t 1 'fV. 1 0L6 EVENING PUBLIC LEDOER-PHILimEIiPHlA, THUBSDAY, NOVEMBER-, 14 1918 V3f TAKES A HERO TO SPEND HIS YEAR'S SALARY FOR LUNCH, BUT HOLLENBACK IS NO COWARD "" ' - --- ;'" r- - "f' Vi s- '. I ?' J1 -- Iv fev Iv If' F.' t& if t i VI ht i B IP Eg fi- W- EftU' r"". . rl ; II 8'-' ." C04 CH HOLLENBA CK, SPEAKING OF PENN, LIKES THE PHILLIES "Big Bill'' Proves Very Evasive W hen Interviewed AbouH'Pitt Game, but Fohvcll Doesn't Hesitate to Stale That Quakers Will Surprise on Saturday H ROHER C W. MAWKU, Sporli IVlllor Ilenlue Public I rilser "DILIj HOLLCNDACK spent his car's s.tlarj, for lunch cstt nl.iv lit - also dipped into Ills net j ear's pny to send the miller uwnx smlllns but. a llttlo thine UKo thut caused no nnncniinie In U llll mi's .miiiii. life Biff Bill vns happ. lie was bripht and cheoiftil fm his team at the University of l'ennlvaniii had sroied a kIoiIoiis Icloi j our l,utictm nnd the true siEnlflcince had jut dinned upon hint riirtliertnuii', theie was nothing on his mind but the uppioaehliiR panic Willi I'ltlsbttrKli net Saturday, nnd a little thins UKo that was not een mnsldered Didn t Penn beat Lafayette by the scoie of .14 to 0'' Dldn t l'ltt ttlttt V. and I by tlto score of 34 to 0" Isn't 1ifnietto as Bood as W ami .1 " Theic forc, Penn is as good as Pitt. It's all settled except the plnvinir ot the game, which will be exceeding close. Hip Bill said so himself before nnd nfter squandering his saint j. We were Invited under protest to accompanj Wllllim Mid Hob Pnluell to this luncheon. The two co.irhm wetc full of football itid the unmlci ful showing of the Penn team lat Siturelni caused niiuh Ju It's tiiiinv how ono ictory puts pep and lontldeiiLC in a pili of eoiehcs Tin ad mitted it themselves l'eu a tune hovvevti, thev wen "ltnni;i h sih nt on the Pitt game and their uisweis to iuetinis wen- IiUhh ilhimlii.itin "What do you expect to do ultli I'itt m xt Sntinttm' I nsUid. "Well," leplled llollenbarU. nfter seuoiisK thinking ou the iiiei, "I believe ba&eball vmII have one of its greatest reasons nct vein. All of the bovs will be back from the tieiiche", and biliuve me, the will be wel comed bv the fans. Can vou itniginc " "Have you any imc 'days to sprinn on ll'mitn" "What will happen to Hank Cicmdj ' tecumed Bill 'when he Mops on the field with the Boston Braves'' And then theie an. ' "Arc your men in sliiipt or a liard battle" "Ty Cobb, Christ Mathewson lta Bates, Meilin Kopp Tilly AN.UUei. Johnny Lavan and other gujs who have done then bit foi their eounlrv and will be ready to " "Do you ciprct a close name'" I "Step into their old jobs. The Phils and the A' will come back strong next veir Yon can't Kill a f,nino like baseball no mattei how vou try. Just watch ' "11 III khorty Smith play qnaitcibael.' ' 4 "Next ear' ' Folwell Says Penn Cause Is iSot Hopeless AFTEIt this Mottling Infot in.itlein and inside dope we who cunlldtnl that a game would be plajed net Situul.i oi t-otnethitig like tint rolwej), however, had different idms and did .not hesitate to cvpicsM tbini , "I was sui prised when , saw I'enn in action against I.ifavette," lie said, "and take it from me Pitt will be sin prised nct Saturdav Novel in my life have I seen such a bU improvement in fact, it looked like a different team. The men worked well together the plajs tin off smoothlv and, strange as It mav ira, I noticed some vetv good plivcis on tin team. Wo are not licked jet and oui case is not hopeless V"e ate 100 per cent better than in the Swarthmore game and next Satin dav furthei Improvement v .11 be noticed "Bill Hollenback performed wonders nt I'cnn dining mv absence, ami no one Knows, the hard job he had on his, hands I hid fan Ij den-cut material, but most of the men left college when Bill took ch.uge. Hav Miller and Well weie nt ends, Supplee at tackle, 1'aiinakls, a guard, Lordi quarter, and Hauv Bosetskj. fullback, all looked good but went into some branch of the set v lie I saw a bunch of strangeis when I came back, and take it fiom me, it's prettv tough to coach n football team when the players still are green behind the ears "Any othei coach would hive epiit in disgust, but Hollenback Is no quitter. He woiked harder instead of offering alibis and soon had the team practicing together Ho lost sl leal plieis at the st irt, was bealtn "'by the JIarlnes and Swarthmoie but nevei got dlscoiirah'd. Some coaches look' good when thej are winning but llollenbai k looks good in defeat I surelj do admiie him for hij aggicsslveness and outlet ful woik (CI VOS't feel dip ' icports, foi tit tpreised am tin i ery man on tin ghc aU'thcic Is in him. Mark my itnici, ltnnin Kill be sii prlscc." Big Bill Tolls Georgia Tecli- to Beuare B1 )IG UII.I.I was nervous dining the and called a halt after rinsing his "Las off that stuff. Bob." he said, "and let s talk of something else We have u tough job on oui hands and it is up to us to ninke a good bhowing In the remaining games 1 am confident we will give I'm ji hard game, and right now I predict we will win lioni bMaithmurc nnd Dait mouth. Then, when we pIhv Georgia Tech on Doccmliei T wo will be in shape to hand them a Dimming ' That never-sav die spirit is responsible foi Holleiibjck's success No matter what kind of a Job he tackles, he stic ks to the llnish, and usuallv gets results Take that I'cnn team foi example Onlv one varsity man was on tho sepiad and be failed ti make the team Time lsn t ,i man on the varsity who plaved agiinst Pitt list oar and man) never have seen tho Warner sepj id in action It is an entire lv new crowd, the plajeis having been plucked hero and theie and handed football suits In the hope they would make good No college in the oountiy suffctcd as much as Penn In other places threo or four veterans remained and the teams wcie built aiound them, but such was not the cai-c at Penn Hollenback stalled m from the he "ginning and it was pure manual labor to mac h the men the game. BUI lias so mail) new men to deal with that their names scum times slip him "I have some men sou nevei have seen" be said Peters and Hopper nt end, Halves and Kmith In the bickilrld raw find it ctntei, Prank and who is the other guard, fiobr be asked turning to l'olwell "I don't know," replied Bob 'lies pictts good though " "Well, anvwas," resumed Big Bill, "1'iank and another guy play guards, and they will do well despite the fact 1 don't know tho name of one. Those boys have the splilt and aie anxious to leain, so that li all I ask." HOLiLEXli.ICK iCLCiies the prinnly sum of O.VH DOLLAR a year for his norL on 1'ranklln I xeld. lie siyned up to atsiit VolncU caily in the season, and u hen Hob mis tuhriiIeK he took charge of cverylhimj. yon hi still h head rocici, for l'oluell Is not yd btioiiy enoiKih to noi,. floueiei, itob is u.illlny to be Hill's assistant foi a time. Many Good Games on Preparatory bchool Schedule PUEP bchool footbill will bo resumed tomouow and nianj good games are on the cards I'enn Chatter takes on Friends' I'ential, Hplseopal lnea up against Ocrmantown unci, last but not least, Chestnut Mill will liavo Its annual fuss with Ht Lukes Both of theso teams aie exceptionally good this .veal, despite tho war conditions. Tho plaser.s aro young but well coached, nnd plaj a better game than soino of tho colleges. Chestnut Hill won from Penn Charter two weeks ago In a hard fought game. St Luke's opened with u victory over Penn Charter and last week trimmed Haverfoid School after being off the schedule for thirteen earo. The bos.s from Was no are very con fident of victors, and the same goes for Chestnut Hill Coach Dlcktns hag the Millers In good shape and they expect to make up for tho ttlm Bilng handed them by Bryn Athyn last week. Tho battle will bo fought in Chestnut Hill und a largo crowd will um out. Clermantown has a Ifctter team than in the last four years, which Is duo largely to tho coaching of Guetter, the foimcr Penn Charter and Jrahcrit star. CJuotter knows football and can impart his knowledge to tho boye. Ho liaa isomo plays that aro modern, and In another year or so BlcOUlu navo mo acauemy up in iiio EflSCOl'AI, will have a hard time utnnina the eiimtjul yamo to morrow, out J'cmi Charter should defeat rrlcnds' Ccnliah 01SLY one unmc ulll la played this uctK In the Public School League competition for the r.llla A. Qlmbcl cup. That one con lest Kill 6c fcefieecn Gcrmantoicn Illyh and Ccntial tomorrow,. g' 'J? f rJioh tenm has played ono league game sy far, Central beating p'rfrf , '.Mmuthern and (lennantowit losing to West Philadelphia. Oiling to r, f v tkrJf(pif'trt"Vhs' Captain OUtrfctt's lads ait the faiorltcs. Pitt mine. d spite tin ylouinn I'enn tenm u ill Jmhl hutd and culogv He also was i nib n lassed ice cream with his mashed potatoes runiiiiiK acji iuiciucuuuiiiiu n". I TRlEt TOR A NvRSrsiMmoT MCfOTHS GO SPGrsiQ A . r e -un.tiiM IM HUSBAND HA.& I "RV AtOD hU . -v OrTrslU A LOT OF Tms ARMV AMD Je'S A & I HEAR MOT-HlM&j fiooD "" KtODtOGV; IT M5 8GC?M 60IN6 To V w.iv Don T YoO flC IT 1 MdRMlMr. I PAvjoRABt-v get a v. n fDT yours l ccmeral w l commissioo fy5y 'ps. i -AsD Then oisjE "AnO -, : " T I Pay You Gc-t Then " C(IX" LN THE ANOTHCR FAV70BABLS THf HUNS Aept TgRi IVVI CFP '" LETTGR R-ujaa T-,G AR ,. . sA r AM O - J"S VAJAisi 'SEPT CAVtS.0 C-GRrvw, Kn Tt Follow Prim i s. Pill With Roht-il 11 . Maxwell I nlluw IVnn to I'itUlmrch fur t lte fourth iinniiiil ili-.li Im1uoi the Qiml.crM nnd I !n I'upIIm r-. IT 011 nn't tpuri' the tlint f miiKi' (ho (rip Hl will lime miiuitiM i imiich to rend T the hftttle us di "i rllitMl h HOHE11T w Mwwra ports KUitor J fnint; l'nlII I pk r t ho ulJl r'iu the Kiinw ill his ustiiil t tit rtiiinliiK s(li mill hU tnr will aopcur In Alitnitii tilitloiih of tliri Innlnir I'uhlit E ilH r, Onlt r from ,oiir iii'Uhtlutlu now unit Ik nurt of nir i iiN . AT WILMINGTON Tendlcr and Lewis Among Stars lo Perform for Har lan Fund Tonight JACK O'BftlEN REFEREE I'm (lie 111 st tutu in ncitlv live seals theie will In boxing In Wilmington to night some vere lugli-cl ils tali nt will ipjieai in exhibit ton bout boxers will clash in what while olbei tre scheduled lo be nal lii'ti The show will lie held in the liper.c House ami the n celpis iiirmil eivei tei Hie llailan war tunel Hill M.uiiowaii. Hie forinci Blue Itldge league innplre nine einplovcel at the llnrlun arcls Is hi clingu of the, boxing prog! ant ' Phil id. Ipbia .lick cjKiicil xeill lie among those present Philadelphia. .lawn lias consented to lefpiee the main ex hibition anil to elelhe-i i speech mi box ing .mil whit it did lo help Haiti the bos feu uai woik lames r Dough em tin Uaion of Lelpcrvllle and Rob clt Maxuell also will lefciee liouts I'enilli r Ilcacllnier lew Tendler will be one of the head liners 'lln slat BoiitliiMw will engage Vliliev I'ltgi raid in . fuiii-ioiinel bout l.usaif I.e w Ik ami liniim 1'. ipp.es will entertain in anotbc r four-round cession K ii Harr.v Baku and Malts 'ross also will be seen u i foiu-i ound cx bililtion 1 lie io will be the mteiuts bouts, in .nldilifin to the i xhlbllleitis, iicioiding to Pieunotei Viae' lowieii He w intH to make lliein Philaeb Ipbl i-Wllmlngtoii affairs I H Weaver gene ml man igei of the llirlan plant put chased Hie Mist ticket, patting with $1011 foi the pasteboard. Two Miows Here 'I ben. will be two boxlnc, nhow 111 tills cltv tonight The I nltecl Scivice Club anil Hog Iplfinel have air.umed c xecllfiit i aids Vt tho service Club eight thiee-iound bouts will be staged, with Joe Burman ami Prankic iMirk appealing 111 the fea ture Jolinnv Mealey will entertain with brother Has ci. Mallei lack Pan y and lining c'banev will perform licjwu at Hog Island Joe Welsh anil Jack PaiilHim will be seen in the main bout villi h Is schedule el to go six rouinlB This is booked to be a. battle loval f'oni the Blait In the srmlwlnd up loe lleiidell meets Ixld Bennett. In the other bouts ll.inv (Jiabatn en gages 1'rankle Clhie oung l.owrey meets l.eotge Booker and Francis Mi c 'arts takes on John Ktanl'S Tins will be the second show Htageil bs tho Hog Island A A John Me Taggert Is matchmaker and promoter. r Scraps About Scrappers JACK THOMPSO.N and Hurrv Wills will clash In the lln.il bout ut the At- liinltc I'lty hiKirting Club tomorrow nl,ght This villi mark the opening of llio club which was closed by the health authorities lo prevent the niread of the Influenza Mutchiimkcr Herman Taslur bus ar ranged uii excellent prc.ltiiitn.try card. Palsy Wallace mid. Joe Wright wljl bo the contestants in the .semifinal Joo Humphries and Jlmins ileneo,, nnd Joe Marks and Tommy Warren will take up tho rest of tho program Jue Ilurimin and Yuuni; Vlerhio are ready for the conilnc; slx-rotmc battle whleli U tu be hebl at Hie Cambria C tomorrow nlaht Mike ('amUck teliej rnenk llrlttull will meet In tho ertnlwlnebutt Jeilllitiy llouKhertV and Joe Ifowliklo Terrs jhinloii and Yoisn Hharkes and e'lilc k Huos ant Hobby Mean lln will be oecn in the preliminaries Voting Terry Mifiovtrn and Ouxsic Lewis may lu seen lu a ahort while Lewis baa un offer to box lu 'Ircnton In aUiut two weeks Johnny Dundee and Johnny Mealy aro training for their six-round battle, which Is to be held at tho M'atlonal A A Haturday nltht Joe Phillip And Jo Welch will meet In the o'lnlflnat. SOMEBODY IS ALWAYS TAKING THE JOY OUT OF Phila. Golfers for Foc'h Clubs Compete Saturday I for Prizes Offered by jonn u. nocicejeuer met ! Elder FOR WAR -WORK DRIVE I?v VILLI M II. V.ViS AMMBlin of the dubs atllliab with tin 'loir ssoclitIon of Phil. ted delplu i wi'l bold une-dav loin n iments on Satuiiliv In e ounce Hon with the united war woik e impiign el 1 1 x e It will be re memberei! that lohn D Itnckefeller Si give 2500 l-'och Victory Jbel Us to bo competed foi all oer the otinlii Tbet e was a VV'ai nust drive bete some time igo and at the time the suli-c'lbns weie told tint then would be tio mine tcepiesls fen funds ("oiisieiiientls ii'iiii of the contests elll be Willi Ibe ujipioval of Hit War The st .ili.l the Coif ssoe i.illon of Philadelphia will not ask the clubs hi the association , to bol'l toiiinamenls 'lln medal itself is the finest thing1 of lite sort ever offend in lompjtltlon ! It is of bronze and the engraving is the woik of one.of the best of the guild It Is t nieel.il tint anv one wouiti oi luocici . - ... ...... ... 91 to c tn vppare'iiii ii'ine en mm- ,-, ,b rse i bibs or those out ot tin- souin cm division will be affected b the for inci Wat Chest drive Pi i haps the biggest tournament will be be lei at the Countiv 1 lub of Atlantic rit and in addition at nan .' nan 1I117111 clubs In the local clisiiut will bolll tournaments on next Saturdav. ' EX-YOST JSTAR AC0L0NEL Curtis H. i.etldon, Noted Football IMaypr, Pioinoteil limit lllr. III.. Nov 1 I urt s 1- Iled dui 51,11s ago a famuli' pi i' ci on the I niveisitv of MlcbiKiu footbill team, now ,uimJi In the lPiih Paid Vrllller.v. seising In Fiance, hi been appointed eo'onel of that lcginiint, aieoidhig to tellers incised here from niembi 1 s of the loeil b.itterv seivlng with the leglment Colonel lledden a Ileum is In Uanvlllo Homer Uuker in ( onieliack IIiiiiit Hilar ciiinii lltn f.T lh, first tllil. Ill elKllteen me lllliK list llls'lt won til lllllil van! llHIl II ! rue tll- fe lit lire eif fi inilleil war tut. I kililen In the I eirlv . crntli lleKlliielil Arm re ttniiklwi Soccer ISews and ISoles lluggs, of Illirlilll. i em .f lh, Ii i-l Kiial triielcri that ivr I.e. I I I II I In Ii"' trs out game bent 'iiulii in nuillfc to rliiv 111 l harltv (..cine HiIh s,,iurlc tlists wne indrBc.l inorc ttian t el in llntej and il w is bnotrd c 1. ir lllill Vletihee. kIhIiii, with New V'nrk ship hae devclmie.l Itlt.e i fi'st imli-lile lift lie Is especlallj fast .1 Iril I lltiK link simiildhig. tli- fm mi r lilHstmi iilijcr now heldlnt the left fulll.eek i.n.ltiem on N -w York Ship 1 i ipliiK rrcinpilnir bta forme r stride Mi luldtiu, el, lined i unifuim two weekj ni.o for tin Urn tlnie lelnee he nas tnjureel lint liininlHr cm 1 null lln field ttlillo pl.es ln In tin lllyiiel Nol in. tlu fnnner Veieran placer now lll'tho Merchant "It line- up Ih nun of the most aSCreFeelV plavem weirlllK the Soe i er itniforin ' Nolan with a little in ire coaching should develop Into a i.uci I fulllicik s Aleck llrown and I'm. ict have made a Kuol pair of wing" fur tlr Mere bant "II" tc un Iloth tliceo lioya woik well togothLr lf Penrce Inn r n prohibited from plav iug with Hug iKland until hu ubtnlnei hlH n lease from the Wanckrers Teddle Hurt, the forme r 1'all V C Htnr is now ptaylns a inUhty Kuod gimo with tho Hog Inland soccer etc yen Puses & Jones team i lapldls developing Into a flrst-clurs team both labt Hlturdas ulll Saturday a week the Cilouc enter eleven fought even one of the' ninety irlnetis and ivlth the penalty kick the uhuuld have been awarded last week from VIerchant "II" tenm would have no doubt evened tho si ore Jlinmy Kerr, the former Thistle center halfback. Is now managing the Hog Island team in tho Bhlpjard Koecer League, (ourli McCorklngdale, ot the lalaindors ntlll shows bin old time plaslnj and nlujcd a great game at the goal nets whu Pearee was ordered from the gamo due to the fracas with rooics . Manager ItegHii, of tho Ulsitons has turned out a corking team of youngsters With ono or two moro veterans In the line Dlsiton would give tho beat teams a tun for points "lien It comes to feeding his Insldo and wing men to score goals JtastwoodtU speeds and tricky and har tho appearance of n coiner t center forward Will Play Victory Medal ICTOin (JOLT MLDAL Twcnlv-five limulrcil polf elulis tliroiiplinul i ountry will play for lliis Iropli) on baturilay ' WILL FLY TO GAME Avi.iloiH to Plane to L.ifavctti' Gridiron I iistiin, Pa., Nov 1 1 1 he football team of tin I lilted Mates Aviation .School, ilaiilen e'itv, L I, will lis to this citj on '1 hanksghlng morning and will pl.iv tilt liifasetteS T. (' team in the afternoon on .Mai ch b'ield 'I he game has been pending foi some time but llual in langiinents were de laved mflil this afternoon, when foiinal announce ni"nt wis made bs the local management Cnltiniluu Lo-ea llolli Talkies New VorU. Nen II -I reel liawsun i ei linuliic fiicilli'll imiilnr Hllll cons lien liu fiiun tin Intlii n 1 caniee to Snuth 1 ie lit (fl,ic1ic mile lo b threHtencct with an nlliiek of lln Uuen II all i us en aienunt 1 Mmsm3mk m, 1 ffiMSmMtWowMEsjS. f lh lie WW Hull lllllil ell IllH ce Ivls la tor Uiver I'cnn Slate Captain Mule (otlei-e. I'n.. .Sen M I rank 1 r-UKOr ot Oil l Its fullliiik on J'cnn Mite h fo.itlmll eleven hue lieeiv elected eaptiiln uj the llu uml- W t It. foe lh" remainder e,t this hcaaim II huiceiels l.lcuten int I.tarrv Jte.1,1. who rellneiulahed the icaeleraiiip en Klal, nam lu sfrioas un Instructor til the y ' e til I'ntimilll lllliverneci .m.- U abii holda tin fooiuail eapiiiii I lies Lemper Harvard Prailiica t'liniliridge. VIiisk.. Neic Prae-lle for ibciiard nercl.e fontball te-ani hereafter w l. held e-ierv iiiornliiE from K until 1 nelork til" nil lllliers nf the team liolnx m us fl Ir m ut in Onlv two more contents ..in , . ......, i... il.n llurcuril Icsini em Will I, INU1VII II. ,l ...... - -.. will llimlnu College, cm November -jl iclnl with llrown a week later Seiret Drill for Miilelics ViinuiMills. Mil., Nov llSeclct praolle ) wan besun at the Naval Acacieim sesterdav iiflernnoii rm the big game ; of the ' "eafin that agalnet Iho eleven of the Oreat Lake s trilnlng nation to ih) plased hero on No v ember '-M Mllanovn to Play St. Joe t Usinh'a football team Is "W.'ur pren- ritlinis for lis bis came llh Mllnon vatiirelm The came will tie plajed nn lloui l"i rie'd Twentj nln'b and Ho-meriee; ..,' , ,,. i. ..etc i. Hi. acneil eneiiuement this neanill with Vlllanova. (he first Kame jinit lout b a acorn uf 7 t" - ' Haliiieinaiiii l'la)8 Saturday llilimmifnii -Nloellcal Colleire A T r ..nit is orklncr bard fur Its Kame with Wllllamsin Trade School on Hat urelay. The amo will bo pb;ed m ttio. I II " C A ureiunda rnrti -fourth street and I. int. sldo aienue at 3 o'clock. Tour Ilacrs After Commissions dreat I.akei.e, 111 . Nov 1 1, Four Anyrl can leaiun baseball players took exan I na tions for the orth ers' trnlnlnK school at tlreat VaVes Navel trnllllnc station ?fer ilnv They are Hen Oyer of 1) IXi.ro .bib Joe Leonard uf Wh nKton . T-r eel Thomas of Ilnston and Phil Choulnard. formerly uf Chic a bo, , Leonard Injures Hand New nrk Nov It Den" J.cnnard will not bo one of tho -leading- fistic 1 sht at the areat war work show lu Madison ."iur (larden nn Saturday nlaht. The llalitweleht ehamplon suffered an Injurv to h be left hand In trnlnlmr. Soldier Hartttcld will take lilt place aralnst Jaclc Urltlon. Jsrli Uijinpsey wl) appear opposed lo joe Uund Itol laeiu and Kriiua. bod been nrlereel to tlel'th hiidist dav s woik since the season utile nu, tinkling He lllllil lit Camp Kill llIU' ,,,( nr, LIFE Becher, of Philadelphia, Is jot a PHILADELPHIA! (, I4. He 1-.pt, oT IMilliKlPlpliiii, Is in( t rehlilrnt ut I'll 1 1, lU-M'HIA. !Ec Im it riiilatlelpl.tiin, but he it not u rilll. MUIMMUAV I.vrr ear rfporln tump frmn I'hioliurst m herf Ilcrker plus eoT winter, uml Iip If reported lroiu this clt. m h mutter of fart lie U n riHldent of riilliidel l1iiii, Ni'W A orU, a pot illH(e hnso population in 1 000 iiih 87 1. el the inwHpi'pers hi op repealintf Ihrt he in from Vtllls I)I,UMM . IIIn real ml dr hh in IMiiludelphla, S Only Light Drills Remain for Quakers Befpre Pitt Battle iWALT ROSENAU LEAVES Pcnns pi in thing foi tin- Pittsburgh butle whleli villi bo waged In the sinokv I'ltv Satuidav, Is virtualls over ')nlv light dillls leiiiain foi the Quiker wairiors anil the work will be eonllned lo silgn.tl praitleu and shadovv bcrini iiiii Coaches Hollenback and Kolwcll in e cit'liiR nut the Idea that u leiotlmll icani cannot si l mining" four ci i i week and 'be in e ' " fm a game on Saturday. The Quakers have clol o e omii ,a , , , . niaghig ilncc the Lafivitti coiitisi The team will b -ivo this city 1 rldaj night and will anhe at Pittsburgh the mopiing of the game Little time will be lost In the i'ltv of smoke, and the entire souad will be on Its was' homo Satuid.iv night 'I ho cpilek Jumps are being made' to live up to the rules laid down for the students tialnlng corps by I'olouil Itees. Waller P.osenaii, vi ho was fli-t substi tute cpiaiterback to Hei t 13c 1! last jou, and ten u time a regul n back this Ma son, left vesteidav for the otlkers' train ing school at i' nop Hancock. Ills dc lailino leaves Penn without n depend able seeond-strliig quartet back LONG GRIND FOR PITT Wiirner Works Fautlicr Sqti.til Until Dusk Pittsburgh. Nov II If the L'uHei shs of Pittsburgh lootball team had thoughts of an e,y,s victory ovei Penn silvaiila SatuieliiV and that In lonsc 'liienee thee c mid let up a little In their ti.ilnitiir ibis was illso.dlt ,l vesteidav vein i (llinii Wainir put them through He lined in the situ id itilo oppoilug tennis und c hinged otf seveisal plav s dining the Milmmaglng whlih wan lutid ,nul f, st Sennit nilnoi details wile gnu lulu h) VVeiuei and whe ndarkness Kuthenil over Forbes I'leld his men had uiielcigoni a piactlee pi rlod that biuogbt a gihn smile over tho iiie of the famous BIG VICTORY GAME Franklin Field Saturday, November 16, at2i30 MILITARY PAGEANT l.l lllrK 1SI.WI1 N TKAM is. iiitim.v i'Nm,Ksin h. ,r. .'. Ileketa on a ilei at tllnilie.a' Hnal'lltlffs. Tleiuie'H lhnereney Altl Natljnal t.eaeue for ANollian's Service anel P-e nkl'n Field elite rccelntH to be urpcJ fni n creation and euuloment for Mie m n m - Rpr'ee Sm'IUlW KU.M.Nfi, NOV. 16 NATIONAL A. A. Nin MrMMKIN IB. .IIIK ,M MtKS IIVtK Ml' I IICK is. I.DIMK tM'.I.SIl MATT III IIIIKK1 l. llll l. 1IIM.S JCIIJ MKLSII s JOK fllll.I.ll'N Johnny Dundee vs. Johnny Mealey TICHKIN IltlN tiin 'S. 33 H, II1II 8T. A Good Investment Put your interest in Second Liberty Bonds, due Novem ber 15th, into War Savings Stamps Accepted at any place where Stamps are sold t WML msunaeMrattra Vsma STAnt COVltMMlia SPIRITLESS SAILOR NOW A REGULAR END Higgins, Ready to Quit, Gets Chance and Makes Good for Dickson and League Island PLAY BROWN SATURDAY IJ F.DVIN J. POLLOCK QAY, there, joung fellow, where O are jou going?' B- Dickson athletic director nnd football boss at League Island, shot the question nt tho slouching figure of a allor arra cd In gridiron tog3, who 'iad left tho squid jind was walking with a slow and spiritless step toward 'he dressing room Ills head bobbed up at the question, 'lis shoulders braced and ho was nt ut 'entlon when ho turned and faced his cfrldlron tutor. "I don't bollevo sou need me here, sir, and I was going to get dressed I've been out for tho team for EeTerl lavs and I haven't been In a scrimmage. I guesi I'm not good enough. ' iuilt Like Football J'lavcr Dickson's keen eses trained to tell ootball plasers at sight, looked over lie soung .sailor from feet to head and ack again What he saw was a sturdy rame, w ell-proportioned and developecl Jo looked the pnrt of a football plaser. VU that remained was to test his cour age "Do sou think sou can play the game ?ood enough to be given a .chincc?" lsked tho former Pennsjlvanla coach "Yes, sir. If sou let me get In there at end. sir, I'll show you, sir." The bos' vva'j so eager Dickson ordereel lilm Into tho fray as au end on the second team In a practice scrimmage against the League Island Hist team. Iho sailor, slouching and downcast a few minutes bcfoie, was llko in un leiahed tiger. He toie Into tho opposi tion and bToke down attacks before they were falrls" under was. and'on the of fense he handled himself like Mike Wil son when It, came to snatching forward ') isses I Overlooked" College After the practice Dickson cvalled tho newcomer to him and asked his name itid the college team he played on be foie Joining the iwuj. 'Mv name's Hlsglns, sir, but I never 'ilas ed with anv college team. I plnved icmi football In prep school and have ilased on Independent clubs, but not with a. college team." "Well. Higgins, sou're my regular nd from now on," paid Dickson, and if ho had unaided the youngster a war ross he couldn t have been happier. Tint Illgglns deserved the Job was Uinnii3truterl ill the Mvarlhmore game, vhleh tho Dickson eleven won, C-2 Illg 4'ns plajed a ripping battle and he is a' xlous to show his wares to Phlladel phlans In tho Brown tilt which will be l.igcd at Franklin Field batuiday aftet noon, while Penn Is battling the Pantheis In Pittsburgh The League Island eleven Is ono of the best di awing cards thut could be booked while Penn Is fighting on foreign oil Onlv three members of the old Marine eleven whleli boat Penn, 7-0, will be fn the line-up, and the vacancies are Pitt Will Ouhveigh Penn 'on Saturday by Almost Twelve Pounds 1'ilt n.111 oiifterifin Penn in the ein nunl buttle nt I'itlsbmrih on Safin dny by almost Iticln pounds. The I'nnthcis amagc I'JJ-II poundi. ulhlc the Quakcis aveiiige only ti,!' .lfosl of 1'itl's tceiyht it on the line, the foi wards avci eying more fnciii If I pounds 'lh' line-up and statistics follow: Penn l'ltt. Peters ... left end. .H. Allslioinee (1?J) (177) Nev on left tackle llllty (171) (1 I runic left guard. t. AllhhoiiFee (108) (lui) Crawford. . enter Stain (HID) (18-!) sehweldel right guard .... Stnhl (171) (185) S llbliiKton . right tackle HervU (l7) (I7rt) Hopper . right end .VliCurter (154) (157) smltfi .. nuurterliaek Horner (134) ' (157) lluriej . . . .left bnlfbaek Onugler (Ifill) (130) llruiin. . .right halfback llnslerdus (1S3) (158) MeMcliol. . . . fullback McLaren (1(18) (185) VveriigeH Line, l'ltt 181. I'enn 1(18; hurklleld, l'ltt inn, I'enn 1511) teiliil, l'ltt 175 .Ml, I'enn 16314. SUITS OVERCOATS Itrill (.1.11 1 I.O'.I $10, US nnd s.o PETER MORAN & CO. S. E. Cor. 9th & Arch Sts. Open Trlday atid Haturiiiiy fvenlncH until oVIork 1 1 m "VcU" said a Master owner recently, "my truck has just passed the 10,000 mile mark without a nickel of expense ex cept gas and oil." "My Master Truck," writes another, "has hauled over 9000 tons of merchan dise, and the service cost has been just $1.30." ( These are not picked examples of Master service. Every Master owner has the same experience. The truck is right; the service is right; and the result cannot help but be satisfactory. , The Master is a truck you should know more about. All Sizes Immediate Deliveru Larson Oldsmobile Company,' 231 N. Broad S T "V Allie Cornog Wouldn't Play Against Brother Allien Cornog, captain of the Swnrtliiniirp eleven limt seanon nat on the bench when the league iHlntitl trntn of which lie In a number, bat tled the Uurtiet lnt Saturday and It was not 'becalm lie wna not good rnnuffli for lly lllcknon'ii romblnatlon. Allle refimeil to pbij" against lila former tpoinmnteit and aluo didn't like the Iden of battling agalnnt Ills soung brother. Doc Cornog, who l iliilng with Swurtlimore. tlle wilt malee Ills debut ni u League Inland pluver ngulnHt llrovin on FranlHln 1 lelil Nlitlirdny. ' filled with new men and Philadelphia favorltles. Ilovnton Will Play " Uen B&jnton the All-Amerlcan auarar-l tcrback nt Williams last sear, has not been transferied to Boston anil will dhect the service men against Brown. In the backflcld with lilm will bo Allle Cornog, the 1917 Swarthmore captain, who will mako his first start for Dick son; Simmer nnd Ilaehl, two boys who have been showing great form. Simmer waa one of the Stars wh5n Iho Mnrlnes beat Penn, and tho other two men who plaice agtlnst tho Red and Blue are Corporal Budd and Lieu tenant Xcwcomb, both linemen. Ther line v.lll be composed of Illgglns and Proctor, ends: Oliver and Xewcomb, tackles , Budd and Crosetto, guards, and Hotter, center. St, Joseph's College will appear at League Island for a practice game this afternoon, and It will be the last scrim mago heforo tho Brown battle. 3 BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS With the interest that you have due you November 15th on the Second Series of & LIBERTY BONDS WBuratttrriMn III VI T TMS tmrrto itATU .IXJVBAHMXKT N Acceptable anywhere Stamps are sold r Knitted Mufflers for XmaeS Gifts Ajjreat many people buying gifts for their men folks dur ing our Anniversary. Week '$10.00 Mufflers for $8.00 $7.50 Mufflers for $5.50 . $6.00 Mufflers for $4.75 $5.00 Mufflers for $4.00 William H. Wanamaker 1217-19 Chestnut St. , 4 M it ll -J f h Ac " d!i jJW'-f I'l ,1, " ft ",? "'"2,' .,1'"L ' -. -. &x ! ' ?' f 1 i If ' . "If .. . . J . . . - t-r j . , . . -W. la 1 f J, t , I3t- fi Si ft , , k t !;? k" ,'li A", , , CI