pfpfp?! !f8W E.V . j, M.gKy. ja.v. g aran-Mjn fm r," """: , '.V1! EVENING' PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY; DECEMBER 12, 1918 4ft J I .I. ' i 1 k u. Si. 4T ft fdJ MRS. FALES'S MEMORY HONORED IN TABLET Services Held in Bethany Sun day School Hall for Charity Wprker Seral hundred friends of the lftto Mrs. MaryjWanrmaker Falds, sister of .Tolin Wanttm&keY. attended a mtmorlal Regies last'Wnlng In Bethany Sunday Schooj .Hal?, TWenty-second and Baln brldgageet?,t hlch a bronio tablet to MrsV Fates was impelled. The tablet WRs,',pfesented by ha Actlvo Band of Betllj'qhurch, of 'which Mrs. Fales uas tlie leader for many years. She died last surftmer. PramlnenN. members of Bethany Churchj'ancl men actUe In politics and Institutional work delivered addresses, jH whlchHJieypald tribute to Mrs Fales as ftofnanv4io was Indefatigable In good works. Wardcn Robert McKenty, of the Eastern Penitentiary, told how she never missed a Saturday at the House of Correction during his In cumbency as suporlntendent, visiting maleLhnd female Inmates, giving them soodjadUee, communicating with their fampjefc and obtaining positions for them When they left th pr'son Samuel McReynolds presided, and the Rev. Dr. Dotage i pebtecost, pastor of Bethany, delivered anaddreas of wel como PCtof'Tentecost read a letter from John Wanamakor, who was unable to attend. The tablet was presented by Captain James Johnston, better known as the Rev. "Jlmmle ' Johnston, assisted by Miss Ruth Poulson. Following a brief, address by Htfgh Black, of the Men's Friendly Union, the audience sang 'My Country, "Via of Thee," after which the tablet was re eeled by RoTjert M. Coyle. "SOLDIER BILL" WRITES POEM Hope of Early Return Home Fighter's Inspiration Lively lines of poetry. Inspired by Btofies that the American soldiers will be starting homo soon, have been sent from overseas to the Evening Public Ledger by William S Pluta, Company D Third Anti-aircraft Machine Gun Ua tallon It W entitled 0erseas," and Is rignea -aomier biu " xno poem fol lows: Thero ar rumors In tho ftlr. I cart hear them eiftrywhere. As they noat upon the balmy southern breeze And thev come from evers where. Hut from mostly '0er Here." Where tho bu lets and the whiz bags slzz and sneeze Oh, methinks X hear the splash Of the billowy waves that dash , Over tho transport that Is labeled "Over seas " And the Jolly lads that veil Back to sweethearts ''All Is well " As thev crowd agalnat the rallln&r thick as hees Yet they look with eager ejea At the smoky eastern skies Where the leaden balls and steel ones fell like rain But they nny U won't take lonfr -"Hflltn Phillv" in thplr unnir Till the o d ship brings them safely home nmun , GROCERY FINED: CLOSE BAKERY Alleged Flour Profiteer Must Pay $25 to Red Cross A grocer who profiteered on flour was I made to pay a fine and a baker 'who ' failed to show courtesy to a food In vestigator has been ordered to close his shop for thirty days by the food admin jjjlstratlon. , a-,. (' Because ho had charsed ten centra -.pound for wheit flour, James A. Hosen ,,bere. of 601 Qermantown avenue, paid, ij'at the Instigation of the enforcement division of the administration, a fine of ,$25 to the Red Cross Daniel Cutler, 4004 Poplar street, suf 1 fered more beerely for refusing; to al low a food administration Inspector to malic an examination of his bakery or 1 to submit a sample of his dough for analysis Food admlnstratlon officials, ' reeallng that this was the second In stance of such refusal, and that when a sample had been taken last an lnsultl clent quantity of substitutes had been ' found, had him haltd before the en forcement dllslon for a hcarlnf. Ad mitting the charges, he was ordered to close his bakery for thirty days. 500 'MOURNERS" TO ATTEND CREMATION OF EX-KAISER Harry Davis Republican Club Will Burn "Bodies" of William Hohenzollern and Son Parade Tonight Will Precede "Services at Twenty-third Street and Allegheny Avenue After lying In state four dajs at the clubhouse of tho Harry Davis Republi can Club of the Thirty-eighth Ward, the "bodies" of William Hohenzollern, former Kaiser, and his son, Frederick William Hohenzollern, former Crown Prince, will be cremated tonight. The hundred members of the club. In somber garb, wearing the mourner's black "stoeplpe" hats and smoking clay pipes, will act as an escort. Two bands have been engaged to play the funeral dirges. Six brawny negroes, costumed to rep resent his Satanic Majesty, will serve as pallbearers. John H. Dangert, Jr., who will marshal the mourners and1 es cort, also will officiate at the cremation, which will tako place upon a scaffold erected In front of the clubhouse at Twenty-third street and Allegheny ave nue The funeral cortege will lcae the jlubhouse at 8: JO o'clock The "body" of the late and unlamented Kaiser will rest upon a truck, drawn by a mule, and draped with the red, white and black (lag of the former German empire. The "body" of the ex-Crown Prince will be borne In a carriage of ancient lntage, also drawn by a mule. Molng east on Allegheny aenue, the procession, Illumined by th$ red fire torches carried by each man, will pro ceed to Twenty-second street, thence south to Lehigh avenue, woBt to Twenty fourth street, north to Somerset, west to Twenty-fifth street, north to Alle gheny avenue and back to the scene of the cremation. Following the last riles, the pallbearers will give a devil doiice while the fires burn down. Many "tokens of respect and pym- TURKEYS WILL COST LESS Good Supply Expected to Make Price 45 Cents a Pound Christmas turkeys will be down to normal prices and will sell from forty to forty-five cents a pound, according to those wlm are keeping In close touch wlh Hm mirket. Before Thanksgiving the birds reached probably tne mgnest price on recoio, in thin part of the country and brought as high as sixty and sixty-five cents a uiund. Bather than nay this flBUro, however, thousands of housekeepers com promised nnd bought chickens, which Fold at forty and forty-five cents. This caused a slump In turkey nrlces, re ducing th birds from ten to fifteen ceiiln a pound on the day before Thanks giving. It was too late, however, to dlsposn of most of them. Thousands were left on tho market. Nineteen Btntes will ship carloads cf turU.'is for Christmas and with thosa rnlhSd nearby there Is a every Indica tion that the supply will be equal to the dimar.d thus bringing the price down to the reach of the normal .pocketbook. SEEK GROCERY ECONOMY LA QUESTIONE DEL POTERE TEMPORALE ssKww1BV9HNIi li -iiniM , IBS. a v AvJtM'W 11'lAtt in- 11 Pnpa Chiedcra' Aiulo a Wil son per una Defmitiva Soluziono PublUhM ni1 DIMrlbutM Under .... , PERMIT NO 841 . AiitnorlMd bv th net of October a, 1017. on nio at tho Tostofflce of Phila delphia. IVi. lly order of tho Prfaldent A B. BURLESON. Poatmaiter General. lEADY FOR CREMATION After lying in state for four davs at the clubhouse of the Harry Davis Republican Club, of the Thirtj eighth Ward, the "bodies" of Wil Ham Hohenzollern and his son, Frederick W. Hohenzollern, will bo cremated tonight pathy" have been received from the ex. Kaiser's one-time friends and associates Field Marshal von Hlnderburg sent a llmberger cheese, which rests on the coffin while the "body" lies In state, and General Ludendorff sent a wreath of dried sauer kraut Over the casket are suspended miniature airplanes, nnd the casket Itself Is decorated with small cannon, shells and machine guns, tokens from the Allies. Manufacturers' Representatives to Dis cuss Plans at Dinner Economies and greater efficiency In sale and distribution of grocery products will be discussed tonight at the eleventh annual dinner of the Association of Manufacturers' representatives at the Bellevue-Stratford. . . . ., , Among the speakers 'will be Frank w. Fort, United States food administration, nnd United States Senator Bert M. Fer naldv of Maine. Mr. Fernald Is a mem ber of the Senate Committee on Com merce. The present views of the largo dis tributors of groceries will be presented by Arjay Davles, president of the Na tional Wholesalo Grocers' Association and former president of the Pennsylva nia, New Jersey nnd Delaware Whole sale Grocers' Association. Other speakera win bs W. H. Manss, director of the war service executive committee of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States; Frederick Mason, vice president ot the American Specialty Manufacturers' Association: E. J. Cat tell, City Statistician, and the Rev. Car ter Helm Jones, Mllann, 12 dlcembre SI voclfera nel clrcoll del Vntlcano chc In occaslono della vlslta ulTlclale che II Presldente Wilson fara' al Papa II 23 dlcembre corrente. Benedetto XV. sotto mettera' al capo dagli Statl Unltl un nuovo schema per una finale slstema zlone dell'lnoluta questions tra II Papato e l'Unlta' d'ltalla, relatlvamcnte al potere temporale II Papa cerchera dl ottcners la cooperazlpne degll statl Unltl per rag glungere le sue asplrazlonl alia Confer enza della Pace. Home, 11 dlcembre rr stato uffldalmcnte annunzlato che II Presldente Wilson glungera' In Roma alio ore undid antlmerldiane del glorno ventldue dlcembre corrente. II Presldente restera' osplte del lie d'ltalla per tre glornl, Nel clrcoll del Vatlcano si asslcura che nel prosslno conclstoro Papa Bene detto creera' un nuovo cardlnale belga Tale nomlna avverr-bbe In rlconoscl. mento della parto presa dal Belglo nella re cento guerra SI crede che la nomlna cadra' Sopra Padre Jansson dell Ordlne del Benertct tlnl, attualmente segrctarlo della com mlsslone blbllca pontlflcla. Federlco Anderson, uno scultore amer Icano, pressentera' alia conferenza della pace un bozzetto per l'erczlone dl un Campldogllo per la propoata Lega dells Nazlonl. Ugll proporra' la costruzlone In Francla o nel Belglo, Brent, 11 dlcembre. II Vapors "Olorgla Washington" degll Stntl Unltl, con a bordo II Presldente Wilson cd II suo segulto, ha camblato II suo corso dopo aver lasclato le Isole Azores ed arrlvcra' In Brest prima del tempo annunzlato. Clo' secondo un dls paccla ridlotelcgraflco oggo glunto. II Presldente e' nttem In Brest allc oro 10 dl venerdl' mattlna, Invece delle oro tre del pomcrlgglo come era stato 1 prima nnnunzato Le autorlta' hanno falto erlgcre un padlgllone nel punto ove sbarchera' 11 Presldente Wilson. L'lnterno del pa dlgllone tara' decorato con bandiera o florl o conterra' una plattaforma dalla qualo II prlmo mlnlstro francese dara' al PresMente II prlmo saluto a nomo delta Francla Un dlipacclo radlotclegraftco dal Oeorglo Washington ha rlchlesto che I glornallstl amerlcanl, che partlrono da New York c61 Vaporc ' Orizaba", prima della partenza del Presldente, rlman gano a bordo flno all.'arrlvo del Capo degll Statl Unltl P CGMMGRGIflu SWIONRY QUALITY COUNTS! fWv iCsUi Leading business houes throughout tho United States nra using MANN'S COMMERCIAL STATIONERY Why? Because these firms know that Mann's Products are the BEST, and therefore the most ECONOMICAL Standard quality for the last seventy years From factory direct to con umer. Telephone, Market ISO WILLIAM MANN COMPANY Read N Cheerful I By Request V bt 1 V CUINA hbKBER Wk Stories of Real People II W .ve, si. 40 S ! 1 1 Blink Book Loom leaf siauonerr rnniinv EaarraTlu uthosriphln 529 Market St y i r 1 Warm, Downy Xmas Gifts , . r Comforts and Blankets Comfortables the prettiest of the season. New effects in figured cambric, printed sa teen, mull and rich silks. Some with wide plain borders. Blankets all sizes softest, fluffiest, warmest imaginable. Dougherty's Faultless Bedding Hair Mattresses Box Springs ' 1632 Chestnut Street Bedsteads It Always Was a Fighting Name , Remember the Minute Men of Lexington the scrappiest, gamest, readiest set of fighters in the history of the world's wars. In the war, just finished, with Germany, the 'Lexington i Motorompany true to the traditions of its name went to war with its entire energy. "No more Lexington passenger cars until Rj that bird known as the Kaiser is extinctua defunct, i. e., down and out," we said. Which he now is. The steady, increasing stream of pro duction of Lexington cars was, therefore, temporarily interrupted. Now that peace has come, there will be a greater demand. This is a re-starting period ior America and for individual Americans. Why- shouldn't you yourself start thej, new year off with the Lexington? It is analliance that is sure to win in 119 the year of world peace I Make.peace'with yourself and family and purchase a Lexington during "Auto Jubilee Week" EVENINGS UNTIL 10.30 MU8IC BY THE LEXINGTON ORCHESTRA LEXINGTON MOTOR COMPANY OF PENNA. W. A. KU8ER, Vlct.PresI dent, General'Manasier -V t LEXINGTON BLDG.t S51 North Broad Srt H'IiLii-'"' "L'i.' ' , , ii. ? '!??, m m m You Make the Pie Crust We Make the Filling Bake finer - flavored mince pie this Christmas and do it economically. Atmores MINCE MEAT is already sweetened already prepared. With it you do no mixing no chopping, or washing. Atmore's Mince Meat abounds in nu trition. In it rich fruits and choice meats are blended to a flavor that only our famous old English recipe can give. Make Liberty Fruit Cake with Atmore's Mince Meat Ingredients 3 lbs. Atmore's Mince Meat 1,4' lb. Shortening 1 oz. Baking Soda 1-16 oz. Cinnamon 1-16 oz. Nutmeg VL oz. Salt 2 lbs. Flour 1-16 oz. Allspice 1 lb. Sugar To Prepare Add one pound of water to three puunas 01 mince meat. Method Crenm chnrttminn eiiBM nH.i 11 --....., ouftui mm sun. Then stir the soda into the Mince jucm ann acm ootn together and mix thoroughly. Then mix flour and spices together and add to the mix ture. Deat altogether and bake one hour in a moderate Order Atmore's to morrow. See how asv it is to have really lus cious Mince Pie. Every Grocer Sells Atmore's Mince Meat cMZj: 1 jSfjUtnm f "" IJIII aouu. asco. asco. imMip iai C' !0 KL, 4C fI(H 1 1 ' STORES CO. IklVli T TT 'II T T ASCO. ASCO. .-. -...- . . . .. Down the Prices Go Fcr more than a third of a century the active heads of this company hove stood between the consumer and the food profiteer. This has been particularly evident during the trying days of the past four years. Now that peace conditions obtain and the restrictions on certain lines have been removed we are quick to give you every advantage. WE REPEAT If You Are Not Now an American Stores Customer, You Soon Will Be IPSi al a H V 1H rnHVI "Wv M k T campneu's Beans izcan No llSH to fnllr nhflllf fho nnnlifi- 4-Via nnwiA ia anfflnianf ntirl wa TVtalfa the price talk. !???g???j2?ig3 V J J J V Fancy Yellow Onions Best Soup Beans 12ci New Lima Beans IS0'" Good Laundry Soap m c. '2T cae ws? Pact IS Granulated UgaF 111 ib The restrictions are COne. You mV nill-Mump vnnr -full ranniwrniiints the price is down also. J????--;?? r Choice Tomatoes Med.loiZc " A mf L. Asco Rolled Oats 9cpfeg 8 B ,Sugar Corn Pink or Cooked, ready to serve enough for a family of five. Red Kidney Beans 10c can A good size can, Every DayMIlkcan7-c14c Strictly high-grade. A positive household necessity. Better and more economical to use for all kinds of cooking than fresh milk. Wheat Flour 12-ibbag 75c Any mill brand in stock. All straight wheat flour and no substitutes required. Asco Buckwheat 14c t The most delightful cakes ever baked on a griddle. Already prepared, nothing to add just mix your batter and pour. JJgSJJ?????????! 7H A. V V wf mziQr oread Loaf Unless you baked it yourself you couldn't find a loaf the equal of "Victor." We bake Victor in our own big white kitchens. ??????J?S3s?;?j IKE f Pj?vgK JW,' t ''fwll' Just Like iq .pkff. 13c aO t T) A jtllll.. JDU1UIU V xuna Sliced Dried Beef. . Moss Rose Catsup bot 10c Mother&Quaker Oats,pkg.l0c Best Corn Meal lb. 5c Choice Prunes lb. 14c Pure Cod Fish pkg. 8c-12c Aunt Jemima or Uncle Jerry Pancake Flour,pkg.l4c lb. 48c VS-lb. can 15c Our Very Best Teas Pink Salmon. Fresh Shad. . . , . . .bigr can 23c Purity Spaghetti. can 10c-15c Choice Apples -pk. 15c Juicy Grape Fruit. . .ea. 6c-8c Fancy Lemons doz. 15c Mixed Vegetables for Soup can 13c Do Your Xmas Baking Now Just 12 Days Left Plum Pudding can 29c-55c Fancy Cranberries lb. 12c Best Mince Meat lb. 18c Golden Pumpkin .,can 12c Best Mixed NuW lb. 33c Evap. Apricots lb. 27c Asco Baking Powder, can 5c, 9c Crisco can 30c Thyme, Sage & Basil pkg. Gc Sweet Marjoram pkg. 8c Ground Cinnamon can 5c Shredded Cocoanut. .. .pkg. 5c Sliced Peaches can 19c Fancy Cherries can 23c Fancy Apricots can 17c Choice Pears can 20c Seedless Raisins ....pkg. 14c Seeded Raisins pkg, 4e Fancy Orange Peel lb. 33c Fancy Lemon Peel lb. 33e Glace Citron lb. 35c Pure Jelly glass 13c Asco Peas can 19c Tender Asparagus. .. .can 16c These Prices in All Oar Up-to-Date Meat Markets Lean Soup Bump Bound Beef High-Gratie Beef Steak 45c, 20CIb Boneless Pot ROSSl OlTlb Bo?Uns Beef 28 Genuine Spring Lamb Rib Chops lb. 38c Rack Chops lb. 32c Shoulders lb. 30c Stewing lb. 20c City Dressed PaH Chops ITIIOI Roasts Best Cuts 44c lb. C lb Genuine Yearling Mutton Rib Chops lb. 30c Rack Chops lb. 26cv Shoulders Ib.'23c Stewing lb. 16c dOih City Dressed SHOULDERS Fresh Killed Milk-Fed Chickens 39c ib Fresh Beef Liver, lb.. . 18c Fresh Beef Kidneys, lb. 18c Fresh Cook ed Tripe, lb. :18c New Heinz Krout, qt.. 12c EVERYWHERE IN PHILADELPHIA And Throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland t J my "F '' 'i' A.SCO. ASCO, f"9 ASCO. ASCO. ASCO. ASCO. r- ASCO, mS0mtt4itChtmtOm .T, i.. s'R T Mtt ' f & H .y WJ y? I "er-ftri 1 1 '. i. r : i 1 6"W 5' S C o, a: .s :$' o( n kQ' kA C w. A. ?il 'S, -: S- c, n : . ' 1 ' i L X Ah s:, c. o. i ' i ; v ' w )4 - k"y Xl o: p t ,XA 1 zi 'A" 13 'SI M Ci i 1 I -i i a - -i s.J y jy . ii c ,o1 . c c .A ,S' ? V1 "1 vl t u ir.i o i 1 LA- S u ilSkfM &.1 n. & A' A . '. j K.liti lS'B rial J 1 'SI & 17.4 ,va ASCOJ I ., .ft On ' f sf' ,' .l . ,n. ' lP -',,V 9- -l; V A .,n ''V. V