"' W- n,-W' WtO .t,-.Vl5s HCTi-l1' W !Wt5w?W'.ll ' ,' ; - T' 'l ?W t"ri - I 1 - ." 5fv- J EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1915 . - r-r-f "W The Young I.ndr AcroU jJie 'Way, '"". !4 THE GUMPS Conversation Spoils the Dinner BY SIDNEY SMITH - - its. LOUDER'. THERE'S SOrAE THfrJfcr THE MATTER VJITN TW S LINE ,OrAE U STENEfc ON THE WIRE I SUPPOSE - YOU'O TNAJK. THEY'D NAVE 30WvETNYt tJ,rt TO DO (DV DUMT AEANTO -v. I , . " iv ' - ' i i 'j ., .-, . ,i r - . ) -s ' K5M 7 NMEU" EX PECTEB IT. f -n ( ,,M jji-w. ... , AC. . -- f' "$ I I ITYI IS MjrsKAvKI Ts s I I V4IM.r-t MV-WI I . . . .. w- . . . I V F "X. c- k. . . ?B swe wY,nr por I vwcDcn .iMiAeyi.mi. I "c.a r"'n I - . -3' fi Li A v?T75Tv i!! 5m I HifA- i wotvjpkPO xviB V r..T. . ... i. .w ' 'V v AAPA.V oiiDkI- 2? a f KS ' 1 rt, cAy s ' X. e?y.fv uimv rr rM i PWKN Ntr N J -i - !- . , l . I ' V , - .. X5 A ivuu "" BV I ...!.. ...l I .... I IB " I, 1 1 I I .' 'tY.Ci nw5we did i rni wTLiicr i ITWQUUD Bt ousr r . V WIN. K -? ' I" A S" T UKfcHEfe "J f raSr '''?( ' I ffis&mti$''i "of I W'fz. fv&iWK "" !'&cjl v I I W',lvm Ba5' irAT sayg she hales a BitS3y and what sh0 .'. f SCHOOL DAYS -:- -:- -:- -:- fly )IKG A CLEAN SWEEP rffB fsr DAY JIMMY DROVE HIS NEW AIRPLANE HE STOLE WILLIE SMITH'S GIRL ANDTJIE ll ' ' - -' ' r GROCER'S HORSE RAN AWAY AND EVERYTHING -j- -:- tin FONTAINE FOX HwBif ijriir -.".v, , l-- 'i I 0L .jfi" ' 'tSrJ Wfi b T-faL. 'ol a ew ea t0 m i 'n-fsgjjpHjjS ' li. ' lv. K 'ft'. B.J ' ! ?r jf 1 I, Only the Fourth A clergyman, havlns performed the marriage ceremony for a couple, undertook to write out the usual marriage certificate, but, being In doubt "aa to the day of the month, he asked: "This Is the ninth, is Jt not?" "Why, parson," said the blush ing bride, "you do all my marry ing, and you ought to remember that this la only the fourth." Pearson's Weekly. Transmigration One morning Jorklns looked over his fenco and said to hla neighbor, Harktns: "What are you burying In that hole?" "Just replanting some of .my deeds, that's all," was tne answer. "Seeds!" exclaimed Jorklns, angrily. "It looks more like one of my hens!" "That's all right," said the other. "The seeds are Inside." Harper's. London Opinion. Police Olticer Want to give yourself up? What for?' Colonel Bigamy ! ' Police Officer Go and wait with the queuo of other Colonial soldiers outside ! "Now, Lieutenant Tompkins," said the general, "you have the battalion In quarter column, fac ing south how would you get It Into line, In the quickest possible way, facing northeast?" "Well, sir," said the lieutenant, after a moment's fruitless consider ation, "do you know, that's what I've often wondered." Boston Transcript. PETEYShe Really Ought to Have Felt Complimented Doctor's Only Chance Wife Hello! Doctor Bunyun? Yes? Come right away. Mr. Lit tle has another one of his spells. Doctor (half hour later) Why didn't you send for me sooner? You should not have waited till your husband was unconscious. Wife Well, as long as he had his senses he wouldn't let me send for you. New York Kvenlng World. By C. A. VOIGHT Syant; Bulletin. "It's twenty minutes to one, and I've been watting here since a quarter to twelve!" "What time did he say he would meet you?" "Ten minutes to eleven sharp." Perhaps Not Sydntjr Bulletin. lit) She Is quite unsophisticated. She even dresses in simple print. She All, yes; but you don't be lieve In everything you see In print, do you? MOVING PICTURE FUNNIES Kir" : i I Mr mum. 5itfeiu.s Cut out tho picture on all tour nlden, Then carefully fold dotted line 1 Its entire length. Then dqtted.llne 1. and so on. Fold each section underneath, accurately. When completed turn over and you'll i Excitement Needed " m- ' --- "'' y o. a, vuiutiT 7Z:U'!mm u-i , ..-J . v , Ji ) - 1 1 - 1 c.Noir-- 1 , m'JMMmM v t 'iiinrm. 'ss irz,:z. cTnoet .ijk i " i .- , v i vnat-y spi.Hra nviF: n i -. J&$mSr m, W2 ( t"mp V cv,iJ Tfe I wave o J .. J&tSmmwiA, A LS&xMJw iT J rb ,& i r'ifS . v""0 S, a im short "CAP" STUBBS "Cap" Knows -:- .:- -:- -:- -:- -:- By EDWINA ") Ah -n" i Cincinnati Tlmos Star A literary dlscubslon is pulledfOft, In tho front-lino trenches during a grenade attack. -A'j .gfil cr2 ; ...-". ,--....-. ..-.,-,. . , -- , - .i-' 133EW SANTA CLftUS-.hWANNA.OUN. AN' " itTtonM AM a txirsjrt c ti . .tt,'1' ." n.-ifc I "-M ll ...r AUTERnOBl LE. AIM A PUNCH, W iBACr, AN" BOXJN' G-LQVE., AN' HUW DUIM; AN' " TEAM ENGINE AN'A mtua rtrvi. ry r OiER5UT.A "A RRREL OF OUrATiKOPiJ epp sreAH. AM- AN' TM VErVf 1 STUBB '7 I Aiin NHr . vr n ,j T-31' 7 iv . ir i- T"-. ' L 5 1. brit ?i I R W3 i' fi&y ) l 4r77 N-?-l l I kTta 'v LMiiftk. iTEAK. AM'- h IrVS ALL.rt I ft TRUW VOUrtt I NOW. IF I GITS AlU-OF THEM JTHN(rb, ILL rwow 1TMEHE tAL.L,T.J, I A SAN in tLMUb -fi, 1 fv -! ri i Yi M fs' y!sii paikq L IF ALL I CIT.? IS A NEW lTIR OF STOCK ATS. IAN' A TICTURE 1? OOA, ILL HNOW TrltY NT NOBODY " - .-nT .. . - JDVT TA JUOIN V I fAdil nw' ITjfcdd iBur d ? Ll iffifeUWSr. rO Ithev cant tFO0L ME'. I -J I I EfV T!i i 1 SF. vt Sriine. Bulletin' "If e 'ad some bread we'd bo al)' rlnlit." ' "Ye-es. And If we 'ad some 'aVn vf '-jf! rould 'ave 'am an' eggsr-lf wo"'a'd i some eggs." ' J- Aftermath W , ' J V t -Tha -!Ttin "K-ort VMVront .willtfUmT" "EhertvAata't.bln 'pqiB wren .' ! tunic 'J-- nn n irwiwwBt-ttwii ii i i i ' .Vr.Ai lr: ' 'ijvk. , , ' ft a u.a ' . 1H J 'tSi- :. J.i ....' i i ! flt' W n jr''SSK'telfet'i , -j , i&;;&r'iMS,tfii. .33a:.J.,n?' i. .4 W?liKlU!