Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 08, 1919, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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evenin& public ledger Philadelphia, Wednesday, January 8, ioio
Brand Organ, 9, 11 and 4:50
Store Closes 5 P. M. WANAMAKER'S
Store Opens 9 A. M.
Chlmrt t Stroke n( Xoon
"he Cheerfulest Place in the City on a Frowning Winter Day
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Not- Since Abraham Lincoln
Fell Asleep
has there been in this country such a
sorrow as on Monday when the messages
came from
Theodore Roosevelt's
silent home. Like a flash of lightning, it
touched the whole world.
The immeasurableness of the loss to
America and the world at this time is
beyond human thought.
These are days of revelation. A man
may be bigger than his words.
It were well worth while to seek for
the real secret of Theodore Roosevelt's
masterful greatness.
Was it in the fact that no insincerity
lurked behind his ever-welcoming smile?
'Jan. 8, 1010.
rpHE Women's Fashion Salons will
-- make a little exhibit tomorrow of
the new riding clothes for Spring.
The new riding coats and breeches,
hats and boots are very interesting.
(tint Hoor, '! ftnut)
75 Beautiful Bolivia Coats
Specials at $57.50
Every one in the first shipment (which came not
long ago) bold for $10 more, and they were well worth it.
There is no fur trimming, but the large collars may
be made to button up to the neck if one wishes, and
the coats themselves are warm and also light in weight.
Almost all the good colors in plain bolivia and
brown and oxford in the "frost cloth," which is a bolivia
with a silvery finish.
(First 1 loor. Central)
Young Women's Warm
Winter Coats at $20
This is the opportunity for girls and young women
who have l)een waiting for just such a chance to get
a good Winter coat at a reduced price.
These coats are of soft wool velour or pompom
cloth in brown, taupe, myrtle green, navy, burgundy
or black ail fashionable colors of the Winter.
Made in new and good style, the coats are lined
throughout and many have large fur collars.
14 to 20 year sizes.
(Second Floor, Cliratnut)
New Cotton Voiles
Quite English in Pattern
Really very good American, however, and particu
larly nice for 45c a yard, 38 inches wide.
There are the prettiest of plaid checks and tiny
flowered or all-over designs, such as one finds in
English-made goods. Many of the printings are in
They are all new 1919 patterns and intended for
Spring frocks.
(First Floor, Chrntnnt)
More and More Blankets
and Quilts
Five new lots just opened.
New white blankets of California wool, with mixed
wool and cotton filling, double-bed size, 70x82 inches,
pink and blue borders, special at $12 a pair.
New crib blankets of California wool with mixed
wool and cotton filling, 42x60 inches, very good at $7.50
tt pair. f ip.
new llllb ijiajr mumuuoi umuncwi uiiv; nui iiuiuii
with dark gray borders, 64x84 inches, special at $10
each about 80 per cent wooL
New boxes of wool-filled quilts, covered in sateen,
finished with plain borders and backs and having
figured tops, special at $10 each.
New cotton-filled blankets, our own make, covered
with the best grade of silkoline, patterned with all-over
floral designs, pink, blue and yellow, remarkably good
at $4.50 each. "
is the collection we have to show you in the Gray Salons.
The hats are very new and are very smart and not
difficult to wear. The shapes are rather youthful, there
are large and small sizes, and all the fashionable colors.
Quite new are the large hats of soft, rough straws
with wreaths of tiny flowers.
Ribbon hats are charming one of pink is quite
large of brim, with a rounded crown and a straw facing.
Another ribbon hat is in a new tarn shape, with a
feathery arrangement of the ribbon, fringed out.
Small hats, in two-corner shape, are another Spring
newness of lustrous, fine straw they have ribbon loops
for trimming.
A little toque has a foundation of straw which is
almost lost sight of in its surrounding arrangement of
little loops of satin ribbon.
There arc hats for all occasions for morning, after
noon and dress wear, and you will enjoy seeing them all.
(Srcoml 1 loor, thmtnut)
COME women are going South to meet Spring.
Some women are awaiting Spring here.
White Silks
are being bought by one and all, and in such quantities
as we have rarely known white silks to be bought before.
It is very significant, in view of the fact that the.se
are the days when warm weather fashions are being
Every kind of white silk being used for blouses,
skirts, sports suits and dresses from a 1.25 white
Japanese habutai to a $4.50-a-yard white satin, for a
ball gown or bridal costume.
(Ilr.t Floor, Chestnut)
Undermuslins for Large
Women in This Sale
of White
And some of the undermuslins are silk, too, to use
a Hibernianism silk crepe do chine nightgowns, pink
and priced at $13.50 and $13.
Others are beautifully hand-embroidered night
gowns, of white nainsook, the work on them being the
riE:acteristic dainty and solid sort of the Philippines.
These are $3.85 to $9.50.
Then among the various white cottons, amply cut
and daintily finished there are
Nightgowns at $1.50 to $3.50.
Corset covers, 75c to $1.75.
Drawers, 85c to $2.85.
. Short skirts, $1.25 to $2.
Long skirts, $2.50 to $5.
Chemises, $1.25 to $2.75.
All these garments, by the way, will be found at
the regular counter for extra sizes, where someone who
understands the measurements is in attendance.
(Third Floor, ( rntral)
White Sale Corsets
Madame Lyras made of pink broche are wonder
fully good for $3.50.
American Ladys a new model intended for average
figures are $2.
L. R. models for average andy plump figures are
$1.50 and $2, and one for slender women is $1.50.
While pink bandeaux are uncommon at 45c.
(Third Floor, tliratnut)
Children's Undermuslins
in the White Sale
II It'll; art! lllKlllKUtYiia ill- 91.UU iui iiiakauwc, ui,
soft cambric, with stitching in delicate colors: and
others, a bit finer, at $1.75, with smocking and-jjttle
colored posies embroidered on the front. For $3 each
there are hand-embroidered gowns, and at $3.25 high
waisted gowns with dainty embroidery insertion, rib
bon run, and tiny tucks. 6 to 14 year sizes they are.
And of sof, flesh-colored batiste and in new styles
are nightgowns at $3 and $3.75 these in 10 to 14 year
sizes. One woman bought twenty of these the other
day for her little girls!
Bloomer drawers, with hemstitched ruffles are 50c;
with little embroidery ruffle, 65c, and with scalloped
ruffle, 75c. Others are up to $1.25, and all are in 2 to
10 year sizes. ,
(Third Floor, Chntnut)
New and Eretty Are
These Women's
which are just out of their boxes and just down from
the stockrooms. They are of sheer and snowy Irish
flax, with, the tiniest of hems and a dainty, hand
embroidered design in one corner.
'$1 for six handkerchiefs. '
' (Wt A(U I
Of Glorious Saruk Carpets
a Fine Choice at
Notably Low Prices
"What's in a name?" A good deal, once it has
made certain things famous.
Saruk is only an obscure Persian village, but its
name is linked with probably the greatest triumphs of
Persian rug-weaving.
In Saruk rugs are the two things that go to make
real worth fineness and substance.
They are marvelously substantial and at the same
time they are exquisite.
It is well to let everybody know of the large choice
of high-grade Saruk rugs that we are showing at prices
remarkably low, considering the quality and the rates
prevailing at wholesale, which in many instances are
higher than we are asking.
12 x 9 ft., $468.
12.2x8.10 ft., $535.
11.8 x 8.4 ft., $442.
12.6x9 ft, $569.
12.3x8.4 ft., $307.
12.7x9 ft., $515.
12.1 x 8.9 ft., $535.
12.7x9.3 ft, $576.
12.5x8.10 ft, $547.
12.8 x 10.1 ft., $469.
21.7 x 13.8 ft, $2885.
(ScTfntli Floor, Central)
11.7x8.8 ft, $449.
12.4 x 8.2 ft, $452.
11.5x8.8 ft, $437.
11.10x8.8 ft, $569.
12.2 x 8.8 ft, $475.
11.6x8.9 ft, $555.
12.7x8.7 ft, $557.
11.9x8.8 ft, $545.
20.7 x 13.8 ft., $2150.
21 x 14 ft., $1575.
The Hurt Book Sale Is On
And that's about all it is necessary to say to book
lovers 1
However, we will add that there is a little of virtu
ally every form of literature, that there are some very
fine things in the collection, that the books are easily
arranged for customers to look them over, and that the
prices are very low in consideration of the hurts. And
the hurts are slight.
(Mnln Moor, Thirteenth)
Little Mouse
A Spanish iron table, very narrow and with a
hardwood top, would be charming in a bay window to
hold potted plants. The excellence of the hand-forged
iron work is very noticeable.
An interesting console, Italian in design, has a
lacquer decoration representing the Bridge of Sighs
all in mellow old colors.
Other fine hand-wrought lamps of Spanish design
are copies from originals in the Hall of the Hispanic
Society of America, New York.
(Firth Hoor. hmtnnt)
Luxurious Boudoir Sets
to Tempt a Woman's
They are veritable jewels of enameling, tyie enamel
ing being done on sterling silver, gold plated.
One set is in the loveliest tint of rosebud pink.
.iother is in blue and a third in white with gold deco-
"rations. The designs on these various sets are exclusive
and, if one wishes, each piece may be bought separately.
Mirrors are $140, hair brushes $85 to $95, combs
$28 and' $35 and the other pieces of the set in propor
tion. (Jewelry Mora, Chmtnut and Thirteenth)
New Shipment of
Overnight Bags
Smart, high-cut, narrow bags that can be extended
to accommodate everything a woman needs for an over
night visit.
Made of black enamel fabric in a shiny finish that
r resembles auto leather. Light in weight but very service
able. Unfitted, $6.
With white celluloid toilet articles, $14.
(Main Floor, Ctieitnnt)
A MAN who has eaten them declares that the men's
75c luncheons served in the Tea Room are the best
for the money in the city.
(Klfhth Floor, Cheatnnt)
WANAMAKEP. Diaries arc still to be had at 10c each.
Find them lerever there is a pile of red books.
"Fine Weather" for Boys'
Warm Overcoats and
And the fine overcoats and Mackinawa that the
-weather calls for are here in ample choice, all of them
made of the best materials that go into such garments,
all of them cut, modeled, tailored and finished in the
most expert fashion and priced on the lowest basis,
quality considered. . .
Mackinaws, $13.50 to $15, in sizes 8 to 18 years.
Overcoats, $13.50 to $25, in sizes 3 to 10 years,
and at $22.50 to $35 in sizes 11 to 18 years.
Boys' Winter suits of finest grade, $18 to $30, in
sizes 8 to 18 years.,
Most Important News
to Men
is this announcement that we have just received
some of the finest new ulsters in the world.
Great, big, heavy heather mixtures, with
inside plaid backs and skeleton silk linings.
The kind of coat that will stand by.
A little shorter than the old-time great-coat,
but with a power of warmth and durability.
We do believe they are the finest we ever saw.
At $100 they are low-priced when you con
sider the good that is in them.
(Third Floor, Market)
1140 Pair of Men's
Good Shoes at Average
Half Price
This is a disposal of a large lot of excellent shoes
of all styles. In so varied an assortment you may not
find your size in every style, but you can probably find
it in a style that pleases and it will be well worth
the search.
$2.75 $3.60 $4.40
Those are the prices for business shoes,, dress shoes
and work shoes that were regularly twice as much.
Patent leather lace, black and tan calfskin lace and
black calfskin button shoes from the leading factories
of the country.
(Mnln Floor, Market)
Three Fine Specials in
Household Linens
We have taken out of our regular stocks these
three groups of the most desirable and dependable
grades of household linens and marked them at large
reductions from our own regular prices:
100 dozen heavy Scotch flax full-bleached napkins,
24x24 inches, now $7.75 a dozen, a saving of $3.50 a
These are our own direct importation from one of
the foremost manufacturers in Scotland.
300 yards of heavy, full-bleached Scotch double
damask table linen, 72 inches wide, now $3 a yard, a
saving of $1.50 a yard.
Full-bleached Irish table linen, all pure flax, 70
inches wide, now $1.50 a yard, which is less than it
could be imported for today.
(Flnt Floor, Chntnut)
Save a Fourth to a Third
on Fine 9x12 Ft.
Domestic Rugs
We mention the 9xl2-ft. size in particular because
this is the size most in demand. Here are the groups
in the Sale:
Anglo-Persians, $84.50.
Other high-grade Wiltons, $72.50 and $78.50.
Wool Wiltons, $57.50 and $59.50.
Body Brussels, $47.50.
Axminsters, $36.50.
Other-sizes, from small rugs to extra large rugs,
at proportionate savings.
(Kerenth Floor, Chrntnnt)
If Your Hands and
Face Chap
and you Buffer the discomforts, caused by cold weather
and biting winds, some of these good Queen Mary
preparations will surely help you
Queen Mary Witch Hazel jelly is fine for chapped
hands and lips, 25c a bottle.
Glycerine and Honey jelly is another help, 20c tube,
Queen Mary Honey and Almond cream is 35c.
Queen Mary Cucumber cream, 50c a bottle.
A Fine Sale Right Now of
Famous White Mountain
Going from $16.75 for a good, small-family re
frigerator to $80 for a porcelain-lined refrigerator that
calls for 220 pounds of ice at a filling and that gets
full value out' of every ounce of it.
There are about 18 different styles and sizes in
between, and all the prices are 20 per cent below
(Fourth Floor, C.ntral)
HUlH.nr, Cfcf(at y
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(Sixth Floor, Central)
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