tf'wni'fSr' XT (., .fv j.,I',.'W-, w '" f -. jj. .. ""'.l"'., IV-., 'i: V.4 ' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERPHILADELPHIAi THtJB&pAX ECBaioi ' V- z .ar 1 , r t 'k I t & ' J .. Ii f l! Iss- R I f li fe w 9 1 1 & IU 11 rr MCy vJE.1 :,"vi .s :. 1 IAN SHOT INBAR; ijst- ;v iSIif .-... . i i ! amcl dt.cbums auuckcu fe.: tri pi;..o TTmt iJiV 1U IJLUUl' a, umv .- "War Among Gamblers XEFT AT HOSPITAL DOOR Victim May Have Been Con nected With Poolroom Hold up, Detectives Believe 4 Daniel G. Stebblns. widely known In fcportlne circles and said by the police So' be a. professional tambler. was shot Jn the back early today In the barroom pt Ihe Hotel Vendlg:, Filbert 'and Thlr 'teenth streets. Three men, who arr!ed In a tarl Fab, entered the place while Stebbln" ,was dtlnklnK at the bar. At n s'Ktial ironi two of the newcomers one of the men stepped close to Stebblns and fired 'fL bullet Into his body. The men oausht Ptebblns ns he fell and dragged him out to the waiting taxlcab and fled They left Stebblns - tA t the corner of Thirteenth nnd Walnut i streets, the police say. A little later' N I'wui ouung back'.' he was found lying across the doorway I llnniinei'stein who else? lb-member of the Methodist Hospital by a nurse. him his sill, hat and his sensational There was a bullet wound In Siehblns's . npnearaiire and disuppeaniniv and ic- rlght side and four slab wounds hi his uppearamo on top of that nielli'liiojs back. How the stab wounds "ere re- ! sea of s-ound which call grind eclved Is a mystery I opera? ... its miiiored that he im iu. to bob Iternll tlunmeii't KhIiI op aicain Information was received b tlir pull, e And the ba.-is for the minor i a that a man answering Stebblns' descilp-1 I"ler he wiule tu Vlvlenne Segal, the Slon was seen close to the pouliooni of;litlle Philadelphia song-bird who made Charles Kelker. Thirteenth and Kllben -etreets on ThanksgUlng Hay. when It Vas robbed by six gunmen, who held up the' patrons of the place and took more than J 6000. The police 'bins In the rei gangs of gamble Ing an inves .may connect Stebblns with the men re sponsible for the hold-up at Kelker's .place. ' Stebblua lives at the Dauphin Apart ments, Broad and Dauphin streets. The Janitor of the apartments expressed no uprpriie on hearing of the attack on Stebblns and said he expected he would meet such a fate. The police believe that Stebbins was -flrat attacked In the apartments and af ,ter escaping to the street went inmiedl fately to the hotel. His assailants, lt Is lielleved. followed him In the taxi, de termined to finish their work. See T'lot for Retent Captain of Detectives Souder said that -Htebblns Is a professional gambler. There Is every indication that the nt tncl: was actuated by reenge, as neatly $700 and considerable Jewelry was found In Stebblns's possession at the 'hospital. , Stebblns refused to talk about the at tack or give any Information which -would lead to the identity of his assall- nts. Ills condition is critical. Y Isadora Baas, of Twentieth and Wat- lluce streets, called at the hospital to in quire about Stebblns's condition about rtwo hours after he had been admitted. '5 Bass was arrested by District l"e- . .. ..,.., " h- ,Trt ii.nvn i.i , u,u..,.., ,,... , ..I-.., !,.,, ul.ntlt.l lfi fT,.f Believe trie auari; on .ieo- .,,, That i. th. ii.t. i.t. ..nntmn nith M"."'. "". .'" l"V "".""!..". ntf f n fmiii bfiueen two!,, -.. . t. . , . thotr inalviuual opinions on any pnasea suit or u leuu oeiween ii Mettupo tan ilrauil opera Company . .. , ...f.n . i .. rs. They ate no.v mnu- expires Folks who fad the theatre ,.,, .,,.., ..,,,! ....i, ti, ,i.v ..f I ligation .which, they say. pews mil remember lu last dramatic .'..;., ',....".., ,i. .. i' t. n I M, 'tectlves Collins, Powers and Welst and 3l. 'tnt(n' tn Ibo Fourth street nnd Snvder rfrs.avenue station. He was held without JAJI JOT a lUIMier lira mik niiimurtj u Magistrate Baker, on suspicion o as bault and battery. The prisoner said he knew nothing of the attack on Stebbins, and that on hearlne from a friend on Market street lhat he had been Injured went to the 'Methodist Hospital to see him. Many Inquiries at Hospital Numerous telephone calls from per sons desirous of knowing the condition of the Injured man were received. One of these inquirers told a physl- MUST BE ROUGH RIDER! S'tiS S:iJ!8"2 ''X ;' ur AefflSS? cimrch onicers chided for m. j " of a,sV ? f A J; K 'NEXT LOAN ABOVE 5 BILLIONS at all hazards." One of the men who the dlsKinr from the J,rai!ent than lire lo Make Adequate Advances will be worn by the woman who thinks Xs JmZ' aVd Dr W 'V ," o r '. ' telephoned said he would go to the hos- w Vorlt. and ninety miles closer the . Ilarrlsburg, Dec. i;.-(By A. p.) she ought to have them. Moore of Klou Falls S D held ; tbVt ' "liatc llV Secretary McAdoo I ,pltal to see Stebbins. A few minutes west than New York city .church officers who have failed to re- ' closing public meetings In rural ilNtric'ti. Ittcorl nn Vmr'a Pvnoiidiiiirnii Jater a taxlcab arrived containing two "We don't Intend to sit uuletly and let 1 spond to the urglngs of synodical com- rnprn rnnM rBDMAnl PRKflN is ' efflcacloua me"inBB '" rur-l trii.tH Uased on ledrs tixpenaitlires , Irnen erybody ignore this port." said Mr. inittees to Increase the salaries of pas- mLLD riVUlH UEJAlHrlll riXlOUn Professor C E Wlnslow of Yale Wnihlnutoii, Dee. 12. (Bv A. P.) The cab slowed up as though about Hu!,(?r!- '.'There has been too much , tors were arraigned In a report made -- ' professor of public health, offered a solti- '''lve to five and a half billion dollars fa stop, but on seeing two policemen ot that "' ' Past' .", todav bV thS'ito? W lUam'hari: m Ur department Makes Public fton of the difficulty In resolutions Tav- nioro of bonds will I have to be Issued prdered the driver to put on full speed HhtJLKbl lULUAKll 1 committee in charge of such matters. ...... t, , a.,, ,, it L, i,,o, ;,,, Vehnni. ir? r,S 1 ami Means Committee todav In dlscuss- nd continued dotn Broad streeL Despite a report urging advance, in flfl"VnJo"fflc ilSi twemTU enlisted m unit lea " Ch '" '" '"raI Cm- ing financial wStlon- H based h?s There were no knife slits in Stebbin's rrm r r.i.. ., c....i.. i:.i :..,' ?a'ar'As ."lad a '". "M0.- the sum of "'H ?. n ,'", en, ,L. en,Hnn mun,lle onhal. estimate of $18,000,000,000 in ex-, clothing corresponding to the wounds "'" "' """" -""" "" ! J.o.uoii ecn autiea to salaries in "' 'V viiMneen who nassed through -rn r.-r.nir mi'ni,i nn.A pemHtures. and members of the commit- ". 5? ,hat he ... x reir-'iyoWdbrM TO STUDY YELLOW FEVER .rbjrrjruJSSvtoT,. ru -..... u..u.vBacu. une inoiisaiiii (loiiars eiu'u is leit io . a vear. ,u rmin-a ,,r. .... ..n j,.-u..l. .WUHJ rf T l- . i .. it . ,. ,-.. I at the IlHlmeinann Hospital. The bulk 1 Oliceinatt Admits Using Lp V iveiof his estate of STO.OOO was beiiueuthed Mnlnrovnloa to nephews. 111u1un.jt.1c11 Other estates disposed of by wills pro- When Is a motorcycle abused? baled today follow- Patrick Carrol, . That question came before the police ,1708 tllrard avenue, $22,823; A. Silvia trial board today In the case of Charles . Thompson, a Phlladelphlan who died 1 iKoenle, a motorcycle patrolman, charged 1 while fighting with the Italian army, iwlth destroying city property Koenlg , m.OOO : Dr. Eliza Pettlngill. 300 North .admitted he had had five motorcycles Tenth street. J10.000; John Dedger, 1018 durlng tho year and that every one had I Kalrmount avenue. $14,000; John P. collapsed. ! Carson, 3t0 Tabor road $14,000 : Samuel - "But every one was decrepit before I Walsh, 1011 South Twenty-first street, rot It" he explained. Koenlg N more J5700 : John M. Collins, 2216 Oxford than six feet tall, and Is heavy. The; street. $3930. All left their estates to care was put uV 10 nector i nson, as Is customary, ' Joseph Rosetsky, Fourth and Race 1 :?h ofbSi'ngsenrUuea, Lieutenant Pluckfelder testified the' patrolman leu nis oeat wttnout permis sion. Jamew Rohan, a Democratic lear-r- appeared for Rosetsky and declared his client did not have to answer the fcharxe as he had resigned. He intimated -politics was behind the case. Evening Public Ledger Writers at Versailles The Peaco Conference soon to assemble will be reported In detail for the Evening Public Lkdobh by a staff of trained writers. Clinton W. Cilbert staff correspondent, is already Jn Paris, having arrived at Brest bn Lthe steamship Orlzarba. This gifted rriter, whose dispatches have given our readers a comprehensive "grasp on events at the capital, es- Specially on subjects relative to the ;.var, will have as his associates: k, R. V. OULAIIAN. manager of the yvnsninsum uyrcau or the New CSTork Times. ' CIIAKLES H. GKASTV. WALe TiSB UUKANTY. CHARLES A. RELDEN and EKNEST mar. "'m SHALL, whose descriptive narra tive from me uattlvnelds have been lamonsr the most graphic and Infor- .WiUlye, In the whole field of. war 1, !wrrv(""uvJice.'. - ; , , &m?5z ATiiEnTSrrf". T;,e rllsllngulahed npvellst. who has In- -niato knowledpr of conditions In ..inco anu i-iajiuers that will vo hen accounts a human-Interest Mjueurr o win delighted .appro- i,-i l,- ljt..'V.J.M. t M' aim if a ili 1 smzs. lWksmnuLksW,i' i 1ih nr iiwm.a trteSBBBl - P';' ?SBF ' M Iff MMF.NNE SEGAL OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN MAY RE-ENTER OPERA Letter Written liy Impresario to Philadelphia Singer Hints at "Coine-Baek" "pr "ru,ul " l" U,H '"'aueipniu. ypera tlo Society in one of Its annual per formances Oscar, so tlio story goes, has notified Miss Segal that lie will Introduce her exit from the spotlight of opera years ago. when lie soU out tho "good will" he had established with opeia pi. Irons b several seasons of gorgeous performances. At Unit time Oscar promiSL'd lie wouldn't pl.i round in the opera game until l!'2n uscar HammerMi'in has notified Miss Segal that he has ai ranged for her to go abroad next summer with her mother to take Hinging lessons under M. d'Au lilgne ut Sevres. France. Miss Segal will- make her debut In grand opera m the part of Mlmi ill "La Bolieme.' At present she is under con ttact for five years with F. Ray Coin stock and' William Flllott, and is sing ing In "Oh" Lady! Lady!'' The pio ilucers have promised to release her at the end of the present season so she can ptepare for her operatic career. MAYOR RENEWS PLEA TO DEBARK TROOPS AT PORT Smith Write.- AX ar Secretary, Pointing Out Advantages of Plan Major hiith has sent a letter to Seor letary of War Baker, insisting that Philadelphia be used for troop disem barkations, i r ?,.. f,n'V anu Ai;:'stunt "lre,:lor , ... ... . ., .. u. ".u. w, uuiuaiiumMrMuiw. nort disembarkation order; that this Is the the Epl-topal Hospital nnd Visiting: Xurse Society of Philadelphia by Ed- waril Mnniler. whose will I lia nilmllttil ,'tn nrntiale IimIhv. Soulier rttel recentlv i relatives. i " "' TROOPS BOUND HOME AHUVIU uwuiw uuiuu ON FIVE TRANSPORTS' I t,. n-n.l.l .it.An .( I,. L ati.TI'l-1- in2im,re wv ,rrfffi n ' , W,Vr Tn )' rl,Z, n r e ihe for five vears than '"'" anl1 o-hrAt inches in height communities. unnecessarily high. This statement we Sl'UUUL, 1" AVli JAlNyUJiJ- and Mary Herbert. Wilmington, Del. ,,f .h i e iafc','f "01t..the '"' Ue , i.ovcrninent ope ate them for Axe Jears. I ow whe otherfli desplte the cold Dr. J. W. Inches. Health Commls- challenge." temeniwe, , ' e'omlcaVim,1 to feil SoJlT c'teXsS o,.? porrfpecTVee'ra-l vemor-Elcc. Dines Officers of Union tirSsiSSSSi "eVpiillreineTtrherunVJt-' could be perfected ''ZifT'" """ ' ' 01, "aliopsome oZ& 1XX League Tonigbt '" L'.Ot? available here. It mentions that j I "77." T" ,i n.i. , i,'n,n that the h.cher the ' strlctive measures, fie ridiculed the use assertions altogether, or meet the facts Governor-clect Sproul will give a Philadelphia is closer to the war zone MnDC DAV I RCPn PftR PASTHR .hiU ,i,e 1 SJ the ,rlce and tl e lower of the mask as not a feasible measure presented In behalf oMhis port. "inner lonigiii in tie unonuasm to man many other norts tuc uaeu in tne : muiiu ini unuuu tun iiuiviiu . Aboard Mallory, Rappalian-1 Proberd to Get Facts in Ger nock, Leviathan, Celtic and man Campaign to Hinder Martha Washington By the Associated Pres Wanhlnston, Dec. 12. Sailing of five army transports bring ing additional units from France was announced today by the War Depart ment. The Bhips are the transports H. R. Mattery, Rappahannock, Leviathan, Celtic, with about 9000 men, and the Martha Washington. The Rappahannock sailed December 6. the Mallery, Leviathan and Celtic De- u c ,.i ,t,. MrO, w.hinrinn cember 8, and the Martha Washington December 9. The Leviathan brings en.nni enmnanles numbers 301 to 313 Inclusive, 1419 hospital patlentB. 500 cas uals, and the Second Antl-Alrcraft sector. The Celtic brings headquarters, Third Battalion, neaaquancrs company anu medical detachment of the h Pioneer Battalion, headquarters company anu Infantry ICOloreui casual cuniupainco numbers 1051 to 1057 Inclusive; 220 patients and several civilians. The Mallory has on board head quarters, sanitary detachment, ordnance detachment. headquarters company, band, supply company and Batteries A and B of the 143d Field Artillery Itegl piept, the 65th Field Artillery brigade headquarters, and 931 sick and wounded. The 118th Field Artillery, complete, sailed on the Martha Washington. On the samo ahlp were training cadres of the Thirty-eighth Division and the head nuarters company of the ltJth Field Ar- tillnry.. a vWVfclK.-af. paajs. andjww; JJ 539 sick and Htu4$fc " '-cicjed. ROADS MAY AGREEU4.M4 o IHE TOM'ADOO'SPLAN Companies Expected to Welcome Five-Year Fed eral Operation - MANY PROBLEMS FACED Time Aii1id to Devise Entire I line .Ct(lCU lO UCMSC until l Now System of Con trol by U. S. , , .,,,, ,, ,,,i. The proposal of William McAdoo. director general of railroads, that the period of Keileral operation of the roads be extended t" tHe years may have stir prised a large part of the public, but it was no surprise to the prominent offi cials of twenty-four big railroad com panies, constituting the Hallway Hecu tlves Advisory Committee, which Is In session tins week on the BellevUe-S'trat-ford Hotel roof. Mr. MrAdoo said three alternatives In the railroad situation presented them selves' tJovernmrnt operation for a ear and nine months following the peaie proclamation, prompt return of the toads to prlate operation, and ex tension of the Federal control period to !le years. He eliminated the two first mentioned and the third was left. liy the same reasoning processes ap plied to the same situation the Advisor Committee had already concluded that these three main courses uete open. nllr iputril ArgunientH Tliev had anticipated Mr. McAdoo's arguments and anticipated, therefore, his proposal of a five-year extension. So the committee touay proceeded with itH consideration of the situation Just as lt would hae proceeded If Mr. McAdoo has not given publicity to his views. Members of the committee refused to discuss Mr. McAdoo's position today, ail d "pblem andVubmitting it to the . member roads. rreulileut's Mew l.ikcl The committee is (Uite gratllled bv President Wilson's attitude as shown in ins message to congress, wnicn is brleflv that such Federal regulation of railroads as there shall be in future must be constructive and helpful rather than simply repressive, as it has been In the past. bi- i The committee Is going into every , phase of the railroad situation with the ' utmost thoroughness, considering pas- i senger and freight tariffs, wages, opera- tion of certain lines and trains at loss ' What the committee is ttmg to lo ' " . "... , , ,?,,,., ., ",, tlon of the shipyard to organize to the, ,"ml'a, u" cljV "id Immediately be- , is devise, a plan for file return of the " maI "'" ,ents-,tne ' , , l,h , u eq '!"" i best advantage a large force of men for i came boosters for thiH pott, roads to their owners under such con-! ninK a"" ma ",.? o: K"L'"'' "lore tm, construction of vessels, such state- They declared themselves highly, ditlons as will safeguard the Interests ' tcI,,s' "rst-ald stations, etc. ment. are detrimental to th Interests of ! pleased with the business nrosnects Hnd , of the owners, the employes and the T"e "hject lesson was, and always the I nlled states and a gross Injustice) facilities and have returned 1 for the convenience of the public or be- , - - - cause or public necessity and hundreds iitniii no UuTUEC TA nAftT of other subjects, each of which, while ALLUW O'Z INLnftd 1U 1UU1 lt may be casually considered simple, Is " deeply complicated Women's Lace Boots Iusln't Ex- The committee will require weeks, per- . , tt i , haps months, to complete Its work. The , ceetl 1 liat lleigllt member roads may be dissatisfied with Women's lace boots should not ex its findings and recommendations. The ceed eight and one-half Inches, accord committee mav be asked to make a ' lug to the council of national service ot second or a third report. After the the shoe and leather industry ,.... ..., ,,- re !, ' Reduction In shoe elevation Is recnm- niGiiiwT-i i utta .,... Utl.ku u.ul. U !'"" I i:,; ,,, nnpninn. under nmwit niiat, ),. v inai nip cumuiiiiieH. run fi' V... "T "... .- -. ... ,..:,.. The report also made a plea for a "more elastic ecclesiastical system," it lining contended the iiei-in-, n..,., eliloeahtn nlnn Koine ttnieu leartu irt n reactionary form of church government. It was also declared that a lack of democracy is apparent in cases. Few churches have n real congregational meeting unless nt the calling of a pastor. and then from 10 to 15 per cent of the members gather for the purpose, It was asserted. - 1- 1 ttt r, i l- -. linii Woman Ueail Irom bas Pollen of the Nineteenth and Oxford 1 streets station last niirht discovered Mrs ' Ida Rassa, Twenty-fourth street, nenr Green, dead from gas In a room on the second floor kit her home. ' U. S. MAY BARE PLOTS TO DESTROY PLANTS War Work By ic Associated Press Wnnlilnrton, Dee. 12. Voluminous documents, shedding light on the Oerman system for blowing un ,n.,.i,l .n,.ian ,.rtj ..., i munition factoiles and practicing sa-1 t . v. -- """- ' luijun, to submit to the oovernment, tne uov- uf s)loe dealers here say this leather ' ssion oi me American i-uonu j.uunc -- w.cemration oi tne remain-, f " ,-" " "" 7" ' v. " " , VMilat M'dlr Dec. 12. r, ,.:. ...... "-"""";". .WMion is nierjij ,".,'"" .""'.. """-""'" .,.i.B . V.Tha. u";,.7V V,""-' ",''"'"' ! The tnxl service ts,, will he Intro- . upics yis.tea nun , touay - . - ni'tniiiecnriDTinii .. . i . . .1 rrkA., ran r i leii.tiini in , a i. ntu uunwi'nN ii i i-fi 1,1111 siiinitiiin- iimnta niuiui luuiuiiiTiik. .. .iijt-.h.j i ho tne uisiioMiion oi me lainoHu.out tnat snoes ot an iieiuina niuet "c urougni out widely divergent views ,; ,; ,7 ,, . ,,, "r , -. . : : ,. , riage licenses. iney a nrohlem is a long way off. and it is more carried to suit numireus oi tastes tor nhnt .,.., ,.-.,.. ,..i, ,,,. !" '. ?""."' """""' . ive are nouuu n ,,. ., vm,6i, m, '".,pi,iiM anj Anni Kelen, ........ .l-.. ... ,- , ....t ,..-......w ...vU..u., " ...t Rniotlpr1 wlltl Rimh an evulnnn Inn nan. nml Atlunln Tln.,.-.Ai. .. T-n1.n... "" wren ivmciiiuicu ny ini iiepari- ifonoluiu anil japan, ment of Justice In preparation for ills- ! Mr. Sdlllvan Jind his brother, lllram J. closure. It was said today, but officials i Sullivan; comprised the banking firm of have not determined what portion ot I Sullivan Brothers Company.- wlilch dls these it would be wise to give out or ' solved October li after, both brothers iwhen It might be done without Interfer. I ring with activities of Government 1 aKf."ts 8,V", ,n l,roBT8' The "olourea of Bruce Blelaskl. chlet o the nurca of invefctBaton he I fore the Benate committee Investlgat. I Ing propaganda constitute only a small part of the evidence of German urac- nallroa .,m5a,i, a "or or theJiec tiees raiherpd i,v in. Ill T ".'...: ! ond and Third Streets Passenger ftall- agents In the last two years. Mr. Ble laskl has taken care to confine himself io propaganda, ii was pointed out, and . thla vlrtnallw nrm ,.,,.. C Z 'V.eVman'orkn'th'coSmrTo.h oeiore ana aiier me united States en tered the war Ordinarily, propaganda was carried on by a distinctly separate group of German agents or pro-qcrman Americans and the chief American agents took great pains to keep knowl edge of sabotage plans from these pro. pagandlsts. The flies ot the Bureau pf Investiga tion are said to contain hundreds of names of Germnn agents and Americans with whom they had dealings In gather information about the nation's wat preparations, and concerning Germany's eneriica before this country entered the unr 11, namu 1... v.. . . v., ......... ..(., ui Deen Ulf- ft I SA TTERED Goddess in Manayiml; Cigar Store Lets Ucr "PUP Go Out Jfien' Slw Thinks of Ship-Stops "Boss" Gives Iter a Light-JanB! ' - - Alas for cigarette smoking by women a iroddess haB been ruined completely by the practice. Diana was the unfortunate. celestial. For ages she braved all the dangers of the hunt. She thought n'olhlntr of flip- !,,,n,r a Bpear at tt clmrK,nK bonr' r ot 'IeBpnt tt chasm to tackle a bellowlnR itng. She fearlessly bathed In rural brooks, sereened only by trees or shrub bery. Hut Diana for many moons now had been occupying a pedestal In ihe cigar store of Harry Craven, 4 423 Jialn street. Man,yllfc . ,, ,. mMng ,ml)U' ,i10rP. brass cigarette stuck at a ' saucy angle from her mouth Smokers THIRTEENTH MARINES FOUGHT "FLU," CITED Regiment Commanded .by Colonel Butler, of West 'Chester, Honored Kor notablo work In fighting the In fluenza epldemlo in France, the Thir teenth Regiment of marines has been cited by Brigadier fleneral Oeorge II. Harries, commanding Hase Pectl n No. B. The Thirteenth Is commanded bv Colonel Smedley r. Hutler. of West '"liester, son of Congressman Butler, i i olonel Hutler is the "Hell Dog of the .Marines." Although it arrived in France too late to go Into actlvo service at the front. Hie refe'iient distinguished Itself in the bark areas. The Thirteenth sailed for Franco on Friday, September 13, and arrived In France at the beginning of the epidemic. (leneral Harries's citation says: "The regiment made and prepared camps for arriving organizations, pro vided every needed facility that was at newtroo,. ronhe docks' tS their "Z ' hand or could be created, guided the spective camping areas, carried packs of the unfit, put new spirit Hie weary, hauled water and ration hand for the incoming units and cooked the rations and nursed the "Colonel Butler and his officers pvprvn prp. , e cnirtir ir i.fict, nn inrtitnit,. ........ .. . ... ..-.....-.-. ... ' 'f, ,- -'"-"'v to lend a hand, and their example was eagerly followed by their men. A con-! Instance of performance was the win Mifwiiiiii,. rtmuo iiuim inr- me - i. . lnnllnd 4nt.V. J? j. . ii Hit . I saviiiK resu.ta . ,? , ...ere w as an . unrorgettaDie exniDiioi supreme soiaier- ly qualities, the I htrteentii t.egtnient. I" S. M. C, is a living sjnouym for tlio highest etllciency , ,.,,, i ,, o,,,,, I-, lnQfher eennnmv ni.i ir. Some dealers said that a lurge num- her nf women are wearing snoes less hu ui,nau th. ihe nrtce s'o the i .the War Department. The officers include Lieutenants Stew- art A. McDowell. 4650 I.arcllWOOd ae- nile. Philadelphia: Ilea I. HagPtlbUcll. Bloomsburg. Pa.: William H. .lenklps, l.eesbutg, Pa.; Thomas Benjamin Kern, Bethlehem, Pa. ; Robert Harrison Jeffry. L'nloutown, Pa.; James Earl Qulgley, Adrian, Pa.: M. S. Itedmond, Pltts- burgh ; John A. White. 3226 Chestnut street, Philadelphia : Oscar Mandel, Grantwood, X. J. ; John C. Nelson, Nor- folk, Va. Tlio enlisted men Include Paul Brene- man, Lancaster, Pa: Tony Depula, Hooversvllle, Pa.: Raymond J. Bennett. Ked Bank, N. J.: Dyenizy Poreniskl, Z18 Tunnely avenue, Jersey City, N. J.. : Vrslly Potochny, McAdoo, Pa.; Oeorge Ryan, Allentown, ra. , -cison Hiegei, ui Dudley street. Philadelphia; Magnor Tlgnor, John s anus, va. : Homer A. Shaffer, Garrett, Pa. ; Martin J. Adams, Somerset, Pa.: Joseph A. Bongard. 183 Pliay street, -Philadelphia; Edward W. liorman, unugepon i'n. ; t mines ti. HetrlcJts, X)u Bols, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Leo L Joyce, BANKER WEDS STENOGRAPHER Jeremiuh J. Sullivan, Jr., Marries Mies Dorothy Esther Stark JerepifSh J. Sullivan, Jr., wealthy bunker, and Miss Dorothv Esther Stnrk, formerly his stenographer, were married last night. The ceremony was perform ed by the IWv. James P. Sullivan, of St. Paul's Catholic Church, nnd brother of the bridegroom. immeumiri.v aiier ine ceremony. .. and Mrs Sullivan left for a wedding Immediately after the ceremony, air. trip, tne itinerary oi wnicn incipues 1 1,a,a, a1n.?.M"? .V'?ir. 'n.lfn,".-i J"V. g " " , Jeremiah J, fAildvan, Jr., la a mem- ber of the Union League. Racquet, Merlon Cricket and Philadelphia Country Clubs. He Is president and director of the Wnlfrede Coal Company. Wlnlfrede wav Company, and- of the Mechanics' insurance Company. Miss Stark's homo is at 6319 Rising Sun avenue. MRS. ARCHBOLD MARRIED Willow of Standard Oil Magnate Be come Sirs. C, W, Duttln -New York, Dec. 12. (By A. T.) The wedding of Mrs. Annie M. Mills Archbold, widow of John D. Archbold.l the late president or the standard Ull Company .of New Jersey, and Judgu Charles W. Dustln, of Dayton; O., for merly of the, Ohio Circuit Court of Ap pears, took place here this afternoon In the chapel pt the Church of the Incar nation. Only relatives and a few friends at' tended, ttw, weoain-, ..Tne prujt Broom yMU a. oouaili jf Mr,nArbOl(t , A ' crete ..... ,.i i ... t.i ... rArt.i inHiit. i' inv.eir nni unminmTra- CIGARETTE BY EXPLOSION leaned towards Diana and got Jhf Ir tleedeil ''f1f." frnm fll ttti nf l.i- tliyiii. Ct,P ' ,'.." " '' Hut' somebody In the store began- talk- OTITFRS; CITirirriVrP nnrt'O ing about sklp-stops nnd Dlann became v"lu3 a&liKliMr UULKb Interested. She forgot to keep on pulling and her "smoke" went out. Craven I noticed It after a while and held a!lWO Nmc frutitmuioc Afi.. lighted mntrh ttn tn tier. Hut gas had collected nnd the match flame caused an explosion thnt shat tered the goddess and blew blla of her about the store. Fixtures were smashed. Craven ducked In time and was not hurt. The goddeis, however, was ruined com pletely. Craven said today he thought wooden Indians were best after all. PIEZ RAPS VARDAMAN; DEFENDS HOG ISLAND'?,"5' at ,,,e ph""iii e m u. LUilLllWO IllU lOLtfUW ( Bourse Building. It was ald they had c . r-l e t: ... 1 Senators CIiarEe of I'raud, Called "Most T....., " , 7 " , Ics's Rcplv ! Backs Bowl Admiral Bowies' answer to Senator Vardaman's charge that the construction of Hog Island wni an "Infamous trans-' action." was iniheld this afternoon by Charles Plez, the new director general of tlio Kmrrgency Fleet Corporation. .r t.l..l. cl....... t...rn ..... '.. .!.!.. . .,.., nn,,.,,, ,..,,,.,. .- intnt was inoit Intemperate." Mr. Ver, said. "He has nothing to substantiate any accusation of theft at the shipyard. , It is foolish to assume that any such , criminal ptoceedlngs could be carried on without being discovered long ago." The He direct waB given to Senator T- t-. ... J I 1 T I-.. ..1,A I. v-iua.nuuii ii, ..umiru, UUme. .. .n nun fltntil nmnnirer nf tl,A fleet ' coriwirntion. ' ...v n.....- D. - Admiral Bowles sent this telegram 1o I Senator Fletcher, chairman of the Sen- i atTomml'on Cotnmerce (Ul.., 1.1I .Utll.JUi ..llll.. ,111,1 I ., ...., ... . . . U.,e! ."ou and your committee will appre- steamship lines contemplating onenlng record III the service He was captured I The f"" ' of the cv Into elate that this statement that the con- -,., ,' , ,,,, ....""'"''" ltnl"fc .T.""1 A"?-?.." ....... tl ,.i, I acoulrcd In 1904 bv the v.. tract for the Pnnit rite! Inn of ltnif Is- v .ii nun fiori, aiiuoimceu yeS- tsll l. III miuuvi unci a i'b" . -, , -, , , . t-... ,1 s by, tract ior tne construction oi nog- is .,.,. ,. .. ,-.,. ,,... ,"'. ax,,,irf,,i ,,r nermun nlnnes. Hi own and Bristol Water Coinpai 'l1 TSZ 1 S of Commerce, waVinad known to, e.nglne went bad and ho was forced to P. Qulnn is president of H1CK' all parties to It and therefore purtfeu- I nllhough tho Identity of the' companies u,e,'ce,I,,l ana surrenaer alter nrsi ue- , company ana ii r. urower Is were ,r,' ,, ,i" ,",."' '5 ,,.,,', 'remrtt,. o-... " lumpiinies gtrovin the machine. ' and treasurer. The company ncnaiar nru unai nan ;iau evi'y dpikt-, from Hie Chamber of Commerce lt tunlt:. to know tho truth and he knowslwas learned that the general I m, ,,, that his statement i a dellberatn lie. , ,'., " .. lnp..Bene. manageis At a time when every effort is being ; . T. i"' - "'j """"viw lh n c c uci- ( r nviifi liiflH nnn n nnt a.l i.-l U ililn nnlnr. I -:- - - --; - -"- -: ,,. ; .,..,,, -,;, , ,',,": ,. Hoc island has played Its part in tho ' defeat of our enemy and. If It hnd so happened that the war had been prolong- eu. it wciuiamave constituted one of the ; jiiim-iimi cicineiii'. in u3Bui nig our sue- cesa-" , DOCTORS DISCUSS INFLUENZA tn, . A i , t, ,. I llieorics Advanced - at Public1 lieorics Advanced - at Publ Health Association Meeting rhlraRo. Dec. 12. (By A. P.) The reports or influenza committees to tne .... ...... . ... ... cniet cnspuio uetween health oltlcers from large cities In the larger cities. wii mo u.iier iiitnu. i-ii, j. a, nayne, . ana inose iron, rural naainst tins nort tnat the. ei,i,,fe .. ' r-r.x-r m-. Titn . . --.r.,,n ni or I'minaemnia : winrreri s. nuKji Colonel C. Lincoln Furbugh oil ''d in the spring, would be for around nr . n , ?ii.oon,ooo.oon. W ay to trlinteniala Mr. McAdoo urged tho committee to Colonel c. Lincoln Furbush, a widely approve legislation providing fo- loans known physician of this city, Is one of ""' nea0B 8 declared, to the Allied a commission which left Washington Coiernments from bonds already author last night for New Orlerns on the way lz"n' , He ,ai1111 'J?ere '" n0 ron' fPr to (luatemaia, where a study Is being question nbou,t tho .repayment of the made ot the yellow fever situation. The Allied loans. other member of the commission Is XIr- McAdoo said he, anticipated no Major Ueneral W C. Gorgas. former trouble In floating the next loan. He surgeon general of the army. I said the interest rati -would depend on Colonel Furbush, who Is attached to ( the financial market at the same time the medical corps, only recently re- the loan Is floated. turned to this country from an extended i In dlscussine further loans io '(""I'liii tour of the battlefronts and camps of countries to be used for establishing France. , credits in the Unlted'Stiues for tho pur- I'ntll he entered tho military bervice, chase of supplies. Including food, Mr. Colonel Furbush lived at 1300 Locust McAdoo pointed oul; fhat,,thw price of street. Ills wife is the daughter of Mr. wheat must be maintained by' the llov and Mrs William Burnharn. 4301 Spruce I ernment unless It Is to lose money on Its street. Mrs. Furbush and her daughter guarantee. will make their home with the Burn- Brazil, he told the committee, may hams during Colonel Furbush's trip. want a loan to hulld up commerce with AMERICAN GIRLS PEDDLE Willi Motortrurks Making Rounds of Ruined French Villages All through the war American women haie proved that they could express their sympathy and Identity ot Interest with the Allies In deeds better than In words. Their latest achievement In France Is the revival of the ancient Jn- duBlry ot peddling; according to a re- port sent to the- Department of Labor. Instead of a two-wheeled cart a Ford car makes the rounds and girls have FYanCH thOUehL Of thfl OlU-fashlonPO method of carrying supplies aoout tne . '. . . : .:... J JAIL UNRULY PASSENGER. : ., ;, . . Refused to Pav and Aisailed Amerlra iieiuscu io lay nu viteaucu iinicrira, la Charce .,. Fourtl. aim -Morrta aupe neinen wno.o g ago nag- , n.hous.seventy.twJ years old. 734 K; SliMS 3 1 Wed 50gS. foSn5yMSS1"e tho Inrib lor ordinary truck, the women of the avenue station yesterday. Today he , sun I. O. n. M nnd Chlcopce Council, No. LylUUi UTl II Hi lUTMJ American 'committee for' devaHtateiU .,, fn,,n,i rivnd W 111 urn DrIav. with ill. lx of 1 . Invited to funeral. Mod.. 7:30 ., .'' auackeda" conductor on th. "WnnVyll "0l dUCI?w5 Vi"i?r?ILeft -vanla Itallroad and of making dlsparag. , . . , . . ing reinams auoui yimenca. Morris boarded a train at Iladdon - neiu, "ui nau o "' Jce ra.y. Walter .North, a braketnan, attempted tor several buttons off North's coat iu iiui itiiui , "'"i"riiHcr Patrolman Hose arrested Lechoyvlt on his arrival In- Camden. The. prl. oner, It Is chnrged, voiced hln contempt for the Government and, according to the police, said, "to ' with you, and America, too." Ttecorder Stackhouse sent him to Jail for thirty days. Mm, Davldion Kennedy Diet Mrs. Dlanche Ilurflnr Kennedy, wf of Davidson Kennedy", retired' banker, died today In her home at 2202 Walnut vtreet. air, Kennedy Is a director of the University of Pennsylvania Athletic As sociation and was a member of several ckarnplonefelit cfJW-yHe Is prjal4ntvof 111 U4I1.8 bom ivfm- '' f, LINE TO ADD SHIPS FOR SERVICE HERE " " Independent Concern Plans, to Take Advantage of Port's Opportunities ailli Pier Facilities, Says Com merce Chanihcr Secretary 0ne of the largest independent steam "h'P concerns tn this- country Kurnes. Wlthji & Co. Is planning, to put several nddltlonal vessels tn rervlcc at this port, it has been announced. Although no definite program could " ooiaineu from olllclals of the mm. conferred with member of the nort devlolJ'ng comtnlttee on "then- plans Accowrn . A.. L' Arslstnnt Dlre.ctor of Wharves, nocks nd .,.. "' )..., l!?,T'rm ' the port developmVnTcom-1 ?', f,,: racTprsAof r!,r,,Ma- w'"y & .Co.. . r " UMlney. head of Ihe, "rrn!dnirt,;,op;Teiri uint -art a--. trade at this port. 8 l"e,r the aviation corps, and three other Phlla 'I expect the tnrrf,. v., ill .... ... rielnhln anlHIern. who tinvi been nrlsnners i .1.. -..":.""""" "ma placet ' ."', "1 imure, sain air. Hasskarl tt..' .., .-,.. .. .. ",. ,-, ,, , ' have been released and are now omtheir tn hi. U ,C 1 "' r 'J'tronal ay back to the American lines by way Place jul n,1ulcWyTsa"aUT,,ie,orS'2''1,lin(, Ci-ordlnlc to a. statement - oouldJben:drankd1a?trwo,uRdIfno b' l,'e ,,"""me"t H,,B r thmiuqn,,.. .. n.i.i... .aiieinoon. ....- mm lnc snips' tn a,t,, I,Ia mcntH ,r . w...... ,(1, , uniig thousands of added tonnage to the port ench month, Waiting for J. H. Tait, assistant manager of the laf elDh'?; offlcu of Furncss. Withy & i ."markmg XJMXTZ 'ease of-many ships from Allied govern- ment service. He asserted that Just as soon ns the . . "V steamships vere released the company ...A..i.t . , vl. .uiiiiiij xuuiii uKiii nnpriitniT I neo rnn. Tjitn. rlAt.,,.in .- -,, .. "' don and Lelth. Similar 'E l,n said wore ,-,, ',"'i Xll . '."l. I10 E"ld' IOn- wore niaintained before the war. ine status or negotiations with two . ... ll UJ 111 IIIIHH 1111 ft IIUIICUtlAlllli ivi . mnv nml n 0n,,, '""'"' .. ,", . ... " - ......oc vuncri n ilim to present board of i'nnatieipmas cause beforo llip ! . , . , . .. managers of the companies. lietieral floethals' reply to the In- c'ulrJ' of Congressman Moore relative to the abandoning of Philadelphia as a quartermaster shipping center w"as termed "back-stepping" by Mr. Has"-1 aai i, ' Said Coit Too Hlxli Previously, General Cdethals had told Mayor, Smith the jort was to be dropped beCaUSe Of tile ltlirll Cost Of nhlnnlni. here, Which statement brought a storm of protests from trade bodies ,,h n ' bOOmerf?. 11!.. nnMWet- If. rAno.ACBV-.nn Mnnr. wno ihnf tii. nn. ..-..- i from Oovernment trade bechus'e of the rade becaus'e Of the "falling off In war needs abroad. "ncces-1 eral Goethals made a flat statement! ,lin t.ict 1 .11,.,.. llnn.t tttciie I ,. Ii. f, the United States. Mpeamng of the Russian loans amounting to J187.000, 000, the Secretary said repayment is to be expected whenever a Russian Uov- "mment- Is established. TWO AGED MEN END LIVES One Suicide Inspired by Robbery. I Other's Motive Unknown Two aged' men committed sulfide last night ' orief over the loss of money taken frnm h burenu Is given by the police , aH tne motive' for the suicide of Herman ...V,AM rMAlV.niia finntrlArl haa U a- winmi ujcuiuuiJu .vt .uu utn - rMted. ' . ,,', :?, """'. p d 320 I Summer reet SiMXi reason for his -action. ' Joseph' K Abner, thirty-five years old, .,,!,.,, ,i,u Mm hv ,mu i. n rooming house; at 287 North Twelfth &. WeoSenfr oTiheoteee rrciers uougian iu uugoicv.y . William Dogolevsky. a d?puty con - Btabie In the Thlrtv-nlnth Ward, has! petitioned Common Mess Court No. 4,tot mange his name to William Douglass. that It "may be. In more ..accord with Im.llfian anfr.Mlnrllmril." nnil (ivn Vila children from' the',"rterJBtoii n'pd amuse. ment of other children" at school. Thai petitioner waB Horn in itussin. and 'hai be,eh in thla cqtintry twenty years. He Is a naturalized citizen. J. F. Braun Weds Pianiit . John Fi nraun. .250 I'elham road, Ger mantowp, philanthropist; singer, nrt col-, lector and State director of community elnKlns of the Penhsylvanla Council of National Defense, married Miss lidltli Kvans, a pianist, of New Yorjc, at the, uonsreaaiionai lin,Kon,'a-V Vlr. XI"-. -HXtfA i.roierd at rt.T eioe"ofbiiA!''3' f3ISS5SSSZ2a31JL.l . .'." v: mm tez'rrTaiWi lt. s. a. McDowell Heleatei from a Cerman rion camp, now on his way to France KCLCAMU TftUlU WHIV rtUU T t ' Lt' S. A. McDowell One of Four - or war at Camp Vliltngern, uermany, ' have been released and are now omtheir 'MrUffi released aro John A, White, 3226 Chest nut street: Nelson Slegel, 501 Dudley street, nnd Joseph Bongard, 183 Uay street. Lieutenant McDowell, who Is the son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Stewart II. McDowell, 4C50 Larchwood avenue, Is twenty-three years old. He enlisted April 1, 1917, and served six months on the front. Beforo returning for a furlough last autumn ho loined tlio Lafayette Kscadrllle, and on returning to France was sent to a French training camp. . Hl Lra." He was one ot the twent.v-tive Airier- i -. r . Iln.,. xiit In tia Vvuniill nylng Instructors. He had been In nu- merous air battles and had made a tine . -. -. APMV TAYT PT.AN JTX1V1 I 1AA1 jrJUi.11 117TT T O-TI A Trn trT7TT? vu I .1 , .1 J- n. II l lt.1'1 T-y-v t, nT-irtT rT-n nifmkT FOR SERVICE MEN "" ' Transport Corps Machines Will , ' . rrl C Operated to Larry 1 nose on Active Duty The army taxi system, whereby Gov- "... ":.,''wf, i, ..twavs ,: ",,': ,.' ," "'::''. "' ' nPtlve avanaoie ror military men uii -..- duty, is to be inaugurated here at one- . The taxi system ot operating the machines of the army transport corps was tried out In the District ot Colum- ma. it proven a success, in .wtmua. hi the District alone. 14.8H trips wero made, covering a total al distance of 106,- nines, avery aeimitiiiein uuu c08 mlles- Ever' department and sexv ,cc Included In tne ar Department ; served with him during tils Incumbency as president. The Governor-elect retired as presi dent this month after serving one term. His election as Uovernor made It Im possible for him to serve another term. THE LAST WORD IN MOTOR CONSTRUCTION The Matter Car For immediate delivery. Choice of colors. 1827 CHESTNUT STREET mn.vr VTIIS u m frnm 2.171 Til I In L Soltmn rt'nutpum -" ---.---'.-' -. ----- mats St. Ann's cnurcii. u a. m, int. pri- ' KKNNEUV.-I)ec. 12. niVNOIIE nt'RL- 'iHSST n , ., " . , HKU WANTKD MALS 5 COMPOHITOII wanted a flrst.cU Job com R'vK'.i t;yxts& pout r jif. ci & position for wood inan. An - (in ana re.n !. Cuiiirtfflj f ' KteQV..Mfl. Cllflon llKht. , D1. Co.. PIN getter iinaiei. appiv itunnyme.iie Wor- . .-. -.- -- - i A v n3.,gltfflw HANTJKll mam; KU JIAI.1J '6UNa,MA.M. educated. S3. Ju.t dlschareM I-- frorn'orfictni' tmlnlnir camp dealrr, poa. rton'of rmpon.iDiiiiy.anu tr.u.ti tnteerlty and imsswAr """'. b w.m. AI'AHTMKNTH '1VBJJOOJ1 ,1H. heat, light and runnlns waters otot " " tVeiit l'llllilllfhiiiltt NlC'Iil.V furnlsBeit roomt heat.-jlght nd run Vjin wftler. ijlarlns 184.1." --ii '' ' . DIVIOHiDS ' '' Office of The United ! Improirmtnt Co, N. W. Corner, Uroid and Arch .ireet.. Phllsuelphur December 11, lulS, Th. i;ireir i.v m uajr arrixrta b ......iu HlulriniT nf 5 n paftl .1,1 .. W"hhar them herHB fa L'L'V7I W " llai, 11 IfAlIV.I htlthenil nt I I W A . Vl W nuarterly dividend of 5 per rent ll pm-' . t. .(, - .,Xm5 S It OTY TO ABSORB WATER COMPANY Plans for Acqu.jtiug Holmesburg Service ; f Await Councils PRELUDE TO BIG MOVE Springfield and Other Con cerns Supplying Suburbs May Be Included TJie clly Is planning to absorb the en tire service of the Holmesburg Water Coinpany, which sunplles many sections In the extreme northeast, and serves three county Institutions, , Joseph I. GafTney. chairman of Coun cils' Finance Committee, will Introduce an ordinance Thursday creating a., com? mlttee to devise plans to take over th company's service. This step is regarded as a prelude to the absorbtion also of the Overlrook Water Company and the service, with. In the city limits, given by the Sprln fleld Consolidated Water Company, The latter company furnishes water to. the Oak T-ane section. rnit to Anomalous Hltuntlon The taking over orf the Holmsburir Water Company's service. It Is said, will end an anomalous situation that has ex isted for some years in. the communities) Served by It. The company provides Busl!etD- Starry. Torresdale., Wlsslnomlng. all of the Thirty-fifth Ward and a large portion ot the Forty first Ward. Tills company also supplies the House of Correction, for which service ths ; t-uuiuy pays iduuu annually; me liomp . ... .,... ,,-.. . -. " j for the Indigent, a service costing ii,uuu ana tne county prison, ror wmen J3C0O annually la paid. On some streets tn the sections served by tho Holmesburg Water Company, the company's plpea nnd the city's mains are laid side by side. company was Philadelphia iy. ilurtha this holding i secretary ornces are it 112 North Eroad street. Co.t Ten Per Cent Higher C'ty n'llctalt sv the oiat to consumers In the area covered by the Holmesburg conuiuiij in iiu.m i ijcr cent mgner than the city's prevailing rates. The com- I pnny plant Is on the Pennypack Creels frnni whirl, the water In clrou... . Attention was called to .the Sprlng- i field Consolidated Water Company's ' sejvlce In Oak Lane by a recent ruling: of the Public Service Commission per mitting that concern to charge $335 a. mile, for fire protection and J7 each f6r Are plugs. The company will present a bill to the city for more than J5000 for , nl.n.,rii0n service, lt Is antrf A -oan f $500i000 made t0 t,)e SprIn. 'field Water Company by the United statea H0USlng Corporation after the War Fmance Corporation had ie- xlsei ' the water company's plea for . nnanelal assistance, is under ! . . bv ,he public Buildings and Ground. I Committee of the United States Senate. : ' Elkton Marriage License) Only four seeking mar. re Edward William M. Ostertnff Ar thur S. Tompkins and Elsie M. Webbf"" 5fclS Men's $14.00 Cordovan Shoes A Fair price to the particular man who wants only the best : Genuine wine Qpn- ,dovan, with extfp. 1 Hat last ihat1 looks ff -K . S W11 " " VW man's foot ' . A chfSi fltffrl lfP r C. JlUJlLr lJ IO JI JnflRlieH P73jft$vftv9iBH& tf&3imiaii&SLswfkm mmr m" click" and a value ,1 , ill t TtQ.T UOU COn L DeQT. - Jsl t.Vtft f. IClttt . Qome for uoursto- "day. -' : i v 919921 Markets. 5604-06 Gcrmantown Ave, 274G-48 Germantown Are. 4028-30 Lancaster Ave. 60(h and Chestnut Strceti?, 4 ! ". " vX ' W rtf'i . v i . i . t tit . 1.1 ",-; 4 '" j? . . - St tu v . ' r - ' ii. ' ' 1K..T?.. &,. V." . i,,-'e fc .-, r;- iv ..:' 1,1 M