VnSwttJW.'jTOilWlWP I ' n EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEKPHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1918 19 ,V, If. ' -- WnrfrreT&WS ii I ft I ? H II .- t! .a JGOSSIP OF THE STREET 1 BROKERS ADVISE . "LONG" SELLING & Warn Clients Present Rail) May & Be Due to 'Technical Con- litiolis Some brpiMp say the rally In .locks. , tfhlch lias been In progress since No- ' ...,,. or , i,i ,., ii,n mi ,"""' u'nfr'i are nnonvinoui mull be fenoiert. .ember 25, la nothing: more than an , A.r, t0 trc,,nlc, of,lon will be "' advance baaed on technical conditions, i w mdu, orier ouesfioiu toll! lo niiiuemi" They warn their clients that It Is not , in. f M coliium. TM most Internum prob to be mistaken for a new upward move-' '" 2 i"?"'r?ii J""1 b 0l'"' ,," "" merttment and should be followed only "uru " p"fr '' "'. to the extent of utlllilne It for the sell- ' crl xvitl Inr of lonB"' holdings In the belief that i .' , . fM ,,. It will last throughout the months with 1 T u- " people .coming to tlearvale .ptrlofllcal recessions, and that prssent ' A on Sunday. The first three prospects bt evfcn higher prices can be obtllned for my own buslncps. any time between now and Christmas. SIrs Semper gave me the lead. It . .. """ .... ,i, seems a friend or hers who Ues In the During a discussion .Teste-fila". In me nronx is Interested In buying some lnnd financial district oxer the controversy ,vi,ere Jler i,ugbnmI oall build a lt of a rolng on between General Cloethals and cottago and keep ch'cltens. She told her the representatives for the port of I'lilla- about me and mv land, and this friend delphla, a banker remarked that thele a jrr,. ohren -said I'd better pee her was something seriously SvroiiR with husband. either the manner of going about the , . i,nii, nnd .xten.lon and employment of our port Jf? $. XX ?K facilities or with the men whose bus!- . . ,. ..,, inrt ,11 ness it Is to look after such matters. '"Here." he he had clipped Is an accoun 1 polntWKtoaparBrnp ncd Rufr 0rnslollIlf wh,le Wyan. from a New . ork paper, i d .. suchlike w,.lr,l .inn.on. t of the lepresentativcs or , T ,-,, , ...,, ,,.. ,,.. r-i..- ine America- Exporter ana '-pom- vale station ngont had a lot of chickens. Association, the New loik t lmmber of , Rllt, he got 1(a exoltMli A jrIeIld oC 'Commerce nnd other chic and com-lMr oiiren's came In while I wat talk merclal organ -satlonH In New "-or t ,)nc and l( t ,,,, ll9 wellt and s going to Washington to confer with cotnne wltn U9 on Sumiay. Hovernrnnt representatUes on the ques- ne.8 n,loth(r 1)Cn imt nnd i,ei,3 tlon of a steady supply of ocean tonnage naln-H Mti,yami ohren started talk to take away from the port of New n(, iienl(. tork the freight which Is piling up In jlrs ohren raid It was no use me warehouses from day to day. " 'talking, for once they Hart riding their "These men," lie continued, "aie going hobby they forget everyth'ng els. to petition the Government to provide "What do you think these two men do hips at regular intervals, In which on u Sunday morning?" she asked, freight may be removed from ware-1 laughing. houses In New York and vicinity. "I give It up, Jlrs. Ohren; tell me." . tt Is said that more than 100.000 tons "Well, nfter breakfast Hiev eet Into of east coast South American export, freight is waiting for shipment Critic! When Taft's frubllo flress on Bankers the prlncip lng housi financing the War a mistake r-oilllion oi i.s-jeiiiiKi nmumrai ,e. W.r rtnance- Corporation "Tho henhouse is only about iBht I Lv "if irSlVelV tnT'api ltkV se.ter.lT N'o hutK. S. f. : -Ml- ll. I.t M-uey. " as ; o,,,va M, SUo Mavvau ,. , K .l.a. .;f . " -.. r ni-i . .. v , ,,.. :-of ,;-,,, .,.,, ,.,, , commenting on ex-President f-J four feet ai.a about four feet ..he .line or dl-fne; -J-.-jlve. ll.. a'.eamer I, ug n . nn.i aus. a...iB..,.-, ...; '"j-, . - , -; , -- ,;;, ,, - rl-n -. l..rlrK M' Ye' ui'. '",T7n.X. "uih .1" In.; criticism of the securities or " "IB". J ," -' " ; -'ty i.TaSd .e,,nrts that the HrltlaH ' ,..,',, ,'n-c ,, ....,. Kit l'l' -I la 1. Ju IS" IILVKY Inn Nriho..d ;ni Remains niav uov.evv-0 Utility Corpoiatlons In his ail- crow. led they are. There they elt smol.- st.ain-r ljd of i!..aa paa.-a aouil. rouio i aniii la.iiilit , :w iiaat., .. ami im.-, llHm0, U,J A. Uraft j.t n Raia "inLit -l-" in maiiv l ziholkr .vionony mm w uic .vlnB' never n u-nnl till r lei'- tr.v 'rr" "teamer lape laiokout. from . ernuti "- n- n iinna v. irvlnu, .veivatk. N J and ICiihp i-mr. ti l.eliish Lodge, No ..'.. Shepherd, of J",' '," .;,,.". V-iT r-eVmniitovv n ava ' Association at Atlantic City, I ' J",",.1V1 " I,. - ..n ..' . "Z " Hajtlniora. na-aed In .'ape llenrv .mils i.lo,ltanant UeoiRe llarol.l tighter. I Is i.b, ji.. W, w ..-rei,,i a. I i!c"ldah-,n all other ,irB..nla.-.,ns of whl, h U"'T, tE,T, ' r,i r. m ni rhl.: i-r - .i i. t. ... in, ill ci i u uc. nuiui iiii. i lie iniri nnu t tun ni. i - n - -..- ui . ...... i ibiii i.nnrnn 11. iiMTiiirr .. . . -.......... .... iis-.u huh iri'Tiun. inf i iit-i- -ntti r n-niunr.i , -4 r.i.n.-.. ... r.i...,i. ii.titmi tn nl of an old-estaul shed hank- ". t,' "" " . ...-" ,v '" '"' eipecieu ai i.ia pun - -- rnitcil Slates S glial I'orps. tlleil in me ""''," .vmreint. Atlantic iiiv j . i, a member Invited lo runeral. -at. , ii oi m. oiu i. rami f -n(,njin- inomlnir !" ..'?..'. .-...'. ...' n-. .. is.,.. and Xlvrt a I'raaar 14ln Mi em.n. . ... .. . ...... r...l.lei,. a in ll.nrv .1 rr -"-": ' 'rral -ffiVnSrs.a: ; -"--"- - vzl - 5 i;&r, : S:Wv "; - . -w r--f, -om . I'lnance, Corporation had made ,f ,... ,,uv ,,.. lot. eh ,. ,.., ...,. New Voric llrlatol DeoU ,.,, ' ,,,. 'w,, tiemae Miller i, ,, ,'.,., " ,. .". S" "'.' "na " i.Vvv -v., . iv.n of Who Htraved from i'.4th and .M.dia nt . an '".bl!"K.ln,? "'J !,? r . least $400 profit to me when the "' ; ; ; ?; ftjjj m'u '!Jf . , Lleutenaiit, who was, - .MA1U.L-. ..i k ,oo of Ne,,ia , KS;;."" ! lng Corporation, which was formed to co-operato with the War Finance for- porntlon In assisting utility and kindred corporations to fihance their npeds till 'after the war. He said the conditions which called the Ksscntlal Flnnnce Cor- poratlon still exist and tho signing oi tho armistice had not the least effect r on them. The War Finance Corporation 'held, he temaiked, that such a go - between company was no longer needed, "and refused to discount their notes, as 'a- matter of fact, he said, the public 'Utilities concerns are finding great dlftl- ;Iculty in securing necessary finances .through regular banklns channels. y Studebaker Note Fall to TJnthute There w'as some talk about Uhe plan (to Issue $15,000,000 Studebaker 7 per '.cent serial notes In the Street and In broktra.' offices yesterday, but there was 'Uttle.or no enthusiasm over the subject. Humor had It that the corporation was experiencing difficulty In securing a sjn I, Mlcate to underwrite the issue, and that Mhls 'wftB the reason for delay, but, on the other hand, It Is said on good au thority that consent has not yet been ob. Stained from the capital Issues cotnmlt nee. Of opinions voiced as to the effect Jot tnts issue on 'the corporation- stock, a 'majority foresaw an adverse effect, but 'thosf. more conservative say a good deal make 100 per cent profit. Ofttclallv repovtej mlsslne in action A-llf depend on tho conditions and terms I Then nnothcr horrible fact hit me. If since September 28 by the War Depari of the notes, and prefer to wait for , i get salesmen, I'll liavo to Rive them ment. Private William J. Lawler. Iiead- b.fnrA pnmniitllnfr themapllpB ,i.. ..n..i m nH ........ e nll ..n. .....,.. m ' nnarl.ra rnmnnm'. Illfitll InfUlltr.V. is ap- b.,bHv .w.- -- .....a ... . - ' I A well-known broker remarked yes- terday that nomethln-r svould ceitainly, ....m inn I.. ..nnnaitlnn n.lll. TiifA-.. - ainm Dww.i in'i. .... ........- itlonal Mercantile Marine. "I formed this iconciusion, lie remaruea, Decause au- 'solutely nothltttr was reported In con- fiefcllon with the negotiations yesterday, apa i certainly looits to me mat anairs have got beyond the Jokln-t stage. Xovv that, the United States, instead of the .British are to do me possioie purcnuscrs, I expect Bometning tangible to result from future conferences on the sub ject." United Stales Government Liberty '.Loan 4U per cent bonds were not ma 'terlatly changed In yesterdays session, still holdlnff below 96, or at a highly attractive Income-return basis. There was a large turnover in the Issue, as well as In other of the. Gov. enirnjints, the ?,'in sclllnc below 98, although only a .moderate amount changed hands. I -....-. M.i AAnAPa,i t.. i,r. otvot-.. i. of the local traction group of -securities, L Xthe.lntcrborough-Metropolltan 4H Bell- inA.Vinp RflrinrtihA intrboraueh TinnM Jllli UCIV-r- MV fc-D iti.ti WW. wuSn j,uuim Transit Bu below 80. New Yoik Hall- t vpay's'adJuBtment Income 5s touched the lowest quotations yet recorded for the JlMue, when five bonds were sold at 14. I The New York Rallway'n refunding 4s broke 46. Third Avenue adjustment Cs were around 33 and Brooklyn liapid Transit Ts of 1.021 changed hands nt 95. j All Of the-e quotations icpresentcd ps rVeobSg aass,rtpr0: The causa of these declines was fears on the part 6f holders that the New I Tork traction companies will be throvvn 'm ine nanua ui i-niii uJ""n -'- Public Service Commission' and the city authorities soon come to the rescue of 'the various companies and permit a much-needed fare Increase. Officials of jlio Interborough, as well as the Brook lyn Ilapld Transit, polht that the sltua 'tlon Is serious and are apprehensive over the outlook. i Ical bond and Investment houses report greater activity in short-term notes. Virtually all the recent short- )erm Issues are selling toqay at u pre- $ mium, and fractional advances develop almost dally in many issues. i The'prlncipal partner of a large local .banking concern says that Investors are turning toward the long-term Issues, artd he -expects Increased demands and nigbfCC pricca uuuicumiciji tuc- liio ursc frtetUi-y-ar. rl ' s PIIOTOPLVVS -j. T . H E A T , R E S ,- 0ANED AND MANAGED BY JirAinEnS OP jrHE.U,'NITEP EXHIBITORS' ASSOCIATION DPI lJtrYM"P "-D ABOVU MAnKET ' On.l-.lVlVJfN 1 BESSIE! BAnniSCAI.B In "4IKAUT KJV liAV;llAiiiU, ' 'CEDAR oom-L CEDAn AVENUE t. l-l--"- . UAROARET CI.ARK In ,;wiU4r'-vvvniv ;rCOLISEUM"MvMt-Bt-09th 00th MAROARET FISHER In "llXmXB -OI" CHARITY" t Colonial swtsspg: CORINNH ORIPPITII In "Alldp AlllUllUIs'' bllDClT.A 40TII ft MARtfET 8T8. im 0-eADYB nnOCKWBIA I'lJ " r m. , " ' li'iFRANKFORD - "-""J0 v- 11 ' I . a s. a triiinltr VAtfVtn 1.. CT.AHA KIHinAI.I. YOUNO In .' VBQAU THBOCqil THB I1AHK' Mt.TH,ANn PAITPHrN BUSINESS CAREER OF PETER FLINT A Story of Salesmanship by Harold Whitehead (Copyright) -Ur. Whitehead tclll niisioer (our Iiinliie's aue-Hoiis oh buultia. lellno. ndi rrfllita and 'n .rKHri'J?!?!'!."? SSd full addrrii must 6c oltrii fo nil (itqiilrloi. . ,,,,. ... " ' . '"- "","', ,.,..., the henhouse with two little stools ui.d nit there among the eight hens and the inmr all nnlil for. The nmt iiftv wm ,e $100, of which $60 goes to Lucas Kellett toward the cost of the land and (no 0uier fifty comes to me. I guess ni make out bomehow; I don't want so ' manv prospects of m own to' make out all right. That's the way I flgmed It but I woke up with a hlg bump when I got to the office and read a letter which Kellett 'sent me: air. l'eter Flint me sixty cents. Since lots you sell for J300 cost you ?.t.B on every ji col lected j 011 pay me fifty-nine tents1. Since lots you sell for $.150 cost you $U00 on every Jl collected you pay ino flftv-ejght cents. That means that from the first pay ment of 1h made to ou you pay Ine Jin, $14. 7G or $14. CO. depending on what priced lot you sell. Truly. I.Ur-AS KKLLl-TT. I dropped limp Into my Uood heavens, here, before I get started I get a Knockout blow. Id teckoncd on get tine half of al. collections for myself, How I was so stupid I don't know, for, of couise. I couldn't get that, as I don t iija iimiiil uv uci iciu ui 1111 iu)iiicuin nil their commission is paid, and to do that I'll hae to find some money of my own. n would he tinee months before f ....l.i ......11.1.. n. n hmh.... a .. .......II euu.u bi-i ii. iioiiu iu. ii.ccil except on lots 1 personally sold, and my monoy will only Inst out uuout a month ! An old Jlnsjlo that dad used to say' keut Bolns through and throueh my my i mind. It was uometninfr about "ir I I must so roon be done, 'lis pity that I Wrs begun What n fool I am not to think of these things before. All my life I've suffered because I bo off at half-cock. Out 'of the tumult of thought one thing became clear. Unless Lucas could help me out of the first three months ot each contract, I tould not possibly go on "If I must po soon be done, 'tis pity that I was begun " That mis erable jingle kept Jigging in my mind. Miss Sloan was reading a novel, "Lucy's Lovers" it was called, and chew ing gum In n lazy, cowlike way. It so exaauerateu nie iimi i nua -i uuv i Jo jestraln mjself from natchlns tho book from her and houtln 'r).01nt,t bo placid when Im almost ruined If ... . nt- -.1.. -- r must so noon do uone, - jm, i won begun That stupid thing wai still repeating Itself mleernbly. In desperation I clap- ped on mv hat and ran positively ran out of the building, round the corner to the Ben-lc Building and into Lucas Kellett's office. -. w. w. blamed for strike Improvement Reported iu Cuban Goncral Suspension .,,(, Dcc. i.(By A. P.) Information reaching the Stnte nepan ment today indicated that tho general strike called in Cuba Is n result of I, "IV. "V, and enemy propaganda. The ii'port said order was being maintained In af fected districts. According to this report, the strike call for railroad and electric company employes and harbor men still is In ef fect. i llaiana, Bee. It. (By A. I'.) There was some Improvement today In the situation hero due to the country-wide runnrnl svmnathetlc strike. Commercial establishments opened today, after Piesl dent Menocal has Issued a proclamation declaring that their licenses would be revoked if they remained closed. Home street cars were running, with soldiers or policemen acting as motor men. Convicts are being used to relieve the congestion on tho wharves. The membertt of the various unions, however, displayed no Intention of returning to work. 1'IIOTOPt.AVS I Tl IMRfV mo.NT ST. & OIRAHD AV15. JU1VIDU JumbnJunctlononFranUfora'X" JOIIrf .HAKRYMORn In U TKIS VJUIKT" ' LOCUST MKS.. , "llt.T.I. TlltnUTi in nil.l.lf HUftKD In "TUB MAKI UELIKVE W1PB" NIXON "D-fND MAnI2fT0:sTTS.-niI 8, (PRAUDMAND FRENZIES" PARIvf JURtHI AVE. ft DAUPHIN ST. I "- St. Sllli. Eva. OilStoll 1 ''RlDBRa Olj THB PURPLE SAQB" DIlAI I CHD AND SANROur nrm Avl V syi-l a &ffllln iv.ltw ..?.AfA It-MAMS In 'UARMB! QV THE KLONDIKI3" CTD A Ml OERMANTOWN AVE. umvii- AT vena vnn IIAIIL.KI4 IVA.T in "ijyiwvunisAj-'' . fcii-c ininn ui in i uifiti'iis ' i l iiiiiiw iniunu one loOSter. I Tlia rlwaiiali steamer mocKnoini i 11 1 ,Irick nlirl .101111 II. Iljunok, OI viriumr-, li-nlaiuln V M-lile,. i-iiliT f! nut), .1 and tei of in.' Daniel and .Maiv Katln. tma ''- iV'Vlie, jii. f.landi lllhlVriia. Vii ..ii- as-- r irrti . ;.. VftPk Jiivprunui In sellliiK Clearvale lots. If I can help rctlc .-sew ion i.iv.rp hIiiiUb of paralysis. , , , i, '' ,",", "i'rl acrvl. as Sat , '.' 111 p m 011 In any way please ndvlse me. I iioren Kotienlom Sandv Il.u.K . D-c 1'. Ml. seirrldge hail been ennnected win t'yi. iv,,,,,, .. ... ...,,,. ,,,,.. My bookkeeper has figured out how Consul Olsaon n ,i,etl ,,,nnys nenrly all his life. '''Manijbii (n, revvi.i vli,i,vl' r i,n, '" mucfl of each payment made to you is n. tler.... SamU- ook a, ;H-lsUlUM,uf,r , the othr ' Vasamla, "TlalteV'an'd1' ' an, a i" Sr'l'laV due to me. Ilu tela me that my part " ,'??!"? S?i,i.. linniJ Dee n . o 1I10 .unso iluitou, and i'ouin.11. v.. " 11 f a ii. i..,ii..' .v ,.. nn ! sii 1 1 i . I. iiitr inn ll ll nuirrn - . - . . . t . . I ti,.n ii I iui 'l I ini iififiii .11 nrui nin' .-i....... ,, , iuia- iia.iius hi 1 1.111 it. iiin ihlivii of each pajmont Is as follbws. i,.',' ,.0,t ,,,. Vnx Phllidelph a . . Da, , ,, ,, r j, dPllUl ali. held that ''" the I ppep Dail riia (o , invited .Since lots you hell for $250 cost soli siatapan .. Haulllao Philadelphia. Dec . ,,H; ,,, ii, -otno of the uiiil.-ilMnis com- ? "1ntVriI?l!.""v1'''t ,- ''., '" ,"'"11mo B0. on every Jl collected you pay to ivitic... . Liverpool New 'oik Dec S ,OH'"i' "Vslnf, "y.."'.,,,.,. coinnatu. 1 '."."' ,u.a'.l."r V. Al.naiider. :w sdi.iol ava , $&MLty&BLkHEtW1m& tovDER -lteVftS5Sx . v.'.wftiisiiais-.i''., m i " . ?fflMM t ' " . ::m-js . NEWS OF THE PORT SL'N .M TIIIKS Sun rltea . 7 1.1 a mtSun nets i ,H p m Ptttt.ArjUI.rillA 1Itu nlr R.34 n mlltlah wotor R r.n t in ..v., iinir. iiuuanri.ow water, u'lipm ItKEDY ISLAND lllh water S.OD a tnilliih waltr f.34 d tn I Low naiir, a m'Low water la ill p in lmKAKWATKrt llluli niter 2:!lt i mlltlih wnter 3 17 pm 1jw water ii.ui a inll.otv water, u '.Ml ii in AltlllVKD Sir KainnurniKa (llr). Aforgan. Olbraltar. -.,- '"- i-ih lini j-iuiacii. uiviaiiai, uallist. Atlantic Trana Co. Htr Manrheiter .Merrhant (Mr). .J!urae ' With ,"'"oVI" !'1 Jol,n- X " "' ' '''Urn,;""' Ktr Lieutenant de Mlnleiis' (rr.) fullhi. t'laimont. llel. hnllur Kitm Line S S i'q Mr IVMlan. Iiatrh. Haannh. iu ami nidie. .MrrUianta i Miners' Trana .'o Sir Anthonv (lroen Jr. Ilrlatow, Haiti more, paaa and indae. Krlcaoti Line. CI.HMIKI) Htr tlraeian I'auo, Iloaloti. paaa and mdae. Merihanta A. .Mlnara' Trana fo. rUr Anthong !roe Jr. Ilrlatow. Haiti, more, pasa ami mde. KrICaaou Line IITIIKH AKRIVAI Hlr 1'roni lleporleil at llarendrerlit SI Michaels N'tw TorK lU'.e l)eo Vi .lice rj lien IS ll 1'J Vf 1'.' Ill I 1-' fcl.aKe Calioon Queheo New York . Haronme .. .iv "ra IlrunswIJI: Itotterjain Now York Marina Udarn Ullnalafir N'ew ork Itraroi . Son Juan New York . J M Danzluer . , Talnplrri N'ew ork flold SI ell . . , Urcst N'cw TorU . . Uo'pital Ship Mercy Trance New York . Mauretalila New York Liverpool Westlako PhlladelphU St. Nazalrp Turrler Port Aithur lioaton .. . Sacamore .St John lloalon . Nantucket Philadelphia lloilon . A C'anfleld Tatnplro mitlmoro . Alacdata (llbralatar 'la tlmore llowald Philadelphia. Juckionlll Hler Oronte fordirt Portland flitted Ptalea N'cw Ynik openhaiieu OotliSc Prima Philadelphia l'almouth . . Anselo Tost) Philadelphia (lenoa . l'luerdelya Philadelphia Havre Tin I 'J Upo II llec II llel 11 l'ec 7 ec u liec II Dec 1 1 Dec 1 1 Dec 11 I in. 11 Dei U . Dec T .Deo Ii . '"" ' Dec 4 MIII-l-IMi NOTKS Annatta ..'. New York Klnmlun . Ueo 1 1 Handrlk New-York New Oilaana. Dec II lr.ip..r S'nii- Vnik -Til ckftOIIV ilia D.o 11 Dec 11 lla.ald . .New YorK Perth Anilm I 1). S Adolpli New Tork M Johns Motorshlp Peru Vavv York. Callao . hhlp Terpli.hura ' v.... V...1. VV'&.Hniitiin Den II Deo 11 Dec It ,. i .Mlnnek.hd ilit.ralinr Vnltail Htataa Dec r. Knln Thuhan (llbralll.r I'llllliiieipiiiu. . .;. -j Hrest I'lilladelphU. . pec . Hor.leauv: l'nlleil Statea llac i'lanpoo. . iiuniMiii i,"" -: ;, , i..z a Amnhlon Hn-deau- Jlainntou 11. - Die R lulha. . St Nanalre Hampton Rda !) 11 l'afarar (Ulveston Liverpool . Dei. 1 1 Ulouee"xerwport News Philadelphia De. tl uuu.iream n Arthur ,,,,,, .Iec M HEAR FROM 'TBISSING" MAN j Incorrect Report From Washing- . rT . p ton 111 L,awicr VjUSC . .nv.n v-.... -.,. , .1.....1 parently very much alive and .unharmed. i MJ'-'fJL,!, j ?"8'0fi ".treet tlm he 1" had emerged I l.lftC.Bllll n. V. . .. ..... ... ... i rom titree montlis active seivice ai i.ia i riose ot the svnr without Injury of any kind. it came like a mesBage noni tne Krase to the worrieu lainiiy, mo nan uu..u riven ui hoiie-whtn the letter al rived. Lawier is -ery proud of the fact that he was "In nt the death" on the mo mentous November 11, when, as he ex- I ,, u le "had the pleasure, of dodc ns the last shot fired by the Hermans ' PARCEL POST PAWNSHOP AT 904 VINE Loans -1000 for S10 Drlne -four diamond!, watches and Jewelry to the largest pnvvnahop in the world. Walter's Pawnshop, 904 Vine IIOXIIEII TO TIIK CITY ' -- kdx;c:atioxai. Roth HexfH , " aimRTIIANri ANII llllllKKI"Kt'INO Our Kraduatei ire In conttint Himinil. Ooo4 n.vine noBlMom vou. Qriitf short. kind, the my, ipcedy lyitem. Comvliti tiliht ctiiae. Intensive trilnlnr. ". Unroll any time. Call or wrtli lor run piruiMiinn ona crihioi. rnn. colleob nil Collece nf Comraerci. 1017 rhratnnt Rt.. t'hllad.lDhll STRAVFR'" The nt Buitnm SohoiL O 1 W X CJV i3 Rn7 CHEjTNux ST. 1'IIOTOI'rJIYFl I . . ... ... i r .. .. - - .. rf". .. n . . ..uv. i. IM.III ' -- . . ............. ..-.. .,-... , II ilanial n liliiip nf VV lllnn -J lAiruli monta if...i-... V..- " I.VaIiii(iI . . . rfl 1 tit. tin nnri fill. WHS IL KI HUlltl If ' "'" '' ' .'- -"" I - - - Niw YorU Iiomloti Itutniln Head . pilH.ea hi inn n...ii - - , irr. ui ij, iieiavvara I ountv and The followintr theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Booking Corpora tion, which is a gunrantcu of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtain ing pictures through the Stanley Booking Corporation. B tt OITA1NED 1 I mm AlUU- 12"'. Morrii i l'assyunk Ao. nuiauiuio Mat. Dallyati. Evi vga.UiiS&U. MAE MARSH In "ilOJiliY JlUl' A OrJ I r B"D AND THOMPSON ST3. ArULLU MATINEK DAILY rv w nmiei.-'ITll'S 'THE QHEAT IjOVI" AD-AniA CHESTNUT Melo-rltvTH AKCAU1A 10 A. SI. to 11:15 P.M. ELS 11 TKnOUSON In , 'UNDER THB QHEENWOOD THEE" ni 1 irDIDn BROAD 8TIEET and BLULBIKU HtlHQUEHANNA AVE. WII.Ij ROtlERS in 'IIAUOIUNO HIM. HYDE" r-.r- A rtr A V Broad tSnsder Avi, niJrLJ w r-t. j. a:4D & u '. ai. PRIVATE 1'KAT III "I'RIVATK 1-liAi CHESTNUT HILL 3ZZZZ; BUSHMAN-BAYNE In. "A fAlit ur turiua r-TiIDDCCC MAIN ST.. MANAYUNK EMrKn-33 matineh daili AUCtl DRADY in "THE DEATH DANCE" i FA1RMOUNT -WnWay rwvsAr in I 1- Aflll V TJIEATREt-1311 Matklt Bt. FAMlLi I 0 A. M. to Mldnlihu ENID HENNETT l.l "WHEN DO WE EAT?" c T-IJ fiT THEATRE Below Spruci 561 H 3 1 MATINEE DAILY vrinOI.D LOCKWOOD In "PAIja "mBT" HARO ALICB HOWELL'tf CoAedV .' nnrAT MHOTUPRM Broad Erli vlRtttl I1UIijii.ii -J. TP. M, HAROLD IiOCKWOOD. in PAI.S FIRST" IMPERIAL wSS.StlVS,?fo .ffifes Schwab tn Clear Flccl Detk Chnrlcs Jt Schwab, retired director general of tho Kmergencv Fleet Cor poration, will be In Philadelphia to morrow to wind up hl affairs at the headquarters of tho corporation. Mr. Schwab will later go to New York to ri HUlue active charge of his Interests In tho Bethlehem Steel Corporation Deaths of a Day I CommaiHlfr J. I HjdrJrk, U. S. N. I rnmtvtnnrlni iK T.,. ti,.,1pi, , ! - " V, . -N.. Wlin clip (I mi Tuaclav in tho I . Xaval Hospital In this city nfter a briof ' -- ....j... ...-. -- .. -.,, . 2 ." ...... Illness of lineumonln I'nntrnpted whllt. ''Khteeii yettis, (,2.03 4 : nlneleen ears, ln""s D1 pneumomn. lOniracien wniif414l4 twenty veais 3i f,41 anil be- a,lP",ll,"f ,l10 fu,lf,'n' ot brother-ln-, ,. thlrlv-two" .mil tl.l.H-lx ., Iiiclu. law. Coiimiander (1. L. ( askey, 111 Waoh- slve C0.12C. lilgfon, on N"n ember 30, will be burli-d ,1 i 1 tills afternoon. Interment will ho at Arlington Ceinotny At tho time of his death, C'omtnande. H.drlcl. was head of the listeners and hjdrophoiio nchool at N'ew London. " "K nt "' houth 'Jhlm -i-igluh sltect. font., formed fnr i,tHl.tlon of naval 1 loVpi," No" V aVvaiin. h.-'o.TSf nltlcerH In the dlcoerv of snbniailni" thn utller' lend an iippeui l"-ued bj the SclentlstM from nil out the country con- Ited Cross In behalf of l-'iemh war tilbuled their talents to malting this oiphaim The men suhHcilbed Bnn fiamii f-rhool a ailccean There were perfected '"' 'he supiiurt ot nil orphan tor the lltat delce for equipping destt overs and .Sear ... other vedaeU ho that the could detect ' ,hp nwl Is . eanne Kiicouiiiagp Her I'.boatR nt n cll-atiiTwn tin to twenv-ftxe ,il,ni1 """' LU'ed llghtitig tor 1 ranee. n,'l 1 Ulstiime up to tweuj i"c.l(, ,,,. 1110tiiel. ,)PIS,ed when n sin II "' , stru. K tlicir Imnip Other kioiiiih of .lUKt befoie the nmilatlie. was signed , Amerlcnim nlso me ndontlne fieni'li war the N'ny Department had planned to ' send overscan n licet of twenty-seen I destroyers under command of Com mander Hydrlek. Ho had received many commendations for his hervlccs and the acconipllshinentR of the school, which was the only ono of Its Kind in tnc country. Commander Hydrlek while on duty on the Hanc-nck at League Island lled with his wife nnd ihild, who nirilve lilm, at 133 Weil Hnrttet stieet. (Icrmnntnwn Mrs. Hydrlek befoie nor marriage in l'.US waa .Miss .lOMPIlltlK j.eiiJMUB. daughter of u noled nutslv comiioeer of Chlcnco I "" 'taarnH. 3JJ roiilut at '"." ihlaikr 1'iuililoik. V S. A 4S'll Lanrailar At the Naval Academy, nu account nvetnie and Dale M. I'attei.nn. ;,iSS of his genial dl-posltlon. he was nick-, ave in-mod "Happv" Ilvdrhk. which fctuck r.uliert i '. r.udd S.I.IS V l'in H and kills to him throughout his career He vvasj H. ir.js at. n. fine speaker and was nunc in inc . I....... , l.... 111 unci ll Inp iiiueiiy Limn luiiii'inniin ... ew. i litutneis ami sisters nre in ''-. of ,j'0 uali,',or High anil took n ccmlu i he was In thn .'licniUiil hushies Hubert H. i-flfriil-e ll.a.uii II SlelfrlillfC. SPC1 etui V-i tell"- Uier nf the' Philadelphia llaplrt Tialisit (ompanj. ille.l last iiIrIii In the Hnhne - inunn Hospital. -While, sltlluB In Ills of- lice, at IClKhtli and .Waiipliln -tt; In lla llv t.rt al r. 0 :i 6 Hazel avenue. UK'-OUT'' ATi.AXTij' t'iry V. .1. H 0LMHURST HOTEL Pennsylvania Ave., cloaa to Beach and! 3tul Pier, cmtral location. aliys open. I CapseitrSOO. Hv-eryappointmentcondu I clvi to comfort ard ricriauon. apaciais Wlntirterms Bklt. Albert" llairnalll i7 . . Kv av nr lien Liev to iL 1 Westminster UhaTruJiaV-. 112 BOup wkly.: 2.r,n up. lailv. Chaa Uuhra, .' HflTPI RlTsrORFF Kentucky Av. near nUICU BUOtuutli llaacl. Alvvaja open, ThoroUKtily haatad Uklt A I; Marlon. t r- Lj JiATCKiYOOn. N. J. LAUREL-IN-THE-PINES LAKEWOOD, N. J. open for the Fall, Winter and Spring Seasons VKANK P. -tilt TIC. MOtt. im (11,11 POINT COtirORT. VA. Kind out diflertni In farea to the, far South lesorlB arm um i-oini i-omrorl OLD POINT COMFORT, VA, or llool.let and Information at Cnnk'n f Broad. Rajmond t Whltconib. 1005 Chest " nut, 'Ask Mr Koster," in Acker'a 12th and Chentnut. Amerliaii Kxpresa Co., 1127 Cheatnut Ht AUOUSTAiOA. Hotel Bon Air AUGUSTA, GA. Oppna December ISth A convenlrnt and de llshtfut placi to apend vour holldas. Good drlvlnr and motoring, xcoll.nt aaddli bonea, coif count's and all outdoor aporta. Addresi C. G. TRUSSELL, Mgr. PIIOTOI'IVH "I I IDETDTV UHOAD 4 OOI.L'MillA AV. i I-.lDn.rV 1 I MATINEK DAILY NORMA TAIiMAOOn In ' ili;it U.NIA' WAY" 333 MARKET S iff-V.lf WILLIAM I'AHNUM In "THE RAINUOW TRAIL" MODEL "5 B,?u?i-- ST', -ch'-tra. llx-''-''l-i Continuous 1 to 11. OEORQU WALSH in "ON THE .H'VP" OVERBROOK MD S;B nV.X HKACH'R "LAUUHINU L'ILL HYDE" PAI ATP i:u MARKET STREET r4"-Li-VVn. 10 A. M. to 11:10 p si CLARA WILLIAMS In "THE ONB WOMAN" PRINCESS .VMOTiSJ-Jr-ff IIARRAUA CAHTLKTON In "JUST SYLVIA" REGENT "AnKf?Ftfrli ENID RKNNETT In TUBS AND FEATHERS" Dl AI TC GERMAN-TOWN AVE. tlAl-. lJ AT TULPEHOCKEN LI LA LED In "SUCH A LITTLE PIRATE" ST. DI IIIV MARKET ST. 11ELOW TTH KUDI 10 A. M. tu llilB i.. jj I1ESSIK LOVE In -' ' "DAWN OV UNDERSTANDINO" CAHV 1211 MARKET STREET OAVVJ I 8 A. M. TO MIDNICJHT IVWtfl KTYIVH In LKWIH BTONE 111 "MAN OF BRONZE" STANLEY KSKWWu. ! HE'Lyca in i 'VICTORIA "ffiT t'$$u . ., ....V" . -r,. . Xlls-ir- -. iiiiiiii-ci nu d i Snlmmlnit Pool. (loir. JWV) , seafoodCulaine, Kvorv 1 Luroneali Hath and X 'treatment, w rite S O I1KO. r.AIIAMN.Mcr. 1XX7 ' 1'firlraaa Mnnrna. Vn. liVnjf . H nFnWoUTrsWf r oitainip 1 1 203,715 MEN READY FOR ARMY Waa ll.l T. . 1 . "1 I i ouiic null .uiii)er III IIUSS When Armistice Wns Signed PeniiBvlvaiili lmd "01 7ir. CIiibi 1 meiJ i rniiaj nama nnu -UJ.iin i.iui.s i wien lendy for tho call for mllltai) servlco 'from nninnir ii,.n ,, i, r,,,i mi iroiii among tlioie who regltered on September J.', and were v-lthln tho ago i limits ordered to bo classified when the i rimistl-o was signed. This was nn- llOUnced tndnv liv Mnlni. V II MnnlrtpU chlTdraa oinr'1 ' noino cari aiimiR nir to niort iiruft , rn n nlHwoi 1i t , ha 1....1 !... .urn mnnn.t n,i . . ...... ..... iiiuin-u .m iiuht- niijL iiiLti eI. i lie nun, nrvordlnR to par. wort: ' II It'l'fllic iniulTiiliiiliV AIAI()I!S AllOI'l ORPHAN I IIow a group of Ainerhnn HiijitolB ! adopted n I'Vemh war orphan U told h nptuln (Jeorge II. Wurtman. a lied , t'rov w other in Ifuinre In Icitei to hla oiphans. Captulu Waitman said. - TODWS MAUItlACi: I.KT..?i:a 1 r.inl Im Hard! ITS Lomhald l Lu. lie It Martin, I.1J1 N SJrt i Josipli Itn. (I. ism olle st , and Marl and llor r 11 JJ It MontrOMP at. TJduanl .1 Mattal. f. S Vaw and OlKa M tci-i, horr. ailll lloudiuot at Udnanl llal-v. IS44 fenion n and M iuiI larrllner, 1844 I'einon at ( hnrles i ,1 Wffelman STl" l.'lh l . .ml Itimic Kldrldse. .IJ14 N I llh i -j..,ni,. Klrk S,,A franUfnnl and vi.iuei ton lc VudnlU'la, l'i Mas I 1. ktcin, soil Uremuli Ii r an-i l'an- """ " '"' ' " '"" "" a'' H l.llli, asn I'ine il nl ll-lan Albert Made IM" Ni-mliil- William". DS42 N'judaln at. catljs n..,MSM-"ru" " -M".TlLDJi willow ot ;."!"'" Adam Inea aaad fin iv. .aiivas anil frlenda. vviimen of the liolv J ""l"v Rusarv and Altar So iv nf M Lonir.uius a I'liiliih Ladles' M.I rlui letr of u- rH I""'"' B ('rphana' Anno In'latonj. In- , vltail in f...,a..' .. i - i.V . Jlnvvani s. lia.iulcm'tuaas St (ij N lloiiir... ilia's , ,'l," j' '' " ni Int Holy Sepulchre i'cm. AU' iamon -t lis 'fl M, . ai.,.. .i r ' m.nto ,'.. Al l'OD-s-'.iv vV.d: Ata.keL sta I Int. 1'Vri.unoil I 'em Urtnalni luav lie vlaivad l'rl. ova. I, At MI..M- ip,. in, HKOnili: 11, hus nam. of Mmle M. Aumetit. uited .U Rela lives and friends Invited to funeral. sat a in. 143r. Iladdon ava., Camden N J JMSh mass C'liunli of Sa. red lleait 1130 a III Int. Caliarv An.n rn..nrii MA1IK (In Dec In l'i inirviT ......n. ter of late Ida li. and Joaeuh lluha nue.l "I Kelailves nuj frlenda luvlla.l tn funelal I art Mi as, Crl. L' p in. realdemi. f , uusln. i-.i A Milan lit Int Westminster fern li,,";1-11" m MARY, widow or lain 1 Jllchael Hannon Tuneral I'll at a. in ri-slden.euf Mrs John J Hradlej. s. li i .or 4blh and WvalusliiK ave Solemn re i uuleni niias I'hurvh of our Lailv of I i.urdea. ,..'",' "' " m im st urn cam. aM- 'r'e"J' lnU"1 -ul- norcmiiAN s .. .1 .1 .. i v t.. i. OI.'OIKiK II. husband of Albania,, liounlv lnnn Helallvcs and friends invited to fu l.aral aei u e. Sal . 1 p fiuir. i.udiow i ill ill til. le i I'KOAIJWAII'R D-c. II. at Methodist , Lplscopal llunie, .Mlai IILMtlllTTA IlIlOAll j WATLIt. aiod T". Kelutivaa and friends .invited to funaral aarvltes nt llntua, Hel ' rnont nnd 1'dRclei avea.. l'rl , Hi Ilu a. tu Int. lladilonllelil, X J. IIU'tKL. Dei p. lmiDOUr c , wife ot 1 Michael J liurka. fonnerlv of Port Carlion, Pa lijneral 1'ri . N.n.i m a i v Puxou at faJd and .Market). Ilia), man of tequlem Our of Victory Chun h u a in. Ilelativea and friends Invited Int Holy Croaa Cain Auto funeral Omit tlovvera , HL'KNH - Do. S. I)i:t.IA K . wife nf Pat rick .1 Il.irilS unt ,f lulu i and Lllen K'ellj Itelatjvas and frlenda. iaiaffue. of Sacred Ileal t Ami 11 V st Me. ilallty. Invited to funeral"! Bat , S.80 a. in. UUHil Cheatet ava. Wast I'hlla holemii mass of tenuieni Kt. Cartliace'a Church 10, a tn Itn Holy Cross Cam. CmtV Uec 11, CATIIKrUVK. dauBh- lor tf .In lit on iiml Murv I'nllrv (iii.ii Mali lu of rount Mao Ireland. HolatiteH ami frlendv V M Sodality fhutih of ttie (loan. inltod tti funeral iirlin- Kui T Sil h in . brother's rt-r.denr, Huyh Cwbrv Tli) neDen -it -soit-inn men main m i;iia bt-th h t'hur h, ami Ucrku i-Ih li ui Int lloU (roi im I I'M.VUUT Tnelflh Month Hub .lOltV I X i AlA'EKT JtlatieH mill frlf-nfls hi- itca ni lunerrf.;. ploll ;-Uii-. Dpi Ia lxth i1b 'J i m int. prift-t. Vw town Sana 1 e rriomlt' Hurlal ,ruuiul-i 4'oti xcvar.fa at NVwlowii Hnuare for troltf-v I I-aMnff ISth ht Stutlun 1 i. in a, fioni . West CliPHiPr 1J 15 p m I 1'AMPHhU.I. lie. K. LAWKHM R liun I liHittl of sjalharlno l'Hnipb-ll (nfq M, (Jiiil-.vl 1 RplntUea iititl frletjtlH. Iloilf-rworkfis an J j Machine ShW-builder Jfclppr' I ). hI No ' 3J.i. and W. No 87. A O. II JnlltU to I funeral Krl . S'fiO a. tn.. iMl-lfl Ann st. Solemn rpqulem luafla Church of V-ithilv IU 1 a tn. Tnt Hcil Croi-t Oni Autn funeral f'AHTUK Dec U. AIAKY .7 vlt Ot Iletl- Jamln MPtur Cnee Willi), ager! .10 Jlein tUes and ftlt-ndt Invited to Hat , 'J u. in . aunt'B ' Man Inlin-ion. fifiOt VorrpH'lalo at Int Cedar 11)11 im. Ut-mnln ma be ltnpd Krl. H to 10 p in CM.OllFrr-Dec 11 JUJI.V hustmtid of Martha T Cleu-tt KeUtiH and frienda. St rdtvard'a I?. V M Sodiliii St JMwftrd's Hol Name SOLlt, Kt luwretite Council No Hli, K of , united to fu neial. Hut A'& a tn., 1)35 W lluntltiKdoii t Solemn requlm mans St IMrtard m Church lit a m. int. Holy Sepulchre t'em. Auto funeral COX On Hfcembrr 10. WAI.Tl'.R I.OIMS, beloved son of Mrs Sellna D Co-, Bd 1". Rpmalns mm be viewed Thuriduv evenlnt, from i ton 1-ninerni on vjriany at J v m from his lain residence. C03R chestnut itreet Auto funeral. Int private. DOI.i: At I'ontord, N. II ! 10, i.raTr.ii CAP.niNciTON noi.E In lh tilth vear of hl aBA, Kuneral strvli-es at the Chapel of St Paul's School Dei 111, ut VJ in . .. . . . . Jiuil.l. Lie ii. iiUiiAivu ii nusuanii of Catherine Doile (nee Ilelrnl Due notlie of funerul will le nlvert from 3J3S .N. Broad at DUNLAP At l.os Anireles, t'al , V'r II, JOHN UIUIOHE DUNLAP. ion of Isle James and Ida Gllnioro Dunlap formerly of Phlladelr-hla Relatives and friends In vited tn funeral services, l'rl., I! p. in , Oliver II. U . i r llldr.. 1S-0 Chestnut i Int PrnCKHTKI.S' 1CATIIER1NE. wlUtiiT of Jacob Ecltsteln Relatives and friends In vited to funeral services. Frl.. 'J p. in 26."I N. Reese st. Int private. Friends mav call Thurs eve rUHOUSOX Dei It. 1018. at u'r res, dence. I'll Preelon al . "Weal Phlla I'.I.I.A UETH J., widow of Robert A KerRUfcon. lied 80 Services and Int. Hat at Middle Octoraro Cem lancaater Co.. Pa FERGUSON KUfldenl' lit Paris lul.nil rt . s v. 11 11.l.. . ll'll I aril. is a. i- uec n rriYr-.u tiiUAiiu i son of James and Kinma . I'-eritUEOn 1 urtlier nouco OI lUJieai vviii i.o Biyiii iroiii resoeilie .. -. s I u Jill ll A mail bt t)rilta,l.lKl.i l-OCER Dei )0. MATILDA A, widow of John loc-r. sed SS. Helatlvea and friends inviini tn funeral services. Krl.. s n m reildenre of dauahtcr. Ml" Ida Poeer. 447 t'rrterct it Canideii, N, J Int private. Ulnsshnro. N J . at convenience of famllv rXIRDl-On Dec 9. 1018. ELIZABETH. wife of Prank 15. Ford Relatives and friends of family are invited to attend funeial serv- lies, on Friday, at 1 o'c ock. at tho funeral parlors of Albert 8 Ile.n. l.',04 N, ssd st interment at Union Cemetery. Whilemarsh FOX Del 0, ELIZAHETH. widow of Patrick Fox Relative! and friends Invited lo funeral. Frl , 8:30 a. m., IS. W Thorop. on at. Hlsh mass tit. Michael's Church 10 a, m. Tnt Holy Cross Cem. Auto funeral. CI EMM IR. Doc. 8. OTTO OEMMIR. Ion nf Freda Cornish and lata Otto Uemmir. Relatives and friends. Oeihkevvah Tribe, No. L'20, I O. R M. i employe! of John 11, Htet on Co , members of Harry Allen llible Class, luvlted to funeral services, Hat., I 30 p m.. reildence of mother, 1153 leopard at. Int. Hillside Cem Frlenda miy view re mains Frl.. 8 to 10 p. in. OLACKEN Dec 10. THERESA, wife of lluth Olacken (nee Dunleavy). llHstiveii and friends invited to funeral, Sat . tl.3u a m residence of Frank Duiileavi. . i West mort it Hlih requiem man Molt Precious lllood Church 7 a m. Tp proceed ,to Mc Adoo. Pa., via, P and rt. II.. on train leav liur t'th ami Columbia, ave. ita, 0 Ot a, in. Int. McAdoo, Pa. Remulna may be viewed Frl. after 7 P. in. Hatleton papers cony. ""-lev aa pAwHii u.. nusDana IttMiBv. . tr ,.f ii... ,i linn in in I in .n l'Avil-1.. -..... oi......! . - . 1 of aalU orveu, aea -u lleisutej s,nd Bnd friends invueg, to runeral. jjai., a , m., f r ehds. Hamilton Lodae. Ko. Jt, .r.-p3 1S3 Joy ft., O ouceiter City. N. J. .Htek A Im.; nartram UiiiwWy. 'No. , A. b. U.linut m. Mary'. CKureJ, m- w, ilrij'at, lj Wish nstpil Cams, . Wr P. 0, 0, 0- Marj'l Cud- p HAT IIS I MI Morhih'i-oun II No 540 1' r of j all tier noilftkd of which he was u litarnliBi - lm lli.l t ....... t ..oiln. i." m . 'Ml? WoodlanJ vS int c-imdeS ' S, nal -l ' em. Itnialn ma Un lewed l'rl . 8 In IIAOtlhltTT Noi I", 1B1R, of wound" r..,..,. ,,, .,,.. , ........ t,iuv t m. iu p of John and Ilonanli llnacrts' (n Dlautail, " "' ' '' k,t,n " K' tlei and frleniia aoi ,,,., nm) ,nor, r ,11Vtf(, , .,t,n.l aniemn i requiem ma d at the I'hunli of Hie lllii and Ja.kaon ta . Ill a in 1 m.n T iiac in A ' N'li:. wlfa i l.aac 11 lUlnea. llelatlvel I and frland milled to funeral 1 rl.. 1 P m , 2 ,,ll', trlantl" Im llfl to funeral I rl.. 1 P I ff'Sffi h'V.?,iK "rTS "li?t!,Ur jar nt North 0lnr Hill im rhlla. 'i eml iiibv null Tlnirn ? in U t. IIALrnitTV IV( 0 TAMnH htiabaiul Ant pnnion Hoh Nam.- s iot st akHi ,ini ruriuii IIUI .H (lie riii fn ill nanuin Jiranrh Vo II K of II Court of I'm Pnty o 1T r of V emnlnxaa nf Ajnx J'-j"1 ).". '""' " '""'r"-J, i'.' a en'aio'n I'luir. i. In a. in Hit HoK irci v em Auto funernl IIAHIIAIIT He, Ifl, THANK HAUDAIIT Itlir and fil.n.l, Imlteil In funeral rennl - m""..".,".! li!;?,url l.",0f"'tl..,j'"u! lsih ami stllea t at In a in. lit. Hob Toa rem ,utu funeral. I1L1ST Dei. II. II MllllKT S Idovv of rradarlck v llalai, aaed ill' Kehitlvea and i frtcndi iuiiti'il In funeral narvliea 111 1. Mermaid ava fhcatnul HIM at 1 30 M in Hit private (null flower llaltlinoia paper ioiv MILL Dae 11 DAID Iniil.and of lala ! LI1..1 11.11 mad at Itelatlven and fiinila. invlteil lo runetul larvliai. .ut s I lost N Ith at Int piliut" ilraenmniiiii Can. I'llemla tnai i ill l'rl. T tn P m. lllll-MN"- l .Medfot I. N .1 Dec I! MY lllil-KIN- dduiliter of Ihnmi and lata (harl. I' linpkn- actd .li runeral and ltd private lllltKI' Vt Hnndlmii. N' .1 Dei Hi lllUMAri Hl'ltlT naad 113 llelativi - ' and frk'inla invlud In runatal. 1 rl . . 1 i p in . lealilattic of laaai i 'at ton Hit lluiil-i at Wooilhutv J Int private. Hathal Cm Iturffillle V I lIYllltlCk - Die HI JAi "II IWVIOV IIYDHICK lomnunder I . S Xivv nBcd 31 llelatllai and frlen In invited to eervliei Ihuia. I p in. Oliver II Hair llldii . laSO rhaatnut at. Int. Arlington Cem 1 ort Mjar u l'rl. morn JBXIMl Dec It 11MII.V 1 vinloiv of llra J' Iinlinn Italaliva ami fiiand. in vllcl to fun. ml iarvie -ai S 3u p in Min-iri la iv ai.laiiia. John 1 Monn PUT emins" at Int prlvati .. JDS lie ll In Lonili'ii. oi I)ai .. 10IK HOWARD III DCLI'll sun of tlia lata Philip S. and Helen M Ju'tln. in hla yaai KI'.IM Dai. 10 ADLLL. wife of I'dwtn Li mi and ilushlar nf Juaeph 'I. and lata farnh Millar aned II Raiaiivaa and friend mviteil lo ruiuial cit J p m "vlii N UriU at Int Anlile Iturtul I'arlt Kil.WKIlV Dei in ,IlNNll. widow nf Int. .Intin Ivrtinaiiv ltelntlv..1 .Hid frli'lld-i. tin llnl tn finierul ui i v'ii n --at - P. m I114S We-tumlit st i:iSd and Diaiuund frta im im is nt. Jit Mnriuh iVm Krillls-i Dei 11. .viAiviiAKi. i ujiisn aim of the late John Hovvinau l.iikia He. dell' a "T'JI N l"ith at LLM. Dae 11. HARRILI' wife of I Samuel Lev ll. anted UR. Ralallvas and f. I mis inviiad tn runeral Snt J p m.. --tale road SprltiKllald Delavvii.e To Ha Itn Ml. .Morlah Caul. Cais will meet tn.lli'v due ut Sier ava 1 ir, ami 1 ITi Lli:V.i:V Dai. ID SARAH I. widow of I'll. lias H. I.lvezev RHlallvaa and fllauils Invll'd to funeral aorvl.aa Til . -811 p in ,1 H Manuel i. Pro , 4'tlll 1' avc , rranUford Int private Ll Dl;s. llliK Drc hi .vi-viu 1 s nu liand of Hailwls Lmlel' In r .nee Dietrich!. I Relatlvts and friends, al sucla'i s of which he wan a niembit. Invited to runeral, sat, 1 n m '.'iur. N. I.iiwience at lipmains luav be viewed l'rl T to in P In Int. N'orth vvooil c. tn MARl'IV Vff 11 Al!N'll wlfaofPat rlil. Mat III. uud dauchtar of MUhaal and ntia N eiinatu, ot .'ou.iti .v.avo iiaiaun Reiatlvaa .mil frl.n.Is to funeral .Mo.... K a m . 1-34 N .'.Otli tt. Milemn hlKh niiulem inasa St Orenurv a Churcli H::m a in Int. Hol Cross Cam. Autu funeral MAITIILWR. Dc 10. MARY MAT THI'WH aited 81 l'i lends niav call Thurs p I'.lneial aeivlca. l'rl.. 10 30 a. m . reslJeneo of aol.-ln law David (1. Stokes. ".'US Hrovldenco ave . Chester. li. Jnl. prl "m. Cl .OSKIIY Dec 11 WILLIAM J husband of .Marafliat J .sic. loane itela a Philadelphia City tlvea and friends, m.nbar ' I'ounella Invited In funeral. Jlon . UI) , ni.. IntlT N. lh l Solemn requiem mass ' ( lnmn oi ...a u.a.o i. uui ep.ion. Mom . and Allen Htn., 10 a. in AfeUOXOUUlI lec 10- MARY Infant ' liauifhtfr of Jan.p und Mur MtUonouKh (n-e O 1Iaria hged 10 inonth-i H dajf Itia tifr- and frienUfi InUtt-d to funeral, Prl 1 .n ti in e iiarenta' re-tldnrp. 31J8 N IVrcx "t Int Jlolv Hepulchrn Com Mc.;NLANI.Y Huddenl leu. H PETnit, PROMOTION AVD I)VAVrnMI?VT IV hiiAband of Marv A -MclCneane (upp Duffvi PA1.ARY l rilRTXIS. NO EXPERIENCE and son of late. NUholai and Marv lie- IS RKQL'IRKD linen lie v of Cas-lpblaney, Count Mona Rhan. Ireland Relatives and friends, Uol Name and Teinperancw Socletlfes. I C I TsriNATIVO WORIC AMONG CARC l ana empiot-s oi ine .UHrKci pi -n-aieu riiilufl lnltril to funnrnl. l'rl . 8 30 a in. tfl'I Merlon am High ma- of if-qulem Churcli of (ui Mother of Sorrows 10 a ni Int 11 oh' Cross Crin Auto aerilee Omit floWs-T-. M.-LArOllt.lN" Dt-f 10 AXNIH wlf of .Tnhn J Jlcl.auchlln Rf-lutl-teH ami frl-iul Mtur and Itosarv Hocliy of Our Mont Prclou-t lllood Church, lhIted to funeral l'rl N J.0 a in. 1182 Corliea Ht (30tli and Dtimoml) Solemn hlah mass of requiem ciuirrh of Most Precious lllood 10 a. m Int Hnlv 1'nts.R Coin. Auto tervlce Mt-MnNVMIN Iec. 10. MAItV A diuchtt-r of 1hL- John and Man -- M Alenamln (neo Cnrlln). Itelati-H and frltiid. mpinberi Lea sue of Sat red Heart. Incited to funetul, Sat., 8.30 a, m . K.:tU Montruae i"i Solemn mam of requiem Kt Teresa 'i Cluinh lo a ni. Int. Holy t'reisa CVm. MKKIIIOAN -Deo 10 ANN, widow of Patrick .Merrlnnn. Relatives and fileudn In lted to funeral. TrV.. 7 :.i a tn , resident nt inn In.tnw Au2tmt llnttn. '."iiifl 1 ("Ipht- Held l Solemn reiiulem mans Church of i tip .huuj i h in iiu. iioiy t. roaa . eni Aiil '""C-T" MII.JKi:N Dec 10 SAMURf MfM I- . KIJN of the Vtnpi.rt. Kith and Hnrute stn . aaed 14. huband of Ktnnia S Mllliken Rela-. ttea Htid frleniiM memhers of Phlla Hinule Tax So.iet lnilted to funeral nrlce. I-rl . V m. -H33 ftaltlmore ae Int "'IfiwiPr n-- 1ft rrtyiripTir i ,w ' MOOr.r -U6C HI, JjI.JAItc. I II . rlunw Vrfin'rhiTrrh' ffiXrt 7riinar rS" bjicrlan i hurrn injit-ii to '""'"a ..' ri - ivlriall i nurrn invupii xo lur.rai iti - I i in 237 St Hit l'ernwood ni. Romalll- ma5 be viewed Thurs. eve n On Aiil.i uprvlre MURPHY Dec 111 .lAMI.'S .1 eon of Catharine and late Challes Murphv JteU lives and friends Invited lit funeul l'rl 7.3(1 a in, parlors lliomas t . llroBim. D-f 111 and Vino ls Ve.t Phlla Solemn re- uuleni mass i hun li of Our Mother of Sor- I rows. H h in Int l athedral ( ni lie , inalna may ba viewed Thurs eve Aulo ""w-DKi tl EDWARD I' NOON ion I of lata Thomas and ('.itharlne Non ajted 70 Relatle and friends. Uolv Name Ho rletv and St Vincent dp Paul Hftrletv of1 St Malachi'rt Cburch Phlla Council K. o , 4th decree "so iuh, memnern or Jiuie- liendem-A Snunre H mid J,. Hordety lnlted to funeral. Tn . ft 30 a. m . 1217 W Thomp st. Solemn reouletn inasi St Malarhy'i t'hurch 10 a in Int New Cathedral Cent. Auto funeral IM.ALU Suddenlv Dec in, of influenza. at Holmeahunr Phlla . i:r.KANOR Wll.. .MI'It dauchter of Rebecca Wllmer and lata Dr James Ilurd Penle. Services urlvate. UEILLY Dec 10 HARRY STETLTR. son of late John C and Rebeica Relllv. Relatives and fiiends invlteil to funernl .-at. !! p. ni . I'.'U" vilrard ave Int prl- IlItlHTHR Al Kellv l'lelj, Fe of tineu- lunula. n.r K I.leutetiant fllnillll.: ! HAROLD, son of UcotR-u W and late LU: W. Itlvhter of Radnor. Pa I'uneral serv- lues and Int. prlvat ut cotiveulente of family. . iri'l"I-l'.IIIIIii:. l "HIM . "..!. .1 1pck Sat. ' r. ni . David H Schuvler 111.1a Uroad and Diamond Mi Int. irlvate. Omit llowerN nORCJK On Dec. 0 1918. JOHN ROCOK Relatives and friends emploves of Amen tan Stores Co , tmited to funeral emUfx on Friday enlnn. at K 3ft o'clock at apnri ment of l)iMmr J ' olflei-li 7J5 X -,0th t st Int. pmate, Mt. .Morluh rem . un Sat uJa..3 ,,lock.- tiuurt uec iu i AiJiuiuis ttjiH on irienVim't.dn,o f lia'," ' n !("So"p ?nnU ' husband IKIH r ja t. Mans. In (iiitam UI 1 Alllm'i I' in lili 111 a m ' "i ii-'t' -J-- - V.I.14.S-I- v , I Int "'' hros l eui. Auto ort'K' . ,-." "l','.7'i.i.ii.i"v,,i'' ' rn u'.'...""" Du- notice of funeral will he elvel. i , SHEA Dec. ll JOHN J., husband of i ji i ii ruur itn -jh, it i , iiiijii iiiuri ni c. Maj- Inee Doepfert) and sop of Nora ant nd J';.;!1 "R,"Vir.i "ivi Vi'ie PV LML! Invited to funeral. 1 rl 8.30 a. m brother s I residence William Shea. inOB N K.ih st , Jolemn lnB of requiem Church of Trans I flurailon 10 m. Int. Holy Cross Cem AiiinfMreral .,. ,. M, .s,n.En"Pon ,;Pec n' LLMER IT., son ?,f. Wnltir and Florence A. bhervyood aied Camp. No. 411. p O. f jso. in. i' u, m, or A.l llmnllton Council. No. 841 1. Y A., and employes P. It. R. real estate department. Invited to runeral services, hat., l p. m., i.'jp n. o-iin st. Remains may be v lewed Frl.. 8 to 10 p. m. Int. Northw'ard Cem SILENCE At Atlantic City. N J. Dec. 11, ANNA D wife of Benjamin It Slleme (nee Hleiser). aied -7. Due notice of funeral will ba Klven. HILLERS. Dec. . MARY T wife of John Ulllers (nee Kelly) Relatives and friends, ll.' V. M. Sodality, League of the Sacred Heart, Propagation of the Faith of St Charles'! Church invited to funeral, Sat 8'30 a. in., I'D 13 Ellsworth it. Solemn high man of requiem St Charles's Church 10 a. ru Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto fu- "rHMKS.--In Washington. D, t" . Deo. 10. .TAMES llUltK. ion ot late tfemuel and .Eleanor A. Blmes. Servloei and Int, at ton lenience of family. , SMITH. Dec. 10. i03EPII R. son of ii... .nil IstA Jnsenh 11. (smith nulatl. T.J -r.s lnwltA.1 t.. Ain.,.l U,l U ' H11U IIS,1 .M'.- - .w...., .,,, u u, ll., m . "1J,J.v'r..s.A- .. ". . -'"i1 ". oi l-iplst Christian: salarv to start tin' Dec. 10. HL.NRY I'lusterl son of laie r ,. Applv In person. 83.-. linurie Hid. ' MIKN r for motortruck: freight station ex Henry and Eveline Ulttenhouse. aaed I.'.. .-rJjrr. T , .,' . ,, . - ,Vi,n with vallroad or express company Relatives and friends Cllv Hall auards and , ''ENKRAL Jiousew k small fain . .Ood rs. I . 'f'X Wilt. P 8tl7 Leuiir Ortlce Antl-Cobden Club Invited to funeral serv-' mv S -""'h ' P'i Woodland 471 W I deslrahle vviue !Z -."B" . DKATHH SOI .pKHH -A Alkiitown P Vc 11 1IIMAN lauhlfr of l1 AMlllatii D. alio rfiVnrt, tnvltSa io fun.ial. Fernioo.! I'em wnr j nouuera hbpii iu jioiaiiven uu DM.In.. Tn.. Kat,. B P. 111. .. . ... HTUWAIU' (nee Taberi. wife of .1. T, filf - I art liol.iu. ami rn.nn. to (unrral i rerxlee. Mon , In .in a m . lJr'i rl , annie, aiiii rarri Tanar. isra i.i n. int. prlvat. Wmt Laurel Hill tm l!omalnma be flawed Hun . 8 to II 30 p in HTHKBTKIl -lie, in IloLLOWAY. hu I'tiitu ui i.iiiiiii r r.e pr. ism c.f, v".- (Ii ei and friend muted to aarvlcaa. rrl . ail p m. Mill 0Be Int. ffly-le.. 1 i.i.i i 'i.i lire 1' .iiiuiwii. i r... nrl-'wire ur .mnn r. Sullivan iieiatuc ana rriftirta inviiPd to ruiieriii. I rl . i ,i a. m . in.iid. inviipfi ii. iiiii. rn ri . . ..111 n. 111 ! lint llaitihrldae at .Molemn hluli niaaa at. requiem HI. l'hlllp'a Church i a. tn Int , private, pi anei Cam Weat i tia-ler Pa ' rWLOIl -De, 111. ANNIK wife of Tied erl.k Tailor tMallica and friend" lnilte.1 In funeral , J n in SS2S S I'hailnlek ' , pi Int Mt Muriah Cam Auto aerip- .i- TflT. I)e, n A XV n,ins. widow ofl l harlaa II Tufl aaed 11(1 I!elalle and fllanda tniltad to funeral arilcaa. l'rl.. S li in reeld'n-e of oti In-law M It. Par aona .181 .V Iillli t Int private. . .1 fKi:i,Mt-:ii:il -Da. H llAltltV. huaband I of Mori L and aon of John c and lain i Lllalictll 1 reluieie, i. Ki1 all Kelatlvea nrt friend; Waahluittoli l'mo. No 411.1 I'. I) 4 S of K Hftiiini.n i IVlloiiehlp of the 4.'ld Ward Invited to funeral frl . 3 p in . ."t.'iJl .iHnn nt llei inantoivn In Oreetiiuount ' ani Kama Ina niav h" vloued Thur h lo In p in . -. WKLLAl'i: Dec 11 In Atlantic l llr ' .1 JOHN. ImalialHl of Catlialllia Wallme (naa naed TC Duo notlte of fu tiaral Silt H .Maafat hu-etts ava. Atlan'ii' r. "; ' ,..,,,,. , ..,,..m. v i , " '; n','' i?l ll " ' ,fl' 'I"1'1.' V,, ,. ' iv II. IILn lui-haliil of lato . u-epl I ne u-l.'"' ""H'li'i" . ""' " ll--ide .' Due tiotl .. of lunarnl will be Khan l M.TI'II I" In MI'.UIL IV . huelmrid of Muilhc V Uultii finfi- Ullhartl Ilela nv a and friend. all orKanlzatloni of iv nil n ne vvai n nieiuupr uiviien m iuiirini y.n Jo in . 4u:il row a ton ava Int prlv ita iiodiauda Cein Itemalua luaj In. viewed l'rl a 'ii n .10 ! m WKLTON Da. Ill JOtKPIIINI II i Mow or lawn Wallon. anad TU Ilela livea and friend, invited to funeral rervlca. . -i i s it in te.ltlenca n( aon-ln-law, Dr ' 11. I Natl 3iUis Dlaaton at. Taiony lot private I Vliril.Oi K Vc 31 HKIITIIA K VHIT!,(ii'K d'- J,rW-iM(-x wife of I'Mnl H hit lo k It-lat( atnl frinfli Invlteil l t.. tnl PS, nl ll p m 18 H HtcK-! Pt Int irl til-". IViiiwiuil i phi RMHaln-i ma l lif iifupd l'rl 7 tt 10 ih in . WIII-N I ---!. . !' "H.uFKJK, won of (Winn." ni'il hit (icnr(tt- WHent. teil 17 KclatU'"-! u - "' .cntlf- Jinltcd to (unfit-1 cm i t Hat , - v ni . rp-ililt-ni-) of nnrii.t VIIU .Mcmptiii m. Int .Nurtli Hi" P ItKSKI D"' !' AHTIiril V liu-t I i-aiuI or iuzHtiptn n-nitr j.iaiips nnu filpiu!--!. nu-Ioji-t of tlnnUr Hffiiilmc Co. I(,tt-il to funt-TMl. l"rt it. in 1MJM '1 iRK-r Mt Jut Ml .Mot ih .'-ni RcmaltiM muy b ilpd 'iliurn . v in 10 u in zii. m:ri s- iwr h i-rvvii:m av i(jf-n--r widow or iinon .icb--ii ROCKET KJOIv Lost, on rrankford car lllot.k No ;!, iioikatbuok lontalnlm; sum of n.onev and a rlnff made of lioran-nal). Ra- 1 lurn RoJiertlslcr T4ufi l.avvtulala at Pl'RSK I.oat. llzar.1 akin hand purae. .old . claan. with initials c V., L . lost In Oar- ' rlek Theatre Sat . Tth Liberal ran ard if returned Mrs. rlandcll. 5814 Preset load. Overbro'ik . I RI.Nll Lost diamond chsagement rln. I rirfanv aettlna l.andaoma reward for re turn of name I'leuao notlfv Mrs Walker, I 4IHI N 41. tl. at , vest l'hlluiielphla, or phonal Harlnor 7H.'. RI.V.J l.o?t lady's rlna, niby centei aur loundad by illamonds, in vicinity White marsh Valley Country Club Reward If le turned lo steward Whilemarsh Valley Coun- . trv Chili. I HELP "WANTED FEMALE THE ARM I STICK WITH (1KRMANY WILL NOT MfiAN RKDCCTION I.N TIIB NCMHKil OI" BKLL TKLEPHO-VB OrKIl ATORfl. TIIK' RKCONSTRCCTIOV PERIOD AITIIIl THE WAR WILL HRtVO WIDL i;.i'a.smun IN JUL1. '1 Kl.rJl'HUNK IN UL'STKV r0 YOt" WANT A PKRMANENT PK VCK- TIM 12 POSITION ! I L li.-l UlIUSI-i .-SsULIATJ.S. APPLY It A M 'lO.IP Af ANY WBCIyDIT , 1011 nh st Miss Ran I'd W Chpltpn tif. Mien Zinged 40fl Market -it Miss Smith 20 i: rth st . Chester. Pa. Miss Relly a kizxt t:mpi oymknt opimck AT TmTIT i Sl) CIIUSTNCT HIS OPEN DAT AND PANNING 0 A M lO 8 30 P. Jl. MISS 1 UONOIIl'E. I run ri:i.l ti:i i:imovk company pf:vn or ASSISTANT hi a 1l---hoiiP . llclibOdt .1 In a central onic: no expertme nieimtn . a permanent pelP-tlme poaltloti anaurfd to oun-? woman who -an handle the wntk untlsfnrtorlls Mlsi Zlngol. -d W. Chelten j1nMin!itnwii i ATTENDANT at a tnlephuti mvlt hboanMa iB(,iiIr..l In- u lurue i tirnomtlan u miiiiiie '-"",1 . . M-rmanVtil vv.I.ld pusiilan I. I ,s.nrl Se- ill's .M rai s i: .or 5Tth ;V1 s mi. i ratl, vj "'.T.iT .ti ' iifililonr ""i1 ' ai'!-,!.uli"' 'niidtloor HOOKKEKPBR IJOOD AT I'ltll'RKI APPLY lll'Hl'AU OI" RMPIiOrMBNT WANAMAKBK'h 1JOOKKh.1:I,,.,i -,t""ant booUUepe! bill , 1rlv Bj p.t.lpnoRipher- If jou lima ,.xl,erinre in any of above positions write uivlng rrll inrtlculars. I" tl llov nnu' ' MmK--'r"lf "rriillj Theatle. 1.111 LarKv s - - , CI.RKK -W liie a acanci for- a rlerk eierlen ed In ceneral ofrUt dutie- a (rood oniiortunltv for the right pemoti . Ut eTTe- rlem hk- and eau'ation lulls I 120. Ledaer Ofrii'e CLEItl.-" (four) experience Ulllle'a store. jiiii N Hroail Ask for Miss Hntne I'OOK while, i ate of Kltihen, pantri "and dlnlnir room, anslst with washlna .1 in fnmllv heLtind girl nnd lnijndres rinnloved, 1 10 ; separable bed! oonijdd'vjiw vd Ilox 14 COOKINll and downstulrs work K.'s's IStli ei DICTA PHON1 OPERATOR KJKHIENl'Kn APPLY Rl'HEM' OF KMPl.OVMKN I' WANA MAKER'S Die rAPIIONL operators, exper . minpetent I and capable reed onlv upplj Arnerlian. 1 Express Co ISth nnd Mailtet sis Kl.LIOTT rislinn"" lillliliK marline i.w.r..i..e . . -... I ... I . ... --- u I K I. S WIU .Altr; HXPEIllENVtiO 1 til'CfUf- iinu tiil; utitPiiON't; on jjictaphdvk 'KRl- ,s A ''"M: -Pi-onTr.viTr io wrr ir.tT npnirivt'VT mua'TiiM 'OH - -" J1EST OI' SALARY. MISS HA1EM WILL AM APPLICANTS 1'.' TO 1 MEET WEDNESDAY THl'RSDAY AM) FRIDAY THtS WEEK AT 181 1 ARCH M' I G1UL for binder . one who understaudi folding machine. Apply Houghton Press, i Mascher and Somerset. , OIHL for general housework, 8011 "i. 10th at rnono Oak Lane '.'40 QIRLS AND 1YOMEN Excellent opportunity for those seeking steady and permanent employment on light work ASSEMBLERS POWER PRESS TAl'PINO MACHINES FOOT PRKRis DRILL PRESS OPERATORS GENERAL HELPERS. NEEDED II. T. PAISTE CO, s:oa ARCH ST dlRLM 14 TO 17 YEARS OP AOE COOP OProRTUNITY FOB UUHINES3 APPJ.-Y wuhp AViJvi5iI.--,-'TM-i:NT wi "srF "!- ssjisj -- -, HELP WANTED FEMALE KDIPIIO.S't; or DtCTAI'ilON'K IIXPr.RlKNCED OPEltATOrtS THLN't THIS OVEIl N'OW Do vou want 1 ION" a rEnMAN'E.VT PO.St Do "..V.'"."""' a noaltlon that will hold Ita .Jl'L-UAIlNINM POWER IN TEAOK i i . r. - .' P"... 'n N'irF! SL'nnOUN'DIKO.''. I LSE Ll'.NCHHOOMf. KKSTUOOMSI "."I... ,V.AUB SCALK of tit to IM I'M". t EUIC. with a ponlblllty of earnlnit aa huh . 1ST. Intereat out Do the noun--' Tfi dally and 3'4 fatur iUi look Rood? If o cotna and look over this opDor lunltv .vouraelf Visit our J3MPLOY .MITNT OKHCR and let tu ahow yom It la worth .vour peraonal attention i If vou ratinof call pr?onRlIj. phone n'AIATT 632ft auk for MRS PATTON OR MRH. TALK 'I'HTIS PfBTJPHINO CO KMPI.OTME.VT OFFICIO 7th and Sansom stt. HltlVi; THI57 AT WITH YOt llul SLIiLKI'HR Wanted, vialtlni- home keepi r., from u a. in to 12 alert and thor oiiKh luvahla nf ltinnai-lni: lane prlvati liou.elni I ard Uaardnsr accounta and doinff aecratarlal v ork. P 110. t.adgar Office. Iirirr:WORK I.leht janitor aervlce. 4 riua . unfurlt.. rant. I.a.t and Ilcht. alio js r.n pn aak I40t x. Huh. LsDIL-i take work home apare time; atamp lna; Xmaa novelties, permanent. ctl'J Mar ket t I.At.NIRT rM'v movirns MIIIRT STARCI1LRS A.VO (URL's TO WRAP PAl'KAOKM APPLT 1308 FILBKRT ST .Mt LTIllftAPH OPURAIORS WANTED FOR PEP.MANE.NT POSITIONS OOOn SALARY. TINE OPPORTU1IITT APPLY OP. PHONE CCRTI?! PtlDLISIIINO CO. K.MPLOY.MENT OIFICE TI'H AND SANSOlf STS HKIVli TI1I1 AD WITH YOt' NPRSn or aovernpss, French Enellsh or Scotch to take, rare of 2 children under vears Phone weekdays after 6 p. m.. Sun. Jnv all dav. Chestnut H1U 424 VT STKXOORAT-IIRR and dlcttphona ep. piator, splendid opportunttv for brljrht itlrl who Is aallable Imrned lately: must be expprleiKd dlctauhonp operator; sal ary $2r. Address "I..." T. 6. Box 3443. STKNOGRAPHBK lVrmanent position with old-pstubllshed machinery firm In north- phmi -"-cnon ot cuvj onf who ran opervit iiirtaphone, eood opportunity ror amumous Klrl Addre-", atatlnjr aae. experlencA and naUrv dealt fd ' I, '29 P O Rot 3470 1 STENOGRAPHERS , ' CVPAIIl.K OK DOING GOOD TVORIC APPLY UI RIJAT OI' KMPLOYMU.VT i WANAJUKER'S aTLNOGKAPinJRS Automobile manyfac turhifr concern nap openings lor l eooa h'enocraphers, muwt be efficient and com rni-rtnn.pinlp I r UN Ied--r HlTiPi- TKAClir.RS WAN'lED Res- irradrt positions: near Philadelphia, con t t h t wrtltlntf. National Teachers' Ajjencv, 3J7 Perrv Rldg . , TYPIST for billing work In office of lar" manufacturlnif on. em In N. Phlla; no fl a-ii r I tiff necessary; permanent position and rhame for advancement P O Hox nS3!. WAITRHSSHS. WIIITK. TOR COl'NTHR AND VU)OR WORK -vppi.v ucrii-vi" or employment "WAXAMAKnR-'H WOMAN Wanted, an Ititelllfient woman tn i Hislet in ii ramiij witn cnunren: no wnnnsi Inp pood affea If reliable and willing1 Writ i or tall Mr R H. SrhoonmaUer 47 TV Up- mi nx uermanxown. j-noue uermamown '"t ' . . WOMKV FOR WRAPPING UOC-KKI RNIHI1INCI GOODS. TOTS'. RTC. Al'PM' Bl'llKAr OK KMPLOVMBNT WANAMAKlUt'S l ,,, pioto-engravlne hou.s. to aasi.t order ,1. t i,mt vvrlin neat y and 1m au ck and aorurate at fluuia. Addresi wllh referenci and lalary I' 1-1. I-edtur Otni-e. YOt'NH LADY. Intelllnent. neat, careful, ft Immanent position In the accountlnr de- ' parlmenl of a larse manufacturlnic corpo ration, normrahi niiuii ui vii Klve lull details and experience, salary etc P O. Ilox SlUU1 , YOlNO LADY as steuoiraphir and office assistant in ansvverlnir state lie, prevl- am. nrlrnre nnd salary oxnected: Derma. nent posltlnn with chance for advancement I inn 1 .edaer Central YllL'SO WOMAN to handle telephone avvltrh board lu a office no experience re quired: an opportunltv to become nssoclftted with a giowlnu industry In a position which will onllnue after the- war. initiative and abllitv will assure promotion See Mrs 1 a. v UMl Anh st first floor YOr.S'O WOMAN to learn to operate a tele J phone switchboard and assist in central 'ofTiie. no .-xperlence required, a. permanent I position with Increased wanes tertnln If service Is satltfactors See Miss Smith. MOil Market st YOUNtl WOMEN OVER 17 YEARS OF AOE TOIt C-.MIIBHH AND lNRPVCTORS PPLY Hl'REU Or EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S HELP WANTED MAXE ANTHRACITE MINERS WANTED H1CH WAGES FOR SllMOKIN. I.YKRNS VALL-sf, POrrSVILLE SHENANDOAH AND WILKES-UARRE DISTRICTS CARl'ARE PAID TO DESTINATION APPLY SL'sQL'EHANNv. COLLIERIES COMPANY CARE OF VN1TED STATES EMPLOfMENT 1RS1 ARCH ST 3D AND WALNUT STS. 824 S. STH ST. APPRENTICES Hois from llHi to 18 leiri old, who wish to learn thl art ind trade of machinist, are needed by thli company WE WANT ONLY Strong, healthy white bo"i. who Intend to stick! not only an our rates high, but the course ot training ii moit thorough MIDVALE STEEL aWp ORDNANCE Cllv 4S01 Wlitahickon ave.. Mcton-n See Mr Cobaugh (10 a. ni. or 2 p. El.) f . -J "- ry. 111 'J ; 3 .m l i l k I :i 'M m 1 ? j Jl i "I .- 1 A 3 i .