Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 06, 1919, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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Now Is the Season for
These Piquant Dclica-i
cies Bonbons and Dates
' Stuffed With Ginger
How to Use Curry Powder.
An Appetizing Chicken
and Rice Dish A Curry
. of Mutton
tCowrlpM. !, Iv Mrs. .V.A, IVirisn.
.411 rlonti mmta.l
TN TROPICAL countries the nn-
tives season their food abundantly
with highly flavored aromatic spices.
They also include the green and
red peppers, chille.s and gingers on
their daily bill of fare.
The intense heat causes the liver
,to become inactive and torpid and
.thus the patient lapses into a pro
longed sleep. The intense cold will
have somewhat similar effect upon
the human b6dy; the blood becomes
thick and sluggish and the liver
torpid, which haves the person with
out ambition.
This is a seasonable time of the
year to vary our diet with the addi
tion of curries, spiced fruits and
ginger novelties. The East Indian
'curry is a blend of aromatic spices;
it may be purchased in every high
grade grocery shop. Leftover por
tions of meat, fish and vegetables
may be used for making thce ap
petizing dishes, which lend piquancy
and vary the monotony of the win
ter menu.
Chicken and Kite Curry
Wash one-half cupful of rice in
plenty of warm water and then
drain. Rinse again and then place '
in a saucepan and add two and one-1
half cupfuls of boiling water. Cock '
gently until the grains uro soft and
the water absorbed. Now place
One tablespoonful of butter
Three tablespoonfuls of flour
in an iron frying pan and brown
carefully until a dark brown, then
One oiid one-half enpfuh of chick -
en stock
7Vo tatgc onions, chopped very
Ta-o tablespoonfuh of catsup
One tablespoonful -of Worcester- j
shire sauce j
Three-quarters leaspoonfitl of,
curry powder
One tcaspoonful o) salt
Cook gently to the boiling point
and ihen ndd one cupful of shred
ded chicken meat and the prepared
rice. Heat slowly until very hot
and then turn on a hot platter and
garnish with finely shredded parsley,
then serve.
Curry of Mutton
Have the butcher cut the neck
of mutton into cutlets and then wipe
with a damp cloth and place in a
saucepan together with
Tiro nicdiunt'iizcd onion
One carrot, cut in dice
Gently brown the meat before
adding any water. When meat is
browned add
Two cupfuls of boiling no fee
Cook until tender and then sea
son aiul thicken the gravy slightly
with cornstarch, Now add
One-half teaspoonful of curry pow-
To serve, place a border of cooked
noodles nround n large platter and
then lift the mutton cutry in the
center and garnish with finely chop
ped parsley.
Spiced Apples
Place six medium-sized apples in
a casserole and then ndd
One piece of stick cinnamon, brok
en into bits
Four doves
Tico allspice
J'li'o blades of moce
One-half teaspoonful of nutmeg
Three-quarters cupful of bronn
One-half cupful of cider
Bake until tender nnd thru serve
(linger Delicacies
The West Indians make and serve
many delicious desserts and con
serves made with ginger. Hither
the prepared ginger in pots may be
used or the ordinary ginger root
may be obtained from the grocery
snuns. rtsii ior stem n ni'er. ns tins
water enough to cover and cook
Kcntly on the back of the stove until
tender. Or it may be placed in the
nreless cooker overnight. When the
nt I. ,An,-Mtl..l...
.vw a .viiMi.., jiiu,c
and roll in sugar.
-'Bht,ti,nb?x,nnd tlS 8inger
"J,. .'i.. ....fiilUm. i.
,s ,S5 apt to ne stnn.y and ft& -.f& 'MntAXZ StS -' " '"
Soak the KinKer in warm water - , gj VS ofe & , 'SfcTriS. '.W 7, tfU,''&, Kl3 BATaWr
overnifrht and then in the morninc I ittle I oneK Kii.en ' "" "' C"""' ' ""m' " ' -.imim.i:i iiwi.viJiL
wash, usin a vegetable brush. Now Tn , TkoL"-. C" . t Vr.,rr.!n ii TVtZT tloT'""" ""' f' """ "ke lom,m',M u' '
scrape well and then place in fresh , r'nr ju.iam i uIwhi. mii your' lo Annie ton. i. r. , vnu no Uiur ' f"'"?' "
71, .tit " ii- n,ik-einriii uiitni. annul thrH arm nt ce that he had no tim. , ...
Three cupfuls of sugar KKTAT-fr iK2 !S IZZ .'!.nt'h "ie.l About Ilrother Uenea, -.;;; In 'tnV" 'UH .ilaToVaK '
, Three-quarters cupful of water .t-h- i-, lr'-y- y r ,u, w.,.r. un,n . ,-,.. ! h '-' ZAm" S
JttlM Of one lemon ,"" renll. la lon-l.-l.ttfn and er i.reti. tr Miiilim I l..i.e a hrothrr in Train-.. ' " as tin- flrsl plnce Septeniber una i,
. . . , I "hnulil ho o urn, .ful If ou .an hli in IV1'","' ,' l;.'-ii t liiard from for om.- tlm. wi.h well and hafe. So then. "u . ... ID
In u saucepan and bring to a boil. ?;',,, '-- ' V'lT' T'Y'foSi iXeT,.", ''V V' 4'Z ' '"
,, Cook for ten minutes and then add rn WrHV.W" """" !"-"" I"'""--'" " VZl"' ' Kr'Z "Vln'' '.n's'iXalm Z Vn't!
the Kingcr. Now place where it will rnl"" lor u' Klln ""' ' ,.i.a...re ,,i ., .hUJh ,, ,,, , 1Elll lntn i,,n,. M1. ,, i,,ure of his roi,i, 'h
Sf Shuepiwa,ni rf tmer unti! (-ift fr ,; ' r;;.r-:r-i;'v;Sr'Hr'';:ii;c?i; " ."sws
I the sirup is absorbed. Remove and , ,,.,. , itr,M, .;. --,"?, v .an .... ,h, ,V,,,r i!r"u;,r has ',"!,,""":,!l"i:l",!",ll,rol,l,,'llei-
. ' !l?2.??A - .r;rs;?om SWs?-?r! SSS-rA
Brlttiii atmand a u?Besnvn rn?'nStelt''nirtr-
i'f. inane
jj, ) z3Hig
epoiulili lime In nr
jar of Canton -Ringer, a plate
To Make (linger Ilonbons
Prepare some fondant, as given'
in the Christmas recipe, for candy
Cut the ginger the doshed size and
then roll in the fondant, then roll
in XXXX sugar.
To Stuff Dates With (linger
Remove the stones from the dates
and then fill the rentn.- with .-. nir.
1 of candied ginger. Press firmlv and
' then roll between the hnnds to rn.
store to shape of date. Roll tho fin-
i i. .
isneit ante in granulated sugar.,
Prunes may be u-cd to tcplace the
!.inger l reams
Heat some fondant in . double
boiler and stir frequently to prevent
Mrs. Wilson
-My Dear Mrs. WiKon Will
you kindly publish a recipe for
making terrapin itew from the
canned terrapin? Thanking you
in advance, very respectfully,
H. M. W.
Terrapin Stew
Open a enn of terrapin and turn
into a di.-h, now place in u sauce
pan 'one leivl tutilrspoijufuli of but
ter. Fire lecci tablespoonftil.i of Itour,
Cook until the flour is a dark
brown then ndd
O.j,,. , - ,
11c iirf . hall cupiuh 0 yoorf
I ink n-nnt 1- t.i,. tim mimilAe
. . . .
.... ......, .u. .v.. iiiiiiuiu,
strain and return to the saucepan ,
and add
The terrapin.
Three hn-rd-boiled gis, chopped
Juice of one l"niun.
Grated rind of one-quarter lemnu.
One-quarter teaspoonful o) nut
meg, finch of clocet.
Heat the mixture until it rache
Tuila)'r Iiuiuirit"
l.iul.. t;irl Pari
Tn i;- r. me nt n-0imi" vaw
i"i-m i . urmm
v)""""1" Vu"' ""'
li mr,l ulul. ,
hT L'Z '
Now I nrn wonderm tf jo4 .ouM Mmlly
. in llti.l . hum. for n 1nn.lv I, I. In
kit,.,. ,ho, i. i-i nd i n .
ro1'' w'",h"r t0 ronl ln '" "- " h
"" 'I1 nuri.n-'", ii - iniiinii umr nun. -II I
if.n rim ami ki.p nun a trn nuui,,n hi- i
io.i, pinnK.-roiori u iiiitrn.
I his it a -
1. Hnn .loe a t.,.n nf ...Her on Hie r..al,.i,r m i Vn ,'S ?.ii". m. to -..'S . .. i . . ' rri -rv an la good innnir ,, u , m,,n" ls twentj.flo cents a roll.
r ..flie help . eat do..,, the ,.,.,1 bill' M,. nJ ?, ""if YSwA'hnw XiuM l't, '' M '," 'r, TC, '" "'"-lewiterrroof t ai f ' ' J ''0'1 0UI,K '"'," " '" our
!. Whrii the Income I-, XIIX) n monlli wlmt ''"' -inlui: Ii" I uull .ijt n in. ,-i.ht fnit .at ""lk,nl! "nltlit ,i n,utv , t wouldn't mind nlavlnc Holltnlip nnr.
er lent sheulil be .-HoHed for foml? 'iiiii.n tn. I.ttern to him Ii this . or- ' "' There Isawaj out of it If the girls , i ,,7.,,," . i,. -... i i il. e
K. Tn !.! u.e run ni. old n.ere of n,oS,llo " ' ' ' ""' o ""' "''!. S. The Ik.., ny , .,, ,,.., . on't bother JOU don't bother them llm ' "," , "T, '' f,?' . ' ,"'lK.ht''n ll
iiMtln, I. ut one WHO WANTS TO 1m.i:m: inn.b Is t ., ih,,,, , J !,;""', ' n"1 be afraid In tn I li and have a goo, we,e "1J- knowledge or It not limited to
t. In,,. Jtre lll remn.p .,!, from the The holdlir ecrtalnlv me-iiis ! foun l.lni"uf l.',.,'.","" " '""l-oonful ,o a ,,m,l1wli'" IL''""- ,, l",'.t ,W? f","" CtnA'1' H"d flock. And
r.ili. bin Mhn, .hould he ii.nl In uii- , , '", fcriainij means a foun- 1'iiit ur waler. Laugh and the woi Id laughs with roll after playing ench a couple of times and
Jiimilon lili It i .em tlio null, from 'am ten and lather Imagine a pocki t :i. Mnr. inn llfk , i..,i r n, eep and jou wiep alone. ' never winning. I'm awfully bored. Hut
, ..:""." . i ..' ... ... iaM l" hnUl ihR I"" "r n .tet or 'Mil.loi, of Hie lieimrtnm't "f "$" " l,nr.W. our.. ',"lk"- I'uzzled Twenty. ' now I'o found .1 little book containing
"n?,,dV;.V',rJl:7'M'",,,l, ,,"f,,, '" ke.book I, I, impnb, , , , 4. I .e .he w.riio.i, Mllu . ,.., K'nt ' Jl'ta 'iAt,l rl fM "'nude explanations of probably two
1. .., ,,,n M.,1. ribbon W fre.he.f.' '" by paivei p , IliUglum jus. ! "- ", '' "' li.lr..""n 'hlrt I have"ngled I.ut f,o, ""flV JeM ' V"''8! "' ;"ll",1lr1; '"11"' ". y
nnu. hi,, if ,,, ii , .,.. 1.1. I'mid.reil iv.n.i n ..... .. The nnn is mrl. Him An,.,- ',...i V' i ,' .J In the front of the book, tlu-j're "eas
r,.ns . irtil tn . 1 . ...... 1.1 II. Ill, nl Ill ... ... ( . ..... .
... :- -
'l'f la
would like tne to tend him njthln
Pack in nn air iV..01 ,n,,J'V'r" w w.' 0"lir I t-ed him and I kue.. If It wa,t , tar urn . SI ,. B"," l"tl,,re ,"' "Certain com
1 aCK in an air- If he would like me to m him ans thine r.c-t.d m to Urn. ,Zl i .:.i.T'.". ?'". pany. wiuadron or unit. I hone vno ..-m
the diet with mired fr it end -iliccr tiowltic. In llm nit lures nri .linun the
of home-rooked ginger and then the ciudicd ginger and 'luffed dale
it turning into a sirup. When candied ginger and then cooled gela
creamy add one-half cupful of finely tin. Whip until it begin? to thicken
cut candied ginger. Beat to mix and then pour into molds to become,
and then drop from the spoon on
I waxed paper to harden
(;iMKCr Croam
Sol'k one-half box of gelatin in
on-' an" t"10-'1"" cuptuis oi cold
mlll ,or one-nait Hour. -Now add
oni'-nalf cupful of sugar and tct
a pan of worm water. Stir until
KT,l,ln '" ,llis!?.1,v.c,d a,,.(! then tct
iieirtn tn nr1 W hiln onnhiMi- n1.i,i
"- ....... .wnnK ,a.!.-
'" " onr egg
Ont-half glassful of jelly
j u bowl aml beat with (l Jover
1 and beat with a Dover
r until light and fluffy. Add
cupful of finely shredded
Answers Housewives' Questions
i boiling point,
Season with talt and
My Dear Mrs. Wilson Please
tell me how to make pepperpot.
Very truly, Mrs. C.
Cut one pound of honeycomb tripe
in tiny due, wash well, place in u
soup kettle nnd add
7'no ii-H-deaiticd cull's fiet:
have the butcher crack them well.
Sir quarts o; (old water.
Too cupfnh of (hopped onion.
Tuo faggots of soup herb.
0,,.' trasnn,n,h,l nf ,,,. ,L..1
' ' i"""'""
n,.i , . ., . , , ,
J"nff to boil, then COOk Slow lyi
. . . -'
frti" Inn, linnw... .... .,. .1 .
- .-. nuui.-i, nu.v icinove xiib
feet, chop the meat line and return
ir to the kettle and add
Ash Mrs. Wilson
If ou 1, no any cookery prob
lenn bung them to Mrs. Wilson.
She will bf glad to answer jou
tin ninth tlio-i columns. Acldies
questions tn .Mrs JI. A. A ilson,
t:vi.ms.. I'i hlio I.r.iMjHR. Philadcl-plda
t sics-i-t what to Rrur 1 w.njla at,, 1,1
war-tiaile board, I'lfth and fiu-Mnut.
it would be possible for j-ou to fend the
pen fii t ila, as n taites up eo mn,,
room. Anj good nuikv pen would do
II Is honed the nan el nost kit. I.-,, tn
iiiiiii.. juu i-r.v iniicn ror MIKI re-
'""'";". ".' l ,p ""f "'' "dy "t?","'""'" """ 1-mK. i-ompany and
;::'.". " ' " ." U.nirilIlK ll'r lien-
' l' i',V ' " UVtiV if ?',.Sr.1
did as jou say. The old lsdy is ery
know tlm innnhi-r a noon a. thi-j found
nii.in iiit iiiiiiiiirr u sunn n i nft fniimi i.hi
reeled m to write there
, ....HI... .,., .III. IV ,
mil Know
from him
lh. line,
Mil,, i
flibthnc nln tiroes and
Note Uo not add the gelatin mix-
.,,,. , , ,, f , ,. ,., ., .
tuie to tne trull Whip until JUSI
before it thickens.
(linger Jrlh
Soak one-half package of gelatin
in one cupful of cold water for
thirty minutes and then add
Juice of one Ivmon
One orange .
Vnc-hal) cupful of .sugar
One cupful of boiling uater
Beat thoroughly to mix and then
let cool. Just before it begins to
thicken stir in onc-hnlf cupful of '
finely candied ginger. ,
One quart of diced potatoes
And dumplings made as follows
One cupful of sifted flour.
One tcaspoonful of salt.
One tcaspoonful nf pepjur.
finely 1
i iro uiuicsnoonfuli of
chopped parsley,
One teaspoonful of baking pow
Mix thoroughly, then add five
tablespoonfuls of water and woik to
a smooth elastic dough, roll out on
a -.lightly Homed pastry board onc-
quartcr-inch thick, cut in one-half
:L..,. ...,. , ' ' "! " ",c:"uu
men cuue, mop tnem in the hoi Hit
.,.,,. rLb- , .-i l
PcPI'ClTOt. Cook until the pota-
tne nro tenrlp,. tt,n .. ....-.,. .,.
-.v ...li 111111 aru.uii nil 1 s 1
iiiu nennnr i
. ..... tii
I.ehigh University Campus
Bethlehem. Pa.
My Deur Mrs. Wilson If you
hae any economy recipes for spe
cial occasions, will you kindly send
copy oi s,,me. Wo tried" your
grape pie and found it fine.
E. P. R.
E. P. II. Just before tho vnn'nne
1. i: i . . "" ,l lii ""I o or tli( Elrifv bus nf-s htw
holidays special menus and recipes "" J''' luue l.mm.i how to dance
will he one of tho features of thn tS.1.1,1. Mn "' cur looK'i- d'ar Puzzled
, , , , natures 01 tne Twenty, An joung man who l.s uglv
household page. Watch for them r lllte' u'r ,h" P"l-iooking ones me
mo conceited for me. I like a joung
.pot from lluiji i.iii .tm.
11 U
iorr-, , f, ,,,. nT..n
a rhllilren'. nnr,.. I,, , TI L ?r
I lo .end a n Infurriiiil II, lid note.
. . "
,, ' ',", ''-.--- hi.ii-u up ,. Hur(, ,n
.7. " . . "'" t !" "I". I II lnllr.SC.
'. . . . t .. -
,,- . .,. ......I .' - "-.-
,,. , ,- -. j, -,v-- z ""'' '" "I"
" "t '! juui iiiuiiiui r-r Hnnn arttt
that you will keep on hoping ' and
nnll ntr. hard na that nmv h. ...ii ..'.:
do know surely all about him.' '
ti iriuuip n.
...... -. i-r ,,,,11.111. mr ii N terr hie to
be ke,,t in mch nrtxlety for so long - ,m
I can hold out this bopnforxou I know
of another soldier who wan so liusv ,
during the last drive befor 'the
ue , ,i n i.i' il in .iiLitiiii. iiniui.fi i.iu rH
I IWt Think Much of Her '
' To tell the truth, it. M f would not
' thlnl: tnuL-M of her nor of the parent or
I Rtinrdlnns who allowed hep to do so.
A Troubled Cirl
The first Mm. Woodrow Wllron died
on Aiisutt , 191 1.
The President's engagement to Mrs.
N'orman Cult Has announced on October
i 151S.
Tlio President'! marriage to Mrs. Gult
look place on December IS, 1915,
There are ninny differences of opinion
a-! to tlio enact motltes for the trip ou
and jour (lance discussed. It waa n pity
to call him a liar because ho voiced hln
own opinion. All public men are subject
10 criticism and It does not do to got
evcltcd ou-r ndterse criticism. It Is, of
coulee, ii mistake to criticize, and It li
alwnjs well to put tho belt motlc on
a person s nets.
,. i?ml ,oei,!l'' steamships are equipped
m W'MP" '"" 'nnds. and It Is highly
llkeli that there nM one or thero may
nieto " ""n the t.'eorBc 'Wash
if '.. . .-. . - . . . .
I .1... "" I'ersonai irienti or the T'resl
'dent were In the part), doubtless tlipv
, went on their own accord and will foot
,H.!r ,0"lli- Those who went on
I paid 1'sl"e!", ,u" have their expenses
Worried Mother
I. ...'!? J0V.irlt'1 'luestlonlng the young
i.m.L,li"1.1''lf?, You ,mve e,CI7 rlRht n,
demand that he tell jou nil about him-
T, TTo 1 1 n's , P-'fiti arc nnd where
.r..iJ" "A1'1 "efur" "0 went Into the
fiMf?' I'ef3' """''fr or father whoie
daughter wishes to marry has not onlj
"?, r'ht demand an account of him
fe .i ,n ""' slll'r or from his fainllj
i.iJ ft. rn?ws, nothing whateer about
him. but should do so.
w.hiL8 . ,0 ',mrl." headquarters In
nnint' n nri mtr Htnnf .. ...i ,i. ji
?.m ,..?V. h ' rr-0"'- Tell plainly why
i,,; ' ,ol-" d send an addressed
"tamped envelope for n reply It ma
t. l.o ho iie ,e i rtn.l out what vou nsk,
ii?.'.','U1,m"1 ,lnn l5 l"'i,r fr" "" In
l r. Ill,',i',.tln,n '""K""" possible Inquiries
Wni i," enndente to Ilrlgacller
lluVJl .V'.l.,kr '"'re In Philadelphia
heiol and ask hln, w lut he knows of
!'u?iirTif(1' ' u""1(1 lenw no stone un-
son"7 VZ 'hls'linrltt"5 Uut VoH
quietly nini do not mlU nllout it to ,our
Siuit it-, II 1IU- .1 ountf mnn U ulntlnl
j preclX'te' nilngs.1"'"-'" ""o!",,0 "llhl
Wants Her for Steady Company
fj,?,a,r t-vnt'll- I hae' known a girl
w ,,s ,r " ).enr' ,HI"1 ' reeentb nsl.eil
.;...,..r, uaiMi r voiir finuiriiur ipunl i m
.. . ...::.,- '. ",M"- ""
on 'V'M' 'V a 1 Unite answer, but
""a"- she told mc that I should not
ask her such a question until I I ml
-.... . ---... ..,, "iiii-mi.i .-1 i ,
w uiiii Nndi I'Atitii'iiii li,. w..,
am nblo nt nrn :, S"'' .?" '
T. " . ",:V ' '" " "'iirsp or stu.l.x. Ah I
having HKked I en ti, ' f-p , J""""-"" in
Hut she has Uwn n,-f. iV in,.. ..'
flirt. She ftinln on niitatlons Sit!
"(T'-reilt fellows nt- , ,.ln,... .I -
, ' - .....i.uo iijiit-;, mill
noes not eeln to ttln down. She ml-
tnitted to me some tin,, o.. .i. . ..i..
i-ared for me. but I do not know whether
Her actions toward me aie sincere or
not. When at patties she snnietlmeo
,lsir 'n,Vm'.v to pick a nuariel with
me If I happen to see her Mining with
As I cue !'or htr r
"?"''' ?u a(Ilse me to .1... continue oi
"mutessT,,dXn,l;",, "TvPW'
You do not tell mo the nRe of ihl, Ki,
much, what
Perlmps hhe s etj
leis. she I-. ilulit tn i.nr..LA .. ,,."
Willi, .. .l .1 ,..
, , v, ..11.-11- iii j.r-i-ji
u n t.r?ip-".yi . ,r,lrre ,!? "otlilnif that
to be elr-iil.. n 1 , I'i'T. "''". ll.rr
eiiKaiterl ,; Iv oe lse renr.ln frV i"s
If she thlnliH you amWlieni,' 1,011, ton
younpr to become i-ngnged before vou
haxe been graduated. "
i"" ,u' no "'" ,0 ol,iect to her
vm,n ,!lht'rJ'wn' 'i'"1 lf 5U "'', l'"th
........ .. .-, l-ruri MM- JQU OOIU tO Me
Plenty of girls and boys so that ou
may be sure ou are choosing rightly
,v,len t"" time comes for ou to many.
To' Dear Old I'uizlt-d Twenty
Hear Pynthla l'K-as-e pilnt this In
your column:
pear Old Puzzled Twin! ain sur
pr .ed at ,ou' iMqiied at jou! I'ler"--tlllnr;
Iningliialile at imi' i ,iP;,r
Twenty, we will now get down to bUBl
nes. A our complaint s thai jou think
you are ugly and ,-an t gn a girl for
that leason. Why. I'uzslul Twentv heie
- ?, ''" ' V' L. "'". .'" church I go to. I
'"1 a. uum- man 1 nere to ug v
"h,y' L """'''"' m-e " toll you L
' but that doesn't matt.-r; he R the
secretary of our oung Peoiil..- i-ih
ir 1.. 11.. .. i . .. : .-'. -.
termlne to "heat" the 'other fellowa'in It
He independent be a good pal and ik
wie gins atier iliurrh If jou may take
.i ...in. nn inern
Tpii .!,.... i ;.."
... ..--... i i i in ii l i iiu
line- so and so mid then they will trjT to
'"'J;:,5'''",1 ,(V lU-" ' Miow ltl am
a clrl and I know ii from my friends )
'. ..''.'J!: V,Vl!.,'"..knnw '? to dame.
ll t tOlI tllfMl flll llfll-A U,mt l.tt. 1
for tt In none of tlio RlrlfV hustneRsi hnv
man who Is good at hi ait. not 'fickle at
fickle n' I,.,, n "l onert are
2u?,ee!'nAil she'fan's.K' jVno! G'rI fr
,'i .,. i, ,,,r ail uniii . no ni? nop.
hnn'l think nl,n... , .- .. .
-"-' --ui liHMiH. IIU- I
nn .......".
and If tluj both should ask me tn lie'
n";.'1 "'V Panner mntgiit I would si
"Jen ' to the ugl one and "no" to tin-
g'i"d-oolclng one.
So this Is the end of my Ipliiiip '
A word to Omnia r Know jour good, '
in,;", 22K? l " "i01 """J8 all: It-collect, gone l.s the brilliance and dull f(,re m , , h " ,V, t m igl "i hlil,,'.' T"" ' wedding annUersary is
otm-atieCs ' chardc,er oml- tIc Indeed Is the platinum wttlng. Comes in'td " V, " "s ' '' ! lI" -,' "V'un ftt"- Hie second paper, tho third
lVwenty. 1 wd. ghe 5ou some ' X VoiX f-iUttan? " " " $hS!n "U a"'1 flo- "
"'r- 'I1.'1 1 lloav.i.cc..pt It from a girl ,',i ,nw tLl tllJVtl "?n.UX "I." my opinion," nhe went on. "13ert ' ....... .
....- ,1,-,,, ,1, ,.,, int. Kinirn.a nnii ,' -. I'ti.tinuiii. uul li iiusi nun fcr-fii. ..i, . ....! . .,,. . . . ... -. .-
.nu is iniereRtpti in vmii- ,.AifnH... ,.-. - .."- mc ,mi,u iuul it umr atnn, I rf.r. . in inni ncr n kirr f.i n n.,...., ...k
:C,s"-'."J"'"' i'" t..iiirt.VTriBi.,
bright colors rule
if 7
" ttt
'- ' '
Raspberry georgette is the founda
tion of this very atlractie afternoon
A Daily Fathion Talk by Ftqrenee Rose
Ilvcrj w liei e one looks these das there
Is color. Quito true. It ma bo only a
. . ..
ur'Sm-coiorel toque, a siting or l'rt-
''ued beads about the neck, or vlmply a
'UrU tnek e""!l";i'J "llh ""broidery In I
Sh i.oorlue Imt nevorlhelesa ery
onu Is Intel ested In having ome bit of
color about her attire A few months
ago th wot,,..,, i, ... , ,n ,.nr ,.
frock of a brilliant hue was looked upon
by the reit of women as almost a
tialtor. The HUdden change In tho af.
fairs of thn world 1ms .-onmleieK- tor.T.i
"" world lias completely turned
"'" tables, and the wonmn who clliiffa to
ffa to
ti, ,.irir ,.. , .,. ,
l" war mm RiirmeiilH is the one w Is
'"lH-cd l. the tect.
" ,s not umoinmon at afternoon f-
falls ,r fie(' "h"lc f,ocK"' r 1,rB1't ted
Or of brilliant ctfr.n t.lttl., Ih.il l,ni.il
t CI---"t ...... !.-,, II-
ful "ft "hade .f blue, which Is neer-
ineies a Rtronc color, more often than
not iiutmimbeis the lest
One of iIhwb iici,i ,ii ,. ...
dresses Is ,, 1. S afternoon
oila eeo.netu , ?iu P, 7 COi"
slrue.Thpfri.t .V ? used to con-
struct the frock (Her the stralBht, nar-
, -. .., ,
low foundation of frpniiri.it. hqn n,.
h,.ai... ,.1.1.1. i . --"- oi -..;
bodice, which In Russian blouse ef-
reel riie loner rdKe of the tunic l
Hiniiopcd and Is decorated nboc with
C roll's HI f.i-iitiil: n ,tlil.l. n ......11...
- .in.! - - - , ui ri-HIBI.lll, IWIlcn WTO nimiinUP
to the cenrtretle. mu- nf tiipo.. .,.,A
, "..ii,-
?.,'"' ,",ia,lcf"' the upper part of tho
. ' V'u "'o a,c Io"lf and loose
! 'TV '""""'I1 "l,h de0 I"alt,i B''
h'"""l,0,l',1'5- '" neckline Is finished
'' " lol""K collar of the neomette. ,
The ghdle Is of fatln In the raspberry '
shade nnd Is finished at tho left side
With .1 llllge 1)0W
The large hat is of block s,atln,
trimmed ery slmplj with a nulling of
black tulle.
miuiiUs aie mllcited and may
ndilresed care of tills newspaper.
iCovMnrhi, HUH. I, Florence Hoie )
With a Purse
MON'l) may be llawlefs, blue
JC White
....v. ... .i,i.,niiK uriiiiaiice.
.in.l nf .1. ..n.. ,..
S"!!..":,","! 'I!"'- J? .'" -"
.' rpftore to clear brightness the
rlghtness the
and a brush
fashioned to
uul"''t Bern"), a powder
""ose nristies ue been fiisbloned to
n - aeh imilei- iho ,..,..i im.in,,.. .
A net which costs but fifty cents would
U - axe no excuse for clouded stones
The mont natural ihlmr m .!,. ,.-i,.n
- - - - ... ...., ! i ,.ti iiiiiiviiir iiiuutn.
Johnny comes marching home Is to
give him a rou.slng good Victory party1
to which jou will Invite all Mr 'friends ,
And what a reception they will ncrord
i ii .i.... .. . .......
iiiu. i'.-1-ii iiiiunn, in cuurce, inutii ne
appropriate, und for this eat-on I want
to tell jou of wine icloi j- crepe paper
you will want for the table It Ih
hnr. and Is decorated with flags and
"" ' .""J? " '"""." "UU II l"OSl IOS-
III. inn "i itni... .mil..,. I,m -I
' "" ..--......,h-
".' "?.'". '.""-V "' renumber, and easy to
""l- "- "'.."" - iiiu cents
l"' ny ""t. wliom I firmly l.ellee
would play tarda lit fore breakfast.
.which 1 tell jou merelv to allow .nil
t,,at Hh,''s, n KUU1 l''-'''r. ' the b'ool;
Is fine. She ought to know '
Tor the names of shops where ir.
tides mentioned In "Adventures
With a I'urse" can be purchased
address Kdltor of Woman's Pari-'
Evenino Public I.edokii, 0r Dhond
tlie Woman's Department, Walnut
3000, "'
$20 to $40
Kate, Now
$5 to $10
Fl'l,.. ... 1
jjjgfjjg, FQR TffE KAISER ?
j a Tribunal of Mothers Who Lost Thvir Boys in the War Sat as a
l Court of Justice, What Would the Verdict Be?
i A Suggestion From a Belgian
the Belgian girl who came to this
rountry three ear ago, left for home
a few weeks njjo she hntl a very orig
inal little Idea about what to do with
the ex-Knlser. This young girl, who
so endeared herself to America during
her stay here, thought she would like
to put the arch-Hun In a cage on
wheels, hitched to a donkey nnd then
she would like to dress In her Hcl -
glan costumo dragging tho Hohcnzol- rnortnl battlefield of France?
Irn from city to city of Kurope, ex. i There was a boy who leaned over a
hlhlttng him for money and then turn-1 wounded comrade In the heat or uattls
Ipg over tho receipts of tho hide show I to loosen IiIh puttees In order 'to ad
to the Helglnn children who were mnde minister first-aid treatment to n shat
orphans nt his hands. ' tered leg. At that moment a shell ex
it was intensely interesting to near
this. While the great Jurists have
weighed the facts of the case nnd spec
ulated on the legal amount of punish
ment due Mr. Hohenzollcrn, there Isn't
a family In this country who has not
east a vote ns to whnt should be the
ultimate fate of the ex-Knlscr. These
homo rourtH may uol know a great
deal about law. but thoy would mete
out justice swift and sure.
S ,-..,, ..., , . i to the entire Clerman situation,
OMh ONh has suggested that worn- "What America wants," she said,
en be allowed to vote on the I "we want as badly as she does. W
Kaiser's punishment. Looking merjwant this horror to be the last, we
America and knowing that from thou- want free people to live free under
sands of homes went laughing, carefree the flag of Liberty, we want our chll
boys who will never come Ijack again; Iriten nnd the children of our children
looking nnd knowing how rruithcis nie, to live proudly and happily nnd to
we wonder whnt a tribunal of these enjoy tho fruits of this earth without
mothers, for Instance, would do. If I fenrlni; a return of such nbomlnntlons.
called und asked to declde'the fate ol Uut for this Justice Is needed, ami
tho man at whose glgantlu sword their thero Is no Justice when the guilty go
boys died. unpunished."
Would death be good enough for this The question Is how can we punish
man Just after all one of the millions i the guilty?
And So They Were Married
Episode Two (Each Other's Friends)
Cojilsif. DIB. lu Pvbl'a t.ulacr Co,
RUTH felt as
lug on the
s though she was stand-
B on the brink of a priclpii-e. A
Kreat vairue snai-e liml niwned before
her. She ft It as she hail felt in college
when she had contemplated the futun
,,nl' l"at what faced her
only that what faced her now- seemed
intlM, tnn-A lmmln.nl ll-hf aim nfllf-ll
In her mind, had woman been glt-n to j slonately. "or thai I had married some
understanO olio kind of a marriage amlonp nt 80 llard to please."
I'al been prepared for Just that? Tor, ..?"', '''""0'!l"rll" l,,fse-" .. .
f n(,ra"'"" thP' h""l Klen n
to an.Mhlng but children an
their husbands take care of t
generations tney nan gixcn no tnougnt
d having
ineir nusnaniis lane care or mem, anq
"""..:"'""". "7! . "' ' "" V. ':
n,..i. ,l.l..nR .... . ...It...l
.happening. A woman's life generally
u'S'in with marrlnge, nreoidlne to Uetty
I-aMbert ; a woman could never be con-
tenll-,1 ulth Iiir Urn nh. 1in,1 In thltil:
- -- I ...v, ....v .-
ad plan conslnnil In older to hold
"T hiibband's Interest. Why should
things be that way'.'
inwaruiy nut h rehe ei , lint with
A,oe al)(1 ,,Prt g CMin1plt, Morc iwr
(,l" " "" "UtwardI, rebellious. She
was afraid to be, and besides there w ere
,aBUe reminders In the way of Isabel
inwardly Itmh rebelled, but with
.m! iruiiiiucin in kuu nJ i'l isliri
..-.- -..... . -
i nrier anu oiners loo nunieious 10 men-
Hon, Certainly she did not want to
pattern her own life ou any of theirs,
neither did she want to 1Ib as Scott's
-.. .. ..i , .ii. . . . . .. .. .
OWIl fl-lplliln li il. lint nhn 1..I L.vimI
pnniii-i. i.. ..I,-, n,.. . i . .. . ,
..wmM1, ,,, ,,,,,,, ,ni-, nmuu iui iu iiuii:
It make, her uncomfortable.
After Alice and Ki-rt bad finally
"arted tl,at "lltht. Scott returned from
seclns them off, to find Kuth reflecme
In the big- chair. She smiled up at him,
,,ul made no Impulsive tffort to get
lnXa 'i'8 arms. Hefore their lust differ-
ence sue nad alw-ajs nestled up as close
as she could to him.
wont jou come oer to the uaen-
port?" he asked pleadingl.
She hesitated, and then got up and
followed him across the loom.
"Now." he said, when they worn set- I
tied, "let's talk."
But they didn't talk, not Just at first.
Finally Ituth burst oul. "Scott, Isn't It '
iwful about Alice and Bert? You agree
with me now. don't .ion. that pho Is tm-
"She cert.unl was Iniinibbllilc to-
"That's her attitude alwajs, and her
treatment of Bert Is awful."
mull n lll'lll III
Siott wa silent and Ituth was aguely
u.ti.,.,1 k ..,.., i... .u.i , j.:...:
r .l. her. Hh. hai expected 'i
nuth felt Infinitely superior. Sho took '
,10 attitude of tho suc-essfu if
-r.i Vi, !?. h . i.. ft? ...V. I?
"""' " "' ." "c no nas mi sseu uiliigs
! u m . . !.. .. .
?.ii ,'"" " "lBl'u nisiurlitd ,
wl',",.of ,1 ,,eW ,':""m''s ,:ack ,n hor
righteous Indignation agiilnst Alice.
:Sc0!''3 "?u """'a '"ought everything
"Ju,t what do jou think a. succissful
man-Use" he nueiled. j
Ilutli vn inmnnti.. ., .i, .i i. I
...;:. " "' "iw,
..leaning, or course, that j-ou are not
satisfied with your own," she Hared.
Scott laughed. "Vou don't mean thai""
"Ves I do," rtuth Insisted. "Betty
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'of men of the eartli-'wlio stepped for-
J ward nnd stilled forever the voice that
used tn rlnjj such a little while ago
through the chewy looms of tho llttla
Are exile nnd life Imprisonment
enough to p-ntlsfy the woman whoss
boy came hncl; to her with Kioplntr
steps, with eyes that snld a fleet good-
'hy to life's vivid pictures on somo tni-
plnded nnd destroyed his eyesight.
What would this boy's mother say It
you asked her what she would Judge a
fitting; punishment for the Kaiser.
1TX wl
vlfe of the cdltor-ln-chlef of !-
I Matin, a,Porls paper, not long ugo ex
i pressed herself In n statement In tho
'New Yoik Times, not particularly lit
' regard to the Kaiser, but In regard
Lambert has upset us all with her queer
theories," she went on.
"Then ou admit she has set J'ou to
Kuth diew una) to stare up at hlin.
' rfcotl, I was right then, ou're not
sntisneil with me. Sometimes 1 wish
I I had UeVCr lliarrleil." HllA N.ltrl TlSM.
i . " ,,',","" caB' or ")' "
"":, nuui eni on, not neeuing;
'"alion tint nim.U.l ... ..(... .t i.
i .'"."'"" I""1", unu amich hub is.
she s not
-blip II OIR('nr unit' II fllf-lllf If I. In la-
ih .ii.,. ..n .,'..."..';.' T ." .V:"'
Intimately with a man and when then.
-re countless Irritating little liouseliold
Problems constantly coming up."
"Votl tOllldn'l li.tl, ftnlnr- ., .!. l
- . .,- U.,,h ,i OUCH
Jou would allow yourself to be." Scott
saiu quicldy. "It's only because you
allow yourself to be swa.ed this way
n"u tnat way so easily that you're dls-
""" "'"i way so easi y t hi
contented with things. W
think for jourself and 1,
B HaiiB?"
"I '-ale life,' null, returi
r hy don t you
let the others
- - .t, . ...in iriun vu lUOKlcaiiy
.n,,ni. ...v. ...,,
"to ) ou, dear?"
"Yes, I do; It's not simple enough.
All these things for Instance, that Hettv
...!... -. ..,. ... ' ...Mfc -in
SDOKt- tT. U Ina nl,.dDil. .1 1
f.titiMA ,.r i. i ,....... -
"- -"i; - mr iiuudci inuepcnaence lor
women, and co forth. I don't want to
tie-,veem old fashioned and 5ct 1 don't sea
'why things can't Ko on as they are and
s they have been."
"As they were in your grandmother's,
"u5'. for Instance"
"Well, yes, things were all right then
women had a certain path to travel and
that's all there was to It."'
"And men nexer ihuo them credit fn.
nny brains outside of taking care of a
house. Women were Inferiors then, not
"They were superior In their own
way," hiblnted Itulh ; "the- wero adepts
In the art of lomance,"
"But a man wants h. companion these
days: a woman n tin r.ncn,i .n. !,.
a. luetly doll to nluv ultii i i,i. nu.
moments." """"
(Tomorron, the rrond episode of the
i"1'1 d with a. tertaln cleurnen of
. .
'" ,cr.y 1 S!"11-' ", ,ls, sonietflneB n
f?,r , Hfttbe skirt In the back
? B''iV. Jo the. sides to preyent It
Is sometimes neces-
swing lie front
. . .
mill noucli ne nut oi.
sagging in the back.
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