K5S15fiiMiMM 7"WTW5rr" i ( V" t?'-" ','. ,1. - T EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER W, 1915: te . H tfARRIVO DEL RE i DTTALIA A PARIGI to tnu school mey enroll ot tli oIHccs of tho training nchool, lloom 140. Au ministration UullUIns. run" I)jfr han no rabbit fuot. horse shoe or othrr luck chiirm other than a ple Init remonnllty, hut he won the tools "chanced off" by th electrical depftttment of the Tusey St Jones concern. Jack Iltinn. of the P, & J.' Kew Jersey ehloHrl plate HtiJ nnttle shoo. Is the latest candidate for the fire department. Jack In tralnlntf for emenrenrlea by dolnir a "mer cury" stunt from Audubon to tho shon every day He hopes to mftko up In speed what hu Is shy In We length. CANNERS EXPECT TO BREAK RECORDS f --; f- f . . t .$& Delaware, Maryland and New Jersey Men Look Forward to Big Business ainbio tli Visitc tra WiL son c Vittorio Emanuclc w.s B4 EV &ft. s Published and nilrlbutd Under PKHMIT NO. 31 ff- Authorize! by the ct of Oclob-r 0. iftlT. on Hie at th FoitolUce of l'liHa- Jiy order of the PrM . , . rostmasttr Ueneral. " in rlvlsta le truppe. Aiinmntt 'fronte frnncese. l'm-lel, 19 dlcembre. Rmanuelo d'ltnlla C 9&rrrnUo n Parlgl alle ore 3:10 del - Jtomerlsgio ui opgi. II He d'ltalla era accompafrnato dalla . hfulna Blena, dal Principe Umberln. tpall'On. Orlando, dal Mlnlstrn lell Katerl Sonnlno e da altrl 'Mlnlstrl. 11 Vt ed 11 segulto glunsc alia stazlone dl Bote Boulogne, ove attendeva Plntero Gablnctto francesa con a capo II l'rcsl flente del Mlnlstrl Clemcnceau. II IIo fu condotto a Qunl d'Ors.iy, ovc allogerra durante la sua permanenza in Varlgl. , 11 Presldente Wilson cd II lie d'ltnlla ' St 'scambleranno le vlsltc itel pome irlgglo dl oggl. 11 programma del glorno 'comprende una vlslta dl Vittorio " mtinu f.'clo a Clemcnceau nel suo ufllclo. 11 Ho d'ltalla e la Reglna Faranno oppitl del Prealdente e dl Madatno Polncare al Palazzo Eli-see nuesta sera. f Ttlwlrt T.rmiminlA finawr.V nnnhp compresl 1 con- Itallanl che combatterono nl Saranno iiresentl anche It deputatl de'.'.e cltta' redente ed I mem JirI della colonla Itallana dl Parlgl. ' PurlRl. 17 dlcembre. A, T-a dlclilarazlone del Mlnlstro Orlando , lrhe l'ltalla non e pronta per demoblll- tare II suo cscrclto, per certe contln 'cenze che potranno costlngero II Gov rno dl noma a domandire Bpeclllcl t camblamentl nel prlnclpl dl Wilson, ha prodotto una profonda lmprenslone fa 'feendo rllevare che le glusto asptrazionl (l'ltalla sono Inconclllablll con lo ambl ,;tonl del Jugo-Slarl. f II problema clell'Adrlatlco e' stretta- rnente conncsso al bllanclo della potenza Jjtoel Mcdlterraneo orlentnlc, c la soluzlone , M questo due qucstlonl es-ercltera' una "grande Influenza sopra 11 futuro pto- gresso o prosperlta' dell'Italla, Non e' ,un segreto che l'ltalla sente e sporii uella slmpatla del Presldente WtlBon ed IV flduclosa che la glustlzia del sniol 'dlrlttl c delle asplrazlonl nazlonall sla ' Tqompresa dalle Potenze dell'Intesa. , L'Ori. Orlando che nccompagnera' II -nc d'ltalla a I'arlgi, glovedl' conferltra' jK)n Mr. Wilson e senza dubblo Karanno Julscusse cose dl nlta Importanza per Jl'Italla. SI dice che Orlando sta plena- jnente d'accordo col Piesldente Wilson. f. Dlscuntendo la poslzlono dell'Italla Jnella conferenza della pace, un emlnente "Btatlsta ltalluio cosl' ha detto al rep feresentante d1 un glornale amerlcano: J ''L'Adrlatlco deve esserc ltallano o ,!osl' Istrla a Pola, la grando base na vale austrlaca, sono esenzlall per l'ltalla, coms- Flume che ha una gr.inde Impor tanza commerclale per I terrltori orlen jiall. L'ltalla non Inslste sul possesso "Jlel lltorale merldlonale dolla Dalmazla, ma per proteggere le sue coste blsogna ihe Zara e Vallona Blano cltta' llbere e ,,che 1 portl dl dette cltta' stlano sotto oraranzle Internazlonall mentre l'entrata , 3ell'Adrlatico dovra' essero guardata contro gll attacchl per la Internazionall teialone del Canale dl C'or'u". f "II ritorno del Trentlno all'Italla deve intcndersl simile a quello dell'AIsaslo- ' jjbrcna alia Francia." i tcOMUNICAZIONE DEL R. CONSOLE ITALIANO ifflsB vm iiSy BfejV n. A. Drsner, the speed Ulna of the "P. & J " draulnic room, bonstn of Urlvlnir nn inuto frdm tho rd to th ldcrl street ferries. Camden. In ten minutes. He said 1 that hp had a few onen dates to show his I skill as n driver nnd was willing to meet all romcrs. Wutcli the telesruph poles. "It. I A. V I "Al" Arhlastrr. of the "l. A- J.M botlsf and llelit plat1 shnn nus movcu irom uoi llriRSWood to IVnauken. Ho said the car service from his tirw home town Is so no toriously hnd that he will have a Rood ex cuse for bclnir late In the inornlnc. , Peter Kelly. rx-nlRht watrhman. Is now I In the boiler shop toolroom of the "P. J. ' Comnanv IVter can certnlnly hand out tools and a reajv answer with celerity. .Inmes AlrKlm, who Is enffnred at tin hend- inc slap if the Chester ard pipe shop. Is ,Hn expert in his line. Jlrnmle wns formcly the foreman f the nln department at the Hrldaewater I-ead Works. Mill Sparks, of the Chester Joiner shop has invented a new hair tonic. "Fine stuff.' nald HUH". "U will nrow hair on a billiard hall " He expects to put It on the market in tho near future. GLIDO I'OLOGRUTO This four-year-olil in kliaki is -an enthusiastic patriot, ever reatly to salute his superior oflircr. Little Guiilo lives at 609 Washington avenue ARREST GERMAN SUSPECT Charged With railing to Register as Alien I.rhnnnn. Pa.. Dee. 10 Matlilaa Delt rich, of this city. Is under arrest here hv Government agents on a charge of being nn alien enemy who failed to reg ister as such. Deltrfoh Is charged by the agent" with entertaining the belief that very shortly there will bo nn uprising In the United States of the flerntan reservists nnd with having declared when that time comes he Is going to get one of the "big fel lows" In Oovermnent service. The next two yenrs will be the busiest yearn In the history of tho ennncra of Delaware. Maryland nnd New Jersey, It is predicted by C. 8. Stevens, retiring president of tho Trl-Stato Canners' As sociation. Members of the association produce 70 per cent of all the tomatoes canned In this country. The association will close a two-day business session today at the Adelphla Hotel. According to Mr. Stevens. American canners brolto all production records when they wefo called upon to feed tho soldiers In France nnd to help out the food supplies of tho Allies. The army ami navy took from canners 43 rer cent of the total output of Ameri can canning factories, Mr. Stevens as serted. Thin percentage equalled 0,000, ooo cases of twenty-four cans each. Tha army and navy also took 3,000,000 cases of peas nnd 3,000,000 cases of corn nnd virtually the cntlro output of canned fruit. INFLUENZA AGAIN GAINS Forty-two New Cases Reported, 12 More Than Yesterday Korty-two new cases of Influenza have been reported In this city within the last twenty-four hours. This Is an In crease of twelve over yraterday's flg r s which represented the low marlc since the disease returned. Tho new cafes reported Include thir teen north of Market Btrect, twelve south of Market street, fifteen In West Phila delphia and two in Gormantown. SHIPYARD NEWS gXSS3ig&?& NO EXCLUSIVE HOTEL BEATS HOG ISLAND'S You Can't Get Room Until You're Inspected, Passed and Paid For II Iteglo Console ltallano in Phila delphia cl comunlca che, per ordlne del Governo ltallano, 'resta sospesa l'appll tazlone della Convcnzlone MHltaro fra l'ltalla o gll Statl Unltl. In conseguenza dl do' gll Italian! resl .dentl In questl Stall non hanno da ora 1 pol alcun obbllgo dl reglstrazione 4pres30 gll Ufllcl Consolarl, come si c' jratlcato durante le scorse settlmane, e Jclo' ftno a che 11 Iteglo Governo non -""adlsponga dlversamente. ft, K CANNING SUGAR BAN LIFTED rHousewives Who Have Any May U6e It on Tabic f Jlousewives who bought sugar for pre i serving purposes may now use It In whatever -w-av thev choose. ' . O k . . .v.-. ..... , . Krcniii" tiuiuuiiL:riiiriiL lu lii.il iiil-l.l w aa iiijup i ri (luests desiring accommodations at the immense hostelry ot Hog Island the Emergency Kleet Corporation Hotel ' must undergo a medical examination and receive the approval ot the depart ment of sanitation. ' Before the weary-eyed hotel clerk 1 will pass a coveted key across the , counter, those Becking a room must not only furnish the rerpilred stipend, but flash forth the olllclal alibi of good health and cleanliness. There Is nothing taken for granted ' at the K. V. C. hotel, nor is any weight attached to the best traditions of lloyle In the hBstelry profession. "Nay. Xuy," muttered a. clerk to a prospective resident of the hotel. "Ye may be and again ye may not be , but " Argument Is futile. It Is an Iron- clad rule. Creating a scene merely fur- ' nlshes free entertainment to the hun- dreds of "medico-approved" guests that loiter lu the lobby. The same health regulation applies to shipworkera who desire beds in the yard barracks. Medical examinations of applicants for room's at the hotel or quarters in the barracks are made at the Hog Island ' sanitary headquarters. Sixth and Kim , streets, between 11 a. m. and 9 p. in. What would happen to a "homeless Hector" type of shlpworker, who has laid his best bet on rinding immediate , ! quarters at the shipyard Institutions about 9:15 p. m.. Is not stated In the i rules and regulations. I On Sundays the examination ot guests la confined to the time between 10 a. m. and noon. CLASSES FOR SHIPFITTERS today by the Federal food admlnlstra Ji'on. In reply to hundreds of Inquiries rirom housewives who still have consid erable sugar bought under tlie canning privilege order. Many feared to use It ' or the reason that when the sugar ("vas bought It was with the understanding- that It should be used In no olh?r Jway. V,r Sugar Is now available In largo quan tities on account of the large cane urup (from Cuba and Improved shipping facili ties. tART SOCIETY ENTERTAINED f. Members Hear Program of Reading and . Singing at New Century Club Jv The Society of Arts and LetterB, at Its 'netting last night In the New Century Drawing Room, 124 South Twelfth ,treet was entertained with the . singing- or tne -star spangled Banner" , Yby tho. audience, eongs by Jilss Anna ' iiEtrls March, a read selection from "Lea I pilserables" by George Townsend and ' two solos by Miss Margaret K, Dalley. , JJMIas Imogen Chandler Gregory read se- i flections from "The New Court House," i K Dy iucnara iiaruing Davis. J Train Farn for TI. S. Pnml.,v. rM Washlmton, Dea 19. Final action by fi 4Congres3 on tha bill providing that the (Vjvuoyernment pay me transportation home 'ijrof'lts civil employes In Washington j uutuifi re nai n .uncti uy MID JlUUtfH illn adoDtlnir a conference renorr. urn. Wously agreed to by the Senate. i City Has $15,898,377 in Casli J According to City Treasurer Shoyer's ' -jTveekly statement. Issued today, J1.453,- ! jUD,ff iiuit uecii paia in ana 91,434, ;0S.29 paid out during the last seven IV ranys. inm leaves u oaiance on nanu, B'y: -.not. Including the slnklnir fund of sis. re- IS9MJ7.04. I.tr '" 4. "- ft School Established for Ambitions Jlcrchant Yard Men livening classes In EhlpflttlnB have been established nt thj training school i of thp Merchant Shipbuilding Corpora , tlon, et H irriman. 1 Kveiy man engaged In this line of work, from a regulator and apprentice , fitter to a llrst-class fitter, Is eligible to enter the classes. 1 The course will embrace necessary Instruction In framing work,, plate work. I blueprint reading, l'undamenta- prin I clples of mathematics necessary to erect a perpendicular to a line and a general 1 understanding of all parts of a ship. The classes will mc-t twice a week at 5:15 p m. and 7 p in. In the Hard- The best Pancakes you ever tasted plus a delicious, different, tantalizing flavor that's TECO! 1 it' i in the flour THE EKENBERG CO., Crisp Ave., Cortland. N. Y. I-. G. YVI1ITK. Iteprescntutlte, Drexcl L'ldc, I'lilladelphla, Ta. ' ..-.nn t.ihllr. UT.rif.1 In 1 1 ! .1 1 Ti , T iiLt rlli.tlnn tliai, MU.tlrf ....,V. ..U.I.... ,.. ...... W.ll-.! is free, a small deposit Is required as ' an evidence of good faith, but this sum Is returned upon completion of the course. Expert shlpfltters, employes of the yard, are the instructors. All materials ' tor instruction, suen as uiuepnntH aim , textbooks on smimttlng are furnished the students. Applicants for admission . i pre- 1 ,'-f M .itrt m Invincible 7c Sox, Fifty Cigar, $3.25 FRINGS BROS CIGARS 1 londres 6c don't starve the kiddies The growing bodies of children need food that builds muscle, bone add brain and is easily digested. Dont allow your food saving zeal to. deprive the kiddies of need ed nourishment. When you gcvethem wheat food be sure it is the whole v4ieat ShreddedWheat is the whole wheat preparedin adigesfible formltis readjrHaokedac no sugar.Serve it with hptmilk and a dash ofsalt In the Dec. 13th ; 40-Page Edition ?' of William Randolph Hearst's New York EVENING JOURNAL It Was Necessary to OMIT Many Advertisements The Evening Journal sincerely regrets having been forced by, absolute mechanical limitations to disappoint merchants and manufacturers who have learned to value so highly the patron age of the many hundreds of thousands of daily buyers of the Evening Journal. A 40-Page Paper Is the Largest We Can Print! The NEXT LAEGEST newspaper published in New York City on this day was com posed of only 28 pages; for news, features, advertisements everything! But The Evening Journal Printed 30 1 Pages of Advertising Alone! 245 Columns Breaking every advertising record of a regular edition of any New York newspaper, except the big Sunday papers! Friday, December 0th, the Evening Journal smashed all preceding records by ' printing 226. columns of paid display advertising in a 38-page paper and some ad vertising had to be left out. The New York Evening Journal Printed 30 per cent of the Total Volume of Paid Display Advertising Printed on This Day by the 7 New York Evening Papers PAIP DISPLAY ADVERTISING RECORD FOR, NEW YORK EVENING NEWSPAPERS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13TH, 1918 New York Evening Journal New York Evening World New York Evening Globe New York Evening Sun New York Evening Mail New York Evening Telegram New York Evening Post Total New York Evening Journal's GAIN over same day a year ago . . . 23 Cols. Columns 245& THE EVE. JOURNAL PRINTED 1 453 1 00 Cols. MORE than Eve. World 30H 115K " MORE " Eve. Globe 120M 125J4 " MORE " Eve. Sun 70M 175 " MORE " Eve. Mail 61 184 " MORE " Eve. Telegram 48 197 v,i MORE "' Eve.Post 82 VA Average Daily Net Paid Circulation of the New York EVENING JOURNAL for the Month of November, 1918, was 717.003 1 '-"j. f 2c a Copy llmbr of Audit Bureau ot Clrculatloni. ,'1-J - vV w.' WiWMiBH -& ;21 ,! 41 " m ;M, fifty tlsart, $2.7 S I- &v ..;,' -v.'i 4 ! '- " . 1 . J ' " i- , wt .pfP-Vt1 J1." JWWt- , 1- r- f". sftjij- V . ..".' i.v i jm m. !,) -' ', ... . rrt J'