3?S? '" iwv" "y p-t '(' !" iM'' TT""? f, - wiKW1"1 """mm' '. i.: L H l.l JH, k :' :. .. : V W& fm: ',, p- ., 1 kI Jfei ?f w ',, & U"i it- 6 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEK PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1918 NEW WORLD SEEN IN WILSON VISIT President's Friends in Eng , land Fervently Support Trip ALLIES IN AGREEMENT Times Says European States men Will Be Prepared to Enlighten American Chief Special Cable to Evening Public Ledger Copyright, 101S, by .Veto York Xtmfj Co. London, Dec. 6. President Wilson's voyage occupies a much moro Important placo In the public mind than It Is Betting In the public press, albeit, tho latter Is fea. turlner all tho Amercan news regard ing tho trip. In Anglo-American cir cles, particularly, serious conversa tions aro almost monopolized by dls cusslon of tho various aspects of his visit, which, according to some, may result In laying tho foundation stone of a new and better world, and ac cording to others may only raise new antagonisms on tho old structure of the world. The President's friends here are both loyal and fervent, and their belief In him has not been weakened by his valc illctory message to Congress. On the other hand some who paid tribute to Wilson's pronouncements since Amerl--..., .r, Intn the war think that his lot meossee with Us exposition of .-. hinh hmucht about the armistice, !. a decline from the high love! he nmvlously attained. Altnough there Is nothing In the. way of official justification for the view that the recent conferences in London be tween the heads of the British, French rt Italian Governments were In any aense antagonistic to the Wllsonlan M-als. and although It has been specifl- -ii ,td that the President was i.-t f.iiiv advised of the discussions, there has been a general tendency to retard them as an attempt by the three chief Allied powers to arrive at a com mon understanding relative to their European policy so that on his arrival the head of the great associated power would find a united front. That such common ground has been reached has been proclaimed In various quarters, and so far as the preliminary peace meetings this year are concerned there ts good reason to believe the state. mnt correct. Tho London Times says editorially to day that it Is gratifying to learn that an nin-exment has been reached on the varl- ous questions treated at tho London con ference, and adds: "The next step presumauiy win db those frank and friendly exenanges 01 views between Lloyd George and Wilson, and Clemcnceau and Wilson, to which they all look forward with pleasure and with confidence In these heart-to-heart alks, as the President calls them, and the phrase Is of good augury, they will lenrn each other's opinions and Judg ments upon all the main ibsups to do ue termlned at the preliminary conference. "It Is here that the deliberations, just held In London, are likely to bo of par ticular service. They will have cleared away Irrelevancles and will enable the representatives of England. France and Italy to put beforo the President the Just result of their knowledge and experience In Old World politics. After lntlmato conversations of this kind Wilson will necessarily find himself In a far better position to make up his mind on tho prac tical problems to bo solved and on their adjustment to his policies than he cnuld nosslbly have stood had he remained In the splendid Isolation of tho White House." ITALYEMSPERATED BY JUGO-SLAV CLAIMS Press Says New Nation Draining Towns Long Thoroughly Italian Is GERMANS IN RECO VERED PROVINCES WILL REMAIN Many Accept iVeto Conditions Rather Than Go Back to Fatherland Where They Will Be Under Suspicion Alsace Lorraine Natives Settle Down Special Cable to Evening Public Ledger Covvrioht, 1918. bu Sew York Times Co. Unine, r0. 6. "It Is to be hoped that Italian com mon sense will take the upper hand and that It will be understood by Italy that tho friendship of 12,000,000 Jugo-Slavs 's preferable to the unlawful possession of toii3 In Dalmatln and Frlull." Sentences biich us these, published in a newspaper In a neutral country, are exasperating Italians, who say that tho uco-Slavs are laying claim to towns hat aro thoroughly Italian, their pre enslons going as far as to demand Trieste and Udlne The press and political circles greatly deplore the attitude adopted by the Croatlans, as It was hoped that after the splendid victory of tho Allies all questions would be settled peacefully and without friction or misunderstand ings. "Diplomatic negotiations are pending to discuss the rights of Flume, but these aro diplomatic and political blck Tlngs which must not disquiet you. This land Is ours and shall be ours," said Admiral Cagnl, Governor of Poia, today whl e vlsl ine Flume, showing the de termination of Italians to enforce Wil son's principle of self-determination of peoples He ended by saying: "I speak as a citizen not as a soldier. No power, no arrogance will ever be able to mini mize our right." By G. II. TERMS Wireless to the Evening ruiUc Ledger Copirlaht. MS, bv Hew York Times Co. With the French Annie, Dec. 6. The general Impression which I bring back from Lorralno and Alsace Is that tho problem of theso lately Imperial ter ritories will bo solved more easily than seemed possible a few months ago. In tho first placo the outburst of pro French feeling when tho armies came In surpassed In extent tind passionate warmth anything that had been antici pated s."ve perhaps by a few officers and men belonging to Alsatian or Lor raine families. This was truo even of Metz, where for various reasons it was least to be ex pected. Metz was the the spearhead of Germany in the flank of her old enemy. Tho Germen garrison, it Is true had gone, but nearly, If not fully, half of the remaining population was of German origin, consisting largely of Immigrants since 1871. Some Immigrants, Indeed, had left, and others wero preparing to leave. Still, one felt the dead hand of Herlln upon tho little city. Here had been neither possibility nor I believe, pny desire on the French side to organize a favorable reception. Mar shal Petain Is a figure standing apart among tho chieftains of France, direct in his sense of discipline and duty. One feels In him a simple directness of character and an Intense personal re serve to which any pomp must be abhorrent. It was certainly In accord with his taste, as well as In regard for subsequent celebrations, that the entry Into tho capital of Lorraine should be treated as a strictly military event and not a national demonstration. A Remarkable Demonstration A very remarkable demonstration It became, nevertheless, and If we cannot supposo that the thousands of Germans present entered sincerely Into the spirit of the occasion, at least they offered no dissent not a sign of regret for the regime that had passed. They say the French entry Into Chateau Sallns was a moro heart-stlrrlng affair. In general, however, Lorralners are rather our folk themselves Balanced against their ad mitted slowness to unbend Is their vir tue of obstinate fidelity, which has keot the flamo of French culturo and feeling allvo through this half-century of hard ship. For those of the old French lino and faith, tho true Lorralners, the occupa tion has: brought a flood of pure joy It In to them all tho victory Is to us, and this besides a recovered fatherland under a steady, Just government. Tho German Immigrants will leave or settle down. "Our tics arc here now," some of them said to me, "and coming from Metz, we should not be well re ceived In Germany." Tho Hohenzollorn empire fades Into tho shadows, and the founts of Prussian arrogance dry up, It may bo reasonably hoped that the malevolence wh'ch has so long clouded the life of the Moselle country and from which efforts at conspiracy might other wise have been feared will finally dis appear. Rejoicing Inrrrnen To our surprise, tho marks of ap proval and popular rejoicing Increased as wo went eastward. Pfalsbourg was In a very ebullient mood, and Saverne, of unenviable notoriety, was radiant with glee. Everywhere the French lan guage has broken Its bond! everywhere old signs, banners and heirlooms have been brought out of their hiding places, and with them secret stores of food and goods. Of the wonderful transformation scenes Irr Strasbourg I havo already spoken ; but It Is In the thousand tittle hamlets of the countryside that tho deep est content will be found. Gradually tho young men of Alsacc-Lorralno aro coming back home, after years of servi tude In the German' army or after years of free service with tho French. This Is ono of tho new factors In the problem of Alsace-Lorraine, and It may very well prove tho decisive one. Men who have gone through such an experi ence iln not tolerate nonticai neuanxry. It Is not of Louis XIV, or even of tho treaty of Frankfort; It Is not of fancy constitution or of Impossible plebiscites that they have been thinking In tho trenches and In guard rooms. It Is peace and liberty here and now that they demand. In no sense can the Oermany of today offer these conditions. France can glvo them Immediately. To all but a handful of Irreconcilable?, In fact, the war and the method of Its termination havo radically changed tho problem. Tho sufferings of the war, the break down of the German Empire, the vin dication of French ideas these aro more Important than all tho earlier historical factors put together. Oermony a Fallen Tyrant Berlin and tho Immigrants had their chance for forty-three years. The Im perialism of which tho Reichstag wa the particular victim Is In ruins, but the German people have yet to establish heir own freedom. For every truo Lor ralner and Alsatian Franco Is the lib erator, while Germany Is the fallen ty rantfallen not only In defeat, but In open contempt. They told me at Metz and there was a like story at Strasbourg how two sail ors nnd two soldiers camo from the north, established a Soviet, and Instantly obtained the Surrender of the garrison and the city government Von Oven, the ultra-Prussian Governor, had been In a blue funk for weeks as the French and American troops approached. At last he determined to bolt and changed Into civilian clothes at tho station. He was recognized by somo Bavarian sol diers, who, chasing him along the plat forms and catching him at last In the women's room, gave him a thrashing and then let him go. Such Incidents and others may b cited, and may help own more than tlon the difficulties of which are not comparable with some which the states men of tho Allies will now havo to tackle. . Alsaco and Lorraine will require, and under French traditions will receive, careful handling In a liberal spirit Tho economic side of the problem alone presents a certain gravity. The manner if tho German downfall clears the decks for sympathetic statesmanship. Tho old regime Is disgraced In the eyes not only of the world but of Ha own people, and no nucleus of seditious agitation will remain. The great war has drawn a curtain over the distant past. The itnlversnl welcome of the French troops was tho most convincing of plebiscites The book of the age of conquests Is ' - the era .of true peace Is graver memories to liquidate a sltua dawning for theso long-tormented lands. COSTLY BEEF AT PEACE TABLE American Packers Present Cham pion Steel to French Government Chicago, Dec, 6. Beef . from. Fyfl Knight, grand champion yearling qWer of the international livestock exp6M, tlon at Chicago, will bo "served to the peaco delegates in Paris by President, Polncare, of France. "f f Thomas 13. Wilson, president of WJ1 son & Co., has announced Uio pres entation of tho steer to the Trench Government for this purpose. It sold at the stock show for $3350. nt the rate of $2.G0 per pound, the highest price ever paid In history for a beef animal. r ? PURCHASING AGENTS' ORDERS ACCEPTED I I ipo.uO Silk Envelope Chemise n. Crepe de chine, in pink or white. CrTOW, 923 MARKET STREET New ierge & poplin Skirts $3 Patch pocket and braid trimmed models. .h.A .t 5 Matfson & DeMarr? 1115 Chestnut Street Opponta Keith's Theatr Extraordinary Tomorrow New Satin & Fur Hats $5.50 M de jps& WSsm&fflL 14 y As a Birthday Special! Choice of Black, Brown, Taupe or Alice Blue Satin S Satins Combined with Hudson Seal, Nutria or Moline These are tho newest creations of the winter sea son, and we offer them at a very special price in :elebration of our Anniversary. In chic turban and small shapes. All have that becoming the face" look combined With their daintiness. 'soft to New Satin & Fur Hats The hats most desired for mid-winter wear. Developed of all satin or satin and fur, all-fur or fur and velvet combined. Priced below their intrinsic value at Repairing and Remod eling nt Moderate Cost. Charges Payable When "''livered fA' igminaimaRiiiBl 3111111111? fa TOIirM I The Czecho-SIovak Orchestra ' I f HfSf V SSht I has made a wonderful hit in the fa- MMWjzWJL fMk $8iS& I mous Victory Room. To hundreds of uam-iZiEymgv m MJwaiaafeWk. .fflriMr HI queries the word "Czecho" is pro- if SuF-Ajfitllilt m ftSiwSawiMKuriM' 0 nounced "Zecho." The C is silent M f 11 MWM&mM ' 22 JOT affirm' T Jk jtfV ISSSSIiMMfel; WBmSm a i HW it mn I fifsfaflJfi Be Very ' Jg Wmm! Profitable O WmM.!mftM to Bun Your J? 'iKWuaSSi Christmas I WmlB&WmPsi Gift in I i W&MR&mM This Sale t Wmm-W TffliKft For Quick !1! c , The frocks that are Z A Big Reduction Sale Winter Coats I That Are Supreme In Fashion .75 $cir $0(1.505 uu Actual Values Range Up to $50.00 -I Mason & DeMairp 1115 Chestnut Street (Opposite Keith's Theatre) ' Tomorrow Saturday Will Be the Most Important Day of Our Birthday Sale! Hundreds of Brand-New Lots of Furs Rady in Our Presentation to You of Extraordinary Fur Values IT IS our gift to you these offerings of fur coats, coatees, sets and scarfs at the lowest prices yet quoted this st;ason. It is our way of showing our appreciation for your patronage that has enabled us to reach the heights of our present success. We invite each and every one of you to buy in this sale for furs can never again be sold at such low prices. . Remember these reductions are for this event only. Judge by the following but a small part of the many specials. This is the coat event of the season for every coat is high grade, superbly different in style-thought and exquisitely dressy. Hundreds of newest fur shawl collar coats in every new winter weight material. Pom Poms, Bolivias, finest velours, seal plushes, broadcloths and novelty cloths. Beautiful silk linings and warmer interlined. SUITS-Reduced! Clearance Every suit is worth fully double our special prices. They are ultra-fashionable in style and developed of finest of materials. $AA .50 &$ Velvet, Serge and Tricolette Dresses Reduced WH 1 Values to $40.00 The frocks that are' moBt desired to wear with the winter coats, and these savings ara sure to be appreciated. lfr75-$25-2! iyC Values to tiOJOO 4 Straight line, tunic' and draped models re flecting every new trlmmine effect of the season. All sizes. $10 to $35 Purchasing Agents' Orders Accepted A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase Until Desired m Van Dusen & Stokes Co. Jewelers 1123 Chestnut Street Diamond Bar Pi ins Unusual designs in platinum, set with diamonds, $100.00 to $1500.00. Exquisite effects in platinum and green gold, set with diamonds or dia" monds and sapphires, $25.00 to $IOO.OO. Gold Bar Pins, set with sapphires and semi precious stones $5.00 to $25.00. Wolf I Scarfs 1 $160 J Colors are taupe B or gray. m Suitable for tho m Miss. H immniHiiumirJii numinHsraninmtiuiiTsu'iiminuiusiiuT Fox Scarfs $22-50 Animal scarf effect In taupe or brown. Wolf Scarfs $39-50 Large sllk-llncd scarf In taupe, g brown or gray p MiiiDiiMiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiininiuiiuiI Fox Scarfs $42-50 Largo animal scarf In taupe or brown. Wolf Sets $38-00 Choice ol taupe brown or gray. Animal scarf and round muff. 1 i Hudson j Seal Sets j $49.50 J . novel effect neck- H piece and large g barrel muff. g 'injimriiunHiimiiiiuiinniiiaiiiisniiiuiiitiiiiuimiimiin'uti Fox Sets $59-50 I Taupe or brown animal bcarf and round muff. Mink Sets $145-00 Large cape effect, handsomely trimmed ' with tails. Large barrel muff. "imiiiiiuwiiiuiinuiiiiiiiiiuj Marmot Coats 30-inch sports model. QS R( I Large shawl collar and OfjlOU cuffs. ' I Muskrat Coats $98-50 36-inch sports model Long rolling shawl col lar and cuffs. Nutria Coats $135-00 30-Inch sport design, g with large shawl collar and deep cuffs g inranrassinnnnrauniraiiinininisininiiiiiraiiiiMiDiS Hudson Seal Coats $165-00 30-ln. sport model with large shawl collar and cuffs. I Hudson $eal Coats $160-00 40 or 45 Inch flare design with wide cape collar. Hudson Seal Coats "$195-00 45-Inch flare de sign .with skunk collar and cuffs. i Georgette Creoe Blouses, 50 Actual $8.00 and $9.00 Values Houses de Luxe with elaborately beaded nd embroidered fronts. Exquisitely dif ferent In style and most wonderful values at this special price. Georgette Crepe and Lovely Grepe de Chine Blouses In dozens of new styles. All sizes. siL. 1 " 'Nix crJfc J $3.00 I Fur Coats at Special Prices $100.00 Taupe & Coney Fur Coats 30 lnche- long belted f u 1 1 - f 1 a r e models. Eeautlfu'Iy lined. $72.50 $175.00 French Seal Fur Coats $124.75 Ifal Hudson Seal dye of excellent quality. A belt ert flare sports model. $175 Natural Muskrit Coat 32-inch sport model, deep border enect. Of ftnestisklns. $139.75 $300 Hudson Seal Coat Beautiful full-cut coat. Good stylish S1QQ.50 length. I $125 Leopard Cat Coati Light or dark colorings, beautifully 577.50 matched. Bcltec sryie. $15.00 Hudson Seal Muffs $9.98 $10.00 Brown or Kit Coney Muffs. . . $3.95 $22.50 Natural Racoon Muff $10.75 sisnn nj r - o-i S18.00 Mnnrhnrinn WMF Q.-.r- ?. ', $37.50 Alaskan Wolf Scarf . . . . ! ! ! ;$24.75 1 I I InOurBargainBasementlf Women's M J s7iY Women's $ M m 5? HI COATS and SUITS Values to $15.00 In order to reduce our stocks we aro pricing these garments very low to effect a quick clearance. The savings are unusual. Fur or f ur-fabric'trimmed or plain tailored models. ''iiPiiiiiiiiiifflniitimniiiiiinHiHiiii? "iiiiiiiiirariMiiiiHiiiiii!n:iiiia'iiiiiiiiiiii? miunrainnnnnianiiuitnmnntamiainiaiuiiiaiinraraiiiis Hudson Seal Coat $265-00 45-lnch full - flare model. CQlIar. cuffs and wde border of skunk. Squirrel Coats $295-00 30-Inch sport model of selected quality natural squirrel skins. j Mole Coats $325-00 30 and 45 Inch models. Trimmings of skunk, nutria or taupe wolf. Mink , Coats 9 LjMyMi uUl!fl0luillgbMtnHHHHyyrnffiga $495-00 I i I 30-ln, sport model, B 1 l I handsomely trim- .1 J I med with tails, 1 ' J Serge and Satin Dresses Values fl 2fc QQ Unto a.Jfw2J Siz.au, at Most unusual values at this 1 n w o r ft A thrice. Tailored and neatly trimmed. V W I KHtMAJfy Tl COATS ahd SUITS Values to S22.50 You will be surprised at the coats nnd suits in this lot at $14.00. They aro all stylishly made of the popular Winter materials, the coats' showing' large fur collars others in smart tailored models. Serge and Velvet Dresses IfpT H ft.98 $20.00 Ultra smart mod els, showing new est model and trimming effects. 12 Girls Fur Collar Goats Values Up to $15.00 Very Special $ft Qfi A big grouping of brand-new winter coats that are very lt(J dressy in style. Made of fine corduroys, velvets, cneviots ana neat mixtures with large collars of fur. Belted styles. All ac from 8 to 14 vears. Children' CtiId.rfn''J -s a to uti no Embroidered I and cordurovf. Sires 8lM 2 to 10 X Girls' $10 Serge Dresses ,$4.98 Several styles. Sleju 8 to 14 years. fyl WP'S' 4&Cl S l i tt H '4J 'H S i from 2 to (i years, years,, . 1 :PURCHAgING AGENTS' ORDERS ACCEPTEDjo: m V ih 'T,. AW: .L,. E-jt. j .: .tCrftc wA,."l,TL(W . & J .'. " A", t'" js " vn-"''""t"'iiyt't? I1" iK -TJii. nf i jj , ; y (t'nirHv -if'i Tf-r-iifnjftfftftii I-.' II' M ' -VJMTJ AU&Z, m .. JLJil .:. Jafczfeft.''