vy o f'JBt.i' i c E, f. , EVENING- PtJBLIO LEDGEIlaB:ipAEHjIiVt FIDAY at -. . 5 .Jst y M NEWS OF THE FINANCIAL WORLD NEW YORK' AND PHILADELPHIA STOCK PRICES fFfr-r j'AY Ch i. m p v SiVl m Br r? J K S. ". y- p SH' , W.I ' Xjty yOfcX jLirgett & Myers ' Tobacco Company 6ra Gold Note To br dated Dee. 1, 1S To Mature Dec. 1, 1MI ''TMIE sli-year average balance o( Income, titer deduction of bond Interest, was equal to more it1 than fire and ont-hall timet the annual Interest requirement for the notes. I Preient quoted prices (or the ouutandlnc Mocks Indicate an equity of about (60,000,001) over and above the notei. Price to yield about G.50o Ask for Circular TIM02 TheNationalCity Company f Cortetfondetil Offices en 31 Cities Fk.UJctpWU 1421 CheiUot St. TVlfi-linnr 55 Locus New War Revenue Bill Wo have in course of prepa ration a booklet giving in con venient form it digest of the provisions of the new War Revenue Bill, including com- farisona with the Act of 1917, ncome Tax tnble, Wnr Profits Tax example and other inter esting data nnd statistics. This booklet will be ready 'or distribution within a few days after the bill has been signed by the President. As the edition will be limited, we suggest that those interested write nt once for a compli mentary copy. Auk for Booklet L-iO A. B. Leach & Co. Inc. Investment Securities 115 South Fourth Street h NEW YORK STOCK PRICES REACT AFTER GOOD ADVANCES AT START Inability of Brokers to Obtain Accommodation From Banks Continues to Hold Market in Check Re cession as Vigorous as Advance New Yorl., Nui "- The stock market nsaln today repeated its chnnRcutile tendenc of reversing price movements which occurred In the early trmlliiK. The de mand on which prices advanced from 1 to 3 points in the first fifteen minutes was not sustained, and before midday nearly every thins on tits list suffered tt hevere decline, with attention nitaln attracted to the In ability of the brokers to obtain accommodation with which to transact their business. Much of tlio hlrenRth shown at the start was based mi a belief that after yesterday'.s bond payments the money market would work easier, but whether that promise will be realized or not, no relaxation In the money tension is yet In evidence. More was bald ilurlnK the late forenoon about dlschatfffs of employes where the facilities of corporations were devoted to fulfillment of war contracts, and reference to action of this character was constant when bear ralil.4 were renewed. . 1 The copper stocks were also Influenced, by ropoits of pressure in the copper market for deliveries In the new year. The million was as viR orous ns the advance had been. Southern Pacific, after moving up to lOfi, dropped to below 10), and Bethlehem Steel "11," after selling at C5, declined to below 61 In the late forenoon. Utah Copper moved In the tame way, an advance of to 79 being followed by a decline to ""hi. Marine prefened, after selling at 108-V quickly Melded t IOC-,, and United States Steel common fell fiom 101 ' to 1003t. New York Stoclcs Advance Itumely. Adv Ilutnoly pf... AJax Rubber . . , . Alaska Gold M. .. Alaska Juneau... Allls-Chalm Mfg.. Allls-Chalm M pf. Am Auric Chem Am licet Sugar. . Am Can Am Car & b'dry.. Am Cotton oil... Am Hide & Lea . Am International, Am Ice Am Ice pref Am Linseed Am Linseed pref. Am Locomotive. Last close 2UW ft! bo1 Hi :u 27 8l'i KM) Hlih 20K 01. "it, 26i Low 20 01! t "w ' 2151 1:30 P.m. 20 Oil, 4).' 44 mi Mill 15 fill,' J SENTIMENT IN CORN 1 LEANS TO BEAR SIDE Belief Prevails That Staple Has Experienced Good Advance Li ?, SU- Oils AND Peace concise pandect on thefutureoTOilStocks and the coining -OIL ERA. ' ? S-Mif.1 fnr vnir rnnv. WE SPECIALIZE in OILS DUNHAM 3 P SPECIALISiTS Va, 43 Exchange Place New York DOME CRESSON HOLLINGER UNITED EASTERN Booklet describing these Im porlant gold producers, to gether with discussion of the paid situation, mailed Jree on request no obligation Fill fit, (car out and mall covpo.i ScHFflDT&DEERY t "'" iiLa. '' I StMK rV' " A r,-& Wideiter Bldg.. Phlla.. Pa. rli.l IIi-U. Wnl. Juno, Rare aeiiv Nm Vork onirr .111 llroad tit. PRIVATE WinES !.. . Name Street Xo City.. . State . ' CMmirn, Xov. 22. I recrt.ilnty prevailed In the corn mrr ket at the opeiiltig December started at $1-3 to $12!)';. then selllnff off to ?1 S. a total loss of "4c. and .lanuarj- at SI 3 1 "i to ?1 32, with a subFequent drop to $ 1 3 1 , a decline of 3.ic. j Trading Murteil in Fcbtuarj, the firsl Mile belnn made nt $1.33',i. from which level that option dropped ti $1.32'.-. ' Sentiment was generally bearish, the 'argument being again advanced that prices had experienced a good advance and shorts were believed to have well covered." There was also talk of In creased receipts and the large Argentina shipments of 1.700,000 bushels for the week caused considerable, comment lte celpts were 10S cars Uats moed in tyinpathj with corn. Fhowlng losses of So at the start at 7 4lic for December and 74c for Janu- jnr'- TSie bulk of the. trading was In the nearby option. Initial sales were inado In February at 7l'ic and that 1 position held at tha.t figure all through the tlrst half hour. There was considerable liquidation due i to a falling oft in the eport and on reports of a more favorable car situ- . al'.on for the movement of the ciop , Htcelpts here were 189 cars. !The receipts of wheat at Minneapolis and Duluth today amounted to 774 cars, compared with 3o3 cars a week ago and 30C cars list 3 ear ; at "Winnipeg 732 I cars, against 722 tars last week and .879 cats a jear ago and at Chicago C7 cars, contrasted with 85 cars a week I ago and 41 cars last year. Ljadln? futures ranseJ as folluws: lea'dav a Open Hlsb Low l'J 30 elus ' Co-n (new dllvrr) N'jv 1 1.0 1.30'n 1.30 1 ?0 1.31 i Dec I I'll 1 ;i)'u 1.27'i 1 7'i 1 L'U'i I Jan 1 Jl'i 3.3." I l.'Mh l.'l'i I Nov 7.'.': . . t:;', Dec 74', 74'i 71 74 -74S 'Jan 71. 71' 7.!', 73'j 74, SLard Nov . 2 77 . t;fl SO Der 7J0 J-j SC.l'.'i Jin . 0 15 2U.17 ItlOu til) 00 t-Iu.u.". nits I Nov ..'SVIO .. J.1 23 2." 00 Jjn 24 So 24 UJ :i 40 t2).40 "i'4.37 I'ork Nov . . . J42 00 Jan ... 4B 2U 40.33 , 4il JO t4U.20 4U.71U BU t.Vbkrd. tNomlnal. Initial Dividend by Dominion Steel I Montreal, Xov. 22 The Dominion Steel Corporation declared an initial quarterly dividend of l-li per cent on I the preferred stock, payable January 1 j to stock of record December 14. Previous I dividends have been disbursed aemlan 1 nually UAH SILVER K- i1 sat : tfy - 1 Hit Zn Jr I 'Where Are Chances for Profit Best? " i ! I Lattt .J, inila:- Vei J.'rl . S -Kl IX' 1 Ul'l i. IJIM 1.U1 101S IIlKh J.v 1 01'. 8..i (10 M)'t o 44i 445,' 44 KUt S3 83! i 41 4l)H 4(lJ'i 14!i 17 14J Mi 5l.'i Ulii 42 f'C .. ... .'I'd b2)J , U &Vi Klh f3!j Am Loco pref. ..100U lW!i IOO!i lbi" Am Smelt & Hef. 8SU SO! S"U 80 Am Sumatra Tub. ('4Ji 104)3 l(3.' 1C3W Am Steel K'drles. 0J 0.1 0J 03 Am Tel & Tel. .104'f Wi' 103H 103)i Anaconda Copper. b")i 6U b0)i (iOIli Atch Top & S P.. 04)i 01.' 03.'i 03J4 Atch T & S K pf. Wl.'j Atlan O & W I lWBi 107 10GU 100K Atl O &. W I pf . 07 ... Baldwin Loco ijll't 81' Ualt & Ohio 67;i C7!li Halt & Ohio pref. U) 10 3'l'i 24.4 SPOT HOUSE SELLING SENDS COHON DOWN Mlivimr rill Procrwwlc nf (tAir Weather Strengthens Market Later 21' 21 03 ( otto.n iiki.t umTin:it i'iimiitions New orl. Nov. 2.'. The follow Ins tpuinrniliirrv in tile rulton lirlt ttil-i morli- .-: vikinliini i. .(.'! Ahllenr. an Little Ito.li. :t1i sun Antonio. Nnhvllle nncl VlemnliU, ski UngxvMlr. 40i shrevepnrt nnd ' liiilliinnnmi, 4: Mrkstntr nnd llnntii. It! VMInilncl.iri 4(1: !ilv-tnn, 4i Mnrnn I mill Vlmituninrrv, 511 1 Aiimi-t.i. 3J New ' Orleans .-.ill nv.innnli. till (linrlfflon. .'.(); ' Inrl-Honvlllr. SK u nil 1 himi.lMllle (in. There wim .01 lnrh of nrrrlliltntlnn nt "'"""on. Vlikshnrr innl Aiimi.t is ,az nt llrmphlH nnd N.vhvlllr! ll :! I.tttle Itncks ' :'.m nt Moiitciimerv mill Atlnntiii .12 nt Kno-vvlllrl .10 ill Murom .HO nt I'hut (iiiiootu: .so t s.m ntonlo nnd .32 ul (Iktuhonui. New orl., Nov. 22 Selling b.v .spt Iiiium-s nnd the South caused a generally lower opening on the I cotton exchange, first prices being 4 Points higher to 13 points lower. Subseiiuent buj Ing by Liverpool audi ciiTninlsrlcn hounes on prospects for much colder weather. In the South caused I later strength, the market being nbout LI point', net higher. It was generally believed that the' apprnaihlng cold spell would finish all I top-clop prospects In the South I llecelpts at the ports for the dnj axe e-tlinated at 23,00i bales, oomp.tied with i 25,227 bales last week, 43.115 bales last year and 40,1173 bales In 1910 llatopllas Mining Hethlchem Steel.. u.i lieth Steel pref . . M); Ueth St Class B. IrlJJ Ueth Steel S pf 10.1 . Urklyn lUp Tran. 30 Hooth Fisheries. . 21'i Burns Brothers .. 10."' Huttu Copper ... S'i Butto & Superior .21U California l'etrol. 21 'i Onllfnrnln. l'et nf. 04!i Canadian l'aclflc.lGH,1 103 Central Sundry, lb Cerro de Pasco C. 3U Chandler Motor.. 103 Chcsa & Ohio.... 60' i Chi M & St Paul. 4!, Chi M & St P pf. b-'Ji Chi & Northw'n.. 103! j Chi 11 I Sz Vac. 27 C It I & P C " pf . b'J!4 Clll&l" T.'o Pf- W Chile Copper 2)! China Copper ... 30! i Colo Fuel ii Iron. 3t'i Columbia O & 13. 3h 78!i C7U 00 2 79H 67Ji 00 C5.i C35t C4 38" i 24 3b!i 24 J Pi 21 05 lb2! 3o!i 35); 35! 1 21', 21 05 102! i Hj 41'i 2'J', Yf. Today' I tloHt onpntni; 1030 11 30 1 .30 !'' '-'SHI ."(.tin .".lis 2114.-. 2') 411 Jan 2S.2.-, 2S 2.". 2S 43 2S .111 2S.2.-, Vlar, h 27. 7S t'T i,S 27 Oil 2N nil 2S On , May . 27 33 27 73 27 7S 27.73 .tul . 27 2S . . I AU.jv.'-t 20. SJ WILSON STATUE FOR LONDON Honor Alio Planned for Washing, ton and Lincoln I omlon, Nov 22. Lord "N'eardare, presiding at a luncheon given to .lame" M. Beck, former Assistant United States Attorney General made reference to the erection In London if statues to Washington and Lincoln: fie added that the conclusion of the war could not be marked better than by asking President Wilson to permit a statue of himself to be simultaneously erected with those of Washington nnd Lincoln In a prominent position In London. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New York, Xov. 22. There were no new develop-nents in coffee this morning, regarding the posslbllltv of reopening the exchange for unret-trlcti'd trading, and It Is generally believed that the next move must come liotn the food administration at Washington In the meantime', the lountrj Is fast approaching famine conditions, with less than a two-months nuppl) of coffee In sight. A cable received this motnlmr from Havre gave arrivals, all kinds, during October of 20.000 bags, ,,f which 19,000 wero. Brazilian Deliveries, all kinds, were 114,000 bags. .mock in I lav i e was 4 28.000 baas. London (pel 4S 4SS 4h!,i 4ti'ii I2'j of which 323, OuO bags are Braalllan. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Com Prod Itef... 4S! Cruclblo Steel .. . 60! i Crucible Steel pf. 00 Cuba Cano Sugar. 31! Cuba C Sugar pf. b0' Delaware i: llud.lll! Dome Mines .... II Distillers' Sccur. . 47 Ki la IIj: Lrie 1st pref Fed Mln & Sin pf. U.iston W A: W.. licneml Klectrlo. 162 Lieneral Motors!, .l.'l'i Uen Motors pref.. 8-1 Goodrich U V Co. 65 Granby Consol... 80 Great North pf.. WJ',i Gt N ctfs for O p. o-l'-i Greene-Can Cop.. 4U'i Inter Agricul pf,. 5h!j Inspiration Cop., lll'i lntcrborougrt Con. 8?i Inter ilarv new.. 115 Inter Mer Mar... 2o' Inter Mer Mar pf.lOO'i Intcrnat Paper... b2' Inter Pap pf std. 03 Internat N.lckel... o2.'j Int P.ap Tr pf Sl Kan City South.. 205i Kelly Spring Tire. 02H Kennecott Copper. 37 Lehigh Valley ... 01? Lee Itub ii Tile.. 22s Loose-Wiles Bis.. 37!4 MaMvell Motors.. 28) j Max Mot 1st pf. 52) Max Mot 2d pt.. 'Mt Mexican Petrol. . 10'j'i Miami Copper... 20' Midvale Steel ... ''3; Mo Kansas . Tex. o'i Missouri Pacific. 27'i Montana Power.. 75'i, Nat Cond ii Cable. 13!i National Bise-tllt.. 10'J Nat I'.nam ii Stp. 13) i Nov Consol Cop.. 185 X Y Air Brake.. N Y Central N Y N H & H... N Y CliUii St L. Norf & Wettern.. Northern Pacillc. Ohio Cities Gas.. Owens Bot Much. 59' i 40 82 U 1.3 27)i O0M 82 20) j 3'J 30 38' i l.i'i i!i o,; 3UJ 80 j 114!i 11 10'J 20 32 J, 58)i 4b 82'i 103 vo;- 00) j 82 J) 33 38' i Mi 48i 60li 'rj'u; so;; 58j; 48 82 U 103 Mli 00)j 82 20 30 30 38! 487 ' 60U "Ah nan in; in.1 i 13J. 13J 14); 111) J 31?i 20) i '--.' l.iiij i5i;; Y2'i 125 3); 83! j 60 -i 80 O'J'i 33:4 60 mi ; 50 8.1; 115 2.V1 108U 8J 3:0) is;; 50 10' j mi 115 25 HKi'i Hi' KI.-i 32'. 81! . 2J7. 02 3ti, bl'i 03) j 32' 81.' 20; i t2)3 ar; 01! i 22' 37 Mi 52' j 20 105! 101 20 M1 373i 2S 62! 2 20 -'o.' 1 s3 I07.'i "is;; ' 80' i 37' 107), "is ' Vo'i 4l.'ii 20 32 'j;!. 15Ui 125 83a 65! i 80 005 3JJ, 50 52 4Wi till 115 25 1005' 31U L3)i 321 8U1 2J 02 30?, 01 1 .1 61U 28U 20 1G5 20 44' 107!; 'is! "79;i 0,.- 1 107 . 80 38 SO.-. . 108); 07); 97;i 07; i 07: 1 42); 43 422 -13 68 68 68 5S Pacific Mall 33) 3J 33 33 Pan-Amer P ii T. t5b b0' 00). tGli Pan-Am P ii T pf.114 Penna Pallroaa.. -18 48 48 43 People's Gas Chic. 55't 55 S45J 55 Pero Maiquette.. 17' Philadelphia Co.. 32!, Pitts ii West Va. 37;,' 37' o" b7 Pitts & W Va pf. 70! j Pieree-Arrovv ... 4-1' 4 Hi 43.".' 43;i Plerce-Anovv pf..l03 Plerco OH 17, 17 17 17 Pittsburgh Coal.. 47 40! 45),' 40 Pitts Coal pref..y2 Pullman Co 120Vt 0J 08? C8?i New York Curb IMII'HTMAIifl , . Hid Aetna lCxploslvea . . W Am-Urlt Mfg . . . . Am Marconi 4Ti Amer Writing Paper. .1 Air Reduction " Canadian Car Co... 2 Cnn Car & Fdy pf . . 10 Charcoal iron .... Chevrolet Motors ...HO Cramp Curtlsa Aeroplane . . 11 Carwen Tool 7 Carbon Steel loo Kmerson Phonograph. ? llendee Mfg 10 Lako Torpedo Boat., t't Lehigh Coal Sales. . . . R Lima Loco 40 Maxim Munitions . . tt N Y Shipbuilding 30 Nor Amer Pap Pulp. 3 Otis IClcvator 8 Peerless Motor 11 Poole Kng 40 Scrlpps-Booth . . - . . . 20 Standard Motors . 8 Steel Alloys 0 Submarine 13 St Joseph Lead .. . -It Todd (Shipbuilding ... 100 Triangle Film . . ",' L'nltcd Profit Sharing. tt U S Stenmshlp 0 United Motors 31 World Film tt Wright-Martin Air ... 4 Zinc Concert I - STANDAUI) Oil. Illinois loo 107 Ohio 3?2 -327 Prnlrlo Pipe 2m 23 S O Cal S3S 23H H O N J 00 t0 SONY 2K0 201 Test, rloas A si. AH n S 03 8.1 Hll K ISO 02 in s 110 Vi 20 2tt 92 IS 41 3tt no 17 no 30 H"!i 7 14 IS 103 Ott 3ltt 4H ((Vie B7 17 2tt 13 OVA 33 4T 23S IM)I3Ia!3MII3NT Oil. STOCKS A 7 2tt 15 77 23 137 ili 16 t'tt 7 lr 21tt Harnett Oil & Gas ... tt Cosden & Co 7 V Klk Basin tt Federal Oil 2 Inter Petrol . . . IS1 Houston OH 7.1 Merrltt Oil 22V4 Midwest Kenning .. .130 Met Petrol 1 Ohio Fuel 14 Oklahoma Itef a1 Sapulpa Itef 7tt Sequoyah Sinclair 20'd MINING STOCKS Atlanta I lllg 1edge 1 Butte New York tt Con Arizona I1) C F S & Jerome .... tt First National 2 Goldheld Merger. . . 2 (nldlleld Cons 20 Goldfleld Florence ... ,10 Coldlleld Kewanas .. 2 Green Monster .... i, Htcl.i Mining SV Howe Sound 4 Mi Independence Lead . . 2 Jerome Verde tt Jim Butler 40 Jumbo IlMenslon .... 10 MeKlnley-Darragh . . 40 Magma Copper 30 Mother Lode 33 Mines Co of America. 1 Nevada Hills 3 Nevada Wonder tt NlpKsIng 84 Ohio Copper 1 Hay Hercules 3T San Toy 0 Tonopah Intension .. If, 1'nlted Verde 37 West ICnd Con 1 tt White Caps ltt Yerlngton 4 IIONOS Bethlehem 7s (notes) lou 100J4 Cosden Oil Os '83 HO Cosden & Co Cs .... 83 80 Cudahy 5s loott loni Husslan eiovem Itts 70 72 Itusslan Govern Gs 70 72 Southern Hallway Is. 90 l)tt Sinclair Oil Os 82 80 Todd Shipbuilding Os 103 105 tt 7 'stt IStt 137 fi ltt 1 nti A 2Vi .1 22 1.1 3 tt 0 4W 4 A 42 11 III 31 33 tt G tt 8 Til 4 10 Hit 38 111 10 14 a 4tt Itt "A tt 2tt 31 37 19s if. 1001 Neiv York Bonds GRAIN AND FLOUIt IIGGK I'rekl Rend our free booklet "Th: Profit Record of the New York Curb." Get a copy now be fore the " peace " market pos libilities pass. No obligation on your part. Aik for Booklet No. T.V.-414 JONES & BAKER Ut H( UICITIKS 7 uru nu DLii.jj-it. , I IMOCHtl UIUI,, I CUSOClDQia ' 'PhnntPti 1111. Walnut lUQd.lvnv. iiiirn"'Vifis ' J X 5CW YorU Pittsburo-hi Jrt. 1 I fthlL'usa Direct lrlvate Wis lintfun! I 'PllOl X Nw I Chlei riioi'osi.w.s I UKI'AKTMKNT 111' CITY TIIVN811' cir or riiiLADKM'iii.i 734 lluime lliilldinj rtillailelplda. Novemhtr 20. 1018 WIII-'AT Itfrelpts. 0S.7.12 bushels Tberr wu u cood .xport movement anj prices rulej Arm The quotations vver Car lots In export flevator. Government atandarl lnspecllon. ftunilaril nrlcs No. 1 rM win t.r. 12 39. No 1 northern aprlnc. ?2 30, No. 1 hira winter, 12 30: No. 1 reil winter. Bar- II, 1, I IT V'n 1 -Ail -mi..,,' ft Vrt !2 red vvinter $2 30- No 2 northern spring-, 12.30. No J h.vro vvinter 12.30. No. 2 red I 1 winter Katilclc;, IJ.34. No 2 red, smutty, I 12 33. No 3 red vvinter. 12.32: No S north. I .in "prlns. .' 32 No 3 hard winter. J2 32: No. 3 re.l vvinter. garli-l.y, $2 30. No 3 red. I ,mnii). tl 20 No. 4 rd 2 30: No 4. car I llcl.-. 12 2D No. 4. ami-.ttv, 12 27, No. 4. J rnrllrlcjr, "mutly. I2.B. No. S reo, '-'.2s: o. 11. larncrfy 12. 2 o. .. smuiEy. S2 2d, No. .V varllrky, smutty 12.24. COHN Receipts 41U7 bushels Demand was light and prices were nominally un (halloed. Quotations r'nr lots for total trade Velluw. as to Krade and lotatlon. ;i..3 .ind 1 70 DATS r.i-celpts. 10.212 bushe's Trail, was qulrl hut prices ruled steady Quota tions. Car lots as to location No. 2, white, K2Hii':c; standard while, K2(HJvc No 3, while t.mH2(. No I. while. 8rtf(sOc KLOL'tt Itecelnta. 1.333.30'J lbs In tacks Ituvors were onratlnir caullouslv but prlns under scarcitj, old storage .-- n-m wlffi i'.S'-'."""."?." Jl lU'.'l.ltlow'fuIinw Kre'e ...D. , .in u. iiiBii t-W 4I)U Ll Tirr t-in fax curt entree, luts $20 In p r ei s, weTiern extra llrsts 20 40i 21 ,,,-r as'e- flri. 1H KHI1211 llli) p,r , Inf.; Ir lots lower- , storage ckss. $18 ram 14 711 or ..;'' I 1-eteU fresh jobbing e, 72 4, 75e Jer d"n POULTRY i25' 80'. 78 105 00 9 14.' 2'; h8; 77!- 105 eo 1) 14) 1 223 i 88); 77)i 105 00 9 14'i ( lfci2jf,..lh,n0?ic?.V.-i? ?'il!lul,"d.wUi '" arrive, p-r 100 lbs in lis-lb. sacks -Wlnt. r '12?ifc..UVU, i, .TlUTl,"0n, ," VlT' bf.lt. Ihfl ! cnt Hour. $ 1 0. 23 1.M 0 11.1. CteJ?.VlJ,fc"r2 .!! "beat. l.DO per. cent flour. $10.ii.7 HVK The niarUrt rub-.l flrr.l under lulu offerlnss and, a Koo,l demand, and nrfces of Kiwis and .hlelien, were iim.in ,S, "J,,, tutliiiis Fowls Hccordlnu to qu.il t" ''l -1 l," sprlnit chlikins ac-urdlnir to Viiii iit'v ..-' 3u-; roosters 2U8.'2e dulks I'. Tin V.lc-i'.W do. Indian Itunner vsaii," L',1'?' i' : lif,- p"rP,',.r"2.lt!0c,tr Palr- ".iilUo,,yo5V.?. vvel-hln .11, fi,. ,,,; 'S.,'' vi.i ins an ee nntfi!,in .... . . -. t - lty Steel Spring. . 00'' Ity Steel Sprg pf 102 Hay Coniol Cop. 22Ji Heading 88h Hepub lr ii Steel. 78'i Iloyal Dut lr tcts.103 Sivage Arms .... 00 Saxon Motor 0 St Louis San Fr. 14?i Sears, lioeb & Co 102 Shattuck-Arizona. 15."; Sloss-S S & I Co. 47); Sinclair OH Ketln. 36J, Southern Pacific. . 1031, Southern Hallway. 30!; South Hw-y pref. . 70 Studebaker Co.... 10.'; Stutz Motor Wi Teun Cop & Chem. 15,'j Texas ii Pacific. . 24 Texas Co 180,'j Third Avenue ... lO.'i Tobacco Pioducts. 78li Union Pacific.... 133 Union Pacific pf.. 75,' i United Alloy Steel. 30H Unit Cigar Strs..lUJi lUSJf lt'4 United Fruit 142). 144 144 U S ind Alcohol.. 102,' j 103 102U 102! U S Hubber 70 70)4 U)J 70 U S Sm Hef & M. 47' 47 47 47 U S Steel 101 101J. 10.3X101 U S Steel pref.,..110i 11 J I10H 110H 48 So! 105 30' COJi LIU. 44!i 151 24 188H 187 '8.'i 18)4 78U 77W 133!,' 132)i 74.Mi 74)-; SOJi 30 u 48 35J 103 30S CCJ 50). 44!i 15 1 48 3.v; uy 3'-', 09J 595 44? 15 24 i88j; is;-; 78 132W 74H 30 104j 144 High Low 1:30 11000 Am Agr deb Bs.102 102j 102 16000 Anglo-Fch os.. 06tt SO 96tt lf.000 Am For Sec 5s 09H 0 Vi 99Vj 3000 Am Tel Cs 10214 10211 10214 7000 Atch gen 4 s 8Gi, 80V 8Bn 4000 B & O 4s 84 14 84 Vi 8414 8000 B & O cv 4 '4s. 85 ', 84 S 85',, 2000 Beth Stl 5s '3C 85',i 85'4 85'4 3000 Bordeaux Gs.,100'4 lflOVi lOOH 1000 C & O cv 4',s. 81 'i i 81 1000 C & O cv 5s.. 88 i 88 Mi 88 'j 2000 Chi Ot West 4a 64V. 8114 6114 2000 Chi Un St 48 90 SO SO 8000 C B & Q 4s.. 9514 95tt 95 Vi 10000 Chi M & St P cv 4 Vis S3 85 85 1000 Del & H rfd Is 87 87 87 1000 Dom Can 192C. 964, 90 96 2000 r.re gen Is. ... 60& 60 60 20001 Feh Hep 5'4s,1034 10314 103tt 12000 II & M rfd 6s 63, 0.1 li.l 4000 Indiana St 5s 96, 0Gh, 80 4000 Inter Met 44a 55 56 55 1000 Int H T ref 6s 81 H 81 i 81 11000 Int M M 6s 100Vi 100'4 10014 130000 l.lbrrty lid 3tts 00.06 1121)00 da rnnv 4s.. 06.20 SA.I0. 00.10 703000 da 4tts ... S7.88 07.82 07.84 .1000 do 1st 4Vs.. S8.S0 OS. 48 08.48 38000 da 2,1 4U" .. D7.84 07.82 07.81 10000 4th 4 Vis ... 08.00 08.00 08.00 2000 Lyons Cs ..10014 100 Vi lOOVi 2000 .Marsl.s lis ....100V4 11000 M Pac Gen 4s C4'3 1000 Montana I 5s 92.. 1000 NYC & II Cs.lOUi N Y Hvvy 5s 18 3000 Norf & Wen 4s 88Vs 1000 N Pac 4s 86 Vj 10000 do gen 3s. . . 62 Vi 3000 Pere Mnrq B.s. 89 1000 Pa gn ct 4 Vis. 93 2000 People's O 6s. 85 1000SI.&SF Ser A4s 64 4 10000 South P cv 5s.l03Vj 2(100 Texas Co 6s. ..100 8000 Third A adj 5s 3614 5000 Union -Pa 6s..l04 10000 U K of G B & I 5's '19 99 21000 do new 1919.1011, 12000 do 1921 ... 98 100 Vi 100V4 51 s CJ14 92 9 101 tt 101 tt 18S 18i 88Vi 88Vi 86 4 8614 C2 '- 62 14 89 89 93 93 85 85 64 64S 10314 103'A 100 lOOtt 36 V4 3Cli 101 101 99 99 101 Vi 101 li 98 98 p.h'fVrnllure;'un.r-.s1u.;m"nt',froir. ft, ' JuXoi, """' 1U p,r "m """ enl lmc In the Hourse flulMlng. tho 1 'hVH i-llll-Il w. m.let t.ut Arm We U.1J,Tn",Uhr.",?Vf"nn.'A and TOrS "' ''JWi6 "" bVf"1' ' '"13' tt" l0 Mrrslinn llutUlln-f, nt 1211 e'hestnut ' : Authorized bv nrdlnan, nf ,n,...n- nnftl'ICIAVa oVtl April I. 11)18. iiiuiMVHu t-. , . . CONTRACT The market ruled steady, w 111 a fair . MnVltlff lf tn nlth hi i.infl( a m..n. 4s. Irthlilnir rlnm.in.l fn mri iJsf Inl l.-in a limit. . ire,, equipment. rrcorUn nnd rauDllcH from tlona: City or v. est faef In (. vmoknl Ll ' ny ""'.L1'1 . tp irtini'iii bc: i.u liefi. knuckles nnd tetid-Tfl. mon'u va n hw iurm una rmenth noors cf nnn nun-urled. -luo: western beer, Ktiuctue welBhlnB 7 lbs. ,cr doa" J 'nrai ,c' ' Il,ahJ?510',,, b' "" ""'- 3f:da'k- I Sl.U2 3l), small inj- So ; l. '. 1 304f75c' juanir. per pair. 75cOl M. IRESII FRUITS ' tzm VTlrr . mo "f, nnu pevenin noors CI "no sun-urleu. huo: western peel, unucuies enolce sloclt sold falrlv ,n,i ,1- , .' ' iW ."""r J'"''iln. h 11 erin-ire..i snd tenders, sinol.ee:. 49c: beef nam,, luu: ruh-.l nrm with craiibrrrirs nih '"""k"' IjBne. and from Ilooma .ini..-,03 Flnanco Knt. family. .',44a5: hams, d r. curea. .-letln of BW,,f, .ffi 1, Sd.,n!F V" ' t HMLI"' on 50Uth I"-nn Hnuare. .nd If '"'. Wi faikc: do. s'.slnned loose. SOW lions Apples NW Tifrk ..'.'V, , gu,"1',: 1 SiSS""1. IftifMln. SKI Mouth Thirteenth hams. smoV.ed. city cured, as to brand and Jtiii I aldvvln 4ftS ' 11,,; ' 1, f1?". .4-l" ,2 tL' toi tfc .n"r "'" ,' the department averaae, 8iH4a7',e. hama, amnfced. west- j 2.-, Ureenini I4&il" i ,Hi!l "rdaton. 4 '1rt-'h" l"'n'" um' twelfth floors of the n cure.). 3,1H 37Vic: do. oolled. Imr.eless. us,' lutSln l-iS,liiitioa i,,r','"fs. 3 Win Hili,Mn7 ui 1211 'h.sui tre.i" Me; plcnU shou'.dera. S P. cured. Icose. ,"? bllKen ijI?Shas,.'HA1d. Virginia. ,0rJ"f! ' b?.,d6.'!' ' betwrcn December 20V4r. do, smakeit, 27Vic: bellies. In plcltl. i 30(14 i,mJ -i.n 3W?"'I!1 (lano , ' ' listSd,J'rrIl,,,,r a.,'..,,,,4 according to average, loose. 3lc: bre-alifast Jma-tUl I4J n lnt"P. , 4 7; York F aMsswHcMlleiia nnil list of material can ba bacon, as to brand und averatre. city cured. ITt 411 ,,'' ' l"rv5.-bus e Ins V. sfssf at.lloom 718. Itourre llulhiln .5 47Wc! breakfast hacon. w.rl.rn cur-J. llUr. ,"!-. ?.'.-w!'-23 do, per bushel-basl,, T-. I V aHP "t.,."m" ,v".1! i'lank forms for pro- lard, western refined. 28'., sJ2!cs lard, pure -ir- " 1 ,'.'?. "' we","". vr U, (2.2.10 MHN will bf supplied n Intending l.l.lM,. citl. ktttla rendered "Ml "u. J' ' .;. Lemons per Isix I O II ttlT.T. .T tntsl aDtillratlon to this office. .. - auin. ni.i. pel lox. Stiff 0. .in Utah Copper Va-Caro Chem . . . Wabash Wabash pref A. . . Wabash pref B.... Wells Fareo Kxp. Vt stern Maryl'd. West Union Tel.. Westlngh li & M. Wheel ii LI; Urle. White Motors . . . Willys-Overland .. Wlnys-Overl'd pf. Wilson & Co 78 6j 10', 38! 24)j , 75 14lf bOJj 43. Jul 40 25' 88 7oJ '1) 60'. 10 33 55 J7J 3' Louisville Danks to Merge Louisville, Nov. 22. The National Bank nf Kentucky, capital, SI, 645,000 and surplus, $1,621,787, and the National Bank of Commerce, capital J 1,000,000, surplus, $698,985, have arranged to merge under the name of the National Bank of Kentucky with r capital of $2, 000,000 and surplus of $2,000,000, The National Bank of Commerce recently absorbed the Herman hank The v Institution will have deposits of 125, 000,000. Cliesebroucli Co. Pastes Dividend New YorU. Nov. 22. Tho Chese bough Manufacturing Compnnv haH passed the quarterly dlvldtnd due at this time In view nf the uhnnrmnl enn. 7iJ, idltlons, the company has deemed It wise 55 I to conserve each, according to a Mate- UJa ment made by the directors. The com SSjjjipany has been paying dividends at the , irate of $3 a share and fifty cents extra '.since September, 1917. 14 13JJ 14 80, 88'i b8)-; UVi 43 43 1011 10 10 25!'; 25 :5 S- 88 88 72 71,'i 71M Philadelphia Stocks 1:30 p m. OR 10 71 17 V 62 103 Elec Stor US M ,"Sr,e tt ,,, 100 a Asp pf 71 71 263 Lk Sup C 17 Vi 17 U 16 Leh Val.. 82 02 100 Max Mot 2d pf... 0Vs 2014 201,4 817 Penna Hit 48V4 48 48 100 Ph Elec. 26 20 30 '?!! J,11 J"' " 2n,J 20' '"" 80 Ph Tract 72 72 72 48S Heading.. 88V4 87 87 45 Un Tract 40V1 40 40V4 ?nV,ti.SU:e,',?1W ,00'H' ,00t''' Ex dividend IK. Net chpe H ' Si IIONDS High Low 000 Leh V Int Cs w I..102V4 102 12300 Lib Bonds 4s .... 98 07.00 1000 do 4th 4 Vis.. 08 08 1000 Nat Prop 4-8.S ... 40 40 6000 Phlla Kleo 1st 6s.. 04 04 1000 Un Ilwy Inv 5s. 60Va 604 1..10 p. m Net thgo. 102 04 00V4 -1 PIHLA. INACTIVE STOCKS Following are quotations for Inactive locks listed In the Philadelphia Stock Exchange and In which thcro were no transactions today. 'The prlco given Is the last previous close: Acme Tea Co 79 Keystone Tel. It Am Gas .... 74 s Little Schuryl 4S A O War... 7H L:t Bros ... 24 Am Clan 74 North Cent . 71 Am Milling . lOVi North Penna 94 Am Site pf. 90 camb Steel.. 125 Catavv 1st pf 62 Cataw 2d pf 51 Con Trac N J 66 Vi Fourth SND. 280 Ht & B T. 10 lit 41 11 T pf. II P N B wrts.275 Phlla Co pf.. 30 Phlla. & West Hwys General W r& Sea . . York Hallway 2 44 7 i York Hwys pf 31 PHILADELPHIA STOCK TRADING IS QUIET AND IJNINTERESTING Electric StQi'tige Battery Declines 1-2, Pennsylvania . Railroad Is Firm and Steel Common Makes Fair Advance Soon After Opening There was another tpilet opening on the Philadelphia Stock Kxchange today, following tho hesitation shown at Hie Rtart on tho bljr board, and, with the exception of United States Steel common, price changes were few and unimportant. Steel was Influenced by the strength shown by steel Industrials jn New York and Roon after tho Initial transactions It had been; markod up H. al though business In this UBual leader was limited. Electric Storage Battery yielded Vi, Lake Superior Corporation nnd Union Traction each came out unchanged, and Philadelphia -Electric, which wa ex dividend, held steady. Pennsylvania Railroad displayed a firm position, advancing U on trlfllne sales. In tho bond division Lehigh A'ulley new Cs w. 1. changed hands at their previous closing level, and fourth Liberty Loan 4',is Tvero unchanged at 98. MONEY-LENDING RATES NEW YOHK Money on call, mixed collateral, opened today at 6 per cent for lending nnd renewing. On Industrials, the opening rate was 6 14 per cent. nilXAIni.riIIA Call, 6 per cent; time, 613 6 per cent. Commercial pa per, three to six months, 5 if 6 per cent; six months, 0 per cent. Reserve banks' Discount Rates Official discount rates at the twelve Federal Reserve banks were as follows: (The first column glve3 the rates for all periods up to and Including the fifteen-day maturity, tho second for a period of sixteen to ninety days. The third and fourth columns nre the rates for rediscounts of collateral loans se cured by Government bonds o.' notet) Com 1 paper rjov. paper 10 to 00 10 days cln; K IB to 00 .15 days das ys a a", a a 4 4i 4 4U 4 -tC 4 4tf 4't 4 4 -4'Z 4 & 4; 4V4 4 4 4 1'i 4 Vl 4 4U 4, 4H 4 4W 4 Mi sh4 t, 4 4 4U .1 4J1 4'. 4Vi B. 4 414 4"4 49i 5 4 414 lloston New York ..., Philadelphia .. Cleveland .... fllchmond .... Atlanta Chicago St. Louis .... Minneapolis .. Han Francisco Kansaa City . . Dallas FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yiirk, Nov. 22. The foreign ex change market was sluggish again to day with neutrals Inclined to firmness Quotations were: Demand sterling 4.75-'l4, cables 1.76 45, sixty-day bills nominally 4.73-st, ninety day bills 4.71. Krnnc cables 5.45, checks 5.455a, Lire cables 6.35. checks 6.36 Swiss cable 1.98,- checks 5.01. Guilder cables 42 Vi. checks 41 n. Pesetas) cables 20, checks 19.92. Stockholm cables 28, checks 27.70. Chrlstlanla cables 27.70, checks 27 40. Copenhagen cables 2C.80, checks 26.50. Ruble cunency Is quoted nominal at 22 bid, 23 asked. DIVIDENDS DECLARED United States .Industrial Alcohol Company, nunrterly ot 4 per cent on common payable Decprntier 10 to stock of record December 2, Vrst Penn nnllwny Company quarterly, of IVi per cent on preferred payable De cember 10 to stock of reiord December 2. West. Penn Trnetlon and Water Power Company, n dividend of t& per cent prefer red. panblp December 10 to stock of record December 2. . s Standard Oil Company of Tventucky, quar terly of 13 n share p-vyable January 2, lo stock nf record December 14 Oklahoma Vroduilnir and Iteflntng Com rany, qiinrlerly of HH per cent, payAhle Jnnunrv .1. to stock nf record December 20. HnddlnKtnn Title and Trust Company, quarterly nf Vfi per rent. pi-llile Dcecmbir 1 to- stock of record Novembor 23. Ilorden'H Condensed Milk Company, nusr- terly of 1'4 per cent on preferred, payable Deccmlicr 14 to holdcm of. r, cord Novem ber 3n. Crucible Steel Company, quarterly nf l3i pt cent on preferred, payable December JO l "nek "f record D". e.'il.f r ,1 Indianapolis Street Rallwnv Companv, fmlnnniial nf 8 per cent, pavnble January 1. Hooks closo December HI. open January 'Z. No Change in Refined Sugars New York, Nov. 22. Condltlo-.is and prices In the sugar market remain un changed, all local refiners quoting on the basis of 9c, less 2 per cent for cash for fine granulated. Haws are also un changed at O.O'iSc for 96 centrifugals. The International Committee made no purchases of raws yesterday. Financial Briefs New York Subtrcasury lost $1,961,000 to the .banks yesterday, reducing cash het gain-since Friday to $1,826,000. GOVERNMENT BONDS renlstered. 1030.. coupon, 1030 reirlsterfd. 1018.. coupon. 1018 registered. 10211.. coupon 1023 reitlsterrd, 1040.. coupon, linn... 2s, 3s, 3 s. 4 s. 4s. 8s. 3 s. Panama 2s, Panama 2s. Panama 8s, Panama 3s. reirlstereil, 1031!. renlstered, 1038. reiclstered. 1001, coupon Did . 08 , 08 . DO . I'D', .100 .inn . 8.1 . K.I . 08 . OS . 8.1 . 85 Aske4 lOtMA 10T i Liverpool Cotton Liverpool, .ov. 22. Spot cotton was quiet today with prices II rm on the basis of an advance of 46 points for mlddllnc, old contract, at 21.90d. The sales were 1000 bales. The receipts were 8000 bales. Including 4400. bales, American. Futures were quiet in the early dealings. Spot prices were: American, middling fair, 23.22d; good middling, 22.53d; inlddlln, 21. S01; low middling, 20.85d; good or dinary, 19.53d, and ordinary, 18.81d. BANK CLEARINGS MANUFACTURERS Tr.11 BtfflBG; AWAKEN DEEP WATERWAY HERE ,&BFS99.IKri UlfiEA,KlH?3fisl S" ct on ra .S'" BBS BlLl III ': SB h wi eu fe-j isntfflts wranBissiiii iiu- HasKK.r.Jr,,- i it in rafi KmrnnL-BeHs'i-nBH '..i- ;::, rw'JEa b" EiaTO shils"-,-- illl-'l ItllH- 'mS&aBrt Thcrv ? ni present a 30-foot chan net Jrom Philadelphia to the deeper water of the Delaware Bav according to the latent examination and survey tiinde dr the dtrection of h, D Shvmntiw. United State District J5n Cineer. The leant depth over the rock within the channel limit a is tt feet ot mcfin low water. "5-?J.s- VITIi'll STATIN lulM no Dl-OtllirtUo tuirnlna SOUTH AMERICAN ff.y,UA.'.iir 1JK.MAMI INCKK-VSKD 1'ACILITIES FINANCES ARRANGED "" "M" PHILADELPHIA And Immediate Vicinity NOW THE WORLD'S LEADING "'COMMERCIAL CENTER si'PKitinn siurriNu via tivirK uoi'tes Several nnportiinUlfH wlili wonderful Delaware Illver frnntnrest ALL, with Line train nnd trolley service nrd home nccmiinindiitlons. Attrnrtlve Terms Direct Ownership Cheaper Overhead Coats l-KKI'AKK l"(IK rt'Tl'KK . I HARTZELL & READ,, '29 So 3th st Phlla ' l'honrst Lombard 4114-881: Dank clearings today compared with cor respnndltie day Inst two ears: 11)18 11117 19in Phlla... $89.0111.353 H2.nr,ll,07) J."2.I)S0..1RI) N Y in.i,rMti..iL .riii2.:isii.ii-js t.i-'.-oii.i-ii Iloslon.. ai.070.Snl 47.315.070 41,40:i.72.1 LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS fhlcilffn, Nov. 22. IIOllS Ustlmnted re ceipts today 13.D0I, head; held overs. 23, '.'ill head Market openlnB steady to 10c hliiher than jesterday'B seneral trade. eluiillty fairly icnod. Average cost esterdny. S17..1D CATTLE Kstlmated receipts today Olillll head, HIIBCr listlmated receipts today 22,000 head. I'lttsliiirch, l'a.. Nov. 22. HOr.1 Ile clpts, 81HIO bead Markvt blKner. Heavies, I18.UHJ18 2,1: heitvl vorkers. S1N.3.1W1S .111. Ilirlit rkers. 17.2af 17.51): PlKs. J17l 17.2.1. SIIKKP AND IUMIIS Hecelpts. .100 l-ead. Market higher. Top sheep . $10. .10, top lambs Sill. CAI.VKS Itecelpts, 1,10 bend. Market steady. Top. 110. Kt IlillTalo. N. Y Nov. 22 CATTLK Itecelpts, tmil head Strong, falven Ite celpts 400 head: 81.50 hlcher. $721..10. ItoaS Huiilpts. .inn hand: ntrnnE, Heavy mixed and orkers. $18B18.2.1; lleh' vprk ers l.nd nlcn. Sl7.r.(i; reuitlis. $121.8H: stacs ftnisia.r.o. , . , Minni' AND LAMMS Receipts. 4W10 hrad: active and steady. Lambs, llffilll.."0 othfrs unchanited. Routh Omaha. Nov. 22. HOGS Itecelpts 050O bead. cattle ueccipts 3IHHI neaa SHKKP Hecelpts 7000 head. Kansas City. Nov eclpts sono head. HOOS Receipts 7000 head . HHKEP itecelpts 1OO0 head Cars 287. 2. cattle no- Standard Oil Cloth Pays Extra ( Youncstown, O., Nov. 22. The Stand ard Oil Cloth Company has declared an extra dividend of 1 per cent and the reg ular quarterly dividends of 1 per cent each on class A and I), preferred stock, all payable January 1 to stock of rec ord December 16. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LIBERTY LOAN BONDS Rate Callable Due 3J 1932 , 1947 4 1932 1947 44 1932 1947 414 1933 1938 4 ,1927 1942 414 1927 1942 454 1928 Interest Payable JUNE 15 DEC. 15 JUNE 15 DEC. 15 JUNE 15 DEC. 15 APR OCT. MAY NOV. MAY NOV. 15 15 1B 15 15 15 M'CH 15 SEP. 15 Approximate Yield to Callable Date 'at Market 3.50 4.32 4.40. 4.42 4.52 4.54 4.54 ISO, $100, $500 AND $1000 DENOMINATIONS FULL INFORMATION REGARDING THE TAX FEATURES OF THE LIBERTY LOAN BOND ISSUES WILL BE FURNISHED UPON REQUEST MONTGOMERY & CO. 133 SOUTH 4TH STREET PHILDELPHIA 14 WALL STREET NEW YORK flOVKRNMISNT SHCURITIKH DKPAUTMENT TELEPHONES. HELL, LOMHARI) 4320; KEVbTONl'., MAIN !3t UNITED STATES Ex dividend National lti ; Cerro De 1'uai-u, 1. Lead preferred, LOCAL MEAT MARKET must be fur both Items ot the pro bers must lin alcllle.l nn.1 .,.-,.. fed, in the business of movlna- furniture. ! e'uutruct, r will u.. ri-.iUir.ii u, cui.hm the. act of Assembly of July is., lmr V to, 1urkmi.n'Nv Compensation In- , and must furnish proof nf ih ne- v, " s.imi fu-v nnu proof of In- REFINED SUCARS ru.M. .. ' rale. iJ.ltlttll.,-,11 Tangerines' i.-il ii" "'r Values were firm y malntalnca on a basil I i'i.'i,'3 X r"!' r,'1'"- Jcr"''. per l.ushel-box, of Do for tine urunuluted, -j..j, do, do. per bbl., 1761:' ''"" DAIRY PRODUCTS ' VEGETABLES 1 Tl ......... .. I'HUKBI The niarltet ruled tinn under I W,V ,2"'V,i'LV',,,r.".J..w"" ''l1.1'' "bd valuta of ItaLlllty tbfreunder: or cir. i'sn "nf "nes ana 11 fairly activf dfjnaml. Huiiert, .SnoV, pV Tbl S , ,,,r..pl",0". ' of Mfmntlim therefrom ejuutatlnns- Now lork. vvhnh-m Ilk, fancy ' 11 lull" '.n vtifhi, , ' 3W.1.5H; No. in Klil mu.F bi rircJmpanTe'd by a cer-' fr"h' W 6?lci..'J,'i'i" "W,'"ri ? "a. fair "i .!,L., i "f.et-hN," pr""Hu,toifry. te from the Cltr Holl.-ltnr thai a pf... ,u,,'uo'1' c"'l':J"J"ff3ic' Wisconsin, whole-1 ;,ii?,iiiic White isiiatoei iw,?V! -' (WOO) baa been tiled in nccorilaiicM with 32 i a1e. fJ.VSii Jl lu! No a : 11 -.tlt 1? cy ilacunifle, gaHslnMa of un Ordinance, approved , lltlTTEn-Demond fair and the mar- ioe..Jer,ey.ir-b5sket-N'o i iifli. U'lS" gLtmt. . ket ruled firm under ll.-ht receipts. Quota. 1111 ic us. HvveVt notutne. l'il?'t'&L: aTaWt,r reserve., the, rlarUt to reject tlona: Holld-tuiked creamery. etr. 0.1c: n r bbl.J-No. I 3Wi4rai. ''" .?.Tr& ljtHf ajtm may deem Wrt far the hUh-scorlnK Boods. 00008c. tho latter for S.50 CtbUKe. New York 'wrinS' !i ? BlBBSBL leu CilY nf Pblladelnhln. I l.iltblnir sales, extra firata. diet flr.l. ft,lf .,.. 1i3l.h J-.ti'V-l .. i . "eT-aaiU '1ll! sfWi- " s,"1 '.'"''la'Sfi' .. Wet Jiond.;Vcr fancjr brands of prlBU low, ptettO-lb: lisV-fcAirilJjVtffilSBJ'. Bi,r"Y" i , Wisrt. Iiobtla 4t M(fTIo: fair to oo, 4(ut(e. i. aoKtsc, ' jSSSpfeiv '"'WrXi m&k, Y -a - -" . 1 A' ..."Mttsrevw ''N Htfik V "' " . ' '". . " tanftcv . , IWsWsTlslaiflslllsTf I'll ii.ffsi.lnHili.iiii.li .. -" ;-,;Ji y't- - '"J ft !. .. '. P- .- .. '' " ''-tlWinmi V The foliovvliu; report li furnished by the local live stock und meat oftle-o ur the bureau of markets. Cnlted States Department uf Agriculture, of tnu ties.i meat trade In l'llllaUclpillHt FHKrtll 1IEEK Receipts mwlerate; vom mon supplies fairly liberal: market weak und sales forced on all but uruod beef; de mand slow HCEERH Receipts mnderute; market on cood t'vef slt-udy at 124 to )2U; poorer arrades Zt tltv to Slut tlelnand slow. m euv, -, iveei-iiua .tun; iivavi, iiiiuitri over- l.LtiAI. AI)VKBT1SE.1IENTH ss KSTATK l MAY K. CIA1TON, 1 r- ileeenseil Letters testamentary on The above eatate havlnir been aranted to TUB 1'ltOVIDBNT l.IKH AND TRUST COMPANY OK I'lUI.ADKI.I'IIIA, all persons In.l&l.t n In ,tia SfilH ..Intn up. r iiia.l.il tn 7lHjmake payment, and those hnvlna claims to present vile aaniir, wutiuui uri.jr, mi ine I nftlce of said Company. No. 400 Chestnut 1 at . Philadelphia ill), i-ivuv iijc., i j.iec ano iniiji COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. ASA 3. IVINO. Prealdent. Executor. ,237 KSTATK OV IM1IIERT 8, livf. iJJ TKKSI1Y. ilecen.ed letters testa, mentary on tho alsivn estate having been urantrd to the underslimed. all persons In. debted to the said estato are requested to make payment, and those having- claims to present the same, without delay, to v 'ADA II. MASHIXa, r.00 West Hprlnner at. Or to her ottorney. ALIIEllT T. IIAUEIILE, noil Commnnvvealth llldy. supplied, with ilxht cows VEA1, Hecelpts .ir.ttftf nn, I uneven to 117: choice llifht veal firm at 424 tit-munu nan. vv: 114 to 110; tie. fairly liberal: market en heavy ralvi-a at tlU to .'u; mvinExna . potlK Helnts (noilernte; inurlcct alow at 130 ta fail aemana uni. . I,Ai1t Jiecelnii moderate: market weak) bulk. 123 lo" 1231 demand slow. JJtfTiON Keeaipts moderate: market slow, isk ey v?iTZmml 9Jr vi "' V FKDKUAL TIIVNT CO. OK PlIIUVnELTHIA -. "..-,. November i. loin. Tit Tloara nf Directors hnva thi. A-., a. blared & dividend Of tt llfr rent mnA 4 n-r fens rr 1 of reci 'J8' A?,r'?ul M Vnce to. "tockholdera rd. Checks will b mailed. 11, V. ItlCHAIlDB. Hecrelarr. Where will you flad a. purchaaar for your llirf w owijijs bear ";v t ' tOlbaeat- ' tOfATK HIM nryKLV THiMIMsH' iW oirteady stj.riT t rW im fair, y'jjj Tl l.lttOsWi-ia), yJti I i "I ' E t 1 . i - .- n 1 I I r I 'b'..v ;j'-.:- . .. wSfatf'At. :.wivTw.vrTK7rw.n7r.'rt(fr'nferxnBSfwemms'"; v s. -fffit'y. -" g$4mj 1 11 2 LIBERTY LOANS iBssssBsBsssssssBSSBSssssBBssBsssagsBBSSBSSEsssssssasBsssss ACH of the several classes of bonds has its special distinctive feature which each holder should know. We have published a .chart in concise form which answers questions definitely.. Copies will be supplied to corporations, banks, business house's and- individuals, in such quantities as may be requestedi HARPER & TURNER Investment Bankers Stock ' Exchange Building Philadelphia . ' - t mmmmmmmmmmm . t. " f f r'-' f 1 A L.I ?1 J I '-1