vi .. r .'. 'I .- lift, iv j. II. i r K Cf I a. m 1 ts vr u lKtOMHERE ON HONOR ROLL ?v $MX1 Names Largest Single ; 1 xoiai, in i-.aiesi '. ii-. List H5TAKES IN "MISSING" BTwo Philadclphians" Included Ivrin Departmental Casualties, Sr.F write oince Arimsuuc Wit - . .... ri- r Nearly boob names are on me com- rnLWnW casualty lists for today, tlio t'larccst total cv'er clven out by the War "f.pepartment In a slnglo day. Appar- Igrently n effort Is belnff made to hurry (Ho publication of the lists so that tney rn . W liuitl J am I... lint mv tlin ..n... K. wl w ItUUIIU UJJ Jf 11IG 1ME.I HI liiU lien bV F VAdf 1'hlladelphla and the State at large mra hard hit by today's report. In- S-i eluded In the 4887 names aro 3G4 from A Pennsylvania, of. which number 13C aro V.- rirom this city and district. Of this tW number thlrty-ono havo Klven their IjfjPi illVes for their countrj'. forty have been ' ounded severelj, thlrty-ono havo been Injured moro or less seriously, while tnTtnan urn ilQeaaiT au alti-litl. u mimlnrl . .. W - ..(,.. I. J .............. (And eighteen as missing, Is'early all of the "slightly wounded" I have long since recovered Tind rejoined fcthelr regiments, while the families of imany of the "missing" say they hao Jheard direct from tho soldiers them- Isel ...... !... U n.MI.Mn ....... ........... I I and'thut tho young heroes are well, but i eager to get home. Two specific Instances of mistakes In I the missing list are tho'e of Corporal' Myru v i.awrence, or bii r.ortn "a mac street, and Private William J. I-aw-per, 2402 lngcrsoll street. Corporal Law rence Is named on tho ofliclal list today las, mlsslns slnco early In October. But fa, few days ago his mother receiveu a better, dated November 17, In which he jsald he was feeling flno and was mighty fctlad the war was over. lie makes no Lmentlon of having been separated from this company, and his mother cannot un. Merstand how he camo to be classed lamontr tho missing. I The case of Private Lawler Is almost Identical with that of Corporal Lawrence. He was otllclally reported as missing inr Ssnipmhsr 28 This message from Lthe War Department arrived a week ago iBut yesterday morning his sister. Miss Graco Lawler, received a letter from the Unnnir .nlrllnr ilated November 10, say- , "Ing that he had been hard at It on the Lflrlns line for three months, had ducked the last shell fired by the Germans and corno through without a scratch. t Born In Eniland Corporal Lawrence was born la fsirmingham, England, and was brought ito this country by his parents when four tyears old. He enlisted In August of last year, was trained at Camp Hancock Xantt vnt tn France In July of this ML Near with Company U, 109th Infantry. (fif irun l. .-n,. of TTunrni-lr his father received his final naturalization papers. rpt., angler la nmv (WCntV VCarS ft "old. He was a student at tho School of ET'Y'IPedagDgy when he decided to Join the iv tcqlors. m.-jx.. m DiiniA iiiinnm i.nwipr im ,l iiiciii- fei Jb'er of the Headquarters Company of K rthe 316th Infantry, Philadelphia's own Iv irat-lmpnt nf' nelectlve seirlce men. He ff.aa Aratt lfinf u Inter, trained at Jr Ppdhin xrnria Finil went aerseas In AU- 8,Leust.oJUhls year. W t citctz-wcc nv thp ' CorDorivl Ausuiit flrniray, whose name appears with the wounded In to- day's official llsv, was one of the soldiers , who reached New ' . , , , York last, week on 'Listed as Wounded the transport W,r,V,iT,'m North Western. Wori'irsUime ne was at his Bit xTodvy; Has Been home, 632 Cam- HJ? t lirln p.trppt. a few p iHomeSmccDccl days ago, but ha- I ' gone wltn a Dig IM .. . . -m . 9..1 w,nr ,n n ITDnBrill ui. eoniineeni 01 wounucu i,c,i w B... ... lb "jiospltal at Fort Henry. Md., where he W -Wni remain until tuny recovereu i.u... A 'l"la injuries. Ho was struck in the left ikneo by a pieco ot snrapnei, jiusuai . He enlisted In May. 1917. trained at Camp Hancock and sailed for France a Jyear later. He Is twent -three ytars old tand single. Trlvate Frnnklln I.lnitenmntli. wound ed. Is nineteen years old and formerly 'resided with his parents at 2834 North iimhv trpt. Following Intensive ftralnlng at Fort Allen and Camp Selby, if Seventy-sixth Field Artillery. A tele "(gram was received lait Thursday from K. ftulQ war uepuriiuciii. bij uit, tiL io rv jryoung soldier had been wounded In both A$ 1ao Inl.iii. anak'Ail (rflm lilm flntpr. TTn & rvember 10, stated tlrtit he was feeling L (better and honed to bo out and about jvSHfi-Baln soon. V Corporal N'orrls Revens Mentz, signal Corp, ifioin jnxaniry, uieu ut wuuuus received In action, according to an of- 'it iflclal telegram receive! by his wife, Mrs Clara Mentz, 1627 Tucker street, cor tporal Mentz had been gassed previous to feW.. At.M ...I.A.. n nn ...,!!.. 4t.ii t.ile1 A and had only recently rejoined his com- "uanv. He went to Camp Meade last '& slay and overseas two months later. He $i$ JVas twenty-four years old and an elec- . . .iricuwi. ina parents, jir. ana iurs. vyii hi Slam Mentz, live at Maple Shade, N. J. ' . . Prlrata Srlntto Salratore. of the 311th f tlnfantry, la officially reported wounded. S' Via writes that ho was shot In the left rnr arm. He went to Camp Dix last -April i-, 'and sailed for overseas In June. He Is ty, trade and made his home with i- Sle had been In this country nine yeara, j 11 J.i Vnil MAitaii noon tintllrnllvefl ITnm. :j"-' vever, he made no claim for exemption 5rt)ut cneenuiiy acccptea me call to tne Jlcolors. bItPrlTate Charles If. Sclirelner, twenty SteUr years old, wounded, served with ? 1. &ln r1ifn1 In Mnv 1Q17 ho v.Bar1 S.iliiwlth his mother, at 4617 Parrish street. (According to the telegram received from e,tne war JJepanmeni, ne was injured on StfKovember 6. r fwounded, formerly lived with his broth- t &. tm.- Ttiatm flf ROlfi Tlnnn utrat tT. la i." rr".'..:Tcri -..,-" Tr-r.,-"'"-. "",; -s inveniy-m ot jid uiu uiiu wan wounaea lb- Son October 12, according to a letter re "(Tftelved by his brother. Prior to enllst- ''iiwant fiA nr& pmnloveil Aft A hrnUmqn n 1MH9 Pennsylvania iianroaa. Corporal Itarper Ambrose, severely mrtea on eepiemoer iv, is a real op tat. "I was badly shot tip." he said 'ounJt Don't in a letter to his lster. Miss Nellie Ambrose. E932 Xinttm 7n Osage avenue, "sev eral p 1 a o e s of mg as We Won? snrapnei ana a few Young Hero. machine eun bnl. en i lets hlttlne mn at ',ma time. x But mv wounds 1n-n'r er so long as we won the. war. believe me, wo did certainly have i uermans on ine run wnen the end no. Young Ambrose, he Is, only ty-threi years old, enlisted In the r oi iai year in tne old Klxth nent, N. G, P., was trained at Camp ock. shifted to the 111th Infantry jort went overseas in July as a member mm vwnpEuiy xu. tie is a ttraauaie or Uhe West Philadelphia High School, e)M of 1913, and was employed at Har ir&on Brothers' chemical plant before faming tho colors. I OMrporoI Norman J. 8 trlmer, wounded. fnutonly nineteen yeara old when he imtm n ii nnM nt thA TJntlnnitl rinarH tinttH vnt to the Mexican border. He tnn tn the service ever since and . sixnt. nearly bIx months 1n France. trasseu ana a no snell-BhocKea months ago. but Is convalescent LV4R rwr ti Ww fc'"S -i. Honor Roll for Today lUI.I.KI) IN ACTION l.trutfrantn 'II.I,IAI IJ. I)Xt)N, Chestnut Hill. .J.'.revlouslv reported ) JOHN 8. NKKI.I.Y. no W, Pomon t. (AMatlon corps. Family sua he l allva and wtli.) Cornoraln rKUIUNANDO JIOKSUEI.LA, 003 Tai leer at. :J!!2!:!:i! VASKI.t.A. U47 South Sth"' IOSi:i'H II, M.ii'ES, 720 Corinthian , Trltatea I CHABLKS V, CAKTIN. 813 South St, SvfPar" " ViA!'.'. NMION. 2227 n. Cambria t. 'Ll!!!L'! " VOI'Ntl. 1022 Ilcno it. STi;riIKN a. lltlTZ. 3U27 Aramlnico .. nvp. V.'.UO'- HKaIN 032 Nnrth Marshall. JOHN t KTKWAKT. 801 nnFt Mmrer t. ,'H,!!!,; A Tinst'.n. u n. nth t , JOHN WOdTKOMIAR. 1212 Chestnu at.. t'nmdrn, ?; J. NOIlltlS (I. Jir.NTZ. tr,27 Tuckfr t. ,. rili:i)KIIIL'lv . lIK.N.INd, 2423 South . 12th at. Hll.ll.K ItOtCII, 2145 Summer at. -PUAIAK 's- TAM.OIt. Quakertown JOHN NIMIOIiv, 4211 K. Hlill at., ller- mantoBn (I'nofTlolnllv reported.) AJ.I1KI.O lllitl.s. N2) Knter at. . nami'ri. v. (itvrani. ir.w N nth. ANTOMO WIOITKA, 1108 Qermantown ac dii:i) or wovsdi I.teutrnnnt I. A. TlNhJItN, J74S N. 20lh at. Private tl.TKK i:itNKST I.A.MR. 1223 South .. -'0th at . . JMI.I.IWI Mf'KI.RA. 70 Laurel at. i:. r. i;M:itit.iti)T. jr., yorwooJ JOHN 'I. HVdhHTl, 017 Jackaon at. DIKII OF DIHIUhK Private JOSKl'II IlitlNMSHOl.T. 110 ntzer- WII.I.IAU k. DUTWKH.KR. 233 Eer- llVltltl.SIIN v. KOCH, 8820 Bojer at.. AK1IIUU Rtl'IIAKL SKfl.M.I.. Philadel phia, (No house addresa Elven.) llOUMlF.I) HKVRKLY fterreanta MICIIAKI, CONNOLLY. 778 North Cros- WILI.iIm JAMEO IlltOWN, Jenklntown tl.ll'lOltn T. WEUIMAN. 2014 baa' AlleKheny ae Corporala Al'lifST (IKKWAV. 514 Weat Indiana ALUXAMjr.K 11. AMIlROSi:. B032 Oaate MIM.IAM KI.NO, 470H Wndaor ae. N()lt.MN .1. MTRIN'tlKH. 1038 North JVMIW W. VKI.I)INT.. M30 Tarr ah at. JtMi:S p. HKKSK. 3333 Arsyle at. I.Ot IM SIILMIIAN, 11800 Jackaon at. 1.IIU IN I.. UOTIliCIIILU. 20JU North rRM'"si -MfOCCKIV. 3243 Memphis. JOHN II. LI'WIH. 2UJ! North Mascher. l'rlratea 1RANK A. SMITH. RW8 Thomas . l.OI'lS r.KINOFKI. 744 Houth Darlen at. NICHOLAS TF.TI. 317 North B4lh at. lill'MEPI'K NICOI.LKTTI.tl37 ederal. NICK C'AITKHI. 15.'3 Junlpor at. THOMAS KLMOOIJ IIOI1SON. l2l Last Thayer at. .... , JOHN' NF.II.L, 21fl7 Adama at. lillIIFRKY SEORItT, 142H North 30th at. AIlTIIllli II. PARKS. 3727 Uaverford HARRY MI-NX. 1242 S St. Bernard at. II. J. KONNEU.A. 4.W.1 N. 18th -till IAN RLlHElirOItll. 2148 at. 148 East CIIARL?;s II. SHRElNEn. 4517 Par- RtUIIIV) R t'LItiril. 222.". South 224. is IIIOIIE " . ORLiANHli X 2 1 H Addison. ISKAKI. RAINES. 232 Christian FRANKLIN FRANCIS LINKLNMLTII. IL?K''liv;S.I.r,Mo'oONni'ym0 Na-udaln at. sVl'IA'TORE'sftliTTO 'mi South Mole. HERMAN FiskELBTEIN. 3121 Colura- SObI.OMnV OINsIU'RO. 77H South Bth. ,J)" EPII C. CASKinV. 2447 Im"""11 ; lltANClS P. DONNELLY. 2835 North CIIUUxV ANDREW SIITCHELL. 734 MORRIS LANO.- ,.0!l..Rl.'!.e''n,'!,V. JOHN CAUR1S. 327 North 0th at. YOUMlEn.nEOHF,TJ UNntTTERMlNED Lieutenant HARRY D. FUIIEY. 2301 S. Cleveland ni?iivinn .1 TOLL. 1119 S. 4"th at OEOUOK II. IIOWARI.. 3013 N. Wnj cold at. Sereant rn NTIS O IIROWN. West Cheater. CILKLES II. l"nN. 2017 North 5th at. Corporals jnilV r KCIIL. Lancaater. , 4 C1IARLES J. "ODERLCND. 422 East IO?INhTlnNFAVN-S. 201" N Maarh.r at. ALFRED It. I-ARMENTIEK. 2560 N. WAUnEN CONNEIX 223(1 Fountain st. ErorNK MAOUIBE. 2412 West Hunt ingdon at. nqrI(r JAMES rATJIi MAYBL'BY. 5404 Ilaver ,ord ave. Cook JA3IES E. MURRAY. '018 Rowan at. PrlTate IIAIirER 5IADOEN. 2130 North Stan mX TENALLIA. Pottatown. j:n'?Kr. iALLA'aifEKro 'cam- TrM,V,TEl.Tx?1i7'!.,Nor,h4d. THOMAS if A "MOM MITCHELL. 325a Nort:. "tn ".. M1LI.IAM MORTON 207 South Amerl- ran at t WILLIAM C. SIMON. 202' McKean at. ...:....... . iiuthv lyii van fic at. MILIIMON K KISENHARD. Ambler. .. IMKS t'MFROV. 440 West Butler. IFSTER F. REXMF.R, r.nlO Dor at. WirilAM j WALES. 1110 Beltier at. JOHN A. TAYIXIR 427 North .19 th at. i ViirJlT S STM1VBC. 1 Orlanna at. TniOTHY f! . CALiTCiJAN. 2054 North EimOLlTlL'cUMMlSGS. 50 Wc.t Po mona st W OUNIKD- BT.iailTLY Hrrtcenntft SSs'EViV rNis fflllSaSt North Franklin at. , , .,. Bloekamlth JOHN riNLEY. 200 Manton Bt. Wasoner THOMAS A. O'DONNELL. 2226 Aspen. Private IIFNRY R. FL.1NNEBY, 2012 20th Bt. ?rfffliteWSiSl,V;..- 3030 York .lOHNDORRCII, 1140 North 11th at. PAUL UlAMHROCONO. 301 Stephen at., CHARLF-S' FUNR. 170 North 3th st. CIIUILKS V. MofcNT. 1IH0 Morrla at. FIAIKU E. MOST. 3401 Frankford ave. blllULEY C. O'llHIEN. Eddyatone. 3IISSINO IN ACTION Serceanta i HENRY II. LLOID. 11320 Rlalnc Sun JOIIN ANDERSON. 2072 nlchmond .at. 1B1IL P. 1MNKLER. 2322 North How- "A Corporala SILVESTRO D1URAGARIO, 4038 Thomp- JaNum'A. DVrT.,2052 ntat. VINCENT H. IIANNA Cheater. JAMES IIAKniMI. 003 North 11th at. CIRIL HILLIASf LAWRENCE. SOU North Camao at. (Family aayn no has rejoined hla regiment.) CHARLES W. SANDERS. 4228 Cheat- ABTIIvn C. PABST. 2010 North 6th at. FrlTatei JOIIN J. WELDON, 2000 Weatmoreland. CLtRENCli R. CABl'ENTEB. 30 North THOMASO. BROWN, 2813 Weat Harold. WILLIA.M T. CRAWFORD. 1032 North Hancock at. ALBERT GUNN. 73 Ashmead at.. Qor- WILSLIAMn3I. SULLIVAN. 4143 Paul at. Charles's, ditnn. 14 North eiat at. riETE SL'CIIEISKY. 023 South 0th at. and has been assigned to the poatofflce ' rrrvlca until his nervouB system regains I ua nntRA- Ha made his home, with hie I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stringer, at 163& North Itedfleld street. Private Albert Qnnn, gassed, had com pletely recovered and rejoined his regi ment by November 7, but his wife was not officially Informed of his Injury until last week, and his name did not appear on the official casualty list until today. Private Gunn enlisted In tne National Guard of Pennsylvania shortly after the United States entered the world war, though he was above (he draft age and had a wife and three children, the eldest now sixteen years om. airs.,uunn went to work to support the family, has done so successfully and has 'nvested the ?reater part of her allotment money rom her husband's pay In Liberty Bonds. She lives at 75 Ashmead street, Germantown. Private Gunn la a mem ber of Company K. 111th Infantry, Corporal Edwin ltotliachlld, wounded, aduate of the University of Penn sylvanla and member of Company B, 136lh Machine Gun Battalion, which trained at Camp Lee. The corporal Is twenty-five years old and formerly re sided at 2020 North Park avenue. Private William T. rtawford, 1932 North Hancock street, officially reported wounded In action, has written to his mother, saying that he Is well and ex pects to arrive homo very soon. Mrs. Ctawford received the letter from her son with this Information last Tuesda.y She hardly knows what to believe and la much upset Private Crawford was drafted tha latter part of May of this year, sent to Camp Meade for training, figm?,v - EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEB-PHtnADELPHIAT THUR FREEMEN WHO FOUGHT LIBERTY'S BATTLES ' 5. SCIOLLO H.FINKLESTEIN RUrltRUTtl OOHrUuTfOMS JOS.VASSPLLA ' Wounc3tI Wounded Wow-led .Woona&tl Vooiic:d l.''.ct EMILRWINKtCR 'Vouncted GCO.DOEESCH Woon3ttt Cbr(,.E.LJ20THSCHILP Cor b N.B.NCMTZ Wounclad Ditd assigned to Company tl, 315th Infaiftry and embarked for France on Jul 7. irtvnt Vmti iv iri.tLiav 9-.o Vn.ti, Howard street, officially reported nilfsln-r I i froiTi h nnmmnnH o1n.n Mm.inl... r. I ' wrote a letter to his "lfitiinv" VnMior Parents under date ,1-HJing ftoWlcr f Nmember 16 I Writes of French Ins that Iiq Wtts ' Peace Jubilee near eruun, and novcr mentlonlnr! hnlne linen lnt m all. His parents bellee it simply a mis-1 last letter receded from hlni. dated Oc take of Ills adjutant. Prlate Winkler tobcr 1, stated that he had been hit by was drafted No ember, 1917, and trained at Camp Meade until last July, when he was assigned to Company c, 31Bth In fantry, and sailed overseas. He Is twenty-four years old, married, and was for merly employed at a Market street jew elry store. Corporal Joaeph Vnaella, killed In ac tion, served with Company 13, 310th In fantry. He was drafted In May last, and following a short training period at Camp Meade left for France In July. The telegram receUed from the War Department stated that Vasclla had been killed on November 4. A brother, Fred Vasella, Is a member of the medical corps. i..i... ,i.i , v. nnmo.J r Ninft" tnfinfrl C.nS Kf'nS? "7 O, Ninth Infantry, killed In action ac-. cording to a telegram from the War De- partment. had written a letter dated Oc-' tober 10. saying that ho was seriously I jV j - tt ..i.i . nntlci mmB to a sister. Miss 1111a Youne. 1022 Reno street, where Private Young had made his home. He volunteered for the regular army on Decoration Day two years rtgo trained at Fort Slocum and sailed for Franco with the contingent of American troops sent oer in Septem ber, 1917. Ho wa3 thirty-eight years old and single. PrlTBto Herman Flnleateln, wounded, la a member of tho medical unit, 316th Infantry, and prior to enlistment lived with his wife, Mrs. Yetta Flnlcsteln, 3121 Columbia avenue. A telegram was re ceived last Friday from the War De partment, stating that he had been In jured on September 28, The last letter from Finlestein Informed his wife that he was getting along well, and expected soon to return to his regiment. He Is a graduate of the Philadelphia College, of Pharmacy. ' Private George Doeraeh, officially re ported as wounded on October 21, was actually Injured on October 7, according to a letter from the Young Hungarian y, by'is' parents Refused to who live at G60i . . . Haddington street. Claim i.iemplion noersch was drafted In April of this year, ghen a brief training at Camp Meado and sent overseas In August with Com pany G, 316th Infantry. He has several machine gun bullets In his legit, a i smashed knee cap and a touch of gas. i "I expect to be here for some time." he added. His parents are unable to figure i how ho could have recovered quickly enough to be back In the fighting by Oc. I tober 21, If his original Injuries occurred , October 7. ' Private Joaeph nrlnnlalinltz. Company ID, 110th Infantry, died October 28, of hronchlal Dneumonla In a hospital In France, according to a War Depart ment telegram to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brlnnlsholtz. 116 Fitzgerald street. He was shell shocked before he became 111, according to a letter he wrote i In October to a inena nere. in anuuiei I letter, dated October 26, three days be 1 fore he died, he told his parents that 1 ho was resting up In the hospital, but made no mention of being sick oi vvound 1 ed. He enlisted three years ago In tin. 1 National Guard and served on the Mex ican border. He was formerly employed by the Itemlngton Arms Company and was iweniy-inree yruia uiu. Private Thomas (Pat) Brown is Inixs tng, according to a telegram received from the War Department by his mother, Mrs. Thomas Brow-n, 2813 Harold street. Private Brown Is twenty-four years old brtMiuMnolxyinto" c the wounded soldier. In a War dan rTftSSrturntaS to' his "c'Smpaw rWtoStin His Darents are dead, and the oltlclal Thls te egram was the , first Intimation TEACH THE KIDDIES TO CHEW Children led on mushy, denatured foods that require little chewing are apt to have defeo five teeth and unhealthy 5ums.oii cannot eat Shredded Wheat without chewing it.The crispness of the shreds of baked whole wheat induce thorough masticat ion and that means dood digestion. If vou serve wheat food be sure it is whole wheat in a crisp digestible form Shredded Wheat is the whole wheat ready-cooked and ready-f ob serve. If requires no sugar -simply mtfk and a liftlesalt Efix C.M.SHriEINCB. A.L.VOUNG VWLT.L.SAT1T-ER K-tllcd and a member of Company A, 315th In- fantry. He was drafted la-it May and followlnif n short tralnlne at CamD Meade embarked for ocrseas duty In .lulv nf this venr. Prior tl e was emploj-ed at the Itemlngton j nor lu t'liiisiiiivjiL Arms in a cienqai capauiiy. Corpor.,1 Jamea A. Welding wounded was a member of Company G, H Oth In- '"'".-. "'"'s " "V,.;.,. celed by his father, James I.. A elding, lie was Injured on September 2b. 'The snrapnei ana was now kihuuuuj icuuv erlnR tn Base Hospital No. 0. He Is twenty-five years old. and prior to en llatment resided with his parents at 5139 Parrish street. Prliat John J. Ljonx. wounded, was born in Ireland, but came to this coun try seven years ago. He was drafted In November of last year, made no. claim for exemption, was sent first to Camp Meade, where he was assigned to tho 304th Ammunition Train, but was later transferred to Camp Greene. N. C. ' where he was ' a""" " , f-0'8!'-' M: Sixty-first Infantry, regular army, and went overseas with that unit In April or uus jc". . ..... "y,"-' j'3 old. and made his home while n this city at 1647 Dounton street, NIcetown. "y " r,.ifrev HlrcrUt 142G North ''' "'" BeveVely 'wounded Thirtieth """ KBe' "f ,J.?"n,fd "1 tinn was rctcivcu wia. uuaa oiCKiJSt, his lamuy nau inai ne to ed. Private Slegrlst, who Is twenty- seven years old, was drafted Slay no list, sent to Camp Meade for train ing, assigned to Company C, 315th In fantry, nnd sailed for France July 7. Private Morrla Lane after being re jected by his draft board three times, finally enllbted In a hospital corps In April. 1917. He trained at Camp Lee and sailed for France In July with Am- bulance Company 319. He was under fire constantly for many weeks, and finally ore November 3 was brought down with a piece of shrapnel In his arm. Lang was born In Hungary, came to this countrv about eleven years ago, and was naturalized in 1917. He lived with his brother, Adolph, at 6109 Itldgo avenue. A letter has been received from Morris, written In a hospital, and saying that he was slowly convalescing. Private Harry Hiuulrow, twenty-three years old. of 3933 Germantown 'avenue, died of wounds received In nctlon. His death occurred on November 9, accord- lng to a telegram received by his father. Michael Sandrow, last week. The young man was drafted In May. 19 IS, nnd after a short time at Camp Meado sailed for France as a member of Company I, 315th Infantry. His last letter to hit mother was dated October 18. and was written on a small scrap of paper picked up In the trenches. He inclosed his Christmas label and asked her to send a fountain pen. He was born In An sonia, Conn , educated in tho public To Have and To Hold Healthy Teeth and Gums It takes more than a tooth brush to keep teeth healthy and the mouth comfortable and really clean. Sixty veart of service have proven SOZOlf ONT Trill keep the teeth clem and wholesome, the gums firm and , healthy, the breath sweet and the mouth comfortable. Have you ever been hungry anci unable to eat? Utt FOR THE TEETH liquid Powder or Paste SOLD BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE O.BUINNISHOLTZ Dicc i Aozodont S. DK3GAGOQIO -o CA-H-Ar1BE05ECDrt3.vJA,WLpitHI3 G.S1EGE.1ST Died ... wowaca lounutu schools of this city. He was high In the Nnntlhalah Tribe. No. 344, I. O. It. M. rrhnto Albert J. Simon, missing, is the &on of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Simon, 200C Hancock street. He Is a member of Company B, 315th Infantry, which trained nt Camp Meade nnd embaiked for overseas duty last July. A brother, Harry, was wounded while sen lug with Company C, 315th Infantry, nnd was taken to a base hospital by his brother Albert. Another brother, John Simon, Is with the 108th Field Artillery, nnd acordlng to the last letter reccUed from him, under date of November 3. has come through without a scratch. I'rliBte I.oula I.nrln, twenty-four years old, a member of Company O, 145th Infantry, was wounded In battle, according to a telegram received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lavln. The messago from the , War Department stated that Lavln icceKed his Injuries on October 2. In letters written by him at a later date ho makes no mention of having Been wounded. The father feela Ii." FU'anniiNiniii'i'iiiMiiiiiEiiHMuniiiii g ,r, ' BJ E U $473.00 Three BrlMant nia monda. H-kt. Uold Seltlna. A. teauUM otl rlna. Christmas Diamonds i I 1 H i i l II js ta m g j g g H B H jj e- fj g; Q fc H g E j t pvIAMONDS last a life time. So does the recipient's appreciation. They are the gift supreme. If you have never shopped at Mitchell's you cannot know how different Mltcholl service Is. Courtesy, con scientious effort to satisfy the most critical customer, and "every diamond guar anteed strictly as represent ed. " Let us help you. A timall devotlt rcrrrn any diamond for future delicrv. Open 0 A. 31. Cloae S.30 r. M. Mitchell's fllabllthcd 1S7S Diamond Store 37 South 8th JJ?" iiiiiHiiniiiBiriBinniKiiiiHiiiiniiiniiBui m 53 r "We salute J. H. Turner" in Simple Souls The New York World says: "A fine romance and a witty one. . . . We salute John Hastings Tur ner and invite him to come again." 1.35 net. CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS FIFIU AVLAT48SINEH'VBRK i Ii I ii Ml . k j Sto?. that ft mistake has been made, an he lilts been Informed that there Is another young soldier of the same name In his son's regiment. RED HJHL VICTROLA VI-A, $32.50 VICTROLA IX-'A, $60.00 JhkBMf ' X DOWNTOWN S UPTOWX ' . S 1117-1118 Chestnut St. - 8Ul "Bd Tbompsaa Bta. S BEGIN It is the oniy- opportunity you will have to join the Red Cross for the year 1919 or to renew your old membership. I s "j?. 1613 -2- Two Accused ofStealltig From France r.rla! Dec 12A-(il" A.-I'.)-i-Two Ger man brothers" named Itoechllng have been arrestee! uy mo Allien military nu SbL : For Information: CHESTNUT STREET Telephone, Locust 3770 tWltle on a' ofwref.,recelvfn stolen ,v good. They- nriMleckred to h va mult- 4 , ered togethet1 n con-M'bla quantity o ,t machinery Mnlf- -in France. ", WEEK DAY L'?''? n m Jni - f i f M t&ntoiiv -vr, j- n ;&.. '., r 'i''f1 ' ,Huf . s :. (!. rJ.M sa- i. ' r. I & laWW'rJ'sfc'aBoil " -. ' ?. ' V .Zlffc. .. o 1-fcEL.i,.- -3 4,. slJ-J