EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1918 s A "CAVE CITY" FOUND ,. BEHIND GERMAN LINE Philadelphia!! Writes of Klcc- trie Lights, Uniming Water, Etc., Under Hill A I!1 portrayal of nftrr-the-bMtte horrors li contained In a. Idler Just re ceded frum Corpornl Charles ?:. (Iron v Irpt. hoe liotn ntlilrpssj la 6509 Jef ferson rtrcet. Ills letter fullowi: "Wo panned a cliff that win honey coniled with iIuk out entrances. It lonkril llko the cnvi cities of the West Tim hill hid lieen tran-formed Into nn underground city Klertric iIrMa nnd running wntrruere io of the luxurlcn It boasted of, The nun supplied by C. n. artEXiamt RIDDLED BY BULLETS, SAYS PR A YERS SA VED HIS LIFE underground city narrow gauge railway which passed ill rcctly by the entrance 'Trees were uprooted and the ground nil around torn by Miell holes No HlnR thing could be seen, not ecn a bird Thnt which had once been nn orchard" was now a mass of ragged limb nnd Btumps. Alongside the orchard was n trench. In It was equipment scattered nbout In the wildest disorder. Illflr. clothlntr, ammunition nnd eerj thing else a soldier needs was there Ma chine guns with whole pllfs of, exploded shells were all ocr In ninny cases tin guns were itlll mounted "Across tho field they were burling the dead, mnnv of them Lilted by tho ery guns we nrc now ttcnmlnlng. The grass was bloodsoaked and bloody cloth ing was eerywheie "A tank was right near i fler iran solid shell had reached Its ltals and killed tho heroic crew ' w. f. fray'burTed Stetson Co. Vice President Was Manufacturers' Club Officer The funeral of William V Vrnv. first !ee president of the John H Stetson f'ompanv, and for two terms n lce president of the Manufnrtmers' Club was held this afternoon at J SO o'clock at his home In UlMns Park. Mr. Fray was with the Motion Com pany for fifty-two jears and In the course of his sen Ices visited nearly -eiy country In the whole world He also represented the company at eery Important exposition held during the latt fifty ears. Mr. rray was a din i tor of the Stet son Hospital and a member of Columbus Lodge No 91, I' nnd A M t MORE LIGHT FOR STORES Fuel Administration Lifts Ban on Illumination Lights may now be burned In storo windows both night nnd iko City l-'uel Administrator Lewis has Issued the fol lowing order modifying tho lightlci.s night regulation Under Instructions received from Washington the llghtless-nlght order has been changed to permit the lighting of store window b throughout the day nnd when stores are open at night. Xo lighting Is allowed In store windows on tho first four nights of th" week If the stores are cloed Lighting of all de scription on Friday. Saturday and Sun day nights Is unchanged " r WAR RISK RATES DROP Tall to Tifty Cents a Hundred as Kesult of Armistice As the result of the cesatlon of hos tllltles the bottom dropped out of tho war risk Insurance which one jear ago was quoted as Jilgh as $10 A hundred could b had jesterdn.v In the open market for fifty cents This charge, it was plalned by the underwrltei s, Is to cover the possiblllt of lo";s by floit lug mines, a hazard which still exists In the war zone area along the coasts of Franco and llngland Many shippers nro forwarding their merchandise without the protection of war risk Insurance Tire Insurance com panies which entered the war risk busi ness for the period of the war only have given up the line and nro writing tiro or marine Insurance exclusively. Lieutenant Andrew It. Kane He-' catering at Lahewootl Hospital Vrom Many Wounds Philadelphia!? Heroism Wins 1 nree L.iuinoiii ana necom mondation for I). S. O. ACOMrOUXD fracturo of the left thigh, two bones In tho lower part of the samo leg- broken, three gunshot wounds In the right lee nnd left shoul der, and michlno-gun bullet wounds In tho back nnd shoulder theso nro the In juries from which Lieutenant Andrew n Kane, 2023 North Twelfth street. Is recovering lit the base hopltal at Lake wood, X. J. He has been cited three times for bravery nnd recommended for the Distinguished Service Cross. pnny C, 112th infantry, nnd he received! his wounds In notion. Doctors who havo attended him consider It a miracle that he Is still alive. He declares that onl prnvcM saved his life. At outbreak of the war he en-1 listed In the City Trocp and went to' Camp Hancock When the troop was! disbanded, ho requested transfer to the 108th Field Artillery. After that he was selected for the third officers' training camp, nnd was graduated eighty-fourth In a clas of 150. I Uo was sent overseas for further , training, but was ord red Into action nB. soon as he arrived He was awarded a commission at tho training camp In France, but .before he received word of YOUNG WIFE MISSING Left Home Mondav to Join Peace Cclcbrators; No Tiding Since The police of the1 Thirty-second ttreet and Woodland avenue station havo In stituted n, clty-wldo search for Mrs Viola Andrarsy, twenty-ono vcars old, who left her homo at 3C20 Chancellor street, on Monday morning to take part In the peaco celcbiatlon and hos not re turned Xo news of the voung woman s whereabouts his been discovered and her husband, Stephen Andrassy, is on tho verge of a nervous breakdown from w orry , Relatives and friends In this city nnd Folcioft, I'a. tho husbands former home, have failed to throw any light on the situation, and It Is feared by the police that sho was a victim of foul plav. Credence to this assumption is given bv the fact thnt she was attacked liv an Italian at Thlrt -third and Chan cellor streets about a week ago, but managed to escap- The police have no clew to her alleged assailant Descriptions of the joung vvotnnn have been sent to every local hoipltal and Institution Sho is described ns being 6 feet 5 inches In height, weighs ISO pounds and has light hair and brown eves. When hlie left her home she was wearing a black hat, blue veil, a brown coat with a black collar, a tan ciepe waist and gray shots She wore a wedding ring and had about J3 In her posseslon. ONE GLOUCESTER MAN KILLED Total of Fie Casualties Among 500 in Service Only one of C00 joung men In seivlce from (Uoucester was killed In at lion Xono died from disease and only four were wounded 'William M Hickman, a private In Company It, 145th Infantry, died on tho battlefield September 2D Word was received lait Saturday by his mother, Mrs LMlzabcth Hickman, G13 Market street. He was a member of Washington Camp, Xo SI, 1". O S A The camp will hold a memorial service in tho Baptist Church, of which he was also a member, next Sunday evening The four wounded aro Lieutenant Thurston J. Dav les, son of tho Itev John M. Davlcs, of tho Prcsbjterlan Church, who enlisted whllo a student at Prince ton In the marines; Samuel Mntlack, corporal, Company G, 327th Infantry; Arthur Halgh, Jr., of tho Ilft -ninth Pioneers, and Kdnard Durkln, struck by shnpnel while driving an ambulance. FINANCE COMMITTEE4 TO TAKE UP BUDGETS fnlW i.iixt. wmtr.w it. ram: Of 2023 Jvorlli Twelfth street, is reroveriliK nl tlic linsp tinopit.il at l.ukcnonil, "S. J., from man) wound. Up lias liren riled for liravery and recommended for llie DUtingtliflird .'-on ire Cross the appointment ho had nlreadv been promoted to secrnd lieutenant for bra very lit action. His brother John It Kane Is an ensign In the navv. stationed In Aash Ington FUDGE ON BATTLEFIELD Soldier, Writing llonti. Toll of Accomplished Lieutenant There aro many cais of rontrndie- tory and complex personalities among tho soldiers overca perhaps one of the most iineom 1 non of whtih Is that an luticplil lltutenaut of avi ation, who In lid dltlnn tolils felts of bravtrv in the air. is nn ai i uin pllshol m ikei of Uinoolate fudge Sergeant W II Mine. of t li e Fourth IteglmiMit Air Service, A 11 V savs tho avl itor is cuuallj w p 1 1 k n o vi n l.ii.,li,Mt I li n wiwnui) STijcn ,,:;,,. 'for ti,e quality of Ills fudge anil Ills unciaunioa conipohure under the In a letter to his mother Mis V H Stlr.e, 2447 Xorth Opal sttot, .icigeant Stlno savs he is in good health and is receiving the bst of tare BUSINESSMEN CELEBRATE Reception Held at Home of South Fourth Street Met chant Formal celibratlon of pence with vie lory was held by tho South Fourth Stieet Iluinss Men's Association at the home of hamiitl xelrod, 16111 South Fourth Htreet, whero n noptlon was given In honor of oung men from that section homo on furlough fiom th California naval training station A band furnished music The guests wero Mr nnd Mrs. Samuel xclrod. Mr and Mis. Hlnnlstock, Mr ind Mrs Hummel, Mr. and Mrs Outen, Mr and Mrs. Mlrson. Mr nnd Mis 11 Joseph, llenjamln (loldberg, Herman Shapiro. Louis Hoffman Henjimln Ax elrod, Harney Joseph, Harrj II Dolln, Martin liuDin ami josepn uomuerg Requests From County De partments to Be Considered at Meeting Tonight .i it meeting scheduled for 7 30 o'clock this evening Chairman Cnffney will have the members of CouncllB Fi nance Committee take up the hudgets for the County departments Most of these lneludo demands for new places nnd salary increases Theso It is under stood will be left wait until nil other Items have been pissed upon both for cltv nnd Countv departments. Depirtment deminds to bo pissed upon tonight and nt futuro inectlngs'nro based upon the highest prices of war time nnd this fact may lind to a re duction In many 1 he total nmoiint ask ed for Is In txcess of tho $48 000,000 spent for upkeep during the present vnr Having decided to grant nil little fel lows retting $2000 n enr or le,s nn Imrense of 10 per cent a number of members of the Finance Committee feels that no further Increases should bo midp for 1019. In the event of such nrtlon the police nnd firemen villi be dissatisfied -in i.ntli snla nf ntmilovpM bive demanded i 1 "i or 20 per cent Increase sn as to i ptaie them nenrlv on n pir with men 1 similar!) emplo)ed In other large cities TWO CHILDREN KILLED Autotiiick Huns Wild in Camden With Fatal Reult ' Two children were fatal!) Injured In I'nmdcn bv a ruuawnv motor tiuiU, one nf tho victims. Florence Qulgle). seven ve.irs old, fifit Xorth Twentv -seventh 'tuet. Cnmilm, dlng early today In the Conier Hospital The accident oc curred Into ycstcidny The otner iliuu was i,corgo -iiniiio six )eaisold, 5C7 Xorth Twent)-seventh stieet. Camden. Ho died soon nfter bo was admitted to the Cooper Hospital The motortruck, driven by Andrew Corncie. twentv-two 1 ears old. G21o Spruce street, this clt). got be)onil con trol after passing" over the Pavonla bridge Into Twentv -seventh street Tho ihlldren. pla) mates for sevVral )ears wero frolicking about a vvater-t rough outside a saloon nt Twentv -seventh nnd Pleasant streets 'I lip iiinawav truck sninsheil Into tho trough, pinning the children against a feme TIip legs of both lit t lo ones were fractured Itnth tho boy nnd tho girl were un consflnus when the police picked them up nnd hurrlid them to the hospital. Carting, the dilver. escaped with n few bruises He was held for the Coroners ndlon NATION MAY RETAIN CONTROL OF CAPITAL Adjustment of Peace Indus tries Likely to Compel Issues Committee's Continuance Will Fnelo Sam continue to hold tho purse strings tf the nation, now that pence has been virtually made" Opinion Is varied $n tho matter, even within tho district cipltal Issues com mltteo hero, tho problem facing the commltteo being If thev shall let down all bars for tho promotion of peico In dustries or merely make gradual moves In lonjunctlon with tho action taken b) tho war Industries hoird nnd the coun cil of national defense Furthermore, the ciuestlon has been raised ns to the powpr of tho committee to function Ulchard L Austin, chnlrmnn of the district committee, here today expressed tho belief tint If the war might, be con sidered closed there would be no further purpose for the tommlttee However, Arthur li Post, secretnrj of the committee, expresses opinion that work would continue In order lo bring about n general readjustment and for tho big task of rehabilitating devastated Uuropp He nlso was Impressed with the value of the committee in curtailing unsound business ventures and fiaiidu-" lent schemes, and said that similar measures would be needed after the war It Is expeitid that a ginernl polio) ,wlll ht outlined sliortlj by tko national Issues commltteo In 'Washington. Mean whlle thn various district committees havo ben advised to us thrlr Judgment nnd deeldo on matters for tho best In terests of the nation. "If wo regard the xv .it ns deflnltel) i mleil,"' said Chnlrmnn Austin, "then It would seem tint the loininltteo has no further duties to perform In protect ing and conserving capital, labor and materials for thn prosecution of the war 'The MUistloit raised bv .Mr Post is niiothtr nngln Unit no doubt will be con sidered, particularly that t elating to the rehabilitation of F.urope b) keeping con trol of operations and uld of a kindred natutn for facilitating such a purpose" errctnry Post said. In his opinion, prlct-llxliig would continue, and, there to! p, u neid would exist for lonservlng Tredlt, Hbor and transportation Ho asserted thnt experimental busi ness anil manufacturing undertaking promoted b) unreliable persons should still bo discouraged hlnie the rnmtnlt tio has been In existence Mr Post said he personal!) prevent d a wnsto of $"n,noo,00o In this dlstrlrt l'ou're bound to (eel - s&. irii"' W1 Underdown's SHIRTS 3 for $4 Tt bitaumr' ana atrl yon ean find at this prlea. Cults Attaohad or Dataehta A. R. Underdown's Sons ltubber Ooods anil Men's t'umWhlnO 202-204 Market St. i:tshllliei1 Mnre 1S38 Fall Styles! rrom MiVrr In Wntl $6 09 Vrlsori fr j 01 16 00 Soft Hill, IS CI tSOO oft ll.li. t0 14 M D.r.Ti fsr II M G. Ervin Donovan, 135 S. 10th St. (S2 Warner Truck Trailers Two and Four Wheel Typoa i Ton to 7 Tons Capacity INSTANT Dn.IVTOT- JOHN W. ADAMS. DUtributer 1427 Melon Street STREET MEN WANTED ro si.i i. Victory and Peace Bodies t.itiivr VARIIITV MVnil l.N (ILK OU.N l-XtTOKY PHILA. BADGE CO. lilt MVUKl.T ST.. I-llll.A , r.. The Linen Shop , Practical Gifts for the Holidays Madeira Lunch Cloths jffp.ffi. A1 C"y Handkerchiefs All Pure Linen The Linen Shop has always been famous for its wonderful assort ment of all-linen handkerchiefs, and tho assortment this year is equal -to former years, notwithstanding unusual conditions incident to the war. Table Cloths and Napkins to Match We have these in all sizes all Linen, of coutsc. We have a few fine Banquet Cloths for long tables one-third under value, but no nap kins to match these. Banquet Cloths m.ni,t. -J rf.i. We havo long been recognized as head Blankets and Comforts quarters in dependable bed coverings. r c i- Lamb's-wool Comfoits, assotted colors.. .6.50 each 1 wo Specials Double-bed Blankets 7.50 pair H.T. PATTERSON Importer of Linens 1318 Walnut Street Bell 'Phone. Walnut 1093 Keystone 'Phone, Kaco 317 Additions to the Rosenbach Galleries The New Colonial Room C "CONTAINS some of the choicest pieces of antique furniture ever shown in America. Here arc at- tractive sideboards, china cabinets, old candlesticks, antique fhiua and glass, carved mantels, exquisite old mirrors and many others exactly suitable for gifts for the home. It will please us to show you through the new rooms. The Rosenbach Galleries 1320 WALNUT STREET 1M,U dlSlVELGKS M;(n y aLViziisbtiVKs statlgkhis H Q SILVER Gifts for Weddings ' rwcnLy.fi flh Anniversaries- or Tnc Ncwliembcr of the Home An almost endless variety for every conceivable ubc -made in substantial weight tlmtwill last a lifetime The Best is always the Least Expensive , Silversmiths-Eighty-SiKi-ears. Choice Christmas Gifts Satisfying every desire for utility, fineness and beauty. Mot-aic Handwork Pillow Cases, made in the Philip pines, size 22x36, $18 the pair. Italian Filet Pillow Cases, 22x36, $20 and $25 the pair. Luxurious all-wool Plaid- Blankets, pink, old rose, blue and tan, $20 and $22 each. Pure Lamb's-wool Quilts a large assortment of attractive colorings, including the desired plain shades in great variety. Single-bed size, $16 each ; double-bed, $18. Hand-Embroidered Bedford Cord Bedspreads, $9.50 to $15.00 each.' Christmas Handkerchiefs This most Important of gifts in great variety and in 'AtL-LINEN ONLY. Ladies' Jiand-embroldered all-linen handkerchiefs, 25c, 50c and up. Men's all-linen hemstitched, 25c to $5.00 each. I 1008 Chestnut Street JECtDWELL8f jnwnLrjRS-SILVKRSMlTIIS THE CALDWELL SERVICE WRIST WATCH Since Military And Naval Movements Are Timed To The Min. ute, A Dependable Watch Is As Vital As Dependable Weapons. IMMKUIATi: CHRISTMAS SHOPPING IS RlXOMMfJXUW) Thomas A Edison sends a message to American Business (Dan BTvCemo mcuf"6t fanqeftf iaXocd 6tj a. artaSir producing pajJtn aifc mdtvicUuxf. Jne isuaiMtAX fwvn aJnichclotoYitft'rioiu'alZZatii Vlc TCp'iJ odpluivi vt mote OxlJSvnciJic tnachintrij , Ih fco'fi off aui foZEirtj u f itd VCoctf- ?" Itmtxt5 U- tdtoon THE GENUINE EDISON DICTATING MACHINE &)i Ddinr m mwm m mmm tutinris was made for just such times as these: If there had been no Ediphone in existence up to the present time if The. Ediphone System had not been perfected the correspondence problem in every business office today would have made it necessary for some one to invent it. One million better letters are dictated to The Ediphone every day. For Butinei Economy The Ediphon For Every Man Doing Double Dictating The Ediphone For Over-time Correspondence Pressure The Ediphone For Scarcity of Stenographers. The Ediphone For Better Letter! 77ie Ediphone The Ediphone a product of the Ediion Laboratories Ediphone Service a product of the Edison Organization Installed by O IM AITQTIN sf L VJe Ir ffcVSfcJ A i Tnc Ediphon 1035 Chestnut Street Art u t.'ilisun't llitttr Litttrt Magatin$ Call tin Walnut 3135. tav: tQ.tZi-Km "I want Co (Aetata one Ittttr the Ediphone uiajr. wMPUm Do,wn to Brass Tacks Again And a Wonderful Display' of WINTER OVERCOATS WINTER ULSTERS FUR-COLLAR COATS of Hudson Seal, of Beaver, of Otter; FUR-LINED COATS FUR-OUTSIDE COATS MOTORCOATS lined with Sheepskin or with Leather; some with Fur Collars ; some with Detachable Fleece Lining a Great Collection of Rough-Weather Garments! Nobby Double-Breasted Overcoats with Collars of Hudson Seal, 35, 40 to 65 1$ The fabrics are blue or Oxford Overcoatings of smooth finish; sorrle models are close-fitting; some are loose-fitting; the double breasted button rows are set at a military angle they are much big ger values than we could secure today to offer at the prices we are able to sell them for $35, $40 to $65. Reversible Great Coats $40, $60, $80 1 For men who drive a car big double-, breasters; some are gray mixed cheviots in a diagonal weave on one side, leather on the other; some are gabardine water proof cloth and leather reversible; some are corduroy and leather reversible. Sheepskin-lined Jackets for Motor Truck Men sJpXD, 4p.d, tjpO Some are Moleskin shell coats; some are gabardine shell coats; some have fur collars of raccoon, wallaby, opossum. Single and Double-breasted Winter Overcoats $25, $30, $35 to $65 tJ'Fly fronts and button through fronts; snug waists and loose bodies; raglan shoulders; velvet collars; cloth collars; silk linings and all the colors, shades,t and patterns in the calendar. Perry & Co.,"n.b. 1 16th & unestnut sts. m n . rs rfS "i t y 1 M ViJ K) ? 3 a m pi '4 'i 01 '! ; 1? r r?, T" .'1 V trmoesicrer rauii i JW ww. tw - I H 7-1 W t. t a . t '. S - Hf; s ;i?u.j si, ! - 's r i c. r. r-o-. t-t- tygld , , j&1 tf , -. ,4.,.". 'i $ ) "v ,! t , V- jfc- ' tlw