Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 30, 1918, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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    . . EfEpf& 'tmLI;L13t)CTHlEABBLPHIi; SATURDAY, .;N6VEMBER -30, 1918 '
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'Music of the Christmastime"
9. OO Ciirola 'hf Velec anil OraH
Nnon rhrimmim Ilj-mn Willi rhlnie
fl.lfl Clrnml OrRnn nnil Vneal Quartette
Store Opens 9 ,A. M.
Store Closes 5:30 P. M.
New Sample Blouses
Special, $3.90
There are manv styles, of course, but not
all Bizes in any one style.
Of Georgette in flesh, white, tan, navy
and brown or of crepe do chine in flesh color
and white, many of them are beaded, tucked,
frilled, collarless or made in other attractive
The Newest Blouses Are
of Striped Silk
Of soft taffefa in navy blue with various
size stripes of white. Made in a tailored
style with convertible collar and turn-back
cuffs. $4.90.
A Gift of Silk
would be smiled upon by most any woman.
a length for a frock or waist nicely boxed.
Crepe de chine in all the deBirable colors,
inches wide, at $1.85 n yard.
Glowing satin in dark and light colors, 36 inchea
wide, at $1.85 and $2 a yard.
Black satin at $1.50 to $3 a yard, 36 inches
wide. N
Georgette crepe in the good light and dark
colors, 40 inches wide, at $2 a yard.
Striped wash silk, 36 inches wide, at $1.75 a
Plain white habutai, 36 inches, at $1 to $2 a
Cozy Hats and Scarfs for Wee
Folk Special at 50c
Brushed wool toques to keep the little ears warm
when winds are biting are in rose, green, yellow
and many combinations. 50c.
Scarfs in plain colors and some pretty mixtures
are fringed at the ends. 50c.
Taffeta Petticoats Piled High
for your choosing look very inviting vith their mass
of color. Navy blue and black petticoats, as well
as many in lovely changeable colors, show flounces
made in various ways but all generously full. $5.
Special at $3,85
Frocks for Girls
Fine gingham in linen color or blue forms most
attractive f locks for girls of 6 years to 10. they aro
trimmed with darker shades that harmonize per
fectly and also featherstitched and embroidered.
For girls of 8 years to 14-, the' frocks are made
of blue or brown gingham with vestees, collars,
cuffs and pocket flaps of lighter shades. Each frock
is finished with a shiny black enameled cloth belt.
Two-Piece Frocks
are made of blue, brown or green gingham. The
smock is unusually well made with a sash that ties
in back. The skirt is pleated and hangs from a
white body. For girls of 8 years to 14. $5.
Junior Regulations
of cadet blue or brown gingham aro carefully made
to fit girls who'wear sizes 14 years and 16. $6.50.
Serviceable Footwear
for the Whole Family
Some at Special Prices
Women's black calfskin lace shoos with high
straight heel3 and welted soles at $5.40 a pair; of
black kidskin with medium heels and welted soles
at $4.90 a pair.
Plenty of sizes among the smart gray kidakin
shoes, some with cloth topsj special at $5.7G.
Sizes are still good among the $4.75 shoes,
especially the blown kidskin with Ivory kjd tops
and tho brown calfskin with lighter imitation buck
Mens Shoes at $4.75
are of good black leather, made over English lasts;
also black kidskin on wide toe lasts and bluchcr
styles. .
For the Boy
there are serviceable black leather shoes' on English
or wide toe lasts at $3 a pair.
Sturdy Shoes for the Children
are of black calfskin In lace style. They havo sturdy
welted soles and are on sensible wide lasts, at $3.75
and $4.25 a pair; avsim!!ar style in dark tan leather
at $4 and $4.50, according to size.
Sautoir Ribbons
are pretty and useful gifts (and Inexpensive) for
women who like to wear their watches or lockets
that way.
These arc black ribbons with slides of black, gold
plate or silver. 50e.
Interesting Necklaces
of beads In all possiblo colors and combinations
some combined with metal arc fairly a-gleam with
the joy of the festive season. 25c to $1.
To Speed Your Greeting
The lorgo assortment of Christmos cards at 5c
and 10c each will surprise and delight you. Tho
envelopes fit perfectly, too. '
Fairly largo white envelopes steel engraved with
a Christmassy design arc 25c a package of 10.
Send your lctteis in them.
The Newest
Envelope Chemises
Have Knickers
and are made of plaid voile, combining bloomers and
camisole in a charming way. They are neatly hem
stitched or trimmed with lace. Elastic holds them
snugly about thd waist and knees. $3.
Envelope Chemises
of lustrous flesh satin arc hemstitched in blue and
cleverly adorned with wide blue satin ribbon. And
most important of all, they are embroidered by
hand. $5.
Dark Camisoles
of navy blue ,or black satin arc hemstitched and have
ribbon shoulder stiaps. $2 each.
The Beauty of Simplicity
is well put forth in a new camisole of heavy satin
in a delicate pink. The deep casing vat the top is
hemstitched and the camisole is shaped to fit. Tho
upper part of tho shoulder straps is of wide satin
ribbon. $3.
Handkerchiefs for Men
and they always appreciate them, you know!
Plain linen handkerchiefs are 25c each; those with
colored borders arc 55c each.
White linen handkerchiefs with initials in the
corners are 0 for $1.75.
85c a yard.
c JL
Prettier Than Ever!
You will exclaim when you see the new 1919
voiles that have just appeared. A diess length for
a gift would be much appreciated.
Many attractive colorings and patterns to
choose from dainty small designs or the larger
ones, many copied from fine Bilk patterns. From
45c to $1.35 a yard, 36 to 40 inches wide.
Small and Large Check Tissues
run with lines of silk are in lovely colorings, 32
inches wide, 68c a yard.
Ginghams, Too
are in many large, beautiful Dlaids in unusually
pretty colorings, 32 inches wide,
Japanese Crepe Kimonos $5
Long, full kimonos in navy blue, gray, rose and
light blue are variously figured. They are trimmed
with wide bands of satin.
Corseting the Heavier Figures
requires a deal of skill and care. W. B. Reduso
corsets are admirably adapted to the needs of stout
women and women who believe that they are a
trifle too heavy for their height.
They aro made of pink or whito coutil (strong)
and have broad pieces of .heavy elastic ovor the
back. The bustlines are low with gores. Each
corset has three hooks below the broad front steel
and is supplied With 6 hose supporters. $5.
made entirely of heavy trlco cloth are also for
heavy figures. They fasten In back, and the upper
part of the shoulder straps is of good tape. $1.50.
Desk Calendars for 1919
They are coveicd with green imitation glazed
leather -and hold a lot of noto paper as well as cal
endar cards for oach month. $1.25 For a man's
Little Salt-and-Pepper Shakers
for Christmas
Little sterling silver nhakera in various shapes
are $1 a pair.
tffc m
$15 $33 ,
Emphasizing Some Splendid
Coats That Are Ready for Winter
Looking through this wonderfully fine collection of
women's winter coats, some seem to stand out as particu
larly worth attention The values are exceptional, and the
coats are well worth looking up.
A coat of cheviot has a roll collar of beaver furcloth
and buttons. It is half lined and is in gray, navy and
green. $19.75.
Another of navy velour coating is trimmed with fur
cloth in mole or beaver color. $22.50.
Two velours stand out in the big gathering of $25
coats. One is belted, full lined and trimmed with a big
nearseal fur collar. The other has a long roll collar of
nearseal fur and is in brown, taupe, navy and black.
Quite special is another velour coat with a nearseal
collar, that is belted and lined from neck to hem. 29.75.
Many Fur Collars at $35
These coats are all wonderfully warm and snug.
Some have collars of nutria, some of nearseal or skunk
opossum, and others have collars, cutfs and a band of fur
and even fur buttons on the back of the belt.
Special at $52.50
Soft and luxurious coats of velour and silver tone, with
warm, soft collars of Australian opossum, raccoon, nutria
or nearseal. The collars roll or are in cape shape and
some of the pockets are trimmed with fur. All the coats
are beautifully lined.
Mole Furcloth Coats, $57.50
These are made like the real fur coats and are lined
with lovely silks.
Coats in Individual Models
There is a lovely gathering of these delightful Winter
wraps, of the 'finest materials of which cloth coats are
made silvertone, velour de laine, Bolivia, duvet de laine,
Ivora and velour. Beautiful limousine or evening wraps
of velvet and chiffon velvet aie also among them.
$55, $65, $09.75 and up to $150.
350 Pretty Frocks for Women
at $15 to $25
You can imagine what fun it will be choosing a frock, from
su'ch a showing as thisl
There are frocks of every fashionable kind that Winter mpdes
havo produced, and the colorings are soft and rich, with a great
deal of navy blue. The best things about these frocks are the
excellence of material and the good taste in their selection. All are
quite simple, with good trimming, well used.
Many of these frocks were bought In special purchases, and
there are also several groups which are marked at reduced prices,
since sizes hnve become broken. In both instances there are
considerable savings.
Of Satin
there are frocks in navy, black and plum. A touch of lightness is
given by the vestees or collars of white satin or Georgette crepe.
Some have Georgette sleeves, and there is quite a bit of em
broidery done In heavy silk or beads. $15, $19.75, $22.50.
Of Velveteen
Some of these frocks are half price they were specially
purchased and are quite new. A particularly pretty model of
French inspiration has straight lines, a simple whito satin collar
and little pockets that are edged with very deep fringe. Others are
combined with satin. $16.75, $19.75 and $25.
Of Serge
No woman ever seems to have all the sorge frocks she needs,
for these dresses are the most often worn of any in her wardrobe.
There is a brave show of military braid on many of these frocks and
a pretty use of wee pin tucks, which are so effective in serge.
Many are collarless. Motly in nnvy and black, at $15 and $16.50.
Both Plain and Novelty Suits
for Women Are Reduced
Simple tailored suits of burella or wool poplin they will stand
a lot of wear are now $19.75 and $22.76.'
Braid trimmed wool poplin suits with silk linings are now
reduced to $29.75.
Suits of velour and broadcloth, plain or trimmed with fur,
are now $35.
Novelty suits, mostly one or two of a kind, are of fine materials,
and many are trimmed with fur. Now reduced to $42.50, $50, $55
and $67.50.
Three Inexpensive Skirts
At $3 Many women make presents of dark skirts to their
house force at Christmas. ' This is an excellent skirt for that
rood lines,
Y a a . .a . ... V. . a
around and naB two patch pockets trimmed with attractive buttons.
It is made ot black washable cotton ramie on co
It is gathered In back under a wide belt which goes all the way
At $4.25 Black serve skirts on food lines show new Dockets
trimmed with six buttons each I
Striped Ratine
in black or navy blue forms such good-looking tailored tfkhts. They
are adorned with unusual buttons and have odd pockets. Sizes
25 to 85 waistband at $7.75.
A SPECIAL Jot of men's suits is marked at $23.50
- Every one is of pure wool, of this season's fashion
and of exceptional value. Cassimeres, cheviots and flan
nels are the materials. Worth while are the savings. Such
is the bare outline of a fine opportunity for men. Wise
men will act quickly.
Overcoats? Plenty of the finest in the land at $25 to $35.
(flnllerjr. Market)
1000 Pair Women's Silk
Stockings, Special at $1.15 a Pair
A lot of good silk stockings, both first and
second quality, with lisle feet and tops.
800 Pair of "Seconds"
They are of good quality silk with slight im
perfections, not enough to hurt their wearing
qualities. In black, white, shades of gray, tan,
champagne and brown,
200 Pair of "Firsts"
These are all black silk of good quality.
Gifts That Must Travel Need
tissue paper, white as snow, as a fit outer clothing
to wrap your gifts in. A good quality is 35c a
Christmas ribbon red,
Christmas ribbon green,
Chiistmas ribbon holly strewn,
Growing in between.
That might be said of tho ribbon section, where
eons 01 nnstmassy
ribbon errows to tie the
It is 12c to 75c a piece of 10 yards.
gifts and make festive bows.
g gilts.
will need at least us much as that to tie vour
The Nth Degree of Paper Doll
It is the most interesting assortment of pretty
dolls with movable arms and legs, dress patterns,
crepe paper and material for adornment of all kind!
75c a box.
Open the Green Box
and you will see on (a pretty velvet lining a pair of
lingerie clasps, a fnenstpin, cuff button.;, a stickpin,
or pins for baby according to which box vou pick
up. 75c each.
For Lovers of Fragrance
It is easy to select a gift of favorite fragrance
from among so many extracts of various flowers
and bouquet odors. The bottles are attractively
shaped and rest in pretty boxes. 50c to $5.
Boxed toilet sets are $1 to $5.
Potpourri novelties are such gift-y things of
flower buds enclosed in gauze and adorned with
ribbon. 25c to 75c each.
Heaps of Warm Quilts
and Blankets
Table after table is piled high with these warm
blankets and quilts. Most of them are maiked at
special low piices and all aie of unquestionable qual
ity, perfect in every way. The savings aveiage a
Wool-Filled Quilts, $7 to $16.50
These arc of white lamb's wool mixed with a
little cotton and are soft and fluffy.
The quilts at $7, $7.50 and $8.50 are covered with
figured cambric or sateen.
At $10 there aie quilts covered with Floientine
silk with plain backs and borders.
At $12.50, these have satin boiders to harmonize
with the figured tops.
At $15, a quilt with a silk top and border has a
Florentine silk back.
At $16.50, a quilt covered on both sides -ith
silk the top figured, the border and back plain. This
is most unusual at the price.
Down-Filled Quilts,
$6.50, $8.50 and $9
Pretty things, all of them coveied with satin
figured or all-over printed in quilt designs with
boideis and centers. Good sateen filled with fluffy
down and Jots of it.
Cotton-Filled Quilts, $3 to $5
Pure white cotton, soft and thick, i3 used in these
quilts, and cambric or other cotton prints form their
coverings. They arc in a great many patterns and
colorings at $2.50, $.1, $3.60, $4 and $5.
Many Sorts of Good Blankets
Cotton or wool blankets whito ones with pink or
blue bordor, on thiough the ahortn'ent to the
copies of flno Piemen blankets beautiful in color
and design. Also there aie many good Indian
blankets and dink patterns sultablo for motor use
or for couch throws.
For a Man's Christmas
A few suggestions of practical' gifts that a man
will like. The ildn's Stove on the Gallery is well
prepared us the days advance.
Housecoats', !M.50 to $7.50.
tfathrobes, $3.85 to $6.85.
Suspenders, nicely boxed, 65c and .SI.
Neckties, in mun good colorings and designs,
45c to 85c.
Cardigan jackeU, S 1.75.
(duller). Mai-UK)
For His Collars
Collar bags of cloth, imitation leather and leather
in various colors are neatly lined. 50c to $3.50.
The Linen. Store
Is a Treasure Trove
of Gifts
Lacy scarfs for chiffoniers, dressinsr tables or"
bureaus have linen-finish centers and pretty lace for-
edgings. 60c, 75c, $1, Sl.S-B, $1.50 and up to $8. ,' (y
Japanese drawn squares and scarfs are hen-7
stitched and prettily embroidered. In several pretty'1
styles in 17x50-inch size at 50c to $1; 30x30-lrich
size at ooc.
Madeira centerpieces of pure linen are scalloped
and generously embroidered with pretty eyele
17-inch size, $1.25; size 22 inches, $1.75 and $2.
Scalloped in Blue
there aie charming all-linen centerpieces and
scarfs, beautifully made and bordered with a row of ,
blue eyelets. The centers aie 6 to 24 inches. Jn,
diameter at 20c to $1.50 each; the scarfs are 18x27
'to 18x54 inches, at $1.50 to $2.50.
Linen Luncheon Sets
consist of 6 tumbler doilies, G plate doilies and a
24-inch centerpiece all edged with crochet lace.
$0 the set.
Hemstitched luncheon cloths of heavy, full--bleached
merceiized damask are in several pretty
designs. 30 inches square at $1.25; 45 inches at
$1.75. A
Hemstitched Damask Dinner Sets.
Full-bleached meicerized dinner sets are in three
designs. A 70x70-inch cloth with six napkins to
match is $5 for the set; with a 70x88-inch cloth the
set is $6. i
Embroidered Pillow Cases
They are of eenly woven, snow-white muslm,
neatly hemstitched and embroidered. Each pair is
in a box all ready to tie up and give away on
Christmas morning. $1.75 the pair.
Turkish Bath Sets
There is a generous bath towel, a guest towel
and a wash cloth, with pink or blue borders, in each
set and the whole is in a box. $1.50.
Good News of Floor
Coverings Bearing
Moderate Prices
Rugs of many kinds in many sizes, from beautiful
Wilton and velvet rugs for living rooms and dining
looms to the lighter ones for bedrooms.
Plain-Color Velvets
in beautiful coloiings with a deep, soft pile.
27x54 Inches, $5.50 i 6x9 feet, $27.50
36x72 Inches, $9.50 8.3x10.0 feet, $45
4.6x7.6 feet, $19.50 9x12 feet, $47.50
of extra heavy weight and good quality,
8.'JxW.0 feet, $66.50 I 9x15 feet, $97,50
9x12 feet, $57 and $69 11.3x12 feet, $97.50
Wool-and-Fiber Rugs , -
of heavier grades.
27x64 inches, $2 I 7.6x9 feet, $11
36x63 inches, $3 I 3.3x10.6 feet, $14
9x12 feet, $16.50.
Gingham Rag Rugs
that are prettily and sturdily woven, from a 24xW- V
inch size at $1 to a 9xl2-foot size at $13.50, 4"? J
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