,; 'vj"vw'1: Sjattt '"ffJwwflWPiifBjp",' ' "TflpfwpB.iwi - v ,w i. 'i( --, '( b , -r . Hr' .- , ,'- I ! Ii - -f J i't i . j , . , , j ' . - . w fc re 6 .EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, plfiUJLi&jJfiR 12, Ms kw 1. 'i iS 84 of? ' F . If I'" IU mar js"1 m K fASUALTYLIST HASBIGTOTAL ral Pershine's ReDort Vj Vn1 Tk.. CI. ...,- A. gregatcof2815 liit-- .BErVVY MORTALITY ROLL s ft jftlu II 533 Killed in Action. 62 Die '?: if TPVi'.inrla 950 nf T)iapnsi. , , -. .. .., w. , ,lT,pf Other Causes Washington, Dec. 11. ' General Pershing's army casualty roll ft," a. A f"W the day la a heavy one. comprising; JJ15 names. Of these, the deaths In ac tion, number E33, while sixty-two soldiers succumbed to wounds, 239 to disease and erenteen to other causes. A feature of the report la the largo number of Pinnaylvanlana In the hero list. The. .marines contributed 103 additional pmes to tho Brand total. Summarized to date the losses arc. Reported Dec 12 . .VM 239 Total 1-, inn Killed In action Died of wounds ,, i 13.0.IS Pled of dlaease Oled of acoMentu and other eus ' MUXr In action, Including prisoners Weundnd. ..... . 17 1 800 20 S 173(1 14, MO 110.207 Qrand total JSl,- 120,731 ' OFFICERS IP-1 , Killed In ttion ,l CAPTAINS George F Dashlell, f-mllh-Jeld. Va.; Howard de Hart Hughes, Seattle, , JfMh. -t WEUTHNANTS Hilton V Rrown Indl anapoiii, Ind . Ram Etshokln, Chicago III Walter L. Sands. Frackvllle Pa Dalton ,B. Smith. Trinity, N C. Wlllard "rnlth. Worcester, 1ass ; Ilnjamln Schneider Hrooklyn, N T , Maurice V Schrauer Chi cago, III.; Ralph Weatbrook Stlne. Paitnn, III.: William B Dixon. Haierford Pa . Flndley R. Durrett, Newport News. V11., Olln H. Ford, Corry, Pa , Frank J Hoeynck, (Kvantton. 111.; Ralph W. Lane, Sprlngtleid, Mass,) Ralph Richardson Marrlan. Water town, N. T. t X Killed In Airplane Accident ,' LIECTENANTO IJIurence J Hauer, nn Arbor. Mich , John 8. Skrllr. an ft l'o rm atreet. Philadelphia! Lewis M bmlth, Tarltlo. llt. Dlexl from Mounds , LIEUTENANTS Joseph Tlnsman. Iterchantxllle, N. J . Edward 3 Toung. Pt. , Louis, Mo.i Hhlrley D Ilohannon. Nashville. Tann ; John F. Collins, Newark, N. J.; Frederick I.. Drake, Hazleton. Pa Died of Disease , CAPTAIN Frederick c. Colston, Balti more. Md. IJEUTENANTS Arnold IS Kupfer, New Tork; Zack J. Moore. Ilartlett, Tex. iVounded SeTerely COLONEL Harry O. Grant rindlaj O , MAJORS Paachal II Jones Parlshvllle, Ki T; James A. Van Fleet, Long Beach, Cal. CAPTAINS John T. Comerford, Brook- .line. Mass. ; Fred 12. Irflster. incennes, 'lna.i Henry Jf Ueeson. Medford. Wis , Wat- ter Feraol, Urbana. Ill , Sam Webb. Jr Memphis. Tenn : Arthur J O'Keefe. Fort Leavenworth. Kan . Harold D Ressegule, V.t.ri.m -r T a.. I. I.... h ,'h..l. ' ton, TV. Va.; Theodorlck A. W. allium, Norfolk, Va. LIEUTENANTS Harry c Han'cj. De- troit. Jllch.; Robert N. Maxey. Memphis. Teruu: Govan N. Ktroman. San Antonio ,Tex.; Walter Lawrenco O'Brien, Maple Park. III.; Harold II Shear. Waco. Tex . 6-Vi" rfHarry J- Action Jladlson. Minn . Amory V .it, -., ucv .uik-b, in.tn i,irr rune, v le . Sllot, New York: Fred Gerard, Hampton. J J.: Harold Mitchell. Lima. O . Arthur v. Burnett, uoeii &tat Johnson. Plalnfleld, Ind libell station. Mo , Tailor II. llnneld. Ind : fTarroll n KeMev c 1 .."l"til.e'' "" rimitn. . u tine, Lnar fS-Jt Motte, N. C: Cleaves A. Jones. Pass Chris. klv, 'tlan. lllaa.. Carl A. Llndqulst. Bridgeport, ib .. ta ..,. r ,,,i.i,. r.. fe, t .yk; Bernard J. Volt, 111!) South Fortr- eMsirw, iiiiuoeipiiiar .ornooi n nmun, Scotland Neck. N 1 . Zadoc L. Weather. Xfortl, Red Boy. Ala., lister C. Shearer, Car. Ittle, Pa.: Ifenjamln Franklin Malone, San Antonio Tex.: Perry McCain Indianapolis. Ind.; Wilbur n. Rylander. ban Marcos, Tex., Zebulon T. Thornburg Concord N C ; Rob. ort Campbell. Hutchinson. Kan., Charles R Herr, Flemlngton. N, J. WoundeJ. Degree Undetermined CAPTAIN Edward York. Cheyenne. Wo. ' LIEUTENANTS John C .Moore. Balti more, Md.. William Joel Spry, Wilkes Barre, Wounded slightly MAJOR Fred! Lee Lemmon, Hutchinson, Kan, CAPTAINS Crawford Blagden, New Tork; Malcolm W Force, New York. , , IJEUTENANTS Irving P Corse. Bay Head, N. J-: William 13 Pierce, Indiana, Pa. Missing In Action I .LIEUTENANTS Fred T. Shoermker, 1 Chicago, 111.; Howard K. Clapp. West New ton, Mass : Alvln II Treadweli, Pough- ' keepilo. N. Y. rKNXSYLVANIA Killed In Action SERGEANTS Jacob Delbert Nipple. Wal- nut; John S. Winner, Danville. William J. Carthew. Johnstown; Adam B. Snyder. Leb anon. CORPORALS Leo A. Dorwart. Green- N68thSt- ToPPOSn. UTBROI. AT SUBWAY """ The House of Comfort The Store lor tht Stout Woman's Shoe OPENING Tomorrow Our Second Store With a Special Sale of Men's & Women's 2861 Pairs LADIES' BOOTS 9-inch Brown Russian Calf. High and low heel. Brown Vici with cloth top. Black Vici, Gun 'metal, Straight or imitation wing tips. Men's Shoes Itusslan calf. r.ngusn (04 or Blucher with round toe. Black Vlel kd. Knit llsh toe. stralcht or round toe. These hoes can't bo duplicated under 6.00. Men's & Women's Felt Slipper Bxco p 1 1 on a 1 1 y foixi grraae. In-all colors. ti USE ffl WSk . i ts r 44 . I W 1 fi J j " rN. f ti. ,, l 1km ft.. - aSU;i', ' tille A. Fsnnsr. Ilrrn Mawf! Cliarlss R Htelfsl. KKentansburs: Fiord M. Wat.rs. Bunjus hannar JlajTnond Jrsrph Homer llmdlnci William C Wruner, Catasauqua. Josspn Vasssla. 1HT South Klahth atreet. rhlladel. phla: Joseph V. Waples. 71'0 Corinthian avenue. Philadelphia. I'niVATRS Charles 1 Cartln. 1 South St Hernard street. 'hllndelphlai Fells Ad dentolrlch. Tamaqua, Oeorse H Alvus. Hasten; David Hlmon, S2T4 Bant Cambria street. Philadelphia i Norman H, Taylor Quakertown, Paul Valent. I.ansford Adolph I.. Tourist 10M Reno atreet rrclla- Adolph I.. Tour 10M Reno atreet rhlln rtelphl; UeorgejW. Zimmerman Mlllmon Hoy Edward Hetiger, Natrona, Carl Sin inni dnard Hetiger, , Natrona, (arinim- Elizabeth) llussell T. Hlcwart Turtle Sim- Creeki John lorke Drlttom Htrphen O Frits 302 Aramlnito street. Philadelphia, Franklin It. Knser, Allentown:, Reginald K Kuhn. Adella. Donato Maeaano. Shnrpjburi: Charles J. O lvnrie. B340 Race street. J'hlla delphlai Kolmnn ReMln. H12 N'orth Mar shall street. Philadelphia John K Htenart. Hill Esat Moser atrnct. Philadelphia, fleorsa A. Turner. 4(l North Fifth street Phi la delphlai Calvin A. Werner, .MeJerdale: Oeorae Kln. ShenAndoahi qeoiKe I,clir, Hellertovrni Charles .Vonih Lebanon, lrrady Lawyer Htlne. Carlisle, Larl 3 Crouphamel. Perkasle: William H DuUe, Morrlsllle. Francesco Fflrraro. Pittsburgh. Nick J. Oeoritoulls, Muson." r-ranklVMons Laroonasie atier iioatir -.7., nun inr. treet Philadelphia. HtanlSllW WzeCZKeW- Iskl, Itrackenrldae. Franccsio illvestra Ick Haven, Elsworth Htdkee. Rt W Rum John J. Williams, Naznretn IIIED 1ROJI ACClnKNT AD OTIIKR CAl'HKX PIttATE Wllllsm O Ccttor. 2831 Ger rltt street Philadelphia. ' I)1KI l'nM WOUNDS 1 tOni'ORM.S John K Mapes (.learneld,. William ian, uuoeriun. j ,v.. IlL'UI.Kn Mernl II Itoherts Tobyhannn PPIVATKS Plus Uumauskl Port Carbon. Norrls II Menu 1SJ7 Tucker B(r''t..i'hJ'?1 delphla, Walter,, J J"'r't.lr rltlfL'ir Alln Trip. Ha stead .John R. Zenker. Lock Ilaen. Prank Det'rl I. Rullcr Jules Milatre McDonald, Franklin K. Hslser, Warren, Henedetto AnBlln itendrm lands, Fred F Heriter Narnrelh Mlcluel arnock Mount rieasani Jesso Wonner Kestcr. Ma- tULllti nil, i or iiist-isi; snnon xt ai joh Ja a Jackson, Pittsburgh. SBRUUANT- Joseph Clifford Richards. NURHB Esther Yochelsoti tMf'.P0i-f.. PRI ATES ?oeph llrlnnlsholtr ll'l 1 It2- seral.l street Philadelphia George Lerott Murpht rjmporium jonn j, iniit Jtrfsv1 IflHIII IINII lawn v ' '" . ii. i ..I Oerm.intnwn Phlladrlphla. George W Killp. ocan Hous Christopher Mclnrne Pltls- t...r. t'i,i... , nit.n le Toung lien .1 lfn..lH l.' knr h fillll'l iiofr IirPfl. laniin T .mlth TreMirtnn. Alexander Pish Pnrt llrlfflth Pletro ricarnsxl .ewoerr Andrew J Major Lllwood . It , Sam Sal- t iin ruuer. ArLhur Raphael Seaall Phila- I delphla ' i Mounded Severely , MASTI R SICNAL KIKCTRIf IAN Dan- I lei H 7.erger Ilarrlsburg ,,,, . I SLROKAS'TS John E Lrh 2410 Masrher stn-et Philadelphia John H llrennan Read I Ing, William Jnmes Urown Jenklntown Clifford T Weinman 2014 fcajt Mleghenj atenue Philadelphia John rt tiorrton I onl i-in l.vnn II Hllllman Pittsburgh Thomas a Monre Minerstllle Stephen I Wall West Chester Burton Franklin Holden V.rle Charles L Weir Eighty four, Herbert L McCarty. Catawlssa CORPORAL. August Greway 314 West Indiana aenue Philadelphia, (leorgo lanenke Allentown Dald N Rahauser Chambershurg Scott 11 Shaner. Nnlant, John J Sterner. Allentown Carl W Wlth row, fllfton Forge Jacob Hav Brown Un caster, Anthonj Butar"k Haxlelon William Flfmlnr Aubre Hotel' hester James Ic Olaughlln MLKeesport t hnrles James Wat son Mcudlllle Alexander II Ambrose 51132 Osage aenu Philadelphia, Harry 1. Bs telle New Albany Roger A Foley Wilkes. Rirre Ralph Burkhouse Pittsburgh, John Williams Slckels Sunntslde Harry I'rlel. 2CI17 Martha streeU Philadelphia. John 1 Sullivan Reading Ix;on F Cllprhutn 1K.MI North Llevetith street. Philadelphia William King. 4700 Windsor avenue. Philadelphia Mate Fahina Johnstown Havmond B Shearer Smoketown, Charles Ross Housel Iiedforil, Norman J Stringer lillS North Redfleld atreet Philadelphia John M Thompson Avondale David L Trai Frank In. Jamts W Weldlnr, S119 Parrlsh street Philadelphia. Brnesl r Kahle Flnleyvllle, Niels B. Melson, Heldelburg, James I Sweenej. 33.V3 Argite street. Philadelphia. Clarence II Frederli k Pittsburgh, Ham Kock Yolk Iiouls Mlligan 2S1MI Jackson street, Philadelphia; Adwln L Rothschild. 2020 North Park atenue. Phlludelphlt, Frank McHui kin 324fi Memphis street Phil adelphia. William, II Riley Pittsburgh COOK Rajmond C. Schwelkart, Pitti- burgb PRIVATES s.rchl F. Mann. Waynes boro. Ernest M Ott. Eric. Raymond C. Sheckler Catasauqua, Lawrence Dlmltt Pittsburgh, Thomas 1 Henry,New Kensing ton, Giuseppe Nlctlettl, ,137 rcdernl street Philadelphia, Norbert Onnckl. Plains. Rus sell A. Bentz, I.ebanon Nick Capursl, 1Ti23 South Juniper street, Clarence Heckert. Har rlsburg, Thomas Etwndd llobnon. 1021 Bast Thayer atreet, Philadelphia. Edward Johnson 2144 North Tourth street Philadelphia Charles F Klelnlop. Nazareth: Jacob F Mu sick, Couburn. John Nell! 2117 Adams street, Philadelphia, Gasmlr Romanofskl Ed tMjicY PLATINUM MOUNTINGS will add distinc tion and b r i1 n g gems from your old settings up to prevailing styles. Designs and esti mates furnished. s te' 8 I l I m JOSK DAVISON'S SONS,c 210 SOUTH I3J ST. a tl'yv?4V.KV,AWSrti Funsten Bros. ST. LOUIS, U. S. A. PUBLIC AUCTION FUR SALES Will-offer for sale by auction thru their brokers, Fouke & Ahern, AT THE FUNSTEN FUR EXCHANGE 115-117 S. 2d St., St. Louis Monday, December 16, 1918 at 10 o'clock forenoon precisely goods on show and catalogues at Funsten Bros. & Co. warehouse, corner First and Olive Streets, St. Louis, " ON AND AFTER December 13th TPIE FOLLOWING GOODS VIZ: .' ' about 600,000 pounds New Zealand and Australian Rabbit Skins SUITABLE FOR THE HAT AND FUR TRADE ALSO ABOUT 25,000 Dressed Rabbit Skins PROMPT DAYDECEMBER 27, 1918 TERMS' A deposit of 25 must be paid on or before Prompt Dayat option of selling brokers. , ' Accepted buyers will have up to four months to pay balance and take delivery of skins purchased. On and after Prompt Day, December 27, 1918,' goods not cleared will be stored for account and risk of buyers. We vftfll reserve hotel and railroad accommodation if desired. ' , v i For farther information apply to ( FUNSTEN BROS. & CO., GEO. B. HERZIG, CO.. Inc, Agents, f' i , n ii'iirttoriiJB .Mili!iMf..,... . . ...toc-f aJt ... .. i.maJi&.jJ jN ',' ,, . . .;., i jii., ...i, .. , . . .',.iLitJi&iiv.1. . . wardsvlllej Oodfrer Rlearlst, 142(1 North Thirtieth atreet, Phllidelphlti Fred Charles Ublns-er Plttsburyhi Harvey J Webb, Oat lltiln rranrlsco Andreuccl. Ilrsddnck' Wil liam C Rownn AMfdeor, Martin F Ilurke, Camp Hill Nelson Kasterllne, Iteadlna: An drew c rallo Dunmore Arthur II Parks, RT2T llaterfnnl menue. Philadelphia! Vivian Rutherford SMS Bast York street I'hlladel phlat Msurlce J Hrsnlan Shenandoah; Charles Mhrelner 41117 Parrlsh street, Philadelphia) Charles Htelnberir, Kingston, Ramond R. t'lrlrh 22,1 Houth Twenty-second atreet, Philadelphia, Joseph John Wnr elnrer, Junedflle, Howard Frana Reading! William H Johnson 52ns vine street. Phila delphia, Harry Kenr Johnstownt Chester L. Malnes. Woodland Rdwlti lludke. Wsrren iteiphla., Harry Kri Malnrs. Woodland teonre f i-oie Hteeiron. riorinda iieuesa Johnstrwn: Ernest Wennb-ra; Krie w'alter 8 ninch. Fl"et" 00 1 Tolstoi Chaffee, Union Cltv, llsrrv J Fitch rails: William II. Fltr eibUn, Pittsburgh. Charles J llenrae. 8124 North Hutchinson street PhlladelnhlH. Al bert Andrew Morgan MoKeeepnrt John Mur ray Houth Punuesne Victor E Oberholtrer, Mlddletown. Jsrne J n'Mara Lsceyvllte; Isidore J Orllanskv H2IK Addison street. Philadelphia Israel nalnes. 11 Carlisle street Phllndelphln John J Walsh, ntts burgh Alberto (ass) Smltlnllle, cieorae c Dice. T,ork Hnem Kdwsrd Kline. Mnhnr.nv Cltj John W Knsfflldi Presto, rrnnklln UnlTHTJo!!1 FtK3 North Hambrey street. I t-iitahethtowni Flod L Pmlth." Red Lion; il""J?,ln.I7iV '".ryl.P !?.",hf,lur'T,uAr;MVHrrrn M Bmlth Iteehelsvllle George Rut- Vt 1 1 v.. 'in1., i"" 1 ii ""uu,?"v'l"!i" piiisinSch, ,wmi.L"nV..llfrrt.-iii, "rhultx. Pltlsbureh! Will am Tjsnn Wllkes-Rarre; I Cllirles 71 flsiuleririry. r'nTiitnhln Hurt .T (lunshen. Port Allerheny tVllilsm Jones, Westchester HdwsrdJ Klesel IMItsbnrgh: Patrick J Lnrkln' Pittsburgh, John D. Mnhr , 1-olT. Pittsburgh Sahalnre Srlotto. 17flt Srt''tH Mole ,t.eet Plret,i fs h Adlon Cstissunua oiiverM Barrett Pitts burgh, Harry L lllaik. "andergrlft: John lomtniro Irdonn hwistsle Clarence C Csrolth Peckville llrm ill Flnkelsteln. 11 SI Columbia eiiue. Phllsrlelphli Esrl S r rye Tnmaqus 8oiomon Ginsberg. 77(1 South Fifth vtreet rhllsdelphla. Ou L Rice, Dar lington Joseph C Caesjdv, 2447 tngersnll sl"et, l'lillacl-lnliln Francis P Donnely, 2M1 North IIuwhpI street. Philadelphia: Hurry Haves. York Edward Jennings, Mcran tn'n rrnncls P Mcdulre Jessop' Chirlea iinneew .iiircneii th rcit Tioga street l'hll etleinhia John w mt itAnnw.n TAeenh W Tat lor New I'rnlnnia. Thntrms it while ,rrnlni'-e tlinl.l Rent Itel -s Mill- seph F Slnmskskl. Latronn Wilbur Kmav. Portage Axel Anderson pntlnn Albert Ar row sinlih, Pittsburgh William Bradford Midland 1 In Russell Davis, Shsrnn. Ed w inl Pnlntock, Atoci Howard A Rose Mln enl T'olnt, Arthur Benedut Conbov Meath. Arthur J Lajole, New Bedford, Harry T Maxson & DeMan) ni5 Chestnut Street Opposite Keith's Theatre Featuring Tomorrow Georgette Hats Combined With Satin Specially Priced $8-50 Anniversary Special THESE ate fashions newest for winter wear. Georgette crowns and satin brims in unique effects, studded with beads nnd ornaments. Chic, small and large dress effects in all leading colors. The Charming Hats of Fur The hats most desired for midwinter wear. Developed of Hudson Seal, Nutria, Scotch Moleskins and Squirrel. Turbans, tarns and colored effects. Priced below their intrinsic value at $10 to $35 qSSSMSSSSSISMSS!SMSMS!S!SS!SM3SW i3, 1 BLAKE & Cj Herbert E. Blake, Suecettor jlgEIBfBlBBIBlBJBIBlBIB INTERNATIONA I Fl'R 1XCIIASGC INCOnPORATUD i?j Saupp. Hoiit2dalei IOUlsV, Trautman. Van dererlft. - Motindril, Degree Underlermlned ConpOHAI.S, Albert O Cohran. Vander- rrlft William H Hlldebrand. Pittsburgh! John C Kelht. Lancaster: Oran L, Latt, Cedsr Run WAOOVFR .Tsmes Howland Westfleld PRIVATES Edward T Judge, Minorca! toseph C McCllntock, 1011 Harlan street. Phlladelnhla, James J, Ollroy, Dunmore: Ernest J Lndlee. Egjpt Mills. Wounded Hllfhtlj RKIIOEANTS William R. Drain, Pllls hiirah John J, Kelly, 4711 Worth street, Philadelphia CORPORALS nernld T M r K I n n e, y, Youpgllle frank A Menla Catsssqun. HORSHRIIOnnS John Flnley. 2P.08 Man ton street, Phllsdelrhlai K. Naugle. Bhlck shlnnv fleorae W, Stewart, Johnstown, WAGONER Thomas A O Donnell 2220 snen street Philadelphia, PRtVATERt-John M gallon. Torresdale. Phllarlelnhla- Carl M, Faulkner, Union City I Henry D Flannery, 2012 North Twentieth -treet Philadelphia; James Oallaaher. New Kenslneton: James Giles, RViuth Fork: Wll- llsm Wellington Mner. Hearting. John E, j.'llisDurgn vauace li, rtcnauer. r K ttann ng; neorae Doers 1, ntiui nan dington nvenue. Phllsdelphla Adrian A, ,,,,.. pumth! ltsrnid c Martin, Hollevue John Mstachlk Old Forge Joseph Inmes Mowry. Pittsburgh, Michael how nskle Plains: John C Waughtel Red Lion, Kmll H Kornef Pittsburgh William C. Marshall Oakmonl. William H Bahren burg 2000 East Olean street, Philadelphia: Abe Ilerman, Milton, Missing In Action iKROBANTS Kmll P, W Inkier. 2122 North Howard street Philadelphia! Gordon y Carr, Pittsburgh CORPORALS Edward Gallagher. Wayne; Sliestro Dlgregarlo. 40S Thompson street, Philadelphia: James A Duff, 20H2 R street, Philadelphia. Angelo Galluskl Pltcalmt Vln- I rent S Hanna, Chester, James Harding, 003 Vnrth Rleventh street Philadelphia: Harrr Kenner Hiestand. Manhelm. Crll William Lawrence, SOU North Camac street. rnua; delphla. Charles W. Sanders, 2220 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Jacob A Nauss. Har rlsburg, Francesco Ceraolo. Reading; Ernest L Moffatt. Ieadllle. Artl ur C Tabst. 2010 North Sixth street. Phllsdelphla. PRIVATES John J. Weldon. 2000 West moreland street. Philadelphia: Brocks II. West York; John II. Bates, rortago: Clar- r .S 'Lsssa. "The Handsomest Thonograph in the World" The ONLY phonograph hav- -ing a patented pressure adjustment for the correct playing of all records. Prices $60 and up Reasonable Term BURKART 1100-1102 WALNUT STREET I Se Co. nc n. Carpentor. 8n North. Fortr-ftfth !.'.';.' Philadelphia! Thomas F, Cllsham. Plttstowni nenlamln Coke, Mount Pleasant! Harry P. lkner, New Halemi Thomas O. Dr?wn'201' west Harold atreet. Philadel phia! Enrico Cocconl. Rill North Tenth street, Philadelphia 1 Charles II. Helm, Johnstown: Archie Kltlle, Bradford: Wil liam T, Crawford. 1D12 North Hancock street, Philadelphia! Albert Gunn, 7r. East Ashmsad street, Germantowm William M. Sullivan, 4181 Taul street, Frankford, ( NEW JF.RSF.Y Killed In Action n SERGEANT Walter Perkins. 'VTost Orange, CORPORAL Ilerman A, Sutter. Kast Orange. PRIVATES Arthur F. Mundy. Plalnfleidl Edwin Welsh. Teaneck! John Yaranchuck, South Wveri Edward F. Dermody. Rosellei George. 8. Smith, Belleville; John Wojtko vylak. 1313 Chestnut street, Camden: Wil liam J. Connelly. Hobokeni Pletro Dl Palma. Rosalia Park! Stanlslaw Bobrowolskl, Perth Amboy, Died lYom Accident and Other Causes PRIVATE Hetiry Miller. East Plalnfleld. Died From Wounds CORPOlUl.S John Irving. Turners!llei William T. Larson. Elizabeth. PRIVATES Charles Nordln. West Ito boken: Thomas THylor, Boonton. Died of Disease PRIVATES Charles A, Burkhardt. Jer sey City: Aldo Hruge, Vlneland, James J. Stanners, Jersey City, Wounded Severely SERGEANTS William J. Gier, FntcrsonS QPPENHEiM.6LLiNS & g Chestnut and 12th Sts. Announce for Tomorrow Friday i A Very Important Fur Event Women's Fur Coats and Furs At Unprecedented Price Reductions Greatest Values Ever Offered by This House W v Seal l m Coat w f $195.00 " Australian Seal Coats (Dyed Mtiskrat) in smart -45-inch belted model with large shawl collar and cuffs of self fur. Special Value t Natural Nutria in youthful and becoming style. 30-inch belted model with shawl collar and cuffs of self fur. Special Value Hudson. Seal Coats (Dyed Muskrat) in 30-inch belted model with shawl collar of self fur, nutria or squirrel. Special Value Genuine Mole Coats in 30 inch belted model with pock ets, large shawl collar and cuffs of self fur, richly lined. -Special Value Fur Scarfs, Stoles, Scarfs and Stoles 25.0(fto 85.00 20.00 to 85.00 19.75 to 55.00 29.75 to 65.00...., 32.50 to 125.00. f . . . r. vfAM. , ,. I1 c V t.1t k vk "TTywsr j, " J ' ,,j'&x& iySmaC. Wlti jTenantl, Afyin p. Itey nolds Nutley. ' r CORPORALrl Csrl.r. Joerger, Leonardoi Charles H. Ahrens, Jersey Cltyt Jamss J. ;?rr,'"in- Jejrey City: Karl M. . Heriog. cJarkro.! Thomas George Kernel, Pater ?"ni. Pjank J. Kellett, Newark! lawrenco A. Stohrer. Trentonl John Whitehead. Dover! Harry Hlghes. Newark! Joseph Rossi. HacJt. ettstown- Joseph W, Frankovitch. Clifton. WAGONER Georgo w. ButtcrnelJ. New- IltJOLER James Watts. Carney, PRIVATES Howard Bryan Muniey, Pst ersont Frank Tracona, Psssalci Cheater A. worden, Carneys Polntl Raymond M. Aber, Great Meadows! James Fennerir. Jersey Cltyi Harry J, Haelfner, Maenollai John J.Hunt. Jersey cltyi John Panlv. Yard Jlllsi Albert toungkln, Bllzabetht Jacob Hershcovltz. Jersey City: John C. Kuecke, Newark! Joseph G Lazarus. Jersey City; Hugo Selchau. West Hobokeni Henry Fedoff. Jersey Cltyi Michael J Casey, rasjalc: Gabriel c. Kertocy, Oarreldt Walter It.' Krelgner. Trenton: James McCarthy. Jersey City: Albey Morris Morrlstown Alexnnder Wllblk, Batonnei Qulntlllln Caselana, Tren ton: Nathan J, Martin, Passaic) Allan L, Turner. Brldgetom Harry A. Flnnegan, West Hobokeni Albert Rodgers Passalct Ps nuale Pattl, Newark: Robert Ferries, Gloucester. Wounded. Degree Undetermined PRIVATES Ben Klrdlk. Jersey City! Georgs Edward Murphy. Butler. . Wounded Slightly PRIVATES Lewis WickwarH Pellgrlno Cerullo. Batonne: Abe Newark. MllWIlle; Uyndman, x Missing In Action PRIVATES Henry O, Maxwell Bridge- Genuine Mole Coat $195.00 98.00 145:00 165.00 195.00 . Natural or Taupe Nutria. .....! 22.50 to 25,00 '. . .-. ... Natural Squirrel. . . .,. ..... . . . 25.00 to SS-QO"-' Natural i V Sv .v S J r-9'7; s C t V -y lohi Stephen T MlkolsjegsK, Pehti AmWy Honry Carmen t. East Newark. MARINE CORPS LIST The foltowlng tnarlne corps casusl.les are reported bv the commanding goneral of the American exnedltlonary forces; Killed In action ,......... ,...,.. 19 p ed of wounds received In action,. . 0 Bled of disease , 3 Wounded severly In action 72 In hands or enemy 1 2 Missing In action,.,..,... a Total 108 OFFICKRS' LIST Killed In Action CAPTAINS Kirk Green. Washington. D. C.I Macon 0. Overton, Union Point. Qa. Died Of Wounds ' SECOND LIEUTENANT Jermm Dalton, New York city. Died of Disease MAJOR Ernest Perkins. Portsmouth, Va. Wounded Severely CAPTAIN Julius C. Cogeswell, Charles, ton, S C. SECOND LIEUTENANTS George U Rrown, IK Roy, Minn.; William D. Busby, Catlln, III ; George A, Clandeck, Oakland, Cal. - PENNSYLVANIA tiled of Wounds CORPORAL Charles I,. Fritz, Lancaster. Died of Disease) PRIVATE Arnold C. Smith, Lancaster. Wounded Seterely SERGEANTS Fred H. Coughenour. Her. Hudson Seal Coat $215.00 if "". Heal M r ' Hudson Seal Coats (Dyed Muskrat) 45-inch flare model with large shawl collar and cuffs of self fur, richly lined. , Special Value J Hudson Seal Coats (Dyed Muskrat) in 45-inch flare model ; dyed skunk shawl col lar, cuffs and 12-inch border. Special Value Hudson Seal Coats (Dyed Muskrat) smart 45-inch belt ed model with natural skunk shawl collar and deep cuffs. Special, Value Hudson Seal Coats (Dyed Muskrat) in 45-inch model; natural skunk shawl collar, cuffs and 12 inch border. Special Value Muffs and Novelties . j .Poiret or Taupe Fox. . v 29.75 tq. 75.00 . . . .Hudson Seal ?. f. .... 9;5Q' to 35.00: Skunk .7.,. :V..39.75 ,tp 65.0Qn --., jr". trf - ,1?AiftidCT'.tt.?i2M.m,'?','n,i. Evergreen avenue, Philadelphia. NEW JERSEY -.,! Died of Wounds PRIVATE ark Waltham Vandervleet. New1 Seashore 'Excursions & TO ATLANTIC CITY t Ocean City, Wildwood, Capo May EVERY SUNDAY Pntll Further Notice 7i0 A. M. from Chestnut or Sooth Streets Ferry. Returning lears He. pirrvia s.sse kiuiiiii Hhor potntn fli15 1. M. p 1 .o ROUND TRIP VI sr Tax 10a Additional,, .5" 'il Natural Nutria Coat $U5.00 195.00 215i00 275.00 325.00 t j - 1" ahf Sfrf :& V T. . 3 w j New Model Muff s A fclV wil .,! yvt ra- V'-f it vJJ ?. 'Ml $, ' "11 'i i1 '- u u1 . t"foe&. I a . 1 .. . a v . r"v a .srtJ r .fif t ,, mfftT" c . - -rt3 iT ii tfi A I v i'. K tf .?. n V .( f i m Ai A f .3 $ i'f-t -,s. k$i ja &i