jvs"' '- v;-cl; t - -) 'IK, EVENING . PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1018 20 ,5 B v. Uf Vt- -fi rfi. if IW Wk ii :1s - KV IS.' ,4-, bJ ... ', 'Vi , irto .? -f '& $, 1,1 HELP WANTED MALB 7 ASSISTANT to manager ot accounting "ept 11 An opportunity for young mP ,wl!!! I high school training or Its equivalent In business education! must be Interested In C, ('modern methods and be able to bow from . "previous experience ability to produce accu. rate and dependable reports. M 6J1. Ledger . t-tl . '.ASSISTANT In cashier's f "et ! J""?. ueA?,?JlJ enced or with knowledge of bookkeeping ' preferred: state age. 'fV.rflti' ' In first, letter. M (tin Ledger Office. AUTOMOBILE sslesman. thoroughly experl. enced. mu.t have large following Appls Auto Motive Co . 074 N, Hroad t BLACKSMITHS Wanted for n1"cViin.'..bli smithing. Apply the John Hnliley Iron Works. KM H Delaware eve. BOILERMAKERS' HELPERS end he";'" - for tank worki good ".. PPjv Section ? Baldwin I.ocomntlve Works. Edds stone. a. Pee Mr. Then Wood BOND SALE8MAN- lllirh-c-rnri'e ma n well estaniisneii v r;. . eonnecieu socially, preferred: state age. Sections, etc F 043. el entelle firmr business con. Ledger Central. IOOKKEEPER-Prcffr single nnn with at leant 2 or 3 vears' experience on mer chandise sales ledger; this position offers an excellent opportunity for advancement for a bright fellow nho ha hnd recent prnr-tico In handling large number. cry active mer. chandlse nccounts; state age. experience, alary dealred. also telephone number. F 37. ledger Central. HOTS 14 TO IT YEARS Or AORB good opportunity ron kusiness ArriT bureau oV nMrt.0Y.MUNT WA.NAJ1AM." I CARPENTERS, plasterers, lathers, sheet, metal workers, slaters, plumbers wanted. union job. The I.jncn Lonsirucunn Co., Front nnd Union els. Wilmington. Del. CHAUFFEUR wanted for Hudforil jruci.. Apply the John Ilalilej Iron nrkssil S Delaware ae CHAITFEURS AND HELPERS APPLY AT THE WANAMAKER FURNITL'Ri: WAIIEHOUSE H. E. COIt !!D AND WASHINGTON AVE CHAUFFEURS Reliable mn over M care of age to nme momr m num- f l.ntlo npflnlng Co 8144 Pnunk Re Apply tlnllel Males (.mpinyni'ii . Office. d and Walnut sts AsKlorJir E Jenkins CHAUFFEURS AND HELPER APPLY WANAMAKER VA.L !-. SOUTHWEST CORNER -3D AND WALNLT CLERICS TO ACT AS CHECKERS IN OOVERNMKNT PLA5pT np.r SPECIAL DUTT WORK P 12.1 LEDGER OFPICE CLERK Young man of good address must write neatly and be nulck and accurate at figures, to assist In order department slate age, reference and salor P l'J-. Ledger Office, CLERK for machine shop office, voung man. 10 or !!0. to lssu order and take care of shop records R 28 r O. Uox H4B4. DELIVERY MUX wanted for citv deliveries; good opportunity for bright nnd energetic men. National Rlscult Co., 13th and Glen wood ave. , DOORKEEPER Refined elnerly man for I doorkeeper for charitable organization Until Christmas Appl balcony. Led.er i Central. ' Draftsmen Perm positions to good men, structural and tank trigonometry neces . state educn. exp salar.v and references Cruse-Kcmper Company. Ambler. Penna DRIVER, Ice wagon wanted, good wags, short hour. experlenco unnecessar P 110. Ledger Office. DRIVERS lor drop oottom wagons Apply i II. C. Ambler. North Chester Realty Co.. i 11th and Morton sts Chester. Pa See Mr. Stewart. ELEVATOR OPERATORS COLORED. TALL WEL1.-APPEARINO MEN APPLY BUREAU .OF EMPLOYMENT VVANAMAKBn'S ELLIOTT-FISHER billing machine operator or typist; Christian, salary to start 13 psr week. Apply In person, S55 Bourse Building. FOREMAN, electrical experience!?, on over head electric light line construction main tenance: stato experience and salary desired P 814. Ledger Office. JRON WORKERS' HELPERS wanted, .good wages. Apply at Noc-Wadlow Co , 2d and Oxford sts. JANITOR, colored, all-around man. very pro ficient; $00 per month. Apply, between 0 a. rn. and 4 p. m.. Zoological Gardens, 34th and Glrard ave. NOW OET A LONG-TIME JOB AT HOG ISLAND SHIPYARD WE NEED AT ONCE PIPEnTTERS (FmST CLASS) PIPEFITTER (SECOND CLASS PIPEFITTERS' HELPERS STEAMFITTERS ' ASSEMBLING MACHINISTS SHIP CLEANERS ANOLES1IITH3 PIPB BENDEP.3 COPPERSMITHS BLACKSMITHS" HELPERS HAND C1HPPERS AND CAULKERS LABORERS OUR TRAININO SCHOOL WANTS STRONO PHTSICALLT FIT MEN TO LEARN TO BE 1IOLDER&-ON. HEATERS. REAMERS. KRECTORS AND LINERMEN. APPLY II. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 300 WALNUT ST. SEE MR. SHATTUCK Or. MR. PHILLIPS 1521 ARCH ST., MR. CLIME 824 8. 8TH BT. SIR. PEDRICK 2242 RIDGE A"VE. MR. BRTAN ST TOU ABE EMPLOYED AT ANOTHER SHIPYARD DO NOT APPLY J LABORERS SO WANTED TO UNLOAD CARS GOOD HOURLY RATE "TOn THE MEN WHO STICK TO THE JOB HERE IS YOUR CHANCE To'lIAKB " SOME REAL MONEY APPLY IfJDVALE STEEL AND OnDNANCK CO. EDDTSTpNE HIFLE PLANT EDDYBTONli PA'. " -tLAHORBna wanted to work. In paper wars- yVHZ: ficpyn t Waller Co.. 4l0 N. Franklin. ' LATHEhands wanted, (or textile machinery. i .Jimm Marker k Sons, Inc.. 6th k Caruxs. 'ffi tP IN T M. rjgi ' ' r. sja bR PHHJlDELPIIA OFFICES iMl AJIC1I ST.lMR. O-CONNOR) 141B FEDERAL ST. (MR. PLkCHNER) -rrM-4V tASCHAW. A,VE. (MR. MOONEY) HELP WANTEDMALE I.AU0RER8 J5 TEIt DAY colum-iia rmiDon. Philadelphia and READl.VO RAILWAY. FAIHMOUNI" PARK. NEAR UCLMO.NT PUMPING STATION. SEEDS DERIIAM. CONTRACTORS LAIIUIU'IIS named, white or colored: slcady work, good nage. Apply Wm. I osier. i-'mh .-v. am I.AYHIIIIIT thoroughly experienced In link ia.I, AftnnllA n.flnlnir I'o. ntn Em- plovment Dept., Atlantic Onto, 31 It Pass- yunw ave LAYERS-OUT for structural nnd prna mental Iron vork iron wages Apply at Nn U'kHIow Co. I'll - 1 i. fnrtl H LlNI'-Mr.N l.-perielKiu -.i mci steady work alt i"iir exiierl nee and salary dislrid ger office. it Hunt hue round, elate P 813. Led- MACHINIST wanted, first clai. to lake I....... V Hit a..&Ua .. n1 nn , Q f h i n fT IlliniHi' ' i il nu,niiv ,,in '.i ....-w -r rennlrs nnd pine work on steamship, answer gUIng age, nationality and lalury expected I' l'-4 Ledger Office MACHINIST wanted on repair work. Applv The John Ilalzley Iron Works. 014 H Iintsware aeJ MACHINIST. Mrat Penn Rhet Corp class, watitetl Apnl 11th and Cambria sts. MAN to trael and solicit! permanent post- tlon: advancement guaranteed: no aperlel training reoulred: we tench jou to sell. j Schilling Room gl. ISOd Ridge ae. CLEAR THE DECKS! ACTION! Thafs wlmfs needed now. The national need for ships continues, and It Is up to us to build them WE NEED' Acetjlcno Burners Rolters-up Reamers Chlppcrs and Caulkers Linerrnen shipwrights Shlpfllters Regulators Erectors stage Builders Rollermakers Marino Machinists Marine Pipefitters Helpers and Laborers I MERCHANT SHIPBUILDING CORP.. Agt , U. S. Shipping Hoard Emergency fleet Corp.. 13TH AND RACE STS . PHILADELPHIA Or riant Emplostncnt Office. HUtRIMAN. PA If emplocd In anether shlpjard do not apply. ELDERLY MEN AS PARCEL CARRIERS APPLY BUREAU OP EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER' S MEN with lilcvcles to deliver telegrams at nleht In Phlla and West Phlla. Western Union Telfgraph Co. 13U1 Chestnut si Sec Mr Silvers MEN wanted for heavy outside woilt, white I or colored, steadv work, good wages Ap I plv Wm Foster. l'.'OH N 31st Bt MEN wanted to work In pork-packing house, steady work, good wagts J. J. 1 tlln. I414H Germantown ave METAL PATTERN MAKER I familiar with gating and master plato work on pressuro gauges, steady position. U S. (IAUOE CO. Sclieravllle. Pa. i NIOHT WATCHMAN. must und-rstand boilers and pumps Apply F. R L II. W. rielsher. Inc.. 2.1th and Hamilton sts. OFFICE HOT BOY WANTF.D FOR OFFICE WORK IN THE ADVER TISINO DEPARTMENT OF THE PtlRLIC LEDGER CO : FAIR SAL ARY TO START. AND OPPOR TUNITY FOR RAriD ADVANCE MENT: MUST BE OVER 18 YEARS OF AQE. OFFICE HOY wanted In nfBce of manufac turing concern In N Phlla P. O Hnx SMll. OPERATOR Wanted, combination mono type Uej board and taster operator for gen eral Job and hook office, familiar lth liook . composition and casting tpo for nondlstrlbu- i tlon sstem; steady employment anil gooo pay Address the Jojce Press. Inc., Urldge port. Conn. ORCHESTRA PLAYERS WANTED For orchestra of thlrtl-flve pieces 2 (' Hoists 1 Oboe plaser 1 llasNOon plaver 2 Viola plavera 1 TmpaM plater feeveral second violinists. P 130, Ledger Office. PATTERNMAKERS, metal, wanted, steady emplojment In factory located 12 miles rrom Philadelphia llutcman Manufacturing Co . Orenloch N J PLASTERERS AND LATHERS WE NEED 23 AT ONCE to work In connection with the construction of (ho HARRIMAN TOWN SITE Merchant Shipbuilding Corp., Agent U. S Shipping Hoard Emergency Fleet 13TH AND RACE STS.. PHILA. Or apply PLANT EMPIOT.MENT OFFICE HARRIMAN. PA. If Emploved In Other Shipyard Do Not Appls IPLUMBBR. flrst-cUni Jobblni: man. H. D. Toy ft Son. fi!i N. 10th at. rniNTHR ?2xperlencfd tip printer; must be familiar with hot press and Hteel plate work. ear-around job. Eood wasca to right party. M 653, Ledger Central. SAIaKS MANAOKH, stock, experienced, with clleutele, able to organize a field force at once to handle a preXerred stock with com mon stock bonus in a Koine food-product company, splendid opportunity ror tne rifcm man, no adancea V 8S7. Ledger Central SALKSAIAN Cotton aru salesman to rep rene.it direct mill airei-y for fine combed inrm. ntat exoerlenre and whether ac quainted with the Pennsylvania or western territories, replle will bo held confidential. M 77 Ledger Office 9ALKSMAN Leads, straight commission: security, passed capital Issues committee; dividend payer, officers highest standing. Call Rooms filO-ll-lS. Penn Square H'dg. CHESTER SHIPDUILDLNG CO,, LTD. CHEaTCR.T A. FOUNDED 1871 Builders off many of America's most famous hMps. including naval vessels of the orltftnal White Squad ron. It Is a permanent sard, and qulpped for alter -work. enlarcp-i the - vtar We train men in all branches of the shipbuilding industry. There is a good future for men In this busi ness as America's merchant marine must keep pace with the natlon'a Importance in world affairs. GOOD WAGES AND STEADY EMPLOYMENT Apply at the U. S. Department of Labor: 1319 Arch st Philadelphia, Pa. Chester Shipbuilding Co, Ltd.: 214 N. 13th st . Philadelphia, Pa, U. 8. DeDsrtraent of Labor; nld gnroul at., Chester, Pa, Chester Shipbuilding Co.. Ltd.: Employment Department, Front and Kerlln sts., Chester. Pa. . E it sir!-;. VT C "W'- "TTJV M "... i?t wAviisBS& lVT?i?'-r4' r I J r r ' , rt -- tf -1w4lriBPf 'rffi?- J A.-.. . KA t J,-.--. . .j,, - mHssmiii i iirrn , . m'ftmmtrHAi-ttitt.tiiktiMv HELP WANTED MALE SALLSMA.N Encyclopaedia Ilrltannlca "ales man would like jou to know our, new propoiltloni If a winner Charles J. Wolf 4.M UMnr lll.lg ' bA LEHMAN A No, 1 specialty salesman can secure permanent and lucratUe po1- Hon. jiirra wnn past exp . II yt.l.l.'Q.m'. SALESMAN Wanted, atgood man to han dle butter, eggs and rVullrj. Apply 201 Terminal .Market. John Illdey. , SALESMAN APPLY Ulllll.'Ai; OK EMPLOYMENT WANAMAUEll'S SALESMEN Good. live, wide awake men to sell popular high-grade motor trucks! to such men on unusually good opportunity Is offered Apply lsu3 Market st. Ask Mr. Haines KENSINGTON SHIPYARD Wo need at once the following men for re pair work on vessels for U. S. Navy Shipping llosrd and commercial work, Shipbuilding I-vl'or Adjustment Board rates for repair work: RIVETERS DRILLERS ciuprnits II WD CALKERS RIVET HEATERS RIVET PARSERS APPLY AT OFFICE REACH AND PALMER STS. SHEET-METAL worker wanted, who can handle men, state experience anil sulan expected Reply p 3, Ij.,tcer Office SHIRT IRONER. firs! class on old work plere work; onlv steady, reliable men will be considered! this Is u good, permnnent position for the right party. The Davis Laundry and Cleaning Co.. 1516 K. Both st Cleviland. O. TILE ROOFERS, accustomed to loving as hestos shingle; long Job. Apply 4.145 Wavne ave TOOLROOM MECHANICS WANTED EDDYSTONE RIFLE PLANT Eddvatont. p.. Plenty of openings for tnolmaker. Plenty of openings for gnugemakers Plenty of openings for toolroom machinists. Work in our shirt sleeves In a steam heated plant. Good boarding accommodations Excellent transportation from Philadelphia. Sperlal 10-trlp ticket from Philadelphia, for further Information apply PHILADELPHIA OFFICES 1321 Arch St. (.Mr. O Connor). 1410 Federal st (Mr. Plechner). 40th and Paschall ave (Mr. Mooneyjr WIREWORKERS All-around men: D4-hour wc-k and bnnus; high wiges. Apply Audu I hon Wire Cloth Co . Audubon N J YOUNO. MAN hlah school irlunte pre- ., r'I,'? . In "" Circulation Department ot the Public Eedger: opnortunllv for quick ad j vaniement: salarv to start $1." Applv Circulation Department Tubllc Ledger nulld-' Ini Mr Dobsnn. I . lOUNO MAN. educated 2." Just dlscmTrced from officers' (pining tamp desires posl '(n.n..0' responsibility and trust. Inteirrltv Hnd . ability assured, previous salary J150 per nmnth F 04H. Ledger Central I lOUMl MAN over 17 vears of uge. to work In the dellverv department. Anply bv letter onlv J E Caldwell & Co.. Juniper sod l'"ea(nilt fleneral mIS,-,&r?...5,K'lVIrB c"" '"""I Land Tide r,Ar,0..NTS rn't MO-ISO' seniors. 110. PL'EjySIir0- ract. Iron, .hemlcals. ENOINEERR Mecan'l. chief, .ales, plant. tfir.lE."rn,lni' "" I1R00 to 11000 !.95EM,'t"',,''" '"" lisoo.2.-.no: mill SUPERI.vrnNDKVTS Iron & steel paint "virrnoa work hnserv. J200O.J500O CAPAHI.E MEN fnr n.s.ntlal rnce work. OltKKVir.icjiT.TV'ia Accls. seniors and (unlors cost sects . office mgrs, hkprs . asst bkprs sec'tarles stenngs head bknr . mfg exp : office and factory ei ecutlve men foremen supts . engineers, civil plant production men. time and payroll men. shipping rec. order and stock clerks, cash-' (era. bkprs . hotel, permanent connections; Phlla concerns, good wages: a high-class I rmpinvmem servic ror ernclent men ana women. Rlank and booklet gratis. 2S0 S. 11th No enrollment charges SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE COOK excellent, wants position to go to Florida In private or email hotel, first- class reference A If S .l,nklnlov n Pa COOKING ColorM In prtvnlA fRinilv w oman wlnhea cooklnc a'HH pe Iancey st. lAL'NDHKSS. llrst-riasn colored, wants wnrk after Tufs : ref. 3fl3i. Do latincev yt NUKHB . Trained rhnrire of Infant tiahv'H nurso desires M 040. Ledger Tentrnl PniVATK HKCUKTAItY Woman with prac tical experience professional man's office preferred. F 94t. Ledger Central. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AUDITOR will keep small sets of books, day or evening-: reasonable rates. P 9-T.I, ledger Central. CHAUFFEUIt married, reference. P. O. Hox ears' Phlla. Narberth. Pa. YOITNU LAWYKK desires secretarial posi tion assisting executlH of commercial buslnei-a F 1)48. Ledtfer Central. YOUNO MAN. 23. from Middle WeBt. honor ably discharged from officers' trnlnlne camp, engineering education, 4 years' exp. In responsible charge of purchasing machinery, Indus, and elec, engineering, desires to con nect with large expanding concern: salary S27QO A. L. K.. West liranch Y M. C A. JAl'ANKSU man. wife and boy want family position, -aio . hicks st. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COOKH. chambermaids, waitresses, child nurses, laundresses. couples. butlen. housework girls wish situations, city or country Mrs. Kane. 511 S. luth. Phone Spruco 3401. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ATTENTION. Resident bujer offers selling space, with service, reasonable; wnlsts, middies', chil dren's apparel, novelties: central reprrsenta tlve office Tohey. lift W 3 2d st .N. Y. HSTAUL1MIED, well-paylng ladfea' wearing apparel, need partner witn sia.uuu xor ex- panslon. lon. i' y-ju, meager centra. , BUSINESS PERSONALS Diamonds Bought Privately Miss M. $50 to $10,000 to Invest this week, highest cash prlies paid on sight. Room 1320. Real Estate Trust Illdg.. Broad and Chestnut sts. . HAIR COMES OUT IN THE FALL. Get a new growth started. Begin now You will be surprisingly gratified with the results ob tained. Specialist In scientific treatment of baldness and all forms of hair and scaln dls. orders. J A. JUA.N. 1318 CHESTNUT ST. DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANY SIZE PRICE NO OBJECT KELLY CO . US' CHESTNUT ST Suite 21-22 Over Chllds' Iles'rant (private.). DIAMONDS WANTED We pav the highest prices for diamonds. ANT Slin; old gold. plaMnum. sliver bought. THfepiAMONU SHOP. 43 N. loth. main floor WE IIEDYE FURS; any kind; in one week, , vii -c wnwTHKtiv l.-lTn nvfc-tvn 310 K 211th et.. New York ' UH coatees, Hudson seal, skunk trimmings, new, S2u0: remodeling reasonable. A. H. Zeitlln Co . 209 8, OUth st. Open evs. Ilei.4187 CABPET CLEANING OERLACH carpet, rug cleaning, scouring works, make old rugs new: estab. 20 years. Phone Tioga 4013, 11th k. Westmoreland sts. DANCINO $5 private Dancing lessons $5 The CORTISSOZ SCIIOOU Mirrored 8tudlo, 1B20 Chestnut St. Day k Eve. Locust 3102, A TEACHER vFOll EVERY PUPIL Special Rate for' Men in Uniform. DOGS FOR HALE Thrsj thoroughbred Great Dsns PUPVKS, a n iBauUs at 875 if rss furnlstwa. ,-. ? ""J-T-fc ijr " - l-!-.H..J BBMIlf 'S i fM4J mH-, vir ffi. p USED AUTOMOBILES Eight Cylinder Two-Power Range 4-passengcr Roadster 7-passengcr Touring Car 7-passenger Limousine 6-passengcr Sedan $H50to,$2500 Other Makes, $450 Up This is a Jubilee Week Used-Car offering that will bring you to the salesrooms GIRARD AUTOMOBILE CO. Distributers of Peerless Cars and Trucks 2314-16-18 Chestnut Street Any Day or Any Evening This Week 5' A Rebuilt Vim Truck Rrliullt palnled nnd BuarHntrrd: oppn cxprt? or panel body A lear to pay. FORD TOURING CAR Newlj nafntfd Anil orrliaulrd Trlco rlsht for a cjulrk buyer. FORD, 1-TON Rebuilt and repainted. Will demontrate. FORD DELIVERY CARS Overhauled and repn.nted Express or tlnitf-d bodies. So, c rat bargains. La to modela. , BUICK D-4 TRUCK Great shape .;ietrlo Ilffhts, self Mtarter. Will demons trite. ynn mh oriscn viM MOTOR TRUCK CO. Broad & Huntingdon Streets YOU CAN BUY A Used Car or Truck On Convenient Monthly Payments WE FINANCE THE PURCHASE OP USED CARS AND TRUCKS ON VERY REASONABLE TERMS Phone, Filbert 4500. Ask for Mr. Cooper 0LIN FINNEY & CO., Inc. COMMERCIAL HANKERS Real Estate Trust Building Philadelphia v:- MAHMON. Mils. .14; llko new. 1017, 34 4 pass.; a 1U17, 34, Sedan: MARMON. 1017. 34 4 pass.: a bargain. MAR.MON. 1U17, 34, Sedan: flno shape; barualn ni'ICK, 1010 D-33. 7 pats.: a big bargain CADILLAC. 1013 tine shupc; electrlo lights and starter. 1310. CHALMERS. WW. Town Car; excellent shape: ut a bargain OWEN magnetic. 1017: (1 wire wheels; per- f et t condition, at a big sacrifice. PEERLESS, Sedan. 1017, 8 cyl.: In flno shape; lit a sacrifice. FANNINO-J1ATHIS COMPANY Marmon Illslribfflors See Mr. Friedman. 720 N. UrJId st Poplar 7070. 0AKLANDS Oaklnnds urnrilblo six. 11)17. rebuilt We have two of these cars and on 1918 dern uai-uumi ruiivinin uKii. iuui, -. .it) tr.it-:via, MTy line -,'uiiuiuuii MtiMptiaker 1ft 1H. 4-evllnder. cord tires. eerthinte you can desire in a touring car for the family. All sola unuer guarantee Oakland Used Car Dept. Mr. Compton 1)1 BN. LToad st. 1918 Maxwell. $750 A car that in so near new It Is doubtful If jou could tell It from new. carries a factory new-car cuarantee and regular factory new car equipment, as well as an extra wheel and new tire mounted on rim. CENTURY MOTOR CAR CO. .V.02 Chestnut st. SPRINGS SPRINGS SPRINGS FOR ANV AUTOMOBILE LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HEAVY TRUCK SPRINGS SATTLER'S, INC. 101 SPRING GARDEN ST.. AND 2824 W. DAUPHIN ST. 1917 Chalmers Cabriolet. $900 A npItndM closed car. Ideal for private ue: Beats 3 persons with abundance of room exceeainRiy coimorianie; extra, ures ana rims; monqv nurx runrnniee. CENTURY MOTOR CAR CO. 8802 Chestnut st. You Can Find Any Automobile PARTS AT SATTLER'S 1001 SPRING GARDEN 8T. 2824 W. DAUPHIN ST. 1917 Oldsmobile Roadster, $700 An exceptionally well-built high-grade car at an attractive price; has Juat been over hauled and ts like new: extra wire wheel and tire: fully equipped: money back guar antee. Century Motor Car Co.. 8302 Chest nut st. BUICK LTTTI.T SIX flOOD CONDITION. 000 N. BROAD ST R-PAS8. TOIIRINO; SUE MR. HUNTER. FEDERAL truck, lM-ton capacity; sperlal express body wth curtains: V cord tires with spare: flrst-clnss condition. The Hero Xlfg, (o.. nam anil Aoams wis. FORD roadster 1017; demountable rims: 1300 cash. See owner, IJnk Belt Co., 2023 Hunting Park ave. FORD 325 MOTOR CO , 3302 CENTURY CHESTNUT FORD town car bodies for sae. American TBXl V o . nil in-um Ft. VHANKI.IN vflllR.PASSENGER ROADSTER, STRICT. LT r l"ti" ','"":, vw.. .,, .u u0.( lrIT:nm;it t;r,inA IPI-FF.RY TOURING. 1010, EXC. ORDER ,hNEW HATTFJIV: WILI, SAC. SEE MR! HI TJJTKH l-'t" ,''- "'-V i -TTniiAW tnnriel a4. 4-bsssenver rao.i.. JA-Vi" HltlAn 111ft rfl. Tlt.l -.V t'Pm and Sansom. id Sansom. OVERLAND. model 83 1 good ps int. tl.. ' -...i.alli. mw one; extra rami n..ni..' IcaTcondltlon;-will demonstrate: 1428 u'ilrd ave., win.,".- 'ninrui.iNh 1017 3-passenger tourln, . cellent condition: can be seen any evening f.r T p. m.l no dealers. 2072 E. Atlantic OVERLAND; t passenger; 1223, Century "fMMrtr Co.. 3302 Chestnut St. lUTr PEERISS 1018. niodel M-B0. 7-passenger ?":, nori .Tneltent cnnrtltton. loin r". X"-Toth and Sansom iti. "'" nus.. BTUDEHAKEll .series IT .fl-cyllnder touring, excellent condition: prlc reasonable. Phone MarUet 21'is. 5 "". -vHr. v,, ..-,. HTtT-rZ A FEW OOOD USED CARS NOW 8 JkVAILABLK FOR IMMEDIATE DEI.IV. ERY. 8KB MR. HUNTER. STUTZ AOEScy; nnn r-- '"" r WE8TCOTT, special-built roadster, very can practically-ntwj owner In Francs; fast be, se?". AlWMJI9TOB,JU0t CO. .( jOWFV vri vr TJSED AUTOMOBILES TIREH Hois agent Marathon and Kaurn tires, service station for standard makes of tires! accessories ot every description on hand. LOCUST AUTO SUPPLY CO. . Spruce 0.1. 1411 Locust. Race 24., CENTRALLY LOCATED GARAGES Anierlcan(iaragc. 1411 ixcusi Racqu-t Club Garage, 1(102 Chancellor, Short storage, fit'c per dav: each garage provioeii with comrortanie .enquneur rooms. AUTO MBPAIR SHOP Of THE BETTER KIND AJ.IERICAN OARAGE ft MACHINE SHOP Spruce (.-, . 1411 Locust Race 245, 1011 SALE 101(1 Chalmers louring car: lias been run less than 7.100 miles) fullv equipped Slip covers, spot lights, etc. Ad press 1' Wis, l.eoger vimcc. TRUCK REPAlltlNO OUR SPECIALTY 1'rlces reasonnnie AMERICAN GARAGE . MACHINE SHOP Pn-iv" (ft 1411 locust H'r" 2fi AUTOMOUILB for sale; CndlllaK 11)14. wire wheels, ft tires new lop and paint last spring; guaranteed perfect order; $500 Buck, inn.-i N .Mil st Wanfed Automobiles Wanted Packards. Ilulcks, Pierre-Arrows Wlnton cars. Dodges. In all high-grade (Ires, cars: highest prices raid; get our offer before sell ing elsewhere CENTURY MOTOR CAR CO. 3W2 Chestnut st Anto Supplies Repairing EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING LOWEST PRICE: 8ATLSTACTION GUAR'D LANCASTER A tr R CO 4 inn Lancaster Hauling HAULING Autotrucks to hire, '4 to S ton: hour, day or week Callaghan A Itonney, 1C33 Bnns(ead Ft Spruce 1013 Race 1.1. AUTOMOBILES TO HIRE TO HIRE New Franklin and Packard autos for weddings, funerals. American Taxi cab 1411 Locust Spruce P.." Race 24. TOURING CAR, 7-passenger limousine, per hour up. Poplar 1817. 51.50 MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES NEW nnd 2i ANDREW hand lilcyclen: tires, all makes. T IURCHETT 30.1 S 22d SPECIAL sale. large stock high grade bicy cles, all makes, cheapest prices also velocipede- trlcjrlee 1, Rlchman. 0011 llav erfnrd nnd 202.1 N. Front st. FOR SALE BILLIARD, pnol, 2-h'd tables, rp"d. supTs. Clark-Herd Mfg Co., 2410.13 N Front. UILLIARD. pool, comb't'n 2d-hand. bought. sold rented, exc Keafer. 32Q Olrard ave OAIC nnd pine, 1000 acres stsndlmr. for sale, close to station Phlla Second-hand Sunplv Co 10OT N. 7th st Phlla office FunNiTunn I Large line desks safes, files, cabinets and general officefurnlture, store fixtures. WE IlilV. Hell and Exchange PATTEN FURNITURE CO LOCUST 4070 1157 ARCH ST. RACE 2(10(1. 'IPE and fittings, all sires. Phlla 2d Hand Pipe Co bought and sold. 1001 N. 7th St. SAFES fireproof; closing out 00 slightly used some with thin walls 72 N Fourth. STKINWAV square piano In excellent con dition. lO.I: can be seen any evening after ."i o'clock ' 2230 Tasker st SUITS Several men's custom-made suits A overcoats: cost I4fi caMl, some sic. ns low as 17: d)ff't sires sold separately. 070 N. 1.1th dlff't IVIlITI TYPEWRITERS, nil mikes: factory rebuilt & guaranteed: low prices; rent. 3 mos , jr, up C J Olhhoney fc Co . 101,1 Chestnut st, TYPEWRITERS All makes, plentv In stock, for rent or sale. Roth phones. Guarantee Typewriter Co.. 47 N 10th st . near Arch. TYPEWRITER, add machine, hilling mach . all makes. Rundv Tvpe'r Co S2.1 Chestnut. TWO splendid Oriental rugs. 1 Herman and 1 Royal ITnkhnra, AX a remarkable sac rifice. O ft. by 12 ft. i and 8 by 11 ft. size. Call at once. To be sold for a ladv who must dispose of (hem Monday. Amerl- fll Art Galleries. 1822 Chestnut St. 128 LADY'S diamond Tiffany ring, blue white diamond: worth 14.1 Llchtey's, 0 N 11th st (one door above Market). SJ2.1 (lENT'S over 1 carat Llchtey's. (1 N diamond ring, blue white, tooth mounting, worth 1JU0. 11th at ' 2D-1IAND safes, good bargains, finished llko new York Safe Mid Lock Co.. 110 N. 4th. 100 LADY'S diamond Tiffany ring, fine bril liant: worth B l.lchtev'B. (1 N 11th st. 120 DIAMOND earrings, blue white, neatly mounted: worth 11.1 Llchtey's. 0 N. 11th CONTENTS of 4-erm-n apartment. Telephone Tioga 7S33. I22R. MACHINERY AND TOOLS IOR SALE 100-h. p. boiler. 3.1-h. p. steam engine: hot-water heater, extractors and full equipment of laundry machinery. Geo. Ruttcrworth & Son. 1018-20-22 Germantown ave. FOR SALE Steam holler, one open-bottom. locomotive tvpe Doner odoui so incnes oy 14 feet, with fixtures: used temporarily under Hartford Cos Inspection at our works In Phlla. Chambers Bros. & Co . C2d and Media sts POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and engines, pumps, air compressors, FRANK TOOMBY, Inc.. 127 N. 3d st. ELECTRIC JIOTOU9 MACHINE TOOLS POWER EQUIPMENT O'DRIEN MACHINERY CO, 110 N. 3D ST. GAS engine. 14 It. P. Whlte-Mlddleton. elec. Ignition. ,1 If. -P. Otto gas engine and 1(1 shapers. 3(143 Emerald st. Phono Fkd. 041. OLD GOLD CASH paid lor old gold sliver: paired. Rogers. 45 S. 17th st. clocks re Loc. 1210. F a TNTINGANDPAPERHANGING IIOOM9 sized & papered rens'hte; cood uork". KOofl paper. rtpivaK iiu-j raasyunK ave. 1 . I DTAVnQ PT.AVPTtc; TTT'rJTIVrn. t!TP I t ' I EDISON mahogany machlno for sale cost 'I- . l7r. I.. erypoay a. Ji f.. atn. UKAUTIFUI oik Ludwlg piano $150; alue $350. Red L'on Storage. 101 N. QOth. " PBINTING BUY your Chrlstmis cards early: mak-s jour selections from 125 designs; price 25c to SI per dozen, printed; engraving our spe cialty. Card Bhop. 020 Chestnut at. SEWING MACHINES SINOER sewlne machine, drcp head, all at. tachment. perf. order: 120. 044 . 2d at. STAMPS AND COINS . STAMPS. ALBUMS AND SUPPLIES- for Ktamp collector. PHILA. STAMP CO.. 21 S. 1TTII ST. STORAGE FIDELITY FIREPROOF" WAREHOUSES 1817-1810 MARKET ST. MILLION-DOLLAR concrete rlrep. wareh'se, N Phlla. Ptnr Cn. mii ihlp 1)1 ihii. PACKARD AUTO SERVICE. EST. FREE i SQUARE DEAL STORAGE CO. 18 N. Bid ' st.. spcctul rates to and from New York, . twtion na vvasninsion. ncimont u'ai. IIIIOWN Storage Co Special rates city or country N. Y.. Baltimore and Washington. 3814-SB N. f.th St. Tloera 440(1: Park 412 D '3IKARD storage,, 018 Olrard ave,, moving, packing, storagf. Ph. Pop. 0204, Park 423. TEAMS TO HIBE HORSES to hire by the duy and week with or without coal wagon and drivers. Crys tal Coal k Coke Co., N. E. cor. Front and Poplar sts. WANTED AGATES antiques. American furniture, car. pets, pianos k players, brlc-a-brac. house, hold goods lrkren, wanted: prompt att. to all orders, no matter how large or small: let us est. before selling to any one else; we pay "!.".:" .7. ' rtl.'m iiiKiiri i-mbii .jrivrn o- rciuuro i once.- hah rURNTUIUi CO.. flisn N. 2g-1 Tioga 4278. ANTIQUE FURNITURE . Old aiassware and Plated Ware China. Silver. Oriental Rugs Needlework. Xnttqire Jewelry, Old Paintings. Prints. It Is up to you to get the right pries rnr vnur froods. Try HUSSAL. 1120 PINE ST. Ph. Walnut 2023. CAST-OFF CIAJTlll.N'U bought; will pay 80 per cent more than any other dealer for ladles', gentlemen's clothing, all descrip tions, hals. shoes, furs, etc.; will call day or evening, city or country. Call, write 0r phone Poplar 11771. Wacker. 12.10 Poplar. CAST-OFF clothing and shoes bought of ladles, gents & children: also hedd'g, blan. . ',.lt& .ml K. innvlnrail ft. II !.. ...' Keis, Mums, Burets, ric. j iiesi prices pu Ph. i ket 2448. W II. stern. B3I N 4rli at CAST.OFF clothing; ladles' and gentlemen's shoes hats! pos. pay 80 per cent more than others. Rend postal, call or phone Dickinson 8185, We call city country: day evening. Kitli.jiJMAn imv-c., 1-ts. woutn St. FURNITURE, carpets and II, H. goods b'ts we pay 405 more tl 4(il! O , rags. man any otner dealer. Olrard. Preston 8786. M, urtAjucn. NEWSPAPERS, rrfgs. lunk, stoves rugs, carpets, furniture; highest prices. Ph. Otn. 2917 W. David H. Leventhal, 0.107 Chow.Qtn. WE BUY old gold, silver and appraise diamonds- Pawn tickets bought. Room 04,- It IB Chestnut at. WANTED Two hot-air furnaces at once: 'will either rent or buy them. Apply at the Airtight Oarage. II and Tioga sts. WANTED Papers. Iron, rags rubber and old metals; highest prices and bnnest weight. Send postal. K RMh m v 'on. YOlllt entire household cr Dart.. pnnne I'ev. iiijriynscir s.-w r ma tal 1 u , " ; ft litHHKiirt i 7t.r.iJmimMSt&; uiaMskssssMi . ROOMS FOB, RENT . IJTH, N., 1003 Reautltully furnished Mt" . "or suite (living room, pearoom. "'"; ' "v. neat, eiee.l no n""""""" ' - 10TH. N, 1509 Nicely ifurn. rooms. ;lni . or en suite, wllh north, ro"'e 7-144 J' 10TH, N 1401 Three rooms, first nnor. Partly furnished, heated. S and Janitor service. 10TH. N 1401 Two rooms, furn. hkp.l room, nriiata t,th irt r.Oi single room so 43p. 44K 8. S-stnry front room. Blnglo or nouoisi noard optional woir-nim "" -f fidTH ST. N.. 1220 Two roomers wanted. men onjvj 'board optional: phone. llA.NDao.MELY furnished room in large, modern private homei electric lights: 10 minutes to Cltv Hall. Phone Raring 41o. . l'l.viaivi t,l.a.t,rv rnnmi southern eX1 posure; prlvalo family, near 30th t. L. v an unring irii vv. FOUR ROOMS, unfurnished, rent, heat and light for light Janitor service; also 18.80 a. week U401 N Intn. . I1EAIITIFULLY furn. loom; Ann section N, Phlla : hot-wnter heat, elec. Raring 7.140, UEAUT1FUL room, refined prlv. family, an modern ennvs Relmont (WOT M. ATTRACTIVE fu'nlshed hskpg. Sherwood & Co apartments: some 1721 Walnut st wet pmi.ADr.LrmA CHESTER AVE., 4802 2 pleasant large rooms If. W heat. Woodland HS81-.T LOCUST ST.. 4042 Well furnished sitting room, bedroom and private bath and hot wnter heat: continued hot water: gentleman onlv: refe-ences exenangeo. 40T1I AND MARKET Blnglo room next to bath, nttraitlve, refined and spotless, private home. Ideal for business woman or( mnn: first-class fefs, required and given. Rsrlng 7101-R 0OTH. S 02.1 Hesutlfully furnished double or single hcarnnm lor rennrn ousmess n-.-snns conv. to "L " Ph. Woodland 3402 R. ?n st.. H . 403 Commorlabiy furn. room for gentleman; private family; reference. ROOMS WANTED YOUNO LADY desires room family; referencea F 041. wltli private Ledger Cen. BOARDING V "OREEN TREES." H21R Raring A bom of comfort for people of refinement: 1 va cancy: excellent cuisine at separate tables. a few table boarners ncoimmmiHipu room now open, phone Raring 203 tea- 1C12 GREEN (Richmond) I.arfto uoupie room: abundant hot water; room with board' excellent table 17TII 8. 2.10 Sunny room, newly furnish ed: board: bus woman or art student: ref 3'TH ST.. N 201 DslrsbIo board: large. sunny rooms, electrlo light, steam heat. 802 COLUMBIA AVE. First-class board; wn rm rooms; 10 per week: phone, . RcnimnAN GERMANTOWN Refined people delrlnc ac- Ice. under comfortable surrounding! (nlnshtc Phone ricrroantown 220, commoiiauons n- "" '"".','" " "- ,,i. WANTT.D Refioed oumr couple to share luxurious resldenc Hi Philadelphia suburb. T. P O Hnx 104 F'lillaneinnia i OOAS' lieslrahl" board: convenient to tram and" trolley Wyoming 1700 J. APARTMENTS 1830 S. RITTENHOUSE SQ. A PPI V IP H'lUm i1"- 111 . D.Wi-MV.N'l" HEADQUARTERS Cenlrnl apartments i. specialty. Sherwood A ro 17-1 Walnut st. Some very attractive : u" . .. , f.im antm ; mm. lintislfr.fn'ar l nnn ruuni -" r- - r - 1700 PINK SI. vine uuiiuHfisesiraDie suite, with bath Apply Janitor, on prem- lses or TAI'l.A.I,. ""' uiuv. atatitmENTS. unfurn or furn.. In all lo cations Argo ft Pntterson.MS Liberty Bdg. irniT riin.AnKf.rniA HAMILTON COURT S0(h and Chestnut Verv desirable furnished apartment. 1 room, reception hall and bath, to rent. Apply on the premises. APARTMENTS WANTED HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS wanted: 3 or 0 rooms and bath Logan. Germantown or Chestnut Hill preferred. M 314. Ledger ortice. 10UR or fi unfurnished rooms and bath for housekeeping, wcbl j-nna. oy - reimou slness women. F 043. ledger Central. AITS. WANTED, furn. or unfurn . In all loc. Argo & Patterson. 618 Liberty Bldg. FURNISHED APARTMENTS SPRUCE. 183.1 Beautifully furn. apt. h.-w. heat, excluslvo cent'l location Loc 350JW. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT9 320 8. 1ITH (Tho Unglewood) Three rooms first floor: bath and kitchen, all conveu lences: i0. TAULANE. 000 Walnut. CHESTNUT. 3007 (The LeoneV J.rnnm houseaeeping npi,, also smaller upt. BROAD. N.. 1304 tl00,,deslrabe houheklecp- lng aparunenis, u rouins; jutii compieiea. APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11TII AND PIN1! STS. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF APAP.TMENTS KIlflNISIIED AND (JNFimVISIIED LONO AND SHOH.T TBItM LEASES THE DELMAR-M0RRIS AMERICAN PLAN CHELTEN AVE AND MORHIS ST. jr.i;i m .s THE I.ITTLE HOTEL.. Tlj S. nroad St. A good place V live -while n Philadelphia. BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE crar BROAD ST.. No. 2317. extending to Watts st. maimiflcent 4-story residence: latent construction 85x150: large side ard: ample room on Watts st. to erect garage: open for Inspection any day by appointment: extra easy terms; property could bo used for pri vate home, society, club, or at slight ex pense tho front could be altered Into a de sirable aUloniODlie suuurjca rmfCBiuum. POrLAR ST.. 1344-1346-1348: 40x31; con tnininr nbnut 2800 sQ. ft. ground space located directly east of corner properties fac ne Broad st.: extra nne location ror au tomoblle sales nnd repair building; very central: easy terms. MASTBAUM BROTHERS 4 FLKISHER 1424 8. Penn square 12.17 N. Maacher st.. n rms. k bath... $2000 017 w. Boston ave.. B rms. & hath... 2400 1R2R W. Oakdale St., 0 rms & bath... 2200 435 W, nerks st. 8 rms. k bathv.... 2R00 234(1 N. Third st., 0 rms. k bath 8000 R.VI N. Eighth st. k rear 0700 mnn Falrmnunt ave.. 14 rms......... 4ROO "031 N Ninth at.. I rms 2200 fl " C. SEIDF.L k CO.. 4th k Callowhlll sts. L.ii,KnrTiu M . '.12 HW rooms and hath assessed I1S0O: now rented at 1B. monthly lease. Ssle price 1190O. Cash required 1800. JOHN KRAT'SE. JR. 008 Chestnut st. Phon valnut lo-ju. EIGHT properties on Alrdrle st. (10th and Erie ave.V 1020 to 1048. Inc. 5 rms. k bath, electric light, hardwood floors. hot- watVr heat. Applv P'.mee k fon. 103 8. 3d. 300 W. YORK ST.. 7 rms . all conys.: price ig.ino g. F. McPeak. 2024 Frankford it. A"J EXCELLENT l.-iVUHTJlK.NT. B small houses, all rented. P 830, Ledger Office. 3310 N 17TH ST. Adaptable for apt. house. SAMUEL T. HALL. 801 Liberty Bldg. STABLE building. 18 ft. bv (10 ft.. In neigh borhood. 1IEYS. 3d and Falrmount ave. 833-833 N. 41ST. 1231 Sartaln. 1043 Nlch "l.s H. Wright. 727 Walnut st. niilldlnr T.ota. Factory Site. ,Btf. SITES. RAILROAD. Penna. and Reading, "000 per acre and up, according to loc.: Inoulre for terms Dleterlch. 737 Walnut. west rmi.AiK.r.rniA BEST TltOLI-EY SEItVICB to (1603 Green- ...... .! T i-nitm nr.d hnfh rintt-sh hall wit --. -" a ".. - i nnrch EOOd jocaiion; oi 1 1. sireei; j 03i(M8 Paschall ave.-wo.sty J2S00. , 4 bed large lot. rooms, h. w. heat, elec, gas, n..t.i. ituili aacrlflce: make offer. T.lenerman r isciicr. qn tincoin mag. FOR HALE nBOOM0HOUSENEMOoDNFbRNoT.mOUOU. 408 South 48th street. APPLY TAYI.OR k SON 2B South 40th street, ' COMMON-SENSE HOMES REPRICED 210 N. 83d. 112,300: now 0nni). 0t an.,,w 202 N 34th. Ul-PSJ!: nw J5"l lot 27x121 SM7 Hamilton. 3O0: now ' IJOf": lot 23x103 J A. FRITZ. 1100 LAND TITLE nLDQ. 1200 CASH Immed. poss.: coal In: 8 rooms and laundry, terraced front, stone porch, papered throughout: term,. ellt I;.! v-V.L Call owner. 42 N. 02d. 3907 PINE ST, Seven rooms and bath; con- venlent location. Apply DUMEE S6N k CO . 103 8, d at. 10 PROPERTIES on N. Conestoga St.. 1420 to 143B inclusive; S rooms and .bath. Ap ply DtlMBE SON & CO . 103 B. 8d St. llflTPn rtl 04n-41-4S-4a-47-n7(KI-13-13. Apply IJUMttFJ ni-s w v-w. 103 8. 3d St. 16 N. H2D ST. Nine rooms; I30O0. narne.t12M Chestnut st . Geo, L. t GKIHHANTOWN $3300 EASY TERMS. If desired. 0 rooms Ami hat. hardwood floors larffA vurdi! Mayland a . belovr Washington lane at Chew st.i take car on Germantown ave., to Wash lngton lats gnd wain east to Chew at., or car on CI elten ave. to Chew st. and walk north: esjinls bouse open every day. ' SAilUEI. STERN, 1201 Chestnut st, 02SS CH ARVIEvV ST. Immediate) posses slon; tavrgalnT-toom house. near Wash ington HUtloni, pr'ce the equivalent of I1T rent. K next JooroM w' v ,j Ty. toa qty. ?V ih,i-uiin rn P"AHTlJIe S V.'i -. ;' mi &Bi&JiJdimtid REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY HEYMANN & BROTHER Real Estate WIDENER BUILDING. haVe'TOR RENT" : , i Large Office Floors, 66x145, ir new ' twelve-story fireproof buildlnp, 1211-13-15 Chestnut street. Two small odlces in Colonial Trust Building, 10th and Market streets. Buildings for Automobile Sales and Service Purposes, 330-32 North Broad street. 1 Floors in concrete loft building, southwest comer 13th and Wood streets, one floor having 12,270 sqflarc feet. ' Northwest corner 13th and Cherry streets, two floors, 8716 square feet each. 1427 Vine street, three floors, 4)000 square feet each. REAL ESTATE FOR SALti Lognn LOOK AT THIS Big house. Rule money: 2- sty., sld.iard. 4 bedrooms and bath. n.-w heat, elec. h. d. floors, porch: .poss.t ISfaJO. 1.1EIIERMAN ft F1SCHER.014 Lincoln Illdg CAMDEN ESTATE MUST sell block of 10 houses, with. In 1 sciuare. of proposed bridge landing. nnnual rental 4400. prlie 117.000. subject to IJ.uuo nrsl mortgage: snap lor noma "j. A. D. MORGAN. Real Estate TrUBt Hide. Philadelphia . prnnsvlVania srnrnnAN IMMEDIATE possession, beautiful new home with 0 rooms, tile bath and shovyer and garage: 17 mln. to City Hall: opposite OOth st station: price reasonable, wllh terms to suit. Call, write or phono owner. Jbnt GORMAN. 55 Long ave. Lanadowne 800. TWIN DWELLINO. conv. to OOth St. Ter minal: 7 rms.: lot 2nxl2.V 13000: Immed. noss OEO I, BARNES. 1201 Chestnut s( UIIICK HOUSE. N rooms: stable, fruit: 2 1-3 seres Unx (120. Ardmore, Pa. Drrxel Hill DREXEL IIILI-Two-and-n-half-storyilwell. Ing; living room, music room and dining room, kitchen. B bedroorns. tiled hath. W" fireplace, white and mahogany- finish, par- quetry poors inrougnoui. eiftini-, ", 'l"'D lot: 1 square from station: linOO cash re quired, or will exchange for West Philadel phia property Call, write or phone J. M. Reed, Drexel HIM itladwyne 4" ACRES Nine-room stone house. Just oft the Main Line, facing State road: variety of fruit, timber, stream, flno old shade; 1000 per acre, II. W, GETTY, f0 N, 13th St. Narlierth NARRERTH For sale, new houses, from 13200 to 140.000 Apply Harris. Real Es tate Opposite Station. Narberth. Pa. Merlon A NEW MERI0N HOME 112 .100 NORTH SIDE. NEAR ST. 120 000 we mum a garage to sun jou hi iu.i; u. mice monthly pavment: onen every day. 1AMKS It. SCOTT Phone Merlon SOP Overbronk (1340 SHERWOOD ROAD Elegant home. 12 rooms. 2 baths. II. Wright. 727 Walnut. Kity JKitsKT simtmnAy L1PPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES HADDON HF.1GHT8. N. J. Anhudon. N. J. FINER CORNER TROPERTY, ences. garage and lot 1,10x180 property at SrhnltrlT. 21f N. : all convenl nlsn smaller !d st . Phlla. Merelinntvllle EIGHT rooms, largo lot. conveniences, steam heat: Immediate nnssesiton: onlv SadOO; 1.100 cash required. "Ely," 700 Federal St.. Camden PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 213 ACRES: best farmlne ectlrmMnntgom cry County: 22 miles Philadelphia City Hall: trolley, tteam and btate roads; 3 dwellings, one with every convenience: 2 barns one of which Is the finest on any prac tical farm In the cou-lty: cost J.15.000 within fl years: runnlnte stream, timber, artesian wells: no better land in county: cenirai rxhoil sulking distance; r,r acres of wheat In giound- HO tons hay. 01) tons straw. 130 tons ensilage In silo; all Included at price of ordinary farm of this size; the best hts farm we know of that Is for sale. BROWN Dr PLOl'D Norrlslnwn, Ph. NINETY-J4INE ACRES near Valley Forge, on macadam State highway, with water from street water mains and electricity available; stone house, 0 rooms, bath, heat; 2 tenant houses. 1 having bath: large barn, large chicken house, sprlnghouse; water sys tem established: commercial orchards, apples and neachrs. recently planted most de- Irably ocated property; tiu.uuu: 1 hava a farm for every buyer. . J M. FRONEFIELD. Wayne, Pa. 30 ACRES: close to Lehigh Valley Transit by macadam road: tl miles Chestnut Hill; unusually picturesque: old stone dwelling, with porches, 2 baths, electricity, etc.: lino running stream, farm barn, artesian well water, with pressure water system; land In good state of cultivation: dwelling Is back from road by macadam lane: very rare one for right person who appreciates the setting; seclusion without (eolation. BROWN & CLOUD. Norrlstown, Pa. 38 ACRES. Ridge pike, concrete road, near Philadelphia City line. trolley and steam: high lying, superior piece of land: excellent brick dwelling, with Springfield water and every other convenience; new Bnnn and frame fitrm barn for 16 head poultry house: here Is combination of loca- tlOn. QUBlliy HHU puput. bud at . im-vi BROWN k. CLOUD, Norrlstown. Pa, BEAL ESTATE SALE OB BENT Factories, Manufacturing Floors ranniiiinHMiM SAUL AINU PU11N1 -P FACTORIES 'tp. 'MILLS ? tp WAREHOUSES W. BRUCE "BARROW 180 N. 12th St. Established S3 fears. ioiraiiiiiiffl 60,000 FT. FLOOR SPACE MFG. OR STORAGE GTN. Sale, 134 to 52 N. 22d St. 01x124 FEEET Sale (Running) Iron Foundry Central Location Sale, Near Broad & Oxford 90x100; 3 FLOORS Larg Warehouse or Garage 47,000 al. . Lot 180x348. Penna.. B. and O and Belt Line n. R. Suitable for auto mobile trucks. W.. BRUCE BARROW 130 N. 12TH ST. , BEAT. ESTATE -WANTED ' WILL PAY CASH for any real estate and "" Yl. "lIUHEv-ITKV-Mi Nrmh-.t."" WANT HOUSES ifor sale, any section. SCHAIIFKR. 11H4 apnng.uaroen at. riTY properties bought, for cash, Wesley Rocket!. N. Wj cor. 17tn HP. (Urdon sis. Oarares OARAGE WANTED Private garage, large enough for 3 cars; must be located be tween Ilalnbrldgest. , and Dickinson st.j 10th and 18th sts. ltepl, g(vle full particulars, P Hid. ledger Offlce. T BEATi ESTATE gOK BENT ractorlew. Munufaftnrlniri Floors IILLS TRIO POWER iwai itsnqmpru PLLi I I lc'orlea, Warehonses. Mfg -floors FOR REN 1005 Sanson. St. About 10,000 Square Feet Floor Space Five Floors and Basement G. A. SCHWARZ 1006 Chestnut St. Phono Filbert 40J1 (Parages FREIGHT lll..ll.Jir HKUV. STA. 230-1' o .mih. itt erect bldg. to .N,lt?ljererle3h. ?!t7t0iifh.i.ll' SERV. STA., 23012; Jestnutni 72n7 CRESHEIM"rYrr '"J X un-to-date .?n lmi-ri" Korih V. '-'" -'- -orth Ame Thor, mod 1-j.rnnm ony. L Del Realty .Co.. rlcan Rldg rr.NN.svi,vAxi. semmnw Jenklntown 1 " Attractlvo res denco. garage and in. acre: first floor, living room, library? dlnmS fiTo1?1 T?l7- Mtch,n nndlaundr second floor 4 bedrooms and bath: third floor 3 bedrooms, bath and storeroom gar"i??Vo? 0c5u,?rchfcn8hr1)Vsc,rn?ghVe'lei kto-v-vvs'k x, BS' fiSrtSi. -'fenKNEss lhSTaSTSo"rJ: Xarberth DToVun'UH,Vr?UHF:S,-Mo'"- ""P-ovemenU; "' UP. Harris, reil ratal. Mrh.,.h H"' '",0 1'I-NNSVLVANIA ximilrtnAv- Narberth U 'of 'n''.'1- j""" "" -""" Un.. consisting' garngBe.r7oV renTfuf"'"1 sr,?S Mmmmm M0BTOAOE3 50 TO 11000 NOTE OR MORTOAOK ItS?..? "i0 :"leninit Unsettled estate loans gT & lth t. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES Uulldlnr: Association and Trust Funds TAULANE. nno Walnut if1 U"U" TRUST rUNOS tXIft ISIVhtmkww ' trA7i rW- ,?.'SE MORTooS,hNrS HA7.I.ETT & MOSM .M8 W-Vl.Nff ST LOANS. REAL ESTATE f AND ESTATES DELANY. 34 B. Broad (West v.nA BhVj 100.000 TO 'SNVKST IN MORTbXoES O. P. SKIDBI, A rp. jlh "AT,wh, -,t, MONEY FOR 1ST OR 2D MTOS cTiPTOiri country. R. Taylor MlddletorT, 703 Ws5nu" MONEY TO LOAN LICENSED AND BONDED CENTRAL OFFICE GUARANTEE LOAN CO. 00 De Long Bldg., 101 8. 1.1th St., Cor. Chestnut. Race 2,124; Filbert 71 LOANS $20 to $300 Lonns made to any ons who can meet si small monthly payment without hardship at low legal rates, and bet service. THE ENTIRE COST ON $20 Loan FOUR Months is $2.50 $40 Loan FOUR Months is $4.00 $60 Loan FOUR Months is $6.50 $100 Loan FOUR Months is $9.50 Larger amounts In proportion, smaller payments and longer time If jou desire it. Soo us before borrowing. GUARANTEE LOAN CO. 101 South 13th" St. Cor. Chestnut. Race 2124; FlUiert 71J ROOM 00, Do LONO BLDG. . Under supervision of be.nk examiner. NORTH PHILA. OFFICE GUARANTEE LOAN CO. 2700 GERMANTOWN AVE. Cor. LEHIQII AVE. Tioga 2373 Parle IBM LOANS $20 to $300 On Furniture, Pianos, Etc, . (Without Removal) f AT LEOAL RATES. Easy Pa'rmentg No matter for what purpose you may need'" money, Kvall yourself of the opportunity, to. wrrow wmti juu ncvn v. tne very reasonaoia- cnarges we mcae. tray an your small biuw or buy what you need for cash at price that will show rou a profit. Monthly pav. REAL ESTATE FOR. BENT CITV ' ments as small as 12 per month, pay more any time, reduces the cost to you. Interest on " tlon or less. 3 per month. Larger amounts at 2 per month on month. y balances. Guarantee Loan Co, " 2700 Germantown Ave., 2d Fl. Cor. T.eh'gh Ave. Tioa 237R Park 1S0 WEST PHILA. GUARANTEE LOAN CO. 32d k Market. Entrance, 7 N. Kl St. , LOANS $16 to $300 j -On FURNITURE, PIANOS, Etc. LEOAH-RATES EASIEST PAYMENTS LONGEST TIME- BEST 8ERVJCK 1100 or Less wo charge 3 Per Month Larger Amounts. Charge 2 Per Month Small payments arranged, but you can pav larger sums at any -time and reduce the cost to you. We charge only on monthly bal ances and for the time you use the money: No matter for what purpose ou may nerJ mnnev. vou can get It of us at a profit ts - yourself. ' t - & Guarantee Loan -Co. hq 52d & Market Sts Enr, on Phone. n.l-wf( 4 T,-A,Bnw w c-i nn I-,, egnrin to t nnn pxvv iu yvvuv uvau 1o real estate owners on nolo or mnr'. figs. Long or ihore term. Installments If wanted. Settlement same'div If nec .ssary. Qb'lgatlona that are An taken m t mens to hejrs of unsettled estates ARTHUR J. LEUPOLD ' 803 llalley Uldi., 1218 Chestnut at. YOU CAN BORROW MONEY OV DIAMONDS AND .1KWELRY 123 AND UP.... 2 PER CENT t73 AND UP.... H PKIl CENT 200 AND nBr.lM6fcl,B PER CENT ntnnr. iVP , AND OXFOnn IP,.. "' 22D AND.JKIUTII STS. -READY M0NEY.-- United,States Loan Society I in north r-noitfif f 230 Market St.. 234S OermanloyataTe. TaOslttY Inaoed ou ievve'rY.dljtnnruls t r goftsi j - - - .,f -- . Mf ..,.-; vir,t-sf,.-,V.'IJIr.-i..l- - ,., 521 J smTsx ' M - V vjjt1' 'Hi