17 V EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1910 BUSINESSNOTES Customs receipts for the port of Mill Adelphla In Peeember were J7S2.B0B n against $460,902 In that month or 1917. All of fllndebakrr Corporation' Gov ernment business his been canceled This Includes not only orders for the united States Government, but tbo chas. Is order (or Great Urltaln. Ptudc baker will shortly receive from these two Governments about J5.000.00O In payment ftir war work. Reduced freight rate on cotton from South Atlantic nnrt Gulf porta to Kuropo were announced today by the shlpplnB board. The rate from South Atlantic ports to Liverpool will be $4 SO; to French Atlantic ports and also Hotter dam nnd Antwerp, J4.75 : Trench Mediterranean ports, IS 25, and Italian porta, SG 60. From Gulf ports tho rato will be 25 cents higher In each case. The name of the North American Steel Products Corporation has been chanced to that of tho Consolidated Steel Corporation. Tho corporation Is an organization of leading Independents to handle their export trade. It Is headed by E A. S. Clarke, former presi dent of the Lackawanna Steel Company. Daring the year 101s, 2S07 concern were chartered uniier trie isws or m ware, for, which they paid tho State fees aggregating $183,94 80. tiio repori oi tho Secretary of State shows a gradual railing on, as J3.1 cnarters were rautu in 1917, while for tho first sK months of 1918 tho number was 15bs, as compared with 1021 for tho last six months. All reatrletlnna on ahlnments of nn- f thraelt. ea-n- slzo. wero removed today I by the anthracite, committee of the united States fuel administration. Ar- Icordlngly, this one of the chief domestic size of anthracite may now bo obtained freely and for consumption anywhere throughout the entire country, even In the many States barred to domestic-sized anthracite since last spring. Steel manufacturer of tho Sharon district assert thero was no In. treased bujlnc this week duo to tho ary price scncuuic wincn uecamo ei- ectiva -ianu.irr l lti s are an n.ruie runnlntr near normal schedule, except i American hteel Foundries vvhleh closed rits rinnroii piani, nun vimey .nuuiu mm ' ni inn rcviHcei raies ueuueuons nmouiu llron (n . whleh suspended operations lm- to SO a Ion have been innd l,v Hip I 'A at Its West Middlesex works The i lion and steel pipe mills, who have Is S Ctia.nBllttla M in, ? II, A l.,!,," . nfflll,nV ut.n.1 . ,ll.uiMn, llo.d nf.....). .. .... ... Shamsvllle nlant of the litter comnsny Is operating nt normal capscit) TJvery plant of the United States Steel Corpora tion In Sharon and Fnrrcll is now lun nlng at full capacity. Trade of the United states with Japan in th venr lust ended hna shown a tremendous gain, especially on the ex port side. A ininpllitlon hy the Natlonnl Ol'v H.mk of vw York shows lint the value of merclnndlto exported from the Unltnl States to Japan nnd Its leased Ciliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli: A Monthly Income Your Liberty Bonds are promises of the United States Government to pay back your money plus interest. We have other caiefully selected bonds promises from thriving firms and coiporations that will 'assure you a regular income and good interest on your money. We can arrange your bonds so that your interest is due monthly. Eveiy month you clip a coupon, just as you do j our Liberty Bonds, and cash them at your bank. Writo for further information. West & Co. BANKERS 1417 CHESTNUT STREET Hfml, I New 'tork Stool. Eirhange Member -j i-nuadeiphta block Eichange niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir. Will the League of Nations Save Mexico? DO you know that efforts are being made to have the Peace Conference arrange to pro tect foreign interests in Mexico? and that many business men of America and Europe believe one of the first works of the League of Nations should be to release Mexico's marvellous supply of gold, silver, oil, rubber, etc? Every Owner of Securities In Mexican Companies should lead an exclusive special aiticlc on Mexico and its immediate possibilities in this week's copy of our enlci piising investment weekly. Illustiatcd with map. Latest News of the Standard and Independent Oils also news nnd quotations of the progressive Industrials and Ameiican Mining Companies. Telephone, call or wiitc today for a free copy. Ask for TU-777. Next week Independent Oil Number. Reserve a free copy at once. JONES & BAKER SECURITIES Widencr Bldg., Philadelphia 'Phones Bell, Walnut 1G0O Kt'jttone, Race 2290 .New Tork HtUburiu Clilcia Dfrecl Frtvatt TfOM Boiton INTERESTED IN South America ? THEN VISIT The Export Trade Promotion Exhibit ON THE BALCONY At Ledger Central Broad and Chestnut Streets You will see and learn many things of vital interest to every progressive business man. Manufacturers and merchants anx-. iouVto'enter or obtain a firmer footing in the rich South American markets. will 4 learn of fresh opportunities, new markets and sources, ot supply, einey also will learn of the facilities lying ready to Jiatfd which will enable them to successfully transact business with our sister republics. u vt'i i" territory In China aggregated for the enr about $150,000,000. against 1134, 000,000 1 In the fiscal year 1917. To Japan proper the' total for the tert months ending with October, 1918, Is 1223,000, 000, against J12G.000.000 In tho same months of 1917, nnd only 381,000,000 In the corresponding months of 1916, while to Jnpaneso leased territory In China tho total for the ten months of 1918 la $5,780,000 against 33 624 000 In the same months of 1917, nnd $922,000 In the cor responding months of 191. This new trnde with Japan's leased territory in China Is especially Interesting, showing ns It docs a very largo Increase In both Imports anil exports, and representing food pioducts drawn from that territory and manufactures sent to that area. All llie rallrond entering New York, Including tho New York Central. West Shore, Penns)lvnnln, Krie, Lackawanna, Jersey Central. Haltlmore nnd Ohio and New Haven, have raised tho embargo on export freight. Carload export freight will bo handled under permits, ns heretofore. The war trade board, through Its Philadelphia representative, lldward C. Dixon, h.is announced that .Individual applications for export licenses for Prance and Italy will no longer he re ferred by the bonrd to the Trench nnd Italian high commissions Exporters, It Is advised, should be careful to acquaint themselves with Import requirements of country of destination before making nhlnment Information ns to thee re- iultements la obtainable at the Trench or Italian high commissions In Wash- Iligton. 1). C. The war trntlr bnnrit nntinuticed todar It hail lifted, partially, restrictions pro- in' i ing imporiinon or snipments oi Ar gentine corn. All reauests for Importa tlon of this com to tho United Mates must first receive the sanction or the food administration, It was declared. linrlng the month of December the twelve Tedernl Ucservo banks pur chased J3J. 993.000 special onc-iear 2 per cent Treasury certificates to secure Tederal Unserve bank notes llio total or BUCh holdings Is now $104,707,000. I'cnnMlrunln furnaces are sold tin on I contract for ncn-ly all thu tonnage they could produce u to Julv 1. lull). It is understood that lvuvere hive brought ennsitierauio pressure to near on tnc iurnace interests 10 mauo roniessions on their contracts, nml It Is probable th-t some delivetles will eventuallv be made cul-i, iic. uim.-vun, iinio, lucre)),,; ua ul January J. hmnll sellers nre offering copper for first qusrter delivery at 20 cents a pound, llrltlsh consumers are only bid ding 19 unit a pound and show little Incllmtlon to piy a higher price. Cop per sold .Monday at 21 rents a pound through small sellers Lending hellers still nsk 23 cents a iojntl for first quarter delivery, nut tne) are doing llttlo business at this level. Ke w gossip of the street I RAILROAD BOND HOLDERS ANXIOUS Government Officials Failed to Make Provision for the Pay ment of Interest While the death of Colonel Theodore rtnoneVAlt 1m,l nn ffnrt nn tho stodt and ,,.,., ,-, ,,m.. It was the ..., ... "" " . . ,. Universal subject of discussion in tro financial district. There was very little j Interest shown In the brokers' lestcrdav n the trend of the stock mar- , . . . , . ,i .. .,, ih ket, and principally for that reason tho Colonel's uncxjectcd death was more frequently spoken of. Uv er where mere ( were heard nothing but expressions of regret. The ono outstanding phase of hi. mu.....i.t..i .f.M.f ina Vila Intense. ...o ...... j-.,.,. ...v. . Americanism. On this centerea every expression voiced by men In every sta tion In tho financial district. The meeting of railroad executives in tho Hellevuc-Stratford on Sunday last brought out little or no comment from such financial men ns were approached on the subject, ns no ono knew Just what they hnd decided upon, the meeting being strictly secret. In connection with the railroad prob lem the letter addressed by Otto H. Kohn, of Nov York, to the chairman of , AsLnintiAH e tiAiicrtn.l I'v-AiiiliAa ' . ...... .. . .... . ' i "',vllnHUIl Uft 1 II I Viva and which was made public h Thomas I riilTX! f Pill l.si ntin la-mM n r Is a fl MAId linn uim triipii11 InrinrAPil nnfl nn it 1r lion xaH eeneraii) inuorscd. ami aa u is unlil Ui fiurnmarlzc the ea held by the association on tho quentlon tho action of tho nnrm-nltfrnn nn SiinrttiV i virMlil. IV an I open bco.?, Plift i.elnnlrtnl r,nr(t,A, nf a UAll.lnnun 11,l I...... L.I.I .... 1.. .1... (, '.iittiii, (iwii-se s.iivt jtPirjun; in ih "- hi forwnrded their coupons in the regular way to the trust companies who are the trustees of tho bonds, In mnny instnnces have had them returned by tho trut companies with tho only explanation, "Xo funds " The trouble In most cases Is tho fault of the proper Government officials In their fnlluro to mako the' necessary arrangements to provide for me pnvment of theie coupons when they fill due. Ina fow instances It is possl-1 hie ho kilil lint l,n tti.n.lr.r.l nr.p me, lie fcaiil. that the stnndnnl agree-' 111,111 tiuiiiintieii sqinc time ago 10 mc i.,u,i,i uiiie-mii ny nn- uirecior Kcnera of r.iihoails bus not been executed set but such Instnnces would bo the excep- ul heard a great ilea of complaint from i:,'"-:- .". V.0. ."?".'- ',,..;'V pnjlng so important a roie ." ilnif Hint can bind small n.itlnn holders of railroad bonds who wero eju.utions Mill picked rrekm-r eitr is , and In tho industrial endeavor ot itaiv. u.r s j1P Icnowleclge that each having iliinculty in collecting their In- "? Waher scorlnu eoods T1073c. the should have conferred this high tllstltic-l , ( trcat the nthers fa'rh. Tint teresi Th. hr.i.i.r- h.n il,.,. l,.,v.. h"'T. '"f h'W. I"l '"W.-nr5" .?.?.ilon unon me. nnd I take tho liberty of "''!". .'. , '. i,t .,... .'.., V.!"'1.1 tlon and not the rule. A pood tlpil of MVE IVmantl vrnn rather lm actle !,'"",.,?J,!CrC.Trli:!-.le'.U bHS$?nr&M&a$r?vT2S!i v, ,.. 1-,, m, m-,,t.iu ,.1 ircunR 11 iuiiii j'liilie'U, Hiving a lull expinn moil of the reason for ileliv In mvln. ih ui me reason loroeiav In paying the n?e?2VI.?w h0Hbr "I0 ae "," necessniy doubt In the minds of the , bondholdcTF. The result Is that Invest- ached i . ........iii-., )uu )iuiiv-3 vi luiiiiiioil, AtfCdlUrl ,,. III..!).. .. Ju...t This condition, ho Eald Is the causo of the oiiij io ue lounci in inu c-ountnes actual- menr noiii.es which Fold such bonds to ' ,! The " uuctntton. furUv. f c, enthusiasm Into the, struKKle It hid been wniier 1110 i-.a-c e onierenco miouiu Pu tne-lr customers aio rcceiv ne Kcore of,n".irbs. 43ffir,c. da. tuun fmicv. 44ft i,,.m rirenmstiinet thnt America '"v..1 ':' .''"""":.. nnslous Inquiries and complaints which ?! '" ''' JJ3J-t W4Vs4?r- should thus be associated with Italv Our' thp 'eonferenc" will icmiln clnBed a " on Sun,la' ,'cr"ln,-'r , , , 1 compel a Iensthy correspondence before ' lWi aliuc' fowll fVSn'uiliVd' d'rV tics had been manv nnd Intimate be- Pan; ' v",iTf8 -m Hie" rVrralned I Afttr we liunllnj I toiul farm- n- tiit)),e-r ji b ciiiacinruy cpiaineu. , iJ'f " . in tox.. MiisuinB i ins inu nrr f0re the wat, anil no,, mej mipuiu'v riuscu in lenna a eeniuri klo ana "mi ntitmh . - - - This binlcer (rnvo ns an lntnnco the li'Zv ."'.'ofis? tl umS1 'tnlY.' a p!edEe of friendship and of 1 permi- that th- only Informatluii w rhall h ive , $1 a week lint JUM nulled me! 1 Toledo terminal bond,. w1,om0 Interest ST'bb'ff. tSZt.-SPATittlW '" nen nidation of purpose whlU, """t , ""t the Ulsou-,,,, thort l bln-1 I'irst ' f "' U"A,,' "j!M'. i was due on November 1 and was not ' weshinx 4Vi lbf ind ovr nplcce i"e., ,,-,lHh, lloth coi,iea .!", .' " ' tl,r, ,ps h.1 , , V . , . !i pine Brovn cleared of rubbish cver hull paid till nround .Vovember IS lor IB I '"hlnir 4 lb .iptt. sic. .mall tUf.. S70 'lelt(,'l "ol" I'I1'8 tminlqucs. which lesvo liehlnil them the , mornlnB iiu un iirounn ,oveniDer 13 or 10. ' jsc, old roosters. dr .picked, 27c. roni,tln 'May I not, therefore, acaln thnnl: cclted whisper of rumors nffotdlnir '", unnted some nieces of'suet1 , f , ,, iwAtesV? e'mment. corZmu: tied to tho branches of the trees In the ' A piomlnent banker was speaking lbs. arlccr. sne: wiehlni 3', lb, .m. ' upon mo und take the prlvilcite of greet- Jy"' "",,,, u,c war Increased prove io as to attract the birds vestcrdsy of tho unique- position which ,i8":i,Y1,5hl?1SVJir!!p,T,i,w.' I in JOU anctlnnatel as my fellow cltl- CHrtln responBlhllltlcs, Those on whom Lastly I wanted somo peanuts spread tho Inlted States holds In connection I JVuhFn"" lbs aid ier rpi"ee. aci wtliV. """ . ., , ' tho burden, of theso resnonslbllltlcs full nround to attrsct tho tqulrreln with other nations all over tho world Ine an lbs spleen 34c. welching 2i 3 I I'tosldent Wilson h address on tho hal- must face 'them reiolutelj n..u fainlhand did .1 lunn-up Job Ho said ho found an opinion held nmomr I 'b;,,1"n.1'r,, B?l,r' rnlllnr tjlrv n conj. of tho municipal building jesterda "UVnru about to eoinu to a decision .... . , ,, KrinB lt a, uuli sonbuslmmenandevennmoncer-I.JtVVr:.2 aS U ?tJr', was' as follow,- -ut trjitl.. w he M1 rl 1 al rU. 1. and thero wa.n't a biEn tnln llninclers, that we wero approach- choice. jo3Jc: fair tn so.i. '.7J'ic. "My friends of Turin. I now hue the '. ' "' J'1 ' ", ,,Ve .u'a r ol,r .,f vvaMe tianer Z LS"1 0t rt,n,e ?r0J,men i W- - dSSU?'! w'h'ttuK ' 'r'Vof.f , H o "ildat".' ,' K; , "? -rr,?,&iir,V.!.kN0UM "'CE pals wero delisted to Is mora the lack of means of transpor- 7k lb3 r'r, d""" A?: ,d. J"."'"'-' ' but I want ou to know that I brine out knowing exactly the will of tic times ioke about It nut vviien tne tatlon and lilch exchance- rates than iK.ll,'Sn.l',vcl,. li Sii?r.1;,iV-2? -, I the greetlncs and the affcetlomto sreet- people, whleli knowledge ca.i bu ohtslu- found four bcidlrrels lu a bunch the ilo- frm nn ,,??nllC"'in'Z,i. L'" i ?'" f "''ti,.- lWnX?."- """"' nS, f the United Statei, to tho people c.l onlv bv open ills, usslon Th.io is elded that Clearvalo wav -Just the most r some Instance ho remarkisjkrn fiar" """" """ ' or Ilaiy and the Krcat city of Turin ,''''" ' K ,U,'" "",''. ,tlu I'l".?".",15 leharmliiR (.pot aiound New lurk " -2 fuHha? tunclpanslor,,"rr,rpu"cl,asme I H.ESH FRUITS My Xl. 2.131 'uf'R.rniii'u'n.PoKn- ! ?"" ,"',"' d"ar' , lnI lh t. j power of tho neonla baa ranched If not 1 Choico stoe'e met with fair tala i.nl vnlu.n , tho sentiment or our people "'l,ti,irv In kucIi n comuli te nilunval of 1 1 in tickled to pieces to mini, mat li oresent nisrn t,r pon i,nf o tint n tn,. I u i 4iti r I .ortnprti sn, i ni srn iiui. . ctiu))j .-..r.-- nnad'n foret;n0nn,,b,CT,rOUr 'nrSl,tl IWX"'...", l XTthe lYes.de I ""Volnler l'.i ' EXPECT COiSFFREiCE ! ' "Itl 'rop0riUon "" ntt,C,l0 aS nnd a forclsn mat ket for our burplus nla and MrEinla. per iMrrel Hen lnvi, inllir ,, .,,. !l,,au .i.m.t mn. llL"" llnnjlj 'lossible products, ,md that wo tannot do prop- H 5or. as imno, s nonrs. stanmn win.- iieorgo, if the liriiisn cauinc.i ijiiun. nvni' I 4 ni tut' i Hid n letter from mother this morn- er.v ,111 we extend our forc.Sn UL j ,JVn.e " rane.'AP.L "r, of'' amicVmcrct. n ' W liEG JNU4R) 1J lnr 3l. but , bIlre ,d enjoj my let- and credits much more Jhan we havo S-l.u.h.l basket. 4(icti :v, .10 per busitel- " ,fl ,1 , ' f,,:. " 'nie from e'annea '' bhe mentioned It alrout half a dozen done in the post Thero is an Idea 5iksVIw-mnAp?","i H'V?:na l'r ,'''- , ,? J hn i ne, led I IK TH till I -; sPIlir times. It makes mo feel n bit ashamed ' abroad, ho said, that high Price, are t"?:, .I'',"'?, f. : "I?.!!!' whenever ho Is needed Ilj CHAIU.I.S A. bU.l)l.. rrn . i ve neglected to write ly engaEreu in thc war, but as a, matter' "" ;. a"SL2'; n ,',,m,V,p '," l.fl", "lco of tint nrlna n m mi, .- i .1 1 P'r crate VH IOhO 10 L'ranlrr ten. Jerrn, oi tact prices aro higher In somo of tho p,.r bunhel-box. Ji .inBO, do. do. nr birrel neuiral countries Hv cry country has at '" J.W -'- straw berries. 1 lorlcU pr quart, present an abnormal expansion of credit ' und. therefore, high prices. Tho two most promising nntldotes to high prices can bo been In the work of several lirge banking Institutions In es tablishing branches and agencies 'In for eign countries, nnd the activity In the building of ahlpi to transport our sur plus production to theso countries In tho past Orent Urltaln' owed her com mercial and financial superiority to her ownership of the means of tinnsporta tlon ships nnd tho llould capital to finance an enormous valuma of foreign traae, Today we aro rapidly getting the ma- chlner- leadj to beeomo the foremost commercial nation in the world. All that Is netsled Is for our manufacturers, bus- iness men and bankers to havo unqucs-1 tloned faith In their ability to take ad-1 vantage of tho.oppoitunltlos which arc I at our doors .Speaking of rcconnructlon in I'rancc ' .in onitiai or one or tno large Industrial concerns which turned out Immense I 1 ...... i.) - .. ..... .... , II". ",';f '. , ,nial"u' A wn, waal most intimately Informed of conditions in tho war-devastated district of rrsnee ny personal contact nnd observation. said that in the cases of small villages ' and small towns he did not belltvo thev would bo reconstructed as the term Is generally undeistood In tho United States. Mnnv of tho ,,..., i , ,,!. Inally very slmplo, somo even made of drhid mud covered with plaster, and without any ot the modern conveniences . .. .. . , . ..wv.wv. ..v.w w. .c- that Americans demand. In tho first nlace. ha remsrl.e.l. ther a n r.nn for' the coming together gradually of the peoplo who formed thesa small com. munltles. That reason exists no longer. The men, he said, In tinny Instances have heen killed np lnrnnrlti,ta,1 on.1 tl, nave Deen Killed or incapacltuted and the Incentive aniong those left Is not strong enough to portnlt of reconstruction on such a scale as people in this country have Imagined. This official Is a native ui rranoe. -m t, Bond market conditions were come. wnat improved during tho last weak, and prices at the close of business repre rented advances In many Issues ranging from two to three points. There were, however, a number of losses recorded, principally In raliroud Issues. Tho rail road situation is so unsettled at present that holders of securities of tho carriers of the country nre somewhat skeptical as to the real value of their Investments. This has resulted In considerable selling of certain bonds which, coupled with tho, lack of demand, has brought about the unfavorable results referred to. New York traction Issues displayed weakness as a result of the receivership of tho B. It. T. Company, and final quo tations at the close of the week repre sented considerable losses. T.he traction situation still presents many problems, nnd thero Is a great de gree of speculaticn as to what will be the outdomo with respect to the Inter borough Itapld Transit and New York Railway Companies, Wilkei'Dirra Uelrcts Dies W llke-narre, Pa., Jan. 7. Mrs. Sarah Neabltt Smythe, only daughter of Abram Nesbltt,' multi-millionaire and Luxerne County' richest man. Is deld from a short Illness of pneumonia. She was forty-sis years of age. Her father, hus band and two bom urvlv, ' Philadblphia Markets GRAIN AND FLOUR T HKAT rtecelnta tot BSS huehels The marked was quiet but prices ruled steady. The quotations1 Car Iota In export ele vator, Government standard Insp ctlon. standard prices No 1 red winter, 12.30: No 1 northern spring:, 12 8i No, 1 hard tinier, .' rtaj ino l rea wimer, name-air, 12 17: No 1 red amutty, $2 3ctt No S red winter. I.' 80: No. 2 northern aprlnr, 12 sj No 2 tinnl wlnlnr t? XAi Mn t! red winter. trarlcky. J2B4: n'o. 2 red, amuttj. W Sit' eprlnc, J 32: No S hard winter. 12 82. No. , n reu winter, (rariicki, s u; ro reu. , amutu 1 2 SO: No. Bred. $2 30 No 4, ar- lttkvri5H! No j imnttv. 12 27i Nn 4. No" T Vae'iJW yi2VarBNor,a. ."mim'. l.-js'l ,',-,- l'.t.'' .. ::-... i r.j -,nu. ' No s irarllckj, amuttv 14 rruiN Hecclpta 3st bushels Supplies' LTtrWw.",!,, . m'Ut"e' y'e'llow'Yn iJX.'ffi ?,VW5lVr" bwA" ter for choice old. ' DATS Itecelpta 144.1(1T bushels The . tnj,.,i .. Hhirtjr n.riirti.nr. i5f,V'tlolocUon."J hae.qsiH:Vier. fsir.No" fir"fa$ ""' ri our itecelpta. s'it.ISO lbs In sacks llli tnarlral Maaa ! i. aalr tinr1t aran. eral pressure to sell. Quotations: To arrive. atlons: To arrive. t.T .,l" Pounds. In .140 pound lute sacks sscks Kansas. i inter, etrilnht. I10HB1040: stralitht, JJO Ve,!0 7ni do, patent. Ill) TAW 11 sprlnu short patent. M075HH. do lu'ir"' " :loo,u T d0" flr" cl"r ,0 4"3' 11YR KI.OUK was dult and unchaneed "e quote at IS 750 25 per barrel, in aacka os to quallt. PROVISIONS There waa a fair Jobblnp demand nnd values were steadily h-ld Kollov-lnif wero tno quotations- City beef. In seta smoked and ntr dried 48e western beef. In seta smoked 4c: elt beef knuckles and tenders smoked and atr-drled. 4Pc: western .'.4 nnucaiea ana teniera., amnKeu. i'c beef hams R0c: uork family, MOPSc'nnms JW. rj,.n"P5LfiS,T5 J,1J1r and ai .. . rurrd. iooa loose a;atHc- do do. moked. SocatiHc' ' ims, BmoKea rr'&i eS'iXef'tfm" 'SaSSS1 , riirii sou ciii ness An hnllfd bone v.eatem riired sn!4 '.lAajii Kl ll i la r tiAl lvnaat ' less RJc nlnlo shoulder a. P. cured, loose fWc do'smok'd Si.Vi". belli, It! (MM. U iDOalpl .14a l,s..l,..l ,.... llu MFr1 A . Driit bacon wMtern curfd ic, Irn. wwtfrn r-nnM 2o.fl'4c: Urd. pure city, Vcttle-rentierod 2HW2HSic. nrnwrn ctTr attc iui iiju wwv(' Tim niri,., ... ..I., i ... - nn o l.isis of i for tlno uranulated . . . . 1J1IIVI IIVUUUV.U brands nt nrlnt ffop.1 1,11 iPTic I.CIOS Sui piles of fresh cbb were small and clemind abwrbed all ofTerlnaa at tlrm prices.- Cold storace stork as also In small sunnli nnd Arm. irnllowlnir Mire me nuotitlon. I'reo cases neafbj ntsta. $J0 40 j per crate, cu-rent receipts, $ln HO per easoi yestern. extra nrsls l.'o 40 per case. Ilrsts, I 111) so per case. Inferior lots lower. atoriB, rcirs Jl-,iii 211 per case, selected frcshi ,0KnhVHW8,TpP?l,I?rwI.0f:n.in.ll and , J innrkf I rtileil ttmm, vllh .maml .iiiimI In the oiterinks The fiioine were the quo- tallon New 1 ork. who e milk fancy fresh 371,0, .peclils hleher, lo do filr to uoud rresii, an'i 3,e: do. vvisvoniln whole- mi it. inncy. 27 v, &T3HC. do. do. fair to LOod JU'iJiSTc. tiniiiTDV iiuaiit), 3H5rso. sprlnic ihlekens, je. I,"',,"; ," .iumihj ,i,nc ro.,i re .i'ir --' lu,',,'. IVkln, .lifLlc. do InJl.in l'.un , ..(fa4t t,eSc. sjftT. , turkes, ss(f WlTmrnVVlVJr'felHSff.A.eU? ,,m r mir. ncia.-e. rfn. imim --.st.soe IRESSEi Demand v;aa fair and aun Rpneralli rulfd firm, with cranl errl'a niraln Murk .iknuy n.cner . wuoiauon Arpif. .. per barrel Klnir S 4 .,11(117 1IA1I noriua per strap, iiih tlrnpcrrult per "'"'""' VEGETABLES i iirTATir.pci Th. ,Ai.A) .,.,..., ... with offerings only motUnite and rtcniand ).,ii i nu iuiiu,,iiik cre in" tiuoiiuiona; White potatof, Kastcrn hhore per bbt , Jn I. 31f3 TO. No. J, $J02rn white itatoeH Norfolk ter t hi J I J,, Willi), jtotatof. Jeraej. per ft-buih bwlct . N'o 1, SOUlMi... No J ."otftfOc, white potntoei, I'tnnajlianla. No 1, per Un) lba , $. t)ip 2 R'i ,vhlte potatoei. wentern nr li'O I'.a - JO02 41). do. .New ork. per 100 lb , $3 10 WJ J. Hfet potHtoea Jira , iNkt 1 51 '0SJ1 71. No 1! Ill 21. Swet iit.tiiH, I nHIprri Minr- ler lilil . ,i I i airrn fnore per nm . no 14 10S1 10, No J. J2 lift 1 10 sweet pota toes Delaware anl 1lnrlanif, isr lush l 71. rabbsue Danlah teed per ton IHOUD ?:naf- peTl0,0bPC.vctON,o,Vj2r'75Oft,'!''!3' jw"5: 73cOJl !..-.-. -pji7 YORK BUT1ER ND TCHS . V ,... - imTTPit tZ.,1. MJf wluhrU,HlSher oo"n"'HW70c' ril' lrs i.hViTfi'ie. tlrst, il4sc. aerond- 5c liWr.g1'1"' 8'u,c. Imitation kous JUevlpta. 11 40D cas nse tn. lie extrs flrate. nnirn.7e: flrats. anjinio. unm.B m?i)t.se. refrlcemtnr Hneelnl marl ed 3Se, dfrtiei No V TSRc7No 2 60riJc Mate white. 4!Sii7ci western ami southern irtlJ7Cc rartflc coast. MiiiviR.c, nearli whllea 7fli77ci brown, 7047:c, mixed color, oicSTOc LIVESTOCK OUOTATIONS Chlcairo, Jan 7 IIOclS rtecelpta. (IJ 000 head, r.lrly nctUe. ateidy tn lOn lower Itun elow In arilvint nulk, l7 4iai7 71. heavy era ' ft ft,- ZMnul"'-V 1Pa"kinlt 'tn "17 no, medium nnd tnft) yeiternny-. nveraife Heavy butch- t butch . bead n,pin, Kin svr 17 mi. inenuin nni-f m vpri packinu 17 &oisi" no, thrnnut Ji,i7oO l'W"t ' '.?.?01r'.'"" ." f X rTI.K Uecelnta 1100 hen.t neef ateira opened !ow!y, moiitly 1.1c tn ile lower Veal cahen, J.lc to ftnc h'cher lleef. anml, rhoUe and prime. JI8 2110 71- common and medium fl' 711 Win 'JI hutchera' heifers SS J1ftl4 J1 coa $S11 Ho, atockera and I feeilera. moo. cnrire anu anry, iinsui, ,s -,, inf,rior. rmnmon and medium 17 7lii?f 111 r.n veal elea. ji 5117 1 HHH.BP Kcctlpts, 4o 0011 head Opened n'Mi' ! Kanaas (llr.Jan 7. CATTLE r.ecelpu, ' 11 0110 it 1 Ktoaa. , ,,,,; ..i,. n nnn h..,i n..., ' hllhEP Itecelpta, 4000 head btronirer. ie msner, (South Omaha. Jan, 7. IIOOS Receipts, lilftOO head Nn aalea Proipecta easier. rtne lnn17SV I'ATTI.E Receipts 12 R00 head. WIEtP Recilpt". 10.300 head ritlabnrch, Jan, ,,,. RIftW. ftOc 7 HOClS Reeelpta, flOOO er. All vood ftOc tn 00c tower. All food e.elBllt, $18 10W1H;J Few early aatei. CATTLE Reeelpta. 10(1 bead flteady SllBBl' AND LAM 118 Reeelpta, RO0 head hheep strons it 111 3s4ll.no. I.ainbs. 2ftc lower at 117 SO Calvei, re celita. 100 head Steady at $21. LOCAL MEAT MARKET Th. follnwlnd report of In freah meat trade In Philadelphia la fcirnlahed by th. local llveatock and meat office of the Rvl reau of Markets, United State. Department ''toeSuS'bEbJ11 Rec.lpta llaht. froxen beef belnc offered Market atrons at yesterday', prleea Iiemand cood 8TBEHS Itecelpta llsht.o Market (lrm at 120 to WO Demand active. COVV8 Receipts moderate. Market Strom on rood cows at 120 to l!S. Steady on com. mon at 1S to 110, Demand cood VBAIi Receipts light. Market strong" on fresh and froitn stock at (18 to (ST. Da- '"Vonif Receipts llM. Market stronr to II hlrher at 111 to IIS, Demand brlak IA1111S Receipts llsht Market stronr on fresh stevk at lis to I2 froien stock, lit In 12' TVetnand aond. "ir. 3N Jteeelpta limited. Market Una her at 1 to IUf txmaol food. - !? to 11 lii'T-TT-r, t, ,, . .. ii.t ....I t. . . .. i .v. lie.. ,'.,i,w..-'. ..,.,..-...... , .. ,ii, uiiii s Jobbing at .48Ti0u. Kir to Wilson ifi Paris to Frame Peace Continued from rase One elgners to each other. We think the aame Oioughta, we entertain the ame purrMiefa, we hare the same Ideala, and tlda war has done this Ineatlmable serr- ce It hna brought the nations Into ri0,r n(I Ttn contact ao that they feel he Pulea that nre In each other nnd ao Hint tnev know the purposes br which . . .,.,.. each la animated. ."We know In America a gre about Italy because wo have so Tn. Italians -Kellow- citizens, when Uaron Son- nrgulng the other day for tho extension of tho sovereignty of Italy over the ,,,,, )K,nurons. I said to him that I was sorry we could not let jou hrve N'ew York, which. I understand, Is the greatest Italian city In thp world I nm told that thero nro more Italians In Xew York city than In any city In Italy and 1 ant proud to be I'resldent of n nation which contains so large nn ele ment of the Italian race, because, as a student of literature, I know tho genius that has originated In this great nation, tho genius of thought and of lioctry and philosophy nnd of music. I am hrppy to he a port of tho nation which U en riched nnd made better by the Introduc tlon of such elements of genius and of Inspiration. "Mnv I not again think tho repre sentatives' of this great city and the 'renre - entntlves of tho Government for tin- welcome they hove given me and sav wwln. or I e-innot say It too often. Viva Italia Honored W Itli CitUenalilp In accepting the freedom of tho city, I'r, ntdeut Wilson said: ".Mr. Mjvor- noth on the streets of this Interesting cltv nnd here ou have made me feel nt home feel nltnost ns If I it were the greeting of a people of whom I VMM IndrPil li folloW cltlZCP I am verv much honored that this great clt, Internretlne- vour action, sir, not merely as a personal compliment to mvsclf, to whom vou nscrlbo virtues otid powers uhlrh r feel T dr. not possess, nut ns ,i ....... .. .... .. .. . t A..rALnni xnouce 10 uie people- wiiuui . i- 'The people of the United States were ,. V .',,,"', i,,,l,o einr ncrt reluctant In take part In the war, nor becauso they doubted the justice of the cntiHr. but h.eause it vvs the tradition nt tl.A Att,rltn r,nnllc to Dl.CV no PnrL . ,,. t)0iiii, ()f other continents, '" o' i," "' ... ,,.. , but as the struggle grew from stage to Ktare they were more nml more moven 1. .. , ..... ..... i .. r.a ..., n.i " " convieiio.i ic . """ ""?'" " Ittimnputi Htrmzizle. that it a n. fctrup. 1 t. ,,r. ri v. rintt. nt tin u or lil nnd tlie iii,rnitlon of hum inlty. anil,. uUh that conviction. It was Impossible that tbej (,louu withhold their nanus Happy Alliance Willi ltnl.v f"l : " """' "?" t,,c," of tlieir convletlon came, thev threw 1 c.cr, risotini- of men and tronej and, I Italia! ' .... .ord Ilobert lecil. tne uritia au- .. ... .. ,. n,,l.v.,u . Itt of nations, villi i llrltlah Have I'rogrum Lord Robert Cecil. It is understood i r.),iv to nn-aint a nulte dellnlli' program, giving tho British viewpoint t ,.....,, ... -- ...- nn a society of nations Leon Hour eml. nbo Is nrpnsrcd to out'ino the 1'iennh plan, whllo the American dele-j gates havo been enraged actively ;, ,.!.. ,elr views in deHnlte shnne putting their v ei in ''enn,le """'' The President Is expected to tiko ft jri lively Inlciest In this subject. others HKoir 10 seo mo rrcsiuem aro Senator Owen, of Oklahoma, Premier Venlzelos, of. tlreeee, and vinnt.t .leViratlon for discussion of .Sns" uuu rf),ns;iii ..... w ...v - " .u Czecho-hlovuk nnd ernla ueiegationa have arrived and arc seeking inter- views with tho President, who doubt- less will confer with all of them The outlook Is feu- a busy week pre paratory to the assembling of the Inter-Allied conference next week ns.n It adds, lt mnv bo concluded from the brevity of tho conversation that the talk did not havo tho extraordinary Inv portinco which certain clrdes hid been Inclined to attribute to It Prebldent Wilson has eontlded to one of his friends his impression of the reception given to hlni In Prnnce nnd according to the Eclair, declared that ho was moved most by tho outbursts of populsr sympathy Maxwell Blake, Americin consul general In Morocco, has been summon ed to Paris by President Wllhon, who wishes to consult nlm on Moroccan questions, according to tho . Depecho Maraculne of Tangier. Hill Iteturn In l. . ,, , , ,, President 1AIU011 will return to the United .States to attend tho closing sessions of tho present Congress, ne - corcung w inewin ii 11.1. i,u. .ui cuiiib cording 10 presene iirins, turn iviu come back to Trance for tho later bluings of tho Peaca Conference The President, according to present plans, Intends to leave i;uropo about February 12. Ho Intends to deliver several addresses concerning the set tlement of the war and tho cstabllBh ment of a peaca which lt Is hopod will be durable. The President will miko several nd dresses to Congress, and after March 4, It Is expected, will return to France. NO GREAT EMPIRES, SAYS PRESIDENT MI'an. Jan. 7. In speaking to largo delegation which welcomed him to Milan at the Tcoval Palace yester day. President Wilson said; "I cannot tell you how much com plimented I am by your coming In person to give me this greeting., i have novcr known such u greeting ns tho peoplo of Milan have given me on the streets. It has brought tears to my eyes, because I know that It comes from their hearts. "I can sea In their faces the aame thtnn that I feel toward them, and I know that It 1b an tmpulsf of their Pnpera nlacuaa Visit , ill discussing cue im 111 11"1'1"1 Harrv I) Morgan 40 North I)t irharn " wl'eli It stc-imed Into New oik IVilson to the Pope. I, Homme Libre, I ,,,rVet niilnBli hiib this ft licit s5ch a harbor vunlnv iH-t"""- ' ot lh organ of Premier t lcmencc-cu. de- " , '" ifa'lTnd tlmt he e.m "'? nnd .inc., iron, the wn.o..e Clares It would no r.isn to givo 10 tne Dut ,,,, iii, u Kieat nnnv hnrdshlns "' "iuy o, n r- 1 - .- n.i . visit any other Interpretation than that without grumbling after tpehdinTthirty "' ',";" ir'n "'V'Ti, "fXrT of .e in cnlfestatlon of courtesy. In any hou a In .No Mans Kami, with his rlcht l,a? "? .""' . '"' "."f .,.. ., .... "U. S. World League Plan" Published in Paris Paper I'uris, Jnn. 7. y A. PV-Wlmt It culls tho American plan for a lcaguo of nations Is outlined today by tho Tnrls edition of tlio London Dally Mall. The pnper says that tho Urltlsh Government not only has accepted tho plan, but la pre pared to go much further Tho framework of tho American ine, nccordlnj? to the Dally "jtltrft folloWH tho vvorklnK organlra. tlon In a small country, tturh ns llelglum or Hollaml Kacli nation shall send ono umuasasilor, who also will bo a member of tho cab inet of his country. Tho tiinbas sndor.s would Mt continuously ana would net ulwajs In URitcment with their homo government. The court of tho League of Na tions would bo sobordlnate to and distinct from the ambassador!. Arbitration, In case of disputes, would bo voluntary, If desired, compulsory If nccessar. In ciso of a refusal to arbitrate. It Is added, tho league would appoint sonio of its members to wccrclso pressure. friendship toward tho nation I repto sent as well as u gi.atious welcome to mvsclf I want to re-echo the hope that wo may all work together for a great peace us distinguished from a mc in peace. May I suggest that this Is a great deal in my thoughts? World of Small Nations "The world is not going to consist now of fireat empires. It Is going to ioiist for thu most p.irt of htimll nations, tippnrennv, aim llio onlv ready shown thnt Us progress is In. dustrlal. You cannot trnde with peo plo whom ou do not trust and who do not trUbt ou. "Contldenco is tlio b.isls of cver. thing that vve must do, nnd It la a Jellghtful fci ling th it these Ideals nre sustained liv the piople of Italy mil by n. wonderful bod of people- hucIi is vou have In tlio meat cltv of Milan, It Is with n sense, of added encour agement and strength that I return to raris tn take p.ut In the council that will determine the Items of the peace ., . . . ,,,- ... . ' I think ou with all my hucrt. ' MILAN EDITOR URGES f)PF' PF iCh" iFSMi!i lX.. G.JIj dr,dOlUHd ,'"""' f " 'r-(B ,A. IM-Tlw editor of the ( orr rro 1 VII l Sera miiin tho following stntiment eoncernltig i e tv thins as th- v.culd Is colne through .,,,,. . . I special i.alle to hieniiip I'ublir Ledger j CourtuM, lam lu v iu 1 orA, Timet Co. .... ... 1'nriM. .inn . 11 tsi pnia tn no )i,m,!tt - i sct.led that the Peace Conftrenco will1 begin Monday Jiuiiarv 1J Ihe selection of a t-ecretary genrril foi tho eouf, renee1 Is the ono big post t io oi'cjiui'f io,. ul iiuciv in in I r,,r "'I" H'lP'Ttunt pliee Is M Du.asta tin. I'lemb Wlnl'ter to hwluorlnii ! Thu other I'mvns have be,n asked bv rr.mce I if i,e would I e ueecpt ibln to them An uti rmitivo rtniv sixnccteii It Is suppoxnl the honor of presiding , at tho eoiifeieiue will be pib.cd around Mi'oro or less No doubt tho eonferen l , eoair 10 uwi. "o ni ciio eourpo 01 llie . proceedings it Is probable, thai llrltlsh, Italians and Americans all will have .1 chance to conduct the general meetlnt, ' WORLD LUUKS GOOD TO HERO . anrnt llniti Hours m ISo Ian h r i'Hf.1 v . -t Lailll With tool OIF foot 3hot away lit tho nnklc I .Uo. 1w H.1" "!8 l(birkatlon hospl tal at Camp btuurt, Newport News, but titi thnt he Is "wllu' to come to Phils, delphla, v. here ho will bo with his vvifo and three children Morg ill was running nicssng,. to both bides ot the line during tho light at Ar gonne woods All day long bo Ploughed through n hall of michlne.gun bullets without mishap He hao n'most eeatnl to tninn 01 unnger wncn a onc-pounu . shell struck him .iua elv in tho l,gl Just above the ankle i-plodlng nnd tak- ing ins loot nvvny anu severely wound- lng 11 man behind him lln fell in shell hole and remaliud the-ie for thirty hotirR. Somo time during tlio night, "It seem d like nn eternity to mc," he tnld. .1 phyalelnn pasi-,d and gave hltn n 'shot In the btomuc.li "I-ater 1 was taken to 1 tno jmspltal and my leg was amputated 1 Juht bvlovv tho knee, the wouae. having 1 beeomo Infected. TRANSPORT PASTORES ARRIVES Takes 1236 111 anil Wounded to Newport News Newport News. u. Jon 7 The transport Paatons arrived here letter- div from iranc- wtn i;t m and wounded, including lStl marines, The lion BoldleTs, who represent all of tho States, were sent to tho debarkation bos. pltnl nt Cimii htuart for a few davs' rest before being distributed o convaies. cent hospitals in various parts of the country. Th- marines n. sent to the naval hosplta' nt Norfolk. The transport Pocanontas, which docked Sunday, debarked about 5000 men yesterday. Only a few of Ihe men were lls"d as woun ''d or c-suals The a!"i'tB bora -wero the 3J8th and 126th Regiments. Field Artlllerv. and the l(19tn Ammunition Train These units, com posed principally of men from Iowa, wer trained at Camps Cody, New Mexico, and Dodge. Iowa. Tho battleships Kansas and Georgia, earning troops, and the transports Powlvatan nnd Konlnger lcr Nerdcr lantjcf aro duo 111 port today. Ait to Truck Bums; Little Damage An niitntrnek hnlonBrlns In Kamtial Sol, a stove merchant, 622 South Second street, caught fire this afternoon while parked on Third street below ILaJnbrldge. j The damage was slight. I BUSINESS CAREER OF PETER FLINT A Story of Salesmanship by Harold Whitehead (Cep right) CCLXXXIX WAmtKNTON and four of his nrtlst pals turned up last Sunday. They nre my own prospects, of course The only other one to take to Clear vato was Abercomblc IIo hnd two Scotch pals and they had a glorious time talking Scotch They each bought a lot beforo the day was out. llson had u lot of excuses but no prospects I tald no ono had any prospects but Abercromble and me, but that's wrong, for Able had a llttlo Jew tailor, who Able said would buy Of course, I took hlni along with us, but I'll have to tell Able, so's not to hurt his feelings, that that kind of person won't buy land. Good had been on the sick list nearly all the week, he's a line fellow, but tho least thing knocks hlni out Kvtrliart ctpected a touplo of pros pects but thej didn't turn up. My ncwbpiper advertising was a good Investment, for three people turned up at the Grand Central Station nnd went with us I put them In Wilson's enre Good, Lv ci hart and the three salesmen thus had one prospect each Several requests for particulars about Clearvule lots have been received from that advertising, bo I gues Its the real thing in advertising nil right Certainly Its better than those but ters I ucd, for I never had .1 single peep of an Imiulry from them 1 11 havo to keep up .ulvertUlng In the news papers, that's ceituln and 111 be ehnr., , In spending In Hlda ventures I .Several of Leo's men wero nn the! train with proipects for Lecvillo I'ark lots Zclgler and the red-faecd felloe tiled to start un argument, but liver hart, with IiIh sl feet two Inches of solid fighting weight scared them when he quietly doubled up bis gnat h.unl one of a tlHt. looked at It and then at them Tint seared them off, for thev never looked our wu again during the tilp Hut coming back to vva'renlon s ul. I sold three lots during the nftcrnnrn, and think I II get two moio sold dur ing tho week. Tho stunt I'd prep ired for Ihcm helped a M, though. I'm sute. This Is whit I did I went to Clo.malo on Tuesduy of last wick nnd looked tho placo over very carcfullv especially nround tho pine tree grove I mw at once tint nnj no vi Uh that freak thing 'an nrtlstlc temperament,' would be Jarred bv the slirht of thnt waste paper and rubbish, so I decided It would havo to be cleaned tin Moinehcw Now, if I did It then It would havo. been .is bad ns ever b Sunda), so' I decided tn find a local teilow to clear up on Sunday morning After some hunting I found .1 farm- I did It, ami It makes mo reallzo thrt its ,., t.,, , ,i,in..q ns tlii-i wh e h .,,-. . :- tu her but III do better In future, for1 I she s one wonderful mothei bless hir Thev. that la. Mother. Ioicv and Mars f -.--. .-.--. . . . ""''Mde nro duo hero In the mornlnr and 1 ve urrrii'ed to give them the vchole dii I buggcted to l'raucls that be lake t.s nil lor n i "cowled and to lie's going to 6 i.s nil for n ilde In ' Truo-ljvc '- he Id me not to be funny tell tho old tat and buy a new ono "" " ...1Z. "..... DRAKES MARINES AVIATORS IIrUoDJ HlninLvJ nilfllUlVJ hen ice in France 1 Guat n vveio tho exploits or our mnv and tnvv avh'tors In thu wnr th" blrdrm-n of the msrlne corps are their 1 cupei lore III the opinion of 1 apmin Fr,,l .s 11-ildl this cltv who his hi n 111 nutthern l'rance with a inniliie nvn- Hon unit sime last .iuh. . eaptaln Ilaldl was one of tho Phil-1 lad.lphlansnbo.ini the V .s .s IUnih-r- nortunitv ellliltncy of ' !V i '" " as not c unfilled entlrolv to tho Infantrv I,vl, of pi 111, s h" Slid, was one ot th driwbuks in th, operation of this otherwise eltlclo-it contingent CHARGES LENNON IS "TOOL" . . ... 1 c .. ,, . iUlllPfS iMctl 1 old Loilllcil Head f cj.,i a ... a:,i 11 i p seeks 10 aiu 1 . i. 1. James II Lcnnon. president of Select Council, Is a tool of the vans and ad vocates me removal 01 mo car irucKS on Pacevunk avenue that his "bones ' may rrcilvo contiacts for tho repavlng of the street which will fo'low th Ir removal acording to Joseph Trainer who last I night addressed the Passyunk Avenuol lluslncbs Mms Association I Trslnei iieciateu vir i.onnon nau op- 1 nove-d the removal of tho tracks during tl o Blatikenburs administration and chain, terlzed his present attituda as i desertion of the, common people to I Mrvo bis bosses and the Philadelphia P.npld Transit Oompnnv ' The company Is seeking a permit from tho Pulilto hcrvice eomnussioii to re move Its tracks on Pass) unit avenue At a hearing before that body last Sat urday Mr. Lennon advocated the re moval of the tracks STKAMinlPI o SPANISH STEAMER "URKI0LA MEND!" PHILADELPHIA FOR CADIZ and BARCELONA Sailing About January 1 1th Vef Frelfbl Ppare aatt Bates ApdUt t Gailey, Davis & Co., AgU. 316-320 Walnut Street Philadelphia lka Lembara tM-t eiX New York Shipbuilding t ' Corporation Camden. New Jersey The yard thnt launchtd the Tuck- thoe In 27 davs wants some- food men for various departmental. Do not apply If you are at pre- I ent working for any other shipyard. . Pee representative at V B Bra 1 ployment Service, G21 Arch St, alt ' 3d & Walnut Sta, Philadelphia: and 6th & Taylor Sts, Camden, N. 3. . Z - J William Etsweilcr & Co. ESTABLISHED 1859 PEOAL BLACK" ManufacturtT 'Vaterproof A Stcamproof Leather Belting Philadelphia. U.S.A. WATERPROOF Nagle Steel Company Steel Plates and Sheets PollslowR, Pa. Ji Chas. J. Webb & Co. Wool and Cotton Yarns MG Chestnut St- Philadelphia. Ptv FRANK A. HOPPE Vlnnuftii'tiirrr of llirii: (II MNtl CUMI'OIMIS Nitro Powder Solvent No. 9 2311 North Eighth Street I'im.vni.i 1'inv C. JESNIG Precision Machinist i 716 Sjinsom street Philadelphia Hohlfeld Manufacturing Co ' "Ec'it" Hammocks Couch Hammock "De'feld Qua'itv" Turkish Towels and Bath Mats Allfclirnj Are., Mnth anil Tenth Sli.. I'lillndelolila. I'n. tw. ftaMjf N. Z. GRAVfcJS Tuenrnnrsfpr 22 and LI South Third Street Philadelphia Tbf nouf ' hnrrlihlra la faint aH arnlibra Southwark foundry & Machinp Company Manufacturers of Hydraulic and Power Tools 400 M.VMIl.M.-rO.N AVCME 1 UkUl.l UIA WALKER & KEPLER EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL1 531 CHESTNUT STREET Philadelphia, Pa. Turponelj SInde for Urerr Puroo. PAINTS & VARNISHE3 Once tstU Alwajs t'rcl erred CIA uk b. AWt 5 . MX 3 ARCIirrnCT and en! .er 1909 Arch btrret. rbiU Ja Icievboneit Itac. 115. si iZl .-J CHARLES COMPANY 1,17 nil! reh -t.. Tlilla., T3. : Hangers : PuIIsys : Be twi American Drcd?ing Co. River &. Harbor Improvements SOS Chestnut Street I'hlludelpbU J DELAWARE DREDGING CO. 410 COLONIAL TRUST CO. BLDO. UTH AND MARKET STREETS PHILADELPHIA. PA. Commonwealth Casualty Compan- I'h'ladeliililu'a Oldest taaualty Coinpun.' I li II t nn lean ..t"!,,M1l!,,.f . Compeler llulne- Method XCrilll'M. HFM.TII. M'TOVIOIHI.K, 1KVMS. 1IAIIII.ITV INSIUANCK Ask lour Uroker for Our Rates br 1'hone Lombard U373 I jrinin: Fl M F W"! economlral. healthful. HARDWOOBB houses. ' L O O R S Old floors rsflnlsbac!. i 4( 4 W. 0. O.STK.VtlDKF. 1023 N, llroad t. uaa uraiea -llie iccai nc.iner scrip York Burns $200,000 or Bond .,. York. Ta , Jan 7. City bonds tp tha amount of (206,500 and Interest coupon on outstanrtlntr oonas of tne municipal totaling $2.6S 19 have been paid by 1 Mr sinking fund commission anal j mTfU, Is the jfMae ofiolty offleN P.-1 1 1, 1 v a -l r ( l. vA 1 ( ,eV,'