.v x--$? " ov - j.- ; ') -'-" ,"i.A. tW - ;i 'V- , EVENING PUBLIC1 LEDGER PHlLADBLfci, fetJBDAY; NOVEMBER 10," hlS, -.1 "sr "Jjir " Vvr" tt - - --J- -- DEARTH OF "LEGITIMATE" OPENINGS BIG PHOTOPLAY WEEK AHEAD & ,: TO S THEATRE AND MOVIE FAVORITES WHO WILL ENTERTAIN PLAYGOERS THE COMING WEEK IV. V W'W;a3KJia!aiTOr'tiTOigii TIIR EVEIM-OI'l'LAK FAKCi: COMRUIAN Charley Grapewin supported b- ANNA CHANCE '" the . 'm Second Episode of the "PouRhkccpsIe" Serial Called "Jed's Vacation" !Pfrlnl I'lillndp'iililn ri"it'irfl Frank-0RTH& CODY Anne In "Ovfr 1lfri nni Otit Tlierf Hnrrlnl Scxtilx IVntiirrl TARZAN sinn(lnn of liiSain I Chinko & Co. Mystic Hanson Trio Geo.& Paul Hickman t; MTftlal fons rnntiiret CLARA MORTON ! Hprdnl Artllll' rjnlurr! BEA1RICE HERFORD M lirnillal Clmrnlfrllilliiii' l:TRA AllDF.I) ri;ATtiRE! AND Till: I'OI'VI.AK I'AIK! "r. - - - , ' i - i - - ,.7-it I .j !) - "i '- -1 I' "" T" 1 r w '..mii Hi ,1.1'iH ft'HtEET . ttnKWVb II II I PW ' 'lllli ... . " .? .,,. m & fci . SCENE FROM miaa f Nf B4 ENRICO CARUSO Xt " llHi . I p; 'THE MATiNff"- NIXON 8 I MJJlil 1 !T "-' y-txmmmxmmm' &' &'"'" 'S w ffi,;'i5M iaRyJJ(nKwrMfcKk. jbs a jhuk;j,3' yzs' rtfe4W-?Ji'"CTi7V v;kjvx - .eVvfcwoiMrrai4CA4& ar "T(TT"inTTfw I- ! TE V,M GOER'S tmepoIdthkouqh IM k '. JSW' llH fflLA IHSNKIHHI P c ' , THE DA.RK- STANLEY IWM K J JB MS-SilWL-ll I inBinH I I : WEEKLY TALK SmB 1 V LJffiff P I 'S Observations on I'lays anil Photoplays Srvliin: Favor ' in Philadi'ljiliia rry i''' f''"iii"" mi.miik nun JL soo turn iloncncH aiunhit' i "bomo OUt in tin r;ir nT I.lonol I more nnil tin iirt- -i" I'liU'l" P.. ndnilrabl! liistrhmir nnuois. i. c . "'riii' Copperhead." Kranklj. tin- Aiii;usMi Thomas play owes pvpi.vIIiiiib to .'it i,Barrymorc. when-as Jlr. Harry moio i.- nalyJna Blient Ufgroo imipiurii m in,' Copperhead." The In-atii.t l-catrii.' of X . Phltadolnlila m it bwkiv iiuiinin ! i P$ly BunrtninruPH ililn J:i.k or r. .h !. if.fl tit "rli I 'iimti.i,li...i.l i i.i ty fnl- Mil nWT, ' '. Whatevor tno piny iiiru.-a in - i - stioictlvo mfnt is KtMiiriiiisl.v nimiiMi fur by the admirable aotliiK of Mr. IS.ur.v more." Thpru ia nu iIiiimii-' tu" ir ...nsi.l-1 erable succoks of "The foiiixTlnj.nl," lmt as tho writer has en.leaioic.l in pm.iI Uh, this ani mi.m. slnnilil In' i forth In terms or l.mn.l llai i yiiinn-. Take the early eperleni e. uf nmiitu" Thomas with' "The fiiiip'Th-ad" in.inn seript before tho Shul.eith ilecuhd to taKo. It" under their iiri.teetive niK. Aetufo producers like lMatn-o anil Tiler were rnluctant to mvept Hi mn unset ipt when Jt was sulimitiei to them lv the auUior, and mieli dlFeertons inanuBi'r an IlopUlna & Woods ami Kluw .V i:r Jangr" couldn't llnil a pl.iee for it at their-' th'eatres. Then the Shulierts mnli II -nnil It liven lo in' one ". i'"- "', popular successes of UM m tlTr, JJarrymore Mill. Moral" VIKW'JCD in the sober linlit of .. fu mornings after. "The Copperhead" ress Irr one's meitiorj as inostlv fourth act. There is no deisms the merits of the closing: episodes of the play and tV hlehly 'dramatic iiuallty of the suipiNe whin Jlllt Shanks reveals lilmself as thp"atrlot parexcellence who allowed hlajwlfe and bou to ko to their graieb despUlne him and who submitted to his ;,'. lipenmlinr an anathenm amons his 'netehhors rather than betray the tiust fi Abraham Wncoln and thereby hln country. The motive for the unmask ing M not so stron?. ho.vever, nainel). that Jlllt Shanks mlKlit obtain a teach ing: position for his Bianddauuhtcr. The first two acts, to iiuole the l)rama League's bulletin again, "cunl.iiii little 'convincing drama, and really serie as an' expository prologue to tne genuine , -rilnn nf a tier oil forty years i.uei. i This method, howeier. affords Mr liar pymore an opportunit.i to make a not able1 character study of Milt Shanks. IP TOU are a mob psycholoBint and certain of the authenticity of your deductions, it might he worth your while to enlighten the producers, both or the so-tailed "legitimate" and motion pic ture as to just how the public will treat, tho war dramas In the remaining month's of the present seutoii anu me Immediate seasons to,eonie. In this par ticular. It will be interesting io wuicii what transpires in m" - -" Plieon Post," the melodramatic war ,ulai'. which won a remarkable success in ' ,t S.i ,l,ll tli war still was in prog- ' H re4 ntid which had Its "dress rehearsal" ' ,i.,Tt; n-.i while the peace celebration Eli -' .J".... ii, m us height. So tar Bionuaj ii.. '.- . , , ...,.. HV Pigeon Post" lias neen toiemuij it well received, but wmi peace sun ."-. "Sij-riMiin a week old tne test naruiy i-an v ' 'ojitterl adeuuate. ; i.V- - - f,.h.- chances ure that nil Hostilities verJa. great many pemons Justly sensi- VH . j m .. Ii.turnrutuil in to scenes m wi a.- "mm-vU ... arama. the back stage gunner and .hleh-exnlosWe trap man no longer iir1 - ... ..!... tiiu iiccilu urn e loam io icucw me i'v. .. . -ilv loved ones at the front On ,jr nanu, mc miw - i h AftTuemriornrY ai inaj siitialded along with the lu.stilltles r;4cfdSS'a- will have to stand on Us owi t.i';??r.7i ., Biihstantlally than ever be eeas, so tnai ncrcuiic i- UV11 "fafci? A, Great many years irom now. .v 'Pi' .Wi Wortd war Is no more than an "''Em "FOP10 Kill welcome the oppor . ,'- tSttWo look back through the medium " iFtbd drama upon tho agonies of the enirtSct Just closed. Por the !rent. It ffSe U. ay. the war drama will haye f S-Mssesa definite, positive merits to win A tyf way Jnto popular favor rQi TIIU heels i)f "Tho KolUes" wjr- ''rJ-wcrUd PhiladelphiaiiB are being ''trted to more capital entertainment & 4CP0 from serious thought through fl:Sw f "HUchy-Koo" and The SSalnB Show pr 1918." each of them Stot'th latest editions of the same ,7,1Utar musical shows of previous years. 'S tittle to marvel over . wrii &" i..,,,!! fni inauty. color i. ." i. hat 1....1 I.VW'HHiiirn & v 'v bwffl, (convta- cares wr w y "' & r5', lueir innel uui. - - .. ,iu fulne-s nilij las'll thev .iikii "I, i n. i, ,11 nf jiniili, iul let ti- nut l.ii -limine lliu ii.-irl iila.ml by ilu- -'iiilllll" eleinenl lt.l imitlll lll'ell, '. snized n iilien lie il.-i-i il..-rl nil- as "fin I) iimler tuenlj.' a I'tloll lihleli i, ,,h'.- ,,, Hie tin al shuns, allie i ii, it in tlif ilii"inonlii;;.. I''ianl,l,i. Hie ailiif-'e iUMllieel III scleeilll): the e! .-e.nn.- io Iniie lieen "the nuni;i ,inJ prettier tin i eiiine Hip belU'r." Itaymoml I iteheo, l -till f u nil -lies tin elilef "nusoll d'etli," of "I I lU'liy-Knii " Ills eomlral KM.-o!i.illti tn'i incali'.1- iiuisi eieri seene. so tli.il ,f one iveri lo at lemii' to .lei , mil He xcmliliiiii ' of i. plot lie . mill ! em, strained to liml i, in llitihy luni.-i-ii. Tin, same lilpi,i al.seiiep nf plol iifaili ehaflleieriz". "Th I'as.-lliK .-iliinv," iililell lllidpnialili is IjIkkit and i e t'e.spli,iilent tlia.i put I. ike i In- "Kollies." the .Winter ' C.itilen elraiaanza liav been follu'.v (ni; a lisinp ellrie ill lis ntllbitiiills loln-pu-itioti. Tliis .le.n's edition s a luiKlhy shmi.'fn iiineli Irene Fianklln and the lloiiards finnisli a lion's .-hue .f Hie fun. "M; , to riilla-l dclphia after us in., seasons' ran , in Veiv Vnrk. -icni" hi. -.-eil uith long-, -layiiiK .iiabtles uti-1 bids fair to n-, main tit the .Shul.il Tin aire fur soiiie time lo co'ii Tlie lieiiutjful score antl 'Hies of tins cystiini-, play have vion I for It many admit el's just aj- hae Hip sinclnk' of .Iii'iii I'll i. les Thiimas, tlie ' beauty of ln.loll.i Ihgelou and the, comedy of .li-lin T. Alurrai . Al the I.M'C. "l:yes of .lUlll" i. still In its I prune, nhile the iietiiig o' Alma Tell In the illilli'iilt part of illna Aslillng om '.inues to ImproiH as the rule beeomes nor. familiar. She assumed the role on en short notice uhen the play came, ,nl. I'nihidelplna Kobei i Hllllaid will n nuin only one nuuesiieeU at the Oai-j rick In bis lieu comedy, "A Prince Thele Was." FAMUl'S te they sing tenors cuuie high, whether grand opera or make thee appeaianep in in.ilion picture-. At t lea -I that is tin deduction when nn con-!der.s tin- approximate cost of pro-' ilucing "My t'ou-ln." in which Ktiiicn t'aius.i will make his bow tn pliotoplai' I liners at the Areulla next week. For, I'aru&o's services In this picture it to.-t the producing company J.'il.nnO. Thin! ,,, famous singer considered his pei-t soaal siafl iiidispeusllile for his weif.ire and another item ut $10. mm was placed to Ins credit Tor Hie expenses of hlH ' etary. his alet and others. The additional expenses of producing Caruso s first lilm amounted to Jtl'.niii'. brmgliig the grand total to close to Slou.ouii. Ii-lvlng still further into t!ai uso's affairs, It is interesting to know that be received l,00n for winging the aiia from "I'agllaecl" for phonographic reproduction. A huge phonograph has been installed at the Atcadbi and thli tecoid will be played during Caiuso's appearance in "My Cousin " AflltlJAT det tile uo.lll'ibl lUtion of music to the suc cess of the photoplay, and in tint connection it is pleasing to note that a spe. al fcstlal of grand opeia, music will be undertaken by the Stanley Oi chestra Thanksgiving week. The program will begin ivltli lllzet's "I'nrinen." on which Director Wayne and his musicians liaie been ivurking for some time. Till-; eighth auulvei Theatre marks an eisaiy or the Mxoii nother milestone in the history of that popular West Phila delphia playhouse. The pioneer vaude ville houi-e of that part of the city, the Xixnn has always strlien for the ad vancement of vaudeville and, with the exception of the enfoieed linrting peilod during the influenza epidemic, has been In the Held continuously duiinu all the yeais of its existence. This tliealie stands as a monument to Samuel r. Nixon, who died almost on the eie of the theatre's annheisai y celebration, In which he always was deeply- Interested. -Mr. Nixon's filneial will take place tu- norrow Till-; same piol the war play iiblcm which attache to i play ulsn holds good In tlie ; case of films which have the war as the! background. A good many producers ' had war films In Hie maklner when tlie ' war came to such a sudden end and i they are now busy recasting their sceuarlous to conform with the actiiaf J outcome of the world struggle. In the case of wur tlhns now showing which I deal with fanciful endings to the war It ! will be Interesting to observe Just what! will happe- On the other hand, with Ihe educalonal war films, such as the' Government a photoplay "America's An swer.'' which comes to the Palace next weefc, oo recasting will bb necessary he cause tt"" in wit purport lo -be other ' ' ' """ ri SJaSW i&.r,U,.,SJ3KxStf,!'SSfc.TW V, V &.X:iUeW,-b3;it OiSXUKl S 8 ETSEOiy ' '," ?riBa! i? iMiMM-imd las-ij H...V M.nki. ,. n,-! ? Wto lwaMM 1 B&Bcfi$& w.Sg8iL.k :,.H I "Wuii iii jimin. iul let n- nut mi- - "- ..,- f$iBSSSf"ai MWSW B KSVVSSsV - 'JMI S 1. n -limine ihu p.-m plain! hv ibis - mi . ''ZMm'vZ'aM&wa:rwzt:xxwM,mnfy, pM "i8ilB$wJ 1 - FSSI I ' Mimir-cl.iM.nl lU'iiH.nil' Hi',,,, MlSS FLORENCE O'PENI SHAWN . M, . Mma&M 1 ISlilN? ' &M1M I n . i... ' - " . . - sv w jwsiiwn. -v"vcHDiuMtfa,wxyK'w s vrhmww. ssM-nt 5 i i-r VAm-i.' vs3s'"' &&ims&&m2aL ;i'vtmgMm g .un" , 'oak.v 1- 3 aWMaWte'i ,:"lsaOTBg " THEATRE HILLS FOR ET 11 EEK Dciirlh of Neil- I'lay in So- C.tillrtl "Li'gilimnlf" li- nivcrsary nl .i.vim i tjfi.i i xn a r rr;. i ios .17.''--i:ioin I llair.iinore In tile pun i fill Aiiuiistii- Th a.s play. "The I'lipln liieafl." n llinu a stoli of riill IVa. i lays I in i.v. ksm. t. . ins ItlHiMi TV by Austin si ri lee- 1. in tlie nai Patrick in The with dominant snt-iiny mite tpplic is l I'lginll I'lisl." I'rfp.. ui'lttcn ii.lpfed by cai i IMioibe l-'oster ; the leitdlii(r rol. i ti ii play ' llinllt the it pigeons I ii,i Jerome I l(ii:Vi;l -Raymond Ilitciicel. the tills eiiition of "Ifltchy-K'oo." The or i- supported by other well-known fumnnk rs ami a c'lori f "forty nilller 111, my." fi';:.l JIHI SIC "The l-as-mg Show nf I'.iis. ' the twenty-fourth Winter ilarileii e ,u aiaganzii. llalogue and lines in llaiold Atteridge and music by S!gmund Itonr.icrg .mil Jean Sibw.iit. The Howiuds load a big . asl. t'lll'isr.in - ".May time." a costume play, with altractiie music. Cast headed hi John Charles Thomas. John T. Murray mid Dorothy Hlgelow. ISM! UK l Hubert Hllllaid In his new comedy "A Prince There Was." A liebt lilm of the Cinderella type. The mir is suppoited by Alice John and u cast nf umisial stiengtb. ADKl.l'Ill -"Cyes nf Vi.utb ' with Alma T.-ll in tin chb f rnle. V mys tlcaJ play ia which tne heroine peers int her future through tlie nndiuni of a ctyslal globe. KKITII'S Charley Grapew.M and Anna ciiHiice. in farce ; Paul Morton and Ni'iiint liliiKS. In inus c.il satlic: Bea trice llerfonl. In polite iiionoloitue ; ci.ra Morton, in a "solo songalogue" : Tarzan. novelty feature : Willie Wes ton, songs; (It'orge ami Paul Hlel: iiih". comedians ; Chinko and com pany, jugglers: Mystic Hanson Ti lo. tricks, comedy, songs and danc s- ill.ollh. -"Prt-ttv llaby." nniH'cnl . .ni cilv : ltile Illn .'arioleon..he named monkey : Wilson biother.-'. rijuitdlaus : t.e Main-. Hayes and cimipaii; . eoi'i rd and songs. Jury and lies', socks : Ihe liordoiis : liusli ami Scott C.'O.S'X l M'N Mils cii! coin (ll "l-'n-iln. ihe Thliteenth": i I'l-on and Johnson : ' Mem iiies," iiins'cal offer ing : Mabil Uanllno "ml coinpanv. in sketch : Nelson and Castle, blackface comedians; pour Hot tons, acrobats; photoplay ; llrst half o weuk. Mushal coi edy. "Blow Your Horn": Cnillv Smiley and eonipany. In slctch ; Par iiino. piano-acponllanlst ; Cahlield and Itose. comedians; liordon und I.e -Mar. songs; P.oss. Lcmiii aaml Sully, aero bats ; photoplay ; Ian half 'of week. ItllOAUWAY Cliaille ChtipUn in Ills latest lilm cuinedy, "Shoulder Aui-s": Tlipiln Ilaia in iinotoiilay. "The Cleinenceau Case", musical coinfily. "Blow Your Horn": .Marie Dorr, come dleitiie ; Van and Vjrrle Aveii. In sketch, l.a Tour n".l panlnee; lli-t half of' week. William Km num. In "Tlie HulnbW Trail"; "Memories." miisl'til I'ovilty net: Olson und John son, comedians: Knur Hoi'tnns. aeio bats ; the I'arrjs: last half or week. Wll.l.l. 1.1 l'E AV-t'harlle Ch.'i'ilm In "Shoulder Anns"! Hillan and Muleady liinnologue: Kdditw Heron -md eoni pany. in Mketcn : aj anu i,eua -nger, in skit: the (iarcanetti brothers, nov elty hat-throwing act; the Three Stars, songs and dances : llrst half of week. Mllo. Kuropean wonder: "Hello Toklo," musical comedy ; Qulnn and De Hex, songs and dancing; Powers and Oordon ; Constance Talmadge In photoplay, "Mra, LellhiKiveU'M IJoots." SIXON Anniversary we-:k. Paul Dickey's melodrama. ' The Lincoln H'Rhwayman" Stan. Stanley and Daisy In fklt. "A Dollar a. KIN'S' , De son ninl Clifton, equilibrists, Three Hob, Juggling comedians ,' Gladys Les lie In pholppioy. The Jistlnu." Tues doi night on' ll imnd Hitchcock , v" zir & wjmmmAd2?rir;.f?,$M v 4- ''wmmM' tZZZJZLZJZZZ nARQARET MOWER Zh EV PIC5EON POST-BROAD . i' ib n,' un. oi Ins Inimliable mono- loKUes . Ill'sl Pall' nf WeelC. It.llpll linnliar's innsieal ninell.l, l.'lein Uiothers, i-nindj anil song; Walteis mid Walters, leuti iloiiuisls ; Walton Sisters; liowers. Wallei's and CiocUer; Photoplay. I ni.nxiM. Italpli rmnliiirs musical novelty; Walteis ami Wallers, yen tiilo(iiisls ; Cole. UusscM and Daiis. in skit: Walton .sisieis; Schtvnnl Ilrolh eis. '.tblet.-. AVill'imi Desmond in pholoplay, "The Preiindei " ; llrst half d' week, p.u.l Dickey's melodrama. 'The Llninln Highwayman": Stan, Slant, y anil Daisy, comedy sketch ; Mot's and H'rey . negro entertainers; 1 ipgon and Clifton, in skit: Melody Trio; Hindis Leslie in photoplay. "The Mating:" I'llnrui'l.AYs SVAM.I.Y "The Itnail TllloUgh the Dark" will hive Clara Kimball Young as- its cliii f player. Miss Young ap pears as a Kreuch girl who Is- em ployed as a spy. Kalliryn Stuart made the scenario from a story by Maud l.'radford Warren and "Kdw.url Morti mer dlreot(;d It. I'AI.AI'K "Anicrlias Answer." the of flc'al HoiernuieiU win film which was made for the Committee on Public In fot million and was selected from thousands of feet of lilm. It Is an in teresting review of the work done by our soldiers in Prance. AUUAOIA ".My Cousin." In which I'Jn r' mi i us,, ni'ikis his bow to photo play lovers. The great singer plays a dual rule, one of which closely par allels his own life. He also plays the role of the ardent lover. VKJTOHIA "Tlie nominee of Tarzan" Is Ihe senile to "Tarzan of tlje AP"s " and follows the Hdgar P.'ce Hurroug'is' story. Hlriio Lincoln and lhild Mar key will continue with Hip same char acter rules they had In the first film. A number of animals have boon Inlio duced tluoughout the story. llKOHXT "I'nexpecied Places" brings Bert Lyiell for the first half of the week. It Is tlieVstory of a leporter who aids in capturing spies. "The, Uypsy Trail" is the screen version of I lie play wh'eh was shown in New York last season, llrjant Washburn has the chief role the last half of th week. LOCUST "He Comes In Smiling" "' show Douglas Fairbanks In the lilm version of his stage success or the .same name. This is one of his best letiVlPH. "i"1 " llas M cipab'e cast. XTItAXD "The -Law of the Nort'i" features' Charles Uay. Charles Chap lin In the character of a soldier Is the star of'Shoulder Arms" the llrst half of the week. William S. Hart In "Bonier Wlrele-s" Is the main feature the lust half of the week. AT I'M'VLAU MICKS ' WALXl'f "Hearts cf the Wo-ld." D AV Hiitllth's inastertiieee, featuring Dorothy ami Lillian (llsh. George Kawcett and llobert Hurioii. OHMKt'M "Heie Comes the ISrid'S '' a farc presented by Mae Desmond and her company of lesldent playeis. ' m:iU.l!SQVK c ISI V(J "Ullly Warsou and His Beef Trust." headed I' "e or'lthul It'll" Watson. Two. ' burlesriues ca''"!! , -iCramieiiievers Alley" and "The 1 Christening." llinCAUC HO- "The I'lraf s "wh" Sin Mlchals. HUH- Wallace. U, Seel(v. Henry and Llzzell. Kruncls Corno. II. Hunter and May 'erus. (I IYETV Sam WilllaniH' "Uli'iu Ktoin ! 'loylrnd." Hilly Gilbert Is the fea tured comedian, and his paidner la Sidney Kogers. , rUTri!U ATTItACTlUS-H LYlilC'Oh. I-ady 1-ady!" by Uui Bolton and P. H. Wqdebouse. with score by Jerome" Kvrns, comes Thanks glvlne week. rO,WJOtls Skinner will reappear in "The Honor of. the Kamlly." begin ning ThaiikiBlvlii6'WeelJ.. nAilIHOK Dramattiallou "or lloolh TaUington's Penrod," by JCdwaril ft i oiifim 'I'lianKssivi'iu urn- MMiWAyAtfAaywrsAuwM LIONEL BARRYMORE. "THE COPPERHEAD-LYRIC. blc Screen Rll "PALS FIRST" COMING HERE I I The recent announcement thai Knrieo (lui'iilll l.urlovuoil Film tu Alllirarl (-aruso is to npiuar In at least two , ,i tSi.iiilnv motion pictures during the current .ii int. auiiiuv - iu,ason caused no end of comment In The principal attraction al the Stan- operatic and motion picture circles. Is Icy Theatre, beginning November "5. , Signor Caruso sereenable? many persons will he "Harold Lockwood. In "Pals have asked. From the standpoint of I'iisi." w hieh wan seen on Broadway as a sli.se play this season with Thomas Wise and William Courtney In the lead ing Miles This Is the second story by Francs IViry Klllolt to be used Us a play for Lockwood. the llrst being ",ove Mn for .Myself Alone," which was ii' based under Ihe title "The Square Deceiver." Itiib de P.emer will play lb" lead ing feminine role. Though hell-" career (iners a peilod of only two years. Miss de Reiner has achieved considerable suc cess both on the stage and screen. James l.ackaye will act the role of the pal. He has Ufcen on stage and screen for ttility years "Pais First" is u romantic drama, ip Mihlng around, the adventures of two wayfaring pals, Danny Itowland and Dominic, graduates of Yale. Harvard, Sing Sing and San Queulln. UPHOLDS TWO-A-DAY STAGE Beatrice llerfonl Finds Vaude ville Audiences Same as Others ' Beat i Ice llerfonl, who again comes to I. K. Keith's Theatre next week, has i wind to say about vaudeville audl- nces It will be recnlled that Bhe lelt be lyceuni Held to present her character dories in the two-a-day. "I don't see any basis for the way some people talk abbut vaudeville audi ences." says Mls Hetford. "I have heard hem speak of patrons of the varieties is though they moved in a different .orld. Thev asked mc how I Is those people like my act and If 1 am dls tusted at appearing between an animal cl and a gymnastic performance. "My experience on the vaudeville stage ghes me the highest respect for -he Intelligence of the average vaude .llle audience. They catch the point Just as quickly as any other and one ned not ilts'cend to slap-stick comedy o reach them. DIDN'T SHOW PROPER RESPECT Conceited oung precitiled by Officer Not Ajf His Fellows (ieorgc Fawceti, who plays the role of the village en pouter in "Hearts of the World." now showing at the Walnut Stieet Theatre, tells of an amusing Inci dent which occurred In a Loudon hotel after his return from Prance where the Griffith film was made, "A self-suniclent young officer." snys Kawcett, "was In the lobby. lie had adorned himself as inuch lis Was possible without breaking jfie regulations. ciU course be was an under' lieutenant. He had medals, he wore several lings and his wrist watch was as bright and shiny as It could possibly be. Approach 'nit a giuup of otlicers he asked one of them: 'Do I look all right?' 'Weil, b.t me see,' one of tlie olltcers responded as he nif.de a careful suivey of tjie lieu tenant. 'By Ueoige, old lear. you've iiirgotten your eairlnss.' ' SCENES CflANGE IN TWINKLING Effect in "Eyes of Youth" Ob tained by False Stage Some swift changes of scenery add to be novelty of "Kyes of Youth." In which Alma Tell Is play ng at the Adelphl. When the curtain rises the Interior of 'he home of (Jlna Ashling Is revealed, hut later In less than a minute th's' Is re p'aced by the Interior of a schoolroom TwIcp nga'n tho scene changes in a twinkling to the Interior of a dressing room und to a reetriurant. To accomplish these changes a new stage was built Just eight Inches 'higher han the theatre stage. It Is In two pans and rests on idlers. While Olna Billing's home is ort, view Hm school room scerte Is' set. half on each aide of lie portable Mage, At the proper time the Ashling home setting Is pushed "up stage, an' the two halves of the school room are pushed together: This-can b done In the. time It take to tower, and o tower ,antl "p i.e- .i. ( vmiii rff-oo.- heleis CA.RRirscrrors tn. THE PASSING SHOW cy 191 ' C5RERA HOUSE . 5e?ow- BEATRICE WERFORD KEITHS . - - U... ,i FILM TO TEST HIS ABILITY Great Singer Said to Acquit TIiirilf Arlmii-ilik in Dnn lllinstlt AOnilldUIJ 111 IJOU- cinema art. can he logically and success fully sustain a 'screen characterization? In his flrsi. photoplay, "My Cousin," which will he the feature for one week beginning Monday at the Arcadia Thea tre, botn questions will be nnswered It Is said that Caiuso acquits lilmself admirably In "My Cousin," in which he plays dual roles. In one ole Caruso Is the prototype of his real self, n great singer. Idolized by the y)ubllc, successful, wealthy. In the other he Is a poor artist, down hearted and humble, a cousin of the i famous tenor, and an ardent lover of pretty Itosa Ventura. ACTOR WITHOUT AN AUDIENCE j Albert Phillips Admits First Ap--pearancc Was a Frost ! The man who attemnts In strimule ! Lionel Barrymore in the llrst act of. "The Copperhead" at the Lyric Theatri! Is Al beit Phillips, who takes the part of Captain Hardy. Phillips began acting when sixteen -years old. With, another boy he drove forty miles to a town where Phillips was billed as the boy elocu tlon.st. For five dollars down tho lamps were lighted In a hall over tho village grocery store, and all was ieady at 8 o'clock. But nobody came. Not discouraged, Phillips persevered and finally landed In stock. Ho played In many cities and eventually had his own stock company In Toronto and ChU cato. ajid nutnagcil his own road com pany w:ti himself featured in "The Ureal Divide," "Billy" and " .ool There Was." NEW TARZAfl ADVENTURES, i Thrilling Jungle Scenes Enliven I Tlio Itomniicn rS Tur,,!,." t "The Xtomance of Tarzan," tljo film version of the concluding chapters of "Turznn of the Alips" Is livf:.i il,,. ,,, exciting presentation of the adventures I ot tne amazing ape-man yet given on the screen. This new production, which be gins a two weeks' engagement .Monday at Ihe Victoria Theatre, was drama tized from Kdgar Hlce Burroughs's un usual story by Bess Meredyth and di rected by Wilfred Lucas. ' Beginning with the meeting of Tarzan und Jane Porter, his predestlneu mate in the heart of the African iiim-le whither the beautiful American girl has accompanied her father In pursuit of his scientific studies, the lilm takes Its viewers on u thrilling Journey througn the land of make-believe. MURRAY LEFT STAGE TO FIGHT 'May-time' Comedian Fought Vi ith British in Boer War John T. Murray, whose comedy en livens "Maytlme" at tne Shubert The itre, fonght with the British nrmv at Mafeking durlhg the Soutlf African war, and when the world war began offeied his services lo Ureal Britain. Injuries he lecelved during tlie Boer conflict, however, nindo lilm unlit for active duty tn the struggle Just closed, Murray was born In Australld. but began hlH stage career In Kngland and Ireland. Ho came to'.Vmerlca In 1906 and first played one-night stands through Canada In musical comedy. Then he wept to Xew York where he appeared In several Winter Jarden spectacles. "HITCW' TO VISIT X0N , ' Comedian to Enliven Anniversary Bill Tuesday Night Next week marks the eighth anni versary of the Nixon Theatre and as an added attraction Tuesday night, Ilay inond Hitchcock will ntertaln the audi ence with, one othls monologues. Jt Is quite appropriate that Hitchcock, who Is u Philadelphia!! by adoption and who first appeared In this city an an aitia. ' teur. tbcn.M pi'oflonal'.nd.ftt)' I lJ,s " ynTWnamrnouirtiTOie;,l as hit wirwAnar,'lwul4jrtlteti;, MORTON&GLASS PAUL Presenting a Ucliclitful' Satire, "M8-19.-.0" Tnn Miimo Dull) Mullnir.., V, M., ptw Iuion n Wrek In A.li-ini-i . NEXT 'WEEK-r-UKAM) TIIANKS(IVIN(i I'STIVAL: j'lTwi 3loTini!W7i'T?i I r t-1ms!L FORREST MATINKK 1IIIIAV TONIIillT AT 8:1S LAST WEEK BUT ONE ;,! xs!,j5,. , i:tr TlATINKK tiimsiiivino day m.i.s roit TiiA.viis(iiviN'i hi:i:k on sai.k moma NKXT i;i:k jiuiiiiiiiiiiiiii ol!uiiiiiiiiiiMni:.iiiiiiii;inii!iiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliL AMERICA'S i GREATEST LAUGHING SHOW FUNNIER THAN EVEK NATIIINA1. NKCKSHI1I RAYMOND HITCHCOCK h.snew HITCHY KOO 1918 slneeil by NBI) WAYlll'HN l.lni's mill lorle. Iu dim )liirDonaiiBli Mim'e li.v liny nciiicl lluliliell ,...,. ".f.rr'",,',lo,' l Hllrolil (Irloli cmytrs n' ioktv r.Mii.it tivk.ntv STREET SAMUEL P. NIXON MATINKK TIIIIAV XI'.XT WVA.V. T.AST WF.F.TC '--' ' POPULAR WEDNESDAY MAT., BEST SEATS ?l.o0 F. ZIEGFELD, JR. prksknts 1IIK KKKi.MN'C HI'CI'KSS IS' I.ONIION MIV AN" I.TI;KNATI0NAI, TRIl'MI'll A rtuy of the Moment by Austin rase. rniiKiii: l'osTiit MAIttiAKKT .M(llVi:t: JOHN SAIM'OI.IK III WVIFHMAN ST. ( I.AIR 1IWI u;i.i SCKMaiY IIY .lOSKI'll IIRIIAN 1 Itv I'tgcon Pusl l.ab imbspiI Its 3."0tNi Performance at the Ciinick Theatre, London. Tun additional eninii.inloH are novy playing It In the I'rollncea. .TWO WEEKS, BEGINNING MONDAY, NOV. 25 MiATS FOR TIIANKSdIVINO IVKKK ON SAI.K .MONDAY i:XTRA MATINKK TIIANKMilVINO DAY CIIARI.K1 l-KOIIMAN Presents OTIS SKINNER . IN HIS (IKIIVTEKT COMKDV SCCCE? "THE HONOR OF THE FAMILY" GARRICK MATIMII'. TODAY "For those who bPlleve Hint the world loirtino mmrivie aim suniiiiiiie in (iiuunoou ment tn the whimsically merry comedy. BIJ..B77.V. We nrn duly grateful to Mr. Milliard NKXT IVKKK LAST NEXT A1TRACTI0N BflH; S;. -."i, i"k i':i t"id ML- NMv'i ? ATS 11)11 TIIANKSOIVlNIi WKKH ON HALH MllVnil ICVTRA MATINKU TIIAMJWilVIN'H IIW ' ' KIAIV and l;lll,AN(li:it nn.l UIHIKUII U. TVI.KK BOOTH- TARKINGTON'S PENROD" mnnrhl I a ITT INTO I'LAV I'Oim tub most ii:i.ii:nriiii. l.OI' HK.NJJFjTH, Till', llll(HI.:H'lv. to mr.u. u, WIVPV.Vini.MCOPI. oivu,, -.,, ,,,j, ,,,.,,, ,,,A..i,-.iiuiu.i,?r iiiusa, j METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE Saturday Evening, 815, Dec, 21st 1,.HT PHH.A.j flKClTAL TIIIH HUASON MISCHA E:LMAN (...!. j: -. .&. Inju. .... ...I I.. . u IMpi ,'P"' 'fW "y" V' "X' " "'' NAOMI 'Mr unit iSOc, N'lsllll lull. MIIhtI .til'Wl R I'. M. Ki".'l.'ii". J.-.f In SI. MO H-iic 1 1. "ill JiT-ibTS IMiW ndilYHilii t SAMUEL V. NIXON ""J; Dlrrrlur TliCl.MAM M I.OIS Huhifs Maimser SECOND FAMOUS MUSICAL REVUE BIGGER THAN EVER Manncinu IHreelnr IIICAIKUVKANK MKIH.IMIKR. IliikiiiPm Manacrr TONKillT AT 8:15 " MIIII7N AT 8:IS IIATINKKS Wi:i.NKSI)AV Wi:i.KSI)AV AMI SAll'lilllY AT 'ill J With the Follow hie Notable Cast: .IKItO.MK PATRICK VINCKNT SERRANO IIAItRISIIN IHNTF.lt ;nis PRANK KnMIII.K CIIUI'F.U SAMUEL F. NIXON &$&?? SAM'I, NIXON-NIItnLlNOEn, Uui. Mgr. TONIOHT AT 8lli Is n world or trouble and for those who laniamcs mere Is a ilcllslittul entTlain- 'A Prince There "Was, hyhxixo .for this play." IXQUIItEl! MERRY WEEK MCIITS AT 8:13. MATINKKS WKUNKSDAY AND SATURDW AT 3I5 Popular $1 Mat: Wed. ROBERT HILLIARI) in a New (or.ieuy . A PRINCE THERE WAS My Robert -Billiard anil Frank Ii cstirion, from Darragh Aldrlcli'n ,ovel, "Kncbunted Hearts." Supported by a Company oi new York flayers MONDAY. NOV. iv PDIYARD i:. cniimiv or ti i i rosi: . wi;son I'.llllAI, AVI, lUtiuicir ,,ui,.,u.. Kl.. Sl.llli. ..i.i- . -1... ...'r-i?j !U WALNUT HT. MCTIIOl'OMTAN OI'KKA IIOl'Hi: jii;tiiimiii,itx oi'Kif 'ojipanv. N. v. Opening Night, Tues. N?y. at 8 PlItST ' ',??' Marnnf V.1"0";. AWa' ward ,.!!',. iVrOUl .Mm. Do l.uen, llothtcrl T ni-.lil-: "pfiirola. Helm, ("onduelor. Mr. ilo.i'rurtw viinniprnv, uaaa. Stat I lossehestnut b Wal. Hl riaei f tUnEJIY-Sjts ,at Hnppe;f, lflp Chettiiut jfnuaaeifiRia I -lonigm at ;1S '- frViU!i Polol Wl-trt. . 111 ii V. v il i M ' ft 'A V itlrn Is ..1 u " r ti J " v" i!,JV- v. tli'r JiO "ft ,?A. iasJj:jii feI.'..'-,,.!-.Aaiafei.-JiSk.x..-.