Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 21, 1918, Night Extra, Page 16, Image 16

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!V '
1 -" I
B S'
Public Utilities
Wo hae for jour con
sideration n ery at
tractie list of. Sound
Investments. Wc will
send it to jou bj mail
or nt oui request one
of our iepreentaties
will call.
Blond & Sansom Sts, I'hila
211 E. Hedwood St.. Halto.
a concise pintlect on
Uiefiitureof OilStockj
end tin i orpins;
Send lor our copy.
43 Exchange Place New York
New orlv Mnrlvet'b etion Shows Values Have Been
Stabilized as Result of Money Regulations Steel
Industrials Demonstrate Strength
NViv nrl(. Noi Jl
The ictlon of the stotlc tinrkft loilnv civ. further ovlclenre that
values hmp been fctabtliZTi us n result of the nionev rcRuHtlons Imposed
hv thr orcnnlred b-inki anil tlnit iltlinticli brokers ire forbidden to In
( r i.o tlielr loin accounts tlirro It n rltnviiiil from cih timers sufficient "
to t-ikp earn of nil the liquidation th tt in i mmn from tired holders or
l,n Inclined lij dhtuiblnp developments stn h is eniiiiel In the Mnrlno
Issues and motor stocks In Hit list two divt.
The strenRlli of th" m u ket was morn ileirl dtnonitr it"d In the
steel Industrials thin In nn other croup In this mornings trading
Those storks In npllp of storks of limited demand resulting from peace
rndltlons nral (.ood mlns In the nrlv. fori noon with I'nltcd States
tpp ifter stllliiR nt no', movine up to iliove 102 and Dililnln Loco,
mothp which jlelleil to 10t In the first ft v minutes later advanced
to 8U4
A good deil of Important r K nttat lied bj llnuirlal Interests to the
showing that will bo m ide in the statement of unnlled orders to bo pub
ish'd h tin t'nlte I Mutes Mnl i orpoiatlon on December 10 This ls
fpnted to leiord enm 11 itlous of r,uv c rnmi'iit contracts and tho off
setting Influent of )tisiiiHts Itised on peteo conditions
The Miilne Isiii s writ th m with uppirentlv nccumul-itlon of tho
prefri"d stock h strpni; mterists making th.it Issue range from 111'4
to il u dining the forenoon
isomp of the rillroid storks mi" il'o strong Reading advancing 1
point to si ml Southern Pit Ilk ro at to 1044
There was i st id icr iimulitlou of Tobacco Troducts accompanied
In .isertkms tint .it the tit vt dividend met ting the distribution will be
it tin i iti of moie than D1. r unt mil a represi nt-itlv e of Inside In
i.M'sts tod iv innflrmeil the stnttmptlts
New York Storks
Con-idrrablo Slren-slli Noted
in Mai ket for Cash Article.
Oat Ate Lower
boston PHILADELPHIA Chicago
Fidelity Trust Company
Jfctiiler Fcdiral I rsirtr utn
Capital . . . $5,000,000
Surplus $16,000,000
Downtown Olllci" llriiml street Ofllre.
82R TH Chestnut t. V h t nr of
4"-llT s rmirlh si llro ill I he.tnnt
!K?r STATE OF V II lit It C. K "VS
deecaeeil Letters of ndrnlnlslr-Ulon
n the abive estate having: been trant-d ti
the unclerslirrcil, nil pe-.ons Indent, il to tin
aid estate aro requested to m kx pomenj:
and thote having claims to pnsent tho aane
Without delay to
. (Mits ) cappie r w r.vnn
12l W fulp lioiken St
Germanlown I hi a Pa
or to her mtorney
1318 T.;it 1 ntle Hulldins
I'hllnilelphla .
te-. fstxti: or jniim i (oiTTv?
-& ilrrrilK d I ttf rn It stamen t try in tl "
above estate having lie. n srar t il to th
undersigned all p. rs ns In lehied to the Hill
f state are requested to mike ium nt ar 1
those havt lalmi to pris.nt the nm
without dt to
..ATII MtIM- mioNY
olid tin iinut at
Or to her attnrni
812 I llieru ItillllintT r n 1 1 s
ItlciiK", Nov 21
t th ints.t toil i torn continued Ir
i pulir s. ntiment wis mixed but It
was apptrcnt tint shor Intirost was
till m the mirket An Ini reiso in the
mipri v in' nt In tlit st iple is looked for
with hi nm! wi ithtr eondlilons
In the t lilt ll llillKS IteiPlnber hold
nt $1 to itfilnHt 1 10 it til. t lose
vtsterdtv I ut lantnrv lontimied tin
eltingftl it JI 1.'. i onMderitile
strinth wis nittnl in the nttrkit for
tile c iBh artitlL
Iatir the mirket bhuwul in imprivi
mint tf about one cent uvtr vtsltnli t
tln lis
I lie ipcelpti here toda wire 131 c irs
mti w.ro sitghtlv lomr it tho i ptii
ng first irii.s In inf. 'N t" '41 lour
nil the ilei lllli i uliiinlsMoh h lis, s
l ugli mil tli I 'I iiDttiul In loss
Nov i mlit i at hlgli in irk of tin in rn
ns sold it "u'ti diiimliii Tl'j md
I mu iri "fUc IHisini ss ins no' liri,
as virtu illv ill tr.uiKai.ti his inn in
sm ill li ts
Tin receipts belt todaj vi 1 1 p 1 1 1 uf.
Ihe miipts 1 1 win it -it Minin ipolls
weri .7. i ir iMlli'l -l'1 ll,H list
wi.l at luiliitli lr- i irt it. ilnst lil
ur- i wi.k ii.li it i hh ig r ' un
umiimtl with 70 i us i wnk ngo ind
it Wintiipig 1"! (lis agilnst -lil i irs
list vm i.k
1 i line futur H rani.. I is f lliwi
1. I" V l
I'M u Hn-h 1-ow p in c
i 1 1 n iiien th IU r ...
s , l in l t lii i i i i nt a i t
1, 1 . 1 nt'j I -sts, 1
lui 1 MS I n
1 1 if i.
N.v " '. "
II e "1 71.
J.n 7 IN TIN
I ir 1
Nov .1 'HI
Jut -il . p . I .7
Nov tj't HO ." fl".
Jan -III -I tO
i Pirk
J ill 4t i tt
mi t v-trfMi
Iet AtKanee of ISYarly 60
Pointh Follows Rather Quiet
Opening Bming General
i . ii,
I W'n 1 111. I U
"" t
7 1
7 IN
New ork Nov 21
The opening of the t-otton market vias
rather n'Uet hut almot Immedlatelv
after the Initial trmsactlons the market
turned strong ind -irtiie moving up to
n net advance of ibout ro points
The buvlng was nuile general ind
Heeined to be liupired h the gliinliiK fig
ures of s bsi nni haie-
The eirlv adv snee of l0 to i32 poinU
wis followed In somewlnt ireguiir flue
tuition an i mult of rtallzlng but
the market held filrlv steidv
It Is teported tint i omo interests
which wire bearish nrlier In the week,
have formed i more fivorible view of
the nnrket on tin prospicts for Increas
ing i ports and a belief that aa for
i ign ownul potion begins to move abro id
tin ii will be Inning to cover hedges
'f not to u pi in the jpot supplies
Iluslnm" howtvir wis lompiratlvolv
iiuii t with J.uiuatv siiiinp up to J7 S7o
ind then ri ictmg 13 rr 17 points
It.ieipts at th. ports fir the daj nre
tstlmatid it JO lion lulis ipHlnst .'4
2IS Inks list wok antl I'STI Inks
list v. ti
n i
n in
.s is
1 111
,s 4s
Vi-tT l
rl s i I II i. In 111
I ri tnl r " 'i i .s .1 .s "li
1-ininn ." " .7 1 i .7 sn
VI ir h i, sn - nn .' .7 T4 .7 n
Mh ..'i . kSii 7iii .7 1(1 27 07
Jul, .1, 1 .imi t tti .tlilil .inn
I ast ! 00
elose llleh T.nw p m
Advanco Runiely. Sfl'i M'l J.Vi 'Ml
Adv Ilumelv pf . I5J hi1 OUi OUt
Al-iv Itubbrr W 0-1 C3 01
Alaska Gold M .. 4'i
Alaska Juneau... ."4 2'i 2'i , 2
Allls-Chalm Mfg 071, 7H 27 127
Allls Chihii M pf Mi
Am Agrlo Chem MIO ICHI 100 100
Am Hect .Sugar 6'i't Ifl olt-J 69ti
Am Can 4'i Wi -ll'i 44
Am Car & Tdry.. 8.T1 5t '( SI
Am Cotton Oil . 41
Am Hide &. l.ei 14"4
Am Inttrnatioual 6 fij-s o 3
Am Ice, ... 42'-: 41J 41 '1 Wi
Am Ico pref ... .1ul
Am Linseed . 4(1 10' 40 40
Am Linseed pref fO
Am Locomotive . 00 ts'i'a CoU 05)i
Am Loco pref lPO'i
Am funelt & Ket tS"' blM S" ST
Am Sumatra Tob.Kfl'i 10.V: 105X VMM
Am Steel r dries mli fM W 13
Am Tol A. Tel . 104'j 101'j 104S Wi'.i
Anaconda Copper fiT'i lbJ tS' bSli
Atch Top i S F U4' 91' J W. OUl
Atch r 1 S K Pf hi' i
Atlan G &. V I 1"0 10mJ 100' lOOJj
Atl G &. W I pf . Oi'j bT1 i'H 07K
Baldwin Loco.. . 70'j bU'i 7UU 71Ji
Bait &. Ohio .. fo'i
Bill & Ohio pref til CI) 00 00
Batopllaa Mining. Z ".,,
Bethlehem Steel C3U 01'j hl'i bl'5
Beth Steel pref . J0
Beth Stl Class B iif CJ'i 10 ; G2
Beth Steel 8-. pf lOj't 104'5 104U 104H
Urklvn Hap Tran 40 401j 40Jj 40i
Booth Fisheries 24)i i.4'4 244 J4'j
Bums Brothers lot
Hutlo Copper .. Sit ... ...
Btitto S. Superior JJ'i
Calumet it Ariz li1
Cillfornii I'.iclt . lT'i
Canadlin Pacific lii-t ..
cpiitral Foundry l1 IS
Cerrn rtn Pasco C 3l'l J7' 37
Chandler Motor 10 J
Cheaa & Ohio . ,W. .r." -i Mi W J
Chi M S. Pt Paul ls'i IS1 1 4S'j IV 2
Chi M & fat r pf SJ'j
Chi . Northvv 11 UH'i
Chi H I i l'ao . J-'J '
cnurti Pf ii" s 'S
n ii 1 1 p ;i i "i '
Chllo Copper
Chlno Copper
Colo Fuel . Inn. ''
Columbia G . 13. .)J
Corn Prod lief. . 17'
Crnilhln Steel . Ti'iJi CO'i
Crucible Steel pf, no ,,.
( nha Cano Sugar 31- 3lS !
r-K, I' w,r,r nf IsD'a bU'i SO1
'.71 a 2.'i
b') 00
Jil'i 2U"t
JO'i il9U
asi .is'
17'i 17'f
Cotton Huvir ami fillers
Sew nrl , Nov Jl Ileeembcl
N.wtiiaii 1ml W.itirs offtnd
1 mu irv (,oer Mitchell Slack Par
rott md P.os, nberg bid, Hopkins and
I tow ns off 1 nil
Minh llnsenberg I irrot' and Slgel
lid Cggitt schlev Hiooks and F
HTruorn offcreil
M i lohnson
v itirs offtnd
""It" ' "- .7.. ...I: ml.
Delaware . Hud 1H' "" i1'1' "' '
Dome Mines .. 1 "..,,",'-,.
nintillers Set ur It'n IS li1 -'
Ur,, 1 I 2 IW. 1B'
l-Me 1r.t oref "1 o2s 3J'-i
Fed lln A. Stn pf 1J
Cation AV & tt .' Jl'i V "
ceneral Flectilc I'.l
i.meral Motori l.r. 1"! 124 1.
Gen Motors pref tsl'i SI bZit si
Goodrich B V Co r7h
Ciaiibj 1 onol si SI1, SI SI
lltut North pf lin UWls 1W) 100
1,1 N itfs tor O p ,11'. .11 olSi v3,1'
Crtenc Cm Cop CO', :0 M oO
Inter Atrlcul pf oti' j ... ;
lnspirition Cop . il fil 1"'! oU 1
lnterborouh Coil b
Inter Mer Mar 27'j 27', 2. i .ih
Intel Mu Mir pf 112 112'; lll'i I"1"
Internat Piper . . .12
liuei Pap pf stil til . ,.,
Internat Mckel .. uJ' JJ'j 32J 323
lnt Hap lr pf . S2 S..'i blSS Sl
Kan Cltj South 10',.. ..
K. llv sring fire oJ' Ol'i G2!i C2,
Kennecutt Copper is1 a JS'a ,M
I lui-li alliv ... 02 (i2'i hi'
I Hub A. lire . 2J 2- 22a 22',
Ljosc-tt'llis Bis .17'i .h". ' ,'J
r, .1 M,...u III. o(IT. -lOt, 'II,
Max Mot 1st pf tiJl l oj'
-'" 72 I Ml Mot 2d pf . .2'n 21"i 2JI
Meilcall 1 ctrol Ik's Ijo ioi'i
Miami Copper .. -0 ...
Mldvalo fateel .. Ills 4J 4i. W t
Mo Kansas i. 'Kx ti'i
Mlbbourl Pintle 27' 27!i 27!
Mont 1111 Power 77 ..
Nat cond A. Lible li'i ,'i ll'i II1
Nation il Hlsc-ult JWl 10'J'j 100 10J
New York Curb
Philadelphia Stock
Aetnn HtpIosIvch
Am-Brlt Mfg
Am Mnrconl
Am Writing Pap'r
Air Heductlon
Canadian Car fo
Can Car & Fdv pt .
Chnrcoal Iron
Chevrolet Motors
Curtlss Aeropline
Carvven Tool
Carbon Steel
Emerson Phonograph
Hendee Mfg
Lako Torp Boat
Lehigh Coal Ralet,
Lima Ijopo
Maxim Mmiltionn
N" Y Shlpbldg
N'or Amer Pip Pulp
Otis Elevator
Peerless Motor
Poolo Lng
Standard Motor
St Joseph Lid
Todd Shipbuilding
Triangle rilm
L'nlted Profit sharing
U S Steamship
United Motors
tt'orld s Film
Wright Martin Air
Zinc Concent
1 1
es eloe
Ask (sa e)
Vii "S
T4 .
1 '.n
ft 'I
si Mm on.
ri V
Illinois . 102 i:
Ohio tit 128
Pr.ilrle Pipe 28i mt
S O Cat 211 2n
S O N J 6111 ftin
SON Y 201 207
Barnelt Oil f. Cip
Cosden K ( o
1.1k Bisln
Federal Oil .
Intel IVtrnl 11 HV4
Hoiihtoti Oil 7f. 77
Merilll Oil .'2', 13
Midwest Kenning lit 117
Mit P'tml 1,', I,",
'Jhl 1 I'm I 1 : 17 .
fiklihriui Hi f . s in'.
sipulpa Hef . . . 7l4 'i 1U
Si quov Hi . . . . . U n
Sinelal J I 22
Atl mil . I A Hi
fhg I 'ilM .1 I'd IS
lliille New V,ork . i "4
on rl7 . I !i IS IS
F s A Jeronu S "(, V4
I irt .N itioinl - 2S
Goldtlrld Mirger .2 1 3
Goldfltld Coiib 21 22
Coldflelrl Florence .ft II
Coldtleld Kewatlis 2 1
Green llonster . r '"
Heel 1 Mining AS 'li R'i
Howo Sound . 4 4"i, .
lndependi nti lead 2 I
lerome 'erde . V lfl
llm Butlei in II tl
luinbo Extension in 11
Mi Mill' v inrrigh n f
Ii gm 1 Copper il I- Uti
Motlier Lode 11 H '
Mines t o of Amerlci 1 l'v
Nevidi Hills . 1 n
Ni-vada 1 onder . .. t S
Nlpissdng . 8ii; S
Ohio Coppei .... 'i S
Hav Hercules . IS 1
Sin I"o .... !l II
stew alt . . .
Ionopih Lxlentlon . IS 1
1 nlted Verdi . . 17 38
tt est End Con 1 Ai I r'
White Caps . . .IIS 1S
cilngton I
Beihlebim 7 ion mos
I i.sdtll OH bB .81 811
Cosden & Co 6s 81 8fl
cudahv ss . mm, lots
Russian Govt 5Ss no ?n flo
Russian Govt 6'-s . 70 72 71
Southern Ilallwav fis on 00V4
Sinclair Oil lis . 8J 81
lodd Shipbldg lis 1111 101
(lileiicn, Nov 21 IIOC.S Receipts 30
nim hmtl su nl to Hie lower than m
,ri't nrl iv n ivirike r i SIT JO heav butih
,, , is M7 7U(i 17 til nndlura ind llhht butch
-, era $17 tOO Him llkhi Jin THCHT 111
l&'Slhiivv i irlilin $111 lli'n 17 .'1 medium mil
llchl piioklu Slll'IOSf 17 "0 throwouts
M'i J (' in - i
l VITIh It celpts 20 nun heatl Mineral
.. tral ii en lie uirb a lllnir aleulj in nil
754lklnN H cf c l til t-ood iholce and prlmi
" 9 I 11 illKj ri 71 common and midlum JH 710
lin Iclrh.r stuck Ini'irs fl Wll.l
I iv Ji 4IKM 1 Milkers and ftcdera tend
I linei ml tint $1(1 I 11 71
S11L1 ! -llenipn ?t (mil htnd Market
wtiikir J'c lower lop limbs M10H
liw 2 ti ni chge
10 ID
71 73 1
1 1
211 20
02 62 a.
20 .Villains jeh
4 Am 11 pf 71
200 Elec Stor 3
1 1 1 Ins C N A 26
170 Leh Val 02
2111 PennaTtR 48 48 484
on en .salt .vt n an -c
2?f E.V'0, S8W SB"' 8
44 P 11 T t c 27 26, JflTi ti
26 I'll Tract 72 11 7-
100 So Iltvy 31 31 -H TB
270 IT G 1 11 inw. intt ii.
32U S Steel 103S loiuj 101S U
20 West Coil 7.1 71 71 -I IS,
"f ,, lUllljl ff
1 1
Itlt-Vl f Jill " Mtnn
51000 Am GatiAL
Elec 6s 85 83 81
000 El & Peo
Tr 4s 78J4 78Ht ?8', - '4
1000 lnt R 4s 40 10 40
2300 Lake Sup
Inc 6n 64S S4H BIS S
1000 Leh V con
l'6a '01 OIS f)14 01S M
2000 Leh Val
Coal CsIOOH 100Mi 100V4 ..
0000 Leh 1 al
611 w I 102W 102S iOlVt
20000 Lib Bondo
4th4'4s 08 08 08
C00O Phlla Llec
lrt 6s Mi,, BliA pt-c,
1000 Span-Am
I 6n 100 100 100 Vi
000O Un Hwj
Inv 5b 07 S 67 S 07 Vt
Following are quotations for Inactive
(docks listed In tho Philadelphia Stock
Exchange and In which thcru were no
transactions today The price given Is
the labt previous close
Acme Tea Co 79 Kc.vt.tone Tel 11
Au GaH 7f Little Schuryl 48
A G tt'ar .. 7'Lt Bros ... 24
Am dan 74 't North Cent . 71
Am Milling 10'4 North Penna 94
Am StrF pf. 90 P N B vvrts 27S
Camb Steel 125 Phlla Co pf . 30
ataw 1st pf 62 Phlli & West A
1 itaw 2d pf si Ilwjs General 2
Con Trac N J 6S"j tt' J H. Sea . 44
Fourth SNB.2S0 York Hallway 7U
lit & B T . 10 Ttork Hvvja pt 31
lit A. B T pf. If s
KW IOIIK Monev on call mixed
pollateril. opened today at 0 per cent
for lending and renewing On Indus
trialB, the opening rate was 6V& ptr
rim, MI,riIIA Call 0 per cent;
time 5$. 6 per cent Commercial pa
per, three to Mx months, B6 per cent,
six months, 0 pr cent.
Reserve banks' Discount Rales
Ofhclil discount rate" a the twelve
Federal Reserve hanks were as follows
(The first column gives the rates for
all periods up to and Including the flf-teen-dav
miturltj, the second for a
period of sixteen to ninety divs The
thlid and fourth lolumns are the rates
for rediscounts of collateral Ipans se
cured b Government bonds or iio'ce )
Com I paper Gov pipei
10 to 00 11 to 10
IGdavs dava 11 da. a days
nostril 1 4 4 4
New Tori! 1 4, I HI
riillldelphla 4 4 , 41
Cleteland . 4t 4V4 I A
Itlchniond 44 r. 4U 4tl
Allanla 4 4V, 1 11-.
rllicago I 4 I 4
St Louis 4 4 I 4U
Miniieatolls . 4'4 4 '4 SH 1 41
Ian Francisco . 4i n 4' 41
Kansas City . 4', ft 4t 4U
Dallas . . . 4'4 4K 3 4 4'i
Incrcace in Collon Ginned
ttaslilnglnn. Noij 21 The Census
Bureau in a report Issued today placed
tho amount of cotton ginned from the
growth of the prop of 1118 to November
14 nt 8 8fil 001 bales counting round as
Inlf bilPb compared with 8,671116 in
1117 and ? 615 001 In 1116 Number of
round biles Included this jear is 127, RI2.
lompired with 157.711 In 1117 and Id
"71 In lllfi Number of Sea Island bales
Wm hided this v par Is 24,115 balea against
6S J21 in 1117 anil i:,nmi In nib Mum
bi r of merlcin Egvptlon bales included
thir cir is 6871 The corrected xtatii
tlcs of the quintltv ginned this season
prior to November 1, are 7,778,899 bales
n.ii i.nim sto 11
,,, rnnsni Coii l'l'. IDS 10'j l'l'j I nibs ihulie anl prime ill 1 IV 11 on me
Nev Consul cop 11 . uj 10 J J dium ul ml J14 Jlsjili 71 culls JI7.10
V V Aie Itrnki' III. . . .. . ip.
i ' .... --. -- . L. "
I N- 1 Central .. MIS som T)' ,'i
.1 4"
t.i 47
tn .0
24 1 .
bid Mitchell ind . N N h A, U . d7'. HU J7J, .17
Julv- Hiirn.tt Cuild md Monler bid. Ch!,r& , L , , ," 5 ioli ,Z .
iwnnn and ttauis offnd N"rf tt'est, rn .Kb'j 1 )ss lOtjjt US i
Northern Pacific OS 07 UiS 'n'i
Neiv Y01 k Bonds
HI. 1
1121000 Anglo Frch 5s 'ir,3,
16000 Am For S 5s 1 1 V,
3000 Amer Tel 5s ifit.
J4000 do 6s li 2S 10
1000 Atchison gn 4s Sti1,
10000 Atl Co I, clt 4s -
2000 Bait & O 5s U
1000 do rv 4'.s SI
1000 Bald Loco os u
1000 Brkn U Tr 7s lit
1000 Chile Cop ST
10000 C & O iv 5s 88 v4
1000 do 5s lOOM.
3000 Chi lit tt'est Is r;
4000 C B A. Q gn 4s 87
B000 Chi M A. St V 811
6000 Chi M A St P
rfd 4.s 78
J000 do cv Is 90
1000C It IS.P rfd 4s 71
JOOOCits of Par 6s 'i8'
7000 Dom 1 an 1 UG 96'
6000 Erie com 4b
ser I J
1000 Erie 4s 7i.
1000 Erie gen Is 6(1
I w .1 m
ins '16S
li v 1 1 ,
t6lt 16 it
1021, IiiJJ.
Sbls 86
79 ' 71 ',
II 'il
SI 81
11 .1 ,
''I1. J5S
87 87
08 S S8S
inns uini.
61'. II
87 87
80 8"
77'-. 77'.
hi in
714, 71
J8 SS'ii
16 96 V,
Il "1
"b "6
ro 6t)
Bank of Fii"lanil Mjleineul
I oniltin, Nov .1 lh vviehlv l lit
mint of tin liuil 'f I nglind lullovvs
Total nirvi .8 17 nun llurei
300 11O11 lirulitlin i.1 JJ2 O1V1 in
1 n isi .v 1 " I union t"r 17iiiii0 in
crcasi i"Sl ni 1 .,iher snuritlis 1 1
87 J 000 111 1 1 ill 1 "in other 1I1
posits 11 12 t ". "in Inn it 1 'ibi rt 1 1
public dtp IM E.MI.8UII0 ibilelse
tlinnnti r, ,. 1 ntnt ni s,ourltiis til
788 000 Inin ii fllitmo Th. pi
portion of the b ink s reserve to li iliilltli s
is now 16 r0 p. r 1 nt igilnst It t i 1 t r
tint last week mil cornpires with t d
cllne from 11 10 per cent to 111. jtr
cent In this wrilf list vnr Tht tie 1
nigs thrt ugh tht London binks fur tn
I week wi ri 111 ITn 000
hi 1
r isi r I in tu 0
." un 1 lulu si
In r kW re 1 mis no',
1- in n rns rail.
4s r i-lUt n I I 1. llli,
! 1 uim n 10.1 lntl
i. r slt n 1 inn s4
1 ui n 1 ml si
I irittna .1 ni.tht r i lint is
I man 1 -s rejrlht re 1 l 1 is lis
1'inlna t r-klfit rt 1 11 i 1 s
I in im 1 1s coup in s
Vila- I'ovuler I'av Ftra on Common
tt ilinlngtnn, llel , N v .1 rile At-
lis Powder Conn 1111 his declared nn
. 'ri dlv tdi nil f 1 1 e 1 1 nt on the
it ininnn toek in tiiditlun to the regular
luirierlv div lerd n . 1 er cent on thi
mm 11 u ill Ii. p hcr 10 to stock
f rie rd Nov ml , r 1
WIIKr Itecelpls IT'l Oil nuh.l Th
n irk t waa t rm it former rileit Th f il
liwtnif were the uuiti'mns l ir 1 'tn
'n export elevator Government standard
Inspection stan lard prlt ea No 1 r. 1 win
ter 12 30 No 1 northern spring 12 311 No
1 v.ar.1 winter I 111 No 1 red winter Kir-
I licky 12 37 No 1 red Bmuttv 12 30 No
I red winter J jii o . n lrinerti .ihiiii
12 10 N'o 2 hard wlnt. r 12 16 No 1 red
' winter carlUkj I.' 14 N'o .' red smutty,
i 12 33 N'o 3 red winter I." 1J No 3 north-
S7000 Frch Rtn 5SS1U3V Hit' 1 01 W em prlne l.'U No 1 hard winter 12 32
19000 11 Jt M rfd 5s 64t. of 64 N 3 red winter Karll'-ky 12 10 No 3 red
ininJ it UTrf Is 81V 81- mJrault) 12 .1 No 4 red 12 30 N'o 4 gar
10000 lnt It I ri 1H HI ' SI "a .si s ni,v t nu Vo 1 ami llv I 7 No 4
10000 lnt M.M 6s 100.. 1II0S 1,1,.. ,'kj--smum 12 sT'S l" red V. A.
1000 Jap 11(1 S l's 88 88 88 So tarltCKy 12 28 N'o 5 smutty IJ 23
1000 Lk S (lb 4s 28 88 87S 88 I No - sarllcsv smutty 12 21
2000 Lob Itonil T4s Oil 01 00 80 llll fti ' I OHN IliceK ts tln.'bushils mdewas
101000 do Hint Is IIH 40 06 211 116 2(1 "Jr ml prices w. re nnmlnalh uni hanged
mnnn .ln 1.. in Til (1A Ad (Irt All Quolaltons Car lota for lixal trine
tlOOO do 1st 4M 117 7(1 HH (111 VH fill ? .. . ..rnne a nil In Atlon II 11
40000 do iV, 07 88 07 80 07 MO '-"" "" to Brn1e nl '
45000 do Ut 4S 08 10 1)8 111 118 10 o..s Reielpts 2' 7411 bUhhels The mar
IS2000 lln S'l IS" 07 01 (17 80 117 88 kei aa Arm at the late advance but tradt
100000 do 4th IS 08 0(1 08 (in 08 110 is uulel cju lallons were as follows (r
aOOOMIriinle. Ea 10 'JII II, lots "' I" 1 atlon N'o . white 82Vi W
. oi i . . -.1 .. v. i Linrjo ii. . -
r I V til 1 1 niniiiMiii niiitf "',i"st. "
', " , white sll.fis.'c No 1 whin S0frsnl,c
- '- UlllR lliselpts 1160 081 pnun Is In
88 88 socks Th. imiket was Arm hut uulel Thi
18 '. 98 14 luotaliona were To arrlvt per 100 lbs
in 'is in a.cks winter wheal inn per cent
4000 Mo Pac gu Is
2000 Mont Pow 5s 1-
1000N1CA.H 4s 88
1000 N 1 1' P.H 60 J8',
2000 N V N H &. II
cv 3'.s 15.
1000 N Y Hv 5s 19
4000 .V Y V i A. I!
1000 Nor Pac gen 6s 63 S
2000 Ore & tt HA.
N 4s 79 4.
1000 Pere Marq 5s 89'.
SOOOPac Tel 5s 'ibS
1000 Pa gen ct 4Ss 93 a
3000 Phlla Co cv 5s
1922 9 1 t
S000St L"& S F Ser
A Is blt
11000 St L & S' I Sei
II 6s 81
3000 Sou Pac cv 5s 104
10000 Sou Pai i v Is 85
1000 Sou Pac rfd Is 81 ,
1000 3d Ave adj Es 37
22000 I a Rubber Es 85 V.
1000 F S Stl h f 5s 100
1000 L K of CI 11 & 1
f.'.s 1919 98',
12000 l' K of G HA. I
54s new 1'MOIS 101S 101S
4000 V la of O H&I
EVaS 1921 98 97
10000 West Shore Is S2. S2'
5'. 51'. n""r lnj1flnri Kansaa wheit, ion per
ni ,,., cent (lour 110 6uMo nil sprln wheat 100
" ' 1J per cent Hour 110 05W10 till
It was nrm
r barrel In e i ks
Itlh Fl ot It , Arm We nuole at
?8 71 71 per barrel In ki ks as to tiuallt
89 V.
lb' .
94 .
91 '.
'l 61,
81 81
101 llll
854 85
HH, 81 4
37 37
81' 85'.
100 100
98', 98'
The market ruled steadi with a fllr Jih
blnir demand The quotations were as foi
lows ( Ity or wistern 1 eef In sets smoked
48c cltv beef knuckles and tenders smoked
and sun dried 43c western beef knuckles
and tenders smoked 40c beef hams ItlJ
pork family I1411 hams S H cured
loose 34SiO81V.c do skinned loose. Jilts
864c. do do smoked SSOimc othsr
hams smoked city cured as to brand and
averace 80H37hc hams smoked west
ern cured 364 03740 do boiled boneless
file picnic shoulders 8 P cured loose,
264c do smoked 274c belles In pickle
according to averace loose 84c breakfast
bacon as to brand and average city cured
474c breakfast bacon western cured 474c
lard western refined 2". 5f 20c lard purs
city kettle rendered 284 0.9c
Demand waa onli mndrat, but di-
. ! nrnuy neiq on a imam or vc ror nn
37 7j cranulated
Lnernool Collon r llbcSK -The market ruled nrm under
j-.lter.ioui ,-,o,10n llslit olterlnir, and a fair demand Quota
Liverpool, Nov 21 Spot cotton was "ns New lork whole milk fam fresh
quet toda), with prices firm on the, ""W e"'" speclsls higher do do fair to
basis of an advance of 15 points for "i ,tr"h ,3r.'',,',,,?1c , Wlw-onsin whole
middling, old contract, at 21 lid The ?.like','V.''y 13'3,c du do 'air to good
Hales were 1000 bales There wero no I Jiititth orfrrina. were nhi .m .s.
rectlDls. Futures were steady In the1 JLVJ''",..,0 i" tr' 'l a.n' .V?
early dealing. Spot prices were Amer-1 Quotatlo is solid narked reamer eitras
. ' ... j. I nn mr j . ..
' lean, jniumins. tair. mu, kooq inia
J! dllnK. tt 7d ; mlddlintr, 21.44d : low mid.
Elaine;. 20,Wil: gwd ordinary,- l(87d,
c uiu oraimcir. i..uu.
I (,(,s I reh kBs w ro uulet but firm
1m uAr, "V , "" Mn''' "tot,h "" "
with llchl ottirlnts Thi nuotollons fol
low I-r.e .,,, ni rl i firsts S.'n 40QJI
n r crate lurrml r. i lots 120 Id per case
nr'.ts""."..'.. .nr,"!,'' -" 1nn "l "' "Se
.,.. . ." Ji tti per case Inferior lots
as'Vo uuali.r l,nd,lY Sl H "J Slo-S S & I Co. 47H ..
w rt Jolillm. at 71T7 c i er dozen
Ohio Cities Gas . 42)
Owens Uot M ich 5s
racific Mall Jjv
Pan-Amur P A. T 05
I'an-Vn IS r pf 111
Penni ltailroad 4b
People s Oas Chic 5(,
i'ero Marquette.. 17J
Philadelphia Co . d.'J.
Pitts .i ttcst Va. j7
Pitts A. tt Va pf 70'i
Pierce-Arrovv ... 41S
Phrce-Arrow pt .101
Plerco OH .. 17'4
Pittsburgh Coal.. 47
Pitts Coal pref . . bl
Pullman Co US
Hy Stetl Spring . Ob'.
Hv Steel sprg pf flu
Hay Coiuol Cop '.M)
Heading bb
Heading 1st pref . J7JJ
Heading 2d pref 38 ...
Hepub lr A. Steel. 78r4 ...
Itepub 1- A. S pf. li'Jlt...
ltoyal Hut tr rets 104 10.1
Savage Aims . .. t0 ... '
Saxon Motor 10 10 10 10
St Louis San Fr 14'. 14!i 144 14'i
St Louis Sin F pf 30
seaDoaru Air la. iu. .
ilH 4JJs Ua
" '. '" .
G5 Oo Oo
VbS "Us "Ul,
o5i 5.j .-.51i
J7U"37S "dV.S
477 17,S 17J
171i "7h "l"S
'28'i "lL'S'i il'o1
0'J'f G9!4 0')U
li "2JS "iMS
s a bSi bb.
I Ittiliurcli. Pa, Nov 21 1100s! He
ceipis ilnil head Iliavhs lis lust IK 11
hea.i vorlcers JIH 21ti 18 11 .llslit porkers
and l,i,s lb 10 ll, 71 '
slll.1.1' AN11 IAMIIS Ittcelpts 300 head
stead Top sheep $10 tip limbs llfi 111
( VI 1 LS Itecelpts llln head Steady
Top Jill
1 list llunTala, N. i . Nov 21 CA1TI E
Iteci lpts 471 head Slow lalvts receipts
.0 hi id Fift cents hither ITri.'fl
IILK.S Ititelpts 700 hind Twent cents
hlither lleavj mlxei anl vorkers $ls 1(1
lll,ht vork rs nnd i.Iks $10illl25 roughs
M. i 111 Ml Maits linn II in
SHhLP VNI) I, Wills Kicolpts TnOhead,
10crii hither Limbs Slild71. ycor-
llnKs I7uU wethers $701110. twes
140 10 111 mixid sheep IKllOltll
( liiilniiiill. O . Nov. 21 HO.Snecolpts
"h hull (In transit l.eforo emoil.o went
inti. cITecO Hteadj . .
I A TTI K Itecelpts lSllll nciu cilvcs
slrins H, H Is 21
siKi:i Itecelpts noni Stronj Iambs,
strinn SWH
?ew lork, Nov 21 The Mtuntlon
that has developed In connection with
Government control of the cables Lis
resulted In bringing the foreign exchange
mirket virtually to i st lndstlll In the
circumstances quotations are nomlnil
fur the most pait
Eirlv figuits toiliv were is follows
Demand sterling 4 75 80 c ibles
IJboO, slxtv-div bills nomlnalls 4,74,
nlnetv-dij bills I 72
I'vils nhliH 5 45, checks 5 45S
Llro cable b C Jo decks 6 Si,
Swiss cibles 198 checks 5 00
Guilder tables 4ZS, (hecks 411,
Pesetas riblts 20 00 checks 19 9.'
Stoikholni cables 28 00 checks 27 70
Chrlstlanla cables 27 60, checks 27 30
Copenharer tables 26 80 chicks 26 50
Russian cu rency Is reported dull it
nominal ,lgjro of jl ipnts
Pink cltnrlnps todi ( imparcd with cor
rispondlns d.tv list two j.irs
His loir mm
rhlln IM II7U 141 SIS .7(1 010 'i I20R11
Hi slon . h4 K2n 7S7 47SSIKI-, ts s.'l Mill
N lurk (111012 147 id4 774 1131 71 1 711 11 I
Majority of Usual Leaders Are Unchanged in 'Earlj
Trading on Small Sales Westmoreland Coal
Advances IV2 Rails Irregular ,
Philadelphia stock trading was dull during the first half of today's sec
slon and changes In prices were generally of little interest. About tho onli'
deviations from previous quotations of home Issues which attracted atteti"
tlon were -i decline of H for United Gas Improvement and on advance of 1
for Westmoreland Coal
Electric Storage Battery, Philadelphia Electric, Rapid Transit trust ce
llflcates and Philadelphia Traction all came out unchanged and little interest
wan shown In the Street in the announcement late yesterday of the court de'
clslon holding the Hapld Transit Company liable for special war taxc3 of to-
of its underlying trolley companies 5
Steel common was exceptionally dull nnd ralli were Irregular, PonnsjLij
vanli nnd Lehigh Valle each losing a good sized fraction on light sales)
while Southern advanced 7s '"
Bond business was nulet and unlnterestlnr? &
Exchange Establishes Minimum Commission Charae
Governors of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange hao established a mini'
mum cdmmlsslon charge of llftj cents for buying or selling any security"
Heretofore, on stocks of less than J10 par lalue as low at fji. cents wai"
charged for handling one share
Some .vears ago tho exchange had a' minimum charge of twent.flvi
cents, but this was later abolished The minimum charge was made to covei
expense of carfare postage, and time, which ii as great in handling oni"
share as 100 shares "
York Railways Earnings Decrease
The October statement of earnings of the New York Railways Company
whl'h came out todav, showed a falling off in business, which reflected cup
tailmcnt of travel caused bj the influenza epidemic In York County. Grosi
for the month was $80 BS3, against $93,524 in September and a decrease o'
$12 151 as compared with the same month In 1917, while net was 29,9
compared with $37,014 the previous month nnd a decrease of $20,018 from thr
net of October or last veir
October Is usualls one of the bpst months of the year for the company,.
due to tho large agriculture fair, which generally takes place in Now York
carh in the month, but the fair was not held this jear because of th''
Toi eleven months the compan. reports gross of $982,587, an Increase oi
$10 840 over corresponding period of 1917, and net Wat $446,553, a decrease
of $18 848
( ollonsccil Produrts Report
Washington, Nov 21 Tho Census
Hureiu In u report Issued todav on
pottonseed and cottonseed products
plices tin production of linters from
ugust 1 I'll 8 to October 31. 1918, at
261 JVI 600-pound bales
Cities Sen ice Co. Increases Dividend l
evr lork, Nov 21 Cities Sen let.
Company declared tho regular monthly
dividend of S of 1 per cent, pajabh
hi cash on the common stock In addl.'
tlon, a stock dividend of 1 per cent ot'
the common stock was declared. Thi"
regular monthly dividend of 4 of 1 per
cent on the preferred stock was als
Secured: nil dividends payable Feb.
ruary i to stock of record January 15,
CIIIps Service Compinv has been paylni.
Vt of 1 per cent in tock monthly lo
addltlon t othe regular Va of 1 per cent
In rash on tho common stock, sine!
February last
Refined Sugars Unchanged ,.
New York, Nov 21 Refined BUgarfv
are unchanged at 9c, lesp 2 per cent foi'
cash Raws are unchanged at 6 055c,
The Internatlonil Committee made no
puichiscs of raws on Wednesday.
We offer subject to prior sale a limited amount of
Dayton Power & Light Co.
General Mortgage 7 Bonds, due April 1. 1920
Price 99 V2 and interest, yielding about 7.35
Pennsylvania State Tax Refundable
The Company supplies electric light and power to the City of
D.iyton, Ohio, anil to about thirty-seven adjacent communities;
seiving a population of about 250,000.
Detailed description upon request.
Graham, Parsons Si Co.
102 102
hi kens
ri ost. rs
Indlun Ittinn. r
TurUeis lllt'lKr
nelahlnt- I Vj . 11 .
er Hl7t-H UOlfrh-r
7111 SIS Pltfe. n.
do ),uni ,., r p.lr
. ' !h, "' . If"u". ,w,ro Hi-liter and prices
h"" " "" """, siw.nc.Mi one rent
viith d.mtnl fiurli h,iih n,,ntDtinn.
1IS , urlintf I, lUSlltV ItlttJHf .n,ln
nitirlnit to ouilltv 24J8c.
nu ks IVkln 12STaie. do
s'l lln Oeese .'S3Jc
i.ulnis nuns; per pair,
n" Jl'a 1 in small
kulnfiis old Der Dalr.
oil p. r ulr. 3033c.
LlKl-.SHh.il whs m f.lP ,,..,,... . H
with supplies w ll ined up The quota
lions were as fullas Krosh-kllled turkeys
sprl,, 4J6 45e oil torn, 4.'e old heiJ
r .'"'o,'" n'"''el d'y ricked fancy
selected 17c vielBhlnB 4'i lbs and ovar
iipler llHic smaller sizes 323oc old
rooster dr n!rkl .su., chickens, west
,'ar", ""Kh'h" t'i-' lbs apiece 42
S44c vvelahlna 4 lbs upler. nn 1 over. 35c.
"elgninif rtVi lbs apie e 13e weltrhinr "li
.?, a"ir 1nwiu nVinguckL'".;;?.
aIanla 40c mabi pir dozpn whit
""Kh'ne 11012 lbs per do. 18 H i 60.
'.' "11 Ihs per doz ,707 30. do
vvelahnu H bs per d iz lesn 5(1. do.
Melshlni; 7 Ihs per doz 14 10W5. do.
Ji'WiTf-o"'4 l!" v-T in 34. dark
JluOftJSO small und No 2 1102 SO.
auf'-l OUnB Per '''' 7!ca,1-'3 oW
riemand was only modersti but values
were well sust lined on cholro stock of most
nVsrrlptliuis lollowinir were tho quota
tions Ai nles Sew Vork per bbl Fall
Pippin W.4 '"Snow, Men hlruTM 60O
llnldwln Mfllln Hubbardston M5,
Twinl ojme Mrl in Greening MW5 73
various varieties 31 Apples Pennsyl-
1 5 ",',? 2 1', 1''ln'" Per bbl Hen Davis
2 lilffl 10 Oano 45 50 I r.o Htavman
Wlnesap Jlfn-o York Imperial M5 50
Apple per S I ushel basket HlUtl 21. do
per bushel basket 71e4ff 1 r.O Apples west
Jill. , pr,J 2-"'171 lemons per box.
J1TC7 Oranges ( allfornla per hoi IdCfll.
do Morlda per crate 12 r.Otro r.O Tanger
ines Morlda per strap 7li Orapefrult,
per ho UBOQI'tl Cranberries Jersov
per bushel box Jfpl do do per bbl 17
The stneral market was quiet aad barely
steady Quotations White nolatoes East
ern Shore per hbl No 1 n$3 5fl JJp 2.
II fi0O5 30 White potatoes Jersev'por
S bushel basket So 1 75..0I1 No 2.
lOiBllllc While potatoes Pennsylvania, per
100 lbs 2 70JT2 KI fano Macunrla 2 HO
iti in So 2 tl J3H 71 hweet potatoes.
Jerse. per basket So 1 11 1 25, Mo 2,
KII $? k 1(- Slieel IVil.lna. I.a..-ra Shnra
.-, n.K.ier ni-uri.is kooiis n..iie.c me latter I per 111,1 NO 1 1 i .04 au No z, 12 roji
for iHibblra sales extra tlrsts Ate flrsls I 1 in Cabba.. M-u, VnrLr nt Inn lBAltt
(t(lB3c seconds -,71Hc fincy brands of do. Danish seed per ton 1J2W17. Onions
prints Jobblni at W0'71c fair to good, tUtf ' vellow per lOOdb bae Xo 1, 1 01.60! Ho.
South (Imnhii. Nov
in inn head
( vrTlh. Recehts (10011 head
SH'-I I' Ititelpts 1.1 0UU lind
1 1 ported
21 IIOOS Itecelpts
Xo cars
S'ov Jl C.YTTLE Re-
Iviinsas City.
celnts sunn head
HOIll Itmlnts 11000 henil
MIh.h,P ltecilpts 400U head
Cambria Steel Pays Extra
Thf Ciiiibrla Steel Compinj has de
clircd the reBUlar uuarterly dividend of
1'4 per cent und an i xtra dividend ot
1-4 ptr cent Hoth arc pajable Decem
ber 14 to stock of record November 30.
Sinclair Oil llfln 31f 35K 354 35'i
Southern Pacific. 103JJ 104 lU3i 104
Southern Itallvvay. 30j 31 30'4 31
South Ilwy pref . 70'f 70 70 70
Studebaker Co... tiO'i 01ii bOH' OUi
Studebakcr Co pf. 09
Stutz Motor .... 41't
Tenn Cop & Chem 10
Texas . Faclllc . HI
Texas Co Jb7 188 188 18S
Third AvenUe ... 10', 'tl'i 10J !).
Tobacco Products 7B'i &0H 70Jf 8,
Tobacco Prod pf 08
Underwood Type 110
Union Ban &. I . 75H
Union Pacific 132H 132Js 132 13,
Union Pacinc pf . 75 75Jz 75Ja "fiJi
Uiuted Alloy Steel. 30;. 3r.i 39H 39'i
Unit Cigar Strs. W2H 102J, 102Jf 1027i
United Trult .. 142M H'.'H 142M 142h
U S Ind Alcohol.. 10JU 10-1 10JH 103'n
U S" Rubber 70i 70J 70' 70i
U S Sm lief ic M. 48 48 4v 48
U S Steel lOUi 101H 101 1014
U S Steel pref ...lllji HIM HI HI
Utah Copper .... 81 ri 80.'. bOM tOH
Va-Caro Chem ... CS
Wabash 0J. Wi OH OK
WabaBh pret A... 3Si
Wabash pref B .. 24K ...
Wells Fargo Uxp. 75H
WeBtern Maryl'd. 14li 14K UK 14K
West Union Tel.. 00 00M 00),' 0OM
Westlngh E & M. 4JM
Wheel & Lk Urle. 10Jj 10K 10J. 10K
White Motors ... 10
Willys-Overland . 20' SOU 25K 20
Wlllyu-overi a pi. o
Wilson & Co 094 72
Woolworth Co . 121 . ..
Worthlngton I . . W
Stock Dividend by Tobacco "Products
Sew lork. Nov 21 Tobacco Prod
ucts has declared an extra dividend of
10 per cent In stock on tho common
stock, pajnhlo January 15 to stock of
rnord Innuarv 2
The following- report of the fresh meat
trade In Philadelphia Is furnished by the
local -live stock and meat office of th Bu
reau of Markets United States Department
"S&BFy'.FnESH-Recelpts moderate, lib
eral supply of common kinds market steady
on irood beef, weaker on 111 lit stock, demand
"l0HTBBnS Itecelpts moderate, market
steady on ood steers at 24 to 1311. aalea
forced on poorer grade at MS tu 118, de
mand slow .v--i. e-. -- nn
Jlght cow at IK to 17i demand drawry.
VBAIy Hecelnt of heavy calveajlberali
market lower at 112 to 1251 demand lurht
iviit iritariniM niDaiBr&tni mai
',icUve at 130 to 137. demand Xalr,
No one believes in him who
believes not in himself.
A responsible brokerage firm
(a membership house) desires
to obtain the sei vices ot a
salesman whose past record
as to honesty, integrity and
successful salesmanship is
We feel that a man not now
in the brokerage business
would best puk our purpose.
A man who for the past thiee
or four years has had u
"hunch" that if tho oppor
tunity arose to make a con
nection with a responsible
commission brokerage firm he
could "put it across BIG."
One who has family or other
responsibilities and realizes
If you have the COURAGE
to make the change and start
on a small salary, devote all
your time and energy to the
best interests of this firm you
may write for an appoint
ment, giving your past Tecord
and references.
Don't write if you only think
you " can mako good, you
must KNOW that you CAN.
A 210, Ledger Office.
'I'dietil by the Capital Issuer Committee as not Incompatible with tin) national Interest, but without
approval of legality, validity, worth or securitj. Opinions o A1012, No A2007."
City of Philadelphia
412 Bonds
Dated November 1, 1918 Due "November 1, 1948
Interest payable January 1st and July 1st
Registered bonds in denominations of $100 and multiples. Coupon bonds
in denominations of $1,000, which may be registered as to principal.
Registered and coupon bonds interchangeable.
Exempt from Federal Income Tax under Present Laws
An individual holder of municip'al bonds is not required to file a certificate
of ownership in the collection of income derived from municipal bonds, nor
to make declaration of such income in the returns.
Legal investment for Savings Banks and Trust Funds in Pennsylvania, New
York, New Jersey and all the New England States, and eligible, in
our opinion, to secure Postal Savings deposits up to 90 of the
market value of the Bonds, not exceeding par and interest.
Price, when, as and if issued and received by us,
104 and interest, yielding over 4.25
Guaranty Trust Company of New York
140 Broadway
Fifth Ave. Jt 43rd St.
MuWa At. OOtk St
32 Lambert1 Street. E. C.
S Lr. Gremner M . 3. W.
Rue else Itallns. 13
Rye, Etlaaaa Pall. 7
Capital and Surplus $50,000,000 . Resources over $700,000,000
Clayton F. Banks, Correspondent
421 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
.. .'l
r ir i
t ill ' '