r. ' ' ' " vv n, ? f. EVENING- PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA THURSDAY, SOYEMBER 14 1918 J-H' a . :- ;t-. n K M Itt m. Pk if 1 fV C'.tl WARCHESTRALLY INSPIRES THRONG ; fcjplilcal Asseml)h T 1 a t Ever Honored Opera House Cheers Speakers TEARS ISOT IN K IDKM-l-. hfeu ami "ft omen Heir f I - equaled Heroism of Men The Helped Conifoi t What Eminent Men Said of War Clwsl and Troop Uoeriior-blPit sproul No -ei'-Hon of tlio com tix Ins mill United more to tho v ut than southc-jstet u I-enns)lvtinn 1 Ins '"" "h given its inonev mid other iiinunal tiling Vint lias RH'ii nv" -i'ii to the caus thun nn ''! ' ll(l" K. T. Stoteilnitv It i 11 'n cany out the put posts i m" w 11 Chest we muxt unit mi p (dsi- 1 Keep the A ut i 1ipi li b d foi oui bo)s need 'lie cumioii- un i aion Uons that it prinblt- E. II. Sntliern 'Tin 1 M ' K. of C, Salvation iinv ituluthtt welfare orf-ritnitinns i e doing tx wondeiful oik a i I il i s n till clentlj ." Kdward llol. nm Penti-xl vanlani who iu 1 1 p.i .il in tie Argonne ufleiisive pud i hem price foi their mtorx I have seen the casuiltx list md vi u mint be prepared for depressing new- Tvvn companies went into i tislii xitn 300 men and unm nut wit i P-" but the) ore gloat tighte - mil dis plajcd a spirit tint w it xxiuiderful ' William Il.ilpin Wn ben- .no the greatest men in i 1 the woild I like the Hntish I hkt the I i h 1 like the los frnin m iieu,liboi ins Canada lint blno I is thukii than watei and I ten x mi tint I l0e OUI OWN Inns the licit Ol I1 ' The Meirupoln m tiier.i H him tint elided temple of inusn anl diinu his Bioused manx an audknct but tiivei in pla proud history has out proiel muu ntense, more enthusiast! mil m in ttu. (6 the traditions ot nnini than thil jwhlch gathered uiidn its i mf 'ast lllght. More than du0 peis t.s f lire-, niint; yen Khade and loniiiiion in the lite of -old l'hilaclelplii i crowded into the opera tltouso last nltrlit to idedKe then lojalu ,. l., - .. V,. . 1, .. !..., .hi ,.! I" f""- "'" """ "'""" " fame to tlie noblt hlite uf rinnsjHanii j The affair w is hrbeduled as n nias-ineetln-r. and its sponsors utile UN of the Philadelphia war i host were then So ghe an accoiinting of thttr alewaid Vhlp. They want.d to tell and the did led. the persons who lllbd tin wat chest of lhr wordious woik th it h 'a been, accomplished with the mom 1 "resh from the MU-l.i. mini of I I hi flera and fresh from tli i i nnpns of JMlled battlefronts i.me i i i u u' tnen who told in simple ItiiKtiige of jhose achlexements thu mike t ie blond ff Peons;, Kama run warm in idiiura Ion, loxe and apprei iation fm llio-n gallant son that pi iced tin WeWuiie p'tate high up on the w ir honor roil Edward Bid, editor of the 1 nl es 1 (1 Solium distn - illlam lla pin Ilia warm hearted sail itlon Home Journal bulshed actor , wo-flsted inl Jvrmy captain were tbte md without1 nny fuss or featheis witliuMt in tempt at orator,, tod ibe 1 1 hit how our boH performed ( i In Mmple I iinKnaice j t thej had been tuterta mil n ivvn living loom tin t ould nut ' Jeclled the details uf tli w.n Vltnply. In i word tht loll that the audience wanted to hen ..'; s Wil.l line tnoft till 1- I hone intimate stone of the hint wmths who hae made tlie woild sale fot .1, -tent men and worn, n I And to give the aftair i trm uiini.il lind soldlerli " atnioephtie Hie fannnir. French armx bind wa there to play Ihe national nnthemH ol I tan e Italv the United States and '.lei Itnt tin . u lears Here Thoe who entert lined He iimiiRlii hat tho war storit s would ri lease a timid tear were tlisapp miltd toi instead b( tears a erltable ocian if UuKliter lind mirth was unleusii. d 1, the spiak r S ills IKI ' II1J-C I11HI1 WHO rirti ashed th ajjiiatloiiM nf ihe Inif Hun mid Mr Bok are the hapiilesi irii-uri-s In the world Mid now tint the druggie Is oxei thev ne gi.Iug to si hool fhe universities of l.uiope have opened ivlde their doors for nin boxs and exeix nan who remains iu Krame w 111 be given m opportunu to learn smut xoiatlou rodtyy X rerelveil h tuble lr.un I ranee ontalnlliff the Inruriinatlini llnil tfllHlllll nf your boyti have tliciird up In lld-i edu ratlonal raiupaUn " Anecdotu and siorx formed Hie basis lind. In fact, the tn mums for i h ad t. .. ..1i ... i tr.i..i t . . ,. ireSS I""'1 '" " iiiiui in i nee in. omely Aineru an doughnut to a high ilace In the affections of those who I an nerooi over tin re Hatpin, aa a start lapiain Iu Hie -s,i. atlon Army began his work with tin finny when wenerai i-eisning lauued tils jrtrat army division on tin battle lines fl(e wears two wound slrlixs He dldn t tell how lie got them, but that wasn t aieceuary. for the audience appreciated jthat he never avoided the danger "lilies t "X did eirytlilnr," lie -mid, 'but ( lr the top with the kui-i, but I tell Via that I Vfnt utter the lio.x. .nun su Ood -nronld ultow me. 'I ) Hplrll t M:retlnii 1.4' il .The iDlrlt of the gathering Mt Hut Wp' in answered that a score of timen b) iff,.., "clnff up and down the stage and in jV I Jotiei Voice proclaiming our bo)s 'tin 1 rre&ieat in me worm- ne iota now fc-Jj oroua lie wae oi nis dob in i ranee C u. M4 every man and woman tn the By. treat audience olcpcl approval William C Sproul l'eiins)ly.inla .i- WVenior-eieci, vvhb inilotiucen us iiian- rust avenue anil latum- sioeiiii to nii-?-' of the maetlnte by E T Ktoteslury, ' Joining bul'dlngs Three iiHrins were ft.' n iikI made a strong plea, for keeping up i sounded, brtnglrg apparatus to the he in J TVar Chest pa)menta until the bo)B of the buslnias district ' " MM.-! home, which, he explained, uu) Ihe flamea spread to the, buildings of ...i C Pj.h ttt,.r II. tie K -,xptalm.U Utt i .2 ..lit..,,, ill.j.it noir nr eondtletlnfr x j sirj,10 '"-n-rvrr' r, Zi"... ...im w, cause,. ,,y , 'Hlll!!(,Pl!lM-,1,'f,War,,'hf Wh'?" fttt--h.iftft0.OOO contrlbi tora who lime uli : mJMtms $i0,OOP.O0O and paid Jntn dsits f HKa Mjaf'T' , , ,i fi"1j-utrj--'.vld rampalin now beln-r yiWIWIa fi i?17t),l00,000, rp Vs" 1 -w, nt ' p'&i?:s US' s -' ; V T!I7,f , ' e jl H? k Yx ft Ml ( HI si K ll i ln i I ilwaul link anil Mirlou ' I II -nlliern. -pi iki ri lii.t pipiiiiir at llie ''i I p uiir War ( lie-t I'liiUe" iiitelni in the Mlnipolil ill Opel t Hon -. REJOICES AT WAR'S END I uo I'hiiIii'i- til I mil l-ncr I mini to 1 ijjlil Im (ri'im.itn n n ; tlie Itllidilpl in mjo me )M tile 4itiul nT It uhi H I'mll Hie r tif uoo v.iuih snl fuurili strt in Wati.in iliit ilu httdiien iole ftiit.d to flt.ii in lit 'it tin in tit tn fimr Iiih lutt ii iiriia t!een catt iineuf mi hi itli. r h imi wounded mi 111 1 I r in It nr I. hi nun it ti. li f list he ltd i f litm x tiiimttis ilo h lid Isner 1 lliat I ttel sild I I II lelitiH tre eife lim .tu m i n lu h tlipt lietl In these I 1st niolillls Ft i inil us lo lie it UK mi lsin r s inm . iiuu in if nix 1 "ut on tin I i id r nt Ueriiiiim t the lieKiiiultikt i f il nn lit ting ieti of th it t trlt i n fi n t d i i i t'i i. iii in it in I ill 1,1 111 I II I 111 ill I II il I i III'! deilUH.t s We M I. ill s nil I II it I s I I I li In pi. lutes III II tin Illll I . ent s ,, n m.il i nal I Hi .1 in II ik I i til in ill l Mil 11 I S Ulli i Ml lisll Hlj S ' JURY CONVICTS MORGENSTEIN 15.ik.fi I oiinil (iult ot s.isin oti to huilr Dr.tll I mien M i k us ii - i th 1 oil! I li St I t 1 w is fo ii Kill M if is ist mn IiIk hhi Max tn e nli tin dnrt Hell a si iliil iidiit wis iWnd b J n 1 1 t- Ibonips n ,f tli 1 i i.d s,,HS I'istrl I i oiill lim-' n ,Mi lie Willi mi l.l.ll iiitllisel tot tile delelist- iimu, d'at.h in lib I liKitii II III a tie l tliil mil Mm iri list, in was i is , m 'nu bid llit ciiiiK.i l jrg' iihi iii si ulJh de ttiinl i issifu ition ii tit Kioiuid lh it I he was tin- siipptn t of ttie I mill .md th it his filllel s liikinK buslu.s-. i jllld ii t bi oiiei ited w ilhuiit lilm Hi id UlllllO OH HO si Hill M'll Ul nm l ll Hit I llisw.l itltalll llllilies III Ids r,,.sti II 'uiiie whith would hue slionn the tat Iu r tn be w ner of thi teil .state md the business Fie fnh is income tax i tin ns -h id In w is man iki i if th. liik.r md ttieiMd m itniim of i. mi tn 1 HT I lln as, w is tie s.i mid n' the kind 1 nil befote IuiIk' rilompsiin mniel I. in. I. In was fiiind kiilltx mi i iimlir .Inn. fter inn inn UK the Moikeimtt in 'leidiet ImlRe 'lhompsuii prtn t Med with ibt tiiil nf bt lb nn I x 021 --ontli I lehtb -tieit iliaigcd with is-sisilriK Ins on Maxwell to exade cons, rlpt ion Ihese i aes li(,etliii with six n.ie iwalt nir trial ne ill ti mi I H il Ftiiird o I oust d l th. I im ist Man-hil i i uei il f i i us lull n III t POWER SHORTAGE OVERCOME Hunt- Flint in Operdtion .it llie (rloiKi-lei ."ship) .inl hiia. p'i I mt is nm tn "t ei i ti.ni in ll e t!l u -in nd of the I'11" v i A. Joins Slnpbll IdlllK lolllplll) tn -JK. powei siiltlil.nt foi niisuuitois to ila e tn.. an, tinn .n i Inn nt i itnt b isis , lln' 'loi - ' ' ' '' """' ",ll,n ' lilts Hi Hit t IHI Hllllil 11 Ulll lllf in Uillti I lllil spline, n 11 I I Slllltllge or el.itili iinwei i i nn. tale th xard mi .hitiftx Prtvioiislx tli p vnT Imii linn -ilpllli. d bx lb. I'llbll. Sen lc Coiliiiri IIOII nf New Ji I'll 1 lie m w dir i iii is t rent d and iiiulppul al st ,,f $700 lino and will In abb to supply ill Hi pmxei ieiiiind ill the ehipx ltd a iildnie, I. ollli I lis or tin .niiinaiix Die ll lilt s IDllle if lltXeloplllK 'iOOii horsepnw. iiiiiurid was broke n tor Hie il nil li "da It is now llttt 1 lilh piWdtlll tillb !,' in l.ltuls boilers n iinnmlzirs s id, i in at is sink, is jrnl i oil mm m " let i FEDERAL AGENT KILLS NEGRO MuhiI- NN lien Nl.ni I5i-itiii!i r- M'sl Dr.lWS (rllll i itarits Sex iiiuur nineli er)f.ars oil 1 slu i.onilllrd Slletl neat live lltlt III was shot md 1 llle.l list tiihliT bj e hi is I .till i Spi.ii.ile i D.pntllietU of lUS- li e Jieiative ifltl be line ill ned to sin i I spi it ii. who "as plai lug him undei me-t is a xxitnefs Spi igui ith thne iilbei l",oxei iiiuelit agents siw siiiimii n twentieth and famibiid stieeti- Vvlitiithex xxent tor bin heriti t Nineteenth md liinbard stit.ts tin ngrn linked eairul Ix.eltr e u. nf I tho igents and knui ked him down 1 hen the diew i lexulxer and 'liruMl' hi I hexing he a- ihullt to lit lilted shot 'the iiegm through thu lit ait Spiagim 1 it. Iiiing lield hx the police and Ixteler md la ills Moppet and lai oh Kspen all (loxeltlllient Iglllts in being held (is XX itnestes s() AM) FNTFII.R Dili Me-.utie I roln I'iiIiiIi'IiIii.i I iml Henl ing I uinilx lrejilx (.riexing I llie lu.at.ll lb. taililh f Palll llafrner who d'ed in f liiladelpln i u Iteadliig lidn in And Hut Hi. fitlui Pitiiik IlitTnei si liad died mi I ties i ax The lannlx was in i-oiioxx oxer the dt ith nf Ihe fathei when n pnlii mm aimed to aniimtii' . that the em was dead tu Philadelphia i aonci knight asked the peadlng liuliie depaitment to locate tlie Haffiiei ramlh and while tlie effoils weie futile xtsteidav thev siieiecdeil today Ihe tamtlx al 1.111 Locust stleet, Ceidlug I Hesldes the father who dhd ruesilav iheie are two sisters and two brothers in tho famlt) here S7."),000 l.OSS I.N OIL FIRI. Hirer lluil(iniU m l'lll!lilir-li HiiHiie.s Center Damaged I'lllabiirgh, Nov 14 Kile followed by the explo-iloiis started In the plant of s the l.agle Lubricating Camii my JJ7-229 , the Mtai OlafH Company and th J w etc is .. i. . i..i .. ii-u .. i. .. .. riioi k i iii) FxinuiiniiM. w iiil' ii i rrLKFH i n Ba" m-nn. " oui com. by , .. ... .tm. ,. i....u... .. cup,,ms Df th tlnee buildings fled lo the street attep me nm explosion and wert. uhurt Tho loss U estimated be- (wtei- 7t.,O0B ,in(l -(Ioq.OO?. 't-a iSAMUELF.NIXON DEAD AT 70 YEARS , Most lit: Unhvtivs lie limiting Formal Sot he 'Flint Half Com " a- One of Most Coih-pic pelling Use of 20 Per Cent Substitutes Hits Meeii Hesi hided. nous Figures in The alrieal World iii:: N S SU.KSMAIN I Jail Been III Several Mtntlis. l)iit Diieeted Vff.iir 1 mil llit Last v HI nr i lilBllt Hlleet i I I l"ii i ne li inn"' I'll flKim In ti o ih urii il ili'd -.iHiMh li(.r, mnltilislif Ut il I Im limn' S I J S nth 111 nl He hid I een II f'r peril nn ut lw Annuel K Mi.lu, B..r know m l- Hit i tu u in, util.lu lire hi 'miiiii! r Mxnn as hum In t-nit ane Intl lit 1" 1gR and Vaq nhi died i Node i ' nut i menu s.iuiii n-,,,1 Illll lii wis etiKiRid fni soni. 'Iin .loihei Max Mr,i,1Ker )n lillsltltss ,n South IIhmiI In. I Hltli hlq nieri uitile In IM. . Mi Krin . m ti . I'll lndl- , Phi i iml hteniiH ii sile-man fur oiiiie "''li I it Id tV i'ii teoiil n il Inn deaets represeliUns th.i n Hie tuul ' tr i i.( e.trn Lilir Mi Mm he- "i . i ipulnteil with i;.uin U i.nJ 1 l Mi "il till IfHKee of lie limit v leei lnetllre Willi It it 'lit t li " ie uT Hi. tmoinost sto I I lists in the I i d M iii h Mi l m is iii itnti'i I "tiR'i o lh. theilie iiotu lie II . Ill I I .if tin l Oitip It W.le lit - S wl - i I Im Mlson Mi mil Mfi i lurles W 'I on r Inn l.eu s n I MU us I tw it e M I 'JoollHlll dt I Im I I . I ss., r th. ( histiiiii -tm" uprra ,i-;ir FIGHTER'S PEACE CALL mil Mi imineir m I i n-d i ,,.."--' "vy I paitntrship iu upon ith i f Mt nm in in tn it mii 1 the li ise i ,l1' tit t hesfnui vti pi f ii 1 1 i wn. li undei tiiir ,, t ,,!?- a eut bei not 1 SlL'll tl su i ess n lsd III !e ied the i htftnut Strtel 'lln nn, ul nil Inl litlleito belli lllisu CPSsful fillllliljllN and wlili li thu huhii m id. a lughK piollt ibli ihf atili .il pioppit ( oiitrnlleil ( liuln of rheutres In ISvi the Hroul '-tie.i I ri itn n i "Ide I to I ll. ti In.! if nlavln 1-es an 1 foi II ni xens lil.l Mlltllt.d the li i si MiiKissfui , il ,',,iii r tin ilies "f am nn in the I i it .! -i i'es 1 lie i l.esiinji s(r, Opet a lions. wis dt Mil. d to blur ptoilil Minis lid li slieh illustilous star as lbii liilnc llnoth mil linn 11, Mod, sk i and Mux iubr sun 1 he Vim id s,nft riuati. lis i paxing illslliiKUtblied 'ii i I hliili lass ilrnnintii ninlni it mis "iMi is Iiudt Adams Oki Neth'tsoli li mil Mis ixtndal Oils -i nn i William 'ill l.tt. ainlMohti Piev In I Sid Missis x nil imniei lllall extended the I i.ltsis bel 01 1 PI ilHdelphla and took tie V aib nix nf Milsn in I! iltlinnli In lln "im xen In iss, , l nioii will lxl in llliusre ' hirbs I'liilim in and lf Ilaxinaii was tinned whit ins I .en known as the Tlititiloil smith itt wniih bojkul ner slxtl tluatles 111 tlie prllleil ll llllls of the I nltlil htalts In lu'H Messl" Nix u and .iiiiinerm in tui'hisHit th. Mini 'Ihtitre In PItisbiin,b wheli tin x i ' li do ted mill! l'HM when this tbeitie was snld Mi Nixon then built Hie I trac-nitli ent "Sixon Iheitie there In I'm i Messi Nixon md Xiinnurman niin nil fmm I'lanl (lone li the b ise of th. Cat i It k Theitre Philulel plil mil xeits latei ttie Tuiress pheatii was built fur tills film In l"07 n'i I inatlons weie formed into wlilili the iuirtiiershi Interests wci niergfd In lb7l. Mr Nixon m irrled Surah P. i stiaitss wlio was th. oldest di lighter of tlie well known hauler, ftimuel Mian Mis Nixon dietl man" xeals icu Kon Is Hiirilxtd In- his sun lrtd Nitun-NlrdlinKer his gtatidsuns sa n nel I" i: Nixon Nlidllngir buslnfss manage! of tln-t, f iari i k Theatte 1 1' Nixon Ninll uger ispltiut business Immigei of the s line theatie hi brothels lrink MrdluiRti bu"ints n m ilfei rif the I ro ill Street Theatte and fhai'ert V Nirdltugei an autlioi I is iliiui-liti i in-law .Vrs r H Nixon ' I Ua Nirdltngn i nil 1 -isti is Mi Nntli in and Mis lull i Ixm h Merchant Ships Need of Country I niilbiiied finiii 1'iiep line I thel must Ie lialie,. I f 1 1 , i . It. lllltllllln xx die li mtiiftiis md nin lloKl.sj, iilinll Hie wia it inusl ,H 1.- iiniwil md if ih.n is nmhii (, wt 1 ii king to aihniie this puiL.r.ss .wn i nwiiini nl twinr-hlp ti pin i'i mi a I sl l, n ih,I bl I Jlldli nlu l.uli riltnellt II uilisi b. ,, w Iii-ieil int tnr til an x nil me ol an s, Hull oi uu-i I ut fi i Hu netiN .nil ill mt igt . if lit, wh I II ll lull We II I -I li A tu Hi, fullli. Willi op HIUMIIi III l WasldllKliill ultlie liatlgs li p ii aid w Iii li mk Hi in i b dun. 1 ul heri it is ' We must neithei III Ilk nl -.11 It I .111 . lie ijotie milium es New I're.lilenl i tpeii liv, Hie loiixciiMon i i umiaiidei I ix Im iiiiiniiint d the eh Hun bx tlie ouiii il of Ileal Admit il W i -liirnstini 1. e ,ip i I s , as pit s tint and lithe! otllitis ns lulluw llunuiaix t i jiiesiclenis I, eat Sd niiial Hand W laxlnr md U M VI, I i rl md or New "i oik H e ptesidetltS I W I'niwll X n i ilesidint of Iht Hetlllellelll Steel Col pntatlnti Suiiih Ilethhluni Pa e uui- II llldel fl I I nne I S I, wis Mx uli New iiitllisxx li It N I I eill H pe ibodx of Huston II 1 1 t.otilder W .1 Baxter naval uistt uetnr I S 11 MugOUll Xlie pleshjilit SfW Voil shipbuilding i oipuraH m ' amdeii l I' W eat herb e e mini il W !' rmbes Nt w I iimlou I nllll SpetHtl Millel SiiUtll lllatlge I i I' Hallex ewiinit News a liuln rl H llg ' hestel Pj assutlates I VI Hull of New itt I and i 1 (I W lies of New Mirk i.XeilltiXe lOllllllitt.. I IIUUI) iflllt 1 StexellMtll laxjut, nillel lllltllall W M Mi Pari md 1" 1, IniHusiiie and I V low ell I iw liiiinli --. I new mtmbtis were elei led ,, u, !, ,! , r , , I heie w us im atlt i in on htssl m tudiv Hit xlsiiiis buaklng up Into sexeial initles In in ike tiijis nf itibpec tiun to I uK J -1 1 nil mil "'he i Inlaw ne ihei .a,,,..,,,,!., and llie great nival aln raft ' xltitl.iri ,1 Him n. ll i i. nil IniiiL'lit Hiei will alien I the iiuaiteilx meeting cf the Mlaiitb i a nl Milptiiilldi is ssoe Iation at tin Helh xue-stratfoiil xv hue Charles .Pit vhe piesldent and geneial in in agei of tlie l.llltfgencx licet ('nipnlli- Hon will preside and deliver tlie pi in. elpal niliiri ss iiusintss sessions will 1 lesunied leuiioircAX morning at In ei clink I Ile most liupottant papei I, be leael Is one bx W M. llloc-1 1 1 asslslant. to the president uf lb. uiei lean International t oipotatlon on 'Ilrg Island i.realcsi -sliipjaiu in the wot Id Hecietarv Oanlels, of the Nav) lie. Iiailnieiit, Is expected to he the gut't of henor and the principal speal.et tomor row night al the annual bamiuet with which (he meeting will close Auothei speaker villi hi Charles II Schwab ill ret tur general of the fleet corponllun lf...I. l ! P..1... L'-ll.l l,",""e rt" n"c;B " e,i fi ('tin ami I f WrlHtlne mi nf MiCiin and ( C WrlHllne --- . '..---.'-.:z .' PilishurKh xvem Instantly killed ut Cur tiss I'leld when their airplane rra-rhfit to the ground Thej were menibeis of the marine enrpa air service Tor Ihe Hume Keatwii Imperial Ornnum, thi unaireeirnc-fi rexiu, i-jeaennai in icsrnonl nuraeiry. hecauaei It utippllta thet srtatet nourishment with the leaat tax en d.lkata each month for three -months toi(he sot aiK.ioin. Any drusslai, 25 eta Ait, dlers' vrelfare fpnd FEW ALL- WHEA DESPITE LIFTING OF BAN, lii'tnrn to via nasi i inl i few hip hdkcrles Htnitetl ' uihU ne ill wheat hieml although tilt let. ilii'on ruiulrltitf the use of sultl tuies wire ahollhed toda Most of them Hre waltlnn fin mil ti ileiR fioiu thf fond udmltilstrall'in sinun iiliilired the would ie up what ilh st'tutu thej he on httid unless tin I dnwirinieiil orders othetwl"e, utheis j slid Ihev would worl bai k to the lit linl rrHittialtv t nitei tin new milu ihe tale rompelllnp tin ue of not more nun in r i ent of wheit (lniit and .' pel i ent of substitutes is rest hided i unsimiem ina hii'Iiiipi flout withotit i ml sututis and liakeistuii leHiinit nitlv- n c i I w heat hn ad I Ihm imiiinininneiit was in nh h llut i I Meln Pederal food adnthilsti alor f I'm mi l inia follnw mir IiIh tetiltr. It hi i lon'.iinie In idhliiKlun with llerbett llooiit I'.deiHl food adnilnlR ft itot lnliticin or the substitute tide dues not itan tint time has been a ftenei il Ut down In nil retaliations hnwiei, f Hi In s.ild i 'onset intluii ami ledilU tlon of the food supph will rontlnue in der Mi lliinier mil the petyile of the luiuiti will be iisl.ed to lonllmie lo "ie fits imats and diit ptuditets ill it tin s' n IllK I eupies ut lillup n" b. fed stmrlHR.. of nltlr Fffd III -ilbsllt III tllle Mis t lillM bttll llio iHbt d im llillliar I but t.i Uls if lln shollllse of klilill Tin dtdlllK rtltle Il lii lie" i 1 si Hid il ii I'llilis for lln pun h lw of ii III ill itid stinks of siibsiiiu es in Hi hand- if li"tkns Hid i th tiadi art In mc math b the t.o itlinun' In oldei ti ilieit lh s situ it lull EXPRESSED IN VERSE nrrors of War Stiireil Phila delphia Yank to Poetic EIToil II. flllow UK IPI'l W s XVI t le hi Pin ite Ink Mini- of this utx, a sol din liinp wounded iu a b ise htspital In Prime one time box and pi lyginimil teicher in enlistc I man of I'ompiny I', I If'th InfJiitri 7 hrj ft j 1 '"" f t' in in l er inn fie trd. lritini flini hlff hhnul u it xudipl i sfterl, Wlnii flrtlibii tilth him i't litl'fl the It'trlmi lln ill ii i)ii)tiii tliel Ihii) i i u fni priltr ' Tip t t ' V ot iro ti Jmv ii. i . i -nin fl t m hu til ti ti iiuM of t' oiniiirti moil tl linii xiii;r;(i)i mitilv mn lifter hnoii Ihf muriiia tl Inp liar ileull tin bni I in ll ti" lot '"!-' ' 7 In ll i i V Jo) lllil ll r i in ae, u tin nil f nnt st i il tin iiiiiunl ittfii - it II 111 I II (7 mil unit li oi si ' bniltct hut i vol botiir llif ii"l e irf uj till t lit) ne Hifll ipoli And tl ii it Jin H"i p ' Il't And I In U ' U f' Itf'ii t tnlitWi s ilmltl li kite hrt i mil l I I lion the lilt ml still of I i tint r brlvl rd lain', I lliiinilii. ti ItJU tin u Utihl nm! liniA uiie litem h'll' till iuii'I (all lit into yttiitl iliac ' tall Oil I' Pili ile M trrls wis iwl e wounded tltst on llllle I) Jllft llier ll-l in' I i i I, i wlen he w is biyouetted in both legs Ile wris sent back to his ngimrnt jg.iln i nix lo fill oin e inure with liishnl libs and a badh Inn nt d side, tht iisiilt of bclniT builid under i falling i wall that was stmik In i -h'll Ile tills of his expel lem.s in I letter to Ins totmei Mipnlnr at Mini nil den Pi ix gi mud M CaiSon hill iiiuli r whom In wniked t- i " unei ifur I ikii S i phxsuil tiaiiiing eoiitsi at J tn pie 1 nlxeisin BURSTING SHIP PIPE KILLS TWO i .live Filmy i Out on I . . . I oui--1 I lie- -I ieiltl-IMItt I- i Imt H tlie Assmialid Press i N'" I l., n, a Vork Nox I I 'I xxii i ll txeie ,1 e of them a li Htm mt ' t the II titnl stet.s Naval lies, i-x.- mil two weie liadlx si allied w lieli a su ml x uxe blll-l on the llielican sleitn-hi I ulli vllle m ihf seixlie of the nixi xvbib it her plei hi rt lodax 'llie men idle el Weie l.lelltenmt Vlf xaiul. t W Wills aid ."-x hestei Tenuovii fiiieuiiin of a ihlllail new eif in icblulsts tinplcicd ll naklngtbi -iiip icadj f,rn )luixe I, Men i tn email Miotd iliss ami Piul 1 in in i I (In nun tir-t 1 1 iss were the im ii b u tied 'lln ai dent on lined u llie engine li oui of '1 e ship l.iellttliiint W ills Hid ltnno-.it w. re said to h ixi li.n stunk bx ftagiupiits of the tl x . and x.iie killed aln list imttaiitlv shnllii riicideut n lined on Ihe ship il ut i xxeek ago w h. n twehemiii wete set oiislx burnt d 'lilt 1 mlsillle w IS f lllieiil iha Xllieli iu lllit-r .St III' AUSTRIA ASKS FAVOR OF U. S. NN .mt- to Aoi'l l.i-i.itii.iliiii: Kor int'i -ul)jcet- Now in 'I Hike-. By tlie tssoaaled Press Wnslillll,liin, Nox II -Ul-lt l his asktd President W llso i ij use nls i,oiid o'.ies with the Miles tn mure i umdl lliiirlon nf the 'lutklsli aiiiiistlie lein so as to permit si i em I ilnni-and tunnel ViiaM llungai lan ubj. I- mm in iiitn ninll ttrillorv to i email there instead nf letutning home to add to a'leulx sel luiis mod inoblenis luikex is reunited bx Hie .innisHn leins tu i matt late a 1 sul in tj of tht i eiitral I'oweiH within In i buiileis This ilause vxas tleslBiitd iiuibtiliil to dilxe out the l.ei mans who xlttuillx eutitintled the luikish n iieruiiieiii Ihe aiieal to Pie-lil'nt W II ii whh b ertines fioiu letina i '1 foei i of an unsigned note, slms nit that Xustila ilutiBarv no loimer is a I eil,riiiit and tint the neceisltv foi enfwiiing the lemoxul of 111 Mislllalls ri dues not mm txlst I u r l,i , J.)1 OKM'.R NL 'I 0 C.OI.OM'.I. I 'even llrigudiers m Oierva. s, nne Ketikriied to I ormcr ltjiii, B the Associated Press I tmliliiKliiii. Nox 11 Honorable ills 'chatge from tho Blade ur geneial otlleei of seven lulKtidlet i.eiieiiis now on I dill x witll tile American expeditiously tfoiees WUK amiotinced toda) bx the War Uepirlinent ilrladln General I'liatlesT .Maitln Nathan'el 1" SleClurc Itobelt 11 N'oble James . shinton Cor doti l Helper, Frederick s I ollx and I Ceorge AV (latchell is under meters to lelllln lo inr l lliieei isiaiep IMrdge $100,000 lo I unci War Work Shlpwoikers In the Pusev & Jones' vard ot Olout ester and the New ork .Shlpbiiilillng Companx plant In Camden have pledged a total uf more than ? 100. 000 to tha united war work fund As the result of u series of meetings held In the tiro vurils, most of the men have volunteered lo contribute one day's pay O 3. T LOA VES i.u.eiv to ne num l hue Is h deirth of funfUiiiIT foi dili tattl- ntid othei llNenluili thrtiUKh- tiiil the woild Mr Ileln7. noltl while I huh Us of wheat that hie atcuinulaleit hi Auptnilla India ttut "south Atnirha Iik.ius,, of thi nhoitug nf shlppltiK Is 1 now nvallabl. Now tliil the uhlpsnie no luiiBet iniperilhtl'. ineitpd to trans port ttoops lhe will he lurniii to ntrj hiK Ihese suppllei of wheat This -ountt will be i illnl nn 111 thej ioiiiIiik M'ur to setul nt leant 20 000 HOW tuns or foodHtuffs to wtuoiie tin. limit of loadiinr ntiail( illlu.ilh at 'in i Iinrls 'I his compirc with the ep rl of II 120 001.1 tons last eat tin KUT tst in oui hleton nntl i pu-i a"1 -inal of ltss than f.timi 000 tons The nilinlnlKtrutloii tltst lompelleil tho putilmse of Othn leieilH with wluat rtntir Jantmr '.' J'HS when th. Ilfl nft.. rule went Inlii ff ert I he Hist riniiinilsotv biMnp ri Kill it Ions weie llll- im.nl on tile tl.lli ItbllMIV i when Inkets wero r. tiilrtd to mix 1 pet ' ent of other certain with their wluat Hour mil this Rradtnlh as Increased to -" pet cent bj Tehran 2-1 Htead inn talnltiB 20 pti cent it ntIihiI mibstllutis i.ilkd VUtoiv bit id Mntidins and W.diif Jdas welt deiii-'uated is wheat Uks da and otif meal enrh das ' -wheit If ss in. ii' In Mull tin IhUms wre iinipeihil to 1... . .s. unli I I lln I I J t tu t C IU UKi.st 2S lb h uiKtd lo t Ik I time bakei -i w l bit ad i ontaini wheat fuiisi inn. -lugs i em lined ff (ifiv llfl i i. nt VI ill . il I mil was I th. "im in ,ke i K .0 fi l ent ot , lit til i f lln st till , m nut I todav -I COMPENSATION BOARD RULES ON APPEALS 'wo disc ImoKing Hig island ( cident- Taken I iiiIci- dM-mciil lilt -l.iie V i 1 ii lis i rnpeiisutiuu li ) ml In ml it I i il- ii nn l I it t - i't -ilsions, h n t Im del ding two i is mid taking n suns' Hn uuri in Intel mil i nil shipbuilding t nrpoi illon it Hog !- md lind jilt let n 1 in In ml d . Hit In u ul ib tlie bo ml l i h i. spllntei in ( is i i Mil 1 Mil ll 111 il in in t tin i 1 lim old. si . i-i s In f ei i t -llUi k IsOl i htn 1 wlilli wurl Intr js I In Itildwi i I iiuiio- tiw UniKs nin xeaisat-n 'I w.ntx -mo exiiinin il inns in ixpi'ts -linwtif tin IW tli 1 "1i i eut .till lltlt Alltl tin bund tlpiu Id th. I. ftl.es dt isinp that hi is nit i I nihil lo i limp i- it tn i inl llio b.M- cf tht e,iiitit ti' Bnih th Hog islatni casus 0it loutril out ot iiu'ifcpoi l itii ti aitidtnts Abe siliiiiitz l-S 1 di 1 m-oti sunt mis t lined fraitiuts nr both I 'gs xiben lit tell bflieifh 1 mntol tlllilt ll-i ll to Man-port w iikinen frnin sbipjaid prop eitx to streit i ii- Hn minre. ixx ml til i olllpeus itii ll but thi i I-!! llLX torn li nix in xx Ii U li lit N I " i i mi. insurmie on its inines ippiahd lohn I. lim tig in 2t' Snitili -.ex inth siitet, wis liiil w lilli liding in j an mtoniobil. b, twien the i hestit simii I in. si. H, ,,i jii.i tli. in. i im ii,. i ,i .i.i 1. 1.. f.... .... the Md. in th. automobile width wis lint niaiiit ihied I i- Hie x ird, tin. refei.e lefused lo ixxaid i omiieiihatiiiu J 1 1 l Id 1 Jsli. i u ii t mi ox r if Hi. i I tnse i iniip, un id Minus Honk ith Hlllt 1 1 I til Ill-L, l i lllllg H' .he )llalll und injur, d his In nl ll.j w is un all', to leturu to his legular woik, ind while euiidn.tl as l xx itchln m he te ul lapsed Ills plixsiiini oideifel hllll tej a linn to it i upt rat., after xxhteh the lomtieux stopped pixlng tin coiniien - il inn U hid been oi elt t el to ghi him red lee dee d. d lln t olupilix must , i intitule i a tin tils m,i m ippoal wa ' t iken in Hu In ml The bo ml si t lined Hn ti t. n t CITY URGED TO BUY TERMINAL Aunj I'loji-it mi Dcldw.itc IJivei lo He (aiitiilt'li'(l lij June VlllIX I III lis a 111 1 llltlll ell-'llleen j e man ii n is iu fixoring a prpiiusal tint Hie c It v aiepire the eltiiiHin leimlnal hi lug e ons i in ted In tlitv,ai lepaltniel un tju Deliwaio ttlxci just abjxe I'.eau i Island I he W ir t'ep irt me ut w ill Cyiupl' ta tli piojnt it h .i n nm in id Ihe liirnlnil will i ousts nt txxo liiii.1 njejs. "txxo i XI ll el, 0111. s nifl ., , .1.1 fi-.lf.li! , lassltt- .. 1 . . . . . f . . ' ition i.uuoHii iru ll was Ue "igue el tm the Oil lite miasm s I otps i' ,s s i shipping i nte fni supplies fm Hi i: 1 It is i )r ii d to hn nn Ix lul use bx next lime Colonel I, H Mud. n I Idled States tiiisiiitei in ih(ii',e 'of tht xxeuk, said tod ix I hair ni doubt Hi. I lids gical ln iiimiiI xx nil li will it out ut the laigtst In tlie lounti) md Is the l.ngest eotn b n illon ,iiti ind xxatehuuse In Phila delphl i will rein to the i llx If the I itte i deems lit In tike it oiei fioiu tin liovniuni nl now that the urgitit lit il is pis Hu Coxeinnif lit will not need it aflei I I m meiit jieai e a 1 1 a ugtinents aio eun i I jded mil the vast amount of supplies i it h oiinht bail, fiuin T'l nice llie tei inm il is the normal extension if Phlladt lphla and is being bulll in lino with Hn spe Hi jllons of the Depui tineiit ol W halves Duels and (Vines The nix n c.riAxt.1 as i poll wll bei gieallx till Ulli eil in'n el bx the aniulsitioii of the ten Un i tin Webster or the Depai lintiil ot Wh lives riucliH and Perries said th it h liile an) iiroposltlon tint the city like ov i the tciiintnil Is preinatuii tin tuiiilnil is a wonderful part of Mils e i s tioit fi i ihttes PRINCE HENRY DISCOVERED Hilling iu ('ustle, FFc Uccluie-- foi New Keimc Bx the Associated Press nlienhugeii, Nov It Plltlxe Hellix of Pruss'a has beep dlscoyeted at Hit e esile owned bv Huke Pi Irdrlcli 1'eidl- Hand of Si bleswlg-llnlsteln at Kfkein- fneide according to dispatches lee'eiyed hue lie eleclares hliuself In nccord with the new regime Ju Oeriuan) l.ckernfoetde wheie Pilnee Ilenr) of Piussia is staying. Is a toxin In Si hleswlg llolsti In, ten miles southeast of Schleswlg It Ins a Hue haibor and un extensive! herring tlshery Seashorp . Excursions ATLANTIC CITY Ocean City, Wildwood, Cape May EVERY SUNDAY i mil .soviiMHKit ei, ion (llichmlrr) 7 1 JO V, M. from ( Urslrnil nr .South Htreels Ctrr). telurnlui Icaia Sin thqr I'oinia ono -. i, ROUND TRIP -u5 Jt .(0 Tl tr Tx 13 AddltloBal ti ft o 1 s ZLr....'l ..isi..vtsiifiuisisuJi ,, .. nmnv ,.',,,, ,1 ..-.ii, TYPISTREGIMENT I RECRUITING HERE' Classes Will Be Trained to 0ereome Shortage at ashington JK.'l') jYIOUK THAJV 1 000 ; - I ii t e n s i e Steuogr.ipliif ("nurses to Open at Ilifili Schools and Y. M. C. . While we art Mill Jubilant mer the wondiiful Miton of .Mondij It l il I fit tilt to teallite tliat thete Is vt t a iI I amount of wink to be done btf ie tan uttle down to the lalni P i e if pte-w ir dtjs and tindeietand tint tie great problems nf jisterdtC must In supplemented bj the Inipottint ipps lions of peiiB and ieei nd'niitloi ill of whh h will lnulp Nolunits of labor, sild Mrs .1 M Anderson r,pu Inl re rmtlnK ofricei for the Tnltttl t ites Cill hetke ("otiunlBalon who 1" In I'hll idelphl.i to assist In mean zIiir "pe nal classes nf training for steiiOKraph ts mil t pints with a le to iRsisiint; the dtparttnent" In V.ishlni,toti l'.tr aime the ('tilted States ent.rrd th. w ir, she nald, ' ther. has bun an. uiKetit mril foi r' noKiapheis and ijli-I Ists mil at no tlu-e hap til's put of me 'lll KiiNiie I een leirulted In iiiiHi itnt numbers lo take enre of the tiemeniinus i amount telpl ml in otji mi f loncspinidetiie and tec ud ( in conmriinn wuii ine Die lonitnlsslin thficfnie hn reiointiietideil IntnisHe tialnniR as a means or helping to inett tue i-iiuriohr. ir; VZ , M looiH named hi low an mtenslN" means of helping lo met I the hhurtage, trilnlnr lint will iirepaie stenonrapliers to write at tht t He of eiishtx wild" per minute and tiilsls nt the late of fortx llxe words pei minute in a i ur-e whlih will run for twihe wicks three nights eu'h week being gHen to tae Instruc tion It Is und. i stood that all students taking ibis spedal f nurse will tiki the ilill sink, eaiiiiiiatl(-ii at Its tirmlna Hon and will agree to go to a 'hlng tim r II ed pl.s, nis Sikh studitits mi lll-o be of sen'i. tu the l.oiel nm lit intttesis m this nix but tin pnim nb jtit is to take i ie of mg. nt innls iu AV i-h iMt in ICeuIst riiltrnl riinmriiiw VII i 1 on- ill siting In i l I I tl e-'l liss s will pleseut tll'llisi his loin n mw . waiting i S oi loik at th. t Mitral ith ist south Phlladtlpbl i West Phlladiipli a ni AVIlllatn I'en'i High - In nls nhi i iniw linueiii nines nt i i i x s will e, w mi fulfill! mfci malum d ,ii il WANTS SCHOOL CELEBRATION oemlnT 19. Date of F.inroln s . I GrtHshur-i ili1ie-,-. Suirpivlrd IU the lisocmlici Press n iisldiit-tiin, Sen 14 i iminiisslo hi , I' P I laxtoll of tlie iilllilll of 1 due l- ' Ition has -.tiggc ted to I"esidenl W llt-on i inm time tin xiai which lln I nltcd 'stalls entered to uphold dcmociacv has iii- -t endetl Willi x n 101 x 101 mtunm lt xx I 1 be uaitluiliiiix niting 10 naxe tli oln s liettxsluiig addnsK ii ad In ill , imblli Miliouls 'I uesdax Noxembd I'i the tlftx ti Tl li uuilvit-iii) ii- tliat xxotld-fainotis of the deliver) ilninemoiltlve tnbiite Mr i lixtnn n-ktd also tint it the suue linn Ptesld lit V IWon s nihil. In e.nc.ss nxemlnt II iniioiiiii Inc. tie KslilllK if the Itllilstlec with lieimaux I t Ii id y.DNioHK ci;Li:ni5iLS Paiaili' llriiiR. Oui rdl00 Maicliers in l'c'aic" I'apcaut i nade of " 0 c"J iieiwms i liiexiorks illsplix sine, lies and l.ibeitx sinking 1 atuieel the peace efleblltioil nf the nliHiie i-hainbii of c online n C lasi n'ght In lln ipn t'sslon xtie weiiniu of the P.ed Cioss In then white uiiifoiins in dnds c.r school tliildieli lluine De fi i-e P.esfives finteiuul m t,anl itlou-. e tl -Muplojfs nf ii el In inanufuituiln. n an dli.wing the patade led bx loxin 1 in i iiiuuissioiiet V llllimi c! I'rankci- lielil tin. i elelnilnrsi Katheietl aioiuicl, ibt -in ik'is si mil at i ilcket .mil I..111 i i-iei in lines stretched ieros llio sttl of et at this point wtio llitco nags two Mum honor digs fm the last" two l.lll H Joins and the oth. i i seivicct I .. '. . . . ..... I. ' fag iepi muuiib urain InOO iinu win. ansxxeinl the call to llie colois Wnrkiuiiii Killed by Trolley ( hi While it xiorl. on some e unci etc linnis undei the I i ii nk lord elexated lallwnv sttuetute on IxenRingtiTi avenue below liiriesdale avenue vesterdnv V ilium HUtei llftx-tlve veais old, of 10'JS south 1 tout stieel, wis struck bx a trolle) tar ind lecelved Injuries wide it i lusetl his death an hour litti iu the h'l.inkfonl llosidtil 'the map was tmiilovecl bx Ihe I niin Paving Coinptnv vhli-"li has a eontia t foi the conctrte xoikon the ("t iil.ft let I. ' Itui). Max lilentilx "Man signet ling with the iiiiHUs V Is the eltie lo the identity or a body tound in the Delawaie Jtlxer )esteidav lit.n the I'elinsx lxii'iin shipyard at i Cloucisiei Ihe bodv is In the Clou- icu, iiivihh! int. iimu iiuu it'll 11,111, xvas ullglit)) bald ami smooth shaven Hex xxoro a Id u k ox ei coat, blue, scarf und had a gold watch till fes kl'js, u Unlfe and fort) -eight cents Additions to the Rosenbach Galleries The New Jacobean Room C The Rosenbach Galleries 1320 WALNUT STREET in itH fSAUf.lj Wl.l.ixjix I'liilailelpliia girl whose stepfatlier Iin gone to ('ape Ma) to tr lo iilctilif) lioilj of nung woman found imirilcrcil nn licuili HOOVER EXPLAINS FEEDING PROBLEM Tellh enators of iSeeds That Miisl Be Supplied Eur opean Peoples Ity llir Associated Yen U iislilnRlon, Nin 14 1 1 ttinliilfltintot Ilooxei about to ,n r,,, i-n.,,!,, ., .lire, t tlm IIlIU acahmt i,ft,i-tln -nm st.inatlun ld a llnal )(l M nil n ,n sitnat,. IradctH ttda . (( ,MU11 ivKslHtion to extend th- ,lf( ( f ,)U rBnl7 itton, lltulleil t the I ,,, i,,i illon of pece, would be unneies mux Some Iigislitlon mix be neces sir Mt Hoover told tin Sen ttors In enti'nei tlou with world proslslonlng Ceueinl food tondltlomr foreign and domestic, xieio dlscusspj i,x Ml Mooxer who guxe. a leilew of tin task of feed ing I'uropenn peoples For a consider able time, he said, It will he nccessarx lo Mipplx latgo nirantltles of food to the Belgians Serbians, lugo-slu" r itienlans and manx- other peoples, as well as tn tlie late i neiiix countries Mi Ilooxet pi ins to ret in n to inerlia In Christmas Ile s ild h' would studx tsietiili probluins of lioitunn provision ing, the (mpott mt ciucstloti tor decision tig, the fmpottmt cptcst on tor decision Mthutigli Mr Iluovei did tut ink for I evulsion of tin food lonliul law, sex M it s.siitois smi it Is a ciucstion for t'lin-sMss In vlexx ol posslhl. i.ipld In u is" In in lies in th' t'xpliatlon of tin law RIOTS IN HAVANA STRIKE I 1 lure llliicilicn .111(1 Otlici Arcl xv i i 4 .. i ' , NNoiinile.l in Attack on Car j Bi Ihe is-ticlateil Press I lli.iiiiin. Nox it- vlthoiigli it xx is j bollixed Unit thr i,i in i il sv mp ithetlc still h to -it tree linrii inoiii d miioii leitl- j er xxas virtually endi d when I'resielent Me mn il gaw the einili'ed men llii'li I llbnix lodn. thf fit t-t s, uus trenihh if lite Htilki on unci In I'ii hejildftht cltx list nlaht It riaulled Iu the n iiiidlng of i' li ist lim,!. iiolli eineii md m iituli b itnitifel number of tixHl us V Inge iinvvil mateliid lo the idants of ibnlx uiw.i-p -s, whole illtectors tpk pait In Ihe eonffience, xxhlih ealliid Ho In in Isoued men theli llbeil) Thcie Ibex t-pie snl theli nppieclatlou Tilt. ,1111. ll .11, lllil .l,l u.ifat ,e " ...-. .... ...,. .,.,, ,, ...... v.,, ; oiieialee) bx i sti il e-bi t ii,p Sevetal ' men hoiidtd the in and loitghl) I hnielled the iiiolonn in The tiolley pole xxns pullid tioxx ii iml the eat xxasi pushed bail down Hi. stre.t Vnothcr e l was iImi tMn 'id and d imaged I Poll'e i i r to Hn mil of two solillets who wem on i;uiml In Hie sciond cat Viiiuilliig i an units thu fired Into tie ah In Intimidate llie e towel 'I he n I shots wen (lied fiom the mob and thf ' shooting became! general upward of a I bundled shots being txchinged Pullet! icserves vure lushed tn the si ene ind I sin iteleel In dining the cloud Into sdi sltect ' Ihe stiikeis iiimiimtce lias nidernl1 i 11 ix e pt d ici.ni n to iisunit mn riunri Currx t"ooel lo Italv 1 aililiiKttin, Nox 11 t'auo'ii ilr d mes ate being used bv the Kalian siipreiiiH coiiuiimil tu tiauspoil emer l,eiii x tatlons to Hie lanilshed citizens i I ihe liberated iRies of Itni and also ot Pola and I'lnuie )is ; iption of If oiifl.i Siii at Cape Ma), N. .. 'I Ins Is a Uesi i iptkm of the v uung xvom.ni found nun del ed Inst I'lidav mi the fie ith nt Cujie May Point N, I A j, i' ihotit tliil tv Mtdluill hclfc'llt Weight 14(1 peitiuils Vei) uttiactivei ftatuies nine mes Nosu of tlio tiled. n type Villi, well moulded lips Tluee gold loeth on cich side of uppei Jaw l.Sulit hi own haii 'I lit hoelv xvas altiied in u ilail. (ficen silk tli ess with nun on black stiipes Tho elress was nil sllb'htl) loxv it dlic nick anil was edged with blade lace Black silk stoc Mugs Black slippers with Kin) gullen Hlue silk ttnilei weal . taupe cent xvltli seal collai Tlie well coifed hull was covend vvltli a silk veil The coat .ltd shoes boto a Boston libel ONTAINS distinguished examples of the best furniture of the period fiom Queen Elizabeth to Queen Anne. Old china cabinets, tables, chairs, tapestries, mirrors and elec troliers that will please collectors andany one having a home to fur nish. We shrall be glad to show you the latest additions to our galleries. " mi" , i, V, ,if.ii.ii-.,jlt riairillfmi-'i-iitXA ilishila.tiii - ii. MAY IDENTIFY i SLAIN WOMAN Cape iMuy Murder Victim Believed lo Be Missing Philadelphian EXPECT STEPFATHER Bl o Star Carrtspondtnt "t",M"'. n. J.. No. 14 -Identification Is expected loda of the attrae "i Joung- woman found murdered last trldav on the beach at Cape May I'olnt the Iulin of t hlorofarnt mid bullet tnaj be n Phllatleliihliti The step rather of Isabella AVeldon 2310 Mem. J'" " Rlre"t. Phllarlelplih, Is due her lodaj to i0w tlc b0ll, Piosecutor Kugene Cole, of Cape MaV tuunts. left this tnornltip to run out n clue de eloped durlnR the nlfeht His destination was said lo be Cestui Lake. Conn, when, the "nslerj bunBalotv" Is belleted lo be Mr. Cole also Is ct peitirt to Bo to Boston where some ot the murdered woman's attire was pur chased Beeral facts lead the authorities here to bellee that the murdered slrl may be m1,'8"' .e,do" A ihifc' with the Initials "I V." or ' T W w.ih found on tne boib The photoeiaph of a huncilow In tin- dead Blrli- poshcsslon Is almllar to one-stor. structures of tint Upe in NVw Cnslntiil Miss Weldon lslted In New KiikI ind last Hiimtiifi V third fact is that tfn. 1'hll.idelpliiii girl ban been rnlsslnsr fi , t n, , n montl The tnuiderrd woman wote nt 'o B shoe ho din Miss Weldon Tho shoes were I,u' chased In Bcgton Max Offer lllg Iteuarri l.'dxxard Sprlngoi, chairman of tho 'ape May I'olnt Commission, Is con sidering the offei of a big reward and the engagement of a private detective for the dlscoverx of tlie slajer The authorities nre handle apped because thoro Is no county detective here Prosecutor Cole Is acting as detective, assisted hv Cm oner Thompson and I)r IV. Lake, villi Ins Just lellnqulshed the Coroner's offlce Seoies of woiiun viewed the bodv late xesterdav and seveial letteds have been reielxed In tlie authorities from nushancls who have been tleseited liv ,,,.,. ,., , . ., , ,,, "su ... IsnAII fl,n , Intl,,. llie vrlters sax thev Ol , A, 1, ... ,,. , --,., ,i in-i c Identification tudax in nn effort at 1 lieterinlneil to soltp Mjslcrx I Proseciitot t ol , said tatla) he I de- leimlned to soht-'the mxstetv ' I nm eletci inliifd to get at the bottom of this. If It means i oil.lng dn and ' night said the proseciitot ' A bpecdv liiciiiiiiiation heems iii.cl) now. With l-iftt 'siaiillshcd the tohitlon will be made caster ' Tllt. non,.ulB ,)0UA a, found lan Pildax on the beach about flft) jards from the old excursion house which has long been Icnown in this section as a rmdczvoiiR fo: lovers Tageblalt Tiles nswtr Com -nine teasons foi now trial for the five editors and business otllee-rs of tho Philadelphia Tngeblatt, found guilty of disseminating anti-war und nntl Vtnetlcin propagmdi hive been (llo'l li) their attorney, William A Gra.v. Ar gument on the motion for a nexx tliat will be- held tomortow alteinoon befote luilgc lilcl.lnson LOST ANP FOUND nvltPIV lost Hold Imrpln latxveen Brnftd inJ tusker and 18th and rrh sta Pri ll 'i. enilipjJ llexiarel l'llti sif Hroad e ASK r.oet on Montiioitirry pike neir Jliiierfortl tma I leather tune innr) ed F, i' It (' n'so tennis rac'in and nweuler U.xxsr.l Pbniie I'mlar ll.'l'l PIA I.oit on Hunilny 1 Ind-i l lease leturu pearl e resrent nem. S12t I'owelton ave. I lli-rll rexxart WAtt 11 1 ost, ihiiib'e Swiss gnl 1 repeater xxat.li e-unlMX ii in between Countrv CluH anil Oxeitrook cir betxveni Oxerbroolcf and Ctruiices (Till ail luiind hill to lielmnt t rllltefiil Kewnrri xx I II t ' gitPii tinder Ad xlreas I nirl s P njjiln J4(t W Susciue irnnxe niTvriis J r M l h Sen Henri XX I. line It NA 1, wife fif sr I rleiid inxiteu to fu- pernl -tut 10 10 a in from the resldenc ur net iitxuRMPr ,iiiij Kacc si int inxati. COlltS Mulilenl), New 11 MAllV. xvlfe fif Toifph ( t'oxle ItelHilxea nnil (rlpncls tuxllirt tn funeral Sat sill i ni , trom J'iIT 1 ltostoti axe iilrmn retiujem rnasn St Vim m l hurth Ida tn Int Huh Reput elllo iVfH M1.I V Voi 1,1 Jl'IlhiVlrU! T, hui ljantl of MsrRirtt Kleb 'nee McKeel Ut la tixps and friends bixlted tti funeral .Sat. sua in fiom .t.l I" t learileM st ."ol .ini iMiulPiu mass at e hiirch of Valhlty, In ii I. (lit Hot. Setililihr. c'ein MM I' N Tl-1111. Mil i: IIIMJI.IH t-xperleiiceil liiln liunlnti Pr nt Ine iNx tunlper unci e lierrx i-U I Vol Net HIM tn mrTl.t with wnTk In olTloe nf wlmlrH.lit drilt; house Vpph P 627 1 e llier llfflie 1II.I.P WTI'K MM F ( UNSTHLC IIt)N WCiPIx I M.I.E SAM'S SIHI'IUII )l. KB I nit We are in llnmejiate ueij if t MtPhS TEKS Hnic'Kt.vTbns 1.AUOUE11S Ml lie II VN I SHIPUL'H.DING t OIIP Astnt t -s SHIPPINI' HO!tn I, Ml UClt NC V IT LET f OltP lllil i KM ( ST8 I'HIUVUKt.VHlA. Oil PI.ViN 1 ( vpnnvifM o-tFii k. HAItrtlMAN HU Nl. VltUs 1 X M l.XIPIDrvlPNT or I ii r lKll:iiY MAN rellalilp to drlxe hois, Itmlll KeeblerWeM liaklUK J.d i V hie sib tw. Co., FOIIKMAN -i umiiiei foreman for nt con- ciete form work At-pl) (Iraim et .Stewart Cn sill) Cuniinereial Trum HulliUnic HINTrwiY Hlnnk book blnJerB anl paper iiilera .puulay Prlntl'il. Co, Junper inl C'tlarrj ate MVN experl'in ed to work In ordr and ihtckhia eleimrtnient of wtwleaiile drua lininie Aliplx' 1 H.18 td-ier OKIce M N wanted for senereil xxork In yxholeaale biittir houae sooil sulnrx, iwrmaneut oc sitloii, npportunlt) for aitxantemfnt Call R7 t Water pit Phone 1 ombarel .1301. m.l.IVCKKK and e-ollertor for rltj ouU, one ur book or Inatalmeut buslneaa.pr"- fe-rreel eioocl aalars to rlsht man Apply st nm e Mr pnn'n f4 ' Chappelle. 1011 heatllut St., HiTj vrioNH w.Tri-nai-tr. nrKMHtltAPIIKft 11 sears' cxper. dealrpa poaloii. temp or perin A 17. uefl. Oft. The Best Investment on Earth Keep your money working for you and Uncle Sam. Put your Liberty Loan interest, due November 15th. into War Savings Stamps 'WS.S. WUIUItUM - rfcliMsiniAMiiV,'1rft4irr ttlaTtt'laVia'ialiaillalfilfi'-a'iaaartiaTrSiaillil I 1 JI -v.