Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 05, 1918, Postscript, Page 7, Image 7

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Music of the Christmas Time
0.00 Carol by Voir ml Orcan
Noon ChrUttnai Ij-mn Tt it ft Clilmea
S.13 flrand Orcan and Void iiirlettr
Store Opens 9 A. 31.
Store Closes 5:30 P. M.
7e Christmas Spirit is Too Fine to Be Hoarded Up for One Day
St- r.
How Do Things Look to You,
Mr. Wanamaker?
Is the Frequent Question
these days, since the Store remaineclclosed that
Monday morning when the peace star arose and
we were too happy to do anything- but to take
a day off to celebrate.
Well wc have been celebrating- ever since,
and justly so, and our boys are coming home
bless them and never cease to bless them!
Now that our President has started off
strong in his own judgment to hasten, to the
best of his ability, the terms of peace 'assured
by the armistice signed, and the surrenders of
our enemies which have followed, let us cease to
discuss the wisdom of his going away from the
United States and only judge him by his acts
As the President of the United States, we
must stand by him and not impair his standing
while he is conscientiously doing what he be
lieves to be the best for our great nation.
This is no time for small politics.
Let us faithfully take care of our own home
work, and give President Wilson the chance to
bring to proper conclusions what his brain and
hand have planned.
Let us have peace at home and stop wrangling.
Dec. a, 10115.
j Trimmed
. Winter
' This little sale includes Unci
gioups of our better Winter coats,
all of which are marked at prices ,
considerably below those with
which thoy started the season.
At 57.50 ;
are fine velour and other v.opl
coats; some have shawl collars
of mearseal, others have bis col- ,
laxa of natural racoon fur. I
Some have straight backs', others i
re belted; all are well made and
richly lined.
At $75
arc other velour and wool coats.
ia distinctive new models that (
were 520 and 23 higher in price. ,
They have shawl and round col
lars of nutria, JIudson seal ,
(sheared muskrat) or nearseal, (
and are extremely attractive
coats. They are beautifully ,
made and lined.
At 100
redcoats that have been .?4U lo I
(?n Wtrher in price. Theso are I
handsome Winter wraps of beau
tiful fabrics in new and distinc
tive styles, and are trimmed
with fur collars and some with
fur bands and cuffs as well. They
have Australian opossum, near
seal and Hudson seal furs for
All the fashionable colors of
the season arc included in this
collection; there aro plenty of
sizes, and any one looking tor a
handsome and practical Christ
mas gift should see these.
11 It it l'loor. Central)
BLAC11 b a 1 1 n
Skirts Suecially
Priced at $12.75 "
They are in new and fashion
able styles, aro of beautiful satins
In vblack or dark colors, and are
very well made.
We doubt if you could find
slurta like them elsewhere at
doublo the price!
(Flrkt l'loor,, fe'nlral) i
,TJndermuslins for
Large .Women
4'he embroidery on them is
beautifully fine and solid, and the
"whole effect as refined as it is
0i The nightgowns aro in many
; styles, some kimono cut, some
' wfth the high necks of old-fash-'
JenedV French nightgowns, somo
mfcdium high. Prices arc $2.85.
to J0.M.' - .WV4, .,
100 New
Suits for
Special at
Those at $25 are
chiefly of velour in
navy and black, al
though a few mixtures
are included. The
styles are many in
deed there is often only
one suit of a kind in
this group and there
are all sizes in the lot.
Those at $40 are of
velour made up in one
style, but many colors
taupe, brown, gray,
green, reds, the new
blues, navy, and black.
A few of these are
fur trimmed. A few
velveteens are also in
this lot:
Early - season prices
on (these suits were
considerably higher.
(rirt Floor, Central)
SOME specially priced waste
, baskets' are of rattan in va
rious finishes old gold, Italian
gol'd, baronial brown and ivoroid
avo to besold for $1.75.
(Fourth Floor. Market)
OBLONG serving trays, with -fiber
filling, which has an
imitation of inlaid work for
decoration, arc $1.50 and $2.
Plain trays of the same sort $1.
Gray Shoes
Special at
ltigh lace shoes of gray
glazed kidskin, with fine gray
cloth tops to match, and Cuban
leather heels. '
Ordinarily these shoes would
be $4.25 more, but we got 200
pair from ono of the best fac
tories in America to sell at
$0.75 a pairi
(lint Floor. Market)
Flannel Special
at 30c a Yard
It 13 a quality usually sold for
more, and is so desirablo just now
for nightgowns, pajamas, chil
dren's clothes and rompeiu.
It comes in a good ussoitmcut
of ligh'fc and dark colors, plonty
A Great
Many Fine
Fur Coats
for Women
First of all come the
rich, plain coats of Hud
son seal (dyed muskrat).
which really are the m6st
staple of all fur coats.
These are mostly cut
straight and loose in va
rying lengths and with
shawl and muffler collars,
and prices are $22o lo
The trimmed coal of
Hudson seal (dyed musk
vat) are 80 to 48 inches
long and are made still
more rich and novel by
means of Australian
opossum, m i n k, satfle
squirrel and skunk fur.
Prices of these are $300
to $650.
Novelty, coats include
those of leopard, tiger
cat combined with Hud
son seal (dyed muskrat),
nutria combined with
taupe squirrel and
others, at prices varying
from $325 to $700.
Other street coats still
are those of black pony
skin with dyed racoon
trimming at $125 to $150 ;
nutria coats, at $200 to
$450, and natural musk
rat at $225 to $325.
While coats for motor
use are of hardy racoon,
civet and other furs.
(second Tloor. ClieitnnH
Snorts Hats
Change Their Prices
Now that the season is advanc
ing:, their prices have been con
siderably lowered, so that now
you may have at $3.30 to $10
each hats, which have been ver
much higher in price.
They include many kinds of
these practical hats hats of
beaver, of velvet and of felt, in
light and dark colors.
There aro large and tmall
shapes and many style. They
aie all comfortable and becoming:
though, and a woman will have no
difficulty in finding- one that suits
(Second Hoor, -lietnm)
GIRLS' Raincoats
Are Thoughtful
for thoy think of the comfoit of
the wearer on stoimy days as
w ell as clear days.
Girls' raincoats in good styles
and of rubberized canton cloth
have large conveilible collars,
deep pockets and belts, and are
ih blue and tan shades.
They arc in good styles, have
hatsHo match, arc in C to 11 year
sizes and are S0.75 and "R8.75,
complete with the hats.
(Second lloor, l'helnui)
Moderate Prices
For $:1.50, $1, $3 on$3.50 you
may choose from a wide and
pleasing' lange of velvet hand
bags in black and dark' colors.
There arc bags of diffcicnt
sizes and shapes, chiefly with cov
ered framed, but some with tortoise-shell-finish
frames and some
in bracelet style. All aro silk
lined and some have tassels for
Wo bpiight these bags to huch
advanta'go that they arc clo.se to
befoie-thc-war values.
(Main lloor, Clietnnl)
FRAMES to Use on
the Bags You
Are Making .
are hero in a fascinating va
riety. Ever so many women are
niak'ing.tliQ fashionable bags for
Ch'rislmaa piesents, and hero are
the kinds of frames nseded to
complete the -gifts:
Silver-plated frames, in many
styles and sizes from the narrow
to the quite deep frame, 75c tq
$4.50 eachr
imJtayqnsnuii amr aiyi coi-
Jl , Ik
iFf lA If?,
tfts JBcmiiifiil,
ftavc mb
imtstml in tlje
Handsome hall and mantel
Libvaiy clock
Wrist watchea tui women
and men.
Stciling sihei oi gold mesh
bags, coin purses, raid ciw
and knitting ncedlr.
Gold lorgnons.
Cigarette case
Match boxc.
(. hest of stciling ziUa
Tea and coffee sets.
Silver vasco and centei pieces.
Silver water pitchers--.
Silver candlesticks.
l-'lowcr baActs, sandwich
trays and cracker dishe.o.
Gold eyeglass cases.
Iloudoir accessories in .ster
ling silver, ivory or enamel.
Also many new and inexpen
sive pieces of silver-plated
(Ifiielf Store. 'iietnut unit
Mocha Gloves
for Women
When we get them they don't
st.iy in stock very long so we'd
advise your coming soon for
Gray or butternut coloi moch.i
gloves, outseam sewn, t-clasp fas
tening, $o.23 a pair.
Washable mochas in desirable
colors, pique or outseam evn..,1
clasp, $0.23 a pair.
(Main lloor. Central)
New Christmas
Silks the
Gift of Fashion
It is the most natural thing
in the world for a fashionable
woman to like to get a fash
ionable gift.
Therefore the thing which
ministeis to the fashion sense
possesses an incomparable
Silk is the thing and, tliifi
year especially, people seem to
know it.
There is something of a lun
on silk for gift giving and for
one's ov.n use.
It cannot outiun our Silk
Thousands of dollars' vorth
of new silks have lately been
received. Many new lots have
come in within the past week.
These were bought many
months ago and are marked
at a moderate profit. All of
them aio silks of fashion
for everyday wear, for wea
duting the Winter months and
during the Spring months to
Krom S2 to $7 a yaid.
(Unit l'Jooi, Chestnut)
White Coats for
Little Children
Particularly good ones jusi
arrived and including
White corduioy coats, straight
and belted, prices $3.50 to $9.C0.
Whito chinchilla coats, also
straight and belted, price $10.30.
A thick fine cloth something
like frieze, with narrow nutria
edgings and belt in the back, $20.
All in sizes for ono and two
yeai old children.
(Ttlrd l'loor. thestnul)
EW Shirt
$5.50 each for two new styles of
ciepo Georgetto waists. They
aro in whito or the pretty flesh
pink, and ono has a square neck
and a collar with soutache braid
ing; the other has embroidery and
beading on tho front.
Quite practical is aew satin
waist. $6, which corner jn, black
oi'Jiayyiblue, is aimply made and.
M '"'Ik
Rugs From the
Hamlets of New
Thes antique, handmade jag
lugs, in their odd designs and
colois, make admirable and un
usual gifts for people who appre
ciate the distinctive in furnish
ings. Heie are prices on a few
17x5 in., $10.5ii
18x34 in., $12.50
20x3S in., !J13.uii
.!0xoo in., S30
39x55 in., $35
lentli l'loor, CheMiml p
TACE Bedsets
-' Make Attractive
And niulvo tht muni in Mliich
thej aie usecf" moie attiactivo,
Ucdsets made on oile and
marquisette, with Cluny and an
tique lace motifs and insTlions.
S3 to $23.50 each.
A few sets with filet iaee and
embroidery are marked at half
pi ice. $25, $37.50 and $12.5(1
(J-Iftk l'loor. .Urtet
NEW Tea Cloths
and Scarfs of
Hemstitched Irish
Above all things-, ,i gilt of liucu
should be linen.
These dainty tea cloths and
scarfs aie of puie Irish linen and
all aie daintily hemstitched.
The cloths aie made from a
heavier fabric than the scarfs,
but all pieces aie llnishcd with
miteied coineis. Tf you want to
give somebody a piece or two of
good linen at a small outlay this
new lot provides the opportunity.
Hemstitched Scarfs
lSxSG inches, $1 each
18x45 inches, $1.25 each
18x54 inches, 81.50 each
Tea Cloths
30x30 inches, $1.75 each
15x45 inches, $2.73 each
51x51 inches, $1 each
(I'lnt l'loort
EVERY Motorist
Will Welcome a
Good electric flashlights Co.
gifts, 01" and SV- inches, tubu
lar, aie specially priced at 81.50.
$1.U0 and $1.85.
( utomo1itle AccefiHoriri,
riie Gallerj-, chestnut)
SCARFS, Center
pieces, Bolster
Throws and Pillow
Slips Special
Odds and ends they aie, and as
c aie clearing away the prices
are one-fourth to one-half lc?s
than originally.
A variety of patterns and de
lightful dcsjgn, price from ""c to
OYe( Ai.Ul
pjAINTY Boudoir
- Caps. and Snowy
Filmy laces and dainty silks
make the pretty boudoir caps,
which aie in white, delicate pinks
and blues and are made in ever
so many bewitching fashions.
Thoy ave as simple or as elabo-.
rate an you like and range in price
f,rom 73c to S8 each.
Whito aprons of many sizes
and different styles include those
with hand embroidery, others
with face and sturdier embroid
eries ana arel(Dc to $2.50 each.
(ThlrtjMAoor, ( entrnl)
the gift of a wilting desk is
a bid for lasting gratitude. It
has the two essentials of a gift,
it is real and it carries a nice
You don't know how tiue
this is' unless you have seen our
275 Different Kinds of
House Desks
at $y.50 to $400.
For women thoy aie paiycu
lady gift-worthy.
The $9.50 desk is a drop
front one, finished in mahog
any, has ono largo drawer, with
a stationery rack inside with
fivo pigeon holes and a drawer.
Tho $400 desk is mado of
beautifully figured mahogany
with .heavy inlaid lines of eat
lnwood, is 54 inches long, with
.eleven - drawers, .fgur closed
Dere Santa:
Pleas give me a
sled and a pare of
skates and a bugal
and a tank and a
masheen gun and a
sord and a drum
and some gams and
some m ek ankle
toys and a cirkus
and eny thing else
you have handy.
If you didnt bring
all these things
from the North
Pole you can get
them at Wanamak
er's for 1 seen em
I was a good boy
this yere. I was.
'. 6'. My sister would
like a little white thimbul
i) you have room for it.
pRESH Air With-
out Drafts
is a problem solved bj the Con
tinental sanitary cloth window
screen, which keeps out rain, snow,
dust and smoke. Admits flesh air,
but not a perceptible current of
aiu Invaluable foi health. 30c
to 7oc.
(Vourtli Hoor. Market)
Women's Glove
Silk Camisoles
at $1.35
12UU glo-e silk c-ainiooks
with lace tops and in a variety
of dc-jigns and all sizes. Splen
did for inexpensive gifij for
intimate friends.
At S1.35 they a-uiaae 1 .ilf
, OVel Vlslfi
100 Floor
Lamps at $7.50
Another lot of the same
good mahogany-iinisiicJ floor
lamps that our customets liked
.so veil a few days ago.
Each is fitted for two lights
and each i.i 37.50.
(l'ourth lloor. 1 entrap
Fine, Fitted
Automobile Lunch
Sets at $12
Heavy basswood cases, cov
ered with enameled duck, and
metal mounted. I'ach case
complete with 1 plates, -I
knives, 4 forks, 1 cups, 4
sroom and 4 napkins. Most
unusual at the price.
(Automobile Acretor!e,
1 lier Gullerr. Climtnut)
Writing Desk With Your Best
cupboaids, a large nuinbei of
separate compartments for sta
tionery, two penracks and a
sliding writing bed. Tho back
is kidney-shaped and inlaid.
Would look well standing in
the center of a room.
$88 for a mahogany table
desk, William and Mary de
sign. $14.50 for u mahogany dek
chair, slip scat, ladder back.
$55 for a mahogany spinet
desk, feather carved legs,
$18 for a mahogany desk
chair, old roso scat and cane
$46 for a mahoganydesk,
William and Mary design.
$15,50 for a mahogany desk
chair, old rose velour seat.
$25 for a 84-inch -mission
desk wun coppertrimrmngs.
Finding It
In the
China Store
THE China Store i& u
great big gift store in
itself. Everything your
eye lights on here possesses
what one might call the gift
Very many are gifts, of
real individuality.
Do on know that no i o
of these pottery bowls and
vases are just alike; that as
a matter of fact not one
bowl or vase in the collection
can be exactly duplicated'.'
Not even the man who made
it can make an exact repro
duction of it in color and
finish. That is due to the
firing process through which
all such pieces have to pass
and out of which no two
emerge exactly alike in glaze
and shading.
That surely means indi
viduality with a capital 1.
We have a most attractive
collection of these pottery
vafcos at $2.50 to $25 each.
FOR sick p e o p 1 e. who
breakfast in bed because
they have to ; for lucky peo
ple who do this because they
don't have to do otherwise,
and for good, lazy people
who do it anyhow a favor
ite and appropriate gift is
an individual breakfast set,
$u to $20 a set. Of kindred
attractiveness are afternoon
tea sets for six people at $5
to $20 a set.
Good gifts also are choco
late sets, salad sets, berry
sets, cake sets, ice-cream
sets, coffee sets, chop 'sets,
celery sets.
The beautiful P i c k a r d
ware seems as if it were
made specially for seekers
after lovely gifts. Many
utility pieces will be found
in this group, rich hi gold
incrustations and patterns
of fruit in natural colors
$5 to $100 a piece.
Individual China pieces
arc all gifts of a practical
and inexpensive kind cake
plates, chop dishes, celery
trays, sugar and cream sets,
chocolate pots, teapots, cpf
fee pott, bonbon dishes
cracker and cheete dishes.
Plates are a line gift
group in themselves espe
cially the richly decorated
English and French service
plates, not to speak of din
ner plates, entree plates,
dessert plates, bread and
butter plates.
Tea cups and saucers are
always welcome because
always needed.
Likewise bouillon cups
and saucers and after-dinner
cups and saucers in
dozens and half-dozens.
rt :-
THEN the great substan
tial gift in china a
good dinner set, French.
English or American. We
show full assortments of
sets of the finest qualities
at moderate prices, SIo to
And the Christmas sale of
cut glass goes on merrily.
(Vourth Vloor, Chestnut)
$9 for a mission desk chair,
saddle seat.
$35 for a chrome biicli spinet
deak, William and Mary design.
$12 for a chrome birch chair,
damabk scat, ladder back.
$25 for a 56-inch William
and Mary table desk in brown
$10 for a desk chair, cane
scat and panel back.
$79 for a figured mahogany
secretary, Louis XV design.
$56 for a mahogany arm
chair, cano seat with curved
cano back.
$140 for a US-inch Chinesa
lacquered desk, three large
drawer's and deck front.
$80 for a Chinese lacquered
desk choir, Chinese damnsVslip
Our Best
Word to -Men
Buy y o u r clothing
"We cannot foresee
any better time.
Prices here, at least,
are moderate.
Fabrics here, at
least, are all-wool.
Careful comparisons
in the interest of the
customer have shown
Day in and Day Out
Wanamakcr's Is Safest
for men's clothing, as
for most other goods.
We sell standard, all
wool, hand - tailored
goods, and they maybe
depended on. ':
Some remarkably
good, hew overcoats in
the latest shipments.
(Tlilril k'loor. Market)
Makes The
Finest of Men's
Fur Caps
Heal sealskin, that is. It has
a stronger pelt than any of the
imitation seals and wears bet
ter. Furthermore, moths won't
eat it.
Customers tell us we have
the finest selection of men'3
sealskin caps they have seen.
All of these caps are fresh and
now this season.
Prices arc S25 to $(50, ihosc
between 15 and 560 being
genuine Alaska seal.
("Mulii lloor, "Market)
Golf Has
Doubled The
Gift Value of
So many men play golf now,
and sweateis are such necessi
ties viith them that there are
few things more sure of a wel
come 'on Christmas Day.
We have a largo assortment
of coat and pull-over sweaters
in various colors and at prices
ranging from $5 for one of
plain wool to ?25 for a beauty
of Scotch wool.
Warm, lightweight wool
vests, $8,50.
Scotch wool - eitt, $15.
(Main door. Market)
Men's Initial
We have just unpacked them,
and were glad to get them.
They are of good lineil; well
made and have a hand-done let
ter in one corner.
Six handkerchiefs in a box,
(Main l'loor, Central)
: "t:
Xfi., fm a l
mahogany tabl(K-'i
iTH4ir. rinTii npnim i-
$12.50 for a velour seat dtiii
with cane back. J '
$112 for a tabic- deefct-W V
nuored Chineas ChiPBandil.-1 " .'.
$29 for a lawjiwmL'irut
' V!,MfrA
lgh$6f vf'iaummm1) i .,
mim6s, s Vu., ;vi
rKkfV V
""IB;!' .v.. ii 1S ,
' '' JfllU
mmvr! avi vw,iwvv
"irr -qy
tf A - . U-