Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 14, 1918, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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XOVEMBEU 14, 1918
Is " 'I .' '
i. ' ij -.V . . . -
hi1 Jrt
i .
Bomb Hits Dugout Where
Philadelphia Box Sits
24 KKOM. HKRK l)Kl'
Eleven Killed in Action. I'lifilit
Die of Wounds and Si
of Disease
rritHfttiKe i'iiiiiiii'hI Alovaliw "r K inc.
of this illy. 's wrlliiii; to his inutlicv
In a duR-uut on the lS'cncli fionl n
rut, shoil by a I ionium h'inil, m Hi
Ixlli vvoiffwns eomple'.cil
"Dear Mother. .Ivst a feu- 'ncs "
had been inseillieil on 111" nll pol
MI(1 yhen a bomb lilt (1m ifi'imral'i
phcyulder. A (rtitsment of the missile en-
I Zi- ta IUh 'eft 'uiiR. lie Hied a li".
rJ" nr.nulex Intel.
Corporal King s tnudicr, Ju Miirmuet
King, resides al 1319 Kindt Flfty-tlrst
'Htfepr She i-eieive.l tit" tiaffienlly ln
tenuptcil nifas'Ke and a l.liotoRiapli or
her liero pom In a lettet fioin Persr.viit
TI C. Olbbx of (lie Illtli Infantrj.. ti,
vvhl?i Coiporal Klrtf w:i nttiteVd. The
latter had only teeent'y been nroiiwlrtl.
There, arc 1041 name", tvi n." eom
hlneil casualty ltnts toda-v . I eluilltii;
rilnetv-ftve Tennsjlvaiilai . Tin- t.,'al
for Tllilladelpl'..'i and vljiiuiy N H.enty
flve, elct-en li.i .r-R been IsilVil In a. il i:i,
eight liiivitiK 'bed of wouiiilB.anil six of
dlseaae. Two hnve " been fevfiely
Hounded and ev. nteen leii hi i-tmi-dy
InjureS. An oitloir ai'd th.'ee ci.lihl. .1
men have been Bussed and u. ei.lv sol
diers aie r.iis.ilntf.
.'oiuwul KlnK a l.lllid u-tnli. i '.
one day belove a visiter In Hits ty
d efl i f lieart troubbi. .Vimt'tu Kiite.'
who bad bull studyins la a eur.v.nt,
returned borne III. and the father. -Vlii-yulua
Kir.K. Is Keiloiilj 111 ss idi pneu
monia. The i'o'pni.iI HUllsted Hay J I. I'.MT,
u the old Sixth ltechnent. X. !. J .
when h was nineteen years old. At
I r.p Hanrucl; he 'vas liiiiiHfened to
t..e 11 1. r Tnl'nntr.v -nid saitid for Ki icj
I.Io ". of this year..
Tie hree ous of M-. and Mi.".
Thomas .1. Sini'i' ill 4 9 Bvaililucls stre. t.
are ii I ie se'"'e o'f their ruuimy. "lie
hi been hilled and another Iwle
T'rlvate Minder Stnylli. serv'.tm
with She M-.f.dian fori'", was hilled
In ac'lou last f-Vpiembev 2.".
Meutenant Hdwa-d Sr"-t'i. who served
wllh the national gtiaxl on the Jlexlean
hoi (lor. was gassed .a action hi France'
on August 3, and on October 1." he wan
wounded In th! lsnee. Tie lecehed his
I'Oininlsn a1 ''.fiup Hancock,,
Tim third brother. Thomas .folia
Stny'h Jr.. ' a chief petts ottlc"r In the
naval resenes.
rritutr Frank A. Jolinson. who died
of wounds. accoiilltiB to the days of
ficial casualty llat.i had Just been pie
inotetl to be special
iii'-:i"naer or "run- .
Promotion liroiight net" for th" cmi-
. , ,. , inandcr of h'.s unit.
Quick Death to 1,'onipaiiy K. thu
ThhrhihuSoldicr lX!n?"&
' had been promised
that lie would soon be made a couuial
when re was fata 11 .wounded. He wan
carrying an important note fipm the
front to ooiiio. uy headiiuarteiH, when a
shell burst rlRln beplde hlni. He difd a
few days late" tu a Held hospital. In
his last latter home. MHiir ol his pro
motion, he fnld tlu.t he "did not hnow
much aboui his now jjb." bill "hoped
It would bo a pood one " AmoiiK the
doughboys th- "meHsengei" are ranked
with the avla'orn as members of the
"suicide club," as the odds nre analn.-l
a "runner" surviving: more than two or
three weeks. Private Johnson was thir
ty years old and lived at 6f0 8 Pafchall
Vrliate Meilerlek I'ii.z, killed ill ae
tlon, lived with his mother at 8.1!) Xotth
Lawrence htteet. where lie conducted a
confectionary btorc. He entered the
service on Hay 2i. 1918. went to O.unp
Moade and sailed In July as a member
of Company D, :: I C t r ntmr. Ill'
mother has receled a ieltiy ftom her
son, dated Septemhet 19. In which he
says ll.at bo liked arnn life and a
enjoying himself lminenscb.
Prlvute Mleliurl J. (irud., Jr., Com
pany M, Klfty-seventh Pioneeis, whose
name appears In to'iaj's olliclal casual
ty list, died In France on October 1G of
bronchial pneumonia, lie vas tMfiily-
jlx years old and umnaiied. I'livatc
Urady went tt Camp M'.iUsworth. S ('..
last July anu tau been in I-ranee s'nee
last June. Ht. nai a cloth caminer at
Wanamakcra noforo hecomlng a soldier
uorted wo.tnded In today .1 caHUaltv lis;.
han been bad- wllh hl.s company for a
month, ncconline to a letter received by
hla pai'cntB. who livo at 6blC (ireenway
avenue, lie was) 11 ihcmbcr of the nui-
chlnc-zun bttulluii of the lUBth Infan-
try. having enlisted In. dm old Mrsl lteE-
iment, X. U. I'.; In 1U, served through
tho Mexican bolder campa Bn and con-
tlnued in, the service from that time 011.
tiiu 1111-1 imi.su '!"..,,. '" " "' .-..i-
infill did not reach hla homo mil. I Ihree
days aso. but thcrj have b-ieii fiviiuen:
lOllers iroin 1110 jouhk Soulier, mo nisa
mentlonlns dial be expected to net back
and made his noii.owvii nia tallicr, M. uv .sh.aimcl she I. Dreweii enl'sitiii i, iH u.tfi-,-in of the Spnnl.sii-Amen-J.
Grady br. 11. ..l..l fio'n street. No (Il0 luJ. (()ns:lep.s d. dared war on Oer- ,.ul wr, and served three caiv in the
letters have b-eui received from him anj an,i Boon gained promotion to the ChiilpniniH. In Aiik-ust. ltd'.. In- re
hlnce ho taileii. ranU of corporal. After his rcshnenl niKi,eo h position with the Midvalc
I'rltale Civile v. Herd, olliclal v re-1 .e... m.n.i r.Vrmr... hnup." li ss-.-is foon.l .w...... ... ........a tt,., r,m.-h
vii.-i. lberi iirouiiHniirtli mlssimr '1" yenlerdny'H otlic'al casualty list, wan
(?MB',rS;,l?.t.r,.'. ,";V.7""T.t',."..,"JJ.i",V.f' I u menhir of the Kifts'-fourth rionecru
Srfv;.,.ls- eel U.L'.Vl I rnl llh-V. Ill .." . "" fnl IllCrl." llVC.l With his Wife Ulld
t Saue o To 'vr'vi V . c '"''" "" '"' u I'lfty-evcntli
SS?wiiB,,ThUBl. a cfcrlcm ".nor' 'ft ! V I"1..'.'1- JV""!?" V"," Tt.ilo 4"
motel of 1'rlvatc Brownaiiorth was I ?;' '' '.' ';' u .ttiL ' .eporlcrt
punted nftcr the name of I'rliale Itoh- i ' ,'1;"1 1.." V ' A. ',','n.a, .,'Jom?'1
bins, while tho ncs-uunt of what hap. u" 1 eh I ,, 11 "s , mm m" and lecovir
pened to Pnvato Uobblns was wiahed , '"' ,", ''' ' ., ))'" i'ft'J '": ' ,"0w
Oil Private Ttrownsworth. ijerj-iy, aecordlne to a letter received
Corporal IIIIhh d.isfrorf, wounded, is from him u f,, ,l!(VB llK. He formerly
a member of l.oinpaiiy A, .II6II1 luran- boarded at 1IH27 I'owelton avenue iind
try. He Is twcnly-t'oiir years oh, irr.il I aV(, ,,,. IlH ha rm,.rBPm.y address. 'No
IB a ncphovvjof Dr. and Jlrs. ..hllus 1). , . ,.d ha!i hCfn ,.,.L.(.ved from the War
Love, of 31a Pino strict nvtrrotT iviw ' Dcparlniciit. however, as lo liow or vvlien
formerly employed by a chemical con- . l)0 .aM ,ii,.co, while he did not touch on
ccrn In New grlj city. In the list ' am-dcfilis In his btter. evidently bellev
loiter received by. bis relatives iie .said n ', ,, hH rrlendn had ulic.ndy received
that ho m'uk RCttliiB 11 lonif well and ex- ,,,, inrormsil Ion
peeled to return to the llrlnir lino lu irlt Simmrl Kolb. Hounded. In tin
a few days. Rl, r Mr. and Mrs. William Kolb, 4M
Corporal Vivlmi IJrenett, vvoimded 'runlier Htroot. lie enlisted at the njfr oT
Soplcmbrr 9, ivs BervlnK na a cook, oh. scvf.mr., mi a member of Coinpany
vloualy vciy much iigalnsl hlh will, when .. , ,llB .,... f,iinoua lOillh lii'rniilry
he heard that a 'raid
Cmth "Ihiclts" Job bad been planned
"'"" ' ' against dio Uoimiin
Gels lo Ihe I font; irenrhcH on 1 h u
ei 11 . ... 11:... morniHK 01 .-icpiciii-
5icH Uels Illlll nel. 9- Su hl.
"duckeu ' his Job.
flipped into the ranks, went Joyously
aon Jn the raid and wax finally dropped
Liberty Loan
Due November J5th
Don't spend it put
it into Thrift Stamps
War Savings $tamps
Coupon accepted
anywhere that
Stnmps ore told
imrrcn lun
a- iv:
'.'. . t . . 1t,...ii....i.ti..j,,..vV,A)i.j,,
Honor Roll for City
and Us Vicinity Today
. i;ii.i.i:ii in xcTin.s
i.iki ti:naxt i:. iinmi' v.x iH'tKX.
1.11 . Morris ,t. (Pivii.umi' ll"tle.l
KIMIIItNT 4MI1H . Kllt.l.r, im Kit-
NKK(IK.XT .lAMKs lll'l'l K. Mii K.
";.lln.n -i,iiii ( ,, i. , s I.
t'orl'il. l
VVIIlll.SV 1)1 l'(. ITU" H.,iui II. 1
.V.MYV'.'.1''"1" llinuon -i
oitlll.l.i; s. CVMJUMI., tmil Vurih
i..t-,;r.,ii:-,"n,h t.
iHi5i,,'V'1'.;MAKT,M. I""1 fuatli f.ntli si
lIAItlll Ilium, i f f, ui I'.iimiil.iu
I'KICItKICll K .1Z. sn'i N..HII I.I.W-
renr f
".M'o'i". SV1II. 'J.H!l lllh.M...k
OMIR(,K . ci,ok. ...n: v.. i.- .i
IMKII Ol' UllI'Mlo '
I'K'lhll .1. rilNW v. Hn; l..,-i II.I.I.KI
..s . tt.M'orre. t ti1.lrH
ril(lls C. IIKKII. 'J120 We.,.1
it- "i.
JUIIIS .1. II.KY, 4:io Piirrlfh tre
. t' 'MoiisH reni.rteil nilsHlm.'.!
1111,1.1AM rAIUIIM.l;. lSIM Suuill Mule
,!'!''' 'I'revloijsl. ..t.t.r'e.l nilslnt.'
inci;n( si'oro. as.-.j xoriii i-'uirinu
.-...''.! U'revlolisH repurteil'inlKrlliK. I
,.'.t.'.K UIIXXIIX.lHiiis !'.,, 'h'.I iv
UIIIH'lt t'.Jt H.T. II.:W Solilh
. -.-.,11 -nr.st st.
-KlNKril T. I.llXt,. Iiiiii M ,n -I H..IM
i'iei!.,.iilv retni:(.-l rush,I. i
iiii.o oi- imsi:i
I'A-IM l.l; I'M S(IM.. LMI" .'-i tun
V,'.'.'.I.,V'' ' '"'l. .':::- i s.
iiAiiifisoN i.i:i:it, niiw i.rtii rio'ip
ii:()U(ll; II. I.IK KIIAIU. r.iilv N s.i.'u
..'.'.. i"n.'n:elnll ..'n.:...i
-IOIIN .1. IIMIIXIiTON, Isil N i .mwa
c (rnulT'.liili: ien.irtM.i.1
IIIAM'I" I llll.Wls. 1,14 ,.,n, .1.
i.itiil: I' u:mi- i'. mi I iioi.-
MMl, STll Moss si i
l;illAl!l I'. I'AI'ION. mi.. ' "-
''"" " -mr
Mill SDKI) (lll:iilti:K I Mil, 11.11-
c i.riiK v. itr.Ki). tiiiiii o.'-.i.N hv.
rr'Vl.,u i-Mporteil unelflc Ull.. . h..
i-i .'.nereil imhI r. Jnlne.l hl rei-liii' tit.
i.i iiiKii-: KKirn. mirv'iii.oi st.
Wll.l.lAAl ,i.Mi;s lAllSd. '.'i:i:i Ti.sL.r
H 11,11AM 1. IIKIV. L'T.lil Wes l,e
hlchxv, miTle1nl'. .lu.i led inlsKhui. 1
si:ui:i;t mi'.xkkd. ?im smith si-.t:. -
H-venti. s'. (I'nnfridilh r-in.rte.1. i
mi:i'Iikx .i, itrttKi:. nws vnrth m 0.1.1
st. (i-niii'l h'lv r wr.rt'-.l 1
(IKOIHiF, .llui WII.I.IAMX "fjs rliHIl-
.'llnr el (I'lmrrielnlly itluirleil.l
Wll.l.IAM !',. SI'Alll:. ".nt Huruer s
(Ctinm''l.ill reiMirieil.)
I'lt.VSK II. M'tlAI'ITU''.. I'll X.irtll
11.11 1. st. irmifTi. l.iih i...nf.si.
IIOItACi; K UKI.I.KV II :" 1'mi.Ur.el
si (I'nonlelnlly l.'i.rl.il -,
JOHN 1!. STKOr'KIIKHMIi;. ArelliTnl"
litrliee Torrrsd.. '" I'liutr.. I.I IU I "-
1J..M...1 1
t'l.VV S. 11(11. UK'S. J.V.M N.i 1 hls.eenll.
IIUI,h I'. Iii:il()l:. Jl'' Nrtl.
1'i.nni. st
' VMll NKCll sl.ll.ll.HA
roiii'OKAl. i:i.ia i-'Ai:itni'i'. :is
Ilr h!
(IIIK 1VYNAN (.. llllKUI-n. :.:I3'
I'oii'p.r yt. ,
KHIIKKT lli:l,KV. :i:wn 1 'iruli st
CIIAKI.HS K, IIKI-MACK. "" l'.ielt"n
i.Ml''KI, KOI.II. 4IJ Trfl. r l
V. -I. M.I-IMMKII. 2215 SepH .ii'r. f I.
(lTiMuuidy reported Ulllwl 111 lutl.tn.)
I'.M'TAI.N THIIMAX IIAII.KV. .v.'3.1 l.n
vt U'lioffk-laKy reportpc.)
JOHN III It.NSlEIN. 4"ilS l,..n. li.iU-1- .
UurrielHlly reported.) , ,
KIlWARIt KKKII. i:.is x Twelfth it.
il'tierr.clnllv report!.) , .
(IKOIKir; WINUkl tt. is'-'l s I If'-1' "r-
(I'portlelnlly tepi.rted )
(tllll'OHAI, .llli;i'll A. IIMlhll. l-2:i
iliriird ave.
lVAIri:it I. 1IIKOKJIANN 2:iHI Xuitii
N'lliete.ntll s'.
.MAKTIX tllMLIIAIt.. .1!I2.". Sullerd s..
.N'l()M()VllHII). Ill Mmir.i.- st.
COST1XO t'AXrll.l.FKA. Il'ls V.a-
luslnir .ie.
I'KAXIi I. IIASSI.KR, 421."i Uldpr uve.
I l',ONVtI .1. IIAII.V. can llawl uve.
in-.x.iA.ix n. Dui,.x. 2:i xoith
Kinhtoenth st. .
CIIAKI.KS .1. IMH'dllKM V, Sillii Wul
lie., st.
I'ltKIl OOl.nilKltli. Kill I'l.hltnliU inf.
Wll.l.IAM lli:Tlli:UlX(iT()V. 2.-il Nerlli
Hope st.
AllHAIIAM KAT. .Vl.'ll W11I11UI
IIKMIY KI.KIX. i:i:iT llou-unl St.
liKIIIKil''. II. KKI.MKI.. t.ll V"s U.ii-
thln st.
.IAMKS .1. AleKKON. i::'.!1- I'nw 'wll .hb.
phln l-t. (Nil house nddrrrs given
I'KKl) .1. SACIIN. 12114 Hitril'im l,
IVAl.TIIlt lVIXI.X. 711 llasl Wlsler t.
AI.IIKKT J. WIXKI.i:, .1 lVrklmi-n si.
XKAItllV I'lllM'i .
COKIMIitAl. ltlllll'.KT V. lllllY.U. W
I'liesl.-r. iiiii.-.i 111 ucinni.1
(Oltl'OUAl. IIAKKY M, llllim . I.sl.-
e:lhtT. (Wnuntleil.)
COIirOltAI. JAMK l()xT. Chrs'er.
(ICII.ed In n'tluli.l
(ArLldilltalU l.illeil.)
(OIM'OKAI. 1VI1.I.IAM I.KAItl. l'l:s-
r.M-. (Woiiiidl slichlh )
I'ltlVATi: lVAKHKX (.RIIKX. Ihfloll
HHi.:hls. (Woun.leil sIlBhlly I ,
rttlVAl'l". OI'Y M. MVK.KUT. Uiiibi-
t. r Pa. li)Il of illspise. 1
I'KIY TI( I.UIll) i;i. Ml Kli, Luii.vis". ..
K. (.Mis inw.
1 n,.,. n irf,,wi ..mil: ssmh nee.le.l. (01-noi-al
rji-fewctt bud some knowledKe of how In n, VVllH cominli-sloneil a first lieutenant
handle a camp over here and wan Hli asslKiud to the 325th at Camp
j n-eHrd, Into tiuvice. L'nfortunatcly for (jurdnn
I ,,iHelf. lie made good and was kept at I i-rlvnle Arthur Ciiiitiiiuriitlii. reported
t1(, IOMltluii until he tould stand It inilktncd is aeluallv alive, aecordlnir to a
' ioniser. iminaBed to "ease" hlmaelf into icu, r" from a m'emher of his company,
1 (bo bis snine. as be pin it, and secured 11 1 ttm, Htatcs that he met fammarutln In a
free U'H to "UtlRhtv." The youmt sol- ' hospltiil where Ilia ouiiK .soldier was
llioI. , isventy-Oiroe years old. was em- taken aftCr behiK shot In both Icr- by
pioyeil ny tne rent syiiiinia uaiiroaii nun
iv. Ml Willi It H widowed moiiicr. .virs
im-i-,.t urewett
230 I'opkir sticel
Prior lo his enllslmenl he was en-
ployed at KddyHlone. A brother. Ser-
s-'canl Xnthan IColb. la In Krance with
th tdulh Infantry.
rrivaie iiHrrison i.rirr, is.. ,.... -.,u it
r r -
. ..
at .,
I ITIiHle williiuii 11. rrniiiiiuer, win-
i sv-.u 1-p.usi lorl ... I11.V.. .lle.l of n.lelimollllt
. During
"I and After
; The Old Reliable
Round Package
"Oil"" ii" wl ""
1-Z -Jw. M ""ili
WCOorfa niitiun dWB
IIWJfw-.Wl.t.. n I
I t4,?'c"'. WI5. ft , ,rt
"""1 Kn.imr
CUDf vnepo
Wou noted
V, j(jiAde3
L IS: I UK& ly 1 fiwAa LMsSL I .diHlml H Mm
I - ... . . ..
t siS.- .
US cat. of 2H.I Nol'li I'llll.o -el.
ll'.l '.,t'h I'llll.o -,'
repoiltit as dead from dis ,i -. was
Iiaftid the 111-" "f Jl.o nils sf.iv. n-ni
f Jl.i ibis s,.iv. e,t
lo 1'am.p .Meade unit called t-.t l-'ianeo
Mjuie time In July. He wax in ' 'uuiiiaiiy '
r. Str.th Infantrx Ills father 1,;.m ,e.
....1. ...i .. i.,ii... r....... 11... .-.ii... v.. 1. it.,-
dalfd oetohei' .;. In which ho s.i.vt'. Mia'
he had keen wounded In the arm aii.l
jiinoi.ie.. ,.,1.1 l.-.it keen In M hosnllal for
sliouitier anil nail neen 111 a nospiiai 101
1 .,... 1... 1, .... ,.m,
.-,.,,.-. ... ,r. u, ,..,e-
his ,eKiment soon. A lew days i.e.,
teleKi'.uu was reeeiie.l sayinu thin be
l.li.l ille.1 nil the Ullh Of (l.-toltel- I Ie I.'.'IS
employ ed b thu John 11. Slilson . '..i
pan A brother. YVillhun r.eer. it
fleet I
III" naval leserse tor nitiri-cil
I'rHale Ihlrtarit riillon. bcseiei.s
.villllHlcil. ellllst.'.'l on July, 2 4. I'.il..
.laired at (.'am). Ilaii.oik anil went oser
cens In May of this year ns :i member
of Hatten' I'. insih 1'i.ld Artillery.
According' to the olliciai leleitram he
was wounded on ihe ."Mi of Septr-inl.er,
but In iv lettct recehnl from , lillu he
(! that he was slii-'h ly cussed on the
titli. IJc wiis a miiehinist before entei
'i i; the finny and lived will, his parents
it !!irs.- Westmoreland street
lorporul J.ilin Ni.pp, itpoi'ted n
k:lled In action li a letter irnm hla dose
r:. ,...t l .'.., i.ii-i liil s! sYin'oiiko!'. lias
........ .M-.s,,p . , - - --- -- .
ue'"' iii'iii i.inira in,, , jetlon Septeiulier 10. Is n son
Mother Hut Aeirr ','V1nl".u'lluv:'' Sas" of All. aiid ills. Ha.t.s Wells.. TH W'nar
Hren Informed oi !he S Wat' " Mrart- ' S''' .'"''e,,.''' e"'.'.'"
This Hero' ttrat), ",'",lt " "Vi!111 ' "omhi fi , r He ist'w.-m U .?.h ims,
'" 111- soiinK soldier s,,jU l(, ,,.;, .,H ,, s,n,., , .,
..... i..;. i.i. .i.,.,it,
itiiiun i ii uisiuiiui)
niiCKPil iissav nej.rlv sl weeks
tllOOEfl. 1
iiro. aeeotdimr to I'irnoial Waronker,
I ----- - .. t. ..
Airs. Xnpp li.ir.ll knows wh.il to boliee
i lid is hopine ua.iinst hope Ihnl Coi-
loral Wnionker Is mMlaken. She can-f
lot be.l-ve that the (loveinnieni would
live lefl her In iKiiorance I011K If her
h v was real'v ih ad Jl". Xapp lives
I i-'iflh nnd lle.d stree's.
''(ii'li.irnl l.ouls S. Waronker. Mlghtly
I'.ounded and pasied, ' rapidly recov
ering In a hare hospital. He enlisted In
Ihe rrmilar army In the rprlnis of 1917,
and has been hi France about fnurtteu
months. graduated trnm the Xorth
east Hlali School in ltd 2 and wiim em
ployed is a draftsman at die Bethlehem
Kteel Works. His paivnln. Mr. and Mrs.
Havid Waronker. live nl H22 South Sixth
street. A hrother. J.iutenant Milton
Waronker. a In the murine corps', and
I miiv stationed In H.tllt.
I'lls lite Ocerue W. Sees, Wounded by
fitrapucl on September 1-t. in a member
of Haiti r f. Klfth l-'leld Aitillery. He
was a machinist by trade and formerly
!h.(t lu JuhnMonn. I'a.. but ban a
1 brother. Joenh Xees, retsl.tnic at 30211
IMiie slit-el. In e. tecent letter 1'rlvate
Xces said that lie fliturnl the war would
ho over anon, but that he did not bellow
mam .i'r the reKlnicnts would be Kent
lio.nc before sprlns, "We knew ss c had
i "imeinli k mi ilios- ,1 nitc-liiii'-ii after thu
1 llrst hlir .-lash ul Clinleiiu Thierry." he
I wrote. "We 1 eked the linlnir out of
i them I hen and m hive been keeping it
up iut Hincc," he added.
l.ientellHIll rri-llrrll-l. s. l.uoori:,
wouiidnl in action. Is die -.,,i oi" Jlr. i
and .Mis. ehaili-s ll Uiuheri. "f ai!2C f
yiu mi lane. MerniaiUoii n, nut made- ms
liome with 111.- wife and family at Ard
nor. He Is a -.a-niber of die 32,"th In
fantrj and fell durlne die heavs Ilslu-
litir in I lie aikoihic lorest
,,. r ....,,.,' . i.v.e. .irTiA,ii.,ei.,. .:o
ahraime . (anmuiralta Is twciiiy-inr
1 vearsj of use. ai
mil Is "i -on of 51r. .and
Airs. Arthur ('anmiaratl.i. in.11. Tasket
-tt". t.
Prlvute Mai-i'iil Miirllnl, killed in ae
tloti, was a menihei of Company C. ailldi
Infanlrv He is 11 son of Mr. ami Alrn
.Millions .Martini. M16 South T nth street
Previous to joiiiliiir Ihe color be was a
liatmaker nl Sletson'a. Martini was
Iwentj-four vi km old.
Captain TIiihiiiis llallej. K.iss.d. V. as
To Help Along That c
I Failing Appetite 'S
vnxvxv 1 A Dniy Di-ink
Ktfi of Good
A S L& I
iUXM) '.until 1 mm ii.miiiiu
Vsa" ifiiiT omul ( '
S5K) sold nl llriu: Mores (
4z3 i""l C.iiiinuililt.v Mores j
laiiea mi
Very Nutritious, Digestible
The RI5AL Food-Drink, instantly prcpurcil.
Mtulo by llio OUKilNAI, Ilnrllck process ami
from cnvafully selected mntcrlul;).
Used successfully over Vi centurj'.
Eudbrsqd by physicians "everywhere.
. SpecifyllOrllCkS The Original
Others Are imitations
,,,,-!, '.iAm'7
...i. n n:- K.
Ins 11 ' 1 -it. v 1
hull. d ";
h .1. 'I e
ti. 11 Mi. si
11..I1111I11I I
11 11
W.'l t
.-Ii. I'
1 ih,i
11 r'i
1 V'.ire Of) Wl.
Strut Si lei
O. ,-r.ome Pi (, iJ!',., '' M'L' , "ek
he' wi.'.le'l.. his
n.t'.-i. .. ri lli.ll-y. t'Hv K.isei
sii.-ii. 1..-1 iiiiiutinv n. '.nut it.- .-.uki tu.
1 c lih his mask mi Si I 'on 11 .IT.'
lie K'lHl "Km III.N 111(11 ..Ul ..f llli hole.
1 I I'.i'nl .111 .ituliiikii'.... 'iiikm ..n.l 'I.. 1
' lr'll.eil OS"! ins s. II' Hi
vs. . hi. u. -set-, ii ml I Mm
s li"t .1 Lad
1 n.i 1..,, 1.
.11 the flout S....1I."
I'riwite Maker I. Itieiceninnii .'dip
nin.i A. .!'' Ii Ii .uilis. has lie. 11 1 e
inn-led Hi's, .tic si 'e S. in. -nliei "V
t Llli,!- .Inl.i.l i.l,, e I I...
,,,,.. v. ,. ,.,. ,,, .,. ',,
h.ijln 1h.1l he ssas at a r.-.-i i-Htiin .mil
'l.e.te.l o..n 11. n-liirn to 1 he ti.uii
ue ,is . 1 1 .: . 1 1. s in" is.ei'-.nui..M
TniM I'oiui.iinv ami nvi'le lib hoi
.Hi, X.ith Nin.-l.-. 111,1 SM.-I. II. M
! teiil-tour vears .,1.1.
' I'rliale lli-niaiiiiii l:. Ilolnii, . 1.
nir.ih inf.. s- l ,.,,,,,., I ini..,,,,-
I.,,,,, Henteniher 2X iiltluiutfh In .1 I'-n.'i
I daleii October in. he wrote dial he iv.i-
, "m""'"'l and In a has.- hospil.th lie Is
....,,., .1,. .,,, ,.i,i ,..i iis-...i in,
,...."..:.. "... ..;.:..". .:::,: ;",:.'.:
,, ,, ,.-,,-. a, .,,, .M,,i ,'.,B ,
i; II- "as i-.nnl. e.t as- a shi,. .,
I ., ..i,..!.,. ,., -,
I .. .. I. '.,.!t,i ',, 1.... ...' ".
1 11 .--inir 111 today's casualt;. 11-"
I ' .- r. .-.-litis r.-.-.-iied b In-, -in.
.1' I
1 '
s'el. . 1 1. .11 lie ,s s.i.ii....- aii-l ,
M .-. i, ,.int:i!
erci-t.nl .I,..,,
. Uetl.s . i 'i.-l P.U.'
ll. ili.th I in., nt ry. ss.i- killed in aeiloi.
-. n eiiih. r 2:i 11" was iwetils -. Ijjlii
i.'.i'- old. i-itil ss.-is r.npioj.d an a lean:
iei' iiil.l Ata.s'. I tills, when In- n.i
'iraflnl lie mad.- his home with ln
iiiothe. -il :H(i Ititne,' street.
I'r'iut,. M'llllam -I. liwIiiB, Coini.ili
K. 1 ttjifii riifnuti'i, k.ih s.ottnded Sepliii
li. i IS -,'toi My altei i ,-. ovoriuc; I'rein .t
mo' nil lecivi-il Jini 12. He is Issiiii.s
oiii s.-ii.-- ..Id. -ii. d Msrd iilli liks patents
:n Jiii.'. T..-k.-i unci H. formei-ls
as . nip..,s"d b Ihe S !'. White In nun
I VlKll, ,111 I.pi.11,1, It. In I I... 1111 l t-
I'rliute Uiiller tt ells, reoorled iin-"s-
"""' "-" -i
i to i'l'iidnl, ii ml
' '......"' ....... ..
. I llll'tr HUH) I I I rll, " llli -f lilt II "- .1 '-
iiMtii i hi tmljf'j n-.uiiiillt tiul li.iv -
Ii'K "in n Klll.'.t' in "" iu'Uoii. ' umiI.- hi-
I , u-hilii i.. t ti! Li. L.'i Jil n'.i li Mr
Mini Mn liH.itirn Itlis-li I 1 1 K I'l.lltliihl.l
;n.".t,f TIimj htivc bpfii nunMi d that
IH l.liM'll fi'JH (.1U)('1 -
was issrm-i!lne vears ul.l. He is. is
ilralted July
. ai'il '.is S'.-nl ov. r-Ji-,ii
i 'amp .Mt-ntlf
' -'
HtlrM .t u.-. 1,
Yankees Joyous
at End of War
( nnifini.tl rutin race One
lo the leal front. We .st.uitd walking
east w-.i nl fioui Henumoiit. user ie. rain
torn so thai there was not one Inch
that had not its shell hole, we climbed
the h-lKhts of die Hois .le Waserllle
Toihnj,' thiiiiiuh rack ami nun, stuiiip"
and une rind fallen tree-, we e.une
ati.-i- an 1 hour 10 the ciotein. end or
Kols de Waierille. trim, ishich the Her-
mans hid been driven tills monihiif
eios-a ii.sine lav the litus llerbeliois
nil It .-I Aniire mni., a nipss of slones
on ihe slopes, nearest us. Hull was
mi the lull tin. mil the Flois H.ibehola
ran . 10. ul, and that road was 1'. e I'rotii
l.n loni; it'w."" doimhbc.ss n.idy if
Unusual Sale of New Pianos
Ul ,vj. ICikKi-. v. -5S
Bench end ', A P.jMs Wi.h Plnycr.
5tool nnd Scarf With Pianos
T in is and I" alllllill 11.-1 1-1111-. 1
at full -'.-. SX-imle nnd all are Back, d b'
STdltV .v- CI.AISK PIANO I'd wliicli 11
mea sou of lib.' ''lite s..lln-r.l.'tli.il Th 1
an- plum in ileum, and i-till Ihe Pile-
Ill-tip- iv lli'UKh I" meet l-veiyilie .- I.l-li
-s , 1.1 ,)i all the 11101 I mode. n u,i
IHOl.ldVllI'" Hi cvel'.v Nlelllil .mil (im b
had in iillicr "ill-, walnut or mnhoi-.iiis
Per Week
on the Pianos
Start Your First
Dec. 16, 191
l)l.,i VIii.hIii.v mid
rrhltt.i r.venliiKK
liilll Vine
Till! lllttlh
. M
Of t A n l .i'1 II I h. ' 1 '
"i 1 i it v y i r
1105 Chestnut Street
,l.l.lamlr1ll.a,lM.'lhrfll,l,llwlll--'m- -,-.-.
V01 'ti.l.-cl
(,eriii.lll ill I'lilln I lllllt
'.I. ''ie lllil M.i- M '
' . Mil .1' I 11- I- .
"" " "K "; "1"" ' VN'"' "l" - l."t-elBh. s..
l''IV"li,' '"J-'.i'li "'Ml Am.. I..... 11.1.I01 I , i ll.'ll.l.il. ..I.. -.
siaru-.l .-,. ,ss t,- ,, 1 i.il t .lle.1 's 1,, ,. ,,,, ,. . .
n.l.-k ' I.-itic 111. I., '.lit ml! I" .11
Ulilr. l.illn We ll-.I :. H.mmI l.'.'U .11 tue
I... i he III. 1 -. -s tier.- IM-- ilern an j.Mta'.-.l
,.is mi. -on.-.--tie. I a if .n a .l tn i"ii
tii'ts jaul- ahead .f
ill fl...itni.i
. i.ieoui I1..M1 silii.h .uri.d -n... k
i' V.eli Mil..- ln.cl-e. .-iii.kll.tf Mplti-l-
nla'..' n i, ..ii- in.,1 uim'eil 1.1 u.
. Ii 1. 111 .1 In m. nam 11.I..I .il.iim1-' ii
. Ii I.ni .1 li.m.riani n.t..i .il.iim' it
III. H.'l'lli.ltl- se, Ml ...ilsliu- s'l.-
Md rr.uileln Isrnpi. It. Ken
I" r
"iu' ' neai li'll "'.- - "in " mo "
s.nrlni. -mee Ihe in -latien .11.11 1 in-
.,,,. ,,,- ,,..,1,.,.,, 11,,. s. ... 1.1 - im,.-i hit-
,,., ,..,,,.. . .,..,. ..,.,,,.. ,
.. t.il... V.-i'diin ..11 -ilii.-M iine.itlhlv
.t r .....
mo reen. iiniTi. 'no 111111 ... .1 111 1 1-
'i"11 i""1 "bells had h.. often lorn
ihe nV une oiild h.ue he.inl .1 s.ar-
,-- ,t iul( .. nillilej'.s war left a
.. . ..... ..... . ,
s..nrow meie nni .." iss,-.... n.i
I,,,,..,,,,, ., , I.,,,,) ,,,- ,,M ,.
J ",',-",. i"'s tn w',..U Tl,....
1 onlv black, nut and -i.ii'. n 1. U-.
.. ....Is n live . is leu w 'lolt Th. . ..
i,iiii onlv blneki mil nil. I -mi', m n Is-'.
t if in .in s lllaires then ssa.- mils nniss-
If .. .!1. sllh...,. 111.". VSiu- 'Ills I1I1ISS-
iis.l-i'.I ..til -h.lll.'le.l .-'oil'.'. "I IO.I.I-
pn, .in,- !.,,. SS.IS ll f. iis.i .ill sveie
-.... due -liii.loss- anil sil" nee thu ssrotikl
i. .se s cii'-.l ouiiii..iis hud hoi ..in- known
in..' i" ..s haiiiih-s 'I'h- ir li.nl
While ss. ss.te tlier a' th f'.nii
...".IIIIII. ...Ill be M -11 C.'ttllltf back. Ill
if -eel.iim sleepiti". .ruat'lers foi ni..i.-
. oiofi.rt A' He I. tl Hi" .-'ee.le eold
llll'-l. ss.ts ililinn 'i ' W'1 hl.ll.lset
i.vei the l.iuilsi-aie. A s i i-eiu-tieii the
edge "f toe Sl.u.il.- Ile e.-neril .ailed
niV all. 'ill. in lo hllll.ll'.-ll- l-f ''allipllt-.-
Intliitr llu- In H-s iis far as lh .-oilkl
I; ss.i- the llisi ilnie lire hail
b.iriied mi tile I'l.iiitline sin.'.- Me iIii.sk
a li. ii 1 1t.- IxaiM'i' tau amuck mill -uiileil
,,i.,. dian lie a. id his misled people ciihl
,,"M, ,:'"":"" slop,,, dm ihe .'l.-ve.i.h
rirr..rl.s lleul I'niiril.'.if .li.l
i ....
A- we i-llllle link ."li.l'K Ih. I
. I III' I.IIIH-! .UK' M'l'IIH'll III i
, , , , , i
n,,,(, uuf,
I ! '! inr Ainn i'-.uis. Tin- iwws Inul
, cm ii. nl iiim-t'ttlinri :.iw! dill' 1P1M1 Ufi'P
l...I,fn n.i. in'wi ..u -i v-u'tnr'iiii.-i fit.iitii.il
,(1.lin nH Us flUK j-,. ti. isl M;,;1U
.. v.. ,.-... ...il. ..f n. ...
,,. ,...,, ',' ; , ,,.,. ',,....
.... ...
works a- r.ii-u llieir ie.1, ki.-.-ii ann ihu-
streaks i.cto the foRtiy -k.v .
And what we i-.iw. at V.-idtin wmihl
sill- the pulse of a dead man I'ooi.
loin. Mill'erint," Venluti' It hid liei n
sudde.ils .hanued lo 11 place ol ul..!
in nil its .splendor At tin top of tin
uritssilfd lot tress ssa'ls .1 hand. In .
1'i'eiit'h and half Yankee, w.i- iiin.sine,
all the tunes It knew, while '.niouah th..
slreels matched lejok'iiiit , .itike.--, aim
their Allies, whom ihe ..e What
''oiilil be nit.'v Iltthis; for Al I. lor ,
than thai Immortal Vitdim 'ho'i'd ..
ehrnte 11 ."
Nov.-mb. 1.!-Tmilshi l'laiiee
ablaze with J" r.etk-ciini: In r bapp
ness ery l.iiildliu,' has us iIiik Win
dows which for loin .war.- h.i be. n
dark aaalnsi the .-oinint' or nnmners
ale llliiniinnieii io.ubiii. '""I'lm
crowds parade the -Ir.its. and 1 can
hear "Vive 1' niei i.pie " 1 less
.il'ten than "Vise In Frame'
t .1 . ...ii' In 1 a tt-e 1 st Ml. mi 1 .ei in ilia'
see iiITim i.ni' lit'die.'t (iradi in ItiiiniMU .11
jib -li'.lmi; i. ill), lions inn l-'.n-loi 1
'n-llol-i -le.-.. Mill. il..-iiili st'Ihti-l (.'.in .1.1
hI. !-- i" pt '' - Ut'-sc pi.-ui " . ii-l nln.Mi .
1' n-a r, u 1I1-.- cutis , at asi'i; .i l.iii.ini
i.i- inor, tu the puicliasi 1 T. -. titru-ii.enl--
an- .nliiel.s hlllll in 1.111 ".in la. -1.
11,.-- .1 -ul .--iris our KLiainiili 1 is hi. -h 1-
' 1. Ill pl.ietlail TheJ mn-l b' -1 e'l In
'be iipprieilil, tl. 7 ( r 1 oi, ; tli!-nii
S7d;.T .( ' - l.'s 'f.ili ,.
Per Week
on the Players
Start Your Firit
Dec. 16. 1918
ir on ( iitiinii rail
Wrlle Hi (line.
ul I i i.i .. i ... Hi. -.
fanf I
1 1 ii-1iii1 of Urrtha Krupp
is I'iillrii I'jupcror's.
I'l-rapr. Mrpoil
I.I.I, KNOW N uvui:
llrail nf (rriiian Sled inU-
!)(-( Tllllillll III' I'l'I.IIMIICIll
I'liihidi'lpliiii l';imilii-
I .' Is ! "" Hi., I. , . II.,
1 ' ' -' i'i.i 1 1 .; is. 1 .. -,...i
h..ul 1. 1. me.. 1 !' up . -I.., ; s. ..1 ; - ti-.i
(' I hi l.ui.i ! 1' h '1,. lint,. 1 ,, 1 ,n m
l il-ef ..'. ..I.lilil: '.. .1 ilt--ii.it v , tl
i. ' -I. I,'i'lmni:i 'I, -Mi.it. .' puns
I I'l' llll S.lll ll..-ill ' -I., 'Ill .'' II. I'.l'.l
iM'Jf.l. ll" Ii. 111'. Ill ..(l.li.ii )i , " is
I.. ll.-.'l llll.tll. "1' I'hll.ldelllh .HI- rt'lll
's s id, 1'' IsIiomii 111 sot i.il .mil .'.mIi eir-
.. h.-i. Hi t-. iiri . I" iv..tn".s
It thill..-, prof. -'.1- .. ! I"-, s.'-.'s
r I'eiitisHaira
I lef.lt lie 111111 1 .1 h. s ' 1, ' -
lt 'll'fl
11..', .-
v .11 I!..
. .1 am'
-.. 't.-i
11 tl.. .
Hr... .1 l
1.;. 111
Xe'h. 1 kind,
II. .l.-;
y..lnifc ..11 lloiilen . ." "
.Hi .1 ill IS'UI lis ... . '
1 '' I... '. .111.1111 elllba--.'. ...
tl'id l.Mi.aillnl III IhN I..1.0
Dm inir ih s time he !'i. o n
1 is i..ailes In I'hll.i.l. ll"
V.. 1, 01.1. .11
. HMiti 1 ::
ri.-iin.il al ihe Mill. id. 1
rinln.d al the I'liikid. 1. 1 1
v.-s .mil IUle.IJet I'llllo-
,,-,.,, .,,., ,, n,,i,., . ,. ,,.-
"' l:'""" '" NOi,'l'llv '" ' ' I ' " n "
inilm-o I., ihe .iii.mm I 11.111, . 1
' ."I'P !' wmhiiwii.; 1 "
I.. il,...,li- I" III.. Ml i: 1. -ll.l. Ihe
MUUP m- " ""n '""
"h.-ie hrauhln Im'Uii i'x-.I in miiie-
u nl urns r.-islnoii. I lie Km- 1 aiieiidul
,1. ,. . .i.n.,,. ..,..1 i,,..ui,..i .1,,. i.,i.i.. i-,i...
V..11 lulnti leeehell III.- Ili.e.-'l
nu-sl .1.1 ".mil I1..II '
nan. . 10 i.p.ven' iln- f-ni ).
p. i
1I1S ll.'Si .-111 sijl 1,1,1
up i ' il
i name
il" .lived Ihe ' l I HUP '"'
a- .h.M-e was no ni.iit is-n. ..I ll
.i.-iinaj nnuii.iiint.k-r .m.i no
ilnln'i unlit the mini. i.. .In ,.mi
I-...,... ..... I,....!, ii i.n.l 11.11. .. 1
...... I.I... .11 111.. Illl.l. , I I, . Iv . I .,. I. . Mil.
..,1- IIIIII ft I .... ,..,.,- ... ..... -I .....I.. -
id li in i. Ts th- ai'.iniKon ..t .i .ilt.-iai-
flushed -I. lllil I of III! Mji.-I-I. .IM I'lsli
ai lieii.-ial II. oils t'ti.'ri. - Ik. lit. n.
and llie nieal-tMT.nilsoli ..! nnollie,' I'lnl-
.iilelnln.ili s lio "as . .,111', lent in -". i.i'
.mil l.'l p.-. .llfalt- l-.'e John ll.tn'
Til.- In'. I ..I I lie nil. He II the .
ssas H.liii Ikilik-n. s ho .tun. h.-l
1 1 1 . I s
ih-iiniiiiv in ITmi and open".! a i
s'or.-. II" piosp,..ed, i-ntnldlshiui; a o-
in,-.. -.; .n.ilinj; In Ihe . ..nioiimits anil
nor-iiinnl.iiini: a fi.iln.... Il-nis I'kiul-
n.ihien. ihe ... ma.. led Kniih, Man.
IJ-J''' ' -, - ' , '-l""' ' '"
ih,..lii mid noied I'lnkul' In i'a i.im.iK
ul' ilui tianif
tlt'IMX "1.nMIM....tt.1.
InllTlflM i 'I I Ml' I'll I I.1U '111111(1 I i.T
li.-UiiiM.'ii i" u uiii'l IS'!-' In Hit r
'' I'1' w ' :i Hl'-inl
1 1
Washlliiiton Mtnilil.- ami iwlialit ii .In-
.1 t'X.r 1 s.ll lie sun u. hi an i"
..... i..,. i,, ,,,.d 1,.n k w li, n ibe i'is.i
... . , , .1
inir """- " '"-
5-' en' m I'.-.m-miiiiiiii C
Victory Bunting
& Bro. Co.,
151-53-55 N. 4th St. .
.wrrrnyniiaraKiTUjiiiAwa Ksrxitnumssftjaamsa
nrrmiiiLii niniiiiiiiiiiiiwimmajM ma jwr4n
feBuy the Best .. &W
m. kmrm
rSgjgv ''iCZty 'Niffiji' aast'
mj www v v vwav v mmwBm V vwwwmm w 9 nw w - w mtmw m mw. w w . .-.. w vh w w v.- w m . w m mhh v aA Bl.
J y ' i 1 1 ' i i ' i i i i ' mi i 'i i I -' yy ff I
I rf& ZV Rubber i
?j I Won't Pull Loose Straight Edes ir " l"
Invisible Joint Flat Tread rfeelS 'l
! Increase Heel Mileage 8
I lave uni live uiiiiutes to spare
for a pair of rubber heels that will
set j?o siui- and neatly vou will
J rave to look hard to see the joint r
Then ask vour repair man to
put on a pair of "L'seo" Rubber
Rip-p-p off conies the old
frazzled heel. Tap, tap, tap, tap,
and the new job with this won
derful new heel is read .
The "tsi-o" Rubber heel
is the latest contribution of
science to longer heel mile
age, and sure-footedness.
V ..-.M,
.UiMLj - iimiAjaij .?' 'k - - "A - j' - - ' - TAi
s. may confiscate
I'cl'lllillK'lll Kl'tl'lllillll lf ('Cl'-
IIKIII (illMTIlllH'lll ' I'ropcri)
in 1ncrir1t l I'ltvorril
V 1I1..11' ,11
1 1 .1 1. 1. .ti
, -I,.- 1 n i.-l "'a'. 1.1 il' ..!
.1! t.i.(.i ' . 1 I'. 1 .'HI ' . '1 I . I .' .
, , ,. 1 ,. uss I. il .s Mil . .. 1 11 .1' 1 ."
M 11 . t ...-. .( 1HI1U I". ' . IC I ' .Hi"
I ... 11 .I'll. I.I ' i-f Ml. I'lilU'lelpli 1 ' .'
, . . I... M.-s. .lie
K Mit. hi 11 I'.ii.i .1 :.l . f
n-. id. in loss .Nei'clsep i-im i. ...
.. ' "ll .li.ih.. - ol propel! I ''i.i I' "I I.
." n.i I l.l .lie lii'leimi ':
I.. ..-.l..t. li.-ricul, I'lleles',- I' ..
I I" Ih. ..III. -.ill P. III! Ol ,11 I I I
..... ..ssile.l . nit." IMS -ll'.M "I 1.
, Ml ,1. ll In ' Ii. ..S 'e - ,fi. , I" " ' "-
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Hullnml ill llaiulli' Kai-.T .-
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R3qFwSI1 ) drSi; sr''' 0 wj to ffi Hil
Xhjj- ivy
In a Louden-equipped warehouse one man
tan do the work of five. The storage is system
atic and the work is carried on with speed. No
conAs(fon, no wear or tear on floors.
The uses to which a Louden Carrier can be put
are endless. No job too small and none too large.
Considering its low installation cost and ab
sence of upkeep expense, it is the cheapest car
rier on the market. Write today for illustrated
Dairymens Supply Co.
1919 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa.
on,. 1018 Rnr- 1S07
Distribute .1 for The LOUDEN MACHINERY CO
(Est. 1867) Fairfield, Iowa
vtfggr siik.
A lew nails anchor it lirinlv . The
spring of the rubber presses the
edyes tight ami snug all the way
round. No cement is used. It
makes a perfectly invisible joint
and a perfectly level tread that will
last till the heel is worn out.
"L'sco" Heels are pleasantly soft
and-- yielding to walk on. The
tough wear-resisting quality of the
rubber makes "Usco" Heels
United States Rubber Company
Mechanical Goods Division
mr2&rj&rmSFm -a 1- 'J' '
- - "'''iiiiiiiriJtlmTilihiiiiitoiiiifiiitM
, . -, ) ( 'J
ml law has Mix. honorfd tVd, fij J
lOid tbt "wo cAlt fefil bf-' K,' L
In the latest fug(tle who ha. l&t
In regard
talten rofnire within her border. , that i,
Holland will do wliHt H In accordaiuM t,ejt.
pii i.i .- ,.
The s-iy eiKieii-e of Hol'nnd, hIi( XmI?
I'o.t'ji san Usui, "ad a mnail, June. f,.'
ii.tidei.i ami lit . r -' s democratlu eoilti T V
u. ileiu i.is iii,n Ihe Mtliitity of III-'
1. i.'llon 1' ':i fy
il' is,:n-ei s .us. inns' ne sei.ieu 11.
a. 1 oiilmi. . i 1 ! .jviiei and while, lir
s si ,t : nt 1..1 Mil- ne' Lenient In wy
"pinion III ill'! be ,11 better place.
I...' h'i 1 1.. ii. 'mi' 1 .-1VI1 than Hot-liiml.'
What Does Your
Wife Spend?
I'h U mit some trilling ar-
lit le th.it ott do nut consider
in 1111r household expense
s;i. flavoring extracts. As- -slime
that nur wife spends,
nils the average amount
spent b all hmiseuives in
the count n 47 cents a year
Surch this j a trifle, and
et, even al thi rate, Dclinc
ator lamilies spend $1,59 a
da for flavoring!; extracts
No matter what ou make '
he it reat or small, if it is a,
good article used in Amen
can homes, there is a vast ,;
audience awaiting your mes
s;i"i' in the columns of
The Maqazim, In
' One7 Million Homes
&' -vssy as
a decided economy.
Y'lttr i rpair man has them tn I'ltitt,
tan nnd '4liitt. Five minutes t,f yaltr
time is all he needs. Leak far the
U. S. Seal. '
'S.I -.
. n JBBWiJ
, '&&
i J!
1 1
a t '.
lMWn, J&iSl