Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 03, 1918, Final, Page 7, Image 7

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Music of the Christmas Time
0.00 Cnrnla liy Voice nml Onriin
Noon Clirlilmaa Hymn with Chime
IV.1B Ornnd Orxnn mid VocrI Qunrt'tte
5 ;
Store Opens 9 A. M.
Store Closes 5:30 P. M.
All Over the Store You Will Find the Christmas Goods and the Christmas Spirt
n: .
When We Were Children We
Loved Mystery
and we grew up with it. What would Christmas be
Without mystery?
Mystery is the high star that rises to shine most
brilliantly during the latter part of each year, leading
us on through lanes of joyous privilege, with open
gates on every side, by which our better nature passes
qn in affectionate exercises of words and acts in one
syllable of four letters.
Well said, dear old' personal friend, Henry
Drummond L-O-V-E is the greatest thing in the
One still greater than Drummond said, in words
not precisely these,
"If you will live up to the knowledge you have
I will show you much more and you shall know what
to ilu.7 '
-All hail to Christmas, the best day of the year)
Dec. S, 1918.
Women's Novelty Coats of Fur
Just received are these:
A short affair of tiger cat with nutria border, price $350.
A charming Hudson seal (dyed muskrat) coat with tr belted
front and a cape which turns into sleeves, and border of sable
squirrel, 5400.
A long coat of gray squirrel with splendid sleeve borders and
( collar of skunk fur; the body is close fitting, the skirt full;
price $650.
A taupe nutria with deep border and broad shawl collar of
Hudson seal (dyed muskrat), $450.
Long full coat of Hudson seal (dyed muskrat) with deep
shawl collar i and belt, $500. i
Hudson seal (dyed muskrat) with deep collar and cuffs of
bcajver, $550. N ,
Another Hudson seal (dyed muskrat) with deep bell sleeves
and standing collar of mink, $600. ,
(Second Floor, 0'lientnut)
It May or May Not Be a " White ;
p Christmas, " but It Looks
Very Much Like a
Silk Christmas
By a silk Christmas we mean well, probably you know what
we mean, because you must know that the giving of silks for
Christmas gifts is a good habit with any amount of sensible
women. In fact, it seems to be understood that for Christmas
giving, silks arc hard to beat, ft would be hard to beat our
collection of Christmas silks whether you want silks to give
or to put to your own personal use.
The newness of them, the lichness' of them, the fineness of
them, the excellence of them for the money all these are good
reasons why so many women are buying them with both, objects
in view.
New foulards in Spring and Summer patterns, $2.50 to $3
a yard. V,
New fancy taffetas in plaids
New Shantung pongees, 75c
New Baronet satins in street and evening shades are $4.50
a yard. ' S
New plain tub silks, in light colors, are $2.50 the yard and
the dark colors $2 the yard.
New jersey silks, new shirtwaist silks, a wonderful 'variety,
and new tub silks.
Also a lot of dress lengths and blouse lengths, considerably
below the regular prices.
, (Flritt Moor, Cliettnut) ""
' Many Little Girls Would Like
New White Frocks
and would be delighted to find one among their boxes on Christmas
There are all sorts of new and pretty white frocks here frocks
for school and everyday wear, frocks- for afternoon wear and frocks
fluffy enough for parties.
Sturdy white pique makes some, wlite linen make? others, sheer
white voiles and dainty plaid muslins and-aimities make the rost.
Some have hand embroidery, some have satiny sashes, some are lace
trimmed, and otners are quite simple and plain as little girls' dresses
should be for general wear.
$6.75 to $22.50 each and 6 to 14 year sizes.
(Second floor. Chestnut)
. All-Wool Velours That Are
Special af $3.50 Yard
There are few fabrics more fashionable than the soft, lovqly all
wool velour this Winter, and it is particularly good news to be able
to get such a grade to sell for less than the usual price
This is of fine quality, is all wool and fulP54 inches wide.
ft comes in the most desirable colors of the Winter, too navy blue,
Copenhagen blue, brown and green.
(FIrtt Floor, Chestnut)
3500 Yards of Real Filet
Laces Specially Priced
We got this lot from an importer who was going out of business,
aVid we t are, happy to be able to offer it at this Christmas time at
.Ut ? TwhWJtle prices.
7 v Ih'dellghtiul designs, the Jaces
nn nnninHB ann iiaa. nr
antr stripes, $z to $o tne yaia.
and $1.25 a yard.
are nearly, all narrow widths, both
Nnn 'ihA nnn c i !-
December Winds and Fur
.Trimmed Millinery Go Together
December has come, and here
are the hats hundreds of new
ones, pretty and unusual, in a
Special Collection
at $10
and some even below that mod
erate sum. There are
Smart new hats all of fur.
Becoming shapes of fur and
New velvet and fur hats.
Hats of satin and fur.
Thpy arc in the newest of
the smart winter shapes, aie
delightfully' trimmed, and aie
as becoming as you'd like
them to be.
Perhaps just the-, hat you
want to go with your new coat
or furs is in this very collec
tion! ,
(Second I lour,
300 Women's Frocks
Special at $35
Some are reduced out of our own stocks
and some are newly brought in at late season
prices. There are serges, wool jerseys,
tricotines, tricolettes and Georgettes, not to
mention combinations of different materials.
Colors are black -and taupe, new blue,
brown, metal grays, light gray and tan. They
are all in good condition, and there are all
sizes in the lot.
(Flr.t 1 lour,
Lovely Christmas
Gifts in This Sale of
Sample Neckwear
All the pieces are hand em
broidered and the prices range
from $1 to $5, which Is a gener
ous third under the usual prices.
There are guimpes, vestecs,
collars, sets and jabots, of
Georgette crepe, of filmy net and
of crisp and snowy organdie.
There ''are square and shawl
back collars and all the other
popular styles of the season, and
the assortment is varied and in
teresting. And these things make the
daintiest of .Christmas gifts!
(Main floor. Central)
Fine Waists
In a trio at $25 apiece, each is
of Georgette crepe and with
silver and silk embroidery and
steel beads; one being navy and
gray, one plum and tan, a'nd one
black and white.
Another of navy with white
crepe collar and real filet is
$16.50$ and so is one of navy,
plum, 'taupe or brown with cut
steel beads.
Also at $16.50 and at $12.50 are
some quite lovely pink and white
Georgette crepe, of filmy net and
hand embroidery.
(Third Floor. Central)
French Novelties
as well as domestic novelties
and a number of things are
to be found in the Art Needle
work Store beginning with
knitted and othor shawls for
grandmas, and all kinds of
little knitted things for babies;
and ending with such fine
objects as amp shades at $85
and a French cover for a
chaise longue at $125. Inci
dentally there is quite a won
derful collection of cushions.
. (Second Floor, Central)
" Nainsook nightgowns and
chemises embroidered by hand in
'tho Philippines and snowy white.
The first are $2.85 to $25.
The .second $2.85 W,$3.&0.
l) .
( hentnut)
ZEM'amonb anb
platinum Bracelets
of Unusual eautp
They are set in flexible
platinum mountings and the
designs are in square box and
rope effects.
One may choose diamonds
and sapphiies, set alternately,
all diamonds pr all sapphires.
Full circle diamond bangles
and full circle sapphire bangles
are also in the collection.
$500 to $1000 each.
" (Jeuelry Store. Chestnut unci
Fine Irish Linen
Table Cloths
These are cieam, or silver
bleached cloths and they come
from the best manufacturer of
just such goods that we .know of
and we know them all.
We have been selling the same
grades for years and we are as
certain of their merits as we
arc of any merchandise we have
ever handled.
This particular little lot of 235
ivc have just taken out of bond.
They come in three grades and
in seven sizes.
Table Cloths
70x72 inches, $4.75 each.
71x72 inches, $6.50 each.
72x72 inches, $6.75 each.
70x90 inches, $6.50 each.
71x90 inches, $7.75 each.
72x90 inches, $8.75 each.
72x108 inches, $8.75 and $9.75
Gifts of sterling worth for any
(rirt Floor. Chestnut)
A Merry Christmas
Sale of Cut Glass
The merry chink of the cut
glass and the sleigh bells of Santa
Claus chime very well indeed.
We don't want to tell you what
a good gift a piece of cut glass
will be.
We do want to tell you that if
you have any idea of giving a' cut
glass gift, this is the sale in
which to buy it.
All the pieces that one patticu
larly desires for gifts arc in it
and the piices are one-third less
than regular.
Between bonbon dishes at $1,
$1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2 and
flower vases at $2.50, $3, $3.50 and
up to $12.75 the variety is wide
and the value exceptional, tho
assortment comprising berry
bowls, footed nut dishes, celery
trays, fern dishes, water jugs,
baskets, sugar and cream sets
and relish dishes.
(Fourth Floor. Chebtnut)
A timely and helpful
Sale of Blankets is
being1 held on the
Sixth floor, Central.
A TEACHER of knitting and
demonstrator of the Colum
bian yarns is now on duty in tho
Art Needlework Store from 9:30
in tho morning till 5 o'clock.
(Second Floor, Central.)
A FINE collection of andirons is
ready for Christmas gift seek
eis, and such irons have been
pretty scarce of late. Some are
plain and some are trimmed with
or wholly of brass. Also fire
screens, both iron and brass, are
here. (Fourth Floor, Central.)
ryHAT chcerfuller thought when
' tho snow blows than a wood
box or basket? We recommend
one which doesn't let the chips
through. (Fourth Floor, Cen
tral.) NO all the bulbs aien't gone
yet, though they soon will be.
Hyacinths arc 10c each, $1 a
dozen, $6.50 a hundred. Tulips
ate 30c a dozen, $1.75 a hundred,
$15 a thousand. (Fourth Floor, '
CHEERY little basket with a
i- fuzzy fern in it is a pleasant
thing to own. $1.50 complete.
(Fourth Floor, Market.)
EVEN silver cleaning discs now
adays arc put up in Christ
mas wrappings. Price $1.
(Fourth Floor, Market.)
WHAT is home 'without a nut
bowl ? Howl, ci acker and six
picks for onlv $1.25. (Fourth
Floor, Market.)
IVHITE enameled tables, white
' kitchen cabinets, white cereal
sets are all excellent for women
who love housekeeping. (Fourth
Floor, Market.)
THE whirlpool dish-washer is
treasure to the woman w
s a
hates the drudgery of the ordi
nary mop and dish pan. (Fourth
Floor, Market.)
VE have a fine collection of
mahogany ti a vs. One kind in
paiticular with little inlaid figuies
in center is special at $6.25.
(Fourth Floor, Market.)
A WONDERFUL variety of
molds for holiday jellies in
cludes hearts and melons, turk
heads, fruit and thistles. Also
here are vegetables and cake
cutters of a cleverness. (Fourth
Floor, Market.)
ALUMINUM tea kettles without
seams are a joy to behold for
their shininess and black wood
handles. $5.30 and $6.33. (Fourth
Floor, Market.)
TEA, coffee and cocoa pots with
solid copper bodies coveictl
with nickel plating are $1.25.
(Fourth Floor, Market.)
'"PAKE your choice of pyiex
J- glass or pottery casseroles
they are all set in pieiced nickeled
holders and are moderately priced.
(Fourth Floor, Market.)
invaluable aids to health.
Covered with fine cotton cloth
they cost 50c to 73c, according to
size. (Fourth Floor, Market.)
Riding Boots
make admirable gifts to
women to whom riding means
a gieatjdeal. They are of the
English cut, with straight legs,
and of black and tan Russia
leather. Price $23.
Puttees of the same leath
ers, $10.50.
In the Exclusive Little Boot
(First Floor. Market)
Cosy Bathrobes for
Over the seas from Japan come
the first group, which aie of soft
quilted silks in pretty rose shades
and Copenhagen blue. Some are
embroidered and some are plain,
and they range in pi ice fiom
$9.50 to $12.50 each. 6 to 14 year
Eiderdown bathiobes, in rose or
Copenhagen blue, many satin
bound, are $4.50 to $7 each and
in 4 to 14 year sizes.
(Third Floor. Chestnut)
A Helpfu
The furniture stocks abound in inexpensive gift
pieces. In the four groups listed here there is. nothing
higher' than $27, and there are good things for as' little
as $1.
Muffin Stands
$11 for a terra cotta lacqueied
muffin standi
$8.50 for an oblong lacqueied
muffin stand.
$7.50 for a gray enamel and
decorated muffin stand.
$6.50 for an ivory enamel muf
fin stand.
$9.50 for a mahogany muffin
stand with three cane shelves.
$8.75 for a mahogany muffin
stand with twisted columns.
$1 for a fumed oak smoker's
stand with twisted columns.
$1.25 for an imitation mahog
any smoking stand with plat
form base.
$1.50 for a brown oak smoking
standjwith four legs and .shelf.
14,000 Pair of Indian Moccasins
at Half Price or Less
For house slippers there is nothing more com
fortable or more serviceable than moccasins. This
extraordinary sale could not have come at a better
These moccasins are made of chrome tanned
leather, many with extra soles for longer wear.
With the velvet side of the leather out the
colors are dark brown and light tan. With the
smooth side out the colors are black, tan and pearl.
Another style in tan or pearl has four eyelets
and many have designs of fancy-colored beads on
the vamps.
There is a high-cut model which laces well up
the ankle.,
Men's sizes, $1.75.
Women's and boys' sizes, $1.50.
Girls' sizes, $1.25.
Children's sizes, $1.
Infants' sizes, 75c.
(Mnln nml llnl Floor. Market)
2000 Christmas Umbrellas
350 of them, and
Not all colors or
Prices are $5.75,
than regular.
Useful Indeed Are
Chests of Mahogany
or Cedar
They hold many things foi
which theie seems to be no other
place in the house they will
stoic things for you from season
to season and prove themselves
most practical, helpful posses
sions. ,
Red cedar chests in many sizes
are $15, $17, $22.50, $23.75, $25.50
and $30 each.
Mahogany cnests, cedar lined,
are $26, $31.50, $35, $45, $32 and
$60 each.
Fifth Door, Market)
The Desirable
Dressing Case
always makes a welcome and un
ordinary gift for man or woman.
Heie are women's dressing
cases of black leather in shiny
auto or saffian finish or dull long
giain effect, all ioire-silk lined
in colors and with white celluloid
toilet articles. Prices aie $12.75
to $20.
Men's diessing cases aie also
of black leather and have black
or tan leather linings and ebony
fittings. They arc $8.75 to $18.
(Muln Floor, Chestnut)
List of Low-Priced Gift Furniture
Savings of 25 to 50 Per Cent
$5.75 for a mahogany tele
phone stand with bracket.
$13.50 for a fumed oak tele
phone stand, Jacobean style.
$14.75 for a fumed birch tele
phone stand and chair.
Fern Stands
$5.75 for an oblong fern stand,
fumed oak.
$7.75 for an oblong fern stand,
enamel and decorated.
$11 for an oblong fern stand,
white enamel,
$14,50 for a round fern stand,
putty enamel and decorated.
$16 for a square fern stand
with cane panels.
$18 for a fumed birch fern
stand with cane panels. All of
these stands have removable
Men at $2.50
This big purchase comes to us at a third below .
the regular prices, and these umbrellas are unusual ;
indeed for their moderate prices.
At $2.50, $3 and $3.75 each are umbrellas of
silk-and-cotton with sturdy frames and attractive
handles. ';
At $4 and $5 each are umbrellas with covers
of all-silk (and good silk, too!) and fashionable
There are sizes for women and men, the assort-
ment is wide and varied
in time for gift-seekers.
(Main Floor. Mnrkey ,
Wool Sweaters at Much
Lowered Prices
only one or two of each kind, as they are a factory's
all sizes in each style, but all sizes in the assortment.
$6.75 and $7.75, which means a third to a half less,
(Knnt Aisle)
New Books Worth While
"With Those Who Wait," by Frances Wilson Huard, is a story
of the seivice of the Trench back of the fighting lines. $1.50.
"A Writer's Recollections," by Mrs. Humphry Ward, is a
book of delightful quality, dealing as it does with some of the
gieatcst men and women of" the Victorian period. Illustrated,
2 vols. $6.
"Memories Grave and Gay," by Florence Howe Hall, is just
what it implies. $3.50.
"Heroes of Aiation," by Lawience La T. Driggs, is an account
of the dramatic careers of some of the most famous of Allierr
fliers. Illustrated. $1.50.
"Samurai Trails," by Lucian Swift Kirtland, is a chronicle of
wanderings on the Japanese high road, charmingly presented and,
charmingly printed and illustrated. $2.50.
"The Doctor in War," by Woods Hutchinson, M. D. The
Doctor spent nearly a year studying the work of the medical and
s-anitary service on the Western Front. $2.50.
(Main Floor, Thirteenth) ,
New Oriental Rugs for .
Christmas Giving
Just as the quest for
earnest we spread out two
lugs, every weave in the collection
One gioup is made of favorite
lugs. Persian Mosuls, size U.oxb to 7 feet approximately, at $33
$37.50. These are reliable rugs in weave, tcxtuic and color,
The other lot biinirs Beluchistans, size 2 ft. to 2.6 ft X
ft. to 3.0 ft., excellent, lustrous
shades, pi iced moderately at $15
These are typical of many hundreds of the most gift
like things imaginable and their prices have been reduced
25 to 50 per cent.
$4.75 for an oval tuck away
table, Jacobean oak.
$8.75 for a round mahogany
tuck away table.
$9.50 for a hexagonal mahog
any tuck away table.
$13 for a round, black-lacquered
tuck away table.
$14 for an oval lacquered tuck
away table.
$10 for an oval enamel and
decorated tuck away table.
Book Stands
$3.50 for a revolving book
stand for the table, in mahog
any. ,
$8.50 for a revolving study
stand, pedestal base.
FUor) . .
for Women,'
to $5 ;
and the purchase is just A
Christmas gifts begins in real
attractive new lots of Orienta
a good and real gift.
pieces with people looking for sma'
pieces in tan, red, green and blue
rionr, Centrul)
SID fnr n mnlino-nnv VAVAlvIniy
book stand,, with square column
and platform base.
$10.50 for a fumed birch book, 5
stand witn tnree shelves.
$12.50 for a fumed birch book, ;
stand with four shelves.
$27 for a revolving book stand,'
inlaid mahogany. 1
$3.75 for an oval mahogany ,
tray, inlaid center. ,, f.
$4.25 for an inlaid mahogany 1
traypval shape. v 'J
$5r a mahogany tray, &hi I
$7 W&. an inlaid mahotfwM!
trayi oBWng shape, "-". r"'.
iiiiiiff "
.t k;
'" tv
! IJMf