Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 10, 1918, Final, Page 13, Image 13

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f-T v
Daily News Declares
Clamor Now Is for "Bis-
marckian" Policy
"Warning Given That Wilson's
Ideas Are Being Ridiculed
and Bespattered
Premier Kramarz Voices
People's Hopes Based on
America's High Ideals
Waililncton, Dec.' 10.
A warnlnsr against Indicting "BIs
msrcklan paco" on Germany and
credited to tile London Dally Vcns was
made public hero today through Allied
channels. The text of the artlclo was
picked up In this country from a wire
less apparently Bent out from Lyons,
France, over tho signature of tho Com
mittee on Publlo Informations Paris
"President Wilson comes nmong us
next week," tho artlclo states. "Tlioro
will bo much flag waving and speechi
fying. But tho things for which Presi
dent Wilson stands are being ridiculed
and bespattered by tho only olccs one
"If tho spirit animating at tho present
moment tho press and politicians of
Europe and America gains control of tho
Peace Conference thcro will be born u
catastropho that will bo tho end of the
European social system.
"The vorId may oventually emerge
afo for democracy, but It will bo by
ways that our present ruling classes
would do well In their own Interests to
avoid. With tho cxamplo of Russia be
foro us. Is It statesmanship to drive tho
German peoplo to despair? Do our
editors and politicians sec no danger
for the rest of Europo In nn alliance of
desperation between anarchlstlo forces
of Germany and ltussla? Can Ilolsho
vlsm, energized and strengthened, bo de
pended upon to halt at the rthinc? Are
there no explosive elements In Italy and
Spain? Is France herself so utterly Im
mune from revolutionary Instincts? Are
English lower orders qulto as tame as
our capitalist press Imagine? lias Amer
ica no labor problem of her own? la
tho trust magnate's easy chair so securo
against all world convulsions?
"A Wilson peaco bringing reconcilia
tion to tho people still in their passions
and hatreds, giving to tho war maddened
new hopes, new visions, may yet sae
24-incFgun" practicable
Coast Artillery Chief Says Super
Cannon Is Now Possible
Washington, Dee. 10. (Tiy A. r.)
Ordnance tleclopment during the war
has brought cannon makers to the point
whero the 24-lncli rltlc Is easily practi
cable, Major General i W. Cop, chief of
roast artillery, said today In his annual
report. Tho nominal rnugo of a gun of
this size would bo forty mlteh the re
port says, but "longer rangesforspccl.il
types are possible. If desired."
The limit has not yet been approached
In tho size of tractor-drawn artillery,
declares General Coe, Intimating that a
successor to tho German "Elg llcrtha"
is to be expected.
"In the caso of harbor defense!1." tho
report declares, "the existing armament
lacks In power when Judged by latest
standards In order (o proldo for the
unhampered movements of our own
fleets In leaving important harbors, it
will undoubtedly be neecssary In many
rases to supplement the existing de
fenses, with Uio..liighcst-pQw;er, largest
caliber, guns, 'rlaced as'faf to the front
as possible. Kecourse will consequently
bo had to fixed emplacements "
Ask Restoration of Ancient
Frontiers Minister Klafoc
Explains Country's Perils
tic Associated Press
rrague, Dec. 10.
"Thero aro people who bellevo the
world must come to an end becauso the
Austrian and German empires no moro
exist, but I know wo will alt bo happier
and especially jou In America, It Is
the first time In tho history of nations
that generosity has over conquered sel
fishness and when tho news camo to
mo within my prison wall that America
had entered tho war I was unablo to
bcllovo It." Dr. Karl Kramarz, Premier
of Czccho-Slovakla, mado this statement
to a representative of tho Associated
Press today.
Tho Interview tool: place In Ilradcany
Castle, tho scat of tho ancient Bohs
mlan kings. This magnificent pllo over
looks the city of Praguo from tho north
west. - When the correspondent entered
tho waiting room, tho first object ho
noticed was tho bust of President Wil
son draped with tho Stars and Stripes.
Doctor Kramarz for many years
fought for tho rights of tho Czech
people. Ho was arrested at Praguo on
July 1. 1915, and following his trial at
Vienna wan sentenced to death. King
Alfonso of Spain appealed In his be
half and tho death sentence was com
muted to fifteen years' Imprisonment."
Doctor Kramarz was released under
Emperor Charles's amnesty proclama
tion of July 14, 1017. Ho was name'd
Premier of Czccho-Slovakla on Novem
ber 19 last
"I havo always beIieod In tho new
llfo of peoples," Dr. Kramarz continued,
"but tho great crowning truth of this
bollef was tho American declaration of
war. I am pleased to feel that America,
has not only given hopes and Ideals to
millions of peoplo but Its national con
science has been cnlUened, leading It to
better things.
"Our nolo ambltlonjls to live peacefully
and prosperously anu to become a strong
friend of the llntenbo against the Ger
mans. It Is probabln Germany will re
main n. menace, since It Is tinposslblo to
destroy such a strong nationality. As
for our political future, we will try to
maintain commercial relations with tho
Jugo-Slas and the Rumanians, ncgard
lng the tarllT, It Is certain wo must main
tain a protective wall against Germany
or our Industries will bo ruined.
WanU the Ancient Frontier
"Wo also destro to establMi tho
frontiers of ancient Bohemia. It was dur
ing the Thirty Years' War that tho Ger
mans ruined us, killed our nobility and
colonized our territory. Yet our race la
to strong that wo survived through tho
centuries. However, wo will be faller with
the Germans than they were with us. We
will not oppress those within our fron
Hfra w will ctIva them everv llbertv.
their own schools and language, but tho '
Government must bo ours.
"Wo are doing our best to set up a
business-like republic where prosperity
may bo distributed. I
"Already we havo an eight-hour day f
Instead of compelling workmen to labor
for eleven hours. Wo have abolished
titles and prepared a law to caro for ths
unemployed. Election laws which will
give the minority a chance to hold office
and which will recognize women, al
though they may not hold the highest
nosts. such as president, hae been pre
pared. Tho division of large estates Is
one of tho Items In our program."
Needs of the New Republic
M Klafoc Minister for National De
fense of the Czecho-Slovak Republic,
spoke freely of conditions in tho country, i
He said:
"There aro threo points which It Is
necessary for the Allies, especially Amer- j
lea, to understand: First, our weak mill
tary position ; second that we aro men.
aced by Bolshevism from without, nnd,
third, that wo havo food for but two or i
three mouths.
"We would llko particularly to have
American troops with us, both for mill- i
tary reasons nnd becauso they would
help to establish friendly relations for J
tho future. They would also show our
pooplo what a republic means'. '
"Wo are surrounded by enemies and '
menaced by tho Germans from the north.
Bolihevlk agents are threatening and
Germany will probably send us thou
sands of released Russian prisoners.
Poland Is also giving us concern. Our
food situation Is bad. Our coal produc
t'op Is limited. If we are not supplied
by the Allies, or If Silesia Is not occu
pied by them, thero Is danger of our
freezing this winter. It Is not true that
we are preventing coal from going to
Vienna from Germany and Slleslan
Poland. Wo do not deslro chaos In
Vienna, for that would bo a danger
to us."
1r: Chcri Specials
MTl Every day is"Spc
J cialDay" at each
jj of the now famous
Chert dining places.
Several "Specials"cvcry
day but' differing cadi
succeeding day real
"Bargains" in real food,
"Marked Down" from
luxurious rivalry to a
war-time standard of
genteel economy, but no
"Damaged" quality,
"Cheap" cookery or
"Seconds" of service
may enter into the daily
menu of Chiri. It's al
ways the best.
Popular Pricei for Pirtlculir People will
pr ill i) the w ir-time economy of Chit I.
133 South 15th Street
124. South 13th Street
J. U. PATTON, Trciiient
''Suicide by Inches
THOUSANDS of people commit
suicide by inches!
If one should take minute daily
doses of some irritant or poisonous
drug, no particular effect might be
noticed until accumulation of the poi
son made its action evident.
Yet how many realize that irritant
and poisonous substances are formed
constantly, even in health, during food
digestion and the preparation of its
waste for elimination ?
?) p
If the bowels act regularly and thor
oughly, such dangerous .matter it
safely gotten rid of.
But if constipation exists, there
results stagnation of intestinal waste,
increased production of poisonous
substances,' and their absorption in
to the blood, which carries them all
over the body. .
The result is disease or disorder,
which, if neglected or allowed to
continue, cripples or kills.
The victim of such self-poisoning
commits suicide by inches.
Constipation is a bad habit. It is
a sin against the'body.
els to mo vet" Because such drugs
do not cure constipation. They
make constipation a habit. They
do not prevent "suicide by inches."
On the other hand, the Nujol
Treatment not only ovorcomes con
stipation, but prevents stagnation and
makes self-poisoning impossible.
Nujol is not a drug, does not act
like any drug ; it is absolutely harmless.
Nujol helpsNature re-establish easy,
daily, thorough, bowel evacuation.
Warning: 3? waSLiw
tle beating the NujolTnde Mirk. Iniist
von Nujol. You may sufferfrom substitutes.
YtllF th.r. . mm a,am .a.tau lant.:
WUtUIVll. I. All Crll VTUIftC IMUIl, . - - .
a crime agajnst Nature, the taking Nujol LaDOratOneS
of.pills, castor oil, laxative mineral STANDARD OIL CO".(NEW JERSEY)
waters, and salts to "force the bow- SO Broadway, New York
fe. cap . r 1 HKnHMHiaHwTMiaflau1 waam
ft 'tttW
Beautiful New Scarfs
and Centerpieces
Trimmed With Hand
Made Lace
These delightful things aro of round thread, linen
embroidered with sprays or eyelets and deeply edged
with hand-crochet lace of Irish pattern, though made
in Japan. Tho scarfs and centers arc of various
sizes some with lace medallions and are priced
from ?2 to $C.
Luncheon Sets Arc $6
They consist of a 24-inch center, fi tumbler doilies
and (5 plate doilies all edged with hand-made lace.
It would bo hard to think of a nicer gift for a
girl who is soon to bo married.
(Center Alnle)
Velveteen Suits
for Little Boys
Are Special at $8.75
Dear little sailor suits of green, garnet navy,
brown or black velveteen of excellent quality and
deep pile. The collars and cuffs arc trimmed with
white silk braid and thcro is an embroidered sill;
emblem on the sleeve. A little black silk tic finishes
the y neck. The trousers have straight knees and
arc lined throughout. Sizes a to 10 years.
((iullrry. Mitrket)
The Girl in Business Will "Like
a Tub Silk Waist
These hao white grounds and colored butin
stripes in blue, black, lavender or bright rose, used
singly or in cundy-stripc combinations. Tho collars
can bo worn high or low and the, waists arc cut on
tho simplest tailored lines. $3.:i.
Tailored waists of white or colored striped madras
and waists of white- voile with a corded .stripe also
have convertible collars. $1.50.
Box after box and table after table is piled high
with snowy handkerchiefs for Christmas gifts for
men, women or children.
For Men
Initialed handkerchiefs of good while linen with
hemstitched hems aro $1.75, .fU.10 and $U a half
Plain white linen handkerchiefs are 23c, 35c and
DOc each.
Good-looking colored borders are o3c each
White Japanese silk handkerchiefs with colored
borders at 55c.
For Women
Daintily hand-embroidered handkerchiefs, some
willi colored borders and colored embroidery are 20c,
25c, 35c and 50c each.
MnHpirn h.Mm11"vh,nf are 55c each.
Initialed handkerchiefs of sheer linen
$1.25 uml $1.50 u hull' dozen.
For Children
Plain white and colored border
handkerchiefs for the children
are 12c and 15c each; tho 15c
ones have figured corners.
Boys' Japanese silk handker
chiefs with colored borders arc
,Vi Sfi.50 S9.75
300 New Dresses
Are Half Price at
$5, $6.50 and $9.75
Imagine ti pretty frock of pnnamu cloth all ready
to put on for $o! $5 would scarcely cover the cost of
the material and findings, ordinarily. These dresses arc
of smoothly woven pantuna in brown, green, burgundy
and navy, made on straight lines, as you will see in the
sketch, and trimmed with figured velvet cuffs, collar and
buttons. In sizes 10 to 42.
The $6.50 Dresses
are of navy blue serge with collars of rose-color broad
cloth. The front panel is pleated and the belt has a strip
of shiny black enamel through the center. In sizes 1G
to 40.
The $9.75 Dresses
are also of navy blue serge with embroidered straps
with a glint of tinsel over the shoulders. Sizes 14 to I8.
75 good Winter overcoats for
mejiwilljbe marked down to $24.75
tomorrow. About half of them
are single-breasted box coats of
Oxford mixtures; the rest are
double-breasted ulsterettes with
convertible collars. AH the coats
are of pure wool of heavy weight
and have satin shoulder and
sleeve linings. Fittings in all
regular sizes. Men who know
good clothes-value will come hus
tling in ! ( GalleryMarket. )
Hundreds of Neckties to
Choose From
Colorings are handsome and all the newer designs
are represented, as well as the standard patterns.
Ihc neckties aie made of silk, of artificial silk and
of silk-and-cotton.
aie $1,
TV Mb i
Warmth f orthe Carriage
v or for Crib
comes in the form of dainty blanket. and robes to
keep the baby warm when ho sleeps or takes the air.
They are of blanketing in pretty figures of pink
or blue or of snowy eiderdown, at $1 to $5.
Japanese Silk Robes
Tho lovely quilted robes of pink or blue Japanese
silk, some plain, others embroidered, arc $2.50 to $5.
Both arc in crib and carriage size.
A Cuddly Sleeping Bag
Nothing could keep a baby cozier and warmer
when he goes out for air.
The bags of blanketing in pink or blue or of white
eiderdown bound with pink oribluc satin are $3.75
to $5.25.
A Warm Bathrobe
Is a Gift, Indeed
Some pretty ones in light and
dark colorings are bound with
sateen on the collar, cuffs and
pockets and arc prettily stitched.
And there is a cord at the waist.
on Three Groups of
Women's Coats
120 Coats Now $29.75
Here are some beautiful coats of velour de laine, quite
simply cut, without fur or trimming of any kind. They are
in navy, burgundy and Pekin blue, lined throughout with
figured silk.
With collars of scalene thero are black bolivia and line
cheviot 'coats and velour coats in dark colors.
All of these coats have been at least a third more.
75 Coats Now $16.50
These are of velour and cheviot trimmed with black
plush or with beaver fur-cloth. All arc lined throughout.
35 Coats Now $14.25
Mostly of burella and cheviot in brown, navy and
burgundy, half lined. The collars arc of generous cut and
inlaid with black plush or bordered with fur-cloth.
ftlllllep.r, Market)
House Coats for Men's Comfort,
$4.50 to $7.50
Good-looking daik coats, with contrasting plaid
facings, are warm as well as good-looking! Any
man who hasn't a house coat or has a very worn ono
will appreciate any one of these.
((alterj. Market)
Men's Gloves
No need to blow on your fingers
and clap your hands if you keep
them clothed warmly.
Wool gloves in khaki and Ox
ford, with embroidered backs and
one clasp, are $l.KLa pair.
With Fieece Linings
Khaki color and Oxford gray wool cloth gloves
with warm ilcece linings arc excellent for practical
wear. $1.35 a pair.
Strap-wrist gloves in Oxford and khaki-color ,
wool cloth also have fleece linings, at $1.05 a pair.
Tan Capeskin Gloves
aio outscam sewn and have spear-point stitching on
the backs. Tho lining of soft fleece is coaxing to,
warmth. $2 a pair.
Lovely Velvet Bags
aro spread on a case all ready to
bo chosen for Christmas gifts.
Most any woman would love to
get ono for Chiistmas.
They are of soft velvets, with
nintiv lininiH in pnnli fialin.r
i of embioidered Georgette ,, ,t ,,. ,f ,i, , ,..,,
e. You would never dicam coloih-mo.t of them have little
such wee trilles could be purses ana minois insiiie. ?
Camisoles Are in
a Score of Styles
at a Dollar
They are of pink or white wash
batin adorned with bands of imi
tation tilet lace, with ribbon bows
and shoulder straps and inser
that sucli wee
made in so many ways.
to $10.
A Fountain Pen
would be a welcome one to many boys and men
there is tinthincr rmito sn ImnHv. flnnrl frtnnttifn
pens, either plain or with gold-filled bands, are lifi
iiuuu, seii-iincr ana saiciy biyic, at $-.0U to ?o. '
(Coinmereial Mullonerj. Central)
Gift Blankets AreWarm
Hearted Presents
Indian blankets seem to have no end of uses:
they're cozy to snuggle under for afternoon naps.
Many peoplo use them for motor robes and, in the
summer, for canoe rugs, and boys like them for
couch throws in their rooms. The Bedding Store
has a great variety at $0.
Jacquard Blankets
are in such pretty coloiings and patterns that, asido
from their usefulness, their existence js quite jus
tified by their beauty. In tan, yellow, light and
Copenhagen blue, pink, rose and lavender, with '
white figmod centers or plain centers and white
oidcrs. $5.
Colored Silk Umbrellas
For Women
Navy blue Green
Garnet Purple
The handles have convenient loops to match the
-i'l i 'u 'im mllns. Such gifts arc always greeted
with delight. $3.
Durable Umbrellas
for women are mado of Union
taffeta (silk and lisle). Tho han
dles are plain or trimmed with
bukclite. They have cords or
bakelite rings. $D.
Elderly Women Like
High-Neck Night
Gowns for Winter
and long sleeves, too. These
fresh, white nightgowns havo
high necks that are cut in a slight
V ftiid edged with embroidery.
The yokes are tucked and trimmed
with embroidery insertion. $2.
Flannellet Petticoats
Comfortable, snug th" igs that
end in scalloped rufiles arc in
pink, blue or white at 85c.
Combination Suits
for Women ,
Of light-weight ribbed cotton
(for some women prefer this to
the heavier weight) , made in sev-.
eral styles. With high neck and
long sleeve, high neck or low and
short bleeve and all anklo length.
$1.50 for regular sizes; $1.65 for
extra sizes.
Here They Are!
There has been a great scarcity
of black sateen bloomers, but a'
generous shipment has just ar
rived. They have elastic at tho
waist and knees and are '$1.25 a
A food Christmas leais S
The Embodiment of Comfort
Always sure-fire gifts whether they be given to man, woman or child. We have
slippers, and a large stock, for all of them.
Little red felt slippers for the children begin at $1, and many other slippers
go up to $1.50.
Cloth and felt slippers for women are in practically all light and dark colors.
They are trimmed with fur and some with ribbon, and many are neat and plain.
85c to $2.50 a pair.
A Man Loves His Slippers
and His Pipe
they go together, the quickest road to relaxation and true rest.
At $1.75 a pair, black felt slippers have leather soles and heels. Felt slippers
with padded soles are in oxford, taupe, wine and khaki.
At $2.50 a pair you can get brown felt slippers with soft padded soles and
collars that turn up around the ankles.
Moccasins for Everybody
men, women and children are 25c, 50c and 75c according to size.
Women's Shoes Special
At $2.85 a Pair
There aro shoes of black kidskin, black calf
skin and' somo of brown kidskin. A few have
light tops, and the shoes button or lace. Heels
aro medium, straight of high curved. Soles aro
all sturdily welted. You will not find every size
in every style, but you will find all sizes in the
Men's Shoes
Special at $2.40 a Pair
Black leather shoes on English lasts havo
welted soles; other shoes on English lasts are
mado of patent or dull leather. The sizes aro
somewhat bioken, but the shoes are perfect, so
that the men who find their sizes and they will
be many will be getting a good thing.
Needles Are Flying
and scissors are snipping away on
pretty things for Christmas gifts.
And many of them aro being
made from cretonne this year it
is surprising the number of
pretty useful things that 'can be
made from it. And then, too,
many women aro brightening up
the home for this joyful holiday.
There aro hundreds of patterns'
and colorings to choose from in ,
cretonne at 40c to $1.25 a yard.i
New and very effective is tho
terry cloth in cretonne patterns
at $1.25 a yard.
Cedar Chests
aro receiving their share of at
tention and many aro going out
for Christmas presents.
ft ?
There aro chests in yartoai&
styles, somo brass-trimmed, from"-?1'
$12.50 to $32. An unusually good-'Sl '
looming one is turned 'oak on tart.
outside and lined with cedar. 'All' I
of tliem have'eedar chips eptatf' 1
around the bottom. ; .
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