JTl. ' .'. 'i- Sl Bvmim PUBLK LEDGER-PfilliABELPfilA; THtJKSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1918 W T. V wz ' f -ff i Grand Orfean Victors' Music at 9, 12 and 5.15 Moment of Meditation find ChlmM - at Noon Leather Fair -'J.' WANAMAKER'S WANAMtAKER'S Store OpCns 9 A. M Store Closes 5:30 P. M. WANAMAKER'S i-i " T7- . lo 'I..' i; si - Peril, Followed by "Fast Find Fast Bind" r Every day some one says, "I can't remember," or "I have such a poor memory." i The worst of it is, that it is too true. The reason for it is that our reading habit skims and scampers and strides through books, mag azines and newspapers without any effort to "fast find and fast bind." The result is that we can scarcely remember for 24 hours anything wcr have read, and the human mind is not much more than a human wastepaper basket. i. . If your memory is only good for an hour or so and you wish to "fast find and fast bind' some of the valuable things that are advertised but once on this page, you must come while the fact is in your mind We usually have a full day's supply on the day of the advertisement, but not always afterward. Signed Nov. 11, 1918. ill kw H 1 50 Wool Jersey Dresses Special at $25 One hundred of them have just conic in from the manufacturer to cell at $25 each, and the other fifty, which have been in our own stocks for much higher prices, have been reduced to the same price as the hundred. There are twenty styles in the entire group, all sizes in the lot; in fact, wc might almost say all sizes in each style. Also there are several colors and those the best a good navy, taupe, olive drab, Havana brown, purple, one or two lovely new blues and the black, which is so scarce. Nearly all the twenty styles arc embroidered, but one of the very prettiest is severely simple, with nothing but self-buttons and cordings. Women who know values and how seldom it is that dresses of this quality can be had for this price will be eager to see them. (rirnt Tloor, Centra!) Women's Sports Hats Reduced It is rossible to get a smart hat and pay half the sum it was marked originally. There aro sports hats of many kinds, of velvets and of felts, in black and other light and dark colors, and comfortable, becom ing styles and shapes and sizes. The prices are very moderate on all these hats. (Second l'loor, Exclusive Corsets The Parisiennes ' Short and topless corsets have things all their own way these .days women arc absolutely not going to put up with anything less than perfect comfort, if they can help it. , ( A style much used for riding as well as other wear is of light weight pink batiste with clastic top and priced $10. Another of the same material has a free hip, is low and rather short and pretty well boned. $12.C0. A pink coutil girdle top with clastic inserts over the abdomen ia S8.G0. A new pink model with very low-fop, broad elastic gore and long ridrt i3 'trimmed with ribbon and lace. $10. Two models, which arc good examples of Parisiennes at their very finest, are mado of tho prettiest figured silk batisto with Valenciennes lace and blue ribbon trimming and bones and steels are beautifully .covered, with plush, frice .oV either $35. . r r A haJM, Chestnut) Victory and Peace, Means Victory Sale No. 53 3900 Pairs Fine Glace and Washable Gloves for Women $1.35 Pair These aro glocs of a quality which sells for from 50c to 65c a pair more so you will know at once how unusual they aro for $1.35 a pair. There ate black and white glace gloves, with white or black stitching, and with Paris point, combination or contrast ing embroidciy. In the washable glace gloves there arc pearl whites, putty shades, tans and brown with Paris point embroidery and combination, self or black cm broidery. Plenty of sizes all new and fresh and an excellent oppor tunity for practical Christmas gifts. (Went A Mr) Victory Sale No. 54 2600 Yards of Lovely Ribbons 25c and 38c Yard Every yard is less than half the usual price for such rib bons. At 38c yard aic taffeta rib bons,' 7b inches wide; lovely moires and plain faille silk ribbons. 6U inches wide; lus trous satins, 6 inches wide. And these are in desirable light and dark colors. At 25c yard arc picot edge ribbons, 1V and 2U inches wide useful for hat bands and for girdles. These arc in all colors, too. (Went Aisle) Victory Sale No. 55 32 Net Tunics at $16.50 Each All black, and black is so much worn tyiis season, there are five different styles to choose from, They are elaborately trim med with silk braid in delight ful new designs, many with deep fringe of the braid. They arc all quite long and there is also material for sleeves. A complete gown ex cept for an underslip. (Ment Alule) ALL Kinds of Chemises arc ready in the Underclothes Store. Made of cambric and nainsook they arc $1.85 to $7.50. Of silk $3.75 to $18. The straight old-fashioned kind which lots of women want are $1.85 to $4.50. ' Plenty of styles. (Third Moor, Central) Hundreds of 1 Warm Winter Coats Between $25 and $45 for Young Women There arc plain coats with which a girl may wear her own furs. Or' there aro fur-trimmed coats coats with soft, furry- col lars in new shapes. Warm Winter coats they arc of silvertone and of bolivias, of velours and wool burellas. They ore in just tho colors young women like this Kail' taupe, burgundy, brown and blue shades, green and black. All are well made and lincdi many aro interlined, too, for greater warmth. And there- aro 14 to 20 year sizes. (Second l'loor, Oliotnul) Gossir A S LONG as you can dig in " the ground you can plant bulbs. Apropos of which it's only fair to warn peoplo that those Holland bulbs crocuses, daffodils, hyacinths and tulips aro going fast. They came so late from overseas that wc had to mark them low to get them out in time. SOME peoplo arc none too fond of trimming the bas kets they have bought for Christmas presents. We will do said trimming expertly, if desired, and make no charge for the work only for the ribbon. HAD you thought of a merry singing canary for a present to a child or seme company - loving shut - in? Canaries aren't precisely growing on bushes these days, but we haw them, and pi' of them aro good singers. Price $10. TALL standard cages of painted or ivory - hued wicker would be good for some of their future homes. These are $15 to $35. A LITTLE tea i n f us c r, spoon-shaped and nickel plated, ought to make for the economy of tea. 75c. AN IMITATION ivory salad set fork and spoon which doesn't discolor is $1.75. THE very pink of perfection among casserolei is one made of fireproof ovVnglass, in a pierced wicker container. Price $3. Sunla Claus please take notice. T AZY SUSANS lo hold the suirar what there is of it cream and condiments are wonderful helps to all of us "as does our own stretch ing" at meal time. Price $15. IK YOU know a truly good little girl or boy good at table, that is you might pre sent him or her with a white tabic tray. But they sue all marked "for a good cirl" or "a good boy." And there must be no misunderstanding in the matter. $2.25. A LL in the House furnish ings Store. (Fourth J'loor, Central) I N EXPENSIVE Handkerchiefs Men's handkerchiefs at S3 a dozen, which have just come to us from Ireland. They are of sturdy Irish flax, made in that always practical, plain hemstitched style. Just as new are women's plain hemstitched Irish linen handker chiefs, 15c each. (West Alilr) tMITATION Fur - Neckpieces and Muffs in New Fash ions They aie of imitation molc s,kin, beaver and seal, and they follow closely the new fur fash ions for this Winter. There arc now broad stoles which come down in front, jacket fashion, and arc finished with pockets; there arc cape effects and flat pieces. Imitation fur neckpieces aro $12.50 to $27.50; muffs arc $12.50 and $13.50. Marabou capes and stoles, in black or natural color, $7.50 to $27.50. Maribou muiTs, $7.50 to $10.50. (Muln l'loor. Central) SILK Petticoats of Many Hues and Many Fashions But all new fashions and pretty colors. There aic all-taffeta petticoats for the women who want them, Jersey bilk top skirts with satin or silk flounces and all-jersey silk skirts. There is a wide variety of col ors, just as wide an assortment of styles and many prices between $5 and $15. Extra-size skirts, too, and a specially good style with jersey top and taffeta flounce, at $7.50. (Third l'loor, Central) XT - This $200,000 Furniture Sale Responds Finely to the New Home Sentiment Good furniture to-day holds a new interest for everybody. For gift-giving, of course, its place is fully established, and every year that passes makes its popularity more pro nounced and permanent. This year it should be more pronounced than ever, because of the new meaning which the word "home" has taken on for so many thusands, millions in fact, of people. Surely the years through which we have just passed have left in people's minds a new and deeper sentiment for the old hearthstone. During these times that sentiment is especially strong and buoyant. Life has never been so well worth living now that the peril is passed and the new dawn is upon us. Wc are glad to say that people desiring to honor and enhance their homes have a vast and unique source to draw upon in our $200,000 furniture sale and that those who want furniture for gifts will find it here in unparalleled choice at extraordinary reductions from our regular prices. Library $7.50 for an enamel and deco rated arm chair, flag seat. $11 for a mahogany aim chair, damask seat. $12 for a blown birch arm chair, spring scat. $15 for u brown oak arm rocker, spring seat. $18.50 for a brown birch arm locker, spring scat. $19.50 for a brown 'birch aim chair, spring seat. $20 for a -12-inch settee, tap estry seat, mahogany frame. $22 for a mahogany chair, vc lour seat, cane wing back. $22.50 for a mahogany locker, velour seat, cane wing back. $21'.50 for a mahogany chair, clour seat, cane wing back. Crockery Cooking Wares for Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving calls for kitchen preparedness this year as never befoi e. The China Store shows a full choice of the needed ciockcry cooking waics, such as mixing bowls in jellow, white and blue and white; also brown, white-lined eaithcn baking dishes, pie plates, cu.staid cups, pudding dishes and other needed pieces, such as jelly molds and casscioles. Should you prefer it, you can have any one of these utensils in the well known and remarkable "Pyrex" cooking ware, a demonstration of which is now being given in the China Store. (I'liurtli l'loor, rhewtniit) A New Officer's Insignia Set Specially Priced Lots of people have been asking for it, and it has arrived just in time to be put in the soldier's Christmas box. For every branch of the Army, the insignia arc of fired bronze, with safety catches. The set consists of a cap ornament, corps device, collar letters and silver lank insignia. Price $5 a set. (Military Shop, The (uller.t, Ihmtnut) TfIRRORS and 1- Picture Frames Tho 'Picture Stole has them in the styles of the Louis and Empire periods, in Adam, Co lonial and Italian styles, be sides some of Japanese design. Prices run from T5c for a tiny, "long French mirror that might fill a space behind a door in a wee apartment, to $85 for a largo mirror in dull silver frame to be set over a chest oC drawers. Ready-made frames for pic tures of all kinds from those of postal card sic to pictuies 10x20 inches. They arc of oak and mahogany, besides French gilt and dull silver, and prices run from 60c to $15. (fifth I'lour, fcnlrnl) RICH Velvet Handbags With Sterling Silver Frames New large bags of fine French velvet, in navy, mole and black chiefly black. With beautiful frames of hand pierced and solid steiling silver. Of a decided elegance. Prices $50 to $75. (Main Floor, Chestnut) REMNANTS of Woolen Dress Goods On some remnants you save as much as half on others a third of what you 'pay, so you will sec that the prices are quite interest ing. The lengths arc good and piac tical, the materials those useful for suits, skirts and dresses. It's just a little clean-up from our own stocks, (Weil Aisle) D ON'T Forget We have thousands or cards all ready and please remember th they have to he a New Feeling for Pieces at One-Third to $23 for a brown biich rocker, velour seat, cane back. $2-1 for a brown biich Windsor chair, spring scat. $28 for a brown birch rocker, spring seat. $29 for a blown birch arm chair, velour scat, cane back. $o0 for u mahogany chair, tap cstryyseat, cane wing back. $U2 for an arm chair, cane back, damask seat. $;W for an all-upholstered, tap-cstry-covercd arm chair. f!3 for an arm chair, Louis XV style, damask covered. $:i5 for a tapestry chair, wing back, mahogany frame. $U0 for an all-upholstered tap csliy chair, loose cushions. (rinii WHEN You Put a New Over coat on the Boy make sure it is a good one. The wisdom of this lies in tho fact that a good overcoat need not cost more than a poor one, nnd it won't cost more if you buy it in this stoic. Wc have boys' overcoats in two size-ranges one division for bovs of 3 to 10 years at $13.50 to $25, the other in sizes 11 to 18 years at $18 to $35. They have all the merits that it is possible for ready-made overcoats at these prices to have, and they have them in a gicater measure than any boys' over coats wc know of at the prices. Tho things that make for merit in them arc the good wool fabrics, the clever modeling, careful tailor work and surpassingly good tit and finish of every garment. It suiely pays to buy overcoats of that kind, especially when they cost no more than the not-so-good kind. , (etornl lionr, Ontrul) Heaps of Down Quilts Coming in Daily Of down quilts we can because Ave make all the down quilts we sell, and that means that our quilt factory m kept busy. Tn nur lowest-nriced highest-priced ones (something which can be, said of no other down quilts, we believcl," and there are no high-priced down quilts with finer down in them than ours. X'"JM The coverings and making of our down quilts are also found in any others similarly priced. The lowest-priced down 1 .... 1 ir 11 1..-.. esi-priceit p'io, uu:au iiuii:i Between these two kinds of patterns and colors and sumpiuous-sauns. mi.. -!. J? Ji. 1I Ir - .J - T - ine point 01 il an is-uuu n. yuu vvmit u uuvvii-iiuuu quiii, hub is me piace 10 cpmot); for it. ij to Send Christmas Cards to the Boys "Over There. X mailed early for overseas. ., (Usvk Store, Jtaln i par mMfi -i f-fWl-- One-Half Less Than Regular RH7 for an English oak hall chair, high cane scat and back. $10 for an all-upholstcied tap estry arm chair. $42 for a mahogany arm chair, blown velour seat and Jjack. $4:2 for u 55-inch blue velour settee. $45 for a tapestry arm chair, with loose cushions. $50 for a mahogany arm chair, spiing seat and loose cushions. $50 for a mahogany ami chair, gold and black stripe velour. $50 for. a blue ami gold stripe velour rocker. $57 for a Til-inch mahogany davenport, -cane back, damask seat. $59 for a tapestly wing chair, i loor) EN'S AFFAIRS Men's House Coats and Gowns of Japanese Quilted Silk Light in weight but delightfully soft and warm and comfort able. In such good daik, plain colors as navy, purple, green, brown and black. $10.50 for the coats. $15 and $25 for the gowns. (Mnlii J lour, Murkct) When Men Can Choose Their1 Own Underwear Again instead of having it given to them by tho Quartermaster's De pal tment those who have known the comfort of union suits will be eager to get back to them. Wo are prepared against this time with -an unusually largo stock of men's union suits in the seasonable weights and materials. All made the Wanamaker way, for greater comfort and durability. Prices $1.50 to $18. (Main riunr, Jlnrket) Now Every Man Is Entitled to a New Hat Among the debris collected by the city's street cleaners after the peace celebration were a number of men's hats. But even today some patriots are wealing hats that have no business to bo worn these joyous times. Fine, new soft hats and derbies, $ 1 and upward. (Muln lioor, Market) Victory Sale No. 56 Tivo Uncommonly Special Lots of Men's Good Shoes liO'J pair at $3.75 a pair. Bluchcr lace shoes of tan side leather, made by a largo manufacturer of Service shoe.- and splendid for men who need extia stuidy footwear. Sizes from 7is to 11. At $o.75 they arc just about half price. 256 pair at $6.90 a pair. Know sizes arc incomplete, uuc wonaonui opportunities lor men who can bo fitted, as theie arc the finer kinds of shoes, regularly $1.10 to $7.10 a pair moic. (Main Tloor, Market) oiler a choice that is practically croose - down aunts the down used quilts in our stock are S10, in u: fliij ...n-u i.u ucuiK iiucu wibii me une, buuixu uuwn 01 inu eiueiaown auci t,. (, there is an unequaled variety of others, in a rich assoitmer t 4 in coverings ranging all tho -way from sateen to the mos ;J zc - !. !C .. i. J 1IJ ...Ml X1.5- !.. It.- l .!. . iAA (Sixth l'loor, Central)' rloor, Tulriqentb) Home loose cushion. $00 for a mahogany settee, Queen Anne style, 6 ft. 6 in. long. $00 for a high wing back arm chair, mulberry and cane. m t $68 for a 76-inch mahogany davenport, cane back, velour seat. $71 for a tapestry arm chair, loose cushion seat. i $75 for a tapestry arm chair, mahogany fiamc. i $90 for a 0-foot tapestry dav enport, loose cushions. $110 for a 4-piecc suite, Jaco bean, denim upholstered seat and back. ' $120 for a mahogany settee, 7J inches long, two-tone velour, 6 Eight different stvles, so you may unlimited and always fresli is the snme as rJmt. "in rhh somewhat better than will sateen coverings, and the hiri j .ii.. !j...j J .. -'t. "- xti ! 1 ,.JW3 iLI :, !L. '"Ttjf .tf & t A" ilt r- ', Vi -1 fl p -( . 'V JL- J. ; :1J..p.' . -. s.'rtr- .ji ,