Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 19, 1918, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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II Grande Presidcnte isitcra'
Parigi, Londra e
rubtlahM n1 Mflrlbutcd Under
,. ,. Pr.HMIT 0 841
.Atithnrl.,! . ih aft nt Ofloh.r Q.
1DU. on fll at the rostofflce of llilla-
Mflnhki, Pa
order of tho Prudent
A 3 nt'RI.BfcOV
I'ostmanter arncnl
U'niclilnitlon, II C. Is noxembrc
II Presidcnte Wilson ha declo di
nndare In rraneln per premiere parte
alle dlscusslonl per II trattito dl pace.
Soltanto clrcostanie imperatixe ed Ira -
prexlste potranno Imp. dire la Kim
declslone KkII sara accompignatodalli
sua slgnora e dopo aver xlsltato 1'irlgt
e Londra si recheri a he a Roma
Un comunlcato ulllclale emtnato dalla
Casa Hlanca nice quanto appressn
, "H Presldente Wilson e in at'ra dl j
salpare alia xolta delli Kr.ncia In -medlatamento
dopo Papertun dtlla
rtgolire sesslone itt I Consresso alio
j-copo at prenaere pane a.ie u.u ' (
dedslonl per 11 trattato Ul pace
. . .ti. ji i..t u
"Von e probiblle la po-.silolitx
i.M ,imini. Ann n che durl la sessions
per la forrmle conferenza dl pace iia
la sua presenzi e necesirli per owl
hre ai manifest) sxanURKl di
lonl a meio dl dlsparci per deter
mlnare I ffrandl puntl del trattato finale
circa 1 quail hjsogni cho nei.tsarUmenle
cpll sla consultato
"Cgll sara accompapnato dii Hele
na 1 1 Che, rappresenteranno i?li tntl V,nltl
ulla conferenza 11 noma elei delegatl
tara ciuanto prima ar inzlato "
noma 11 noxemhre
It Cardinale (.i-'pirn besretirlo .11
slito ill Sua Sanllia ha inxltito 1 car
ellnall dl tuttn II mnndo, ail
ncontrarsl i
n P.onia rjcr una grande cerimonla re-
llglosa Che axri luogo In at Pletro
nel glorno che sara firm ito ill trntlato
dl pace Durante la cerlmonia ponti
flchera Papa Benedetto
II Re ha decorato con In Orandi Croce
Mllltaro dl Saxola II Cleiiernlo n.idoglio
sottocapo dl Stato Migglore blmlle
decorailone e stata concessa nl gmerale
I'on Blanchl ha tmunaito alia
nomlna per slndaio dl Nap. 11 In sua
xece e' stato scelto II Deputato 1 abrlola
II glornale il MessapgLro nom inila i n
S000 del cannonl catturnti aii austru'-l
slano fusl per la colonna della xittoria
17 stato inlzlalo un moxonento per
erlgere un tnonuinento all on Orlando
presldente del Conslgllo del Mlnlstn
Maria, la prlmogenita del nuca I eo
poldo Torlonla si i fid inziua .il Prin
cipe Chlgl
II Parlamento si riiprha dnmanl
II Cax- TIIboII, fcipotazione e Mlltno
e' stato trasferito a Trieste per organiz
ing II Bcr'xizlo ferroxiarV) in quellu re-
Le condizlonl dela slgnora dejl On
Orlando cnntlnuano gnXIssime
'II JIInltero delta Pubbllca Istruzione
ha annunziato the saranno stablllte dHle
' scuole a Hurazzo, filannlna e Scutarlo
In connessltne dille cuole Ria' htablllte
a Vallona e Salnnlcco
Martedl e Mercoldi In Plena e Forll
si xerlflcarono dille stosse dl terremoto
che causarono dannl o perdlte dl xite
Ij3 xlttlme aintnontanu a 10 mortl e
nnrecchl ftritl 11 sottosegretarlo dl
Mato al l.ixorl Pubblici si reco sulla
lona colplta
II ffiornale I Sieolo dl Milano ha
annunziato che Im.i repubblha t htata
proclamata nel I trole e cite Hcrr
SchrafH c' stato nomliiatu presldente
11 lr corrento moria In Piidov v l.ulgl
Jlnsuero ben noto giorjialista
II Munlclpio dl Urc-cia ha elaiglto la
somma dl cento nnla lire per lnorl dl
wecorso ntl dlstrettl redentl
La princlpali entr.ita del Palazzo del
Principe I..inccllotti In Itoina ho dal
20 settembro 1870 ert stat.i chlusa. In
segno di protista per la presu dl Homa
al papato e strta rlaperta per la prima
xolta dall i di tt.i epoca in signo dl
glubllo per la x Ittori i de 1 1 annate
Itallane Moltl inernbrl della famlglla
Lancellottl h inno cotnbatiuto nella rt
centa gperra
Molte altre fatnigllL dell arlst crazia
nera dl Homa hanno llot''l l! tiaolote
ai loro palazzi.
Overnea Oift Labels KeaiU
Pvclatlxes of men in the iernta-i serv
ice who desire to send Hum a i hrit
mas package as pel mined b tin War
Denartment should If not it.eixitu:
label for the package before Sux ember
21, applv at the nearest lied . rn.s sta
tlon. auxtliarx or iti.uiut ni ub u irter
for a label Thi lied i roa will furnish
one for each man ll pitkaKc. inuvi le
mailed on or before oemi.r h
Fire al Mount Sinai Hospital
small fire that xiaittd in the Im
"ment of an old building of Mt Sinai
HoBpltal Finn anil lteed siieets I i-n
night was prompth ettinguNh.d b
firemen The lire w is i.iused when ruii
bish began to bum The building does
not house any patients
Chiefs to W atch Allie.s
Pass Lnder 'triumph nh
Paris, Nox ilix I i
Wlietl Allied '100) III Mill lllldM
tho Atch of Tinirni h it the i loe ot
the xxai Allbd ioxeieinns and chh f
maglstintis xxill hi present siis
the Matin
It is understood th it the Kings ot
England Italx lielgium .ind Sci
bla. Prince Alexander of liieece
1'iesldent Wilson of the I'nited
States u liipintse rojal ptlncc
representing the Mikado and oltl
clal representatixes of Chlni, Por
tugul Hum iniii and the South
American republics xxlll bo present
It la said that each all.x xvlll bo
repreented b u ciuck leglment
xvhlch lias fought In the most notu
ble tattles of .the war
' The DIET
and After
Tho Old Reliable
Round Package
Antwerp Council Want
Former Kaiser Extradited
Tht llnRUP, .Vox 19 ThP C.cr.
man Workmen's nmi Soldier'
Council at Antueip 1 repotted to
huxc piopoied Ttuimdn to the
Ileillii louncll that the foimer
Knlei Crown l'rlmc and othei
mllltat.x ofllelnN should be extiu
dltid fiom the Nethcrluids to
, . j b Mirt'SS Fear
l.onuoil cirts-. ri.u
Chlnie '
(O Trick -Mile and rorill
). it
oiiufi 're
I umlon Not I
tlu xxtlllani llohiiiin
rrtui .erman Kinperor.
1 1 1 i-n To i lennanx as
1 1 1
'lie t
I mav
,u,u rtrt M ,h, u.nn lial xmclgt r s
hl. , .., h wou d not be refusid an
l-el.otn to that .oun'rx
hixe treated a
consi.lei it
e t here The fear iniilnix ,
toHiui i'niperor would sooner ,
aire .he cent, r nf a teactlon-
is th it thi
or lute- b
,n niuwmeii in i,itmm !
There is ex erx whore at,renient in the
tdta that the -hmpiior presenit In
Holland Is iiitoli-rnlile. and it is Insisted i
that he must somehow he made tm
pottnt to do fuither nilMhlef The re
ports fiom Moll mil show thit the un
inxlted uest Is b inning dalU more un
welcome then Htlitul aulxlus from
The Higue show that the lutih social
ists reiterated m Parliament on Frldnx
last their objection to bis pr. senn and
dent indtd that he le d.poned
V dispatih to the lall Mall fiom The
Iliiene reoolts thit the llelinan holdlers
,Uni II in Antw.rn on ThurscHv Inst
idopted a resolution that the soldiers
and Workmen s Council in Berlin de
tnand the extradition .f the formi r
llmperor tml the formir i town I'rinci
is wel is icrtaln generals The reso
lution express, a belief that the ex-rulti
ex.rilt.es too miKh Influence In Holland
ind forms the itntie of counter-iexo
Iutlonarx uiirlgu.
The Dailx i;piess sees the posslbllitx
nf a plot to trick the Allies and create a
fedeiatlon far exceeding In strength and
n sources the former ilerman empire
This newspaper contends that the former
I'mperor Is back of ' hancellor Kbert
former ( hancellor Maximilian of lladen
and Meld Marshal xon Hlndtrbuig and
it las mphasls upon the fact that the
lmperor signed no formal abdication
and Issued no xaledlctory message
A number of leading Ulled diplo
mats and statesmen including Lutel
Robert Cecil Lnder seiretarx of State
for Foreign Affairs bellexo that some
thing Is brewing In (lermany In the di
rection of a plot to trap the Allies the
I.xpress eleclares The facts appears to
indicate, it ndds the existence of a plan
to foment social rcxolutlons in Holland
and Switzerland and posslblj in Sweden
through pro-Oeiman agitators
It Is also planned, according to these
indications the newspaper declares, to
foment social rexolutlons In Allied
eountrles proxlde for the exentful re
'urn of the former Kmpeior to (Jermanx,
the 'lestoratton of the old regime and the
formation of a greatl extended Ilerman
sijeh a federation with William
Hob. nzolbjn at irs head the Uxpress munds and other laws designed to sup
irgues xxould carr the seed of another press olxgim
world xxar It insiMth that the former
Cmpeior must be selz.d and his actixl
tl.s prcxenled
XX HsIiliiKlii.i. Nox 11 Officials here
expressed astonlsnir enl .it the uport
from Copenhagen to the . ITect that Wil
liam Hohenzollern xxould be permitted
bj the nexx Berlin (loxernment to return
to (lermanv
There is an inillnition among
ifllclals hnJ dllllomat,. here to bellexo
that the former i.ermin Kmperor i
wheihtr bx his own act oi bx the deci- '
sion of tlie new i.uxernment and the
iltrman p, ople Ii.tf forfeited his croxvn .
md thi lu i.tuin to ueiman might
be the signal for a rexolutlon which
would establ sb forthwith
i republic in
Wuiliiiie. to t arrx Ten to Txxent) five
Passengers to Be Used
Atlantic (It.x, Nox 19 -I'lxlng ma
bines of the i nitl-s txpe, equipped
with Libeitx motois und capable of
earning fiom ten to txvent-ftxe pas
engeis are to be built here for, the
propnsxl Phil idelphla-Atluntlc City
Mr line Karl c Oxlngton president
of Hi Curtiss bianch compin, has
lnfoimed business men
other iiunpinleb shortlx to be le
lei-ed fiom (.oxernment contracts
will b niil eiiiiillx 1 irge machines foi
opii.ition betxxeen Atlantic PRj Capo
Xlax I o;ig Hranch and Nexx York
No i i--.ener tnrlffk haxe xet been
ie Ideil upon but is Is bellexed ulti
mml the late- fiiaj be biought doxvn
to $"n md possllilx 'l't foi the lound
trip 1 i I'hll idelphla
Du I'onl Max Noxv Iluilil Rojil
X llinlnictun. Wel. Nox II Lisinlfal
In Washington b tliei Supieme Court of
the I nitid states of the case of Pnul
ppc nit liar who sought to lestraln the
lu Pont Houlciard I'orporatlon from
conileinnlrg land foi the $2,000 000
In Pi hi boulexard remoxes the last ob
sta, i lo the const! uctlon of that road
Include Camlx in I . S. Rations
I'atl., Nox J i i andx lia In en olll
ciallx included In the rations of the
merii.in expedltionar force the Stars
and itripes innounces The men xxlll
tie allowed one -half pound exerv ten
daxs The ration will include choco-1
lates and hard candy '
Peiin-xlxaiiiaii Killed in Anion
Ottawa, Nox 111 The i auadlan cas-
ualtx list announced Monaax tacluded
1 1 i Laxx sou Johnsonburg Pa killed
.In a. tlon
Malted Milk
Very Nutritious! Digestible
The REAL Food-Drink. Instantlv nrenared.
ORIGINAL Horllck process and
irom careiuny selected materials.
Used successfully over Vi century.
iuiaorseu oy pnysicisins everywhere.
Specify HorllCk'SThe Original-
Succumbs to Long. Illness.,
Son of Original Prophet j
and Kcvelutor
Ii the Associated Press
i lt t.nlcrN'lt,, I ml. Nov 19'
I Joseph f Smith, pfes dent of the
jfhuuli of Jesus Christ of letter tax
faints (Xtormon) died at his home here
jiany iocJmx artet n Ion Illness
Ur;x dW rr. ,,ar-
NotwIlhslandlnR his Illness Presl-
dent c'mitli attended the n cent Heml-
annual conference nt the church held I
" Prat xxeek of October nnd spoke i
islioneh iiKalnst polcamoua marrhiRcs,
j which It uas rumored had been sur
reptitiously performed clurtiiR th last
few xenrs
I As u snmll i hllil In xx.s with his,
mother In Nnuvoo when his father and'
uncle wer. shot to death In Carthage I
,.1.111 At 15 he was Stilt on a mission to!
the Sandwich Islands and was obliged to
find the means fir riaililiiR his destlna-'
Hon whlih he did Iv worklnir us n
shingle mak. r In California
He saw I tah fhniiRi fiom n salt
stream desert to a land of delight fiom
a phislcnl Mew and following tlio death
if llrlghim Xoung who was first suc
.eksiir to the hun.h s founder he be
inmi insldent of the Mormons cxer-
fi'lng oxer them a swn thit was not
'''',', ' ""ilpotent than that lif his prede-
Mxssurs and w hi. h In 1H0I and again
! th.
"' ,"" "ruugnt mm into .annul xxltii
"" ' ""id states laws which he xvas
I .ue-used of setting below those of 'rexe-
I 1 itt n Time xx.is and as recently as
i the xiar last mentlomd and exen later
' when President smith hid the Mor-
I inon xoters ko trained that sl hours
before the polls opened foi an election
he could swing the result any xxay he
Plte WIts, ts Children
' Mr Smith was nn axowed polxgamist
He adxoeated plui.il m irrlage as a dl-
xlne Institution .luting the greater part
of hl long career as head of the Church
exen though the dlspatih printed .nboxe
represents him ns declaiming against it
He had fixe wix.s and forty-three chll
dren and In October 190B he xxa-f ar
rested on the charge of llxlng unliw-
full with llxo women The complaint
xwis sworn to bx a Mormon deput
slierlff the warrant xxaR seixed by or
der of a Mormon sheriff antl the com
muting magistrate is aWo h Monnon
The purpose of this action xxas to ills,
arm the criticism that had been di
rected against the authorities for their
failure to take cognlznnee of the admis
sions made by .Smith before the Senate
committee during the inxestigatfon than
followed the attempt In 1904 to exclude
Heed Smoot from the heat In the Cnlted
.states Senate to xxhU.lt the latter nad
been elected The charge against Smoot
was that as an elder of the Mormon
Church he held the laws of the latter
oiganlzatlon superior to those of the
United States and therefore xxas In
eligible to the sen itnrship The result of
this Inquirj It will be retailed was the
e xonerntion of Smoot and the confirma
tion of his election as a Senator from
Mr fcmlth s testimony to his pojjgam
ous relation during the Jmoot inqulr
xxas as frank as it was picturesque He
told of his separate domestic establish
ments with a naixe t,ullelessness that
astounded the SenatotB xvhlle at the
same time It 'cafestd a waxt of rixolt
against plural mnrrlage to sxxeep the
country and to haxe Its effett in Mor
mon communities which up to thnt time
had shown little regard for thexl'd-
i Credited With Xllra.uloun Power
In the historical xxorks of 111. Church
Smith is ciedlttd with haxing" worked
many miracles xxhile on the Island of
Maul in the Sandwich group including
the tasting out ot ex II spirits and heal
Ing of the sick bj the lajlng on of
hands That waH in 1854 The young
mlbslonary xxas absent from Salt Lake
Cit three xtars. tlnallx working his
xx ax back
On the dax of his return he enlisted In
the Mormon army dl-p itched by Brig-
ham' .oung to lnter.pt the United
Males troops under fieneral Harnex
who were about t inxade Utah He
ptrloriiied actixe s.nue as a scout
harassing the l'ederal ixpecjltlon unti
I the President proclamation ended the
Mormon War '
1 The niisldent of the loi inon Church
was xerx actixe m politics haxing
b-rxed a term In the Legislature Sex-
eial times he went on Luropean mis
slons for the Church He was a zealot,
thoroughlj imbu.d with the spirit of
Mui monism and eistinslblx conxlnced or
us dlxine origin
Aside from his chunh actixltles Pres
idcnt inllh xxas concerned In many
business Interests, Inc udlng a dlrectoi
Milp with the I nlon Pacific Railroad
I luring tin time of Hie late Udxvard
II llarilmnn a conflict between the
latter and the piophet is said to haxe
left eadi of the i ombal Hits with a hlgh-
i estimate of his opponent a business
in unien than existed before the con
test Xs president of the Mormon
i hurrh Mr Smith iceixed $50,000 a
xear From his pernor al business re
lations he gained ai the lowest estimate
$25 000 more
French President Inxites Belgian
king to ieut ('.iris
PiirU Nox 1 Piesideni Poincare
has sent a congr ltulatoi telegram lo
King Albirt of Belgium on the occasion
of his approaching entrx into Brussels,
and Inxltlng the King and Queen to come
to Paris King Albert In reply thanked
the President and assured him he xvoiild
accept his inxltatlon
We Can Ahist American Exporters
in financing their requirements as well as in facilitating in many ways thev
extension of American commerce in foreign markets.
The Anglo-South American Bank, Ltd., has 'capital and reserves of more
than $31,000,000. It maintains eleven branches in Chile, eleven in Argen- .
tina, one in Uruguay, one in France and four in Spain, as well as cor
respondents in the chief commercial centers of other American countries,
Europe, and different parts of the world. Its service, therefore, offers
distinct advantages to the Anferican exporter through its New York
Agency. Pur officers- will be glad to discuss your particular needs
with you.
Write for Booklet." Collection Tariff"
Anglo-South American Bank
New York Agency, 60 Wall Street
Head- Office
Entertainmcnts Today
for Service Men Here
At thn Nitx.x Annl
7 ID l M Moxlng Pictures V M.
U A Annex
7-45 I M. Vaudcxllle- Y M C A.
SOU M Sptclnl Moxlo Slioxx
Polloxxcd bj Kennedx Minstrel
Tioupe, under auspices nf Jexxlsh
WVlfnre Houd Nnx and Mft.
line Coris llecteatloti Ccntie.
OiifHitlc' the Nm.x Anrd
8 V St nnticltig Class anil Dance
I'.utneiH furnlslicd I'nltcd Ser
xlco Club 207 South Txxentj -second
street 2fi icnls .
s P SI Oaiice I'ndet auspices
W'ouian Suffrage I'attx Group, nt
the Hoosexelt 2027 Chestnut
stieel pticedid bj Crpnch and
dancini,' lessons
S l SI Dance nt Helfi. Id Country
Club 10 men inxllcd See DadV
U Clt Hall Booth
8 P SI to 10 10 ! SI Social for,
Ji nirn -The Itix Mi Cossllng,
.Vlneteenth nnd W'all.ico streets
See Pad nt Cltx Hall Kootli. '
8 V SI, l.iheitx Sing und Knter-
t.iimnpiit b Mlllei Lock em
ploje's Centtal Y M C. A , 1421
Arch strett
8 I' SI X nuilpxille I'or marines
otilx 1 S Marine CUips, 1917
Chestnut stiett
8PM Hlg Boxing liout- Union
Le igue Annex Utoud and Spiuce
httee t-
MI? A T frCinfi AAA )fn AAA
B U r u C 11 S I
Great Financia
Added to Xationo Involved
in World Struggle
WnsliinKtnn oi 19 The direct' cost I
of the xxar for all belligerent nations
to last .Max 1 was reported at about I
$176 000 000 000 bv the Federal reSerxe I
hoard bulletin Issued todax, and It Is '
estimated the cost will amount to nearly
$200 000 000 000 befnro the end of the
, , , ,, .. ,iiaa
xear These calculations -Aero compiled
by the hoard from xarlous sources, and
xvhlle their accuracy is not xouched for,
the boaul bellexes the figure are sub-
stanllallj eotrect
For purelx mllltarv and naxal pur- '
poses It Is estimated all belligerents had I
spent about $132 00(1 000 000, or obout
three-fourths of the total war cost The '
balance represented interest on debt
and other Indirect war expenses
How the cost mounted as the war
groxv In proportion from je-ir to year
Is Illustrated bx tabulations shoxving the
mobilization and the first fixe months
of tho xxar In 1914 cost all belligerents
about $10 000,000 000 In 1?1B the ex
penses Jumped to $26,000,000,000; In
1916 thev Increased to $38 000.000.000
ind In 1917 they were estimated at
$60,000 000,000 This vcar's expenses
haxe run only a little aboxe tho rate
last year
About $1C0 OOO.OUO 000 of the total
xxar cost has been raised by war loans
of xarlous nations and comparatively
little by taxation The puhllc debt of
the principal Kntente Allies Is caculated
at approximately $105,000 000,000, or
more than twice as much as th? aggre
gate debt of the Central Powers set at
$45 000 000.000 t
Never gets onyour nerves
John Cone, Apient
F. C. Harding, Sub."Agent
W. M. Dawkin, Sub-Agent
That Country, France and
Britain Favor Plan Japan's
Attitude a Problem
lx (he Associated Press
Toklo, Noy 1?
Negotiations are proceeding betxvecn
tho Powers concerning the handling ot
the Ilusslnn question, which has come
strongly tcz the front since the Blgnlng
of tho armistice In Europe Believing
that the smooth operation of the Trans
Siberian and Chinese Haslern Railroads
la of prime necessity In the reconstruc
tion of Ilussla, It Is understood that
the Vnlted States ha s suggested the
appointment of annnaglng directorate
composed of representatixes of the Poxx.
era xxho haxe technical experience In the
operation of rnllroads It Is reported
that the commission led by Jo-hn V Ste
xens, noxv In tho Far Hast, has been
delegated to do this xvork '
Russians nre xxllllng to co-operate and
i France and tirtat Hrltain haxe agreed
I to the plan, hut Japan's attitude Is still
the subject of negotiations
Tho Jnpanesu xlexx point is that after
the war it -xx 111 be a Russian question,
and as soon an a stable goxernmtnt Is
organized In Russia, that cruntry xx 111
'be at Illicit j to make nn arrangement
1 and to emploj- ans experts she desires
l If America propose that Russian
railroads, Including the Chinese 1 astern,
i xvhlch traxeres Manchuria, si ould be
I permanent!) operated bv Icvhn K, Ste-
xens, acting as nn American, Japan up-
doubted! wodld consider the question
xerv Important Japan noxv occupies
toxxn'i along the Trans-Siberian as far
as Like Ualkal, but In fulfillment of her
agreement xxlth tho Allies, she will with
draw all her troops from Russia on the
conclusion of the xxnr
Mr Stexens sx.is In Toklo for txxo
xveeks hut has returned to Vladlx-ostok
to rejoin his commission, xxhlch num
bers 100 experts '
Specials from Harbin sav that the
United States is planning to send addi
tional troors to Siberia oxer the Chinese
Eastern railroad nnd xvlll build barracks
at Harbin te accommodate txxo brigades
Klicc fju PAH mijiV ADEN "x!INP"
lllljj VYILOUIl lUAI UrCli jlHu
. , , n
Prcsitlcnt 8 Daughter Ke(lIC8tCtI
', n:n Tlmnlr.nixinir Ttvmn
'" $ x-,. ,5 . li T. ' i
rxx York, Nox' 19 The National
,.,, , , i, , ., xr,-
earet w'oodrow' W llson, daughter nf the
President, an Inxltatlon to open the
xlctory sing ' In France on Tlnnksglx-
ing Dav bj singing the "Star Spangled
"' "i "'" " niunieiu umi iiiu-
"", " Americans at home, under the
aVhpin C0Unc"' jo'" "' ,Ile na
Thp V,JM ,. A ,,as cai,ied t0 lls Bec.
retarles oxcrseas a letter from Secrc
tary of War Baker expressing his xvlsh
that xlctory slnrs ' be held In exer
camp hospital nnd rest billet of the
American Hxpedltlonarj Force ' Sings"
also will be held. It ts announced, In all
Y M C. A. army huts In tho United
Peace Jubilee Defies Hain
OibbHtoxvn, N. I, Nox 19 Bad"
weather did not Interfere xxlth the big
peace Jubilee Monday and the program
xxas carried through to tho letter A
parade, In xxhlch fire companies, frater I
nal and other organizations partlclpat- .
ed, was held In the afternoon, and hun-
dreds of people lined the streets A
half-holiday was declared at tho du Pont '
powder xvorks so the sexeral hundred I
iiiiien viJuitt nine uii x iito iLtfviiu.ni,
who hae been celobratlhc' for a week,
hid n promfnont place In the line There
was a patriotic rnll In the auditorium
nf the cln Pont ClnhhoUBf larft night
rOCTORS r e c o m
S mend the Girard be
cause it never gets on the
nerves. And they smoke
it for the same reason
plus the fact that it is a
delicious Havana smoke
down to the last
Broker size
two lor a'quaittT
Smaller sizes 1 lc
Capital and Reserves
Over $32,000,000
KOVEMBEll4 1$ ifl&8.- A I,;-,1"
- .." . . ...
Democratic nnd Rcpublicari
Leaders Arrive ,nt Agreement
Waihlntton, Nox 19 -(Dy A, P )
Congress xvlll ndjourn Thursday under
an agreement betxveen Democratic and
Republican leaders
The only remaining legislation xm the
calender of nn urgent nature xxas dis
posed of yesterday through passage bv
the Senate of tho emergency agricultural
appropriation bill xvlth Its proxlslon for
"wartime" prohibition.
Adjournment of Congress Thursday
Xvlll nrsvetlt thA nrexspnt aenslnn mercrlnir
Into the third nnd final session of the'
Hixty-fitth Congress which will conxene
December 2
During the adjournment the Senate
Finance Committee xxlll continue Its re
vision of the rexenuc b'll In line xxlth
the suggestions made last xveek by Sec
retary SIcAdoo.
Tells President Professional
Engagements Demand Re
turn to the Law
fly the Associated Press
' Manhlnvlnn, Nox ID
Frank T Walsh, Joint chairman xxlth
William H Taft, on the national xxar
lftbor board, today sent his resignation
to President Wilson, xxlth the explana
tion, that professional engagements re
quired his return to his laxx practice at
the enrllest possible moment noxv that
hostilities Jiaxeaceascd
Following in Sir Walsh's lettci
Dear Mr President
I hereby resign as Joint chairman of
tho national xxar labor boaid
Professional engagements, munx
assumed prior to the creation of the
board, make It impel atlxe tljat I
should return to mx practice nt the ,
earliest possible moment Of course,
I could hao no thought of resigning,
small as my actual sen Ice may haxe
been, during the hostilities.
lour confidence In mo and man
acts of kindness during mj serxlce
upon the board I appreciate beiond
expression : although my respect nnd
admiration for you personally, ns xxell
ns my dexotlon to all of the things
xvhlch ou represent, could not haxe
been enhanced
With mj xx arm regard and sincere
xvlsh for a safe Journey, and the
winning of tho world to xour splendid
ldals, I am,
Faithfully xours -FRANK
In case of the acceptance of Mr.
Walsh s resignation, William llarman
Hlack, at present alternate for Sir
Walsh automatically tecomes Joint
chairman of tho board unless a suc
cessor Is appointed by the President
Sir Black Is a former assistant dis
trict attornej of Neiv York clt.
rrance anil Belgium Re-establish Mail
' PnrlM. Nox 19 Tho postal serx Ice has
been re-established throughout France
and Belgium
Announcement :
To help meet the needs of the
government, Wrigley's has
discontinued the use of tin foil
as a wrapping for fSll
Hereafter all three WRIGLEY
flavors will be sealed irii
air-tight, pink-end packages.
So look for '
in the pink sealed
wrapper and take
your choice of fla
vor. Three kinds
to suit all tastes.
The Flavor Lasts!
MVe Fine Gift lo Friendly Injtlluliori
Ilnrllmton. V. J Nov'. 19 Ottleoni
of tho UUrllngton Friendly Institution
have nnnounced the receipt of a gift of
$21,200 In Liberty uontts of tho fourth
Issue from William' D'Oller prominent
banker and Philadelphia xxbol merchant,
as a memorial to his late xvlfe, Anne
Unusual Sale of New Pianos
Bench and 24 Rolls With Player
Stool and Scarf With Piano
Thcso nexv and beautiful instruments
aie full size, 88-note nnd nil are backed by
STORY & f'LARK PIANO CO . which ob
sures you of absolute satisfaction They
are plain In design, nnd still tho lines are
artistic enough to meet exeryono's taste.
They contain all the most modern Im
proxements In cxer 'detail and can be
had In either oak. xxnlnut or mafiogan).
Per Week
on the Pianos
Start Your Firt
Monthly Payment
Dec. 16, 1918
Opn Mnmlny and
Krhla. Eirnlngt
until .Mnr
The time Is short and us xxe are
tpeclal prices ve xxould advise ,ii
lus.ifcL .
1105 Chestnut Street
youNget Wrigley's
Tho lneon.ei;wltt be used t6j
wnrtrtf. thev society. Including
rodr.d employment o'a xlstlrns
Mrr.sD'Oller tas a member of th
ctltittlmi nml her sift nf $100
C. . ;m , . . .. -... ..
tnana oncring tor me reioieiy "'..pfr.-.
member of her family from serious lll-x,xl
tiess formed tho nucleus of the fund
rnujiirtl because it seldom occurs that
xxe offer our highest grado Instruments at
Mich startling reductions Our Factory-,
to-IIome-no-commlsslon selling plan ena
bles us to price these pianos and players,
for a few days only, at saxlnga of $1C0 00
or more to the purchaser These Instru
ments are entirely built In our oxvn fac
tories and enrcy our gualantce which s
j our. pi election. They must be seen to
be appreciated. J hey ore' Drand-ntv
UTOIlY CLAJtK Players.
Per Week
on the PInyefs
Start Your First
Monthly Payment
Dec. 16, 1918
If xnu Cnnnot Call
Write at Once.'
offeilng only a limited number at these
early selectlcn
'l &
. I," A
.1 ". ' f
' - .ft i
" 7'V't. '
'4 i
t jiwiiiiWMiOl J i "jil
i ,
44Jtlm:s-4:i- lml
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rf. . v f r . .. .. M
"1 NSI 9tJt .. .... . ! i" i WM " IU."fl