Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 05, 1918, Postscript, Page 15, Image 15

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tyM yWffifymWifiSjiSffW
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Western Republics Trying
Reconcile Chile and
WftililnKtou, Dec " .,
' TMe American rcptflillcyj will oxcrt
tj'iflery Influenco and employ all lielr rc-
"onrcc3 to prevent war between Chile
jl''-ird I'eru over their territorial conten-
.j,, lion, It Is declared on tlie best nuthor-
iM Not only tlio United Ptates, I
g, but Brazil nnJ Argentina, aa well as I
fjcuncr uaiioriB in mis iicmisyiiert', ur ui
iwrrady moving, through friendly counsel,
lo conciliate tho illBputant Governments.
Thcio aro no positive Indications as
tslr lhat Chile and Peru arc actually pre
F narlne for war, but thero Is danger that
HStho fccllnc between the two nations may
S .lead to war if tho Bister republics of tho
Sj Itifn rnnHnptitn iln not makft It nlriln tn
ed'Siboth Governments that tho Americans
""7JT cannot, especially at tins moment, 101
' 13 fra'0 an International war, and thcro Is
SS rccllent reason to believe that repre
Zi entatlons of this charactci arc belnc
made at the Chilean and reru ian iwp
3ltals. , The Chilean embassy has made pub.
f lie the following statements
e" "According to official news from tho
.Chilean Government, received by the
51 Chilean embassy, tho statement that
$ military and naval reserves nad been
SS'rallcd to arms Is Incorrect. What took
E"" place was merely an administrative
measure of an Internal nature, and It
5; lias been deemed advisable to contlnuo
S'Jn service the drafts icrentlv dls-E;Vhargert
Entertainments Today
for Men in the Service
; r.n ii m Oonpnl Service T. M r
1 SO n m OW-fmhlon Social T M. r
A. Anne
.:to n. m. Cntortnlnment, under direc
tion ot lllii I'hase snil rommltteo.
ty utid Marino Conn 11m routton
oi;tsii)e tiii: navy yaiu
T.nn u m. Danclnir Clam Intermedlato.
8:30 p. m Uanlnr (h! Ailvuiipeil
Athletic Ilecreatlon Park. Twentj-nlxtli
and Slnuter streets.
7 .in p. m. D.inclne lessons 1'rof Carl
Tchopp. teitehtr. lUnco undecauaplces
nt Mn. William It. Arnold. Mlna Av C,
Melchor, Mrs. Charles Martyn and
Mrs. Corllse, at th Students' Chapter,
101l Susquehanna, avenuo.
8.00 p m Catholic Hojplce See t)ad
at Cltv ltall Ilooth.
7 ni ii ni Entertainment Smoke' and
nat Old St. Stephen's Club, IB South
Tenth street.
8:00 p. rn. limine United Pervlre Club,
207 South Twents'eeond atrnet.
8:0(1 p. m Hasketball 8 to l p. m., fol
lowed liv Informal dancing-. Hhln and
Tont Club., 2S82 Chrlitlan tres,t.
S:nO p in. Ordnance Aid Auxiliary of
the Philadelphia District. 1710 Market
Btreet. Dance and Liberty Slnir at
Si-uttlsh Kit Hall, llroad ami ltace
a'reets. Admission to enllitrd men,
twent-flve cents.
Motion rleturea
7 SO p m Lobby. Central T M C .
1 121 Ann street.
1. S, Natal Home
7'ir, r m Vaudevlll- and Movlnic Pic
ture rvrenty-fourth street and tira's
1'eiry road.
5 00 p. in. Liberty Sin and fiupper
Hothany Teinple Chapel. K!ftyfourth
nmt Spruce ntreet. Special car at
Navy Yard Terminal at ,"'13. bee Mr
Haves, Y. M. C A. Annex.
7. SO p. m. Oxford l'resbyterlan Church
Social Tnnt-me mn inuea.
Mr Mcl'allev. Central Y. M. C
1421 Arch street.
slon of tho National Aracmbly with
enthusiasm and with ft flnn faith In a
better future."
Heme. Dec D A dlapatcli from
Asram says that the national assembly i
nt Ihft riAntiU if Mnllf rneLfru WlllCh tlt-
posed Klne .Nicholas and voted In favur
S.irlilnn 1 prrntinn AilvisPil nf i f uniting with Serbia, was oleeted by
SCrninil JjCgUllOll AUMSCU 0I universal surfragc Knch constltu.-no,
D' . f V:..,. .. 1 ! which foriuetl sent one iliputy to the
CpOSltlon Ot Klllg and ' sicupshtlna. H now sendlnit throo Hi
., , . , resentatHcH lo the lutBcmblj.
Scnritors Ilcnr Mc tloo on Coun
try' Perils Will Cnll Baker
Wnklilngtnn, Pec n A statement on
the rountry'i financial outlook was riven
to explain tho nrmy'a probable needs for
money In both years
i Secretary MeAdoo Rave figures rerard
liKr tho Treasury's necda. He said theso
fll?ure.i supported his adocacy of tho
tax reduction In IPSO
Information from tho headi t.f tlio
army and navy la belnp; foukIH, com-
Alerger With Serbia
Washington, Dec B. Tho Serbian !e
(fation has been advised ofllclally
that Klnjr Nicholas of Monteneirro had
been deposed by the MonteiiCRrtn Na-
i tlonal Assembly at Todgorltr.a. The
I dispatch follows:
! "The creat National Assembly of
Montenegro, called In 1'odgorltzn, after
havlnc coiiKldered the pollVcal and eco
nomic interests of the people of Monte
neirro. lias rcsolxed today December 1
"Klnc Nicholas, of the family 1'etro-vlteh-Nlesrush,
to bo deposed from the
throne of Montenegro.
"Tho dynasty of tho Karafeorfjevltch
of Serbia Is elected to bo the national
dynasty for tho kingdom of Montenegro,
thus uniting both theso States, which
are 'Inhabited by tho same Serb race.
Into one, so they will enter together '
Into tho common state of nil Serbs,
Croats and Slovenes, whidi will be
formed In unison with nil Serb, Croat I
and Slovene territories of the former '
Austro-Hungarlan Kmpire. ,
"A national council Is elected, which
will be responsible for all tlio formall- 1
ties and details of execution In tho mil-
llcatlon of Serbia and Montenegro.
"Has resolved to Inform on this de
cision of tho National Assembly the
former King Nlcliolai, the royal Serbian
Government, all friendly lntcnto Pow
ers and nil neutral States.
Tho decision wan voted unanimously
the Senate rinnncn Committee I mitt ee members extilulned, to deelop
Serreliry MeAdoo. In connection whether the bill's levies for 191!) and
,,1,1, 11, . . ,, . , , . ... 119-0 win ijc suiiicii nt
ttltli the commitleOH rnvlston of the
wac-reveiiun bill, now redrafted to raise " "
Jfi.OOO.OOO.OCrt in 1119 and f4.000,000,000l Pole Occupy Urett-Litov.f.
. v , ,, .... f k..ii "'.";.' , . , "f lrtl V1""" n- 'arls. Deo 5. Ilrest-Mtovsl:. hero
ixcgiu luuiiu uuiu) V B Vi . . Vi ," . ."' Orrmany negotiated the peace tr.atiet
Woman m (Juarrct Uvcr flloney mslor VhVn,v7wo ears. lu'
i 1Vb(. Clifhtfr 1As. DcO h. iRaaCI AftAf liAnHnt ll a 'ri-a...nM 1,.i i.
rsottnttiini-iil n iwiirrn fi-irnitrt- nnrttP for --...- .i--u. . t. .". . i thft
heRRR itG;in to. found iultty I """"" u""' '" " neerciory unitcr ; n atn(,n .ilsnatch to IInformnllon
of murder in tlio seconu ucgree in trim- : , ., r:
with Itusila and the Ukraine, has been
occupied by Polish troops, according to
tho Neue Krele 'Press, of Vienna, says
Whisky Dealer's Son Held
Atlantic City, Dec. B John J. Clon--ny,
son of James V. Conway, a re
llred whisky dealer of Philadelphia, was
nrralgned vesterday before Ilemy W.
Lewis, United States Commissioner, on a
chargo of making a falfe atlldavlt In
claiming exemption from military
Cona wai nneNted here yciterday
Uv Agent Howling, of the Department
of Justice, on request from the Phila
delphia ofllro. lie was held under f 2500
ball for further bearing In Philadelphia
The ball was furnlsliid by his father,
who 'us a sumtnei ' ,ia at &1ij7 At-liin-le
Wife of '"Votctl Actor 'NVm Nate
of Philadelphia
Mrs John Drew, wlfo of tho actor.
wl.o died In New Vork yesterday, may
b bin ed In this city. It Is expected the
body will bo brought hero and the)
funeral bo held In private,
Mrs Drew men in ner apartment tit
the Hotel Algonquin after n protrncted
nipncaiion o
Drew .came of u family of ai-torn.'
Illnfus from
Mrs. Drew .c
Ilt-r daughter went Into tho profession.
hut she herself permanently retired froln
tlio stjgo when she mh man led, in
1SS5. fche nui .i nathe of l'Hladelphia"
and thu daughter of John IajuIu Uaker.
an actor. .
Mrs Drew's health htgnn lo fall about
a jear ago
Innl rnlirt bel e totlav
Drunimond had been on trial for the
killing of Margaret Johnson, u widow,
several months ago. According to his
own confession, he and the woman had a i
dispute over $200 borrowed b Drum
mond After this they went to a dump
near Devon where ho nhot her four times. '
Drummond alleged that tho woman made
an attempt to draw a weapon and h.id
ureuieiieu nun.
Romanoncs, Friend ot Allies, Asked lo
Select New Ministry
Madrid, Dec. r, fBy A. P.) Count
P.onianones, I'orelgn Minister In the
Spanish cabinet, the resignation of which
has been announced, lias been Intrusted
with the task of forming a new mln
istiy. lie has announced he will consult
wltlj leaders, beginning with Antonio
Maura, former Premier, In order to In
sure somo prospect nf htablllty lo the
new cabinet.
Count ISomanoneji is a Liberal leader.
and with acclamation, and afterward by I and a Mend of tho Allied Powers in
Individual voting also. I the war. lie has been In nearly all the
"The population has hailed this deel- 'panisli cabinets In tin- last ttn years
Announcing the
. Ilaenos Aires, trgentlnn, I'e ,i The
jEr 'American Government has informed
JfinPeru sho may count upon tho friendly
vj-j approval ui mo unueu piaivi in cinuui ,. . ... c
to obtain tho plebiscite In tho Provinces WlllSloil Lliurclllll hays Step Is
of Tacna and Arlca. proviued for in tlio i
,! -treaty of Ancon, according to tho ver-
Ml slon reaching Santiago of tho exchanges,
5a Jbetwcen the Peruvian and American
: .(Jovernments, dispatches from Santiago
JK report. Peru wns told, however, ac
ts Vordlng to this version, tlio United States
Si could not enter Into discussion regarding
gj -the Province of Tarapaca, the former
gj Peruvian Province annccd by Chile
jEiafer tho war with I'eru.
Hegarilcri as Unneces
By the Associated Press
aB'j antlHo, Chile, Dec. S The Bolivian
S i'overnmcnt lias offered to Chile the
55'mrvlco of Its con-mis In Peru If Chile
25 desires. Officials assert the Government
9C is working on plan for a peaceable so
53 'lutlon of the difficulties with Peru. Com
3w merclal and olflclal circles believe thero
tt ' is no danger of war.
iiS, Washington, Dec. &. Tho Chilean con-
E" tul general at Lima has left Peru for
i ''blle upon Instructions from the Chilean
J5 rorclgn Office. Official dispatches
55 'letiartlnir the Incident, say that before
1 l.:ivhii- Im ATmesaeri sorrow oxer tho
jltijublo between the two countries and
"idn. Hired hfs filendshlp for Peru.
C;uii) and Headquarters Per
I .-onnel Also Being Reduced.
"Objectors"' Get Surprise
11 Sin id ll vnlrh to Kmuna I'ttblic J.cilocr
Ift'Hmp Dlx, Mrlghtstown, N. J., Dec G;
.New orucrs receiveu irora xne ar
! I Department legarding the number ot
; depot brigade men to bo retained n 1
iDix, will mean a further reduction in
tho ilzo of tho permanent battalions.
: (for Instead of 1000 men being held for
i K-acli of the three training battalions or-I'den-d-
kept only a training cadre, num
;''erlng blxty-two men will bo detailed
GSlito each company or about jU lor cacn
I battalion.
II l,nl.1A.. .1.1.. t.A n. ...... n.1 l.tirnrln
- ,' iitaiuci linn mi; uini. .v.ia u, .buuu
;headquarters pcronnels aru being re
ji'duceil and in all only about 3000 men
jSl'wlIl bo held for duty here. The coming
iliif tho Fiftieth Iteguhir Infantry Is
55 tiiought to be the icason for the reducing
nf tho depot brigade battalions, for It Is
Inspected that they will take over most
Hit" tlin nrovost guard dutv find tho traln-
j.-iiig- cfiira will only bo retained until'
IfSllvn tUllO UH U1U ITllt il'lllll lUltlil icvio
that thero will bo no further use for
lioldiug men1 and ready to begin tho
training work at short notice.
A dance for the men attached to camp
headquarters will bo given neU Tues
day levelling In K. of C. building ro. 4
and as many of the men expect their dis
charge. It will be III the nature of a
farewell reception. Tho committee hi
chargo Is composed of Sergeant Majors
K. C. Warner, Newport Is'ows: D. Ii
Campbell, Buffalo; Harold Dumont,
Somervllle ; ,r, Conner Vreneb, Trenton,
and Field Clork A. C. Mackey, Salt
I. al;o "City.
Announcement has been made of tho
honorable discharge from service of
Major O. T. Adec, president of tho Na.
tlonal Lawn Tennm Association, who
went overseas with tho Sllth P.tglment
nt the Seventy-eighth Division, and who
recently returned to this country.
Conscientious objectois, who had
hoped" to get a clear discharge from the
nrmy, wll bo sonvwhat surprised when
thoy receive their japers and llnd
mftrked across them "This jiian is a
1 onsclcntlos objector." Dix Is now be
ginning to discharge this typo of select
ervice men and as soon as possible the
few remaining hero will bo sent to their'
homes as the battalion of which they
werei a part lias virtually been dls
tan !. - - I
v Trajnf.fers In lafeo numbeis aio still
lining maue irom dix anil contingents
)if mon lito being sent lo Camps Devens,
T.iylur, Travis, Pike, Meado und Cody.
liondon. D
Tli. P.tltish naMil authorities have
decided th.it It will be unnecessary to
demand tlio teturn uf Helgoland to
Creat Ilrllam from Germany, tvinton j
Spencer Churchill, tho Minister of Mu-1
nitlons, announced In a speech at Dundee'
hibt night. 1
Mr. Churchill iiKo said the Govern-'
'nient had decided uiion tho nationalize-.
tlon of tlie railways
Unctor Rocr Urges Christmas Hujers
to Get Busy
llarrUlinrc Dec. I! (By A. P.),
Shop early a old crowds and thus aert .
the danger of contracting Inlluenza, Is
the warning t-oundeil by Chi lstmns
sliojipeis of the State today by Dr 15
Krnnklln lt(ier .irting Commissioner of.
Health. Doctor Hoyer says:
"luliucnza is spiead largely by drop
leik. uiiseil bv HiiefZliig. coughing and
spitting and it In a disease spread In
crowds and In poorly ventilated places.
Therefore, tho unusual and unnecessary
(owdlng so common In the stores dur
ing tho Christmas shopping season Is
suro to result In an Increased number
of IntluUiza cases unless the peoplo will
protect themselves I.ct the Christmas
buying begin at once. Those persons
who aro habitually eleventh-hour shop
pers will do well to remember this wain
inz. Tin stoi ekeepers should co-opeiate
I by beginning at once to display their
I sneclnl holiday goods and to hire a
sufficient saltbforco to handle the in
creased business, yithout taxing the
capacity of their clerks and necessitating
their aisles being crowded with anxious
Co eminent Will Reimburse Owners
for Use in War
Viatel mty houses, which have been '
used as barracks fpr men in iho btu-j
dents' army tralnlrig coips and naval
unit at the University of Pennsylvania I
during the present semester, are to bo
returned to their original owners fol-
lowing the Christian holidays. , ,
Announcement to this effect was made ,
today by Kdward Schacffer, president ot '
the Interfraternlty Council, who said tho '
provost had assured him that the fra-,
ternltles would be able to resume their 1
regular collegiato activities at the be
ginning of the new term. According to
tho contract made with the fraternities,
tho Government has agreed to pay a
certain remuneration for tho rental of
their houses. The rent will date from
October 1 to December 21.
Logan Trust Company
Member of Federal Reserve System
iUR Main Office at 1 43 1 Chestnut Street
was designed for the exclusive purpose
or adequately providing for the efficient
operation of the Company so. as to serve our
patrons with the greatest convenience and
The close. of our twelfth year finds us pre
pared to extend the scope of our service to
our regular patrons and others at a time
when a thorough banking connection is par
ticularly needful.
Your inquiry as
'is invited.
West Phila. Office
6324 Woodland Avenue
to how we can serve you'
Fifteenth Street Office
152 North 15th St.
I; s
'I y ' ' l 1 1 ' i ' ' I i I H'i I ' 1 1 1 r.l i j
" i, i .I'lt '. .'.;r5 :
I: JXk"t w :sJvV?0-.3T4vS s -
r 1 S - .-.77 :-.: ,.: '-.ill:: S.'M.Z- JLcMf Jic"
f fr4i. i?-v..'.':!.'"V-.';"-: i-2J---J A
n I Worit Pull Loose
: invisible Joint
Straight Edtfes
"Flat Tread
' American
in Herlin to
Food llelief
Consult on
v Herlin. Dei 0 (By A. P.) Arthur
)'.. Dunning, secretary of the American
Association of Commerce and Trade, of
Berlin, has been summoned to Spa (for
mer German headquarters, where the
armistice commission) has been In sew-
'Mon). for tho purpose of conferring with
Ihe American' Inllltnry authorities and
llcrbert ,'. Hodver, tho food admlnls
rrntor. V'Tho Uerlln organization which 'Mr.
flunnlng represents had placed Itself at
'tho disposal of tho United Ktates Oov-
rninent lir connection with tho.proposed
,h , r-
'Returning Soldiers Exchange Shot
. ' With Delegalos of Council
f Itarlln, tec K-r-(lJy A. P.) Soldiers
'returning front the frwit have torn
.down ..the. . flaps at tho 'rostoftlca and
Mllvary stations at Essen, according tp
fMiortsv received -here,' anij exchanged
ahota with delegates of tho Soldlcrt'
The soldiery iad been disbanded at
sola to civillaiH
of Wtkl werth
frnu th;awt-.''tjr.
S The soldiery iad bei
ft, Vron beOAUtw t(iJ"
H) ,! hundreds of tboUMiluji
Un 'I pf w'lno iiihI eUnuii from
Increase Heel Mileage
Have you five minutes to spare
for a pair of rubber heels that will
set so snug i and neatly you will
have to look hard to see the joint?
Then ask your repair, man to
put on a pair of "Usco" Rubber
Rip-p-p off conies the old
frazzjled heel. Tap, tap, tap, tap,
and the new job with this won
derful new heel is ready.
The "Usco" Rubber heel
is the latest contribution of
science to longer heel mile
age, and sure-footedness,
A few nails anchor it firmly. The
spring of the rubber presses the
edges tight and snug all the way
round. No cement is used. It
makes a perfectly invisible joint
and a perfectly level tread that will
last till the heel is worn out.
"Usco" Heels are pleasantly soft
and yielding to walk on. The
tough wear-resisting quality of the
rubber makes "Usco" Heels
a decided economy.
Yiur repair man has them in black,
Ian and white. Five minutes of yeur
time is all he needs. Look fir tht
U. S. Seal,
United States Rubber Company
Mechanical Goods Division '
"just add hot water and shave"
h dues away with1 the slow, unsanitary, muss-and-fuss way of
shaving. Filled with Mennen's Shaving Cream, it quickly works
up a lather that lets the blade skim over your face in jazz-time,
leaving a pleasant-surprise feeling of satiny smoothness. A twist
and the brush is1 filled with the right amount of cream a dip in
hot water and you're ready. Refill cartridges at your dealer's.
A most practical gift at Christmas, or any time, for every man
who shaves. At drug and department stores. If you do not find
it send us $3.00 and yrur dealer's name and we will send you the
brush direct. Men who patronize the barber shops will find the
DUO LATHER BRUSH individual sanitary used at tlie
up-to-date shops of Hotels Adclphla, Ritz-Carlton rind If 'alto n.
See our window
display at Ledger
Central, this week
This is tlie Duo Lather
Brush, $3.00 and up
with metal top.
JfjMl '
iiVn Lots JtSftKfi'H
Mi!;!!' S
p" il , " ! Ot
'.Hit 1 3 3Bi,
iH it JJlli
..- ll ,? ? 3 3 3 i ..
Mill 1 ' J l.l-l'.!J '.''.I 1
ra v
Hotel Adetphid
111 i i r.
firr.Jr 'Mra.'
'in 3H.. whip vr
A it r fijiliii' n. i' it ll?. j, '?-,.,,
Hotel Walton
Hotel Ritz-Carlton
lAfw Eii In VI
Sat., Dec. 7 Sat., Dec. 14
ack on a Peace Basis
It's up to you and all of us. We'll get just
what we determine to get and fight for.
We won the War by united action. We'll
win Peape-Time business the same way.
So, welcome good cheer, good business, good
times, success, prosperity welcome all.
The latch string's out to everybody, every
where to take part in
Philadelphia Automobile Trade Association
On behalf of Dealers in Motor Cars, Trucks, Trailers, Tires and Accessories
r a
1. vl
r . . i"
"' ' , h