Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 19, 1918, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 13, Image 13

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And So They Were Married
Episode Two (Each Other's Friends)
Copurioht, J9I8. li i'tilillc Ledger Co.
A T 11 O'CLOCK Scott liad
Still tiot
ved. Ruth had taken oft her drcsa
and had slipped Into Kimono mn
aho had first como home. At 10:30 plie
had undressed entirely ftind had pllpped
Into bed. Sho turned on the llRht by
the bed and tried to read, but Hho wns
too nervous. She could do nothing but
think. By this Mine ho had worked her
self up into a perfect lever of unrest
and suspicion, and yet Bhc hardly know
whether to tell Scott how she felt or to
proceed In calm dignity treating lilm
with an aloofness that would show her
hurt In its true light.
At a quarter of 12, she heard his
key In tho lock and u moment later ho
had come Into tho room and had sat
down on her bed. Sho had a moment
to think how dear ho was with that
thin keen face and those eyes that saw
dreams. Then he stooped to klBS her.
Almost cold were tho lips beneath his
own, but ho said nothing, only raised his
head and said, "I called jou twice but
you weren't home."
"So tho girl said."
"Did you have a good evening?"
.She raised her eyes at this. "Did you
expect mo 'to hae a good evening?"
Ho reddened Ht her tone.
You know I had nothing planned."
"Dut you could have planned some
thing. I thought, of course, that you had
plenty of friends that jou could plan on
"You don't Kcem lo realize, Scott, that
tor a woman, It Isnt as easy to do thoso
things. For all you cared I might have
stayed home ulone all the evening, all
theso hours, for you might have
known that I wouldn't go to see an) one
I know. What would they think If I
dld7 They would suspect In a minute
that there was homethlng wrong, and
that ou couldn't care very much about
me It you were u tiling to allow mo to
run around alone at night without you."
"If people you know do thoso things,
I'd never count them among my friends."
"Well, they're qulto as good as the
people you seem so taken with. 1 can
tell you that."
"Please let's not get talking of that
Adventures With a Christmas Purse
1, Individual Jelly glutton for an Invalid
or u fantldlouH hostess?
2. Those fancy lliturrn on which lingerie
ribbon Is wound?
8. One of these lovely necklaces with
round corul locket effect?
4. A uninll curved sparkling pin for the
brim of a umart little liat?
10T any good Xmas suggestions?"
vJ I nuked succinctly of tho very
pleasant attendant who never falls mo.
"How about Individual glasses of jelly?"
ho Inquired hopefully. For a minute I
did not flee their possibilities. Then
they began to come to me. For the In
valid, for tho hostess who ever seeks
something different and tempting, for tho
family of two why, these dainty glasses
of Jelly, little tapering glasses, standing
hardly more than two Inches and a half
high and packed with delicious port or
sherry wine flavored Jelly clear 1
would say as a still pool, but for fear
of being accused of waxing poetic why,
they have "inflnlto gift possibilities.
"They're good sellers nroupd Christmas,"
said tho nice joung man, "and they cost
but $1.25 per dozen,"
Then there nre whimsical spools hold
ing llngerlo ribbon. They nre probably
six Inches In height, nround probably five
Inches of which ribbon Is wound And
the other Inch Is a fascinating little hean,
hand-palpted, with black hair and
rouglsh red cheeks. Here Is another one
of tho fussy little extras a girl would
love as n gift, but would feel that she
could not afford to buy for herself. I'ricu,
seventy-flve cents.
Somewhat similar to the popular Vic
tory lockets, but much nearer tho reach
of the slender purse, are the chains with
their dainty ornaments widen I dis
covered today. The chains aro three
quarter length, of coral, and seemingly
made from the same material as the Vic
tory lockets. First come two round links,
then a flat oblong, then two more links
all in delicate coral color, of course, and
so on down tho chain to the round coral
locket effect, on tho front of wlilch a
Woman's head stands out In bold relief
In cameo effect, and In tho back of which
is a little round mirror. And these
lovely necklaces are but $1.
Or, have you seen the rouglsh little
pins which peep at you from the brim or
crown of milady's hat llttlo curved pin
of sitter, and lacy design In sparkling
brilliants? The one I liked best wns of
green gold flnlsh a curved bar, with a
single little sapphire embedded In tho
center. And the price was but seventy
five cents.
again," Scott said, getting up heavily
from tho bed. ltuth turned her face
away from him, although she was en
tirely conscious of everything he lld.
Hho heard him hang his coat over the
bark of the chair; she knew tho familiar
little sound of It, she knew that he
was getting Into his bathrobe, and then
she heard him go out Into tho living
room. Tho fact tbnt ho refused to argue
with her .made her angrier than ever,
particularly now that Bho realized she
would not be uble to ask him nnv thing
about the evening, and what he had
done. There was moro than that, too,
In hr conscloutness : she felt somehow
that Scott felt a lack of responsiveness
in her, a lack In understanding, and
sho hardly knew what to do to tell him
how she felt and to ask him to talk It
Now that ho was home things seemed
somehow different. She wished, oh, how
sho wished, that she had been broader
about It. It had been her chance to
meet him half way, to be the comrade
sho had alwavs longed to be to the
man sho loved, to give him the tiualltv
that sho knew most of her own friends
never gavo their husbands, understand
ing, Suddenly she threw the covers down
and leaped out of bed. Sho had a sud
den desire to feel his arms about her, a
sudden fear that he was so disappointed
that perhaps ho would never again lovo
her as he had.
Throwing her kimono about her shoul
ders, sho rushed out to tbe living room.
' I can't stand being away from you this
way, sue must out. "Can't vse talk' It
over, Scott; can't wo adjust matters?"
Scott opened hla arms and she nestled
In them In n corner of the dnvenport.
Almost Immediately she began to cry
In a very excess of emotion. The relief
of being close to him again spiritually
as well as physically was so great.
"Oh. 1 do want to understand," she
said between Bobs. "1 do, but It's so
hard to be big about a thing when other
people don't understand."
"I.lko whom?"
"All my friends, and mother, of
"You don't mean that they don't ap
prove of a man having nnv time to him
self?" Scott was f lankly Incredulous
"Hardly ally man has prlv lieges like
that, not It he loves his wife. And don't
you see that they would all think me
different It they know about the way ou
think? They would say 1 pretended tu
bo satisfied."
"I never thought that marriage for me
would mean thu submerging of my own
peisouallty. 1 thought vse could go on
living our own lives and out nf our life
together would come a natural welding
together that would mean much more
than n few words mumbled lit the altar.
You know as well as 1 that no man who
submits to the tyranny of marrlnge to
the extent of never getting away from
married atmosphere Is happy."
They were big problems for these two
as they were for many others, and ltuth
wns silent for a few moments, thinking
"lint, thank fortune, all people don't
think like these friends of yours," said
Scott suddenly. "Why only tonight we
were discussing marriage, conventional
mamapn I mean, nnd I swoie that mine
was different."
"Where wore you?" asked ltuth
"Down nl Hell j 's studio," announced
Scott innocently.
'earls Restrung OCn
Urntcen Onrn Replaced Us W
KAUFMAHN, Jeweler, 1016 Ctitstnnl
For the names of shops where ar
ticles mentioned In "Adventures
With a Purse" can be purchased,
address Editor of Wcman'a Page,
Eveniho public Ledqch, or phone
the Woman's Department, Walnut
I" JgWMMlllllllllllllIHMjIllllJllllllMlllim
&fje Jf ur & ifflttlfoerp gfjop, 3uc.
1423 Walnut Street
Hats Reduced to $10 and $12
Waists Specially Priced at $5
These are oil original models
previously priced much higher
Christmas Suggestions in
Fur Sets and Coats
' l JL Personal Touch"
lal Touch1
In These Griddle Cakes
'THE pancakes that she mixes with her own
- hands and by her own recipe using Amerikorn Pancake Flour suits
him exactly. Her "personal touch" combines the ingredients in just the pro
portion he likes, and they're sure to be light and delicious when made o
Eggless Amerikorn
Griddle Cakes
To A cups Amerikorn
Flour add 3 teaspoons bak
ing powder and teaspoon
i salt. Stir in 1 cups milk
and water and beat well.
Add teaspoon of melted
Pancake Flour
'Amerikorn for griddle cakes" should be a breakfast slogan in every
home. It is easy to handle; requires less butter and syrup because
the grain itself is rich and luscious; a daily delight at low cost
' Remember yu save money wh Amerikorn. You use one-half less
mi, i flour, one-fourth less sweetening and one-half less shortening.
At Community Stores and All Good Grocers. In 5-pound bags.
Wiittb aeon
. Prepared by
f t
w -Xhas., A.JKramMillirig Co., Milwaukee, Wi.
Santa Clam's Ship Is Close to Port
At Christmas
Play and make good cheer,
For Chrhtmaa comes but once
it year.
Dear little kewpics perch on
top of fluffy powder puffs
which rest in gla dishes. The
Kraceful dishes have much of
the iridescence of Venetian
glass. $1.50. (Central.)
A business man would be
more than pleased with u pift
of ii safe! We have n new
supply of safes for the home
or oflice at ?31 to $71. (Cen
tral.) To help solve the gifts prob
lemhave you thought of
dress lengths of the new ging
hams? Surely any girl or
woman would like that! The
ginghams of fine texture arc
mostly in unusually good
plaids and are 32 inches wide
at 75c a yard. (Centtal.)
Sweater sets for the boys
and girls of 2 years to 5 are
of Copenhagen blue or salmon
brushed wool. Each set in
cludes a cap, a sweater, a pair
of drawer-leggings and mit
tens. $7.50. (Central.)
Boston bags of genuine cow
hide, in tan, aie special at
$7.50. Other bags of cowhide,
in tan and black, are $11.50 to
$30. (Market.)
Beautiful necklaces of wax
filled beads with the warmth
and glow of pcails have solid
gold clasps. Opera or neck
lengths are from $4 to $15.
Trench caps for the little
fellows of 2 years to G are
made in helmet .style so that
they can be let down over
the face. In khaki color and
tan, they are $1.50 to $2.25.
What about one in the stock
ing? (Central.)
Fragrant toilet waters and
extiacts in attractive bottles
and boxes are 3oc to $5. (Cen
tral.) Mothers are having difficulty
in getting enough things to put
into the children's stockings. A
gay box containing !i pencils
will go in nicely. The pencils
are good, have rubbers and
bear the greeting "Wishing
You a Merry Christmas." 30c.
Glass paperweights for
men's desks show a copy of
the first seal of the United
States. 50c. (Central.)
is very popular this sea-
son. Short necklaces of imita
tion jet some of them com
bined with metal or pearl-like
beads are 50c to $C50. (Ce?i-
Packages of Oriental in
cense sandalwood and patch
ouly are attractively tied.
50c. Little incense burners are
75c each. You can have them
boxed together. (Central.)
The Glinting of
Rainbow Colors
catches your eye as you pass the
Jewelry Section. If you stop to
investigate you will find one of
the best collections of inexpensive
thinestone pins in the city.
The veil pins', so much in de
mand at this 'time, are 50c and $1.
Bar pins what a glittering
array! are $1, $1.25 to $10.
Hundreds of Dozens
of Linen
Hundreds and hundreds , of
pretty handkerchiefs have flut
tered in for Christmas, but they
are going out quickly, for so mnny
people know what useful, practi
cal gifts they are.
For Women
Plain, snowy linen handker
chiefs at 15e, 18c and 20c each.
Hand-embroidered corner hand
kerchiefs at 35c and 50c, some with
the embroidery in dainty color
ings. For the Kiddies
there arc plain white linen, col
ored borders or embroidered cor
ners at 12V4e and 15c each.
For Men
Plain white linen at 35c.
Plain white initial at 30c, 35c
and 50c.
Extra-size white handkerchiefs
at 85c.
' Colored border handkerchiefs
at 55c.
Taffeta Waists
in Dark Plaids and
Those pretty, colorful waists
fly out as fast as vp can get them
in. Tho silk is very soft and tho
grounds are mostly in dark blues
and greens with gay overplaids.
All have convertible collars. Sizes
36 to -1G at ?5.
An Extra-Size Waist of
Black Tub Silk, $3.90
Women will find that these
waists give excellent service. The
lines arc simple, the collar flat
and tho only trimming is a low of
tucking at each side of the front.
Sizcr, 44 to 54.
Brushed Wool
Scarfs, $1.85
Soft, warm, pretty things,
80 Christmassy and wintry.
They are in white with stripes
of blue, giecn, orange and so
on, or in khaki, blue, rose or
Heavier Weight
Underwear for
Vests of clean white cotton,
warmly fleeced inside, aro made
with high necks and long sleeves.
Drawers are made ankle length.
In regular and extra sizes they
aie $1.25 each.
Union suits of the same quality
are $1.75.
Merino Union Suits
They are made with high necks
and long or elbow-length sleeves,
or with Dutch necks nnd elbow
length sleeves. All are ankle
Itegular sizes, $3.
Extra sizes, $3.25.
Four Special
Groups of Women's
Are Much Reduced
in Price
At $16.50
Two styles of velour coats arc
fully lined with satin. The collar
of one is inlaid with plush, and
the other is trimmed with mole
fur cloth. Both originally sold
for more than half as much again.
At $19.75
35 coats of velour and cheviot
are in many attractive styles. A
good number have collars of kit
coney fur or beaver fur cloth;
some have cuffs to match. The
coats are half lined or fully lined.
At $25
Coats of velour and kersey
arc mostly all well lined with
silk. You may choose coats with
out fur or coats with fur, for
there are both in the group.
Every coat is worth a good bit
30 coats of duvet dc laine and
suede velour arc beautifully lined
with silk and trimmed with seal
ene, ringtail and skunk opossum.
These show reductions as great as
$15 on a coat.
combines in a dainty new jabot.
The frill and collar arc of net,
some with a bit of lace, and there
is a fold of the satin around the
top. $1.75.
A Jolly Rustling and a
Merry Bustling
of gifts into the house is going on these days, with the air fragrant
with fir balsam and eyes bright with the joy of Christmas.
Even the House
is taking on a festive air or should be and to help with that we
have festoons, crepe paper, etc.
Rolls of cicpc paper ZVi inches wide and 20 yards long are a
real Christmas red. 15c a roll.
Red and green festoons of crepe paper fairly breathe Christmas.
15c each.
Folds of led or gicen paper arc 10 feet long and 20 inches wide
at 15c a fold.
Festoons with red berries aie 25c each.
Good white tissue paper is 35c a quire.
Wiapping paper, gay with poinsettlas or holly, is 8c a sheet.
Bright red or green ribbonenc, 50 yards on a spool, is 25c a spool.
Tags and seals of all soits are 10c a package.
Women's Flannellet
Pajamas, $3
They are in one piece and are
gathered at the waiLt ,on a blue
cord ending in tassels. Tho flan
nellet is white stiiped with blue.
Fresh, White
Christmas Cards
5c Each
And there aren't many pret
ty cards about town at this
time thct are fresh, white and
New Mocha Gloves for Women
at $2.35 and $2.50
Women all love them, for there is nothing quite so soft
and smoothly fitting.
Silk lined mocha 'gloves' in black and gray are $2.35.
With two-toned embroidoicd backs there arc dark mode
and sand gloves, pique sewn, at $2.50.
Gray mocha gloves, outseam sewn, with two-tone embroid
ered or plain backs, are $2.50.
Pretty "Nighties"
at $1.65
One is cut with points over the
shoulders, edged with a casing
run with pink ribbon. Pink rib
bon also shows through the lace
insertion that marks tho high
The other has a round neck
trimmed with ribbon-run em
broidery insertion edged with
Both are of white nainscok.
Envelope Chemises, 51-50
Diagonal rows of laco insertion
and a lace medallion trim the
yoke and lace edges the top.
Adora Corsets
At $1.25 u good model of white
and pink coutil is topless and has
elastic inset in the sides. The
skirt is long.
At $1.50 a good-looking model
for average to stout figures h
made of pink coutil. It i? well
If You Are Giving
Practical Things
Give a Skirt
A black linene skirt that a
maid would like is $3.
A black cotton serge is
Navy blue or brown cor-4
duroy at $5.65.
A skirt for young women
is of navy blue poplin, that
opens in back and is tight at
the foot. ,
A black taffeta or satin
skirt for an older woman is
$7.50 to $12.50.
Beautiful black wool voiles
are lined with fancy silks or
unlined, at $12.50.
Lovely baronette satm
skirts in pastel shades and
novelty velveteen or satin
skirts are $12.50 to $25.
tiUa Petticoats Witk
Jersey Tops 3.8
The silk tops of jersey assure durability, and there is plenty
of rustle in the deep flounces of tucked taffeta. Tho tops are in
navy, purple, green and black with changeable flounces.
jChristmas Comes on Slippered Feet
A nice thing about these slippers for women is that they are in
colors to match bathrobes and dressing gowns.
Juliets of felt, trimmed with ribbon or fur, are in dark shades and
are $1.75 to $2.50 the pair.
In pink, lavender, blue, old rose, red and taupe there are felt slippers
with soft, padded soles at $1.50, $1.75 nnd $2.
Gray or black felt slippers with high tongues and padded soles are
Comfortable cloth slippers in pink, old roie, blue and lavender
are 85c.
Slippers of corded material, much like corduroy, are in old rose, pink,
light blue and lavender and go very well with corduroy robes. $1.25.
These for Children
Juliets of felt, warmly edged with fur, have
leather sole3 and heels and are in red and gruy,
. in 3izcs 7 to 2. at $1.50.
' Red felt slippers with leather soles and heels
are in sizes C to 2 at $1 and $1.25.
And Comfy Slippers for Men
Brown felt slippers with a collar that turns
up around the ankle have padded soles and
are $2.50.
Felt slippers in Oxford, taupe, khaki and
wine have padded soles and are $1.75 a pair.
Black felt slippers with leather soles and
heels are $1.76 a pair. (
Indian Moccasins
A big lot of leather moccasins is ready for
Children's sizes are 25c.
Boys', men's nnd women's sizes aro 5Qu and
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