Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 26, 1918, Sports Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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    vv V4ttrtAta41
)elegates at Peace Confer-
ence Hope to Change''
Wilson's Mind
Prince Lvoff and Others,
However, Will Be Spokesmen
for Saner Element
wnsamor Etolio mmwVBXDAimjpni, Thursday, December 2g, iois
Special Cable to Evening Public Ledger
Cotvrtpht, Stls, lv .Veto Vorfc Times Co.
, Paris, Dec. 26.
Of all tho foreign statesmen assem
bling in. France the most anxious
group aro tho Russians, who for tho
moment ore men without a country, or
m. mast witnout a government. . Nov
" ertholesa, these Russians, headed by.
idj.Prlnco LvoiT, the Prlmo Minister Of,
(I tho eArltf daVfl of thft rnvnlntlnn. hovn
mo respect ana sympathy of tho au.
thorlzod American, British and French
Government delegations.
, Thoy will not be able, to sit at the
'pcaco 'tablo as representatives of a
Koyernment unless tho unexpected
happens and Russia stabilizes herself
before' tho end of the International
conference: but thev will ho omnltl.
cred as authorized spokesmen for that
ooay or, itussian popular opinion which
in tho end must provall after tho an-
nrcny lias worn Itself out.
Associated with Lvoff are M. Bakh
meteff, the amabassador to America:
Maklahoff, ambassador to Franco, and
several others. Thev aro In dallv una.
Blon at 'tho RtlRRlnn pmhnflsv nnrl linvA
' rnnfnt-nnr.A nlnnnAj -lrlfli tHj.iIJ.t
Wilson and Premiers Clcmcnceau,
( i.ioya ucorge ana urianao.
O Until such tlmea an theso man linvn
' a government back of them then- chief
jj appeal to the Allies Is for Intervention,
ii but they are not altogether hopeful.
I Whon Prince Lvoff was In America
recntly on his way to London and
j! Paris. President Wilson was distinctly
H oppqscd to Intervention,
tl Nevertheless It Is tho hope of tho
Jj Russians that President Wilson will
.l change his attttudo on tho question,
I that, hope being based on Wilson's do
ji termination to have a (easue of na
if tlons and tho realization that such a
j leaguo would be lmposslblo with a
J, groat country like Russia out of it
ii and In ai state of 'anarchy, a breeding
ii placo of tho Bolshevism that menaces
! tho world.
1 But another disturbing fact is that
li tho Russians are not entirely sur of
li tho real attitudo of France and line
Ij land in the matter of Intervention.
JL Public and newspaper comment in
ii these countries Is eager to Intervene
Ij with' armies, but the Russians would
j like to see some tangible evidence in
J; tho way of troops beforo It too late.
) Tho truth is that tho Allied Govern
il ments, realizing the war-weariness of
jl their populations after tho last four
j years, and knowing tho attitudo or tno
J labor and Socialist parties, hesitate to
l risk the possible political consequences
l of landing large forces to fight in
I Russia;
J Tho deslro on tile part of Lvdff and
his associates Is for 150.000' troops.
They are' confident that such an army,
co-operating with tho antl-Bolshovlst
native forces, would be sufficient to
save the country. So far as restora
tion of order without help from the
outside is concerned, tho 'Russians are
basing what hope they have on Ad-
;mlral,Kalchak and General Denlken.
Luxemburg Will Denounce Treaty
Because of Violation, Is Report
Basle, Deo. 26. Tho Frankfurter
Zeltung in an Issue received here
j nsserts that It is certain Luxemburg
t will denounce Its commercial treaty
K With' Germany on account of the vio-
lation - or Luxemburg territory by
, German forces. Tho belief is ex
j pressed by tho German newspaper
; that Luxemburg in tho future will
I look to Belgium -or France for as-
( slstance.
li Tho foregoing probably refers to
j tho treaty under which Luxembburg
j, has been a member of the German
a ZollVereln.
Polish Pianist and Patriot Is
Guest on Board British Cruiser
Special Cable to Evening Public Ledger
Copurlplitj HIS, on Xeto Vorfc Xlmra Co,
Copenhagen, Dec, 28. Having paid a
short visit, to Copenhagen the famous
Polish pianist ana patriot, l'auerowskl,
yesterday left . on board the English
cruiser Concord, which was placed by
tho English Government at his disposal.
wiin mm leit me tingusn military at
tache at Copenhagen, Colonel Wade. The
Concord Is bound for Danzl.
Bishop Says That Emperor
Merely Resigned From
' Government
Urges Occupation of Capital
by British or American Troops
i to Keep Order
Special Cable to Evening Public Ledger
Copuriaht, J31S,' Ik Jfeto York Time Co.
Borne, Dec .26.
I had. a lonir Interview yesterday
wwlth Doctor Waltz, Bishop of Inns-
urueclc and Arioerg, Tyrol, who saia
the only liopo of saving what remained
of Austria and preventing a san
guinary revolution in Vienna was that
American or British soldiers should
occupy Vienna,
Ho and several other personages
just como from Austria all report ac
counts of deplorable conditions prevailing-
there, especially In Vienna.
Bohemia and Hungary could supply
Vienna with food, and coal, but re.
fuse, and nothing save Anglo-American
pressure can make them do so.
Doctor Waltz, who was religious In
structor to ex-Emperor Karl, says he
never abdicated and was never do
posed, but merely resigned from par
ticipation in tho Government. Tho
Clerical party of Austria still dreams
of replacing him on tho throne, and
hopes that should President Wilson be
Induced to visit tho Vatican the Popo
would succeed In enlisting his sym
pathies for Karl. Meanwhile Clerical
agents, Austrian, Hungarian and Ger
man, are working for this end in
Switzerland and trying to Influence
tho Roman Catholics of the Allied
Tho Clerical allege that Cardinal
Hartmann, of Cologne, Is now recon
ciled with Cardinal Meccter, of Bel
glum, and that the Clerical party of
France Is ready to help replaco Karl
on the throne.
Whatever may result from such
plotting, it is certain that unless Allied
troops occupy Vienna tho people
there will become desperate. Already
every ono possessing any wealth has
left Vienna, or Is leaving, for there is
no security for property and Httlo for
life. Fully 100,000 unemployed aro
parading tho streets, demanding ood
and work. Vienna gets only 70,000
liters of milk dally, Instead ' of the
SOO.000, which It needs, and the food
ration is lnsumcient by nan to enable
tho peoplo to exist.
Doughboys Buy Toys for German Children and Join in
Festivities Trees From Same
special Cable to Evening Public Ledger
Coatrlaht, , t, New york Tlmt, Co
Colilem, Dec 26.
Here on the banks of tho nhlno the
world seems topsy turvy this Christmas
Day, 1918. ono thinks there was never
such a Christmas before. Pcaco on
earth, good will to men Christmas
spirit rules along tho Ithlne.
When before was tho Christmas spirit
tho measured tread of a foreign army?
When beforo did conquering Invaders
Join In celebrating the. Nativity In the
right and proper spirit with tho con
quered? Biit that Is what is happening
along the Ithlne today.
The Christmas treo in tho doughboy s'
barracks and the Christmas tree In the
parlor of tho German home grow on the
same hillside wero bargained for In tho
same market place, and In cases of
which I know, were trimmed from ithe
samo box of tinseled trappings.
. If all invitations had been accepted
there would be few doughboys nt com
pany dinners today. For Christmas Is
children's day, and where Is the kid
In .this part of the Bhlneland who has
not his doughboy pal? And wo nro at
war with Germany, I believe.
What does this Christmas on the nhlno
mean? H6w can you figure It that the
American soldier?, whom chlldrerTwere
calling swine when they camo hero ten
days ago, nro now an object of adora
tion to, those same children, and of re
spect to the children's parents? How
can you figure It when a soldier with
threo stripes for wounds which the Ger
mans gave him walks down tho street
with a toy for the first German child h0
meets7 Flguro It any wayyou want to,
It's true.
And when you have figured that out,
try to explain why It Is that President
Wilson, tho man who did more than
other men to crush German hopes of vic
tory, would, If he appeared here this
Christmas Day, get a welcome that
would astound the world? Why Is It
that on this Christmas Day the eyes and
hearts of Germany aro turned hopefully
.toward America,
Oh,. I have heard that It Is all part
of a deep-laid plot. But what of deep
laid plots knows the little boy who steps
shyly from the sidewalk and then with
growing confidence to tho side of an
American soldier, and, placing his hand
on tho butt of a Ynnkeo rifle, marches
proudly down tho street? Yes, tho Ger
mans turn hopefully to America becauso
tho doughboy buys a Christmas pres
ent for a Httlo enemy. Germany and
the German peoplo turn to America be
causo America Is full of Christmas
Seated here by tho side of the nhlno
and hearing tho strains of "America"
echo back from tho historic bills, one
wonders If those echoes will not rever
berate for a long, long time. I know
something of the crimes of Germany,
something of the hateful traits of Ger
many cancers they are and Germany
needs a physician, the great physician,
the secret of whose skill Is tho spirit of
Christmas, the spirit of Christmas, 1018,
on tho Ithlne.
Clash Hi Bnrcelo
Barcelona, Dec. 26. (By A., P.) Dis
orders occurred hero during Monday
night between groups representing tho
Autonomy party and others from the
Spanish Unity party. A police lieutenant
was killed. '
V0S!,i8 Store Orders Acceptedlftff
a Ar P
- . M
t TJULiSHEVlKl shy, on Iff fcVjSO''""
, 1 tllc stability feature of iOjhri ? O
1 Beck's STABILITY ' J ' MM $
BOND. - B fL M
1 legitimate daylight busi- a J
1 ness use the roll call of l 'iff
1 its users, tho best argu- III
I ment for its quality and JM
I versatility. M Wif?"
1 Ask your printer or us. a s&T
1 Papers for All Kindt
JpSSts. of Cood Printing
2gjJHJ 609 Chestnut Street B
('SpiJSreei Philadelphia B
VaAitttviBlMHHBHilMBaMBaiWH cm
1 $1.00
q Bargains Extraordinary!
' Over 1000 Finest Coats I
Actual $25 to $39.75 Values
tf A
Finest Cloth Coats
Soal Plush Coats
Fur-Fabric "Sports"
or "Johnny" Coats
An Adequate Assortment
Our stock has been con
tinuously replenished so that
even at this date we are able
to offer an excellent variety
from which to make selec
tion. Vhether it be of gold or
silver ydu can surely make
a satisfactory choice.
S. Kind & Sons, mo ciwstnut st.
' ' , launches
Co-operative Engineering Course
. An entirely new. flajv lifcn beonlnaueurated at Drexel Instltuto
whereby students receive thooretlcaleiulneert!ip,tralnlng- In the class,
laboratory' and shop rooms, and practical, tralnlnsr In certain Plilladel
phla Industrial plants, In alternate period of three months each, during
the entire course. The course leads to Bachelor of Science in EnBlneer
inif. Special trainlnK In the branches most. vital to each student's
particular Held Is on Invaluable part of this hew course, which means
opportunity to earn while learning' r
H-stepplnjr into real Jobs no apprenticeship
at completion of course.
Co-operative students sustain the same relation, to thelr'emnloyers as
any other employe and aro paid by the industry for all working- lime. Tho
student body Is divided into two stoups. Ono-half of, the students Is at
industrial plants, whllo the other half fs at Drexel. The next quarter the
order is reversed. Tho Instltuto obtains positions for co-operative students
and keeps In touch with them while working, by inspectors, .
Classes both day and evening-, be&ln every quarter, January, April.
July and October. Entrance possible at any quarter classes aro repeated!
Preparatory study amounting to IS Carnesrle units Is necessary for
admission, The fees aro .-emarkably low and are payable quarterly., The
earnings of the industry quarter will help provide funds for the following
... Q"i!cK "6",0" necejsary to enter the first class, which opens January
6th. Call, write or phono (Preston 6825) tho Registrar for appointment
to discuss details and arrangements,
IIoIUs Godfrey, Be. Dj Ens', B JX. D V. J. I... Treitdent
A bigger reduction has not been offered yet
this season on such deslrablo coats.
Ilandsomo fur-trimmed or Btyllshly plain
tailored models In full flare and belted effects. All
sizes for women and misses.
Women's Silk, Satin, Serge and Velvet
Actual Values to $29.75
All reduced from our oyn higher priced
stocks. Shey aro tho ones and twos of a
kind of the most desired models but all
sizes for women and misses are embraced.
Rr A! I -OVRR fcfe AA O
A big lot of finest ot slllc waists specially priced for
this ono day. Many aro oven worth doubjo our sale
jjui-o. iiiuuy myies lur cnqiue.
Flno sheer cotton voile waists In lace trimmed or
cffectlvo tailored styles. All sizes.
50c Bust
In whltn only. Ex
tra special values.
Women's $5
Wool Poplin
In neat pleated or
Itassel trimmed model.
Choir," n' Mm. or hlnpk.
Wolf Fur
in umcK anu col
ors. Also French
A Big Reduction on
Winter Coats
$Q.75 & $ A.00
f Values Ara 1 Ql
mtV Doublo -P-"
These coats are reduced from our own stocks
and embrace all the beat selling numbers. All-wool
kerseys', cheviots and neat mixtures, with largo fur
collars or fur-fabrio trimmed. '
Women's $5 to $10 Silk & $Q.?5 & $
( Serge Dresses O: O
More than 100 dresses of the smartest styles to go at these greatly
below regular prices Plain tailored and smartly trimmed effects.
Children's $1
Of llnenes and Cham-
m brays, mostly em
. d r.oiaerea.
W Slzeo from 2
Of good heavy
woolens, lined
t hroughout. (A CO
Sizes from il V0
to t years,, if
sBUA Slzes'from' $Q89 S'lzes to U $!
A lot years,. jiuXf II to t years,, if l years ...... fcf
JS.Kirch'-Ti Homo of Styl & Economy
Girls' $7.50
Of cloths
and cor
' Tailored
Senate Considers Report of Sec
retary of Interior on Question
Special Cable to Evening Public Ledger
Covvrtaht. tilt, bv Xne York Tlmtt Co.
Mexico City, Dec. 2G.
Tho church question In Mexico has
been placed before the Senate. Secre
tary of the Interior Berlanga, who was
commissioned by President Carranza to
study tho question, has presented pro
posed amendments to Article 130 of tho
present Constitution.
Paragraphs 7 and 8 of Article 130,
Which provldo that only the Legislatures
of tho Stato may determine tho maxi
mum number of ministers of religious
croeds, according to tho necessities of
each locality, and that It Is necessary to
bo of Mexican birth In order to bo a
minister of religion In Mexico aro to be
annulled, according to the plan. A pro
posed change In rarngraph 6, Article 27,
states that certain properties of tho
clergy nnd religious Institutions, If ac
quired by private persons, will bo sub
ject to Article 27 of tho Constitution.
Tho recommendations and report cover
moro than 7000 words.
Germans Do Not Realize Vast
Wnr Part of Americans
TVItli the Franco-American Army of
Occupation, Dee. 24 (delayed). (By A,
P.) General Mangln said today It was
doubtful If the Germans yet realized the
enormous part tho Americans would
havo ployed In tho war had they been
given the opportunity. To the American
correspondents, whom ho invited to a
pro-Christmas luncheon at his head
quarters at Mayencc, General Mangln
praised the work ot the Americans, espe
cially those divisions which had fought
under him.
Tho general pointed out how tho Gor
mans wero now flgntlng to win tho favor
of tho foe across tho sea, saying their
propagandists were picturing President
Wilson In tho most benign tones, In
stead of declaring that ho was attempt
ing "to run tho world," as they had
previously done.
Mexican Envoy to Italy Named
Mexico City, Dec 26. Edunrdo Hay
has been nominated Mexican minister
to Italy by President Carranza. His
confirmation by the Senate is expected.
end Remod'
ellng at
Mason & DeMan$
1115 Chestnut, Street
(Opposite Keith's Theatre)
Announce Tomorrow
These Extraordinary Values in
Fur Coats & Sets
Every Price Greatly Below Regular!
A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase Until Desired!
Marmot Coats
m $6950
$69.50 r
30-inch sport model of
well-matched selected skins.
Largo rollinp shawl collar
and deep cuffs.
m $89-50
36 or 40 inch flare models
with largo shawl collars
and deep cuffs of marmot,
French seal or raccoon.
At $98-50
Full-lcnfrth wido flare
models with largo shawl
collar and deep cuffs of
French seal, raccoon or
Muskrat Coats
At $110-00
30 and 40 inoh models.
Largo shawl collar and
deep cuffs of muskrat.
At $120-00
40-inch full flare coats.
Largo shawl collar and deep
cuffs of muskrat, French
seal or raccoon.
At $135.00
30-inch sport coats in a
very wide flare design.
Largo shawl collar, deep
cuffs and wide border of
It B0
Fox Sets, $69-50 & $74.50
Cannot Be Matched Under $75 and $100
Our price is less than present prevailing wholesale cost. Splendid, large sets of
uiiL-H!, iiuuuty Biuiia uf.-vuiupt.-a in mrge animal scans anu Darrei mult to match.
aro taupe; brown and black.
Lynx Sets, $49-50, $74-50, $98-50
Large silk-lined animal scarfs with barrel or canteen muffs,
with head and tails. Choice of taupe or black.
Handsomely trimmed
Very Special at
and $1G5.00
These nutria coats aro of
fered at prices that it is im
possible for us to duplicate at
wholesale. Choice of 30-inch
sport models, with largo shawl
collar and .cuffs, or three
quarter and full-length models.
Very Special at
and $395.00
Sport models of clear gray
skins, with large shawl col
lars, wido bell sleeves and
deep cuffs. Squirrel coats
are in great favor this sea
son and these special prices
will prove most welcome.
Australian Seal Coats
At Most Extraordinarily Low Prices
At $125-00
A 30-Inch Sport Model
With a full loose-back effect.
Largo shawl collar and deep
cuffs of seallne, skunk-raccoon
or squirrel.
At $195-00
A 30-Inch Sport Model
In a very nobby design.
Large shawl collar and deep
cuffs of beaver, skunk-raccoon,
Australian opossum, squirrel
or natural skunk.
At $225-00
A 3C-Inch Sport Model
In a wido full-flaro design.
Long rolling shawl collar and
deep cuffs of Australian opos
sum, beaver, skunk-raccoon,
squirrel or natural skunk.
At $295-00
A very effective 30-Inch sport
model of Scotch moleskin, with
largo collar and deep cuffs of
At $395-00
80-inch sport models with
largo c'ollur nnd cuffs of nquirrel
to full-length coats with generfc
ous shawl collars and cuffs of
Seal Coats
At $195-00
sports model
A 30-inch
of exceptional design,
Shawl collar and deep
cuffs of nutural silky
Seal Coats
At $265-00
Smart full 45-inch flaro
"model of unusual grace.
Mado with collar, deep
cuffs and border of silky
fc, -
' b m
1 '
When there is a houseful of
good things to eat plenty,
and that plenty good it is
what makes up your joyous
memories of olden Chri&t-mases.
Mother busy for a week be
fore Christmas making and
baking "goodies," and. for
Christmas Day itself, prepar
ing the things she knew you
wuld love.
Tempting, healthful foods
require thought and care, and
mother was always thought-
ful and careful.
One of the real pleasures
this Christmas brings to my
self and my associates is the
knowledge that through this
year and other years we have
labored to perfect our prod
ucts. Now we have the satisfac
tion of being able to stand be
hind the mothers of this land
with Wilson's certified meats,
fruits, vegetables and table
specialties each of them pre- ,
pared with "mother-wit" and
each 01 rhern bearing
money-back guarantee.
History was made this year
by the sons of the mothers of
this land. One of the things
that gave our boys their "pep"
and power was the jrood.
wholesome food that America
served them.
I am glad to say that the
company of which I am the
head furnished a large share
of this good, wholesome food,
to tne men
as here.
overseas, as
Standing behind the'motHeluL
nf 4-V.n lr..J ...:j.u .t-.j ... . ,'rTM
-.i-- uU wnii 100a proauct3--sH
on whose quality they can rely
means a good deal. It means
standing behind the fathers,
husbands, sons and brothers
giving them foods that mean
health and strength and cnn.
Every individual fn our
organization is pledged on
honor to safeguard in nvnrv
way the production of the food
that we sell.
Because I am sure that every
person in our institution ' per
forms on honor, I am willing
to back our products with my
name and to certify to their
goodness. "
This Christmas time I feel,
somehow, that our customers
and ourselves are linl$9 to
gether more than ever by a
mutual desire to play fair.
Our customers have been very
good to us. We would bo very
derelict in our duty to them
if we did not give to the ut
most of our knowledge and
our skill in the preparation of
our food products.
We believe that they believe
us when we say "The Wilson
label protects your table." So
it is with feelings of deep ap
preciation for their confidence
and friendly support that,
speaking for myself and on be
half of all my associate- work
ers, I extend greetings to our '
customers everywhere n n rl
wish for them all happiness
and prosperity. ' A
1 w '. .
Very truly,
.." President. -
.Wilson &,Conmanv.- 'F.1
.'" r. -V -i
t'i VykA'V
n V
T. .
" .. r - - ... -. vi-v-v-i.7vr": . rf