wtS .ft',f a EVENING PUBLIC LEBGERr-tHILADELtHTA, THURSDAY, DEO&kBElV 12, 191 b "n j'18' 'NEWS OF THE FINANCIAL WORLD NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STOCK PRICES?. . . . . M . . 1 . tk. 'i Bfr ' I R W.1 i. sen r $ . i vx I United States and Allied - Government Bonds We recommend lor Invest ment and nro prepared to buv or sell: United States Liberty nondi all Irsucs American Foreign Securities S Yr. 5. 1010 Anglo-French ft Yr. 8s. 1020 Argentine (Jovt. Bs....l043 Cltr of Bordeaux 3 Yr. 6 1010 Cltr of Lyons S Yr. 6..ll19 Cltr of Marseille 3 Yr. o intn Cltr of rrl .1 Yr 0s. IBM Dominion of Cnnadn War T.onns. nil lnes French Repnbllc As . 1031 lmnerlnl 4npnnee Oort. 44" 1st nnd 2d Series. United Klnir.. flrent Britain A Ireland 8V4 1010 A 1051 Frazier 6- Gb. Investment Banker Broad & Snnsom Sis., Philn. UNFAVORABLE FACTORS DEVELOP IN TRADING ON NEW YORK 'CHANGE Neiv York Stocks , , Hlsh Advance U up. ni u lAJnx Rubber.. 67U Many Shares Decline Under Pressure of Liquidation, iAifis-chni coAJ -A J do nref silt. l . ml t -s.t r r xvr 1 . T A ' ... - .-.J V .....? rnu iiiere isrN0 aign 01 weaKiiess juosscs jiiu I.OW GO 07 4 29 83 Limited to Fractions High Points in Today's Financial Nctvs nttturbtno factors conttrd on the Xew York exchange, tilth the re sult that prlcci arc loner, rails and steel Industrials leading the recession. Trade on the local exchange Is uninteresting and price changes are unim portant, with the exception o c6mmon shares of Buffalo and Susquehanna. Cotton Is up. Com touches a new high for the season on a heavy huylng movement. The market for foielgn exchange tias Inactive, liar silver Is unchanged. Net' Closo chse UU -,5 67 .. 4 . 30 VI Vi 83 Vj iom Vi 02 U 454 4 97 .. 86 t 1, ABSENCE OF PRESSURE IN QUTS1DEMARKET 4 I 311 II. Itrdwood St.. Bi.to. ll WMaeBBsasssettsaMssaaBBnamHgBii isi ii i B - - I I I I ! i America' s Wealth - and general prosper ity should soon be re flected in the demand for good investments. The extremely liberal jield now obtainable from many sound se curities suggests prompt action at current prices. Wc offer Go em inent, Railroad, Public Utility and Industrial securities at prices to net from 41i7o to over 9 Write for our list E-12 ' Chandler & Company A IKCMinBATIt Franklin Bank Building Philadelphia New York Boston New Yorlt, Dec. 12. Tho stock market nas called upon today to withstand an usually Ions list of unfavorable factoid with the developments over night of a charac ter to induce belling for both long and short account. In aplto of these factors and tho Helling resulting from them the mar ket showed tho same btubboinness which It has dlsplajed on frequent occasions for homo time past. Many of tho leading shares declined 1 point or mora under tho pres sure of liquidation and bear attacks, but thcro was no Men of weakness in any issues. Tho statement b Stcretary McAdoo, recommending tho retention of ("o eminent control of railroads, was In lino with tho lew of banking interests here, but brought many selling orders into tho rail load group Onlj one railroad showed much of a decline. Union PaiMo falling to lJO'u. with losses In other Iimiu3 limited to fractions. I'ncn taint) In tho steel und topper tiade resulting from the termina tion of filed, prices also caused selling of those stocks, with United States Steel dropping about 1 point, and fractional losses were reported In other steel industrials Petroleum shares continued in urgent demand, but did not make fur ther advances than were reported In yesterdays trading. A feature of tho market was the sagging oft of Brooklyn Rapid Tran sit to 33S, the lowest prko touched sjneo It was placed on the dividend paying list The bond market showed an Incgular tone, with continued steadiness in Liberty 4 s, which were again traded In on a large scale. The local trattlon Issues were significantly weak, with Inter-Met 414s declining about 1 point nnd making a now low record. do nref Am Agr-Chem,10H4 101 .wn ueei ouffar 03- 62 I Am Can 46"-, 4!at do pref 97 97 '4 4... I". P. 11 1- n.- ,. do pref 107 107x 107? M iiiiiuiLun,, , !, iui fi ;B -t-l4 uo prei . ... 87 8714 'Am II & Lcath 14 14i do pref .... 76$, 74V, Am Int Corp.. 57j B0V4 Am Ico Sec... i2 tZ do pref 68 S7 Am Linseed... 4BH 43 . do pref 89) 87li Am Loco 64 G4 Am Malt 314 3', do pref 48 44 I Am Smelting.. 84 i 83 Vi Am Smelt pf..l08 108 Am Sum Tob.. 98 14 96"s Am Stl Kdrv.'. 90t. 8D'4 Am Sugar ...,llli 111 14 lll,i Al T &. Tel.. 105 102 103 jm ioDacco.,198 197 ivi aa new pref. 100 I Am Wool B8' 87 V, 14 7 1 '.a 66 hi 42, 67 - 46 J 89 24 01 , 3V4 H 48 4 83V4 1 108 -f 1 V. H 974 90 .In -a ft9 Am W Paper pf 32' Am Zlno . Anaconda Alihlson . do pref L. 11 , . h6V4 . . 94 s 89 - I Atl nulf &WI.1U 1 II.1I1I Ioco Co.. 77 II k O 65 U do pref 67 100 67 97 1.1 f.6 93 89 Vi 111 761, B1 bb 100 E8 97 32 Philadelphia Stocks -Ui 1 ! n h G5 1A 94 89 V4 !,(. Ill 75 , 1 64 1 60 Some Issues Arc Strong, but Trade Is Slow Independent Oils Quiet New York, Dec. 12. Trading on the Jlroad Street Curb was quiet, but some Issues wcro strong and there was a general absence of pressuro een In stocks which lmvo shown declln tng speculative Interest. Aetna Explosives made a further gain, selling ot 8, but Wright-Martin was unchanged In Its trading position, with sales at 4 to 4. Submarine sold at ll'J to 11. Peerless Motors, which has been dull for a long time, was In urgent demand, advancing from lGVi to 18. United Mo tors sold af34. Keystone Tire, after selling down to 31U, rose to 324. Independent oil stocks were quiet. Midwest lleflnlng ex 'rights sold at 122. Meiritt advanced from 23 to 24 and Oklahoma Producing was traded In at 9 s, to 9. Cosden sold at 7 to 7. General Asphalt was steady with sales ot 38 Hums Brothers Ico sold at 47, nrltisli-Amerlcnn Tobacco at 23 and In ternational Petroleum at 16j to 16 . The new- Northwestern 6s ndvancea .... . 1H1 100 Bald Loo 76 350 B & S t 0 70 10 do pref. 67 120Klee Stor 64 ' BOHrle .... 19 495 den Asph 37 25 do pref. 77 17InsCNA 26 bu jnt m M I.ovv 76 ,70 67 Bl 19 -Net Close ihjre. 76 70 4 5! 1., o ' ? 19 H 37 '37 77 77 -- h 26 2G M Harretl Co. ..108'4 106 107 1 to 11 new high record of 101 He h Steel pf. 9t 88 88 2 jtagma was strong, selling a UO IV ... . I7 hft , 07 Iti,,. CORN HITS NEW HIGH ON BUYING MOVEMENT BULLISH SPOT REPORT III7F DP TATTAM TAMF col & south 11JDL1 O LVilVfll 11llJLV comp Tab. do 8 11 0 nf. 106 , Ilrk It T J0 Booth Fish Co 21 1 Butte C & V. C 7 Huttcrlck Co . 17 Calumet & Ariz Mil Cal Petroleum. 21 I do pref .... 70 Cal Packing C 48 Canadian Pao.161 Cent Fdy Co.. 16 do pref 39 Cent Leather .. 03 do pref.. ..104 dies & Ohio. . B7 Chi Grt West . 8 do pref . . . . 28 Chi M &. St P.. 46 do pref ... . 79 H Chi &. Northwt.lU0 Clll&Ptc.. 27 do 6 pc pf .. 71 CIU&P7 pr pf. 84 Chile Copper. . 20 1. nuio 1 on vt o-g Col Fuel & Il. 40 23S 3b Consol Gas.... 100 Cont Can ... 70 KM. 35 23 7 17 Gb 21 70 47 169 15" 37 02 101 67 8 27 45 78 19 26. 71 83 V 19 38 40 23 38 100 70 100 36 23 7 17 66 2 21 70 48 IM)l'hTHIAI.H JIM Aetn 1 Uploslves. Am-urlt .vug . Am Marconi 4 14 ' Amer Writing Paper 2 Air deduction 60 Canadian Car Co.... 28 at 28 to Vcfit, close omit1; 1??i 1? I Can Car S. Tdy pf... 70 li 2 Charcoal Iron 7 37 2 I Chevrolet Motors ...142 A Mir 7 6 4 3 65 35 80 8 147 83 13 S 100 2H 25 7 pref ..-114" mei 112 Ji 215 Lie Sup C 19 18 18 lOlLohVnl.. 60 69 69 SMInehlll.. Sl 51 61 GI12 Penna lilt 47 46 47 U 168Phllaniec 26 25 25 894 do war w I .. 4 '4 160 P llTto 26 26 26 H 100 Heading.. 84 84 84 1 840 Ton Bel.. 2ft 2ft 2ft .. . 1000 Ton Mln. 3ft 3 3 ft 100 Un Trao 39 39 39 H 367 U G I... 73 7S 73 660 U S Steel 98 97 97 1 30 West Md 13 13 13 Kx dividend. Total niles, 6504 shares, compared with 04fin shares vesterdaw thus farlhls week. Si oil shares; same period last week, 22,8(3 shares. IIOMIS llllll LOW Net Close chge. .. 72 .. 62 62 .. 46 4G .. G0 60 103 103 80 80i Corn Products. 47 46 47 4- -! r 1 II I- 7 U :.!- ! C 1 Al 1 .14. a Vrct . . .103 103-103 tilllCi uiiii i.iiiui n uii jo- uc.uiiigs vniv muiiL-iaicij Vl"l- Crucible steel. tBu5 11 1 1 I'ICl ... t"J Cuba C hugar. 31 81 'i ing Falling Off in Yield. Oalti Are Stronger r ivc Close Is Steady at Net Advances ( lilitico, 1'oc 12. Heavj general bu)ing tuused a big 1 Bullish spot New York. Dec 12. advices and a larger bulge in the corn market tud.iv, prices m0ementf ,thc BtapIe abroad improve.I , , , , , .. . , I the tone of the cotton marktt today, but touching new high records for "-c a- r0iu.tklng sent prices off from the top rv. , o Pennsylvania Railroad The future status of Pennsyl vania as an investment discussed. The above and other features including Inspiration Weilinjbouie Willrt-pTerltnJ Stvideoaker 'Anaconda Lebigh Valley Cuba Cane Sorar Diitilleri , Sent gratis on request Ask. for 1.320 HUGHES & DIER Stocks Grain Cotton T r..,,... i I"h"a- Stock Exthanse Members chCllBO noari ot Trada -L. 1435 Walnut Street, Philadelphia Telephone. Srnice 643 Ton ma; send me L-3Z9 Kame . , Address son The chief bullish factor was the sur prising falling off In the )leld as In dicated In the Government crop report, tho production being the shortest since 1913. Other contributing factors on the Use, vveie disappointing receipts; ex tremely light stocks nnd predictions of 'adverse conditions for the movement. 1 Oats were stronger In sjmpathy with I the sensational rise In corn Shorts cov ered freely and good Investment buying jwas noted. Realizing sales caused a I reaction from the top I The Government crop report was bear- I Ish but the falling off In the outturn of corn probably will lead to Increased uso of oats for feeding purposes j Leading futures rRngeil, as follows. 1 Corn (new deliver) 1 I Ves ! Open High Low Cloe cloe , Jan 1 (" 1 .ti 1 35 1 ns 1 S- Ma 1 JVi 137 1 J4 1 3- l.dU's Dcsdings were only moderately active There was nothing to Indicate that )es- terda)'s estimate by the Government on do nref Del L &. West.176 n . n a pref. io Dome Mines . . 12 Distillers' Sec .49 Krle gnl lien . 51 IZrie 19 do lbt pref. 32 Gaston-Wms . 30 Genl Cigar Co. 47 Genl r.lco Co. .152 General Mot ..127 Goodrich, B F. 56 Great North pr 97 the crop had caused any real change c&S.cYn cip 49 of hentiment reKardiiiEr'tlie commodity as I (;uif states Stl 68U a supply and demand proposition Illinois Central D8l There watt further Vmnrtuh tniv tiio Tllln Cpntral nr 84,4 nnrntr. nnn.MA. i. nQnlr.itlnn fnn 4Rli 4 " " .V """"''. Ul "".w"a,u. Duru MiVnn. Srn lii C GU on uio consumpuon or uomcstlo mills. , in.r'ons Cor nf 2G 26 26 w but this was ocset by the better Inqulr) ' jt Harv- Corp .115 115 115 from foreigners. Int Mer Marlne 28 27 27 .iiuuj- ui'ueis ieit uiai unuer prevail- uo prei no's lu-s jit .. v Inffr lflKn nnlllHa .A .1AAtn-A.. I. I.U. llnnnv 191. !19. 3 9 !l I 2 e ...u. vuiiui.iutia me uciiuiciiuy ill unci . ujici . . t - the use of cotton by United States mills Inter Nickel ... 33 eannot be recovered this season I Inter Rau T fP The market dosid stead) at a net ad- Jan "l ?J v.nce of 18US points n CUy S pr 55 Yes Todaj's ' Kennecott Cop. 35 31" riu.0 open iiRn iow iioso rack steel ... 70 7U 2101 2180 sit I!.-, Si n-. an'nn Lacledo Gas . 86 .'4 no "4 11 "i in u v, "t 8T LehlEh A al . . 59 7i 18", 31 30 47 151 127 56 97 31 48 68 98 84 62 U Crnrnn 7S 104 .. i Curtisa Airoplano ... 11 67 Cnrw en Tool 7 8 Carbon Steel 90 27. 2 Kmerson Phonograph. 1 Ji 45 1 IHendee Mfg 10 78 lLako Torp Boat 1. 2jj 99 , Lehigh Coal Sties... 87 91 26 1 Lima Loco 30 38 71 1 Maxim Munitions ... 83 1 N Y .Shipbuilding . 33 38 19 U Nor Amer Pap Pulp.. 2 2 38 otls Ulevator 5.1 60 40 , 1 lYcrless Motor . .. 18 19 23 PooIo Kng .I.. 20 45 i"na-i 17 Scripps-Booth 15 30 100 . is siandard Motors 8 9 0 1 U,.,l Vllnllt 8 8' bubinarlne : 11 12 St .Toaeoh Lead .... 1 1" Todd Shipbuilding , 93 100 bum . . " -a roflt Sharing . 1 M truitiMllin Oh u United Motors . . 34 3 Wright-Martin Air.. 1 4 STAM)AHI OIL STOCKb Illinois US !?i: Ohio T3 iir Pialrle Pipe 278 284 Stand Oil of Calif... 227 233 Stand Oil of N Y 288 291 2 IM)KFKNI)KT OIL STOCKS Tl?irnf.(t Oil H. GaS... ft Cosden & Co 6 7 Kile Basin 5 Federal Oil 67 57 1 SO 90 31 31 81 81 17R 175 1 111 10 12 12 49 49 6S r.a's 18 31 1 30 1 47 151 127 56 97 1 31 49 's . i .Todd Shlpn ,5 I Triangle FI I"" ,? I United Prol 2 ii G IB 4 155 31 32 32 78 20 55 64 .Tan""" 74 74'i 7S 7HV., J2j Maj 73 74't 73 7J 7." Lard Jan .... 20 12 20 20 20 ".'2 20 31 May . .28 81 23 00 21 75 23 73 T23 77 Jan'V.T.23 SO 51 00 21.70 2.1 72 21 7r. Ma .24 03 2107 24 87 24 00 24 00 Ian"''" . 4S 00 48 r.0 48 10 UH 71 Jlav .. . 45 JO 44 80.44 004100 tUld UAIt SILVER r S100-S500-S1000 SMSBlSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSStSnSSSBSSSSs. Exceptional Security 'WE. OWN AND OFFER SEVERAL SECURITIES OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY IN DENOMINATIONS OF S100. $500, 51000. THE YIELD ISGOOD, 6ECURITY UNQUESTIONED. INFOrI MATION BY MAIL OR OUR REPRE SENTATIVE WILL CALL. 1AKER, AYLING & YOUNG LAND TITLE BUILDING BOSTON PHILADELPHIA Chicago Lat Todai Yes Thurs NY Wets) Ullh 101 lOl'i London Id) 48,', 48,', "48 11118 llluh txiw 40l5 4J December January , Ma rcli Vlay ... Julv October 23 71 23 71) 24 21 23 70 24 0.' L-W Bis Co, ..i ill .1 111 zl in L'1 111 L'lll, 21 15 21 20 21 70 21.20 21 4 1 13 86 59 42 68 9 8 84 48 32 32 78 21 53 1 64 34 Ti 70 2 G 2 15 Inter Petrol lo 'Houston Oil I , iMerrltt Oil 24 I Midwest neilnlng 121 ji i i"rol M" Ohio Fuel 13 Oklahoma IUf 9 Sapulpa Ret b Sequoyah 4 Sinclair 13 JUMNO STOCKS Bis Ledge ' Butto New lotlk Ja Con Ariz CPS1 Jerome. iAt..f v-f.tlnMal E9 7i 11 !Goldfleld Merger 423. -f- 1'. LrOIUllCIU UIIO 24 H 124 k 17U 9 7 20 7 6 2 16 76 24 120 1 9H J1600 Am Gas & Ulec 5s 86 86 86 1000 El & Peo Tr 4s . 72 1000 II & JI rfd 6s 1967 02 1000 Int Met 4s 'BG 40 1E600 Lake Sup ilia 6s 62 B000 IiPh Val 6 W I 103 1000 do gen 4s 80 zuuu Ln vai Conl 6s 100 100 100 200 Lib Bonds 3s .. 97.10 97.10 97.10 .. DOO do 2d i 4 s ..95 60 92.60 95 50 .. 3700 do 3d 4s .. 06.16 95.60 9G.16 .2G 10100 do 4th 4s . 95.84 95.50 95.84 150 do 1st 4s 92.60 92.60 92.60 3000 Pa & Md Steel 68 102 102 102 3000 Ph Co con .- 6s stpd. 88 300PhllaUlec 1st 6sreg 95 6000 Heading gen 4s. 88 3000WNYS.P, gen ,4s. 70 Total sales $41,830. compared with $5,, 80U yesterdaM thus far this week, 342,850; same period last week. $314,450. TRANSACTIONS ON LOCAL '.CHANGE "x CONFINED TO SALEg OF ODD LOTSJ Rails Are Off, Reflecting Sentiment Concerning Secre 1 lUij s.uu o nuuumaeiucui xjuhuiu uiiu OUD- rf nuehanna Gives Semblance, of Activity to Market i . "Ji With tho Blnglo exception of a rlso of 4 points In tho prlco of Buffalo -p and Susquehanna common, transactions on the Philadelphia Stdck Exchange t'fi today wero uninteresting, with changes confined to minor fractions. Sao3 ' were connned, ror the most part, to odd lots. Italia wcro off, reflecting sentiment regarding tho announcement of Sec retary McAdoo concerning operation of tho roads. Lehigh Valley lost 74, Pennsylvania a like fraction, with Reading down 1U and Erlo . Weatera Maryland was off U, fi Tnl,. O. .-! ... .... J in . r i i. , .. " nv ujciiui nun uiiuiiuugttu ui. iv uiiu vjeiiciui jiBiJiiun isuucs were 801.U The common of the latter dropped to 37, and the preferred to 77. . Y PhllnrtlnVitsi. "nonll Trnnolt wnti t.nfhnnifflr1 TTnlnn Trontlnti tfn ff It, l- TAti nnati .T)k1 sv .!. Ll.l i OrT1 m j.viUlU.ll-X;.lilUIlL IIUIU UL m 110. ) Transactions In bonds wero more extensive, although prjco change3"were ...... .vu iv O.llUII ll,U1i:Ci Tho Philadelphia Company, and nfllllated operating comDanles. reDorts'18 Oqtober a total gross, ail departments, of $2,346,855, against $2,016,041, the same month lost jcar, or an Increase of $330,814. Not for tho month gained, $431,868. , Soven months gross was $14,599,544. This compares with $12,311,883 for tho samo period the preceding year, or a gain of $2,287,662. Net for the, seven months Increased $1,141,863. Beginning with April, operations of tho Pittsburgh Hallways Company, which operates nenrly all tho street railway properties, have been omitted from tho statement. Local Bid and Asked .24 .10 88 88 1 95 95 88 88 70 70 Butt & Snsci t c... ilo nreferred . . . L Drill. J a jiamwin Klectrlc Storage . Uen Asphalt do preferred . . . Keystone Tele , . . do preferred . . . LakA Sun CflrD ... j Lh!ch Navigation Lehigh Vallev ... 1 Lehigh Vnl Tran. t do nreVrred . . . Pennsylvania .... rhila Clcctrlo ... I'hlla. Co do fi p c pref. . . do 0 t c nref. . . Plilla Itap Trun... do t o Reading Tonopah Iirlmont . York Hallways do preferred MONEY-LENDING HATES N 111V rhUK MnneV nn pnll. mlvpd TnnnnMh Mlnlntr collateral, opened at 6 per cent; high, j Union Traction.. .. M G: low, 4: last. 4; closed, 45; ft B ineYl"".'".'.'.: nuJ runns raie, o-s per icm. m cramn t sons. 8i. industrials openeu at o per oeiu ; high, G ; low, 5 , last, 5 ; closed 5?5 ; ruling rate, 5 per cent. There were no new developments In the thro money market today either of larger business or respecting rates. Thcro Is and has been for tho last two weeks a certain amount ot tlmo funds available at 6 per cent for thirty to ninety dajs, either on mixed securities or lndustilals In existing circumstances some bor rowers arc satisfied to take call fundB In the expectation of a possible reduc tion In time money rates about tho mid dle of next month Tho amount of mercantile paper of choice quality on tne maricec is com paratively light. The nominal discount figure Is G per cent. . Prlmo bank acceptances are In fairly good Inquiry at unchanged rates of 4 dpi hi per cent for prime member bills, 4 7-164 5-16 per cent for prime non members and 6 05 per cent inell glbles. ... Call loans on prime bank acceptances are unchanged at 4 per cent. a Todav Yesterday Hid Asked Hid Asked 70 7J 7(1 74 03 57 55 T.11 24 , . . 24 711 70 4 70 70H 01 54 01 54 fllK H7 37 38 70 77 77.. 77 10 11 10 11 40 . 40 18 1H' 10 10 72 7a 72 72 r.uVi uo no ooh 14 .. 14 .. 24 .. 24 4H. 48'4 47 474 81s 21'i 2.1 2.1 3J SI H2 31 .10 31 80 at 34 34 33 34 20 27 .... .... 2IIK 27., 2H 20 4 84 , 84 81., 834 2 2 ! 2 S lltt ,1 .x n ni 4i 73 , 73., 74. 97 OH 08 83 Si 83 LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS s, n Jim Butler 38 MacNamara , 22 Midway 18 Mlzpan. Extension 01 Montana 14 North Star 08 llescue Eula JO West End ,. 1 GOLTJFIELO STOCKS ' Bid Ask i 31 i nilLAPELPHIA Call. G per cent; I time, 66 per cent. Commercial pa pers, three to six months, 56 per cent: six months, 6 per cent. 1 2 t.,i. e vnii,iit fftu i'0i4 1 Gomneiu noreu Louls& Nash 1.1 l-oVa i- is i s ,iifleiil Kewanas Lovett Again Heads Union Pacific New York, Dec. 12 Itobert S. Lovett, who resigned the presidency of the Union Pacific Railroad and subsidiaries, to, take up Government work during the war, was today re-elected to that ofllce at a meeting of tho directors. Ho will return to the road's properties on Feb ruary 1 Paris Bourse Quiet Paris, Dec. 12 Trading was dull on the Bourse today. Three per cent rentes G2, francs 90 centimes; exchange on London 25 franca 98 centimes; 5 per cent loan 88 francs 5 centimes. Mar Motor ... 29 do 1st pf.. 52 do 2d pf... 21 Ma) D Stores. 62 . Me Petrol ...167 Miami C Cop. 23 Mldvale Steel . 45 M & St L new. 14 Mo K & Texas 6 Missouri Pno . 27 Mont Power . . 77 Nat Con &. Cab 17 Nat Biscuit do pref 29 52 21 61 163 25 45 14 26 76 1G 110V, 110 110 112 112 112 2 29 52 217 . . 62 163 2 25 45 14 Vi 6 26 1 76 2 16. 10 5 8 30 20 7 LONDON Money Is quoted at 3 per cent. Discount rates, short bills and three-month bills, 3 17-32 per cent. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS ChlesEO. Dec. 12 BOOS Receipts 16.000 head; strung, mostly 100 higher than' Jester doj Top. M7.PO; heavy butchers. ?17.K0g 17 00; medium and light butchers 17.flriS' 17.8.1; light, 117.10017.7.1; heavy packing, flfl N1fS17.41, medium and light packing. $12 .10C17.no, throwouts I1510.83; pies goods to choice. 14.231B 75. CATTLE Receipts 13 000 head. Beef, steers and butchrs, steady to strong; calves slow; 23c to Bio lower: feeders. 2jo higher, beef cattle, good, cholcs and Prime. flJW 10 B0; common nnd meolum, III.?'"; butchers heifers tO.B012.B0: cows. 10 508 13: Btockera and feeders good, choice and fancy, ID750HS2.1: Infarlor common and medium, 7 2110.73; veal calves, cood and cholre 10 B0W17. .. BIinK' Receipts 87,000 head. Very dull opining, bids around BOo lower on fat classes; feeders slow- to lower. ritlsbnrgli. Dee. 12 BOOS Receipts. 10.000 head: steady.- Heavies and heavy yorkers. $17,0.1; light yorkers. $1010 2j; i tin ? in "kttekp and LAMBS Receipts, B00 head; steady. Top sheep. $9. B0: top lambs, CALVES Receipts. 100 head; steadj. Top, J.19.B0. Atlanta Rluo Bull Booth Klamondfleld B B Daisy Kewanas Oro Spearhead Silver Pick ., MISCELLANEOUS Arizona United Nevada Wonder i . Tecopa Mining Aseessment paid. .00 .02 .17 .02 .02 .07 .02 .20 .00 Ji .41) .2.1 .211 .0(1 .l'l .0T 0 .11 .OS .03 .OH .01 .31) .08 .It New Credit Jo Belgium Washington, Dec. 12. Tho Treasury Department granted a new credit to Belgium of $3,200,000, making the total to that country $213,320,000 and to all Allies of $8,223,540,102. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Frfj," Empire Refining 6s, 1927 Empire Gas & Fuel 6s, 1926 Crew Levick 6$, 1931 Great Falls Pr. 5s, 1940 Washington Water Pr. 5s, 1939 nUNHAMKla sr li;iali: is "; 43 Exchange Place New York GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT Receipts. 08.783 buslr There was a good outward movement and prices vV"e unhanged The following were the quotations Car lots In export elevator. Gov ernment standard inspection l"Jih prlces-S-o 1 red winter. $2 SO. No 1 north ?rn spring. S2.30. No 1 hard winter. $-39. s-mu.Vi" VA,tSoVI T$ w nt?; VJ. . No STorVheriT spring. U 30. No J hard winter. I" 8(1. No 2 red winter, garlicky, -'". I! 2 red, smutts. $2 33. No J red winter $2 32.' No 3 northern spring S2 3-, No. 3 hard winter. --, -"; ",!. ! No 4 $'30 No .'garlicky 28-, No 4. JmutW. 12 27 , No'4 . garlicky, smutty. mi. Kn r, red. BSD- -"' i" 2i. NO 0. gar- t2 "d. No B. smutts. llcky smutty. 2 ! 24 CUttIS lieceitJio. a ""-" Supplies were O, a. -. '.I ..... j lots for local trad as to quality ana loca tion at $1510170 per bushel, the latter '"OATS-Vecllpts 28 7S2bush. The mar- ket was strong, and advynceo w c :" ferings. Quotations: Fowls, according to quality, 201330c. Spring chlckers. aceordlnir W...aalte;.. '-.TAl , no'ters. 20c: ynMfle Mail iiV" rcK'"- -"" ie.no. jnaian Runner, i i," , vat fi Oulneas, joung per pair Welshing ludl do pref Ill Nat Un & Stpd 48 47 Nat Lead 68 68 do pref 105 105 Nev Con Cop 10 10 N O, Tex & M 35 35 N Y Cent... . 78 77 N YN 11 & H. 33 34 IN Y Ont fcAVt. 21 21 Norf South ... 15 15 'Norf & West.. 107 107 North Pacific. 96 95 Ohio Gas 43 43 flnt Silver . . . . " i 'a Owens Bot .... 47 34 IV. lbs apiece. $11.10. smaller sizes. BOGtHIr" Penna B, K. Oulneas, old per pair. 7.i80c. Pigeons, old. 1'eorla & KaBt. per pnlr. S0ff31c. do. young, per pair 2.1 M p.h nns & C. Phlla Co 30c n. i?"-rurkei wero scarce and ttiT & West Arm. Other pou try was in ample sunoh i ' "s . and oulet at former rates. Th? quotnffi Plerce-Arrow were: Turkevs snrlnir rhnip. inAm., Plprcei Oil .. some fancy nnrl.v stock higher: do. do." I Pitts, Coal . . . fair to good. 3J30o- do do. common. 30 (i do pref . . . . .loiajic. row; boxes, vveichlr aasic; weighing 4 lbs. apiece. 3434c: fKKf "I""- ';8J30';, "fresh-kllled fovvls in hbls. fancy, dry-picked Fancy selected. 85o: weighing 4 lbs and over apiece. 3So; weighing 4 lbs apiece, 33c, small sizes 289 'Kn flirt s-Ast a hUi.j -m - n uv ui swvokcsa. uJ UILrl.ru 1 1 c. itnnat, 46 5 54, 321 , 37 44 17 47 85' toms. 343Uc; do, do. old' hens. I r,. 5l 'car' 66" wis. f resh-kliled. VlrylcSed? iri 5r8Pr,r of N j 91 ""t 4,W.Jb- n1 over apiece. S?or, oifri -71; ling 4 lbs. nniere ajifjojii V. B.vSteel Spring 1 7 Ing chickens western, drs-picked In boxes Weighing 4 lbs and over apiece. 30c: weighing 4 lbs apiece, 35-; weighing 314 lbs apelco 8334c. weighing 2ft a: ih. .... Qi.ffD.A n n. I....'" ". " "y."i . ..utniinir cnirKens. 4b 34 66 117 46 5 53 32 36 44 1G 47 85 65 91 76 'do pr 103 103 ay Con Cop ss4 ;-',i 47; 68 105 19 35 1 77 35 21 15 1 107 95 1 43 7 4G 3 34 66 117 1 46 5 .. B3 1 32 37 44 1G 47 H 85 G5 1 91 1 76 103 2 , , o.s l B . nro.n MnnKter jHecla Mining ... Hone Sound .. " Independence Lead Jerome vcrue Jim Butler ....... Jumbo Kxtension . McKlnley Darragh. Mnimij (Conner ... Mother Lode ........ 34 Mines Co or America. Nevada Hills... ., ... Nevada Wonder Nlplsslng Ohio Copuer Bay Hercules San Toy Tonopah Intension. .. Unlled Verde West Dn Con Vhttn fans Yerlngton 4 BONDS Bethlehem 7s (notes).lOOU 100 Cosden Oil 6s .. 2 B Cosden and Co 6s... 83 85 Cudahy 7s 101 ?i 102 Ilussian Gov 5s .. G2 67 Russian Gov 6s .. 65 68 Southern Railway 6s. 99 99 Sinclair Oil 6 .. 83 88 Todd Shipbuilding 6S.106 108 5 4i 1 J' 38 15 45 29 3 Vi 8- 3 8 37i 1 13 u' 4 3 1 , 40 ' 18 48 30 36 1 6 8 3 39 1 15 G G 38 14 29 35 3 '2 "in East nuffiilo. N. Y., Dec. 12. CATTLE Receipts, 2U0 head SteaiSy. Calves Re ceipts no head Steadv. JBM10 tm I UUUa lieceipts, OOVV U"m m.v .. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 800 head FOREIGN EXCHANGE stroS; Lamb.. SOtVlsTs. searllhg. $71-' York. Dec. 12. Although the Others unchanged. Kansas Cltj, Dn.-. 12 BOOS Receipts 14 000 hend. w . , CATTLE Receipts B00O head bUEEP Receipts 20 000 head. Niw foreign exchange market was Inactive as oil Wednesday, the tone of tho neu tral exchanges showed firmness. Span ish exchange was a little higher at 20.16 for cables and 20 08 for checks. Quotations were; Demand sterling 4.75 65, cables 4.76.45. Sixty-day bills, nominally, 4.74; ninety-day bills 4.71. Franc cables B.45, checks 5.45. Lire cables 6.35. checks 6.36. Rvulns cables 4 90. checks 4.93. Guilder cables 42 f checks 42. I Stockholm cables 29.00, checks 28.75. Chrlstlanla cables 28 00, clvks 27.75. Copenhagen cables 27.00, checks 26.75. Ruble currency was .nominally firmer at 17 b(d and 18 asked. 102 67 PnV Readinjr on ot oitb Rep Iron & Stl 76 754. 754 -1 do pr M "? "k i Royal Dutch ..103 91 99 1 Saxon Motors. . 10 9 9 MLSIf... 1f' 16 16 ... Rears-Roebuck 170 170 H Veil York Bonds a patnj wiui ino r. " "i""" ri e, liiii, , ",' "i dois ivejgning 4 lbs. nnd over Sloss-Sheff S&I 51 B0 01 -t-i as 10 location No Ji white, M"' apiece, 3- weigh ng .1 lbs apiece 8"n 1 SlS-i'Vnil "t 333i 33f4 4 standard white, 8J fijlf, No 3. white, -I v,elgh'ng 2 3 lbs apiece, 21) sic nroU I IlnC.?lL, ill,',, " 1 n'-s 1015 10'. Z 82Vic No 4 vlilte RnVv,li81c Ing thickens weighing K 02 lbs api" Southern Rao.. 10- 101 10- FLOL'R Receipts 310 bbls and -J-'" 42044c Ducks, nearby, fancy spring 40M Southern 18 R. 31 , 20 30 lbs. In sacks The market was QTr,o ouo 4Jc. do. western dry-plcked. a4o". Oe.. do pref. 09 G9 69 prices were stesdlls maintained Tho quo western. drj-.plckedCholcs. soosic fair Studebaker . . . . 62 61 61 .. tatlons were. To .arrive per 10 D0"nu '" to good. 27H2Bc. Squabs, per dozin White i?i Motors . 54 53 63 118 pound sacks Winter wheat. 101) rr cent weighing 11 to 12 lbs. per dozen; $808 "l" ol e.lii 1-1! ?7ti 37U flour. S10 3SW10 01 Kansas wheat. 100 per white, weighing 0 to 10 lbs psr dozen sffl. Sup StJeU .' ..i.? SIJa 07 " ii Jint flour S10M?112IJ. .soring wheat. 100 7.50. whlt w6ghlnB 8 JJJ ",". Jg Texas & Pacific 27 26 27 Fr.nl flour TlO.SSIftUl 20 . . 0 50: do do 7 lh o.r rln..n j iSSiSv ."".? T.n. Tn 190 189 189 .. ' " ---r. i-i -l aiasiitf vv m . .&.... --- - uvu ii ; 0(1. LKOAI, AnVKRTISEMENTS r H Huu. ........- --. ,... -rrr I RYE FLOUll was quiet "u "?"-", quote at 910 per barrel In sacks, as to quality. j PROVISIONS There was n fair Jobbing trade and the m-rii., ruled firm Quotations- city or 1?,titii nn jnaim .,rnv..v western beef In sets smolted, 48c; city neer r-hr-...w v. -. ... , vipwi.1,, , H-t. In,nv.,i jRe; city peer in bcib. svsi" deceased- Letters itslamentary 011 the V' ,1j .IS .,L,Lirir 4Bc. western beef alwve estate having been granted to the vnaersignea. an peruana inuepieo. to tne sain estate are requested to make payment, ant those having claims to present tbe earns, WUbout Uyju,,, - COLfJNy Di4u -unesmuc at. r- -i -,- . - ! V TV ALEX. RORlkSON. V.5 4 SIX Ijioerty tiuuains. t-nufc ESTATE OF HARRIS E. TINDl'.L. v.1 l-t-wESTATB or I: f-tvt mSBT Anl I-Attera l.aliini.nlarv 1 "ii ii the stove estate having been granted to the 1 undersigned, atl persona Indebted to the t ' ' siikl estate are requested to make payment. ail those having claims to present the same, ? t, without delay to CLARE V. TINDEL. .1. .1 -' 21u b. 44th at. 1 J l Or to her attorney. tkREUERICK H. WARNER. V nil) Lend Title Building ni'irat' SlLrtsS ! ZZ knuckles and tinders smoked 40c: Deet hams. $00. pork, fimlli.. J.14WB3: haras. H P eured loose, 3737c. do. skinned, loose. 3737c: do. do. smoked. 30O30V4C: other hams, smoked, city cured as to brand and average. 1W80e. hams, .moa.avTe.t. S3e; picnic shoulders S P. cured, loose. 28c! do. smoked. 29c; bellies. In plckls. ac cording to average, loose. S3c, breawast baton, aa to brand and average, city cured. 43c: breakfast bacon, western cdred, 45c; lard western reflned, 8O20V,e: lard, pure city, kettle rendered, 2U2c. REFINED SUGARS The market was quiet but steady on a. basis ot Do for fine granulated, DAIRY PRODUCTS )2.50. small and No. 2, $102.50. FRESH FRUITS The market was generally firm, with a fair movement m fancy fruit Quotations Apples, New York, per Ml Fall PlnrVr! ti !?.?! npw $48: King. $4Bba7?V. Baldwin Greening B Apples, .V1?- '"nouardston. $400 $498 SO: various varieties, taffli isiuvsgnse-n nim irciniH rvais- bbl Ren Davis $2 5004 50 cano $2'Bn 4 78: Stayman Wltlesap. $47 SO: York Iml Snri..i,,4s97i A''pli SV -hel ba.klt 40cffp$l 23: do. ner hushAl lta.ir.t tin., . Apples, western, per box. $203 50 Lemon! ItOllCE IS II Kit Kit Y OIVKN THAT . . ... 1... ...1..1 .1,... ,l,h r nn appllta'Ion whl b. made to the j.m-nd riSTily absorbing the limited offer, rd of. Pardons on. Deeeinlwr 18. 1918. at f5"in(1r,"72 L?, f?.w -rSrk whole milk. !'ci'?1'v.?:..m::.,V,nV2u.,l"",.Jr2un fancy, fresh. 87037o: speolsl. . highest "V..".""'."""'r,,-I l".i" Ki"-2' do. do. fair to good., fresh. S7W7.Vic, go. "rTStk ?tffi"Vo?'. TemTf not leM than' -,.. 'jftVfc, :w! a" . months, or more tU 2 1 years, for the , rWSlfSull.s w.' nall and the whole-milk, fane: t. -". ..., j .v.- ;.....- 1 11 fennw nr ferjirev. ir-m i-t .neionia ounty. i ,--r -,----. . --..adv. but trade was very Tobacco Prods 81 79Ji 80 : do pref...... 100 100 100 t- Unlon Facino...l30 129 129H : do pref 73 72 72 TTnl Allnv SteeL. 39 38 39 SSlSS?iWS 'U lU - l G2460LltbaBroATr3W Ur?ltrtult...."3 162" IBS 1 ' 95000 do cv 4s. . . . 93, Unl Ry Inv pf. 16 15Ji U S C I P & V. 1B 16 U SInd Alcoh,L102 102 TJ s Itubner.. 76 o .i; . A. 1t r.rf .101174 10874 10874 4-l4 U S Sm & R P 47 47 47 TT a Qtsal 09 07 97 - - "- -i. r" T Wm aVClIlUIIB. I IJ U k-J VbU " -- SI'VSSs'n uSi-SrJPM?- JJ ate. do pref ... . 113 i 11? -i s" n..;re":.T;"'"l.'"'.!.',.Prr irP.MTJtah Copper . ivii Va-Car Chem.. B6 llltrh Low ir.nnn Air, Arr deh &S.103 103 103 61000 Anglo-Frch 5s 96?i 96 96 5000 Am H & L 63.100 99 100 40000 Am-For Sec Cs 99 99 99 2000 Am Smelt 6s. 92 92 92 4000Am T & T 6s 45 45 46 34000 do 6s 102 102 102 2000 Am Writ P 6s 88 88 88 1000B & O 4s .... 83 83 83 1000 Beth Stl 5s 36s 86 ' 86 86 21000 Brk R T 7s . 94 94 94 6000 Bordeaux 6s .100 100 100 1000 Chile 6s 87 87 87 1000C & O cv 4s. 82 82 82 22000 C & O 4s.. 82 82 82 19000 do1 cv Be... 87 87 81 17000 C B & Q reg 4s 95 95 95 2000 Chi M & St P . 4s 25s 85 85 86 42000 dopfd4s..77 76 77 mnnnciiv Pnrls 6s. 98 98 98 4000 DIs S Corp 6s 89 89 89 2000 Dom of C 3s. 97 97 97 20000 Erie Cv 4s S A 76 7B 76 1UUU ao oer v. "B 92000 Ftench R 6a.l03Ti annnrsen Rtrc 6h 101 Mnnn Tl.i a, Mn In Ea 18 18 66000 Int Met 4b. 48 45 45 4000 Int Mr Mar 8S.1UZ luiei -ios U 9I.SU DI.UO 30 93.18 03 20 21000 do 1st 48... 93.60 -J3.4U US.1U 1101000 do 4s 96.1G 96 00 96.16 61000 do 1st 4B. 97.20 97.08 97.20 242000 do 2d 4s. 95.98 95.82 95 98 BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today, compared with corre. .ponding dayio.a.t two 5eiars: Phlla ... $08.0 V, 224 $11.41111810 $11 lnu,l)',l N York.07 4.170.884 6K0.007.202 8111.112 I'll) Boston... 60.241.400 30.040.577 81.830,070 Baltimore 14.271.235 0.813.03J l),B30.880 Chicago.. 00,280,804 St. Louis S0:71B,342 23 BB6 407 22,060,442 French Bank Statement Paris Dec. 12. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the follow ing change's: Gold In hand Increased 3,754.000 francs ; slh ei In hand decreaso" ui nun ' notes In circulation Increased Close 2951684,000; treasury deposlto decreased 30 047. OUO ; generm uojiuaiw ue.ichdsu 169,001,000 ; bills discounted decreased 64,638,000, and advances Increased 26,-816,000. South Omaha. Dec 12 BOOS Receipts 14 800 head Steadj. Be higher, closing dull and fully 10c to lBo lower. CATTLE Receipts. 430O head; 13c to 25o hlSHE'EP Receipts, 0900 head Steady to easier. Bank of England Statement London, Dec. 12. The weekly state ment of the Bank of England follovys; Total reserve 28,672 000, Increase 1. 269.000 : circulation 67.608,000, increase ricinnn- hnlllnn 77.730.000. increase I 1,719,000 ; other securttlei 95,901,000, decrease ti.ooo.ouu; utiier uciiuaiu) 152.999.000, decrease 1,199,000; pub lic deposits 27,418,000, Increase 888, 000; Government securities 73,685,000, Increase 181,000. The proportion of the banks reserve to liabilities Is now 15.90 per cent, against 16.17 per cent last week, and compares with an advance frorn 18.15 to 19.58 per cent in this week lastrear. I'VE SPREAD MYSELF OUT TOO THIN I'm a writer ot advertising ropy. Ambitions nnd determined to succeed In a larre war. my present position ns service man on a large dally newspaper hardens tne with such a load of routine detail work that loWterrs with my copy. I most concentrate my energies either In the copy department of an agency or as assistant to advertising manager of progressive manufacturer. En ergetic and Industrious I am now doing two men's work. Ten years' editorial experience before enter ing advertising field. ( For Interview address, B 224. LEDGER OFFICE ?l V i r c si r.ART. 103 103 101 101 18 niVIDKNUS W. fnrtifr llroad and Arch streets rniiaufipnia, x'ecriiioer xi, ivjb. Directors nays tola day declared ttHlwi of The United Oas .Improvement Co. ,. CUkrtfriy dividend of 2 per cent (fl per aaitrcr. nsxsoii, , 4oia.r. of rt.eord 5tmbir St. IBID Cheeks will be mailed, "r". " I. W. MORRIS. Tressurer. anuary IB. 1910. to stock- iters ot record at the close of business RAILROAD EARNINGS i' CANADIAN PA43FIO mil., Th. ntintatlnns wnr! HolldDacked, rreamery extras, 70c: blgher-icorlng goods. 7107Sc. ths latter for jobbing sales; extra lints 08Bc: firsts 23o: seconds, J7g UOc; fancy brands of prints jobbing at 740 7o: fair to good. C6&7SC. aaoaFstth eggs were more plentiful and UOo per case lower. Cold storage eggs continued firm uuder light offerings Qu tatlons, Freo cases, nearby fliats. $20 400 21 per crate: ourrent recelp's $20 10 per case! western extra flrsts. $20.40021 per case, flrsts. $19 8O02O.1C per raser Inferior lots lower; storage eggs. $15013 00 per rase; selected fresh lobblnc at 744JOo per POULTRY ' ,j affu uraDerruit. Mr box. xvsha r$n. applei. Porto Rico, per crate, $6 fiO-flO 50 Cranberries, Jerv per bushel box, $305' VEGETABLES Demand was onlv moderate, hut vaMes were well sustained on fancy stock. The following were the quotations; White po tatoes Eastern Shore per bbi. No. 1 $! 3 7B: No. 2 $23 White potatoes? Norfolk, per hbl. $8 2fl White potatoes. Jersey per .bush basket No 1 75000c: No BOfiOOe IVhlte potatoes Pennsylvania. No 1. per 100 lbs . $2 0002.83 Whl o potatoes, fancy. 2 3A)3.10. Sweet potatoes, Jersey per basket No. 1 $11581.35; No.i 2. 78 JOc. Sweet potatoes. Eastern Shore, per Sweet potatoes, Delaware and Maryland hush -hampers No. 1. $1 0002; No. 2. $1.401 BO Cabbage. Danish, seed, per ton. $28028 Onions, yellow, nr 100-lh. bag No. 1. $1.8801.83. No. 2. 80000c. Waoasfc 9 dn nr A ... 38 West Md .... 13 West Faclfto ..21 do prei .... ujvs West Un Tel.. 88 West Mfg .... 43 J, Wheel & X, E.. 10 do pref .... 20 White Motors. 47 Wllly-Ovld .. 26 do pref .... 88 Wilson Co ... 73 79 64 9 38 13 21 63 a -9 Si .?- nu il 47 28 88 73 10 -I- ' 15 102 7fi l' r. . -t-vvv - - .-- ;;; -- - 1, 2851000 do 4th 4U ap.au u.io ay ). 11000 Lyons 6s 100 100 100 1 j 1000 Marseilles 6s..l00 100 100 2 3 113 79 DO 9 381 13 1 21 vi 63 88 43 a a at 20 47 26 88 78 hi NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS ,?". 'orV;P'S' 12- nUTTKH Receipts, 7.128 tubs Higher scorlnc 09? 070c: -extras. 09c, Inside; flrsts 01008c, EGOS Receipts. .1101 rases. Extras. 71 072et extra flrsts. 08070c; flrsts, 08007c; seconds, 620030) refrigerator, special marked. 43050c. ..dirties. No, I. E0ies2e: dirties. No. 2. 4As$4Dot cheek ilSlill. Stats, white. enS02c; weatarn and south. 1 1 in, whites. 70Me: Pselfle coast, vrbits. Me; rrly,:airtM'J7Sci hrown. ml JVIHI I.IB. UV.llWV l.W.CB, WltUlWlVi .,h S3fl "On sharAM vesterdavt thus far thta week, 1,804. loo shares, same period last week. I.usu.xuu snares. XS-z dividend Brooklyn Union Oas. IUi American Car Foundry, 2; American Car rounary prei., i. 7000 Mldvale 6s,... 88 1000 Mo Pao Bs '23. 94 10000 do "26s 93 29000 do go n4s... 64 2000 N Y Cot H 48. a 88 94 93 63 es 3000 do 6s 100 100 ji BOT. 6000. 2000 do 4s do 4s 10000N YCy 4B,66a8 88 11(1(111 do 4Us '67..102U 102 17000 do 4NV57.102 7, 102 16000 NY Nil &H 6s. 93 93 30000 N Y Rwy 6s.. . 12 7000 Nor Pao 4s... 88 1000 Pa gen (it 4s 93 1000 Pierre Oil '24. 88 2000 Per Mara ... 88 42000 Sou Pao cv 4s. 8S s 41000 Sou Pao CV Ba.103 102 DIVIDENDS DECLARED United Oas Improvement Company, quar terly of 2 per cent, payable January IS to stock of record December 8L . .., Wilson & Co.. Chicago, quarterly of 1 per cent, payable -January 2 to holders of record December 23. Republic Trust Company, quarterly of 1 per cent, payable January 1 to stockholders of record uecemper -u. Pittsburgh Rolls Corporation dividend of 1 per cent on common, payable January 1 In Liberty Bonds Oirard Trust Company, quarterly of 0 per cent, payable January 2 to stockholders of record December 14. Empire Steel and Iron rompany. semlan. nual of S per .cent on preferred and a divi dend of 2 per cent on preferred stock, which shall bs applied In partial reduction of ac cumulated preferred dividends. Payable Jan. Oary 2. to stock of record December 20. Magma Copper Company, a dividend of nfty cents a share, payable January 0 to stride of record December 20. . American Agricultural Chemical Company, quarterly of 2 per cent on common and 1 per cent on preferred, Pabls January 15 to stock of record December $3. Harrison a Federal Reserve Director n-.. TTv,lrnl Reserve Board has re elected Charles C. Harrison a Class C director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia for the period of three years. pVglSnlng January 1..1919. The board redesignated for. the calendar year 1918 M present chairmen and fed eral reserve agentB and deputy chair men of all twelve Reserve Banks. .- t CHICAGO BUTTER AND EGGS Chicago. Dec. 12 BUTTER Receipt 42KR tubs One-half cent lower. CTHS Receipts 8080 eeses TTw..'ined Refined Sugar .Unchanged New York, Dee. 12. Conditions In the sugar market remain unchanged. Several of the local refiners ard still withdrawn, owing to the lack of raws. but It H raid to be only a temporary condition wid may bo remedied with the arrival of raws, which are expected within the next day or tvvo.'tho amount being estimated at 60,000 bags. Prices are unchanged at 9c, less 2 per cent for cash, for fine granulated, ltavvs are unchanged at G.OSBc 1 Extra by Phelps-Dodge New'Yerk, Dec. 12. Phelps-Dodge de clared an e-ctra dividend of $5.60 a share in addition to the regularquar terly dividend of $2.50 a share, pay able January 2 to stock of record De cember 20. Three montlu ago an ex tra dividend of $6 60 wan declared. In nddition to the regular nuarterly divi dend of $2.50. Of the total dividends, k will ha nald In cash and S2 from reserve for depletion, in Liberty 4 pesj UCIIl MW1. SALES PECUTIVE Are you In need of a man in your organization whose past records have proven .him to be an expert In Business Administration and a Producer of Sales? I IIAVK HAD NINE YEARS' experience In the Sheet Metal and Metal Stamping business and four years aa Director 6f Sales of a Cor poration handling a Building Mate rial Specialty, - WILL mf AVAILABLE FOB peace work within thirty days. Jf 7B7, LEDOEB CENTRAL Manufacturers and business houses anxious to'obtaln a firmer footing In the rich South Amer ican markets will find a valuable ally in the South. American Section of the PUBLIC && LEDGER ssssssssssasamsssssssssgass, ssigsg.gi.....,,.,itJM,,, LATIN-AMERICA n 87 93 88 COS'. "90' , 96 lOlTi'lOITi 64 64 33 33 Another Iisue of Loan Certificates IVashlnsrton. Doc. 12. Another bi weekly (sue of loan certificates of In debtedness of $900,000,000, or more, bearing v Per cent interest, was an nounced today by the Treasury. The win b dated ueotvmDer'vj, IfUlVSi 2000 So Rwy 4.... 69 200Q do -on 6s... 9b 2000 Tex Co cv Ss.102 6000 Third Avo 4. 64 lOOn rin aril Kfl 33 9000 U S Rubber 6s 87 . 86 11000 do 7b 102 102 102 14000 TJ B Stl B t 6b. 100 "99 93 1000 Union Pao 6s. 101 104 104 4000 U K of G D & I 5s 1919. 99 99 99 13000 do6snw'19.J01 100 100 95000 dq 6H 1921 98 98 98 lOOOWest Union Ea 93 93 93 81,000, i . Total, sate. . $18. 000. oomersd wjih " Mr"""lW75r ANNUAL MFin'lNOH KSP. UHIARO TBU8T COMPANY fcS Philadelphia. December 2d. 1018. The annual meeting of the stockholders ef this Olmpany will ho held on Monday, the sixteenth day of IJeeember. BUS. at 12 "clock noon, at the office of the Company. Broad and Chestnut streets. Philadelphia, Pa., at which time an election will bs held for flvo Mapassrs to serve for a term of tour years. B. yy. MORRIS. Secretary. fK5NATIONAL SECUBITY BANK, 3Sf Philadelphia, Dec. 11. 1018. The annual meeting ot the Stockholders will be held at the Hanking House on Tues day. January 14, 1010, between the hours of It noon and S p, m.t for the election, of Directors and the transaction of such other business as may come before ths meeting. W. II. McKEC. Cashier. KZS" THE ANNUAL MEBTINO OF THE -i-v j' olleyholders of the Keystone Mutual offic of the Company. 414 Widensr Building Flrellnsilrasre Company will bo held at the PhUtde'nhla. Pa,, on Wedaesdor, January I I'l'iuic I'HIIs. elf, irse ivnir-, HiM(f IMh.'lOIS. art llS o'cloek 1". J4,, to elect r-uw DlreMora to esrve tnioai any W.J sr and EXPORT TRADE PROMOTION EXHIBIT .WEEK COMMENCING, wa DECEMBER 30, 1918 AT.LEDGER CENTRAL " Broad and Chestnut Streets The Latin-American Export Section will bo issued in the Public Ledger, morning and evening, December 2G, 1918. Full particulars on application. From every quarter of the vast continent to the south of us ths Public Ledger gathers commer cial news that Is of vital Inter est to every American business . man news that opens hla eyes to fresh opportunities, that dis closes new markets and sev erally keeps him In touch with the industrial needs of our- sister republics. , ti 'i .tS mi 38 Published on Alternate Thursdays, i- Aj- -3 f- -J- i" 77 1; ! TEUSIUa . I CUABTEUED 1SSS ' ' EXECUTOR CUABTEUED 1SSS FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY . Member Federal Reserve System Capital $6,000,000 Surplus $16,000,000 Main Office: 325-331 Chestnut St, 43-53 S'.'Fourth . ADMIN 1STKAX4W V Broat) Street Office. 4 N. E. Cor. of v Broad arid Chestnut Sti, HW -iL. flUaVJIsMUt ' rg-' a J VJI Jl I m 'iwW JXt wyjrrxryz same.' SfSBBKSBBBS.V1Sg r,WM e. tt '( f" ' 1 M the HtersJ , nsasHBBiVS&M