnKcrs
na personnel also wcro iiuw-iiibiid.
itpirimnnt c-niTiniPin. i.ikiii iiil'u ui iiiu
ii t.v. 11 Tim innmnri
v aniiinrion, jan. n. ira uiii
MnnMmrU lum nii,i
iiinn 4000 trooiw
.I V- ii.i.,n
v v0rk with moro
,J v , , Tr.
nninn n v. v. .1 t iRfiih Amhulance Com-
" .--- . . , . , -
pany of tho Thlrty-n nth Division for
Hatterv from Ihn Sevclltv-sixtll Division
fQr Catnn Devcns: Seventh Trench Mor-lulll
- -- ;. - ; . .,:. ...
Iar uaucrs wr wmp uraui, ei:iiiU
1. ....... nl.Mn A.lHn(inA ennitx uhnn fnr '
liri"J jiiwmiiu uiuuriiU iM't -
... fA..IU . Jrfitl. timilnnn Tfilti
nn.i, ,,.,. v, ...nnru T r VI tint v.
uoiiuifciwu untt0, .', . t -....rf
B0nth Acro SqUH(lroI1, Columbus bar-;
raclgi 0i . J54tn an(1 49ist Aero Squad-
,, . K, v Y . s.cond Casu.,i
.. t,....h .- v.- jl.iiv.,.,.i
.,.,.. 1 .. r...i r-,. '
among thirteen camps; Casual Compa-
I nles Nos. 403 (Regulars), 126th Pennsyl
vania, 127th Iowa, liSth Massachusetts:
Seventy-seventh casual omccra and
, , '
one thousand Mcl. und wounded
navy cubu.tls.
- ." - , - ,, ,.,,., ,,,, ! ,
".-. v -" """""
?0' Is bringing the Twenty-thlrdBal-,
IOOI1 "-UIIIDUIIJ 1111 I'Oll f-IUCUIII, , 1.,
.... ,,....:. .. t--j- I
MRi.,1 rniYitvinii-n 4no tnw Ynrk 424
casual tomiMiiuH i-u .c xoru, ii
i inn ...I I- in ,r in , J
I and 430 (Ohio, 4.'5 (Kansas), 431 and
,4.18 (regulars), 432 (Maryland), 434
(Camp Mcnda and Camp Lewis) and
ninety-two casual officers.
The transport Orion, scheduled to
reach Ni-vv York January' i'O, has ouly
two i usual officers on boiud.
The War Department also announced
that tho Second Battalion am. Machine
nun Co.nVni v si Infan try INtae J.
tiun Coinpan.v, Jb.tn inrantrj (.n inctj-i
second Division), about 1000 strong,
and tho First and Third Unttallons
369th In-
..nd M...Illnn 0un cotnnanv
. ... ..., .... ,.,.,.:..-,,... .. i
""y "u '"" ' "r" ', i V
(.., iVmn.iii. S70II, Infimtrv linth ,
' ."""""'-. .;,,';.,.'... L"
regiments oi mo .inciy-wnru i,ms.u.., r
,luu ullH ""o"s"p l " -"nvj
Uimergity Hud Abandoned Func-'
tion During the Wur
Tho return of pre-war activities at
tho University of Pennsylvania was
heralded by tho announcement today that
the Ivv Hall, tho best known event of
the, social HOasnlliit tho 1'lllversltv. will
be held this ear for the ilrst time slnci.
l'J'J' . ... , ,
'" J f " te -Bji, 1 J
-'. " ,M B" " .".' IIIP senior CiSS 1,
I'rovost hmltli will spealt nt a ban-
quet preceding tho ball.
Kmplojcs Will Meet Sunday to Protest
Cutting Force
Kmployes of tho Frankford Arsenal
will meet next Sunday In the Frankford
Theatre to protest against cutting down
at the Arsenal. Twenty delegates re
ported they had conferred with Secretary I
of War Baker, Senator Penrose and
American Federation of Labor officials
In Washington, but that nothing dcfinltu
had come of their conference. i
The Secretary and the Senator have
been Invited to next Sunday's meeting.
The meeting last night was In the ad
ministration building of the Arsenal. I
Seven hundred employes aro to be laid
i on today.
wonders of Adver
Specials During Our
$3 and"$3.50 Values, $2.65
Bath Robe, Full-Dre., Street
and Angora-Wool Vest and
m - .-'V' MKWSF
Pittsburgh Mayor Chosen Mar-1 Will Be Relieved as Executive
shal for Governor's Pa
rade Next Tuesday
Mayor li V Babcock, of Pittsburgh,
will bo tho grand inarshul of the parade
Which will follow the tnnllcrilratlmi nf
,nonor, would not arrive from France in
( ,, o,,.r, , ., ,, ,,, , -i,,,,..,,
--------.....,..- ....
a horse in eight years.
Plann tnr flm m..',!. i,, i, . .-
tu""y completed by tho committee In
.charge of arrangements. The military
uiner units in tnc military hectlon w
be cadela from l'"insylvanla Mllltarj
nd Pennsylvania State Colleges, twelve
"'W'1" ' Pennsylvania Reserve I
ntni.. .ini...n .i. t...... .-.
.'iiii, wciiumiiciti in vue CMillo VUIl- .
stabulary. two companies of tho Home
Defense Reserve from Philadelphia and '
one irom uumoerianu county,
Tk llnlnn nnnMiran rinh rin,n.
delnhla. thn Vnr mnri-lilni- rintilrnllnii '
lead the civilian section. David 11
. ... r Vi , . - . W
iuio ih pc uie niBranai or i up fuu
IMiihiliatxi it hn vullt tv oMIral I -111
....-.....-, ..x. .,.. . ..v..4.u ... o...
llinfn ttr.iV (,ni!n it ml tnni i1fti-1? i of.
rnutu '
All tho up-State counties arc preparing
to send delegations. Stato Treasurer '
Harmon M. Kephart will tnuKc his first
nnlill,- annearitnce In n Hlllt hat aa the
marshal of a deleeatlon of seventy-live
from Fayctto County.
V..M viml.,. .f Wlf. Wl,,. ri,... ,.
" "" ""- " o- -
Wrecked Home
Tn tltrht rr -. innn wlili-h f..-tirrn.l
nt Thlrteentli and. Lombard streets
.,i,--t.. 1. -.., .hi,iii,i -m--. .
ouuinj UVIUi il .I11U4! lb Hit "IIP, Hil-T1
WiUliniS( (l twenty-year-old negro wo-
ian. of Ilaltlmore, stabbed lleitrude
Walker, eighteen, another negro, of 91 S
Smith s:iYtnth utrM-i. i.hnnf th h.n,i i
and neck. The girl died before reaching I they were notified they would he nut of
the Howard Hospltnl, anil tho Williams Jobs tomorrow. The Inspectors! tool Ihev
woman was placed under arrest b should havo been given sullicient notice1
Patrolman M.vers, uf tho Twelfth and of their dlsmlsi-ul to allow them to pro
Pine streets' station euro new ifosltlntis.
The battle between the two women
"' ,l Mloon ilt Thirteenth ami
, .mh.n, Bir,rtH. ilurln th. ...nr.. f
I,ombard streets, during the luursc of
whleh the Williams woman accused the-
itlKer KIOI Ul Oioailllg IllO iUa-LllOllS OJ
her husbtind while she was working In a,
fiimnnt itv
fi Silversmiths fcj
Family Silver
A Prized Possession
More than Twenty Complete
Services of Substantial Weight
from Which to Choose the
Family Silver for the New Home
,Lace Curtains
Prices Reduced 15 to SO Per Cent.
Smallish lots from regular stock. In view of the restricted
outlook for getting curtains for the coming Fall season, this
sale Is
A Most Welcome Opportunity
Some may be bought for $2.50 (were $3.60), and prices range,
up to $65 (were $125). Several are the unusual length of A
A clearing of designs no longer to be duplicated.
Now 35c to 65c yard.
Were 60c to $1.10 yard.
Short-length collections of tapestries, cretonnes, nets, scrims
and muslins.
1008 Chestnut .Street
Officer of Cantonment by
Col. F. W. Bugbec
ffcni js.iurni.i to Ktcmiff I'ulUo Lrio't
Cunin Mcmlr, Md.. Jan. 14-Brlgadler
General TAD.nl, nnlmi "flwiprjl
- r . i
ever, to indlcato what ubsignment would
hn i?ln ih .ni.,i i,-i.m- .i, m.irtn
w many friends among tho otllcers and
nun l'r. uu ..n .... nn'nno' iho riiiil
population of tho nearby cities and ham-'
Colonel Bucbee Is not n. stranger to
Meade, lie Is u Cnllfornhui and ut the
line of tho entry of the I'nlled States
nlo the world war was a major of In-,
fan try. lu was sent to th s camp us u
lieutenant colonel of the 17th Inrantry
and before his transfer South was tho
acting commander of the 7:d ,
... . .... . ...
-H boon US 11 W ns leurtleu lllls mom-
lng that General aaston was to be rc-lVf
lleved expressions of regret were heard
on nil ildes II" raine here s the com-
:.. , ... .,.. ..,.,. ,, .,., ,...,..,
,l... -nil. ni. 1..1 .'I ..in '... ..
,,.,.1 ,. i,., n, ., 11.1,11'.,. r i,ti, 1....!
" ""-" i"l tifsinniH luur, vt mm nuu .
n.i rt .... i.i ,i. 1.....
won HUrh fume, tuni-d Uh back oil tho
it .1 .... .... ......... 1 '
ltlK woooon cuy urnerii: uubinn necamo '
. i. -..- .. ..!...
. i 1 i. . .. i .. .
rciiitiiiicu an eiui'u umii .1 injur uenrrai
Je8S0 Mcl. Carter was transferred hero
from nis poitt (1., chief jf tho division
r mlnturv nfr.iiru ,,f th. n,n.ni tniv
A Ceil Mail Hurt liv frollev
t- .. , , . . .. romnnnv has been formed under thn
IL. S. Clothntp Inspector TclI,I10armolof luo Zl'seAte" Umlted
QuurtcriiiUbtrr Notice Was Short
ri,i...' i, r"i.f.'".rr".-.. '.i. "I.. .Srr
t jv.ik 4iiri iiivii ci-u k IW lilt, tiiiiiurc ., ... .
master general of the t'nlteil Stts Tc voyngo will be mado by way of
army at Washington by John 1 Mc-' the Dutch Kust Indies und lUgdad.
i:ov, an silloruey, represenlliiK sl'y.
ciotniug inspectors at tno Mcliuyiiill!
Arsenal who wero Eiven onlv two davs'
notice that their services v.ould un lunger
be needed.
Tho (iv eminent workers declare shut
when they relKirleil fur work voblerda .
It was pointed out in the protest to
the quarlermaster general that the u
were nnnu nteil from civ serv on llsl,
were appointed from civil serv ion lists
and it w.ij 'customary in such , cases t..(
KIU Huu.i;in inu o,-rt- iiuiivl' lion
their servicts were no longir reiUlrcd)
by tho Clot eminent,
Six Convicted in Fifth Ward
Case Stay Pending Ap
peal Decision
of amalgamations for mutual better
ments In all parts of tho city, serving
. ... tho same functions for (ho various lo-
the Klfth Ward election frnud case. I flltloi as are served for the city at
returned to duty today. large by tho United Business Men s As-
Pending final action 'on tho case by soclntlon
the Superior Court, to which an appeal i Agalnut skip-Stops
was taken, nireclor Wilson, of the De-1 Abolition of sklp-Btops and the Intro
partmciit of Public Safety, said he , ductlon of moro car lines will be among
would tnko no action looking toward, the first alms ofjhe alliance,
the dismissal or suspension of tho six j Because tho present Klfth street trol-
... .... . . .... . i
'ma amiuuc or nireclor Wilson was
condemned liv Jimies il.iv ilordon. Jr..
who appeareil n.s attorney for the Com-,
monwealtli lii tho nrpllinlnarv hearing .
"f l'eutoch and the policemen.
i. Any decent city administration would
' a turned them off at once," Mr. Oor-
'.'on exclaimed. "These policemen have
uceI, convicted and sentenced as rel-,
"i" wuikh, lorawr wminon ioun-
Mln"n. ""'1 the policemen were sen-
'.nod csterdny by Judge Haute In
i i nesicr. ixuiscli was oruerou to
.ivrn inn ...u i un .....i ,. ., .,
.-.. ., . .wo n, j..u u.iu 'j .- ...v
,I0fl0: "onnctt. eighteen months In
"'" iinu '8nn "C Patrolmen John Wirt-
L"aI,rr, Jiiciiaci .Murpny. inanuei
Pram nml Ii.ilu l.'..1,l,.vi, ,, inir mil
400 each. 11ml Palriilinim rii.irli.u D.
Hnvden. negro, six montliH and J200 fine.
1 in 1 urn. 1 11-b: 1 11. p.i v linn hh iiiiii iiii iiiii.
,. - , , - '
tuur uramu uip 8f n hiccs dc fot eu
In tll Phufnn ('nlmtt lill
".V N . V "" -"" , , ,
lTnflpr tllo Sllrn lnu- rM uli it tv.iq
li:iHril ft n nf flu t tv n Itiill.ftiiirtnta
" v " """""
H the beven. immediate dNmlSd.il
of oltJ' employes Is provided as oni- -f
. the penalties tor vclolutlon of the act.
i . ..
!..... . .. - -
' I . I- It. ,nni An.lrnl! IM...1
... ..j , ,wu, .uc ., iu L.UUUUH
.Melbourne. Australia. Jan. 14. A
of Australia, to llnanco an nerlal trsiis'
Port lllght from Australia, to London.
Galvanized Boat Pumps
r"m& Trrh i '""""Mfc ji u"')
..-r ...... wi
f.. n. timer 'o..ni N Vi ".. ''!
Age 34, aggreMive, tactful, full of
enthu,ia,n de,irei po,ition Saie.
mm f I J
Manager; lucceiilul record nine
years as irnveiing representative
with preient employer.
Address B 330, Ledger Office.
OOf AC UK l'AUMl t:io ;
t,xi Tiinitoi'uiiiiiii:i , it
iti:;isTi;m;i) mmh'k. num.
lKNCKS. I.OV4 I'nif'IJ l'Oll
P.ti:.t iii:.t tiP.M;ii.Toiti
rOVsl'.ltVK" U IIIIAT.
p rituvi: ir.
ii.ii.i' i.ti;ii.
ir Ktiu h.i i:.
IT. ( I lit l I.Alt.
fUHTlMi l.V
llllSI'ITAI.t I'lttll'-
M'lTAII' II (Mtll'll
NKimmi). A'i: (imiuxni,
i: K ATKII. I'l'Hlj WATIiK. AM.
roNViiMP,s.'Ki vim; i,an
AMI SlIADU. I. 1.(100.
iii:tiii.kiii:m. r,.
Demonstration Lessons
Jan. mtli. 8 r. M.. and Jan. Kith. C 1. M.
bhnwlng liow jou can lacrrane vour self
eonlldenre. nrld to jour Personal, tiocial and
TlustnenA Hucress. V'or frco udmlsslon tickets
prnd stamped envelope.
I Day
Afternoon nnd Ilvenlnc Classes.
Phone Spruce 3218.
416 Chestnut
Fern Rock Improvers Ask
Concerted Action in
North of City
Abolition of Skip-Stops and
More Car Lines Among
Roused by failures to obtain adequate
transportation service to and from tho
northern section of th city, nn ?ll ance
of buelness men's associations was pro
I posed last night when members of tho
I Kern Rock Improvement Association
1 oted to unite with the Ixjgan Improve
ment Association, the Oak I.ano Asso
ciation and the York Road Improvement
Association for concerted action for bet
ter trolley facilities.
Ratification of the alllunco will be
sought at a meeting of the United Busl
nesi Men's Association, the central body.
!L"tIhud"?r evc"lnfr' J''i8 ,s.,not 1
iiit-iBt-i, merely u ijnccii ui uiuuu un
all matters pertaining to the Interests
J of tho communities represented.
By means of the league or alliance It
Is hoped eventually to obtain a number
ivj into ims us present lermtnus ni
rti . .. ..
uiney avenue, nearly a mile Dclow tno
Ork Lane station ilrnunila will ho m.irln
upon' the Philadelphia Rapid Transit
Comnanv for nn pxtenslon nf nerv!e in
the upper point. In tho demand all the
3000 members of the northern bodies
will btund together If tho "get-together"
overtures shall bo ucceptcd by tho other
Although residents of the Kern Rock
section as-nTi mat in uio mam their tcr-
rltory Is tho best lighted and best pal
In the city, pleas for the Installation of
additional llglitH on Klfth street and
-... i..- ...i ..- .i. ..,..i .-
wmvh ..iiiv, anu mi uJ inuring oi u
high power arc lamp at the Intersection
of the two streets will be urged uiwn the
' city.
For Koonevrlt lloulevord
Creation of tho Northeast Boulevard
iua . i . i . . .
into a EiTai iioo.secii iTicmormi. aw iirst
BUggentcd by the Lotfan Implement,
' ...... 'l iwiv.im..u 1
league, was rati oti by t he Oak Laiio
. . . . . . : want
... .... ?' "" '" ,
rfttOiutions will be nrefL-ntnl to rvumMlj
t tl elr next meetmg t.ouncIU
. . '
sirnMr hv n imiiu ...,n 9n t, .....
.,.... . ' ....' Ti . -'. ."
. auoui to cross tnirieentn ana Clarke
streets this morning, Patilek Malon,
seveiity-.-.l jenrs old, J842 v est Pass-
&2!2!SlJ!. l
, the bod j.
J. E- Oldwell 8fQt
Pearl Necklaces
Necklace Pearls
New Jewels
F you appoint this Company as
it will
Place your securities and valuables in its vaults.
Take charge oi your real estate and other properly.
Collect your income and deposit il to your credit.
Make up your income (and other) Tax returua.
Represent you m any business matters.
Alii lor our told.
'Cotltction ol I neon t'
Philadelphia Trust Company
New York Financier Suc
cumbs to Injuries Received
in Mine Accident
fly the Auociatcd Press
New York, Jan. 14. George R. Shel
don, financlor and former treasurer of
the Republican National Committee, died
today at Carbondale, IU of Injuries re
ceived in a mine acciacni receniiy near
' that city.
I Mr. Sholdon was long active In
Republican politics, having been a New
York delegate to tho Republican Na
tional Convention In 1900, Now York
member of the Republican National Com
mltteo 1003 to 1904, treasurer sub-
Bcqucntly of tho New York State Repub
llcan committee, and In 1908, succeed
ing Cornelius N. Bliss as treasurer of
tho national committee In which capa
city ho served for eight years.
As a financier ho was at tho tlmo of
his death a director In eighteen corpora
ilons. Including the American Locomotive
Company and the Bethlehem Steel Com
pany, His offices woro In tho Wall
street .district, wheie ho was head of
the banking firm of William C. Sheldon
& Co., founded by Ills father.
Mr. Sheldon was born In Brooklyn In
1857 and was graduated from Harvard
In 1S79, entering the banking business
at once, lie was president of the Union
League Club, a Republican organisation,
lrom 1907 to 1311, and was a member of
other clubs.
Tho financier was Injured January 8
while on a tour of Inspection In u mine
at Dowell, 111., being caught between a
string of coal cars and dragged fifty
ya-rds. lie, was taken to a hospital at
Salted Nuta.
Favors. Bon Bon
to harmonize
with the ttible
H16 CDestnut 5t
your Agent,
1415 Chestnut Street
Reduction Sale
Cutting priceB is
an easy process
when the original
prices were
made to be cut!
Our Regular
Prices were
remarkably low
all season!
1$ That's a leading
feature of our Re
duction Sale you
can rest assured that
the Overcoats and
Suits entering into it
were notable values
at their original
prices. Many a man
told us this season
that we had it all over
other places in Ulster
and Overcoat values,
in the solid substan
tial worth of our
Suits at their regular
J And, after all; in
trinsic value is what
you want in an Over
coat or a Suit you
want fabrics that will
wear, tailoring that
will stand up, lines
and fit and finish that
you need never apol
ogize for.
You pet those
qualities in
our Clothes!
From the finest $70
and $75 Ulsters splen
did dark mixtures; silk
lined Overcoats; rich,
conservative fabrics
beautifully made and
finished down to $30,
$25, and even to our $20
Overcoats, now
reduced !
From our $65 Suits, our
$55 Suits, right down
to our $25 and even to
our $20 Suits, reduc
tions all along the line!
Special Vests!
Lamb's wool, stockin
ette, corduroy velours
at clearaway prices!
Were $6 Now $3,75
Were $6.'50 Now $4.75
Were $8 Now $5.75
Big Values!
Golf Suits reduced; Dress
and Tuxedo Suits reduced!
Fur - lined, Fur - outside,
Fur-collar, Sheepskin lined
and reversible leather and
cloth Overcoats are re
duced! Perry & Co.
UN. B. TV'
Can, 25 Off
16th & Chestnut Sti.J
19HMI! D. C.w. fVldrnrr
,'w"w " "! Bid, Arcad.
,i ?,
J " -i(
,f ,s.
V i